postpartum pathology. Milk fever (eclampsia, postpartum tetany)

A sharp decrease in extracellular calcium concentration leads to the development of eclampsia. Eclampsia is more common in small breed dogs, usually within the first three weeks after birth, but may develop late in pregnancy or during delivery. Cats have been reported to become ill, but these cases are very rare. Early signs are restlessness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, salivation, tremor and paresis. Symptoms increase, develop tonic-clonic convulsions, fever, tachycardia, miosis, convulsions, ending in the death of the animal. For treatment, a 10% solution of calcium borogluconate is immediately administered intravenously. The dose varies from 2 to 20 ml per dog and from 2 to 5 ml per cat and depends on the degree of hypocalcemia and the size of the animal. The procedure is accompanied by monitoring of cardiac activity to detect bradycardia and arrhythmia. In the event of arrhythmia or vomiting, the administration of the drug is temporarily suspended, after which it is resumed, but administered more slowly. Due to the fact that hypocalcemia often leads to the development of hypoglycemia, it is recommended intravenous administration 10% dextrose solution. The litter is weaned from its mother and transferred for 24 hours to artificial feeding. Puppies older than 4 weeks of age, it is advisable to take away from the mother. Lactating females (especially those with a history of eclampsia) are given oral calcium carbonate at a dose of 100 mg/kg daily mixed with food. In addition, the introduction of vitamin D is recommended. Prophylactic administration of calcium during pregnancy for animals predisposed to the development of eclampsia is contraindicated due to the likelihood of disturbance of calcium homeostasis.

Maternal behavior disorders

Maternal behavior includes building a nest, looking after the young, guarding them, and wanting to spend time with them. most time, at least during the first 2 weeks after childbirth. Most bitches and cats have a pronounced maternal instinct, but the female's behavior largely depends on her hormonal balance, general condition health and environment. In some breeds, violations of maternal behavior are quite often observed, apparently, heredity plays a certain role in this. Excessive affection for a person sometimes becomes a source of problems during childbirth, the female shows signs of panic and “looks at the cubs with horror and disgust” or, conversely, resists human intervention, and after the operation caesarean section can even destroy the litter. Psychological stress and pain during and after childbirth can provoke the female to deal with the cubs. For the development of the maternal instinct, good health, calm familiar surroundings and, most importantly, the presence of cubs are necessary.


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Congenital pathologies and death of puppies

T. Blunden (Tony C. Blunden)



Congenital defects are called abnormalities in the structure or functioning of organs that are already present at the time of birth. These defects, found in most breeds of dogs and cats, result from pathological processes occurring at various stages of embryonic development. Contrary to popular belief, they are not always the result genetic disorders and can be caused by various factors. The term "congenital" does not mean "hereditary", although there are pathologies that are both congenital and hereditary. Many defects cannot be detected without clinical or laboratory examination. It is estimated that a set of birth defects that pose a threat to the life of a newborn occurs in 1-2% purebred puppies. Unfortunately the frequency congenital pathologies identified only in a small number of studies.

hereditary diseases

Obviously, if there is an increase in the number of cases of manifestation of hereditary defects among animals grown in the same nursery or representing a certain line of breeding, then an investigation of the causes of their occurrence is required. For this purpose, it is necessary to collect a family history and conduct an analysis of the pedigree. It is extremely important to establish which of the deviations are explained genetic factors and exclude carriers of these genes from breeding. However, in some cases, if the genetic nature of the deviation is suspected, to confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to carry out control matings, which make it possible to establish the type of inheritance and the carrier of the defect. It is to be expected that genetic screening tests will be available to provide identification of major defects.

Inheritance types

Various forms A gene located on a specific part of a chromosome is called an allele. The specific location of a gene on a chromosome is called a locus. The term "gene" is usually used to refer to an allele or locus. Although any animal can have a maximum of two different alleles at a single locus, the number of different alleles in a population can exceed this figure, in which case the locus is said to have multiple alleles. The transfer of genes from one generation to another is called inheritance.

Genetic diseases may be due to the transmission of a pair of mutant genes, a single mutant gene, or polygenic inheritance. The phenotypic manifestations of a genetic defect may vary depending on external conditions or influenced by other genes.

recessive inheritance

Simple autosomal recessive inheritance is the most common gene transfer pattern. In this case, detection hereditary features difficult due to the fact that the defect becomes apparent only in homozygous individuals ( aa) that received mutant alleles of the gene from each of the heterozygous ( Ah) apparently healthy parents. With continued crossing of animal carriers of the trait, the defect appears in 25% of the offspring, while 50% of the offspring turn out to be healthy carriers. In table. 13.1 shows the calculated results of matings of carriers of a single autosomal recessive trait.

Tab. 13.1. Predicted outcomes of all possible matings for a single autosomal recessive trait

By excluding carriers of the defective gene from breeding, it is possible to reduce the frequency of manifestation of anomalies transmitted by the recessive type.

dominant inheritance

With dominant inheritance hallmark manifests itself in heterozygous individuals, therefore, diseases inherited according to the dominant type can be easily prevented by excluding carrier animals from breeding. Disorders such as coagulopathy due to deficiency of factors X and XI are rare.

Postpartum complications bitches

Uterine atony. Atony of the uterus is observed, as a rule, in bitches who received obstetric care that caused damage to the uterus or its cervix. In this case, the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth, which is accompanied by the release of a liquid discharge or a thick dark green or brown-red mass. In this case, massage and the introduction of drugs that cause uterine contractions in combination with the introduction of antibiotics may be indicated.

Necrosis of the placental part of the uterine wall. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of annular necrosis at the site of attachment of the placenta and rupture of the uterine wall. At the same time, the contents of the uterus are poured into abdominal cavity, a bloody-watery discharge is released from the vagina, the condition of the bitch is rapidly deteriorating. Requires immediate surgical intervention.

Postpartum bleeding. The bleeding that occurs after childbirth is often the result of a violation of the integrity of the walls of the uterus or vagina, often accompanies violations of uterine involution. It is characterized by the release of clots of fresh blood from the vagina. Depending on the intensity of bleeding, pharmacological or surgical treatment is carried out.

Acute metritis. Inflammation of the uterus (lochiometer) develops due to infection birth canal during childbirth or after them. It may be caused by retention of the placenta or a dead fetus for more than a day, hematogenous transmission of infection from inflamed urinary tract, intestines, and inflammatory diseases genitals or paraanal bags. Infection can also be introduced during childbirth through hands or instruments. The main signs of developing metritis are a sharp decrease in the amount of milk in a bitch, leading to anxiety in newborns on the second or third day after birth; increase in body temperature; purulent and purulent bloody discharge with putrid smell; the depressed state of the bitch with signs of intoxication. Requires urgent appeal to the doctor in order to avoid the development of septic complications.

Due to purulent-inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system, after childbirth, postpartum septicemia, one of the forms general sepsis. At the same time, disorders of the functions of many organ systems - cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, etc.

Mastitis. Inflammation of the mammary gland occurs in two forms: congestive and acute. congestive mastitis occurs when excess milk in the mammary gland, which is not aspirated by the puppies. This form of mastitis often occurs when false pregnancy. When affected, the affected glands are hot, swollen, and hard to the touch. However, their timely emptying quickly leads to the disappearance of symptoms. In protracted cases, congestive mastitis can turn into acute mastitis, in which there is a real inflammation of one or more mammary glands caused by an infection that enters the tissue of the nipples during feeding through abrasions and scratches, often caused by the claws of puppies. In many cases, the infection is carried through the bloodstream. In acute mastitis, the bitch's milk is infected and can lead to infection of suckling puppies.

postpartum eclampsia. True eclampsia is a severe toxicosis of pregnancy associated with a violation of the liver and kidneys. It is accompanied by edema, increased blood pressure, convulsions. Eclampsia occurs most often at the end of pregnancy or during childbirth and usually leads to the death of the animal. Feeding a dog with diseased kidneys and liver a large amount of protein, in particular raw meat, can provoke its attacks. True eclampsia is rare in dogs.

Postpartum tetany. Convulsive state, which often occurs in bitches, usually in the middle of lactation - postpartum tetany. Most often it is associated with disruption parathyroid glands regulating the exchange of calcium in the dog's blood. inconspicuous in ordinary life predisposition manifests itself during the period of intensive consumption of calcium by the dog's body during pregnancy and lactation. Kidney diseases can also contribute to the development of tetany, as they are also involved in the regulation of calcium metabolism. Sometimes the cause of the disease can be improper feeding bitches during pregnancy and after childbirth or too early mating, when the main calcium depots of the body (skeleton) are not yet saturated with its compounds, as well as a lack of vitamin D in the body of the bitch.

Tetany is more likely to develop in dogs fed prenatal diets containing high content squirrel. When tetany occurs, protein breakdown products accumulate in the body, have a neurotoxic effect, and absorb a significant amount of calcium ions. As a result, the concentration drops sharply. ionized calcium in the blood and the excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus increases, which leads to seizures in the dog. In addition, protein metabolism disorders reduce the concentration of potassium ions in the blood. In this way, clinical picture tetany consists of characteristic for increasing intracranial pressure signs arising from the developed swelling of the brain tissue: muscle tremors, convulsions and neurotoxicosis caused by products of protein metabolism disorders. Neurotoxicosis sharply increases the excitability of the dog. Depending on her temperament, the bitch behaves differently: “digs” and tears the bedding, howls and rushes around the room, not paying attention to the puppies, or demands heightened attention owner. Then the dog develops stiffness of movements, small muscle tremor, shortness of breath occurs, eyes dilate, later a wave clonic seizures, turning into tonic, covers the entire body of the dog. She lies motionless on her side with her head thrown back, all the muscles of her body are cramped. The death of a bitch may occur due to respiratory arrest and a drop in cardiac activity or from cerebral hemorrhage. This condition requires urgent medical care.

First first aid tetany may be intramuscular injection calcium gluconate solution in the amount of 1–10 ml of a 10% solution, depending on the size of the dog, and 1–5 ml of 25% magnesium sulfate, subcutaneous administration of cordiamine or sulfocamphocaine 0.5–2 ml, depending on the size of the dog. Inside the dog, you can give Corvalol or Valocordin (3-30 drops). After providing first aid, you need to consult a doctor for systematic treatment.

postpartum hysteria. This condition is more common in dwarf and toy bitches. It manifests itself in the anxiety of the bitch, the desire to carry away or hide the puppies, unreasonable barking. Some bitches require the constant presence of the owner near her. In bitches prone to aggressiveness, it can rise sharply and manifest itself in relation to their own puppies. The occurrence of postpartum hysteria is usually associated with hormonal changes that occur after childbirth and lead to increased excitability. The behavior of the bitch usually returns to normal without treatment one to two weeks after birth, but sometimes it needs pharmacological correction. Bitches prone to puerperal hysteria should be considered at risk for developing eclampsia or tetany.

Violation of care for offspring. Such a violation of the behavior of the bitch can be expressed in licking puppies. At the same time, with rare interruptions, the female intensively licks and cleans the puppies, which leads to trauma to the umbilical wound, bleeding and often to eating puppies, which is possible both immediately after birth and in a later period. To avoid this, it is recommended to wear a muzzle on the bitch and treat the puppies with special preparations that prevent eating. However, these measures are far from always effective and, in addition, often lead to the fact that even if successful, the bitch is reluctant to lick her puppies in the future, thereby disrupting their urinary and fecal excretion rhythm. Anomalies in the birth behavior of a bitch can signal violations in fixed sets of actions, that is, profound changes in the activity of the central nervous system. Usually such females are no longer used in breeding work, as there is a high risk of obtaining offspring with various behavioral and even exterior problems.

With increasing anxiety of the dog, the bitch constantly dragging puppies from place to place, injuring them with the teeth and thereby weakening them.

Lack of care for puppies can be expressed in the fact that the bitch does not pay attention to newborn puppies, leaves the nest, and sometimes actively resists when they try to bring her to the nest. More often this condition occurs in primipara bitches, especially if they are strongly attached to the owner and caressed. Sometimes the reason for refusing to care for puppies can be a low level of the hormone prolactin in the blood and the lack of milk in the bitch.

Refusal to feed, throwing the puppy out of the nest, attempts to crush the puppy with the weight of his own body often indicate that the viability of the puppy is significantly reduced.

In all cases of violation of care for offspring, help from the owner of the bitch is needed. It must be laid down, calmed down, gently put the puppies and help them to suckle. Until the bitch begins to take care of the puppies on her own, she should not be left unattended.

Inversion of the stomach. In bitches of large breeds of loose constitution, such as Bloodhounds, in the postpartum period, gastric volvulus easily occurs. This is due to the fact that stretched during pregnancy abdominal Press and the ligaments that support the stomach do not immediately restore their tone after childbirth. Therefore, a careless movement of the dog or a stomach full of food can easily lead to a change in position and volvulus.

In this regard, bitches of large and disease-prone breeds need close attention in postpartum period. These dogs should be fed small, high-calorie meals postpartum and avoid gas-forming foods, such as whole milk.

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CHAPTER 9. Complications during whelping Unfortunately, a lot of complications can occur when whelping a bitch. Of course, it is necessary to determine what is considered a complication and where to draw the line between the norm and the anomaly. Many bitches can produce 3-4 litters without any difficulty and then,

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CHAPTER 9. Complications during whelping Unfortunately, a lot of complications can occur when whelping a bitch. Of course, it is necessary to determine what is considered a complication and where to draw the line between the norm and the anomaly. Many bitches can produce 3-4 litters without any difficulty and then,

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Postpartum complications in bitches Atony of the uterus. Atony of the uterus is observed, as a rule, in bitches who received obstetric care that caused damage to the uterus or its cervix. In this case, the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth, which is accompanied by the release of liquid discharge or

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Eclampsia (postpartum tetany or hypocalcemia) is a medical emergency associated with a life-threatening drop in blood calcium levels. This condition usually occurs in lactating dogs. Most Likely disease development occurs during the period when the puppies are between one and five weeks old and when the mother produces the largest number milk. Eclampsia is not due to general shortage calcium, this condition indicates that the cat is simply not able to mobilize calcium stores fast enough to meet its metabolic needs. Bitches who are especially attentive to their puppies are thought to be more likely to develop eclampsia.

Symptoms of preeclampsia are weakness, tremors, and partial paralysis, called postpartum tetany, characterized by "ossified" limbs and an inability to stand or walk. Eclampsia is considered emergency when emergency veterinary care is required.

How to recognize the development of eclampsia?

Eclampsia is characterized a high percentage fatalities, so if you think your dog is in trouble, contact your veterinarian immediately. Initial symptoms may be subtle. The bitch may be restless and start to pant, and you may notice that she moves stiffly and stiffly. These symptoms progress rather quickly muscle spasms covering the entire body, which can progress to convulsions. Some affected dogs may be disoriented, aggressive, and have a high fever.

If you suspect your dog has eclampsia, stop feeding puppies and contact your veterinarian immediately. Clinical symptoms Eclampsia becomes apparent in dogs when blood calcium levels fall below 8.0 mg/dl.

How to treat eclampsia?

Treatment consists of immediate intravenous injections calcium and others medicines. Injections should be administered very slowly and carefully. Some dogs require anticonvulsants to control postpartum tetany and seizures. Oral calcium supplementation and weaning of puppies are generally required for follow-up care. If the diagnosis and treatment were carried out quickly enough, then recovery is usually quick and complete.

How to prevent eclampsia in dogs?

Calcium supplements or cottage cheese supplements are generally not recommended for pregnant and lactating dogs. Excessive calcium intake during pregnancy or puppies can suppress the production of mating hormones. thyroid gland s and in fact even increase the risk of developing low blood calcium levels or eclampsia.

All pregnant dogs should be fed quality foods formulated for lactating and pregnant dogs that are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Nutritional supplements containing omega-3 fatty acid, such as fish oil, are recommended, but they will not help reduce the risk of developing eclampsia.

Background information on the disease Eclampsia (Milk fever, Postpartum tetany) (cats, cats): description, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment of pets

Kind of animal:

Cats, cats

Description of the disease:

A condition caused by a violation of calcium metabolism, i.e. hypocalcemia ( low level in blood). This condition is called milk fever, as it is most often observed in the first days or weeks after childbirth, due to the leaching of calcium from the body. First of all given state observed in cats with a large litter.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Low serum calcium levels cause tetany.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of eclampsia in cats are different, both in the form of increased excitability, convulsions, trembling, not recognizing the owners and their kittens with jumping up to the ceiling, and in the form of inhibition - CNS apathy, lethargy, weakness of the hind limbs. Often with eclampsia, the cat walks on straight lines. hind legs, as on stilts, the joints of the hind limbs are almost not bent due to muscle spasm. And then the temperature of 40-41 degrees is also a true companion of eclampsia. Some cats are predisposed to milk fever. If your cat is in this category or has had milk fever before, it is likely that it will come back. Postpartum tetany is real danger. Call your doctor immediately! The cat needs complete rest! Arrange it away from light sources, no noise, no harsh sounds!

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis based on anamnesis and clinical signs.

Treatment of the disease

At the first signs of the disease, calcium gluconate is administered intravenously to restore it. normal level. If a rectal temperature over 40 ° C, then before the arrival of the doctor, treatment is carried out, as in heat stroke. You can enter calcium intramuscularly before the arrival of the doctor. With eclampsia, the dose of calcium in each case can be individual and determined by a veterinarian. But, average and safe dose it is considered to be intramuscular (deep) administration of 1 ml of 10% calcium gluconate every 40 minutes until the symptoms of eclampsia stop. In parallel with calcium gluconate, no-shpa 0.3 ml is injected once and prednisolone 0.5 ml once. Further, the animal is transferred to a maintenance dose of 1 ml 2 times a day for 7-10 days, and then calcium is given in any form orally until the end of the return of milk. Kittens are weaned for a day and fed artificially. Recovery of lactation and breastfeeding depends on the mother's response to treatment and the age of the kittens. If they are 3 weeks old, they are taken away from their mother. If the kittens are less than 3 weeks old, they can be put to the mother after her full recovery. On the first day, kittens are allowed to suckle 2-3 times a day for no more than 30 minutes per feeding. In the following days, gradually increase the time of breastfeeding and after 48 hours begin to feed as usual. During this period of time, kittens need complementary foods, and the cat is given additional calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. As a rule, the same cats suffer from eclampsia, especially those that have been subjected to this test at least once. Therefore, they should have a significantly longer interval between pregnancies, as well as a diet with high content calcium. Calcium deficiency. It is known that calcium ions play an important role in the passage of signals along nerve endings-axons, i.e. in the conduction of the nervous tissue. Both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, a large number of circulating in the bloodstream of calcium (labile calcium) of the mother's body is used to build the bodies of the fetus, and to produce milk. If there is not enough labile calcium in her body, the leaching of stable calcium from the bones begins. In such a situation, there is a risk of developing insufficiency of calcium ions necessary for normal operation organism, and as a result - defective signal supply to the mother's uterus. As a result, uterine contractions necessary for the normal course of childbirth are either insufficient or absent altogether. In such a situation, stimulation with oxytocin is useless, there is no reaction to it. A similar problem is especially common with multiple pregnancies. In this case, the cat can easily give birth to the first kitten, and then doze for 3-4 hours or have rare and weak attempts.

Susie is recovering from a seizure

Hello, dear readers of the "Children of the Fauna" blog, today we continue the cycle of publications about childbirth. Consider one of frequent complications- eclampsia in a dog after childbirth, we will find out what it is, the causes of its appearance and how to help the animal.

  1. What is eclampsia and what are its main symptoms?
  2. Reasons for appearance.
  3. Urgent help.
  4. Treatment.
  5. Prevention.

Eclampsia (tetany), what is it and how does it manifest itself?

I'll start with a little history. I have an old friend - Suzy, a dog, York breed, you see her in the first photo. A few months ago, she gave birth to six puppies for the first time. The delivery went without complications, the assistance was minimal, all the babies survived and developed normally on breastfeeding. Mom had enough milk, so the puppies quickly grew to the delight of the hostess.

But three weeks after the birth, late in the evening, Susie suddenly began to worry, run around the apartment, while breathing heavily. Rejected after about half an hour. hind limbs, the dog could not move normally. Anxiety intensified, convulsions appeared, the animal was cowardly. The temperature rose to 40 degrees.

Don't worry, friends, everything ended well, the dog is doing well now, I told you this story to show how eclampsia manifests itself. How quickly it develops and if help is not provided in time, the animal may die.

It is important to know a few things. Symptoms usually appear a few weeks after childbirth. During this period, the puppies have already grown up and eat a lot of milk. Sometimes eclampsia develops immediately after childbirth, especially if there were many fetuses. And more often this pathology is observed in dogs of small breeds: Yorkies, Chihuahuas, toy terriers. But this does not mean that other breeds cannot have this disease, it just appears less frequently.

Yes, I forgot to give a definition, eclampsia in dogs after childbirth is a sudden, acute disease with severe symptoms, which I described above in a short story. Other names for pathology: milk fever, hypocalcemia, tetany.

Reasons for the appearance

The mechanism of development of eclampsia is associated with the level of calcium in the blood, for some reason it decreases. Possible reasons consider below.

In a living organism, everything is interconnected and a decrease in one element leads to a disruption in the work of another. This happens with calcium, it closely interacts with potassium, phosphorus and sodium. When the four elements are normal, then the muscle fibers work stably and contract on command, and not when they want to.

But if there is less calcium, the relative amount of potassium increases, no, potassium is not added, but the effect of its main antagonist decreases. Calcium and potassium antagonists.

And one of the actions of potassium is to increase conductivity nerve impulse, which leads to the appearance of convulsions (tetany).

Friends, I described the development of eclampsia in a simplified form, in fact, it is involved more mechanisms, but calcium plays a leading role.

Why is calcium levels low?

Here are some common reasons:

Disruption of the parathyroid and thyroid glands - they regulate calcium metabolism in the body. But even if everything is fine with the glands, we can indirectly affect their work.

Often people before childbirth begin to give too much mineral and vitamin supplements. Or they drastically change the diet - they are fed with one meat. Motivating this by the fact that a pregnant dog needs a lot of vitamins and other substances, and meat is the best food for a predator, plus no one is placed.

That's right, during pregnancy, an animal needs to maintain its body, and in addition, you still have to give energy to build fruits. But everything should be in moderation, with an excess of calcium, phosphorus or potassium, the balance can be disturbed, which will lead to the opposite effect. That is, we will get not a benefit, but an inadequate reaction of the body, including hormonal glands(parathyroid).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract path, as well as errors in feeding:

a) With a lack of vitamin D in the diet, calcium will not be able to be absorbed and will pass in transit.

b) Too much fat in the feed. Fat forms stable compounds with calcium and magnesium salts, making these elements inaccessible.

c) If there is not enough bile, and this happens when the liver and biliary tract are damaged, fat will not be able to be absorbed normally. Then a situation will occur, as in paragraph b, that is, fat will bind calcium.

d) Insufficient intake of calcium with food with monotonous feeding.

Urgent help

Friends, an attack of eclampsia in a dog develops suddenly, and the veterinarian will not always be able to get to you quickly. Therefore, you need to know how to help yourself.

It is urgent to increase the level of calcium in the body, for this, drugs are used in injections. It is easier and safer to use a 10% solution of calcium gluconate at a dose of 0.5-1.5 ml per 1 kg of weight. It can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. If it will be injected subcutaneously, then you need to dilute the gluconate two to three times with water for injection or saline to reduce the chance of complications.

Be careful, there is also calcium chloride, it is similar to gluconate in action and appearance, but it can only be administered intravenously. If you prick in the withers or in the thigh, then there will be trouble.

The next point is to lower the body temperature, for this, use physical methods. For what reasons the dog's temperature rises and I described the methods of help in the article.


Friends, the use of calcium supplements is only emergency help so that the dog does not die. Even if, after your treatment, convulsions have disappeared and breathing has recovered, you still need to see a doctor. Seizures may return.

In the future, normalize feeding, introduce calcium gluconate tablets (200 mg per 1 kg) into the diet, as well as vitamin D at a dose of 500 IU per 1 kg per day. Vitamin D can be used alone or in combination with other fat-soluble vitamins, for example, fish fat, preparation - A, D, E, “prodevit”, “trivit”.

In addition, prednisolone is given at a dose of 0.25 mg per kg per day. Prednisolone stimulates the release of calcium ions from the bones into the blood, thereby quickly restoring its level.

AT severe cases have to transfer puppies to artificial feeding to stop lactation as soon as possible and further loss of calcium in milk. And yes, as always, I remind you, do not self-medicate, I gave information on drugs as an introduction.


In order to avoid eclampsia in your dog after childbirth, you need to properly feed it before fertilization, during childbirth and during the lactation period. So that she receives all the necessary components.

It is important to identify all chronic diseases and, if possible, cure the animal. First of all, I'm talking about diseases that affect mineral metabolism. Of course, we conduct an examination before mating, then it will be difficult to treat a pregnant dog.

Do not mindlessly use vitamin and mineral supplements, they are necessary, but they should be given when they are really needed. For example, if the dog is kept on a meager diet, if there are digestive disorders and other problems.

If possible, periodically examine the blood, then you are on early stage notice a decrease in calcium levels and take action in advance.

That's all for today, if you have any questions or additions on the topic, be sure to write in the comments.

Veterinarian Sergey Savchenko was with you, see you soon!

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