What to do if you do not go to the toilet for a long time. How to go to the toilet for the most part if you do not want to. The safe medicines are

Why don't you want to go to the toilet for the most part?

It is not often that one hears that a person does not want to go to the toilet for the most part. However, disruption digestive system, in which you do not want to go to the toilet for the most part, are not uncommon. There can be many reasons for this condition, so each situation should be analyzed individually, depending on why you don’t want to go to the toilet for the most part in each individual case.

I do not want to go to the toilet for the most part during pregnancy

If a woman during pregnancy does not want to go big, this may be due to impaired motor skills of her gastrointestinal tract. In the normal state of things, the chair should not be less frequent three times in Week. If this indicator is not maintained, we can talk about problems with defecation.

In the event that a woman has such a situation lasts longer three days, we can talk about either constipation or intestinal obstruction. If a small amount of feces is released during defecation, this indicates that the intestines are not completely emptied. At the same time, there may be a decrease in appetite, it may decrease general level disability, headaches appear. The woman becomes nervous and her sleep is disturbed. If this condition lasts long enough, pain in the rectal area may occur.

During pregnancy, a woman may not want to go to the toilet for the most part, since the functions of her body are completely rebuilt, and this also affects the functioning of her digestive system. It is important to inform your doctor about this in order to avoid the development of possible unpleasant situations and conditions.

I do not want to use the toilet for the most part after giving birth

If a woman after childbirth does not want to go to the toilet for the most part, constipation may not necessarily be the cause of her condition. On my own in my typical manifestation constipation occurs after childbirth infrequently. Most likely, there are disorders of the functioning of the intestines as a result of labor activity that should be identified and eliminated. In addition, these conditions cannot be called real bowel problems. The intestine is capable of normal functioning, it is enough just to understand what is preventing it and eliminate this situation.

The reasons that a woman does not want to go to the toilet in the field of childbirth may be as follows:

  • fluctuations hormonal background;
  • stretching of the muscles in the pelvis as a result of pressure exerted by the uterus;
  • some displacement of the intestine, which is subsequently eliminated;
  • disruption of intestinal motility;
  • poor nutrition after childbirth;
  • pain with attempts or fears of a possible divergence of the seams.

The woman herself should decide how soon she wants to normalize the process of defecation. Its prolonged absence causes the development of painful processes in the perineum, accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

I don’t feel like going to the toilet for the most part, what should I do?

First of all, the diet of a woman should be normalized. Taking into account the fact that a woman is breastfeeding, it is necessary to develop her optimal nutritious diet. It's best if it's special diet which will help to normalize the work of the intestines.

In order for the desire to go to the toilet to reappear, it is advisable to eat a wide variety of foods. It is advisable to eat bran if there is no likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to them. In addition, be sure to eat muesli, millet and pearl barley, fresh and steamed vegetables, as well as fruits rich in fiber. Be sure to include dairy products in your diet. consume more vegetable oil. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to drink dried fruit compote instead of water.

In order for a woman to have a desire to go to the toilet for a long time, foods that can strengthen should be eliminated from her diet. These include white breads, tea, hard cheeses as well as nuts, legumes and rice.

I do not want to go to the toilet for the most part, how to treat?

Treatment if you do not want to go to the toilet for a long time is best to trust a competent specialist. The appointment of specific measures for treatment should be carried out by a doctor. As a rule, treatment is carried out using drugs and means traditional medicine.


Of the drugs most often recommended in such a case, laxatives should be distinguished. Each pharmacy contains them in a wide range. However, you should not get too carried away with such drugs, as they can be addictive. In addition, some of the laxatives can be addictive and then become useless. In the event that a woman continues to feed a child, drugs can cause colic in him.

Good help in such cases. herbal preparations prepared on the basis of herbs or berries: gooseberries, lingonberries, red mountain ash, as well as buckthorn, rhubarb and aloe. The action of such drugs is based on the principle of stimulating sluggish intestinal motility. It is advisable to get the recommendations of a proctologist, gastroenterologist or other specialist to prescribe drugs for the treatment of such a situation. They will appoint the most effective drugs for treatment.

home remedies

The best home remedy for not wanting to go to the toilet is to increase physical activity. During breastfeeding, recovery takes place much faster, therefore, all processes in the body are intensified. After childbirth, a woman should take care of herself and her child, therefore, it depends on her how quickly the recovery will take place.

Even from traditional medicine, infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs should be distinguished. At the same time, it is worth getting a medical consultation before using them, since such drugs will be harmful if the patient is intolerant and has an allergic reaction to herbal ingredients.

The norm for a person is the daily number of emptyings from 1 to 3 times. It should be noted that defecation may occur rarely, but if the fecal masses are soft, there is no reason for concern.

Solid stool create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, pain syndrome during bowel movements - these are signs of constipation. Causes of constipation:

  • decline motor activity all parts of the intestine. food bolus slowly moves along the channel, stagnates. There are inflammatory processes, excessive gas formation and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Lack of liquid foods in the patient's diet. The diet is poor in fiber, there are no lactic acid products. A person often snacks on the run, abuses fast food, fried and smoked foods.
  • Violation water balance. Daily for normal functioning The body needs to drink up to 2 liters of fluid. If there is not enough water, it is taken from the feces. The fecal masses are compacted, harden and subsequently difficult to remove.
  • Stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on functioning internal organs responsible for the process of digestion. Central nervous system, being under pressure, cannot ensure the normal functioning of body systems.
  • Pregnancy. During this crucial period, internal systems are experiencing a change in hormonal levels. This affects physiological processes occurring inside the pregnant woman.
  • Diseases digestive tract. With constipation, tumor-like formations are often found on colon or in the rectum.

Constipation has a negative effect on emotional health patient. Lingering in the intestines, food provokes the release of toxins. Absorbed into the blood, toxic substances are carried to other internal organs. There is a need to quickly remove stagnant food debris from the intestines.


With constipation, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy. Enough to revise the diet. It may be worth increasing the number of products that have a laxative effect. This will return the stool, normalize the process of defecation.


Accept medications preferably after using other natural and natural ways in the fight against constipation. Pharmacies have a large selection medicines that can help in the fight against violation of the defecation process. It is worth highlighting a few of the most popular:

  • Bisacodyl. A drug that irritates the intestines. Effective. It is dangerous because the body quickly gets used to it. That's why long-term use doctor does not recommend. Patients complain about pain in a stomach. Then Bisacodyl is temporarily stopped taking.
  • Normaze, Goodluck. Main active substance in preparations is lactulose. Pharmacological form release of medicines: tablets. They have a laxative effect, including having a probiotic effect. soft process defecation, painless, lack of addiction and the possibility of long-term use (3 months) are the main advantages of this medication.

In case of fast cleansing often used enemas and rectal suppositories. This method is suitable for prolonged absence of stool, when the feces are dense and cannot leave the body on their own.

  • Enemas are used different formulations: water, brine, oil solution. Frequent use this method of colon cleansing is not recommended. The intestines get used to it, without an enema, the process of digestion of food and evacuation to the outside will be disrupted.
  • Rectal suppositories are used to soften feces. The following types of the drug are presented on the shelves of pharmacies: glycerin, with papaverine, besacodyl. The first have a mild effect, are prescribed for the smallest from birth, for the elderly. Candles with papaverine render beneficial effect on motor activity of the intestine in the absence of regularity in defecation. Bisacodyl rectal suppositories irritant effect on the mucous membranes and on the walls of the intestinal tract.


It's another one effective method how to quickly go to the toilet in a big way with constipation. Man himself provokes in his body stagnant processes. Spending a lot of time at the computer, the TV screen, the intestinal muscles relax, and the food moves slowly towards the exit, sometimes stopping. For elimination unpleasant reason It is worth remembering a few exercises and doing them regularly:

  • Lying on your back, imitate the pedaling of a bicycle. It is necessary to alternate driving forward and backward. To get the effect, do 50 rotations.
  • Sitting on your knees, breathe deeply. Inhale - draw in the stomach strongly, exhale - the stomach is pulled in.
  • Get on all fours. Inhale - arch your back and draw in your stomach. Exhale - bend your back down, draw in your stomach and raise your head up.
  • The person lies on his back and puts his legs behind his head. You need to repeat the exercise every day.

Waking up, the body starts the internal organs. To help the correct and complete launch, you need to do one simple exercise: without getting out of bed, turn around on left side, pull up to the chest legs bent at the knees. At the same time, do not forget to breathe.

If you experience discomfort in the liver area, right hand put in the area of ​​​​the liver and begin to breathe intensively with the stomach, inhaling the air deeply.

Performing regular massage of the abdomen, you can achieve the normalization of the process of defecation, the release of feces naturally, without delivery to the patient discomfort. Lie on your back and gently stroke your stomach, then make circular motions hands to one side and the other. These actions help to improve the outflow of bile secretions. There is some rumbling from the bowels and an immediate urge to go to the toilet. To facilitate the passage of fecal matter, you need to drink salted water.

Folk remedies

AT folk recipes you can find a lot of recipes that have been tested by time and other users. For getting maximum effect need to know when to collect medicinal herbs how to store, how to process.

In the morning

Morning is the time of awakening of a person and his internal systems. What can be taken in the morning before breakfast to help the body:

  1. Coffee with the addition of milk, black tea with the addition of honey and lemon - a tool that helps soften the feces and the soft flow of bowel movements.
  2. Baking soda. The raw material is taken at the tip of the knife. In a glass with hot water dissolves all the soda. 30 minutes before breakfast, you need to take the prepared drink, gradually, in small sips. Wait 10 minutes and the effect on the face.
  1. In the morning after waking up, it is recommended to exercise directly on the bed.

For the night

The folk method is taken at bedtime, so that in the morning the intestines are cleared of accumulated residues.

  • Honey. Universal remedy rich in beneficial human body vitamins, minerals. For the intestines, it is enough to take a dessert spoon diluted in a glass of water, bee product, to provide restful sleep, and the intestines morning cleansing. The drink is taken in small sips.
  • Castor oil. Used at bedtime 2 tbsp. By the morning, after 6 hours, the effect is observed. laxative property castor oil gives the content of the castor bean.

During the day

To cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, it is not necessary to take drugs in the morning and evening. But there are foods that can be used throughout the day:

  • Liquids with laxative properties.
  • Brew tea with cherries and apples. This drink is drunk 4-5 times a day.
  • Brine from under pickled cucumbers. For cooking, cucumbers are pre-soaked in saline solution are kept for 30 days. The remaining cucumbers are not to be eaten.
  • Berries with anticonstipation action: prunes, plums, wine berries. Products are steamed in a thermos.

Outside the home, a person often does not have a large number time to sit on the toilet for a long time. But when the problem takes you by surprise, you need to somehow get rid of it and very quickly. Often busy people immediately resort to the use of pills, which is not very good. But there are other methods as well.

To successfully go big outside the home, you need to:

Proper nutrition is also prevention. Having memorized a list of the following foods containing fiber in large quantities, you will ensure your life without constipation:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • leafy vegetables;
  • Nuts;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes;
  • Products from whole grain;
  • Berries;
  • lactic acid products;

This food is easy to take with you to work. If you have problems with bowel movements at the workplace, eat something from the list. In case of force majeure, take a scoop to work or study every day.

  • Eliminate pills and drink water. The water diet is important for every person. If not consumed every day certain norm, there will be problems not only with constipation. Application plain water very effective, as it will be possible to quickly go to the toilet in 10-30 minutes (depending on the amount of water drunk).

If you feel that you urgently need to call a chair, drink at least half a liter of water at a time. Moisture thins the feces in the intestines and contributes to their successful exit.

Drink water slowly and in small sips!

At home

If you are at home and sit in the toilet for a long time, you can use following methods treatment without the use of tablets:

  • Drink herbal tea.

Suitable chamomile, senna, flax, fennel, dandelion and others. Such tea should be infused for at least twenty minutes. Before use, be sure to read the instructions on the package to be sure that the product will not cause allergic reactions.

Most the best choice- this is herbal teas, on the packaging of which it is written - “for constipation”.

A decoction of rhubarb root is very effective for colon function. It is better to drink rhubarb tea before going to bed. At night healing herbs will do their job, and after waking up, you can easily go to the toilet.

At home, you can also eat some cleansing foods or cook meals with them:

You can also drink a glass of kefir before bed. While you sleep useful material contained in it will restore bowel function, so when you wake up in the morning, you successfully go to the toilet.

Avoid during treatment:

  • Sweet and floury
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Strong coffee
  • Some fruits (quince)

If nothing helps, you will have to resort to medication.


AT advanced cases and to alleviate the condition take following pills:

  • Bisacodyl. It has an irritating effect, although it is quite effective. It is addictive, so it is not recommended to use it often. It often results from side effectadditional pain in a stomach. In this case, the reception must be stopped.
  • Tablets based on lactulose (Normaze, Goodluck). They are laxative-prebiotics, leading to soft and painless emptying. They can be used up to three months. They are good because they normalize the intestinal microflora.

Enemas and suppositories

It is sometimes necessary to clean the intestines urgently, since a person has been sitting in the toilet for a very long time and is suffering from pain, therefore enemas and suppositories applied topically are often used.

Enemas are done:

  • On the water
  • in saline solution
  • in oil solution

An enema can be done once to quickly go to the toilet and thus clean the intestines. This will alleviate the patient's condition. However, the enema should not be used frequently.

Candles are:

  • Glycerin. The most sparing, often placed on newborns and the elderly.
  • Papaverine. Normalize motor function intestines with irregular stools.
  • Bisacodylic. Annoy nerve endings intestinal walls, however, are the most effective. It is better not to use them often.


Urgent bowel cleansing can be achieved not only with diet and medication, but also physical activity. Constipation often occurs due to lack of mobility and seated image life. Let's talk about how to cleanse the intestines through exercise.

AT preventive purposes sign up for a swim, go for a run, you can just go for a walk fresh air. And to go to the toilet with constipation, try the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back. Do the “bicycle” exercise - first in one direction, then in the other (at least 50 revolutions).
  • Sit on your knees. After each inhalation and exhalation, sharply retract the stomach.
  • Sit on all fours. When inhaling, make your back round and pull your stomach in, and when exhaling, bend to the other side, raising your head up.
  • Perform the birch exercise while lying on your back.

Physical exercise is important not only in the treatment of stool retention, but in general. By training the muscles of not only the whole body, but also the intestines, we tone the whole body. Because of this, fecal masses that have stagnated in the body are removed faster and easier.

What is the first thing you need to do before a long trip or an important event? That's right, relieve the intestines! But there are times when this does not happen according to our desire. How to stimulate the intestines to go "big"? We will tell you!

How to quickly go to the toilet

1. Warm drinks
morning cup strong coffee- An excellent defecation stimulant. Doctors say that all warm drinks have this property. By expanding the vessels and causing blood flow, the warm liquid activates the intestines. If you need to relieve long journey try a cup of coffee or tea.

2. Wake up early
Who gets up early goes to the toilet well. This rule should be remembered once and for all. Waking up early gives our body time to digest breakfast and defecate. Before an important event or trip, try to ensure at least 30 minutes for the toilet.

3. Massage
Gent pressure with the palm of the hand lower part belly will help you relieve. This massage contributes to the defragmentation of the stool, as well as activates the bowels. This method is extremely effective in case of constipation.

4. In case of urgent need
Athletes-runners use this trick before important competitions: they put rectally glycerin suppositories. The action of this drug begins in 15-20 minutes, but can also please you after a few hours. If there is a need to relieve the intestines before an important event, it is better to put candles the night before.

5. Physical activity
Playing sports can also make you want to go to the bathroom. Therefore, before training, you should do a little exercise and visit a white friend.

In order not to resort to the above methods, it is worth remembering for the future: normal stool Contribute to the use of large amounts of fiber! Therefore, it is worth replenishing your menu with vegetable dishes and fruit desserts.

Irregular and difficult bowel movements can bring a lot of discomfort to a person. Constipation is the state of complete absence of stool for two days or more. In addition, this is what is called the insufficient release of the intestinal cavity, in which there is a feeling of discomfort. As statistics show, the likelihood of this problem increases significantly with age, and in no case should it be ignored. Similar violation normal activities body can adversely affect general condition health.

The reasons

Doctors rightly believe that there are certain groups of people whose activities greatly increase the likelihood of constipation. This applies to those whose activity takes place mainly in one position - standing or sitting, with a lack of physical activity. The risk group includes drivers, teachers, salespeople, programmers, etc. A separate category of citizens prone to constipation are those who suffer from overweight and various failures metabolic process.

There are many reasons for prolonged absence chair:

Lack of fluid intake or insufficient intake of nutrients;
- the development of psychoses and neuroses, knocking down normal conditioned reflexes;
- various ailments of internal organs, both in acute and chronic forms;
bowel disease, such as hemorrhoids or different types colitis;
- improper passage of food waste through the intestines, caused, for example, by adhesions or papillomas;
- poisoning various etiologies, for example, the defeat of drugs, drugs;
- ailments hormonal system, like, for example, andexite - inflammatory process ovaries.

Any of these reasons significantly disrupts the balance of normal intestinal microflora, the predominance of pathogenic ones begins, as well as conditionally pathogenic organisms.


Experts identify four various types constipation:

Atonic - characterized total absence muscle tone of the intestinal wall;
- hypotonic - there is a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the intestinal tube;
- spastic - against the background of spasms of the intestinal muscle;
- mixed.

Sometimes patients do not show any complaints, except for the actual absence of stool, but in other cases the disease is accompanied by various additional manifestations.

Defecation can occur with varying frequency - once every two or three days, and sometimes once a week or even less often. The stool is characterized by dryness and increased density. It may look like dark balls or lumps, resembling sheep. In some cases, stools may become bean-shaped, ribbon-like, and cord-like.

In individual patients long delay defecation leads to liquefaction of feces with mucus formed due to irritation of the intestinal walls. This causes what is known as constipation.

In the body, the number of bacteria that exhibit antagonistic activity against pathogenic bacteria.

Patients may complain of pain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Defecation or the passage of accumulated gases brings relief. There may be a decrease in appetite, there is a periodic eructation and bad taste in the mouth. A person may experience constant headaches, muscle aches, and nervousness. His ability to work decreases, his mood deteriorates and sleep disappears.


Therapy for constipation consists mainly in taking laxatives that effectively cleanse the intestines and optimize its peristalsis. Important role plays the establishment of nutrition - food intake, rich in fiber- fruits, vegetables and sour bread. Do not forget also about lactic acid bacteria. They are especially useful when various violations normal operation digestive tract. The doctor selects probiotics to balance intestinal microflora. Practicing use cleansing enemas, also regular consumption of fats.

In the event that constipation is caused by organic or systemic ailments, therapy implies their primary correction. Treatment of the underlying cause of the disease helps to normalize the activity of the digestive tract.

Alternative treatment

Take half a kilogram of prunes and brew with three liters of boiling water. Put the container on a small fire and boil the medicine for twenty-five minutes. After the broth has cooled, pour fifty grams of chopped buckthorn bark into it. Boil the remedy for another half an hour. Strain the finished drink and take just before bedtime in the amount of half a glass.

Steam a couple of teaspoons of well-chopped dandelion root with two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water. After nine hours, strain and drink a quarter cup three to four times a day just before meals.

Boil a couple of tablespoons of plantain seed in two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water for ten minutes. Strain the medicine and drink it in the morning in the amount of two spoons.

Freshly squeezed has a good effect carrot juice. Just drink it on an empty stomach, just before a meal.

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