What do proteins do in the human body? What is protein and why does the body need it? Which products to choose

Protein is the building material of our body, a protein that is necessary for rapid tissue repair and muscle building. Soybeans, egg white and whey are added to special protein shakes. The composition depends on the purpose. Such drinks are a popular sports nutrition in many fitness clubs. Cocktails do not contain chemical impurities, as most people used to think.

Protein in the human body

1 g of protein contains 4 calories. Amino acids (the building blocks of protein) are made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur.

Protein compounds are found in many foods, especially in nuts and legumes. Despite the fact that our body is 15% protein, the body needs daily energy supply and additional strengthening of the bone and immune system.

The proteins that we get from animal products are complete, which means that the body receives the whole complex of amino acids that it cannot produce on its own. Most plant proteins are incomplete but play an important role in metabolism: they produce antibodies to suppress viruses, catalyze metabolic reactions and DNA replication, provide cell structure, transport molecules from one place to another, and respond quickly to external stimuli.

Amino acids differ from each other by the nucleotide sequence of genes. The specific three-dimensional structure into which proteins fold determines their activity. The compounds contain one long and one short polypeptide, which is more often called a peptide or an oligopeptide. Amino acid residues (the main components of proteins) are interconnected by a single peptide chain. The sequence of amino acid residues depends on the individual genetic code.

In addition, protein is complete, high quality, and incomplete. "Completeness" (or quality) is determined by the amino acid composition. The exception is soybeans, protein products derived from soy (tofu, soy milk or powder). Plant foods lack one or more of the essential acids and are therefore considered "incomplete".

Proteins can work together to achieve a specific function. Once formed, amino acids exist for a period of time and then are degraded and recycled by the cellular machinery through the process of turnover. The lifetime of protein compounds is measured in terms of half-life, and has a wide range. They can exist for minutes or years, with an average lifespan of 1-2 days (the study was done on mammalian cells).

Protein can be purified from other cellular components using ultracentrifugation, precipitation, electrophoresis, chromatography.

Protein norm

Supplemental protein supplementation is essential for the elderly. More than 40% of adults over 50 receive the substance only from food. Scientific studies show that 0.8 g of protein per 1 kg of weight is not enough for people at this age. Due to the lack of amino acids, sarcopenia develops - age-related atrophy of skeletal muscles. Already after 30 years, a person begins to lose up to 1% of muscle mass per year, and after 50-60 years this process is noticeably accelerated. To make up for the deficiency, the daily protein intake should be at least 1.1 g per kg of body weight.

The daily rate is a complex calculation. Based on body weight, growing children or pregnant women require more protein than the typical adult male or female.

The average dose is from 10 to 35% protein. For a person weighing 57 kg, the daily allowance should not exceed 180 g, with 90 kg - at least 200 g, with 100 kg of weight - up to 336 g. In America, the recognized norm per day is 0.8 g per 1 kg.

Protein shake: benefits and harms

First of all, protein shakes are necessary for athletes. During intense physical activity, a large amount of energy and amino acids is spent (almost all the protein is spent on muscle formation). Cocktails are "quick", based on eggs or milk. Their distinguishing feature is accelerated digestibility by the body.

Mixtures of "slow" action based on soy and casein are prepared in the evening or after a long abstinence from food (suitable for a complete replacement for regular meals). 50% of protein products can be safely replaced with a protein drink, but this is not recommended.

You can cook a carbohydrate-protein gainer. The mixture contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, as well as nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid (creatine), which builds up to 5 kg of muscle, gives more energy and strength.

In order to lose weight, “fast” protein shakes are suitable, and for weight gain, “slow” ones. If you want to build muscle, you first need to lose weight. It is impossible to get both at the same time.

Types of protein

Protein supplements are whey, casein, soy, concentrate, complex, isolate, hydrolyzate and gainers (suitable for people with critically low weight).

It is quite difficult to adhere to a strict diet if you have to cook up to 7-8 times a day. Special mixtures help to cope with this problem and simplify the cooking process. In addition, cocktails are recommended not only to weightlifters, but also to women on a diet. To "dry" the body, choose a powder isolate, it is ideal for weight loss. At night, prefer whey casein.

You need to drink "slow" cocktails before the start of physical exercises, the effect will be more significant. After training, “fast” or “slow” mixtures are prepared based on amino acids, maltodextrin, creatine, casein or whey powder (optional). Shelf life of dry, closed powder is no more than three years. Diluted up to 4 hours.

Making a protein shake at home is easy. It is enough to beat the powder with juice, milk or water (200-250 ml) in a blender. The amount of dry mix per serving is indicated on the package. To prevent protein from curdling, do not heat the liquid to a hot state. If you do not have powder, add the necessary products to the mixer. It should be understood that when using products, the rate of protein absorption will decrease. It is better not to store the prepared drink, and immediately drink it.

Mixtures will not have any effect if you drink protein just like that, without physical activity.

Protein harm

You can not take food supplements with kidney failure or individual intolerance to the components (lactose intolerance). With the abuse of mixtures, dehydration of the body can be provoked.

Many girls who work out in the gym include sports protein blends in their diet. Protein shakes will be a good addition to the training process and will help create a slender toned body, if taken rationally. In this article, we will talk about the features of taking protein supplements and their significance for girls in the process of losing weight and modeling a figure.

Why should girls drink protein?

Before answering this question, let's remember what protein is.

Proteins are called vegetable or animal proteins, which are the building material of our body. During digestion, they are broken down into amino acids, which are involved in the formation of muscle cells, bones, skin and hair, and contribute to energy production. Protein deficiency leads to hormonal changes, disruption of vital organs, deterioration of muscles, bones and skin, and other negative consequences.

The lack of amino acids is especially acute for girls who are on a diet, when it is difficult to get the required amount of protein with food. Skin deterioration, muscle flabbiness, hair loss and brittle nails are the consequences of a protein deficiency. To avoid unpleasant consequences, girls drink protein shakes.

Do girls need to drink protein to lose weight?

There is an opinion that protein, while helping to build muscle, leads to weight gain, therefore, it should not be taken when losing weight. This misconception arose due to the fact that initially only bodybuilders and athletes who wanted to increase body weight drank protein.

Regular exercise along with protein supplements will help create a lean, toned body without loose skin and cellulite. Isn't that what every girl aspires to?

Of course, you won't be able to lose weight just by taking protein. But protein supplements will not only help maintain muscle mass during the diet, but also make the skin more elastic.

Also, with protein mixtures, it is easier to stick to proper nutrition. A protein shake can replace the usual high-calorie snack or even become a full meal.

At what age can girls drink protein

Protein is a product of natural origin, so it has practically no contraindications. You can drink protein shakes from any age if you need an additional source of protein. For example, for teenagers involved in professional sports, coaches recommend starting protein drinking from the age of 14-16.

However, it should be remembered that at a young age the body is able to grow on its own, so to increase muscle mass, it is enough to eat regular high-protein foods. The natural growth of the body stops at the age of 18-23, then an additional intake of amino acids should be started.

What proteins are better for girls to drink for weight loss

There are several types of protein shakes that differ in protein content, lactose, carbohydrates, and digestion time. The most popular protein supplements among girls for weight loss are those that are high in protein, but with a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Let's see which proteins are better for girls to drink to lose weight:

  • Whey protein is a protein derived from whey. It is well absorbed and has an optimal amino acid composition. There are several subspecies: concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate, which differ in protein and lactose content. The concentrate contains from 25 to 89% protein and about 4% lactose, is well absorbed and is cheaper than other proteins. But not suitable for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Whey protein isolate costs a little more than concentrate, but it contains less than 1% lactose and 90-95% protein. There is also a lactose-free isolate that can be consumed by people with hypolactasia. The hydrolyzate contains 80-90% protein and up to 10% lactose, and is more expensive than other types of whey protein. But its indisputable advantage is the speed of assimilation.
  • Casein is also widely popular among girls. This type of protein is formed during the curdling of milk and is similar to the proteins contained in cottage cheese. It takes more time to digest it, so it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It is recommended to use casein as an evening snack or dinner.
  • Soy protein is made from soybeans and has a lower amino acid profile than animal proteins. But it is suitable for vegans and people who, for various reasons, limit their intake of animal proteins.
  • A complex protein is a multicomponent mixture of proteins. The components of protein shakes are selected in such a way that proteins are broken down at different times, thereby ensuring the flow of amino acids to the muscles for a long time.

To choose the right protein complex, you need to determine when you will take it. Whey protein is good to drink before and after an intense workout, casein is good before bed, and complex protein can be drunk at any time of the day.

Can pregnant and lactating women take protein?

During pregnancy, the body's need for protein increases dramatically. The average woman needs 80-100 grams of protein per day. During pregnancy, this figure increases to 150-170 grams. This amount of protein can also be obtained from regular foods, but some girls prefer to drink protein mixtures.

It should be noted that unflavored pure protein shakes are safe during pregnancy. But the flavorings, colors, and sweeteners that can be found in protein can cause an allergic reaction and lead to negative consequences.

The same goes for protein while breastfeeding. Newborn babies have an immature digestive system, so they are prone to allergies, colic, and intestinal disorders. The use of additional protein by the mother can cause allergic reactions in the baby. Doctors recommend starting protein intake 6 months after birth, when breast milk is not the only food for the baby, and the baby's intestines have already developed enough.

If you are in doubt about whether you can drink protein during pregnancy or lactation, carefully study the composition of protein shakes and consult your doctor.

What harm can protein do to girls?

Despite the fact that protein shakes contain pure plant or animal protein, controversy often arises about the harmfulness of the supplement. Is protein harmful, you can read in our article "Protein: Harm and Benefit".

Prime Kraft Expert Opinion

Should girls drink protein? Experts say you should if your goal is a beautiful and healthy body. Whether your goal is to lose weight or gain muscle mass, the right protein complex will help you achieve the results you want.

Many novice athletes, having heard about sports nutrition for the first time, want to know first of all whether it is harmful. Naturally, a person who does not know will doubt that some kind of powder is not only not harmful, but also useful. The stereotypical thinking of many individuals sometimes crosses all boundaries, and they, who are completely ignorant of the issue, convince everyone that the liver can fall off from the protein. Is it really? How stupid does this all sound? Is protein bad or not? Let's continue the discussion to find out.

Protein is bad! Where do legs grow from?

The thought about the dangers of protein is caused, as a rule, by two points. First, it is a complete incompetence in the matter. People know almost nothing about the composition of the powder, but they conclude that it is unsafe to use it. Secondly, these are stereotypes and myths, which were just laid down by those who, out of ignorance, began to accuse the protein of all mortal sins: from impotence to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

The expression is familiar: “protein is chemistry”, “muscles don’t need protein, and they generally don’t live up to 40 years old.” The whole situation looks even more comical or even sad (who cares about this) in the eyes of experienced athletes, when all sorts of media begin to convince people that protein is the most natural evil. At the same time, sometimes simply absurd statements are used that are not supported by facts. In short, empty talk.

What mythical harm from protein exists?

What is not attributed to protein mixtures. And the liver falls off from them, and the heart begins to work poorly, and, of course, the most popular is harm to potency. Let's analyze each case in more detail to make sure one hundred percent that all these statements have nothing to do with the real action of the protein. Find out if proteins are harmful to internal organs and potency.

Is protein bad for the liver?

Protein is not harmful to the liver. Only anabolic steroids can cause some minor annoyances in the work of this organ, and then if they are taken in the form of tablets. And the only thing worth remembering in this case is that protein and harm to the liver are mutually exclusive concepts.

Is protein bad for male reproductive health?

Again, only the wrong intake of androgenic steroids can affect potency. But ignorant people equate protein with pharmacological preparations, and hence the corresponding statement. Is protein bad for men? Not!

Are proteins bad for the heart?

Protein, as we have already figured out, is an ordinary protein. And who can say that protein is harmful to the work of the heart? Only, probably, the most repulsed opponent of sports nutrition. No, the protein does not harm the heart and does not affect its work in any way.

Why protein is NOT harmful - composition and properties

By itself, this question about the harmfulness of protein is absurd, and so that you laugh with us or feel sorry for some citizens who are not quite full-fledged in the mind, we will remind you of the composition of protein powder. All protein blends are made up of concentrated protein derived from common foods: egg whites (egg protein), milk (casein protein), whey (whey protein) and soy (soy protein). Thus, we can safely say that such sports nutrition as protein is the most natural supplement. Such a mixture has all the pros and cons of ordinary food.

Let's take the usual protein, which, as we know, is needed for the construction of our body, or rather for muscles. Protein mixtures contain this very protein in a concentrated form, which means that such sports nutrition has the same effect as a regular product. At the same time, the body does not need to spend time to digest a piece of meat. Entering the gastrointestinal tract, the protein powder is absorbed faster, which means that we get the necessary substances much faster.

The real harm of protein

If we are already talking about harm, then we will nevertheless designate two points. There are two options for protein in which its consumption can have consequences. First of all, it is cash costs. Well, why not harm? Especially for your financial situation. Still, a jar of protein costs money. Other harm can manifest itself only under certain conditions. We are talking about non-compliance with the recommendations when taking. If you use protein mixtures fanatically and without measure, the effect will be the same as when you overeat ordinary food. Of course, you will have to try to give the body problems with the use of protein.

How many times have they told the world that there is no harm from protein. But now you know that all this is real nonsense. Eat sports nutrition, it is very convenient, especially when there is no way to constantly cook protein-rich food for yourself. Sports nutrition can save you time because you can skip one meal and still have a delicious protein shake and get the nutrition you need. And now take all these stories about his harm with a smile and don’t think about those who beat themselves in the chest, proving that it’s all chemistry.

The importance of the presence of protein in the human body is understandable, this component (translated as “protein”) serves as a building material for the proper formation of muscles and all muscle mass. The protein is actively involved in the regeneration of skin cells, replacing the destroyed cellular structure with a new and healthy one. The benefits and harms of proteins are especially invaluable for people who are actively involved in a sports lifestyle, because they saturate the athlete's body with the necessary protein, which is quite difficult to obtain in such quantities from food. But the lack of proteins in the body leads to a general deterioration in the physical condition of a person, to the appearance of a breakdown and apathy.

Protein Sources

What is a protein?

The composition of the protein includes useful and valuable amino acids, which, when ingested, actively participate in the processes of restoration and regeneration of body cells.

There is a reasonable question, is protein harmful or not? Definitely, the inclusion of this component in the diet is of great benefit to the body, because it is involved in restoring and normalizing processes. But excessive protein intake can negatively affect the well-being of all people.

Nowadays, protein is used in two main areas: the process of losing weight, as well as building muscle mass.

It is also important to note the fact that the presence of protein in the body helps to stabilize the performance of many functions, in particular, immunostimulating. Also, the protein is actively involved in the synthesis of a certain type of hormones. The inclusion of protein shakes in the diet contributes to:

  • obtaining energy forces;
  • restoration of working capacity;
  • increase in endurance;
  • enrichment of the whole organism with valuable components.

In modern times, protein is often consumed in the form of a powder that is mixed with a liquid. The prepared cocktail is consumed at a certain time during a single day. Manufacturers often add mineral and fortified substances to the composition of the powder, so a person receives, together with the use of a protein shake, a set of substances that are most useful for normal life.

Benefits of Protein

The role of the presence of protein (or protein) in the human body is enormous. Protein is an active building component that is involved in the construction of skin tissues, nails, hair, muscles, etc.

In order to keep the body in good shape, the presence of protein is important. The dosage of protein is calculated individually, here the lifestyle of a certain person plays a huge role, as well as the percentage of protein loss throughout the day. Accordingly, if a person is engaged in active sports, then the presence of protein in his body should be many times greater than in the body of people leading a sedentary or passive lifestyle. Of great importance in the normal presence of protein is the muscle mass of a certain person, the larger it is, the more protein the body will require.

The lack of this component leads to the manifestation of negative factors (deterioration of skin tone and structure of nails and hair). If the body does not receive a certain amount of protein, then it begins to “take away” an important component from the muscle mass.

If a person goes in for sports and leads an active lifestyle, then the necessary amount of protein must be present in his body. It is for this reason that many athletes take protein shakes that fill the body with the necessary strength and restore the structure of muscle mass.

It is important to note that protein is present not only in protein shakes, but also in some products.

Protein harm

Many people wonder if protein is bad? Of course, the harm of protein, as well as the benefits, is necessarily present.

  • Excessive consumption of protein can lead to the appearance of fatty deposits. Despite the fact that these drinks are low in calories, if they are taken incorrectly, they can lead to a large amount of energy. As you know, excess energy tends to transform into body fat. Therefore, if a person does not lead any active lifestyle, then the necessary protein can be obtained from appropriate foods, and not from specialized cocktails.

It should be noted that the price of natural protein shakes is quite high.

Types of protein

Useful and essential protein can be found in some foods. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then it is enough for him to consume building protein together with certain foods. But when a person goes in for sports, he needs to additionally take protein mixtures for recovery and active formation of muscle mass.

According to the variety of constituent components, protein types are divided into:

  • Protein Isolate (Whey)- the composition of the product includes a complete amino acid composition. This type of protein is considered the most common among athletes, with its use, you can quickly achieve positive results;
  • casein- this type of component belongs to slow proteins, it takes up to 6 hours to digest it. Professionals recommend taking casein protein just before bedtime, so that during the duration of rest, the body actively restores muscle mass;
  • soy protein pros and cons are of a different nature - such a product will be classified as a moderately digestible protein, it has a fairly inexpensive cost. But the use of soy protein is not very desirable, since it contains vegetable building protein;
  • Wheat- is an analogue of soy protein. Most often, wheat protein is used for weight loss;
  • Lactic- The product contains a mixture of casein and whey proteins. Milk protein belongs to the highest category, it is quickly absorbed by the body and effectively restores muscle structure;
  • Egg It is second only to whey protein. Egg protein is quickly absorbed and filled with useful amino acid composition;
  • Meat- is an analogue of egg protein, it is distinguished by its fast digestibility and rich chemical composition.

The choice of protein shake directly depends on the desired results. There are three types of protein intake:

  • Fast- whey cocktails - are indicated for exhaustion of the body, to restore muscle mass, as well as for weight loss. This kind of cocktail is taken before training or twice a day until the moment when the body begins to experience a special need for the presence of protein;
  • Slow(, casein) - are indicated for the growth of muscle mass, as well as in the process of losing weight. Slow cocktails are used auxiliaryly, it is recommended to replace 1 or 2 meals with a drink, it is advisable to take a cocktail before bedtime;
  • Complex- in the composition of such cocktails there are several types of protein. This type of cocktail is taken to equip the body with the necessary amino acids and to build muscle mass.

How to take protein?

In order for a substance to benefit the body, it is important to know how to take protein?

There is a standard form of protein intake for men, as well as all women who are heavily involved in sports training:

  • in the morning - whey shake;
  • between the main meals - complex cocktails;
  • after sports training - a whey cocktail;
  • Before going to bed - a casein shake.

How to take protein?

To properly take a protein, the benefits and harms of which are justified, you need to know a few basics. The powder must be diluted either in whole milk or in warm water. For the preparation of a cocktail, it is forbidden to use boiling water, otherwise the protein will quickly curl up. With regular protein intake, it is important to ensure that the body does not experience an excess of protein, so it is not recommended to "lean" on protein-containing foods.

Protein for weight loss

The best protein for weight loss is a protein isolate, it does not contain fat and carbohydrates in its composition, which is the main thing in the process of losing weight. A protein for girls is shown - it forms the relief of the figure and rids the body of extra pounds. Reception of a cocktail must be accompanied by sports training.

When a protein is indicated for use for gaining muscle mass, which is the best of all types, the chemical composition will tell. Professionals secrete whey protein, it is great for athletes due to the rapid formation of muscle mass and equipping the body with the necessary building protein and useful amino acids.

Every year the number of people who are concerned about their health is growing. In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, they begin to actively engage in sports. Sooner or later, many people face the question of the need to use protein. It is quite popular among athletes. Promotes muscle building and increases endurance during physical exertion. But first you need to learn more about the dangers and benefits of protein.

The important role of protein

Most people, in order to achieve a beautiful body, are overly fond of popular drinks, not paying attention to harm or benefit. Protein is a macromolecular substance of organic origin. Consists of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. The main material for creating new cellular structures in the body is protein. For sports nutrition, it is presented in the form of a powdered mixture, reminiscent of baby food.

In sports nutrition, it is used to quickly replenish the protein deficiency in the body, and it also helps to increase endurance during physical training. As a rule, protein deficiency is associated with increased physical activity. Often it is used as a preventive measure to correct nutritional instability.

Initially, according to the harm of protein on the human body, it was put on a par with energy drinks and gainers. It was considered a rather dangerous and harmful product. Over time, attitudes towards him changed. In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine an athlete who would not regularly consume protein powder during training. The concentrated protein from which protein shakes are made can be both beneficial and harmful to the body.

According to some athletes, the product is natural, does not contain any chemicals, and is not harmful. However, do not forget about dosages. After all, excessive consumption of any substance can adversely affect health. This also applies to protein. Receiving in large quantities is not so useful for a person.

The composition of the protein product

High-quality plant and animal protein is the main component of high-protein mixtures. It is artificially synthesized in the laboratory. The main difference will be the raw material from which the protein is extracted. Quite often, manufacturers add sucrose and fructose. This enhances the nutritional quality of the mixture and aids in rapid protein absorption. Vegetable dry soy concentrate or milk powder very often acts as a filler.

Often, the manufacturer additionally enriches the product with mineral supplements, fats and vitamin complexes in order to increase the amount of useful properties. The most common vitamins are A, B, C, and PP. It may also contain sodium and potassium salts. Food colors and flavors are added to add flavor.

Types of cocktails

Nowadays, modern stores are full of a variety of drinks. Many people want to look good and do not even wonder if protein shakes are harmful to the human body. Based on the composition of raw materials, they can be divided into several main subgroups:

All mixtures are selected strictly individually. Often the choice depends on the purpose of their use and the individual's personal intolerance to certain components. The following symptoms will indicate protein intolerance:

  • Intoxication of the body (nausea, vomiting and a sharp increase in body temperature).
  • Eruptions from protein, skin itching.
  • Lachrymation and redness of the sclera of the eyes.
  • Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Do not forget that protein powder is only an addition to the main diet. Protein bars are another source of protein. The protein content in them should be much higher than fat and carbohydrates. But unfortunately, most manufacturers under the guise of protein bars give out products that contain various ingredients.

The negative impact of mixtures

The components found in sports supplements are mostly of natural origin. Despite the fact that they are completely physiological in relation to the body, they still have side effects. Protein and sweeteners are the main danger to the human body.

An excess of high-protein foods puts a heavy burden on the kidneys and liver, forcing them to work for wear and tear. They have to work hard to eliminate excess protein. The most harmless symptoms caused by a high concentration in the diet are flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. The abuse of supplements for a long time can provoke:

  • weight gain;
  • violation of the endocrine system;
  • the formation of acne and the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • fatty liver and development of cirrhosis.

Other disadvantages of protein include:

The influence of drinks on the stronger sex

Because of their specific hobbies, men are more likely to use sports nutrition than women. Compliance with all recommendations for the use of sports nutrition does not pose any danger to men. However, there are many rumors that the use of the mixture contributes to baldness and causes impotence.

On the contrary, the use of high-protein foods leads to an increase in sexual desire. This is due to the increase in testosterone levels. Regarding baldness, it is necessary to know that human hair consists mainly of protein. Therefore, the cause of the rarest hair can be a lack of protein.

In most cases, experts do not recommend the frequent use of soy mixtures for the stronger sex. Phytoestrogens, which are found in soy-based products, are very similar in action to female sex hormones. The action of these substances can contribute to the feminization of the male.

high protein foods for women

Most often, the fairer sex use sports nutrition in order to lose weight. The human body uses more energy to break down protein than it does to process carbohydrates and fats. For women who promote a protein diet, cocktails have become an indispensable product. It helps to dull the feeling of hunger, which allows you to adhere to the exact norm of calorie intake.

Protein is the main material in the process of hematopoiesis. For girls during the menstrual cycle, this is especially true. The renewal of red blood cells and erythrocytes in the blood is helped by foods containing protein.

Sports nutrition contraindications

Like most other products, protein shakes have their own culture of consumption and their contraindications. First of all, it is necessary to control the rate of protein intake. In ordinary life, a person needs 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. In some cases, with an increase in physical activity, the norm can be increased to a maximum of 5 g.

Before you start using sports nutrition for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, you should consult a doctor. Diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis or lactose intolerance are also reasons for consulting a specialist. In order for high-protein cocktails not to harm the human body, you need to find the right approach and the optimal balance of product consumption.

  • Taurine- an amino acid that is part of all energy drinks. In small doses, it has a positive effect on health, but an excess of taurine forces the body to function for wear and tear. Increases the risk of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Synthetic sweeteners- substances that are not absorbed by the body. These include: aspartic acid, cyclamate and aspartame. They can cause irreparable harm to health in certain diseases: with kidney failure, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Thickeners: xanthan gum and carrageenan - lead to stomach ulcers and the occurrence of oncological diseases of the digestive tract with regular use.
  • Synthetic sugars: Dextrose and maltodextrin are important components of sports nutrition. They affect the rate of recovery after physical exertion. Excessive consumption of sugars increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Often, large doses of dextrose can cause indigestion.

Many manufacturers, adding various substances to mixtures, are not always guided only by the benefits they bring and the improvement in taste. Most often, they thereby try to reduce the price of the product.

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