Purification - barefoot in the dew. morning dew dew cure night dew

It is known that massage holographic points are located on the foot, each of which corresponds to a separate organ of the body. When a person walks barefoot, almost all organs are massaged, and the blood circulates evenly throughout the body. There are benefits for the lower extremities themselves - the arch of the foot is trained, all the tiny bones, ligaments and micromuscles that are usually not involved are included in the walking process. Contraindications for "barefoot" walks are rheumatic diseases of the lower extremities, gout, skin diseases (fungus, cracks), chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Where to walk

Not every surface is good for walking barefoot. For example, a tiled floor can cause hypothermia of the feet, and this, in turn, can provoke diseases of the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system. From the point of view of oriental medicine, it is not recommended to walk barefoot on stone surfaces for a long time, because they “pull” energy from the body. But heated tile flooring is especially harmful to the health of the feet. Such floors in the kitchens are very dangerous for housewives who spend at least an hour a day “in the heat”. The fact is that for each organ there is a comfortable temperature, and for the lower extremities it is lower than, say, for the digestive system or the brain. The low temperature of the feet guarantees a full flow of blood to the brain, while a warm floor, on the contrary, causes the blood to flow downwards. This can lead to an exacerbation of gynecological diseases (an increase in fibroids, manifestations of inflammation) and cause dangerous congestion in the legs, as a result - varicose veins.

Synthetic surfaces, carpets made of artificial threads, linoleum accumulate static electricity, which negatively affects the bioenergetics of space, and in practice means frequent headaches. The most ideal surfaces for foot health are wood (preferably oak parquet) and earth. Therefore, at home, if possible, roll up carpets, rugs and acquire parquet, and in the country, take off your shoes and try to do all garden work barefoot.

How much to walk

To get the maximum health benefits, you need to walk for a long time. According to Eastern doctors, the body gives the accumulated static electricity to the earth, and it, in turn, charges the person with useful energy. Modern medicine has established that the Earth's magnetic field has an undeniable influence on this process. Special devices show that only after about forty minutes does the negative energy of the body begin to decrease.

If you don't have time to walk barefoot a lot, magnetic insoles can help. They, imitating an uneven surface, massage the feet.

Walk on the water

Walking barefoot should be paid attention not only with flat feet and other foot defects, but also with any diseases of the nervous system - with overwork, neuroses. To restore the nervous system after mental overload, reflexologists recommend walking barefoot in the morning dew. You need to start healing walks from one to two minutes (the dew is cold, and the body must get used to the new sensations so as not to get cold) and gradually increase to an hour.

It is useful to walk on wet stones. The best simulator is a pebbly bank of a river or sea. If you bring the stones home, you can continue the procedures in your own bathroom. They need to be watered with cold water, to which you can add a little vinegar. This method of hardening is universal, but especially useful for those who suffer from anemia. The duration of the procedure is three to fifteen minutes for the sick, weakened and thirty minutes for the healthy. The stones must remain moist throughout the procedure.

Walking ankle-deep in water perfectly relieves headaches, improves lung function, and helps with flatulence. The procedure can be performed at home. Cold water is poured into the bath, approximately to the level of the ankles. Over time, the water level is raised to the calves and knees. Duration - from a minute for beginners, to five or six minutes. Water should be as cold as possible. After the bath, it is necessary to warm the feet, vigorously rubbing with a dry hard towel.

In the morning, you can see how there is water on the leaves of plants. This is dew. The morning dew is cold. And according to the study contains a significant amount of oxygen. Let's look at the health benefits of morning dew.

But how do you get dew? How to collect dew from plant leaves?

You can prepare a container of water and leave it out in the open overnight. You need to make sure the water is clean, not polluted by dust, rainwater or air.

List of beneficial properties of morning dew for human health:

  1. Refreshes the body

Busy schedules and tight deadlines that force you to stay up late can cause fatigue and weaken the body. You can drink morning dew to feel energized again.

  1. Facilitates the process of need

Morning dew cleanses the intestines and makes defecation easy. Therefore, some people immediately want to go to the toilet after drinking the morning dew. This is definitely normal and you should not worry about such a reaction.

  1. Removes pimples

The high level of oxygen in morning dew makes it an excellent skin care product that prevents breakouts. If you already have acne, morning dew can be a solution to this problem. You can just drink or wash your face with morning dew.

  1. Prevents sebum on face

The problem that is commonly encountered is excessive sebum on the face. Therefore, drinking morning dew can reduce sebum secretion.

  1. Clears the throat

When a person talks too much, shouts, sings, the voice may become hoarse. In this case, you can drink the morning dew. Thus, your voice will gradually recover.

  1. Motivates to drink more water

The fresh taste of morning dew can increase appetite, and will also motivate you to drink more water, which is good for the body to avoid dehydration.

  1. Optimizes the functioning of the body

Morning dew has become the choice of many athletes as it improves physical performance. Thanks to drinking morning dew, there is a release of energy by 20-30%. Therefore, athletes do not feel tired as quickly as possible.

Optimization of the body can be when consuming foods with a lot of nutrients, so we recommend reading

  1. Promotes the kidneys

With high energy levels, the kidneys become healthier. Since the kidneys are responsible for the process of excretion of fluid from the body.

  1. Improves motor skills in children

Morning dew is also known to help children with slow motor development. Therefore, you can apply morning dew on children's feet every morning and train them. Morning dew stimulates walking training.

  1. Reduces redness in the eyes

You can drip on the eyes when redness or when you have difficulty opening your eyes in the morning.

  1. Removes toxins from the body

Drinking morning dew can produce the elimination of toxins from the body. It is common knowledge that nowadays not everything that enters our mouth or the air we breathe is 100% sterile from germs or toxins. One way or another, contamination within the body is likely to occur, making detoxification necessary for the body.

A must-read article detoxifying the body.

  1. Strengthens the immune system

Viruses and bacteria are everywhere and just waiting to attack our body, especially when the immune system is weakened. Therefore, you should always take care of the immune system. And one way to strengthen the immune system is to drink morning dew.

  1. Reduces low density lipoprotein levels

According to research, drinking morning dew regularly can help lower LDL levels. Since bad cholesterol can cause a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, along with a glass of morning dew, you can include products that lower the level of bad cholesterol.

  1. Promotes weight loss

Excess weight has become a problem for mankind, especially for women. Nowadays, people are not against exercise and follow proper nutrition, take supplements. But you can also lose weight by drinking morning dew.

  1. Take care of body cells

Our body cells are the simplest structural unit of the body, supporting the various functions of the body. Therefore, we must also take care of them. Ordinary drinking of morning dew promotes the cells of the body.

Now you know the health benefits of morning dew. So why not try drinking morning dew if possible?

On clear nights, with a weak wind, dew drops form on the stems and leaves of plants, on the grass. The appearance of dew is the result of the cooling of the surface layer of air. The water vapor contained in it is deposited in the form of small droplets of water. They gradually merge together into large drops, which are called dew. The dew is often so abundant that it even glitters at night, reflecting the light of the stars. “Morning dew is a good tear, it washes the forest, says goodbye to the night.”
In summer, very heavy dew portends clear weather without precipitation. This is reflected in the signs: “Early and evening dew in summer - to a bucket”, “Night dew - to a clear day”, “Dew strong - to good weather”, “Dry (that is, lack of dew) - to rain”. Clear dry weather turns into unstable with rains and thunderstorms if dew does not fall in the evening: “Quiet, bright night without dew - expect rain”, “Dry grass - expect rain”. Dew dew delays the formation of frosts, promotes the growth of plants. Therefore, signs arose: "Abundant dew portends a harvest", "Without dew, grass does not grow." The French say: "In April and May, dew - in August and September, rich mowing."
Dew is the pure cosmic energy of the stars reflected on the earth. Why is dew good? The fact that no one needs to be convinced of its magical power. It is enough to try once - and the whole body begins to burn and pulsate, because the energy of the stars and the earth wishes well for its children; morning dew literally penetrates into all pores. Diseases go away, especially skin, fungal, leg vessels, and the evil eye and some types of damage, for example, induced by twisted hair, are removed. Morning dew literally remembers the biologically active molecules of all herbs, alternately absorbing the power of the Moon and the morning Sun; absorbs the voices of birds, winds, the rustle of leaves, the warmth of the earth, generally duplicates the energy-information field that feeds all living things and begins to rise from the bottom up, then descending, because the morning dew is the skin of mother earth. As you know, our body consists of 70% water, and morning dew, acting on a person, reacts with his intracellular fluid, and especially with blood and lymph. Dew absorbs both positive and negative emotions equally well, therefore, before plunging into a dewy meadow, be sure to drive away bad thoughts. Rosa is drinkable. For this, an accelerated collection method is used, which slightly reduces the life-giving power of dew, but the quantity compensates for the loss in quality. A white new sheet is taken and one day weathered in the sun. Before dawn, it is laid on a meadow, after which the absorbed moisture is squeezed into a basin (in extreme cases, several white linen towels, pieces of gauze, etc. will do).
And now a more painstaking, but high-quality method of collecting morning dew - it can be collected with a pipette. If you are lucky, you can find plants with depressions in the meadow, in which the dew content is maximum, but even in this case, the collection process remains troublesome. The healing power of dew stored for future use lasts 42 days. So is bathing in dew. You need to start it slowly, “I started with bare feet, after four minutes I plunged to the waist, after another nine minutes I began to ride in the dew (seven minutes), and the last stage - washing the face and hair - for four minutes. As a result, the whole procedure should be 24 minutes. I think that no one doubts that dewdrops protect a person, remove damage, slander and other evil spirits, cleanse from ailments and give strength.

Where does such faith come from? From experience accumulated over thousands of years.
Water collected from morning meadows has long been considered pure, almost holy. And especially miraculous properties are still attributed to the dew that appeared on the first day of August (according to the old style), on Wet Spas. They come for it ahead of time, they try to collect it before others. Such dew is called "unopened" or "undrinkable" water.

Even in deserts, where there is neither grass nor trees, people collected dew on specially spread canvases and used the moisture squeezed out of them for medicinal purposes.
Walking in the morning dew brings great benefits to the feet.
In order to remove the damage caused by twisted hair, you need to keep your feet in warm, warm morning dew for seven days in a row (you should never boil it). Each time, some kind of mucus will come out of the legs, and, in the end, something similar to black hair will appear at the bottom of the pelvis. And if it dissolves before your eyes, it means that the damage is gone and in a few days the old diseased skin will come off your feet, and a new one will grow in its place. Bot so miraculous dew is able to draw out all the damage and the evil eye. In conclusion, I want to say that bathing and rolling in the morning dew relieves women from frigidity, and men from impotence.
Immerse yourself in this life-giving moisture, and you will see for yourself in its healing properties.

And so on. But all this will work half-heartedly, if you do not carry out energy cleansing and charging the body with energy. The simplest way to cleanse yourself energetically and recharge your energy at the same time is to walk barefoot on the dew, on the grass, on the ground. In addition to the benefits, you also get unique sensations from touching the skin with soft grass or warm sand. Sheer pleasure!

We all have heard more than once about the healing effect on the human body of walking barefoot. After all, shoes desensitize many receptors located on the foot.

Walking barefoot

When walking barefoot, a person is able to free himself from emotional experiences, cure nervous disorders, and depression. While walking barefoot, leg muscles are strengthened and trained, active points are massaged, immunity is strengthened.

Walking barefoot should begin with a short time - from one to several minutes. Especially in cold weather. The body must gradually get used to such therapy and adjust to the health promotion mode.

Of course, if you start walking barefoot in the dew, then you need to do it regularly, every day.

It is important to make sure that the chosen place for walking barefoot is safe from the point of view of injuring the feet. There are no glass, thorns and other objects dangerous for the skin.

Benefits of walking barefoot

  • helps to relax the body
  • clears the mind
  • relieves inner tension
  • relieves stress, nervousness, irritability
  • improves blood circulation
  • has a warming effect (relieves cold feet)
  • treats insomnia, headaches
  • relieves fatigue

It is good to walk on the morning dew, just on the grass or on the ground, on the beach on dry (warm) or wet (cold) sand, on sea pebbles. In general, wherever you find the opportunity.

Why is walking barefoot healthy?

The secret is simple - while walking barefoot, there is a massage of the feet and nerve endings that are associated with the internal organs. In this regard, walking barefoot heals the whole body.

Studies have shown that barefoot walkers do not develop varicose veins. This practice trains the calf muscles well and has a beneficial effect on the spine and back muscles.

But the most interesting thing is that the sensations of touching the skin of the feet of grass, earth, sand activate the brain, and it produces hormones of happiness - endorphins!

This is what I have noticed! Exactly 😉

My barefoot experience

I decided to walk on the dew not so long ago - about a month ago. It was still warm. I just felt such a need for energy cleansing and charging with the energy of the Earth.

You will say why I am now writing about walking barefoot in the dew, when in some places there is already snow!? But I liked this activity so much that I decided to continue walking barefoot in the winter.

We have our own lawn in the yard, which my husband regularly mows. I walk on it barefoot. It is especially pleasant when the grass is wet with dew and cool water gets on the skin!

Now, of course, it has become cold, so I walk barefoot for a short time of 3-5 minutes. I count on the sensations - when there is a slight ache from the cold grass, then it is necessary to finish. That's what my body tells me.

During this month of daily walking barefoot on the grass, I had a feeling of peace and tranquility. Apparently, hormones of happiness are really produced !!!

Contraindications for walking barefoot

In my opinion, there are no contraindications for short and regular walking on the grass (ground). Well, except that - an allergy to insects.

If it is not possible to walk barefoot on the grass

Not everyone has their own lawn under the window. After all, many, like me before, live in the city in their apartment. And if it so happened that you can’t get to the countryside as often as you would like, then you can carry out these cleansing and healing procedures right at home.

Of course, the effect is likely to be less, but in any case, doing something is better than doing nothing at all!

I offer two options:

  • stick pebbles brought from the sea on a rug, put it on the floor, and walk barefoot. A wonderful alternative to real walks!
  • or put pebbles brought from the sea in a bowl of water of the desired temperature and walk on them. Also a good way! Plus, water will play a soothing and cleansing role.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog "Be healthy!" Did you know that morning dew is the oldest cure for many diseases? Since ancient Vedic times, people have known about the healing properties of dew. Many peoples endowed it with magical properties. Dew treatment gives people health, youth. And for good reason! The health benefits of a miraculous drop of water - this simple creation of nature, are multifaceted.

Which of you at least once in your life in the early morning did not admire the dew drops that shimmer like diamonds in the rising sun? If you have not seen, I strongly recommend that you visit in July - the month where the grass grows. You will see an amazing, harmonious and divine world in every reflection of a dewdrop!

Each drop of dew concentrates the pure energy of the earth and the sun. Thanks to the powerful therapeutic properties contained in a drop of water, many diseases can be cured. Our ancestors knew about this effect of dew and they skillfully used it for treatment.

Dew is called small drops of water that settle on plants when the evening or morning coolness sets in.

Air always has a certain percentage of humidity. As the air cools in the evening and during the night, water vapor condenses on objects closer to the ground. Air cooling is faster in clear weather and on covered surfaces such as grass. The most abundant dew occurs where there is high humidity, in the tropical zone. If this happens in winter, then with this mechanism frost is formed.

Dew can only form on a clean surface. If there is a layer of dust on the grass, then microdroplets of dew roll along with the dust to the ground. On a clean surface, water is retained due to the rough surface of the plant.

Morning dew - beneficial properties

Dew is the result of the natural phenomenon of sublimation (distillation). Remember the water cycle in nature? Saturated vapors, when the ambient temperature changes, are distilled into microdroplets of water, which we see.

The condensate that forms on the surface of grass or other objects is distilled water without impurities of any substances. Plant cells contain various organic substances, plant pollen and minerals. A leaf soaked with moisture and a dew drop form a single body of water. According to the law of physics about osmotic pressure, plant extracts, as well as mineral salts, pass into the liquid that is on the surface of the plant.

And we know how useful our plants are, what healing properties they have, and what diseases they help people with. From here it becomes clear why dew becomes beneficial to health.

Is there a difference between evening and morning dew

It is believed that morning and evening dew affects human health in different ways.

evening dew , collected at midnight, has the following properties:

  • soothing - for nervous diseases, including insomnia,
  • wound healing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • enhancing immunity.

Evening dew was used to treat diseases, the cause of which is associated with psychological or emotional trauma, stress. Some of these diseases include angina pectoris, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, sexual disorders, neuroses and phobias.

Morning dew , collected after sunrise, has positive energy. The sun's rays, falling on a dew drop, activate some of the chemical components of the dew drop. With the help of morning dew, inflammatory diseases are treated, remission is prolonged in chronic diseases.

Dew treatment

Now almost everyone knows that various internal organs of a person are projected on the feet. Walking barefoot is nothing more than a massage of active biological points, the result of which is the stimulation of the work of specific organs.

When walking barefoot, there is a beneficial effect on blood vessels, joints, on the central nervous system, blood circulation in all organs increases. Also, when walking barefoot, the arches of the soles and the ligamentous apparatus are trained, which is the prevention of flat feet, and hardening also occurs.

Walking in the dew for people suffering from fungal diseases of the skin of the legs is very useful.

Contraindications for walking in the dew are inflammatory diseases of the joints, gout, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

In order to get the maximum benefit from dew walking, you need to walk for at least 40 minutes. This time will be enough to give the earth the accumulated static electricity, and in return receive positive energy. Even devices have established that it is after 40 minutes that the negative energy of the body decreases.

Cloth wrap

The Slavs had a way to treat many diseases by wrapping them in cloth soaked in dew. This method is good at the present time, but not everyone uses it.

Natural, better linen, thin cloth cover the grass with dew. The fabric is soaked with dew, then the body is wrapped with this fabric. Of course, it is better to wash up the day before, preferably. The fabric dipped in dew is cold and in contact with the body, the cold increases blood circulation, and the beneficial substances contained in the dew are perfectly absorbed into the skin and quickly enter the bloodstream.

With the help of this wrap, you can treat rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, headaches, impotence.

But there is a caveat. With caution, such wraps should be carried out by those who are allergic to the pollen of some plants. In this case, it is necessary to consult with an allergist or phytotherapist.

Bathing in the morning dew

On the night of Ivan Kupala (from July 6 to 7), dews are considered the most healing. At the height of summer, grasses are richest in biologically active substances. Girls and women, wishing to become more beautiful and attractive, bathed naked in the Kupala dews. Women who wished not to grow old longer went into the thickets of willow-tea and tried to get wet through with dew.

You can swim not only on this night. Just a few procedures, and the skin will remain velvety and healthy longer. Bathing in dew calms the nervous system. To strengthen your nervous system, it is best to bathe in chamomile fields on the new moon.

By itself, bathing in dew strengthens the immune system and hardens the body, which is a good prevention of colds.

Dew for the treatment of eye diseases

The healing properties of dew are good for eye diseases. If every day for 2 weeks apply compresses from a cloth soaked in morning dew for 10 minutes, then you can improve your eyesight, cure conjunctivitis, and slow down the development of cataracts without drugs. You can simply wash your eyes with morning dew.

Our weather is not constant, sometimes it rains, sometimes it's cold, and dews appear, perhaps not every day. Therefore, if you see that dew has appeared on the grass, prolong your youth and health, walk in the morning or evening dew. You will feel how wonderful it is! With the help of dew, you can most likely do without doctors.

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With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

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