Black elderberry flowers. Medicinal properties and harm of elderberry for humans. How is black elderberry used? Recipes

Black elderberry - medicinal plant used to treat and prevent many diseases. Although it contains toxic substances, this does not reduce its popularity among supporters of traditional medicine.

Black elderberry is a shrub from the honeysuckle family. It grows everywhere: in parks and squares, forests and plantings, in vegetable gardens, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Its height is 2-10 m. The leaves have an oblong ovoid shape. The plant blooms in May-June (the inflorescences have a heady aroma), and bears fruit in August-September. For treatment use: elderberry bark, leaves, inflorescences and berries.

The chemical composition of berries and inflorescences

The composition of fruits and inflorescences includes a large number of vitamins and other useful substances that help during the treatment of diseases or for their prevention.

black elder fruit

Important! Each person should know: before proceeding with the treatment of the disease with the help of elderberry, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its properties, contraindications for use, so as not to harm your health!

Harvesting fruits, leaves, bark and inflorescences

Harvesting elderberry must be taken responsibly and seriously. The condition and therapeutic functions of the collected material depend on the correctness of its implementation.

Collection of bark, leaves and roots

The bark must be collected in early spring, before the beginning active movement juice in the trunk of a shrub.

  • the bark is carefully removed from the elderberry branches (not younger than 2 years old);
  • remove glands;
  • clean off upper layer(often it is gray in color);
  • remove the bark;
  • dry it in the oven or outdoors(under direct sunlight).

All parts of the plant have beneficial properties.

A suitable period for harvesting leaves is April-May, when young greens only appear. It is dried, stored in jars or other available containers.

Unlike leaves and bark, the root is dug into autumn period. It is dried, crushed with a knife or coffee grinder, stored in jars for up to 5 years.

Harvesting berries and inflorescences

May June - right time to collect inflorescences. They are carefully cut from the branches, laid out on a flat surface in a small layer, dried in direct sunlight until they begin to break. Store in a dry place no more than 2-3 years.

Black elderberry inflorescence

Harvesting time is August or early September. Cut only ripe berries because unripe ones are poisonous. Fruit drying technology:

  • cut brushes with berries;
  • hang them in the attic or on the street (always in direct sunlight);
  • dry fruits, without stalks, are ground in a coffee grinder.

The resulting mixture is stored in a dry room for no more than six months, since in the future it loses its medicinal properties.

Useful actions of a medicinal plant

Black elderberry blanks have different purpose. Its inflorescences are used as: diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic, antipyretic high temperatures, laxative for constipation, sedative during stressful situations.

Dry berries help function gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the work hormonal glands, but fresh fruits are used in situations where you need to urgently induce vomiting.

Dry the berries in the open sun

Harmful properties, contraindications for use

Black elderberry is recommended to be used only in prescribed doses, as it can lead to poisoning. An overdose can lead to serious consequences: severe vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination, inflammation of the mucous membranes in the stomach or intestines.

Contraindications for use:

  1. Diabetes (not diabetes).
  2. Problems with the stomach and intestines, Crohn's disease.
  3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  4. High sensitivity to individual chemical components.
  5. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Important! Elderberry should not be consumed by children under 12 years of age.


Black elderberry is used not only in medicinal or preventive purposes, it is also used to prepare delicious food and various delicacies. Cooks use ripe berries to make jams, preserves, fragrant compote or jelly (has a laxative effect).

Black elderberry jam

Another feature of elderberry is the ability to dye fabrics, only ripe berries are suitable for this purpose.

Important! Red elderberry has strong toxic properties, it is not even recommended to touch it with your hands, not to mention ingestion.

Black elderberry is a natural medicine that grows almost everywhere. Its advantages are accessibility (which is very important during high prices for medicines) and wide range actions. Recipes for the preparation of elderberry infusions used by herbalists will help get rid of health problems. Try one of them, and you can test the effectiveness of the plant from personal experience.

Black elderberry jam: video

Useful properties of elderberry: photo

Almost all plants are used in folk recipes: from fruits and seeds to roots and leaves. They are used in pharmacology, traditional medicine, culinary, as a decorative decoration and other fields. A striking example of such versatile application is the black elderberry.

Black Elderberry: General Facts

Black elderberry is a shrub of the same genus, belonging to the Adox family. Her height can reach 2-6 meters, some specimens reach 10. The leaves are large, reach 30 cm and consist of 3-7 leaflets. The flowers are small, up to 8 mm, have yellowish color, some specimens are white. They are collected in inflorescences with a diameter of 10-25 cm. Elderberry blooms in late spring and early summer. The fruits are black-violet in color, the flesh is red, the berries are small, have 2-4 seeds. The fruits ripen in late summer-early autumn. It has bad smell which helps keep animals away.

Almost all parts of black elderberry contained useful material , which are used in medicine and folk recipes:

  1. The roots contain tannins and saponins;
  2. In the bark - essential oil, tannins and pectin, organic acids and sugar;
  3. The leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotene, resins, essential oil (in a small amount);
  4. Flowers are rich in organic acids, glucose, tannins, mineral salts and resins, there is also a little essential oil;
  5. The seeds contain fatty oil;
  6. In fruits - acids and amino acids, sugars, carotene, tannins.

For 100 grams of elderberries, there are 73 calories, 11.5 grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams of protein and fat.

Distribution and reproduction of elderberry

Where does black elderberry grow? You can mostly meet her. in subtropics and temperate climates. You can meet bushes:

In Russia, black elderberry grows in the south of the European part, as well as in some southern regions of Siberia. It does not grow only in Central and South Africa, as well as in South America. The plant chooses forests, edges, meadows, wastelands, roads, cemeteries and landfills. It is easy to find in the thickets of nettles and quinoa.

Growing elderberries in gardens

Many grow a plant in gardens and in the garden. For decorative purposes, special varieties are usually used, for example, "Eva" ("Black Lace") with black and pink leaves and pinkish flowers.

In order for the bushes to take root well, it is recommended to plant them on the sunny side and water them abundantly. If necessary, and for stronger growth in summer, fertilizers can be added, in early spring it is recommended to feed. When planting young bushes, it is recommended to use a mixture of part of the torus, part of sand and two parts of humus and turf.

Elderberry reproduces in several ways:

  1. Seeds: they are planted in autumn, sprouts appear by spring, which are transplanted a year later to a permanent place.
  2. Cuttings: In the summer, a green cutting is cut from the bush, the cut is processed and rooted.
  3. Withdrawal: this is the most time-consuming and effective solution. Green shoots are bent to the ground and laid in furrows, falling asleep with earth. After a year, the shoots can be carefully separated from the main bush and transplanted.

Collection and storage of elderberry

in traditional medicine mainly use flowers and fruits.

Need to store elderberry in a dry and dark place with constant air flow. The blanks are extremely capricious, easily covered with mold in the presence of moisture and dampness. They must be constantly checked and damaged ones removed.

Beneficial features

There is a legend that quite succinctly describes the healing properties of elderberry. Once, many centuries ago, a prince lost his way while hunting and came across a hut, on the porch of which an old man was sitting and crying. When asked by the prince about the reason for his sadness, the old man complained that his father had beaten him because he carelessly carried grandfather from the bench to the stove and dropped him.

Entering the hut, the prince saw two even older men, who, nevertheless, were in perfect health. They said that the secret of their longevity is in the berries of elderberry, the bush of which grows near their yard.

Elderberry is used to treat a number of diseases:

  1. For normalization metabolic processes and with violations of the digestive tract, as a diuretic and constipation;
  2. In case of influenza, viral infections, migraines, elevated temperature, as a diaphoretic and expectorant in strong cough a number of diseases;
  3. Can be used for diseases of the female reproductive system;
  4. Applicable for skin rashes, pustules, conjunctivitis;
  5. Recommended as a pain reliever sedative, to strengthen and increase immunity;
  6. Elderberry seed oil helps with gout, an infusion of the root cleanses the kidneys, a decoction of the bark will help cope with the bladder.

In addition, the plant is used for:

  1. Dyeing in dark tones of silk and cotton;
  2. How active additive in cosmetics;
  3. Branches and bark perfectly drive away ticks and pests, small rodents;
  4. When preparing jam, jam, syrup, compote, wine, they are often added to tea and pastries as a natural dye. Juice can be squeezed out of the berries, but it should be used carefully: no more than 200 ml per day and mixed in equal proportions with honey. Drink it half an hour before meals.

Multiple Recipes

Elderberry is used in the form of infusions and decoctions..

Also elderberry can be used outside:

  1. For rheumatism, gout and ear pain: chamomile and elder flowers are mixed in equal amounts, tied in a gauze bag, scalded with boiling water and applied to a sore spot.
  2. For inflammation, diaper rash and burns: boil young leaves in milk for 5 minutes, then apply to the skin.

It must be remembered that the elderberry plant is poisonous. A weak poison is contained in the entire bush, except for the pulp of berries and flowers, but it is still present in the seeds. When using berries, they need to be from the pulp.

It is possible to carry out treatment with elderberry only after consulting a doctor and in strict accordance with his recommendations. The plant is contraindicated:

  1. With allergies and individual intolerance;
  2. During pregnancy and during the period of feeding a child;
  3. In the presence of diabetes insipidus and stomach ulcers;
  4. Children under 12 years old.

Black elderberry has and row side effects, which can manifest itself with excessive use of the plant. Most often it is vomiting, nausea and other symptoms of poisoning. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that elderberry is especially dangerous for animals - you should not allow them to use it.


A relative of black elderberry - red elderberry - is extremely dangerous in any form. It is very poisonous, but both species can be distinguished only at the very beginning of their maturation. If you are not sure, do not pick berries in new places. Herbaceous elder can bring no less harm.

In no case do not eat unripe berries- they can cause severe poisoning.


Black elderberry is a remedy often used in folk medicine to help cope with a variety of diseases. It can be used fresh or dry, dried for future use or bought at a pharmacy. It must be remembered that the plant is poisonous, and therefore its use as a medicine must be agreed with the doctor.


Trying to cure any diseases, improve their general condition, humanity often turns to natural sources for useful properties. For example, medicinal properties black elderberries have been known for hundreds of years.

The plant is a tall shrub with a lush crown and delicate inflorescences. Why is black elderberry so useful, when is it used and what contraindications does it have? Consider the medicinal properties and contraindications.

Description, photo, how to choose

The flowers of the plant must be collected during the flowering period of the shrub, leaves and bark at the end of summer, and the rhizome in autumn. Drying of all elements is best done in a dry room. naturally. The petals darken during drying, and the fruits dry out several times.

The elderberry sold in the pharmacy meets all the stated requirements of GOST that are applied to the plant. Its other names are baz, baznik, bugilla, buzok, sambuk.

Fresh berries should have a persistent aroma and firm texture.

Composition of berries and flowers

The plant has a complex composition. Each part of it has its own set of useful substances..

  • Inflorescences contain resin, sugar, mucus, mineral salts, glycosides, organic acids (malic, valeric, coffee, acetic, chlorogenic), paraffin-like and tannins, carotene, essential oil, sanguinarine, rutin;
  • in fresh leaves - carotene and ascorbic acid, in dry ones - essential oil, provitamin A1, resins;
  • in the roots tannins and saponins;
  • the bark contains triterpene compounds, sugars, phytosterols, cetyl alcohol, tannins/pectic substances, betulin, choline;
  • plant fruits contain carboxylic acids, sugars, amino acids, essential oils, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, sambucin, carotene, chrysanthemum, rutin;
  • present in the seeds fatty oil and sambunigrin.

The plant contains histidine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, alanine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, magnesium, sodium, fiber and dietary fiber, ash.

100 g of the product accounts for: fats - 0.48 g, proteins - 1.02 g, carbohydrates - 18.64 g, dietary fiber- 7.21 g.

The calorie content of the product is 73 kcal. Glycemic index product is 40.

What are the benefits of fruits

Plant impact:

  • antiviral;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • bactericidal;
  • antihemorrhoidal;
  • diuretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • choleretic;
  • lactic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • soothing;
  • laxative;
  • antipyretic;
  • astringent;
  • restorative;
  • decongestant.

Benefits for the body

Among positive properties product:

For women and men

The plant copes with various gynecological diseases . Helps reduce pain during menstruation, improves mood.

Elderberry will also be useful for the male part of the population.. This product can be used in combination with other herbs for acute, exacerbated chronic prostatitis.

It also helps with impotence caused by diabetes.

For pregnant women

It is not recommended to use elderberry during pregnancy uncontrollably, because it can harm the health of the baby and mother. Consuming this product in moderation will relieve constant fatigue, improve general state, will strengthen the immune system.

Allowed during pregnancy but you should consult your doctor before taking it.

On the pages of our site you will also learn about the use of plants in traditional medicine.

Do you know how useful linden flowers? Description healing properties look for plants, recipes for making decoctions.

For kids

The plant improves the memory of the child and increases concentration, soothes nervous system teenager.

In spite of obvious benefit elderberry for child's body, it is not recommended to give it to children whose age is less than twelve years.

For the elderly

For diseases musculoskeletal system may also apply. This plant stabilizes arterial pressure which is important for all elderly patients.

For special categories

If you are allergic to any product, then do not rush to start treatment. Try a few berries; if after a few hours the allergy does not appear, then the product is safe, it can be consumed without exceeding the norm for food.

The tool can also be used for diabetes to stabilize the level.


Elderberry is a poisonous shrub, the toxicity of which is growing every year. Therefore, for treatment, it is necessary to collect raw materials from a two-year or one-year-old bush.

The main contraindications for admission - allergic reaction, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.

With increased caution should be taken by people who are diagnosed with:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • the first trimester of pregnancy: at this time the fetus is born, all vital organs are formed;
  • diabetes.

Reception of the plant is allowed from 12 years.

In case of exceeding the maximum allowable rate are celebrated increased urination, vomit, general weakness, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness.

Admission rules

Before using the berries of this plant, they should be washed.

  • infusions, decoctions should be taken 1/3 cup half an hour before meals;
  • infusion from the rhizome can be taken in 2 tbsp. l. every two hours;
  • alcohol infusion should be taken in 30 ml that are diluted with water;
  • powders, ointments based on this component must be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.


Buzok is actively used in cooking as the main component.

For weight loss

Sambuc is often used for weight loss.. To achieve the result, it is added to tea or another drink. It will enhance the benefits of sports, massages, diets. The drug has a laxative, diuretic effect.

The product normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restores lipid, carbohydrate metabolism, reduces appetite.

Traditional medicine recipes

Basnik is used as the main ingredient in the preparation of various decoctions / infusions. Let's look at some of them.

  • Ripe elderberry helps with constipation to be washed cold water in bunches. When the water drains, cut off the steps and pour the berries into the pan.

    Add sugar to this mixture (1 cup per 1 kg of berries), boil. Boil 10-25 minutes. When cooking, you should carefully monitor the berries, because. elderberry can "run away" more than milk.

    The mixture is best placed in steamed jars and twist them. The resulting puree take 3 tbsp. l. three times a day.

  • Collected leaflets help with hyperthyroidism, which are steamed, squeezed out. From the mixture obtained, it is necessary to make a compress, which is placed on the neck. The leaves are laid out in five layers, sprinkling them with soda. The neck must be covered with a newspaper and covered with a warm shawl or scarf.
  • Elderberry infusion is also useful for varicose veins veins as a tonic, anti-inflammatory agent. The tincture can be used for internal reception, and for compresses, trays, lotions.

    To prepare this mixture, you will need dried fruits - 10 g, cold water- 400 ml. Berries should be filled with water and put in a dark room for 12-15 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup four times a day. Take 15 minutes before meals.

The duration of taking the drug is 10-14 days. Treatment can be resumed after a ten-day break.

In cosmetology

Black elderberry is actively used for cooking various masks and lotions.

  • An elderberry-based mask will help soften and tone the skin.. To prepare it, you need to take cereals- 2 tbsp. l., milk - 0.5 cups, elderberry - 2 tbsp. l. All components must be mixed. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face.
  • At bold type skin needs to be compressed, for the preparation of which you need one tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the flowers of the plant.

In the good old days, when doctors became solely by vocation, the call of the heart and soul, the healing properties of black elderberry berries and flowers were effectively used to relieve many serious ailments: tuberculosis, all forms of cancer, bile stasis, kidney disease, malaria, dropsy, gout.

And today it is part of some medicinal herbal preparations, from the pharmacy. The effective medicinal properties of black elderberry flowers are recognized official medicine actively used by traditional healers.

Many centuries folk healers, and today medical luminaries recognize the special effectiveness of the use of inflorescences, they are often recommended for the treatment of many ailments.

  • At colds, sore throats, pneumonia from fresh, dried umbrellas are prepared healing decoctions, water infusions, tinctures on alcohol or vodka. They soften, act as an expectorant, relieve inflammatory reactions mucous membranes, relieve fever and headache.
  • Extracts from flowers - warm tea, elderberry honey, decoctions and infusions are drunk to relieve puffiness when kidney disease as well as inflammation genitourinary system and hemorrhoids.
  • Quickly cure joint pain in arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism compresses from tincture of flowers on vodka, alcohol or therapeutic baths with decoctions. During exacerbations, it is recommended to drink infusions of black elderberry flowers, for which they are steamed in a thermos for 1 hour.
  • Simultaneous external and internal application decoction of elderberry flowers greatly increases the effectiveness of treatment inflammatory processes any kind.
  • Medicinal properties of black elderberry flowers in conjunction with linden honey excellent help against insomnia, neuralgia, atherosclerosis. (Read also.)
  • Baths, lotions of black elderberry flowers cure almost any skin problems. acute diseases: sores, burns, rash of various etiologies.
  • Severe climatic disorders remarkably calms.

Invigorating kvass, warm tea have unique restorative remedies for immunity.

Medicinal properties of elderberries

The fruits have a wonderful disinfectant effect. The scope of black elderberry jam, tea, decoctions, tinctures is very wide. Berry juices facilitate the treatment of stomach ulcers, intestines, hemorrhoids. In fact, with any illness, they will bring relief, due to the unique useful properties black elder:

  • berries are rich in vitamins C, PP, B, A, E, which activate the growth and reproduction of healthy cells;
  • they contain easily digestible sugars: glucose, fructose, which contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • they contain a lot of biologically active acids, enzymes, tannins, glycosides that prevent the development of pathogens;
  • a huge amount of antioxidants that help slow down aging.
  • a large number of phytoncides contained in berries, flowers, kills malicious microorganisms exclusively in short time, so the fruits and inflorescences - excellent tool from contracting any infectious disease.

Medicinal properties of black elderberry and folk recipes on its basis are widely used as a tonic for the speedy increase in immunity, improve blood composition, increase hemoglobin.

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The fruits have a high diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anthelmintic, antipyretic effect. They have an excellent diuretic, choleretic, laxative effect. Tea from inflorescences, fruits will help to cope with fever, prevent the development of fever.

In Bulgaria, elderberries and flowers have long been used in the treatment of skin cancer, larynx and tuberculosis.

It is often used to effectively prevent prostatitis, rectal cancer.

In addition, black fragrant sweet and sour berries are considered unique means against atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. Just 5 fruits a day are enough for the vessels to become clean and elastic after 2 months.


The beneficial properties of flowers and fruits of black elderberry have long been recognized in all countries of the world, since contraindications to their use are minimal:

However, it is not useful for everyone: you can not use funds for babies, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

In addition, the use of elderberry is excluded for some chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, allergies, diabetes. Be sure to consult a doctor if you or your loved ones decide to start treatment.

The dosed amount of infusion from fruits, inflorescences during treatment is also required to be agreed with the doctor individually.

Elder against pests

Elderberry bushes are an excellent remedy for removing harmful mosquitoes, dung flies, voracious midges and rodents from the site - they do not tolerate them. Therefore, you can plant elderberry near compost heaps and about open window to the house. And most importantly, long years people planted black elderberry near their homes not only to get rid of body diseases, but also to protect against evil spirits that encroach on immortal soul. Who knows, maybe they were right, they knew more about elderberry than we know today.

The fruits of the Black Elder have been harvested since prehistoric times. Elder bones, along with other "leftovers" were found in excavations of Neolithic sites. In ancient times, the black elderberry was grown specifically for the fruit. It was known during the time of Pliny, who recommended the flowers for colds.

Elderberry names

Black elderberry is called: Buzovnik, Sambuk, Pustorosl, Pishchalnik

Where does black elderberry grow

Black elder grows in nature in deciduous forests, in Western Europe, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where it reaches a height of 10 m and looks like a tree.

Black elderberry grows in deciduous, less often in coniferous forests, among shrubs, on overgrown cutting areas, in forest plantations and forest belts. Bred in parks and gardens.

What does black elderberry look like

black elderberry: small tree or shrub 3 to 10 meters high. The crown is rounded, the bark on old trunks is ash-brown with deep longitudinal cracks, on young shoots it is darker, gray-brown, with numerous yellowish lenticels. Trunk up to 30 cm in diameter. Young shoots are filled inside with a soft white core.

Elder flowers: small, fragrant, five-petalled, yellowish-white. Collected in large inflorescences.

Black elderberry leaves: with 5-7 lanceolate, pointed at the end of the lobes with a serrated edge. Dark green above, lighter below.

Elder fruit: juicy, black-purple, berry-like drupes with 2-4 shriveled, brown pits. The plant is shade tolerant. It reproduces vegetatively, by basal offspring and seeds.

Flowering time of black elderberry

Black Elderberry blooms from the age of three from May to July. Elderberry fruits ripen in August-September.

Collection and harvesting of the Black Elderberry

AT medicinal purposes harvest flowers and fruits of black elderberry.

Flowers of black elderberry collected during full flowering in May - June. The collected inflorescences of Elderberry are dried in attics, in sheds, in good weather - under open sky. Then the flowers are separated from the pedicels. Dried flowers have a faint aroma and a sweetish taste.

Berries of black elderberry harvested in the period of full ripeness, in August - September, dried in dryers or in ovens at a temperature of 60-65 ° C, in sunny weather- open air. Dry berries of black elderberry are odorless, have a sour-sweet taste.

In ancient times, the Germanic and Slavic peoples black elder was considered a sacred plant, but with the exact opposite attitude towards it. In Germany they believed black elderberry treatment plant witches, and everyone he who cuts it down falls under their power. Therefore, keeping an elder tree near the house was considered tantamount to calling on oneself in trouble, it could not be used for fuel and any things made from it. If it was necessary to cut down the elder, the man had to ask her for forgiveness. Later, the elder was revered as a sacred tree of the goddess of fertility Freya, and even later in Western Europe it was believed that the traitor Judas hanged himself on the elder.

The Slavs, on the contrary, considered the elder as a refuge for good spirits. who are not allowed in the yard evil spirit. In Czechoslovakia, there was a custom according to which the girl received from the groom 2 black elderberry seedlings, one of which she had to plant at the house, and the second - at the barn.

Healing properties of black elderberry

Black elder as a medicinal plant has been known since the Middle Ages.

Elderberry flowers have diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. The leaves have diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and "blood purifying" properties. The bark has a strong laxative, emetic and diuretic effect. It is especially valuable that the diuretic property of the cortex manifests itself selectively, without affecting the activity of the heart and without changing blood pressure.

The use of black elderberry

An infusion of flowers is taken orally for colds, dry coughs, edema, kidney disease, rheumatism, gout, arthritis and as a means of increasing the body's resistance to skin diseases(rashes, acne, "boils").

Infusions of berries are used as a mild laxative.

Baths from a decoction of roots and branches are used for rheumatism.

AT scientific medicine an infusion of elderberry flowers is used as a diaphoretic for colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, kidney diseases and Bladder and with neuralgia.

Elder flowers are part of diaphoretic, emollient, laxative and throat gargling preparations.

The smell of black elderberry flowers repels cockroaches, other insects, rats and mice.

Berries are used for food y. Harmless purple dye for the food industry is produced from black elderberry berries.

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