Reincarnation of the soul - how people and animals are reborn and how karma affects this. Cats Have an Immortal Soul How Do Dogs Reincarnate?

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No energy on earth is taken from anywhere and does not go anywhere. Old as the world. The soul is nothing but plexus of energies in man or animal.

There is a lot of controversy about whether cat breeds have souls. There is no need to delve into the controversy, because the answer is on the surface: animals yearn, cry, rejoice. And this is not a manifestation of an exclusively physical essence, namely, spiritual qualities.

Souls of relatives come to animals

Do you believe in reincarnation? This concept has a more scientific name - soul reincarnation. Have you ever noticed that pets acquire external features similar to their owners? Do you think the time factor? Surely, everyone has close people, dear to the heart and memory, whose souls went to heaven. Take a closer look at your tailed striped. Remember if his appearance in your house is so accidental, and how the decision came to acquire a fluffy pet.

The mystical debate about reincarnation never came to a consensus. Some firmly believe that the soul of a person after death is sent exclusively to the human physical body. Others suggest that transmigration of souls into animals is a real possibility. And not unreasonably.

Warm spiritual relations in the family are the rallying of kindred souls. And when one of them leaves the earth, she seeks to approach her family in any guise. It is impossible not to recognize, not to feel, to miss. Therefore, on your way there are offers to purchase a red cat or a white (blond) cat. And it’s even cooler when this little tricolor lump, chilled by autumn rain and wind, accompanies you with a piercing look of honey eyes at your entrance in the hope that you will take it and bring it into the house. For him, new and big, but so dear and familiar.

Earthly habits - imprints in the soul

With the advent of the tricolor once homeless happiness, life takes on a different meaning. The baby immediately goes to the ladies' room, where you can powder your nose and pokes at the place where tomorrow there will be a personal tray. Then he carefully walks into the kitchen, to his favorite stool, which no one occupies for half a year ... And so far there are no signs, no indications in this. Just a new member of the family mastering new possessions.

Strange feelings come after. When bowls for personal food and water from under the table migrate to the end of your favorite stool. But how is it? Just a strong-willed gesture of claws, and the dishes cover a distance of half a meter to a cozy place. When a fresh yolk, cottage cheese and boiled goby with porridge are sniffed for a long time and tasted with a paw. Carefully and delicately, like a cutlery, a pink pillow with a delicacy is brought to the muzzle. And only then does the tasting begin. Something is captured in this intelligence, familiar and native.

The growing baby accompanies the apartment everywhere: everything is needed and everything is interesting. And, sitting on the windowsill, he closely follows all the culinary manipulations that take place at the table. Well, of course, who else will control the presence of all the ingredients and spices in the dish.

An accident that changes lives

What drives a furry creature to escort you to the door to work, and then rush headlong to a meeting after an eight-hour work separation? Responding to the name, the pet does not just rush, she shares all the news that happened during the day. She doesn't purr, she talks in her cat language, but you understand everything.

She carefully sits on the window sill with orchids, looks at each flower with love in her eyes, walking between the pots. She doesn’t naughty and doesn’t dig the ground, she enjoys. She is sad with you, putting her head in her hands, incinerates with a look of honey eyes in which you read: everything will pass, we are together! And there is no doubt that on that rainy September evening, the baby did not accidentally end up at your entrance.

Take a look at your pets. Perhaps, in the habits and habits of pets, you will see something familiar and painfully familiar.

Reincarnation of the soul: incredible, but true

Scientists explain the feelings of deja vu and the memory of past years precisely by the reincarnation of the soul into a new body. Moreover, karmic debts are embodied in the earthly problems of a new personality. If the soul did not have time to translate all desires into reality during life or led a sinful way of existence, the relocation of the soul into a new body will continue to work off debts.

The fact of the presence of moles, spots on the body of people and animals is also explained. These signs broadcast that in a past life the body experienced physical exertion, beatings. But the memory of the past is inaccessible to either people or animals. All actions are performed intuitively, but exactly as the soul desires. Therefore, each entity has its own line of life, destiny. A successful, happy reality is given to those whose predecessors led a righteous life. Being spent in honest labors and helping those in need.

It is believed that the relocation of the soul of a person into a cat occurs to work off karmic debts, and if on merit, then to a loving family. Also, scientific facts say that the life of the soul in a cat is the ninth in a row and the last on earth. Then the soul goes to eternity. Help souls to go through life with dignity.

The article gives a general idea of ​​what can be considered a soul in pets, and presents the most popular points of view that provide answers to the main questions on this topic.

But do not forget that every opinion is subjective and it is extremely difficult to say for sure and with absolute certainty something on this issue, because a situation is being considered, the solution of which has not yet been presented or reliably proven by anyone.

Do dogs and cats have a soul according to the Bible, the opinion of psychics, Orthodoxy, arguments

The Bible says in the blood of the cattle is the soul (Genesis 9:1). Psychics say that cats and dogs have a soul, some of them believe that the soul separates from the body during sleep, then returns back.

Where does the soul of a dog go after death?

To answer the question of where the soul goes, you need to be sure of the existence of heaven and hell, because according to the majority, the human soul goes there. No one can say for sure about the existence of the afterlife.

The death of a dog in the house, if a person in the family is sick, left the house, which means

The death of a dog in the house has long been considered a bad omen, expect trouble.

If the person is sick, the dog has left the house. Don't wait for recovery.

Causes of death of a dog during pregnancy

- Large fruit.

- Violation of blood circulation.

- Weak tribal activity.

Sometimes there are situations when a pet, for some reason, painfully leaves this world. Serious illness, injury, poisoning, or other cause. In this case, it is better to resort to euthanasia. Over time, grief is replaced by warm memories. It is impossible to let go of a beloved friend without worrying.

The dog died what to do next, how to explain to the child whether it is worth starting a new one

For a child, this can be a real stress, it is better to try to explain that the dog died and went to heaven, she will be fine there. In no case do not get a new pet right away, it will be a replacement. But a dog is not a toy, it is impossible to forget it on the second day after death. Bury the animal with the child, go to the grave with him.

Dog death from old age symptoms and how to know that she is dying

The dog becomes less agile. Eats less. Increases sleep time. Lack of sexual activity. A change in appearance, the coat becomes gray, some parts suffer from baldness. Teeth fall out.

Sudden dog death causes and symptoms

Sudden death can be caused by:

- Poisoning.
- Heart diseases.
- Pneumothorax.
- Collapse of the trachea.
- Foreign body in the throat.

Dog death from poisoning signs

Depending on the toxic substance, the signs may be different. Once in the body, the poison affects the central nervous system, organs, and skin. Most often, the dog falls, convulsing, foaming at the mouth, vomiting, grinding teeth. Too active, consciousness is not clear, or vice versa, they are lethargic and depressed.

Can dogs feel their owner's death?

There are many stories in which they tell how a dog, sensing the imminent death of its owner, began to behave differently, whine or warn in some other way. It is not uncommon for a dog to save its owner from death.

Esoteric dog soul

It is believed that the soul turns to dust.

Clinical death in a dog happens or not, from a tick bite, heart attack, heart failure, during and after childbirth, from anesthesia, rat poison

Clinical death happens.

If you do not provide assistance, death after the bite of an infected tick will occur on 3-7 days.

Forgive me in advance. Perhaps my problem will seem like complete nonsense to you, but I ask you to show respect for my misfortune ...

I buried my kitty the day before yesterday. She was old, she was sick ... My only consolation is that there is one more left, she helps me, we are experiencing a common grief together, she even lost her appetite. I stumbled across these words:

“It will seem incredible, and yet miracles are possible: there is a chance to help a four-legged friend be reborn, undergo reincarnation. In any case, I succeeded - and more than once. Reincarnation can be initiated not only by a magician, but also by any person who loves his pet very much and does not want to put up with his “leaving”. What is needed for that?

1. You must love your pet very much, treat him not as a toy, fun, but as a full member of the family, respect his feelings and desires. If love is true, you will definitely succeed!

2. To have cats or dogs among the familiar owners: animals are needed that can give your departed pet a new body (give birth to puppies or kittens).

3. Mentally “book” a body for a reincarnated animal even before pregnancy. To do this, place your open palm on the head or belly of the “potential mother” and, gently stroking her, looking into her eyes, agree with her, solemnly pronouncing (out loud or to yourself) the following words: “If you give birth to four puppies (kittens), then one of them is mine, the soul of my Sharik will move into it.

4. Fourth condition: hang a photo of your pet on the wall and look at it more often, and also remember the best moments of your friendship.

If you follow these simple conditions correctly - expect a refund!

Look at newborn puppies or kittens, as soon as they open their eyes and take their first steps, you will definitely recognize the one who has returned! From the very first days, such babies have a look like that of adult animals: they look as if they know some Secret, look with curiosity: will the owner recognize them?

I already scrolled through the search plan in my head. But then, almost immediately, I stumbled upon a forum about the souls of animals, in which Kryon says that external resemblance is not necessary at all and that you need to immediately look for a new animal, and I should also supposedly recognize him by behavior ... And we, when we were walking from the funeral of our Vestochka, we just met a cat in our yard, which ran towards us, holding a month-old kitten by the neck. Is this a sign??? But tell me, how is reincarnation possible if this baby was born long before the death of our girl??? There is no limit to our grief, advise how to be ...

3 August 10 - Omkara

Hello Cat Soul

Sorry for the delay in answering, just at that time I had a similar situation - my beloved laptop died. I had to spend a lot of time trying to "resuscitate" it, and then buying, assembling and mastering a new computer, as well as answering questions and messages that had accumulated during my forced "vacation".

First, I will answer simpler, so to speak, technical questions, and then I will move on to more essential things. You write: “... you need to immediately look for a new animal, and I also supposedly have to recognize it by its behavior ...” If there is at least some logic in this instruction, then the author must have meant “taking into account the time required for animal development in the womb. The soul enters the womb at the moment of conception. You are right: a one-month-old kitten, born long before your cat's death, could not be the next incarnation of the soul that lived in her body. The time sequence must be followed: first, the exit from the body (death), then the entry into the egg with the sperm, the period of development of the embryo, and, finally, a new birth. I once read on the news that a man somewhere in Central America claimed to be the reincarnation of Pope John Paul II. Moreover, this man was born long before the death of this pope, from which it follows that, apparently, not everything is in order with him, even with elementary logic.

Further. Of course, you may want this soul to incarnate again next to you in a cat's body, but you need to understand that it may have a completely different karma. The Vedas say that after staying in the bodies of the representatives of the cat family, the soul receives a human body. Perhaps that soul was destined to live in a cat's body for the last time (in this cycle of evolutionary ascent), and now it will be born in a human body (especially since death was natural, which means that there are no obstacles to further evolution associated with violent death) . And you will wait for her to be born to a neighbor's cat.

In another “instruction” you cited, it is written: “... you will definitely recognize the one who has returned! From the very first days, such babies have a look like that of adult animals: they look as if they know some Secret, look with curiosity: will the owner recognize them? Maybe you will know, anything can happen. Or maybe you will just imagine that you have found out, but in fact you will have no way of knowing for sure whether the same soul has incarnated next to you again.

Now a more significant point. You, unfortunately, have entered so deeply into the “consciousness of a cat” (as opposed to the consciousness of God, which we are trying to teach in our School), that even when you see some random cat with a kitten, you think: “Isn’t this a sign?” Yes, this is a sign, there are no accidents in life. But this is a sign that you have become so attached to the cat that you now think about it all the time (at least it was in early June when you asked the question).

Why have you developed such an attachment to the cat that you never want to part with it? You seem to understand that each of us is a spirit soul, not a body, and someone might think that your attachment to the soul that was in the body of your cat is spiritual, but in fact it is material, based on an illusion. You are trying to take refuge in something that cannot be a real refuge. Love for a cat will not make you happy and will not help you avoid the dangers that this world is full of. Even if the same soul is next to you in a new cat body, it still does not solve the problem of where you will go when you have to leave the body. Each of us is a child of God, and we need to develop a relationship with Him, only in this is salvation. There must be wisdom. We offer people a path of wisdom that begins with understanding who we are and what our natural position and function is, our relationship with God. And then you can learn more and more about God from the Vedic scriptures and from the holy teachers - there is a lot of information! Through this process sadhana bhakti, the main place in which meditation on the names of God occupies, one can actually know God.

Therefore, we will not advise you to make an effort and try to help the soul that was temporarily in the body of your cat to reincarnate into a new cat body near you. You ask how to be. Recently, I already answered this question, asked on a different occasion (“What have I done that my beloved men leave me? How to be? "), - read. In essence, the answer to all such questions is the same - "Engage in self-awareness." This is what we try to teach on our site, and not only on it.

Understand that the soul of your dead cat is a child of God, and He cares for her, just as He cares for you. Let her go further, where she is destined by fate. Why are you attached to this particular soul? Anyone else could have taken her place. It is just a material attachment, not based on knowledge - temporary, like everything material. A new cat will appear, completely different - you will become attached to it in the same way if you do not develop attachment to God, the spiritual world. Two months have passed since your question - perhaps the severity of your problem has already been removed. Time does heal. But the flow of problems in this world, connected with birth, illness, old age and death, is endless: one leaves - another comes. Finally, you need to start becoming wiser, otherwise you yourself risk being in a cat's body. Srimad-Bhagavatam describes in detail the story of Bharata Maharaja, who became very attached to a deer and as a result had to take birth in the body of a deer. Here's what he says about it A. C. Bhaktivedanta With you:

Even such an exalted devotee, who had already developed loving attachment to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, could not maintain his spiritual position and fell down because of animal attachment. Later in this chapter it is explained that due to attachment to a deer, Maharaja Bharata had to take birth as a deer himself. If this happened even to Maharaja Bharata, then what about those people who are attached to their cats and dogs but have not achieved anything in spiritual life? Because of their love for their four-legged friends, they will be forced to become cats or dogs themselves in their next life. If we do not develop love for the Supreme Lord, if we do not strengthen our faith in Him, we will certainly develop this or that material attachment. They are the cause of our material slavery.

From the commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.8.12

I do not at all advocate treating pets as a toy that you can throw away at any time without regret, finding another fun for yourself. But if you develop a relationship with God, you will truly love all living beings. And this love will be based on knowledge. You will love them, but you will not need them, they will not be your shelter, because you will have a real shelter and a real master - God, the Supreme Personality, the most attractive and perfect.


The woman is very attached to her recently deceased cat and wants the cat's soul to return to her as a result of reincarnation. The answer explains how such a consciousness can threaten a woman herself.

Not "the woman will become a cat", but the soul, which is now in the female body, can receive the body of a cat. The soul does not become anyone, it remains the same as always, but moves from one body to another, and mental abilities and how the soul perceives itself and the world around it depend on the type of body. We are not talking about the transformation of the body into a body (this, of course, does not happen), but about the formation of your personality, or soul, which is now in the female body, like in a spacesuit, "consciousness of a cat." It is this consciousness at the time of death that causes the next body to be a cat. This means the loss of the human form of life. Being in the human body, the soul has the opportunity to engage in self-awareness - develop a relationship with God. All the great sages and spiritual masters say that this is the greatest value, and the loss of the human form of life is considered a great misfortune. The current authorities in spiritual science consider the transition to lower forms of life and the loss of the human mind (and with it the opportunity to develop a relationship with God) an event highly undesirable.

26 March 13 - Svarog

My cat died on Sunday, which was with me for 13 years. I came across this question here. I perfectly understand the woman who asked him. Maybe we just can't express our thoughts correctly. For me, my cat was a joy, a piece of warmth and happiness, we gave each other our love. And first of all, attachment to this, and then only to the body, where all this is embodied. Now there are her bowls, food, basket, toys and things. There was the smell of her and scratches from the claws on her hand. And the cat is gone. And it felt like a piece of my heart had been ripped out. You are talking about fellowship with God. I asked, prayed as best I could for the preservation of her life and health, so that God would give her His love and save her. And I can say that I was heard. Everything terrible was over and things were on the mend. And suddenly they called and said that the kitty was no more - her heart stopped and they could not resuscitate. I understand that this is the will of God and it is impossible for us to comprehend His plan. And I believe that God chose the best for her than I could give. But this faith is blind. And we ourselves, like little blind children, are trying to do something, we are tearing our hair out, back and forth, it didn’t help, let’s do something else. And so on ad infinitum. Or maybe it was necessary to do something other than take them to different clinics and to different specialists. And not to do the operation, but just to pray with the right words in the right place. Maybe I went against the will of God all this time and with my actions doomed the kitty to torment, trials before death? The main thing is not the questions themselves, but the fact that I do not know the answer. I'll just "live on".

31 May 13 - Omkara

And it's just the death of a beloved animal. Can you imagine the death of a loved one? By the way, I advise you to read the article on this link. When my aunt's beloved husband died, it caused her incredible suffering. I gave her a printout of this article to read, and she appreciated it.

Buddhists say: "If you do not want to experience suffering and pain, do not get attached to anyone or anything." But this is impossible, because it is a property of the soul to become attached to another soul. This is our nature, which can neither be canceled nor suppressed.

So what should we do if we don't want to suffer? We Vaishnavas have another solution - to become attached to God, the Supreme Soul. Not to ask Him to fulfill our will - "Don't let my cat die", "Don't let my mother die", "Don't let my child die", but to become attached to Him as a person. God is a person, and the most beautiful, the most attractive. Therefore His name is Krishna, which means "all-attractive." My spiritual master says that Krishna is more attractive than all the beautiful women, beautiful men and cute children put together. And than all the cute cats. But the difference is that attachment to Krishna is a source of incomparable bliss, while attachment to the people and animals of this world inevitably leads to suffering. Don't want to suffer anymore? (An intelligent person doesn't want to.) Well then, do something in terms of self-realization and God-realization. Start exploring this site for example. Otherwise, the painful experience will be repeated over and over again.

And it makes no sense to scroll through all these options in your head. You can come up with hundreds of scenarios, but in reality only one is realized, because it is he who is sanctioned by God. On it is the divine seal: "To fulfillment." Man proposes, but God disposes. The one whom God wants to kill, no one can protect, and the one whom God wants to protect, no one can kill. What happens to a particular soul is the result of its personal karma, and we can only be instruments in its implementation. But we think that so much depends on our actions. Karma means action. What will happen to us depends on our karma, and what will happen to other souls is determined by their actions in the past (but not in animal incarnations, but in human ones, animals do not have “actions”, but only “behavior”) . If you think that you are guilty of something, you can ask for forgiveness, but do not forget that God and only God controls the entire course of events. Is this answer not enough for you? If you know this answer, the pettiness of all other questions with their answers becomes obvious and it remains only to develop a relationship with the Supreme Lord, who has many names, including Vishnu, Rama, Narayana and Krishna.

The reincarnation of the soul is a rather mysterious phenomenon, about which practically nothing is known, but there are more than enough theories. Find out what affects the quality of life in the next incarnation, what makes life difficult for the current incarnation, and how animals are reborn.

In the article:

Reincarnation of the soul or spirit

Almost everyone knows that the reincarnation of the soul is its relocation to another physical body after death. That is, if you believe, after death, the intangible component of the human body does not die along with the physical body. She lives the next incarnation.

35 steps of reincarnation

Incarnation and reincarnation are completely different concepts. incarnation is a single embodiment of the human soul. Reincarnation is, in fact, the phenomenon of transmigration of souls. A lot of facts have been recorded that indicate that the transmigration of souls is not an invention of esotericists, but a real-life phenomenon. This phenomenon is categorically incompatible with the Christian worldview - Christians believe that a person can have only one life. In general, the attitude to the reincarnation of different religions is a separate issue.

There is an opinion that it is the spirit that reincarnates, not the soul. One particular person can have several souls. The soul is an energy-informational entity, which is the body of a person's memory, or rather, of his particular incarnation. The soul of a dead person exists in our world for some time, when his spirit has already followed its path further.

Transmigration of the soul after death - various theories

The theory of reincarnation is the only thing that can lift the veil of secrecy. This phenomenon has been repeatedly studied by scientists, parapsychologists and esotericists who lived at different times. For example, the idea of ​​rebirth was supported by the 19th century esotericist. However, there is no exact information about this phenomenon. This knowledge is not available to humanity at the moment. But there are many guesses that are considered generally accepted.

One of them says that the transmigration of the soul after death always occurs in the human body of the opposite sex. In other words, if you are a woman, then in your next life you will be a man. You were male in the last incarnation. The alternation of gender is considered necessary for balance when the spirit gains experience necessary for further development.

Sometimes the uncovering of the soul of the previous incarnation affects the qualities that appear in the new incarnation. For example, these are female character traits in men or, on the contrary, qualities inherent in men in women. A personality formed in a past life can manifest itself in future incarnations. Adherents of the theory of the transmigration of souls attribute split personality to disorders in which the past incarnation is “guilty”.

The transition from the animal form to the human form is called by most authors a natural phenomenon, considering the transition from the human form to the animal form impossible. However, not everyone agrees with this opinion. Sometimes you can hear that the soul of a person can only move into the body of a person. There is another opinion - the rebirth of the soul after death can occur in the body as a person, like an animal, or even a plant or stone.

It is believed that the transmigration of the soul into the human body can occur only in the fourth month of pregnancy. After the birth of a child, the memory of past lives is turned off. Most people do not remember their past lives, but children often talk about events that they could never have known about. This is often described in the reincarnation literature. General impressions about the path traveled before the new birth almost always remain. It is they that are felt by people who are trying to remember past lives using various techniques.

There is another unusual theory of reincarnation in the roles of actors. According to her, this is a temporary phenomenon. When an actor plays a role, the role is played by him - almost everyone has heard this expression. Many famous artists agree with him. Perhaps that is why the acting craft was not approved by the church for a long time. For some time, it was customary for actors to be buried outside the cemetery fence, as their souls were considered corrupted.

The theory of reincarnation also tries to look into what happens after all the lessons have been learned by the spirit. Our world is a school for young, immature spirits. What will happen after it? Most likely, after graduating from school on planet Earth, the spirit will have to receive a "higher education", and then work in the chosen direction. Of course, these are rough comparisons, but the meaning is generally clear. Another example of reincarnation is shown in the movie Avatar.

How a person's karma affects his next incarnations

Karma of a person is the main factor that affects what his next incarnations will be. Almost every person knows what karmic debts are - these are mistakes made in a past life that will have to be corrected in the present. In addition, there is also family karma - the influence of the karma of the clan, the family on the life of each of its individual members. However, this is a completely different topic, we will return to it later.

Each incarnation has its own karmic tasks.
They are exhibited by the very spirit of a person who has decided to receive the appropriate lessons. If you believe this, it turns out that your life is the way you yourself chose it for a specific purpose.

Do not forget about working on the mistakes of past incarnations. For example, if you mocked ugly people, you can get a serious flaw in the next incarnation. Thus, the spirit understands what consequences his behavior had in a past life and extracts experience. This is not a punishment, but something like a teaching method that allows you to see the world with completely different eyes. If your life is not at all what you would like, most likely you are working off karma.

The same karmic tasks can haunt people for more than one incarnation. It is not always possible to learn a certain lesson the first time. If the training of the spirit takes place in this way, he is forced to solve the karmic problem again in order to find its solution and gain the experience necessary for its further development.

Animal reincarnation

The reincarnation of animals is considered as possible as the transmigration of human souls after death is possible. There are many opinions about this. Some are sure that the souls of animals can only move into the bodies of animals, and only of the same species. Many believe that the spirit can incarnate both in the form of an animal and in the form of a person.

Many people believe that dead animals can return to the family in which they once lived. If the pet was loved by its owner, and the latter really wants his return and misses him, then a dog, cat or other animal will definitely appear in the life of the owner in a new body. It can be a homeless kitten, like two drops of water similar to a dead cat, or a puppy born by a friend's dog - this is how animals return to this world who want to return to their family again. An interesting fact - the rest of the pets in the house quickly accept a new incarnation of an old friend.

Reincarnation of cats is a separate issue. If you believe, then she has nine lives. There are several opinions about this. For example, some believe that only nine lives can be lived in the body of a cat - no more and no less. Another version of the rebirth of cat souls - they have only nine incarnations, after the ninth life, cats go to the afterlife or move to the next level of development.

On the question of how an animal becomes a person, reincarnation in the modern view cannot give an answer - there are too many theories that often contradict each other. According to some beliefs, animals are reborn into animals, and people are reborn into people. According to others, a person can become an animal, and an animal can become a person. In the first case, the spirit loses its accumulated experience, and in the second, it passes to a higher stage of development.

Do suicides reincarnate?

Suicide is unacceptable in most religious beliefs. The church considers suicide a terrible sin. Those who committed suicide of their own free will are not buried or buried in the cemetery. But does the reincarnation of suicides take place, are there karmic consequences of suicide and how does it affect the further existence of the spirit as a whole?

From the point of view of the theory of rebirth, suicide is a manifestation of the conscious neglect of the opportunity to gain valuable experience of incarnation. Accordingly, it cannot be called a plausible act.

Just yesterday it was a playful, full of life creature that warmed you with its warmth. And today it has turned into something motionless lying, with eyes covered with a muddy film and bared teeth ... I can’t believe that “it” was once a living Jack or Muska ... “It” cannot have anything to do with them! They remained somewhere in the back of the apartment, in the night rustles, the creaks of cracked floorboards ... Occasionally, we hear a barely audible whining or scratching, and only after a second we remember that the pet is gone ...

My cat Alba died at the end of July, in the midst of the "anomalous" heat. We periodically wiped it with wet rags and placed water throughout the apartment, but this did not help. When we returned from the guests in the evening on the day off, Alba was lying on the floor, unable to get up and breathing hoarsely ... Half an hour later, she literally died in my arms. A friend said that the heart could not stand it from overheating ...

Paradoxically, I still listen to the sounds in the house, carefully walk along the dark corridor, being afraid to step on my tail, cautiously open the door of the apartment so that it does not jump out ... It seems to me that she is still in the house. She couldn't get out of there.

According to religious beliefs, animals, unlike humans, do not have a soul. But is it?

A Cornish couple got lost in a peat bog and couldn't find their way back. Suddenly, the couple saw in front of them that once belonged to the late aunt of his wife. They followed the animal and soon came to a path. Once these people were safe, the phantom disappeared...

Muscovite Sergei M., at the invitation of a friend, went to the Bryansk region to hunt. A friend fell ill, and Sergei went hunting alone. Wandering through the forest, he regretted that his beloved dog Trezor, who died two years ago, was not with him. Returning back, Sergei chose a shorter path. The area around was swampy, swampy, water champed underfoot. Suddenly, ahead of the hunter saw ... Trezor! He sat on a hummock and growled furiously. At first, Sergei was delighted. But then I remembered - because the dog is dead! How did she get here? Maybe the dog just looks like the late Trezor? Coming closer, the hunter hesitantly called Trezor by name. The dog sat down on its hind legs, wagged its tail and whined. There was no doubt: this is Trezor! Sergei rushed to him. But he instantly bared his teeth and rushed at the owner, as if he wanted to cling to his throat. The man recoiled to the side - and the dog, jumping up, flew over his head. Looking around, he saw that she was nowhere to be found. And right in front of him, in the very place where Trezor had just sat, a swamp splashed, hidden by grass and duckweed. If it were not for the animal, Sergei would inevitably step on a marshy place, and he would certainly be sucked in.

It happens that ghost animals settle in the house where they once lived with their owners. Here is Marianne's story. Once she bought a Siamese with a hernia on her stomach at the market. It was just pitiful. The kitten was taken out, the hernia was operated on, and after a while the sick little baby turned into a beautiful cat. Syama lived in Marianna's family for eleven years and died of a serious illness. Over the years, she has become a member of the family, so the owners were very sad for her. After that, Marianna and her daughter saw Syama more than once either sitting on a stool or curled up on a pillow. Sometimes they heard sounds as if the cat was jumping to the floor from the bed or from the chair. They were not even very surprised at this - they thought it was imagining, after all, they got used to a pet for so many years.

Marianne's daughter met a guy, brought him to visit. He did not know that the family had once had a cat. Sat on the sofa to watch TV. And suddenly the guy jumped on the spot: “Where did the cat come from, because it just wasn’t there? Lies right on the pillow! Then the mother and daughter realized that nothing seemed to them, that the cat was indeed in the house. They told the girl's friend about this, but he did not believe, although he himself saw a ghost ... One day, Marianna's daughter brought home a new friend from a technical school. And then Syama appeared again - she walked in front of the guest on the carpet, gently stepping with her paws. The friend was very surprised, but did not deny that the cat was. Then the daughter brought into the house a new cat, also a Siamese breed. After that, Syama never showed up.

Another case. An English family rented a large derelict house in Devonshire for the summer. From the very first days, strange things began to haunt the residents. In the evenings, the cold crept into the living room, despite the inclusion, the door opened by itself with a creak, someone pulled blankets from the children at night ... One night, the new hostess heard someone invisible run into their bedroom through the closed door, and then she felt , like a shaggy lump plopped down on her stomach and began to beat her legs with his tail ... The next morning, the youngest son told his parents that he had seen a small dog in his room ... Later they found a basket in the house with a leash, a collar, a chewed rubber ball and a faded photograph, which was a touching miniature terrier is depicted ...

I hope that my Alba will return home someday. Let it be a disembodied phantom or a dream ... She can't betray those with whom she lived for eight years? Or maybe she still lives in the house, we just don’t notice her?

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