Vaginal bath name according to the nomenclature. Vaginal bath (therapeutic). Incorrect positions of the female genital organs, causes, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention




Target: assessment of the size of the pelvis.

Indications: pregnancy.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: tazomer, couch, individual card of the pregnant woman.


1. Lay the pregnant woman on the couch in the supine position with the legs extended and shifted together and the stomach bare.

2. Stand to the right of the patient facing her.

3. Take the tazomer so that the thumbs and forefingers hold the buttons, and the scale with the division is facing up. Feel the points with your index fingers, between which mark the value of the desired size on the scale, the distances are measured.

4. Determine 3 sizes of the pelvis:

Press the buttons of the tazomer to the outer edges of the anterior superior iliac spines, measure the distance between them - distantia spinarum (normally 25-26 cm);

Move the buttons of the tazomer along the outer edge of the iliac crests, finding the greatest distance between them - distantia cristarum (normally 28-29 cm);

Find the most protruding points of the skewers of the femur and press the buttons of the tazomer - distantia trochanterica (normally 30-31 cm) to them.

5. Measure the direct size of the pelvis: external conjugate - conjugate externa (normally 20-21 cm):

lay the woman on her side, bend the lower leg at the hip and knee joints, stretch the overlying leg.

The button of one branch of the tazomer should be placed in the middle of the upper outer edge of the symphysis, the other should be pressed against the supracacral fossa (in the region of the upper corner of the sacral rhombus).

6. Enter the results in the individual card of the pregnant woman



Target: determination of the thickness of the pelvic bones and its capacity.

Indications: pregnancy.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: tape measure.


1. Release the wrist joint of a pregnant woman from clothing.

2. Measure the circumference of the wrist joint with a measuring tape.

3. Evaluate the result: on average, the Solovyov index is 14-15 cm; the lower the index, the thinner the bones and the greater the capacity of the pelvis.



Target: determination of gestational age and estimated fetal weight.

Indications: second half of pregnancy.

Contraindications: no.


pregnant or a history of childbirth.


1. Lay the woman on the couch in a supine position with legs extended.

2. Measure the circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter tape: in front - at the level of the navel, in the back - at the level of the lumbar region.

Note: the bladder of a pregnant woman should be emptied.



Target: determination of pregnancy and estimated fetal weight.

Indications: second half of pregnancy.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: couch, measuring tape, individual card

pregnant or a history of childbirth.


1. Lay women on the couch in a supine position with legs extended.

2. With your right hand, press the end of the centimeter tape to the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis, and with your left hand, pull the tape along the surface of the abdomen to the projection of the bottom of the uterus.

3. Record the result in the individual card of the pregnant woman or the history of childbirth.

Note: the woman's bladder must be emptied.



Target: evaluation of the fetus.

Indications: second half of pregnancy.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: obstetric stethoscope, stopwatch, couch, individual pregnancy card or birth history.


1. Lay the pregnant woman on the couch in the supine position with legs extended.

2. Take an obstetric stethoscope, firmly press it against the anterior abdominal wall, moving it to listen and at the same time count the fetal heartbeat.

3. Record the result in the individual card of the pregnant woman or in the history of childbirth.


1. The fetal heartbeat is heard with head presentation - below the navel, with pelvic presentation - above the navel.

2. The heart rate of the fetus is 120-140 beats per 1 minute is normal.

3. In multiple pregnancy, the heart rate of the fetuses is different, not less than 10 beats.



Target: determination of the position, position and presenting parts of the fetus.

Indications: second half of pregnancy.

Contraindications: emergency obstetric conditions.

Equipment: couch, pregnant.


1. Lay the pregnant woman on the couch in the supine position with legs bent at the hip and knee joints.

2. Stand to the right of the patient, facing her face.

3. First reception: determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus and that part of the fetus that is in the fundus of the uterus. Place the palms of both hands on the projection of the fundus of the uterus, bring the fingers together and gently press down.

4. Second reception: determination of the position of the fetus and its type. Place both hands on the projection of the lateral surfaces of the uterus. During palpation, with the longitudinal position of the fetus, the back is felt on one side, and on the opposite side, small parts of it (arms and legs).

5. Third reception: determination of the presenting part of the fetus. Open the palm of the right hand so that the thumb is on one side, and the other four are on the other side of the projection of the lower segment of the uterus. With a slow and careful movement, dip your fingers deep and cover the presenting part. The head is defined as a rounded part, with the possibility of "balloting". In breech presentation above the symphysis, a voluminous soft part is palpated, which does not have clear contours and a rounded shape.

6. Fourth technique: clarification of the standing level of the presenting part. Stand on the right facing the legs of the pregnant woman. Place the palms of both hands on the projection of the lower segment of the uterus on the right and left. With a careful movement, deepen the fingers above the symphysis. Set the ratio of the presenting part to the entrance to the small pelvis: above the entrance, in the entrance or in the cavity of the small pelvis.

Complications: painful sensations with careless handling.



Target: prevention of purulent-septic complications in the postpartum period.

Indications: the presence of postpartum sutures on the perineum.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: sterile: forceps, cotton balls, gauze wipes, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, iodine alcohol solution 5%, gloves, vessel, oilcloths, lined diaper, tray for used material; a container with a solution of furacilin 1: 5000, containers with a disinfectant solution.


1. Warn the puerperal about the upcoming procedure.

2. Ask the mother to take a position in bed "lying on her back" with her legs bent at the knee and hip joints.

3. Put on gloves, lay an oilcloth under the puerperal.

4. Put a ship under the puerperal.

5. Take a sterile cotton ball with a forceps.

6. Pour a solution of furacilin 1: 5000 from the container onto the perineum, wash the external genitalia with a forceps with a cotton ball from the pubis to the anus, then the inner surface of the thighs, changing the cotton balls and dropping them into the vessel.

7. Take a sterile napkin with a forceps and dry the external genitalia, throw it into the vessel.

8. Remove the vessel, lay a sterile diaper under the puerperal, asking her to lift the pelvis (without touching the woman).

9. Examine the seams before processing, noting the presence of hyperemia, swelling of the skin around the seams or purulent plaque. If there are any changes, inform your doctor.

10. Take a sterile cotton ball with a forceps, moisten it in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and process the seams, carefully removing the lochia, drop the ball into the tray for the used material.

11. Take a sterile gauze with a forceps and dry the seams, throw it into the waste tray.

12. Take a cotton ball soaked in 5% tincture of iodine with a forceps, and process the seams, drop it into the waste tray.

13. Disinfect care items.

14. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

15. Wash your hands.

Complications: suppuration of the sutures of the perineum in violation of the rules of asepsis.



Target: early detection of oncological pathology.

Indications: preventive examination, gynecological diseases.

Contraindications: menstruation.

Equipment: sterile: cotton balls, oilcloth, Cusco vaginal mirror, anatomical tweezers, forceps, glass slide, gloves; referral forms, a container with a disinfectant solution.


1. Put on gloves.

2. Lay an oilcloth on the gynecological chair.

3. Lay the patient on the gynecological chair in the supine position with legs bent at the knee and hip joints.

4. Take a Cuzco speculum and expose the cervix on the speculums.

5. With a forceps with a sterile cotton ball, remove the discharge from the cervix and dump it into a container with a disinfectant solution.

6. Take anatomical tweezers, insert it into the cervical canal by 1 centimeter, grab the discharge from the walls of the canal and apply them to the glass slide with a wide stroke.

7. Dry the glass slide with the material.

9. Remove gloves and immerse them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

10. Fill out the referral form to the laboratory, indicating: Full name, age of the patient, date of taking the smear, take it to the histological laboratory.

Note: if the cervix is ​​pathologically changed, the material is taken from three zones: the cervical canal, the pathologically changed area of ​​the cervix, from the border between the healthy tissue and the pathologically changed area.

Complications: no.



Target: assistance to the doctor in performing surgery.

Indications: determined by the doctor.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: sterile: a set of tools for scraping the uterine cavity, cotton balls, a bathrobe, mask, cap, apron, gloves, shoe covers, oilcloth; a container with an antiseptic solution (furatsilin 1: 5000), a gynecological chair, a gurney, an ice pack, containers with a disinfectant solution.


1. Treat hands for the operation, put on sterile ones: gown, cap, mask, apron, gloves.

2. Ask the patient to put on shoe covers.

3. Lay an oilcloth on the gynecological chair.

4. Lay the patient on the gynecological chair in the supine position with legs bent at the knee and hip joints.

5. Cover a sterile two-tiered table: at the top, lay out in a certain order the instruments: vaginal spoon-shaped mirrors, Hegar dilators up to No. 12, uterine probe, long tweezers, curettes of various sizes, abortsang, vacuum aspirator and tips for it, bullet and two-pronged forceps, forceps with a cotton ball; below - a container with an antiseptic solution of furacilin.

6. Stand to the right of the patient.

7. During the operation, hold the vaginal mirror, quickly and clearly follow all the doctor's instructions.

8. After the end of the operation, put the patient on a gurney, put an ice pack on the lower abdomen.

9. Disinfect care items and tools.

10. Remove gloves and place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

11. Wash your hands.

Complications: infection due to non-compliance with the rules of asepsis.




Target: provision of first aid.

Indications: an attack of eclampsia.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: sterile: balls, napkins, tweezers or forceps, mouth expander, tongue holder or safety pin, rubber gloves; 70% alcohol, intravenous drug delivery system, disinfectant solution container, couch.


1. Lay the patient on the couch in the supine position with straightened legs.

2. Put on gloves.

3. Turn the patient's head to the side.

4. Gently open your mouth with a tissue.

5. Insert the 2nd and 3rd fingers of the left hand into the mouth, between the upper and lower jaws, in the place where the teeth end.

6. With the right hand, use a napkin to clean the mouth from vomit.

7. Insert the mouth expander with your right hand.

8. Place the tongue holder on 1/3 of the tongue.

9. Bring out the tongue from the side.

10. The tongue holder can be fixed on the outside, it is possible on clothes.

11. If there is no tongue holder, treat the safety pin with alcohol, pierce her tongue, tie a sterile napkin to it, fix it outside.

12. Prepare a system for intravenous administration of drugs.

13. Urgently call a doctor.

14. Darken the room, exclude noise.

15. Help the doctor in providing care.

Complications: no.

Note: transportation of the patient is excluded.



Target: providing emergency care.

Indications: spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: ice pack, blood pressure monitor, clock with a second hand, rubber gloves, containers with disinfectant solution, couch, towel.


1. Lay the patient on the couch.

2. Reassure her.

3. Put on gloves.

4. Wrap an ice pack with a towel.

5. Put the bubble on the patient's stomach.

6. Urgently call a doctor.

7. Measure blood pressure.

9. Upon the arrival of the doctor, fulfill all his appointments.

Complications: no.



Target: drug administration.

Indications: gynecological diseases.

Contraindications: uterine bleeding.

Equipment: gynecological chair, oilcloth, Cusco vaginal mirror (required size), forceps, sterile material, drugs used for vaginal baths, gloves, tray, disinfectant.


2. Wash your hands, put on gloves

6. Insert a mirror into the vagina;

7. Remove mucus from the cervix and vaginal contents from the posterior fornix with a dry sterile swab;

8. Pour the medicinal solution into the vagina so that the vaginal part of the uterus sinks into it;

9. Leave the medicine for 15-20 minutes

10. Remove the mirror;

11. Place a dry sterile napkin between the labia;

12. Remove gloves, wash hands.


1. Warm up the medicinal solution to 37-38 C.

2. The volume of the medicinal substance is 20-25 ml.

3. Repeat the procedure after 2 days.

4. The bladder must be emptied.


Burns of the vaginal mucosa in violation of the temperature regime.



Target: insertion of a tampon into the vagina.

Indications: gynecological diseases.

Equipment: gynecological chair, oilcloth, Simpson's speculum with a lift, forceps, anatomical tweezers (2), sterile material, drugs used for vaginal tampons, gloves, scissors.


1. Explain to the patient the purpose of the procedure;

3. Lay the patient on a gynecological chair with legs apart and bent at the hip and knee joints, lay an oilcloth under the buttocks;

4. Put a tray between the legs;

5. Wash the external genitalia with warm water and dry;

6.Introduce mirror and lifter;

7. Using a dry ball on the forceps, wipe the cervix, fornix and vagina;

8. Using tweezers, insert a swab moistened or lubricated with a medicine into the vagina;

9. Apply a swab to the cervix or posterior fornix;

10. Carefully remove the vaginal mirror and the lift, while holding the tampon with tweezers at the site of its application;

11.Remove the tweezers from the vagina;

12. Cut off the ends of the tampon with scissors, leaving 2-3 cm outside;

13. Remove gloves, wash hands.


1. The size of cotton swabs is 3 * 1.5 * 1.5 cm, tied across with a thread, the length of the free end of which is 12-18 cm.

2. Remove the swab after 8-10 hours by pulling on the free end.

3. The bladder must be emptied.

Complications: No



Target: examination of the walls of the vagina and cervix.

Indications: gynecological research.

Equipment: gynecological chair, oilcloth, spoon-shaped mirror, elevator, Cusco mirror, gloves, disinfectant solution (3% chloramine).


1. Explain to the patient the purpose of the procedure;

2. Wash your hands, put on gloves;

3. Lay the patient on a gynecological chair with legs apart and bent at the hip and knee joints, lay an oilcloth under the buttocks;

4. 1 and 11 fingers of the left hand to spread the labia majora;

5. With your right hand, carefully insert the folding mirror in a closed form, first in a longitudinal position, then transfer it to a transverse position and open it, not reaching the cervix;

6. Move the speculum open to the vaults of the vagina so that the cervix is ​​visible;

7. Fix the mirror in the open position with a screw;

8. Examine the cervix;

9. Open the screw on the mirror;

10. Carefully remove the mirror from the vagina, gradually closing it;

11. Insert a spoon-shaped mirror with an edge parallel to the side wall of the vagina;

12. Turn the mirror across, fix the back wall of the vagina and bring out the cervix;

13. Parallel to the mirror, insert the front mirror-lifter to lift and fix the anterior wall of the vagina;

14. At the end of the procedure, carefully remove the lift from the vagina, and then the mirror.

15. Place the instruments in a 3% solution of chloramine;

16. Remove gloves, wash hands.


1. The bladder must be emptied;

2. Currently use disposable tool kits;

3. Inspection of the walls of the vagina is carried out when the mirror is removed;

4. Inspection of the anterior wall of the vagina is carried out when the lifting mirror is removed;

5. The back wall of the vagina is examined when the spoon-shaped mirror is removed.

Complications: trauma to the vaginal mucosa.

Note: walking puerperas independently wash the mammary glands with warm water under the tap with an individual piece of soap.


"Taking smears for the degree of purity of the vagina"

Target: screening for sexually transmitted infections

Indications: dysuric disorders; discharge from the urinary organs; risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: sterile: Volkmann's spoon or grooved probe, Cusco mirror, long gynecological tweezers, cotton balls, 2 glass slides, glass cutter, gloves; kidney-shaped tray, containers with disinfectants.


I. Taking swabs from women.

1. Put on gloves.

2. Divide the glass slide into 4 sections (“U”, “V”, “C”, “R”) with a glass cutter.

3. Wipe the area of ​​the urethra and paraurethral passages with a dry sterile swab.

4. Massage the urethra with your finger from the side of the vagina, pressing it against the pubic bone.

5. Take the material with a Volkmann spoon or a grooved probe, inserting the instrument 1.5-2.0 cm deep into the urethra, trying to get a discharge by lightly scraping the anterior and lateral walls of the urethra.

6. Apply the detachable on a glass slide in a thin even layer in the “U” section.

7. Place used care items in the waste tray.

8. Insert a Cuzco speculum into the vagina and open the cervix.

9. Wipe the cervix with a dry sterile swab, discard it into the waste tray.

10. Insert a long gynecological forceps into the cervical canal to a depth of 1.0 and grab the discharge from the walls of the canal.

11. Put it on a glass slide in section "C".

12. Take the discharge from the walls of the vagina, mainly from the posterior fornix of the vagina, with long gynecological tweezers and apply the discharge to the slide in section “V”.

13. Take the material from the anus of the rectum with a blunt Volkmann's spoon by scraping from the mucous membrane and its folds and apply the discharge to the glass slide in the "R" section.

14. Remove gloves, place them in a container with a disinfectant solution.

15. Wash your hands.


1. Manipulation should be carried out carefully so as not to injure the mucous membrane.

2. In girls, the discharge of the mucous membrane of the urethra, vagina and rectum is examined. The method of taking the material is the same as in women, only the material is taken from the vagina carefully, without mirrors, with a grooved probe through the hymenal opening.

Section II

Healthy family




Target: diagnosis of early pregnancy.

Indications: violation of the menstrual cycle.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: test strips "Gravitest".


1. Collect the first morning urine sample in a clean, dry container.

2. Take the test strip "Gravitest" by the dark end and immerse it in the urine with the light end to the level marked with arrows "max" (no deeper).

3. After 3-10 seconds, remove the test strip and place it on a dry, non-absorbent surface.

4. Evaluate the result after 5 minutes: the result is negative - if one colored line appears on the control section of the test strip; the result is positive (the presence of pregnancy) - two colored lines (one on the test site, the other on the control).


1. The reliability of the analysis is almost 100%.

2. Do not interpret results obtained after 15 minutes.

3. Testing failed when there are no visible colored lines (test failure or incorrect application).



Target: diagnostic.

Indications: determined by the doctor.

Contraindications: fever, diarrhea, diseases of the rectum.

Equipment: two thermometers, a temperature sheet, pencils of different colors (black and red), 2 containers with a disinfectant solution.


1. Put 2 containers with a disinfectant solution on the bedside table.

2. Label the containers: for “axillary temperature” and for basal temperature”.

3. Provide the patient with 2 thermometers "for axillary temperature" and "for basal temperature".

4. Explain to the patient that she:

4.1. In the morning, in complete peace, without getting out of bed, I put two thermometers: one in the armpit, the other in the rectum.

4.2. After 10 minutes, I took out both thermometers and recorded the temperature.

4.3. Mark both readings on a piece of paper with different pencils.

4.4. Place thermometers in appropriate containers with disinfectant solution.


1. Repeat the procedure daily, in the morning, for 2-3 months.

2. Mark the days of the menstrual cycle on the temperature chart.

3. If the body temperature rises, stop measuring.

4. Show the temperature chart to the doctor.



Target: prevention of postpartum purulent-septic complications.

Indications: mastitis prevention.

Contraindications: mastitis.

Equipment: sterile: balls and napkins, forceps, rubber gloves, an individual bar of soap, warm water, a special bra, a container with a disinfectant solution.


1. Put on gloves.

2. Moisten the sterile ball with water using a forceps.

3. In a certain order (nipple, entire mammary gland), wash the mammary gland.

4. Dry the mammary gland with a sterile napkin.

5. Put on a special bra.

6. Remove gloves, place in a container with a disinfectant solution.

7. Wash your hands.

Complications: violation of blood circulation in the mammary glands due to an improperly selected bra.


Testicular self-examination

Target: timely detection of testicular pathology.

Indications: monthly, at the age of 15 to 40 years.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: chair.


1. Wash your hands.

2. Remove underwear.

3. Put your right foot on a chair.

4. Palpate the scrotum with the fingers of both hands and find the right testicle.

5. Carefully examine it for seals. The skin around the testicle moves freely, which makes it possible to determine its entire surface.

6. To determine the epididymis (in the form of a thin cord), it is necessary, with careful movements, to palpate its posterior upper part.

7. Repeat the entire procedure to examine the left testicle.

8. Lower both legs to a flat surface. One testicle hangs below the other.

9. Roll the testicles between the thumbs and the rest of the fingers. They should be firm to the touch, 3.5 - 4 cm in diameter (dimensions should not differ by more than 5 - 6 mm.)

10. Wear underwear.

11. Wash your hands.


1. Hands should be warm.

2. Self-examination of the testicles is best done after a shower, when the muscles of the scrotum are relaxed.

3. Before the examination, it is necessary to empty the bladder.

4. The procedure is painless and takes no more than one minute.

5. Palpation of the scrotum and testicles allows you to determine their size, weight, density, signs of seals and swelling.

6. The absence of one testicle indicates an undescended testicle.



Target: prevention of ascending infection.

Indications: regular labor activity.

Equipment: sterile: cortsang, gauze wipes, mug tip

Esmarch, lined diaper, rubber gloves, mask; vessel,

Esmarch's irrigator; antiseptic solution (0.05% solution

potassium permanganate, 0.02% solution of furacilin), oilcloth,

containers with disinfectant solution.


1. Wash your hands, put on a mask, gloves.

2. Lay an oilcloth under the puerperium, put a vessel.

3. Offer her to spread her legs.

4. Corzang take a sterile napkin

5. Wash the external genitalia (from the pubis to the perineum), the perineum, the inner thighs, the anus, using sterile wipes and changing them with an antiseptic solution from Esmarch's mug.

6. Dry with sterile wipes.

7. Give a sterile diaper.

8. Disinfect care items.

9. Remove gloves, place in a container with a disinfectant solution, wash your hands.

Complications: purulent-septic diseases in violation of the rule





Target: timely detection of neoplasms of the mammary glands.

Indications: monthly 2-3 days after the end of menstruation,

in menopause - every 1st day of the month.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: couch, mirror, towel.


1. Stand in front of a mirror.

2. Put your left hand on the back of your head.

3. Run the fingers of your right hand around the left breast in a circular motion towards the nipple.

4. Check for seals.

5. Repeat the same on the right mammary gland: put the right hand on the back of the head and examine the right breast with the left hand.

6. Put both hands on the back of the head and carefully look in the mirror at the area of ​​​​the mammary glands; check for changes in shape, size; discharge from the nipples.

7. Put both hands on the waist, strongly tighten the muscles of the chest and arms and see if there are any dimples or swelling.

8. Lie on your back, put a folded towel under your shoulders.

9. Put your right hand behind your head.

10. Using the fingertips of the left hand, make circular movements around the right breast towards the nipple. The movements must be quite confident.

11. Check the area between the chest, the armpit and the armpit itself.

12. Repeat the same on the left mammary gland.

13. Squeeze the nipples with your index finger and thumb, check for any discharge.

Note: self-examination does not replace regular

doctor visits.





Cervical erosion

Chronic disease of the uterine appendages and others.


Uterine bleeding



EQUIPMENT: Esmarch's mug, vaginal tip, medicinal solution prescribed by a doctor.


1. Pour 1-1.5 liters of medicinal solution into Esmarch's mug.

2. Hang Esmarch's mug on a stand 70-100 cm above the level of the patient's pelvis.

3. Check the temperature of the liquid in the mug with a water thermometer, wash the external genitalia.

4. Insert the tip into the vagina to a depth of 6-7 cm.

5. Open the faucet, letting the fluid flow at a faster or slower rate.

6. At the end of the procedure, remove the tip.






Acute inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs

Uterine bleeding



EQUIPMENT: double-wing mirrors, drug solution as prescribed by a doctor


1. Insert a folding mirror into the vagina, fix it and pour in the solution (the first portion is immediately drained and the water is replaced).

2. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes. The patient's pelvis should be raised so that the solution does not spill out.

Baths for female diseases

Sedentary therapeutic baths are used for diaper rash, inflammation of the external labia, postpartum scars, inflammation of the large gland of the vaginal vestibule (bartholinitis), hemorrhoidal manifestations, etc. The temperature of the water in the bath should be + 32–33 ° C. The duration of the reception is 15-20 minutes. After it, you should not take a shower, but only slightly blot your body with a towel, get dressed and rest for 1.5–2 hours. Even better, after a therapeutic bath, lie down in a warm bed and in no case overcool.

Such baths should be taken every other day, for a course of treatment of 10-15 procedures, with the simultaneous use of medicinal infusions of medicinal plants.

A sitz bath requires 10–12 g of collection. There are quite a few of these. Here is some of them. In them, all medicinal plants are taken in equal parts:

- blueberry shoots, birch leaves, wintergreen leaves, cuff leaves, tansy flowers, urban gravilate grass, fir needles, rose flower petals, orchid tubers;

- rhizome of mountaineer snake, bird cherry leaves, Veronica grass, calendula flowers, plantain leaves, agrimony grass, rhizome of erect cinquefoil, yarrow grass, thyme grass;

- black elderberry flowers, marshmallow root, egg rhizome, walnut leaves, goose cinquefoil grass, common wormwood grass, poplar buds, lilac leaves, lamb grass;

- Icelandic moss, bergenia leaves, fireweed leaves, sea buckthorn leaves, mistletoe shoots, lavender grass, tricolor violet grass, sage leaves;

- viburnum leaves, barberry shoots, horsetail grass, flax seeds, soapwort rhizome, meadow clover grass, alder leaves, field grass, celandine grass;

- birch leaves, nettle grass, toad grass, coltsfoot leaves, white willow bark, juniper shoots, cumin fruits, oat straw, bird cherry leaves;

- St. John's wort, calendula flowers, angelica rhizome, meadowsweet grass, dandelion leaves, cudweed grass, peppermint grass, blueberry shoots;

- licorice rhizome, elecampane rhizome, raspberry shoots, daisy grass, wormwood grass, blue cornflower flowers, lilac leaves, sage grass.

Chamomile bath used for neurosis, diseases of the female genital area, hemorrhoids. Chamomile is used as a sedative for neurosis, antiseptic and analgesic.

Boil 50-100 g of dried chamomile flowers in 1.5-2 liters of water under the lid for 5 minutes. Decoction insist 2 hours, wrapped. Then it is poured into the filled bath. Such baths can be both general and local. A general bath is taken with a temperature of + 37-39 ° C for 25 minutes every other day. Course 10-15 baths. The course of local baths is prescribed depending on the type of disease.

Sage bath has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent properties. They are prescribed every other day for diseases of the female genital organs, hemorrhoids, itching and eczema of the perineum, skin diseases.

For a general bath, brew 100 g of herbs in 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Then the broth is poured into the collected water with a temperature of + 37–39 ° C. You can stay in such a bath for 20 minutes. Course 10-15 procedures.

Calendula bath used for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the skin, cervical erosion, hemorrhoids.

For a general bath, pour 500 g of calendula flowers into 5 liters of cold water and boil in a well-closed enamel bowl for 10 minutes. The broth is filtered and poured into water. Take a bath with a temperature of + 37–39 ° C for 20 minutes. Course 10-15 baths.

Valerian bath used to calm the central nervous system, with various vegetovascular disorders, neurosis, in menopause. Valerian baths are recommended for insomnia, the initial stages of hypertension.

100 g of crushed valerian root brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 1 hour and strain. Add to a bath of water at a comfortable temperature and lie in it for about half an hour. For valerian baths, you can also use valerian tincture (at the rate of 2-3 bottles per 10 liters of water).

Tub with complex collection It helps a lot with climacteric syndrome.

It is necessary to take 1 part of creeping thyme herb, yarrow herb, calamus rhizomes, 2 parts of wormwood herb, sage leaf, forest pine buds. 10 st. l. mixture, pour 3 liters of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, cool for 30 minutes, strain and pour into the collected water at a temperature of + 36–37 ° C. Baths to take 2 times a week. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Bath with wormwood used for neurosis during menopause.

Grind the roots of wormwood, pour cold water and leave for 2 hours, then boil for 10 minutes, strain and pour into a bath of water heated to + 36–37 ° C. Take a bath at night.

In menopausal syndrome, the use of common baths with infusions of medicinal plants is also effective:

- sweet clover grass, meadowsweet grass, wormwood grass, chamomile flowers, sage grass, birch leaves - equally;

- oregano herb, peppermint herb, wormwood herb, motherwort herb - 3 parts each, hop seedlings, linden flowers - 1 part each;

- valerian rhizome, sweet clover grass, lemon balm grass, chamomile flowers, succession grass, blueberry shoots - equally;

- Veronica grass, calendula flowers, lavender grass, wormwood grass, thyme grass, birch leaves, linden flowers - equally;

- oregano grass, meadowsweet grass, lemon balm grass, wormwood grass, hop seedlings, rue grass - equally;

- hawthorn leaves, angelica shoots, mint grass, string grass, sage grass, rosemary shoots - equally.

Prepare infusions and conduct bath procedures in the same way as described above for a bath with a complex collection.

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Cervix- a complex organism with many pathologies. Inside, the cervical canal, consists of cells of a cylindrical single-layer epithelium. The vaginal side of the cervix is ​​covered with a different type of epithelium and inflammatory processes occur on the border between these two epithelium. Vaginal baths help to treat diseases of the cervix most effectively.

vaginal bath is a gynecological procedure that is prescribed to treat the cervix. During manipulation, the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​immersed in a medicinal solution. The duration of the procedure, as a rule, is up to fifteen minutes and is carried out to relieve various inflammatory processes in the cervix as an addition to the main treatment.

Indications for baths

Indications for the appointment of baths of the cervix are the following diseases:

As well as in preparation for the examination and preoperative preparation.


The use of vaginal baths is contraindicated:
  • in the post-abortion period
  • in the postpartum period
  • during menstruation.

Preparing for vaginal baths

Before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the rectum, bladder, and perform hygiene of the genital organs. The bath is also used before the start of treatment with tampons, vaginal suppositories and tablets, in combination with therapeutic treatment on its own.

The method of conducting a vaginal bath

after examination, the gynecologist prescribes the appropriate treatment, including an individual vaginal treatment regimen. The procedure is divided into three inseparable parts:
  • First stage considered preparatory, it consists in the fact that the patient lies down in a gynecological chair;
  • At the second stage the gynecologist inserts a special Cuzco speculum and fixes it. Removes mucus with sterile balls and pours in the first portion of the solution, which immediately merges under the tilt of the mirror. Then the medicinal portion is poured covering the entire vaginal part of the cervix and left for a period of five to fifteen minutes. After that, the mirror tilts down and the solution is drained.
  • At the final stage the walls of the vagina are dried with sterile swabs and the mirror is removed.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under conditions of complete sterility by an experienced specialist.

The instrument used for the vaginal bath is disposable. As a result of manipulation, as a rule, pain decreases and inflammatory processes resolve. You can leave immediately after the procedure.

Vaginal baths are a simple procedure that is indicated for a fairly large number of gynecological diseases. Therapeutic solutions used to sanitize the vagina heal wounds and erosion, soothe irritated mucous membranes, and suppress pathogenic microflora. As a result, all unpleasant things decrease or disappear.

What are vaginal baths

Vaginal baths are a method of therapy for various pathologies of the cervix. For the treatment of certain gynecological diseases, the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​immersed in a medicinal solution for 10-15 minutes. This is how the antiseptic treatment of the female external genital organs and the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​performed. The procedure is not independent, but should be included in the overall therapeutic complex.

Main indications

In gynecology, the setting of vaginal baths is prescribed quite often. Manipulations are very simple, but they must be performed by an experienced doctor. During the procedure, a certain part of the reproductive organ is filled with a special solution, resulting in a therapeutic effect. The exposure time is about 15 minutes. The number of procedures is determined by the recovery or elimination of inflammation.

The main indications for vaginal baths are:

  1. Preparation for surgery on the reproductive organs.
  2. Preparation of the genital tract for diagnostic procedures.
  3. Diagnosed cervicitis - inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix. It is characterized by cloudy discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, pain during urination and sexual intercourse.
  4. Identified erosion. This is one of the most common diseases in women of childbearing age, characterized by a violation of the integrity or ulceration of the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall.
  5. Endocervicitis is an inflammatory process localized in the cervical canal. It is caused by mechanical damage and injuries, the penetration of infectious agents.
  6. Progressive colpitis (vaginitis). This is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, the causative agent of which can be pathogenic microorganisms.

As a result, painful sensations decrease, symptoms weaken or disappear altogether, pathological microflora is suppressed, microtraumas and erosion damage heal.

Contraindications for sanitation

Treatment with vaginal baths is contraindicated for some categories of patients. It is difficult to carry out the procedure and there will be no proper effect during menstruation. The only way out is to wait until the end of the month. In addition, baths are prohibited in the postpartum and post-abortion period. Douching at this time violates the microflora of the vagina and increases the risk of infection.

During pregnancy, vaginal baths can be performed after 12 weeks and only if indicated. The doctor must be aware of the situation of the woman in order to prescribe a drug that will not harm the fetus. Up to 12 weeks, inclusive, sanitation is carried out only if the expected benefit to the woman is greater than the possible harm to the fetus. The procedure can be prescribed if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy due to vaginitis, erosion and other gynecological diseases in which baths are indicated.

Preparation for the procedure

Conducting vaginal baths requires some preparation. The woman's rectum and bladder must be completely emptied. If necessary, you can do an enema. Before the procedure, a thorough toilet of the external genitalia is performed. Preliminary douching is also carried out with a soda solution to dissolve natural mucus. Otherwise, the procedure will not be as effective.

A bath is made before treatment with special tampons, suppositories or tablets. It is recommended to use this method of therapy in combination with therapeutic drug treatment. Baths can be done at home, but you must first discuss this with your doctor.

Vaginal baths: algorithm

When carrying out the procedure in a medical institution, the patient first lies down in the gynecological chair. The gynecologist inserts a speculum into the vagina and removes the mucus. Then the usual mirror is replaced with a folding one, through which the medicinal solution is poured. The patient should remain in the supine position for 5-10 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that part of the uterus is immersed in the treatment solution.

After the procedure is completed, the mirror is carefully removed from the vagina. In anticipation of the vagina, the mirror is tilted so that the liquid pours into the substituted basin. The rest of the solution is dried with a gauze or cotton swab until the gynecological instrument is completely removed.

Carrying out the procedure at home

At home, before conducting a vaginal bath, you need to carry out the same preparation, that is, empty the bladder and intestines. It is important to first obtain permission from the gynecologist for such a procedure and exclude allergies / individual intolerance to the drug, solution or decoction of medicinal herbs. The technique of vaginal baths is significantly different from the procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. Of the tools you only need a syringe or syringe.

So, at home, vaginal baths are performed using a special syringe or syringe without a needle. It is necessary to prepare a medicinal solution, make a toilet of the external genitalia, and then draw medicine into a syringe or syringe. The tip of the device is gently inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible. After that, you need to slowly release the medicine. Manipulation must be carried out several times. After that, the syringe is removed. The patient should be in a comfortable position, but so that the treatment solution does not leak out, for 5-10 minutes.


What do vaginal baths do? To effectively relieve inflammation, apply solutions of antibiotics or antiseptics. Most often in gynecology, silver sulfate, Protargol solution, furacilin, Romazulan are used. Silver solution is made 1-2%, Protargol solution - 2-3%. All preparations should be used only in the form of a solution and in a heated form.

Folk recipes

For the treatment of recovery after gynecological operations or abortion, healing and soothing douches are indicated. Aloe will help restore normal microflora. For the procedure, you need to prepare a fresh leaf from a plant at least two years old. Juice should be mixed with warm water in a ratio of one part to ten. You can apply twice a day.

The safest and most reliable composition is a decoction of chamomile. This plant can be used even by pregnant women. One tablespoon of flowers should be boiled in two glasses of clean water, cool, strain, and then take a bath. Natural yogurt contains bacteria that are beneficial for the female microflora. Yogurt also soothes irritated genital mucosa. A fermented milk product can be used undiluted, but only if it is a natural yogurt, and not bought in a store.

Oak bark helps with foul-smelling discharge or thrush. To prepare a decoction, you need to combine two tablespoons of raw materials with a liter of water. Boil the composition for 20-25 minutes on low heat under the lid. Cool the solution, strain and use to irrigate the vagina several times a day. You can do baths until the itching and other unpleasant symptoms pass.

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