Woodruff: medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes for use in medicine. Useful and pharmacological properties. A brief description of woodruff fragrant

Woodruff fragrant or fragrant is a perennial that is widely used in. It has a number of useful medicinal properties and at the same time quite serious contraindications.

In this article, we will talk about how to properly and safely use this plant for treatment.


Fragrant woodruff belongs to the madder family. It has a four-sided bare stem with a curly rhizome at the base. The leaves are elongated in length, arranged in a ring around the stem in several tiers, have thorns-hooks along the edges. It usually grows in a small colony, which, due to the winding structure of the roots, forms a carpet that covers the soil. Flowers smell very spicy strong smell. It is distributed mainly in the Mediterranean regions and in Eurasia.


Woodruff combines a number of useful elements:

  • acid (oxalic, catechinic, tartaric, silicic, malic);
  • coumarin;
  • flavonoids;
  • lactone asperuloside;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tannins and bitter substances;
  • fatty oil;
  • essential oil.

Useful and pharmacological properties

  • Tannins in the composition of the herb have a wound healing effect and help stop bleeding. Thanks to this component, woodruff is used to treat a variety of skin diseases.
  • Lactone has an anti-inflammatory property, and together with coumarin, these components have an antispasmodic property on smooth muscle. Therefore, the plant is used from pain syndromes and in neurological diseases.
  • Woodruff infusion on water is able to expand capillaries and improve blood circulation, while not affecting the viscosity in any way.
  • The plant is rich in essential oils and is widely used in herbal medicine, helps to soothe coughs and increase expectoration.
  • In addition to its antiseptic properties, this herb is a good diuretic, so it is excellent for treating kidney and bladder diseases.

Application in medicine

it medicinal plant not applicable in official medicine, and on its basis there is no official drug. But in alternative medicine woodruff has both internal and external uses and can be combined with other herbal medicines.

From arrhythmia, increased heartbeat

From disorders of the heart muscle, an infusion of dried woodruff grass is used. Pour 10-15 g of dry grass into a sealed container (thermos, thermo mug) and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 3-4 hours and drink 100 ml 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment may vary depending on the characteristics of the body from 2 weeks to a month.

Tincture can also be on vodka, since alcohol improves absorption. Vodka should be diluted with water in proportions of 1: 2, pour 15 g of grass into half a liter and leave for 2 days. Take up to 5 days 10-15 minutes before meals, one tablespoon three times a day. Then make a 10-day break and repeat the reception for 10 days.

Important! Before use folk recipes with woodruff, you should definitely consult a doctor!

Fragrant woodruff from metabolic pathologies

With a variety of metabolic disorders, you need to make a decoction of dry herb woodruff on the water, just like for violations heart rate. The course of treatment can be 2-3 weeks.

Woodruff for psoriasis

For psoriasis, it is recommended to mix this plant with other herbs suitable for indications, for example, with hazel leaves. A pinch of each plant (15 g) is thrown into a container and poured with boiling water (350 ml), then infused for 3-4 hours. Bandages or dressings are dipped into the filtered and cooled solution and applied to the affected areas. The course of treatment is until the condition improves.

Inside, you can simultaneously take a solution diluted with water 1 to 1, one glass before breakfast, the course of treatment is 2 weeks.

From dropsy

Take 30 g of woodruff grass, pour two glasses cold water(400 g) and insist a day in a cold place, then you need to add 50 ml of vodka and insist another day. Then strain and take orally 50 ml 4 times a day for a week.

Fragrant woodruff for epilepsy

It is recommended to mix woodruff with several others. medicinal herbs With similar properties to enhance the effect: , . Pour the mixture hot water at the rate of 200 g per 15-20 g of the collection, take 400 g per day. The course depends on the frequency of seizures, but on the week.

woodruff for dysmenorrhea

It is necessary to lower 10 g of grass in 200 ml of cold water and let it stand for a day. Strain and drink the whole glass in small doses throughout the day. Repeat for 4-5 days at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

For breast tumors

Green stems and leaves must be crushed to release the juice. Then apply this gruel to the chest and press it with a bandage, hold it for 2 hours. The course is approximately 10 days.

Application in cooking

Because of its fragrant smell, it is used in cooking as a seasoning for flavor, but it is not used internally. For cooking fruit dishes and lemonade leaves of grass are put in when cooking, and then taken out. In Germany and France, cognac and wine are infused on woodruff leaves. Woodruff also goes well with meat and dried snacks, it can be added in the manner bay leaf when smoking and stewing meat.

Harm and contraindications

and despite their medicinal properties, can bring great harm body if not used properly. The coumarin in this herb is the main substance that calms the nervous system and muscles in small amounts, but in large doses can lead to nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or even death.

Syn.: heart friend, liver grass, fragrant clover, May flower, May grass, tea grass, forest tea, fragrant bedstraw.

perennial herbaceous plant with a tetrahedral stem and a pleasant fragrant aroma. Shows pronounced medicinal and insecticidal properties. In many countries, for example, in England, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, America, fragrant woodruff is cultivated as a medicinal plant. The plant is spicy-aromatic and has a high nutritional value.

The plant is poisonous!

Ask the experts

In medicine

Fragrant woodruff is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not used in official medicine. However, woodruff is used in folk medicine as an antiseptic, wound healing, sedative, choleretic, diaphoretic, analgesic.

Contraindications and side effects

You should know that fragrant woodruff has toxic properties. Therefore, the use of drugs based on it requires caution. When taken in large doses, especially in case of overdose, the plant can cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting, headache. The plant should not be used medicinal purposes during pregnancy, lactation and in childhood.

In the food industry

Fragrant woodruff as a spicy-aromatic herb has an important nutritional and economic importance. To give a special delicate taste, slightly withered woodruff leaves are added to many culinary products, fruit salads, sweet soups, compotes and vegetable dishes. AT Food Industry woodruff is used to flavor teas, cheeses, lemonades, liquors and wines. In Germany, fragrant woodruff is an indispensable aromatic component of the tonic spring drink "maibowle". In France - a component of champagne, in Switzerland - Benedictine (since 834), in America - wine punch. AT northern regions Europe, fragrant woodruff flavors some types of smoked meats. In addition, fragrant woodruff is used to flavor tobacco and clothes. Roasted woodruff seeds are valued as a coffee substitute. A milk-clotting enzyme is obtained from the stems, flowers and seeds of the fragrant woodruff.

In other areas

In the cosmetology of some countries, in particular Slovak, woodruff is used to improve blood circulation and moderate coloration of pale skin.

Woodruff roots give a red coloration.

Fragrant woodruff is a good fodder plant for farm animals. dried flowers fragrant woodruff is an excellent insecticide against moths. Good honey plant.


Fragrant woodruff (lat. Asperula odorata) is a type species of the genus Woodruff (lat. Asperula), of the madder family (lat. Rubiaceae). The genus includes up to 200 species of herbs and shrubs growing in Eurasia, mainly in the Mediterranean, in the CIS countries, including Russia, within 60-90 species. Often it is included in the genus Bedstraw (lat. Galium).

Botanical description

perennial grass 10-40 cm in height with a pleasant, fragrant smell. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, unbranched, practically naked, covered with hairs only at the base. Leaves opposite with stipules, simple, sessile, spatulate or lanceolate, entire, sharp (especially the lower ones), harsh at the edges from thorns, in whorls 4-12. In this case, the whorliness is created due to special type stipules, the so-called interfoliar. The flowers are white, small, collected at the top of the stem in a corymbose inflorescence. Perianth 4-5-membered. The calyx is more or less reduced. The corolla is cleft-lobed, with a tube of various lengths and a funnel-shaped or wheel-shaped limb. Stamens 4-5, filaments attached to the corolla tube. Lower tie. The fruit, when ripe, breaks up into 1-seed mericarps. Blooms in May-August.


Found in the European part of Russia, in the south Western Siberia and the Far East. Prefers shady, damp, broad-leaved, mixed, rarely spruce forests, on moist, humus-rich soil.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, woodruff herb is usually used. In some cases, the rhizome is also used. Cut the grass during the budding period and at the beginning of flowering. Dry quite quickly, in the shade under a canopy or in well-ventilated areas. Store the finished raw materials in a dry room with minimal humidity, since the plant is very hygroscopic. Store for 1 year.

Chemical composition

Fragrant woodruff herb contains flavonoids, coumarins, bitterness and tannins, resins, vitamins C and P, lactone asperuloside, oxalic, tartaric, catechinic, malic and silicic acids, as well as traces essential oil.

Pharmacological properties

Despite the fact that fragrant woodruff is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not used in official medicine, due to the substances included in its chemical composition, it has some medicinal properties. The tannins contained in woodruff herb endow it with astringent and wound-healing properties and allow it to be considered as effective remedy plant origin at skin diseases various etiologies. The lactone asperuloside, which is part of the plant, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. Fragrant woodruff coumarins also endow the plant with antispasmodic properties, allowing the plant to be used for treatment neurological diseases and relief of pain syndromes (including algomenorrhea). It has been experimentally proved that galenical preparations (tinctures, water extracts, extracts) of woodruff are able to expand capillaries and increase the dynamics of blood circulation without changing blood viscosity.

Application in traditional medicine

Fragrant woodruff is quite a popular plant that has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. For example, it was used internally as sedative with insomnia, tachycardia; as diaphoretic, bile and diuretic urolithiasis; skin diseases associated with metabolic disorders; as astringent and fixative, as well as in diseases of the liver, inflammatory diseases urinary tract.

In the form of an infusion, woodruff herb is used in the treatment of heart diseases as a sedative and anti-spasmodic agent. In the practice of traditional medicine, fragrant woodruff is used to treat tonsillitis, laryngitis. Infusion of woodruff roots is taken to stimulate sexual function in men. As part of herbal preparations woodruff is used for treatment. In addition, woodruff is used externally as an antiseptic, wound healing agent for washing, lotions and compresses with skin rashes, eczema, boils, ulcers, festering wounds, infiltrates, tumors and burns.

History reference

Beneficial features fragrant woodruff began to be actively used in folk medicine from the middle of the 16th century. And the first written mention of the plant dates back to about 854. There are records of a Benedictine monk that in those days the stems of the plant insisted on Rhine wine (sometimes with the addition of cognac, sugar, orange peel) and used to improve general condition organism.


1. Biological encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov) 2nd ed., corrected. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia. 1989.

2. Dudchenko L. G., Kozyakov A. S., Krivenko V. V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-tasting plants: a Handbook / Ed. ed. K. M. Sytnik. K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989. 304 p.

3. Plant life / Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhan. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. V. 5 (2).

4. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Systematics of higher or land plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

5. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Plants in home cosmetics and dermatology. M. 2001. 684 p.

6. Flora of the USSR. In 30 tons / Started under the leadership and under main editorial acad. V. L. Komarova; Ed. B. K. Shishkin. M.-L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1958. T. XXIII. S. 262.

plant type: perennial.

Description: both hardy perennials and annuals are found in this genus. They differ in the flowering period, and annuals usually bloom in mid-summer, and perennials in spring. These are small plants 10 to 20 cm tall. They are great for growing in rock gardens. In addition, they are often used to cover bare earthen areas. The flowers are usually white or pink in color and have a pleasant fragrance.

Soil type: woodruff grows well in saturated nutrients soils. The soil should be slightly acidic. The pH level should be between 4.5 - 5.5. It is desirable that the soil be enriched with humus. The soil must be well drained. During planting, add a small amount of organic fertilizers.

Watering: the soil should be moist, water until the soil is completely moistened. For this plant, watering is very important and it should be plentiful, so you can even water it daily. Never allow woodruff to dry out.

Fertilizers: add organic fertilizer to upper layer soil in early spring.

Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds or division. If you are going to grow a plant in the garden, then the seeds need to be scattered on the surface of the soil. Annuals should be planted in spring, and perennials in spring or early summer. The distance between plants should be from 7 to 22 cm.

Photo of woodruff plant grown from seeds in containers.

If you are planting seeds indoors, they must be fresh. Plant in a container, wrap them in a plastic bag and refrigerate for two weeks. The first shoots appear within 3-7 weeks. The temperature should be around 10 degrees. You can plant in the garden after the last frost. Annuals are best grown from seed, while perennials are best grown by dividing in spring or fall.

Application: used for decorative purposes. Quite often, woodruff leaves are used for cooking. Leaves must be harvested before flowering. Moreover, known healing properties plants.

Additionally: if you originally grew flowers indoors and then brought them to the garden, then the planting depth should be the same as it was in pots. Also, many gardeners recommend mulching the soil when growing woodruffs. For these purposes, it is desirable to use organic compost, the layer thickness should be about 7 cm. Old flower stems and leaves should be cut.

Woodruff - Sweet Woodruff

This flower is especially popular with gardeners and is a small ornamental perennial with white flowers that appear among dark green leaves. Flowering occurs from May to July. The growth pattern of this variety of woodruff is quite intense, and therefore it is excellent for covering empty areas of the garden with it. As a rule, the height of the flower reaches from 15 to 30 cm.

AT wild nature woodruff odorous or, as it is otherwise called fragrant woodruff, usually grows in wooded areas and grows well in shady places where the sun hits. The seeds are dispersed by the wind and often end up on the fur or feathers of various animals. Flowers are both female and male organs and are pollinated by bees and butterflies.

It should be noted that this type of woodruff has wide application. It is added to tea, as well as fruit salads. In addition, the flower has antiseptic properties and it is used to treat external wounds.

Woodruff odorous- a perennial plant, a representative of the Rubiaceae family. Woodruff is a rhizome with a straight stem and whorled leaves (see photo). The grass blooms with small white flowers, and as a fruit, it forms a round two-seed.

Scientists consider the Mediterranean to be the birthplace of woodruff. It is also found in the Far East and in Central Asia. This herb grows in shady forests, but is easily bred in gardens. The plant got its generic name Asperula from Latin word asper, which means "fragrant" in translation. Russian name woodruff, or jasmine, due to the similarity of smell with the king of all flowers - jasmine.

Our ancestors attributed to the woodruff one interesting property. It was believed that the plant is able to change bad character traits very quickly. To do this, an irritable person should be given a decoction of woodruff on an empty stomach, provided that he does not know what kind of medicine it is. Hot temper and anger will leave such a person very soon.

In Germany woodruff was associated with spring festivities. According to ancient legends, these holidays were a symbol of the rebirth of all life, the victory of good forces over evil ones. On the night of the first of May, or Walpurgis night, evil spirits in last time tried to maintain power over man and nature. Therefore, in the villages there were traditions to scare away evil forces with the help of bells, screams and noise. On the morning of the first of May, festivities were held, and the streets of houses and even churches were decorated with garlands of the first flowers, and always a woodruff.

In the famous work of the Middle Ages "Hortus sanitatis" grass is recommended to be used as a remedy for all known diseases. Dried bouquets from this fragrant plant were placed in wardrobes to give clothes a pleasant smell.

Cultivation and care

Growing woodruff takes not as much time as it might seem at first glance. Woodruff is well suited for rocky hills, it can be grown both in sunny places and in partial shade. A carefully selected combination of several types of plants allows you to get an amazing carpet of greenery, covered with flowers of various shades. Woodruff can become one of the components of the Moorish lawn, which, in addition to herbs, includes up to 40 (!) Kinds of unpretentious flowers: daisies, calendula, carnations, chrysanthemums, etc.

Woodruff odorous prefers moist, well-drained soil with enough sunlight. Care for him consists of regular watering, top dressing and weeding. The blue woodruff is considered the most unpretentious representative of this species - cold-resistant, frost-resistant and shade plant. However, some species do not tolerate cold showers. In this case, it is better to cover them with a film during the rain.

Woodruff is practically not affected by diseases and pests. The plant is propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of the rhizome. It is a good honey plant.

Collection and storage

Plant collection is carried out at the beginning of flowering. For medicinal purposes, its aerial part is harvested. The collected raw materials are dried on outdoors, in the shade, away from sunlight. Store woodruff in glass jar, it should be used within one year.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of woodruff fragrant due to its valuable composition. The herb is rich in bitterness, tannins, fatty and essential oils, coumarin, vitamin C. Woodruff also contains oxalic, tartaric acid, flavonoids. The essential oil gives the plant its characteristic aroma and medicinal properties. These and other biologically active substances make woodruff valuable plant in phytotherapy.

The plant is known for its diuretic effect, which allows it to be used in kidney diseases. In folk medicine, he was known back in the 16th century; books on medical topics say about this. At that time, the plant was used as a diuretic. They also treated dropsy, used as a remedy for stomach pain.

Use in cooking

In cooking, woodruff is used to flavor certain dishes. The grass has a pronounced aroma, so it is used in the tobacco industry, the production of alcoholic beverages, as well as to give pleasant smell fruit. Housewives add this fragrant plant when preparing puddings, ice cream, compotes and other sweets.

Woodruff has some culinary specialties. Unlike other herbs, which are added in crushed form, its leaves are simply dipped into the dish and then removed. This technology helps to achieve a pleasant and very delicate taste and aroma. fruit salads or lemonade.

Grass is widely used in the production alcoholic beverages. So, some wines and Polish vodka are flavored with it. In Germany, woodruff is added to the kruchon - a chilled drink, which is obtained by mixing wine, liquor, syrup or juice, as well as the fruits themselves with the addition of cider, champagne. It is served cold in crystal goblets called crucibles. Kruchon insist on Rhine wine, adding to the drink orange peels and cognac.

The French put woodruff herb in champagne, the Americans in wine punch, and the Swiss in cognac. In Berlin, local beer is served with woodruff syrup. In France, woodruff is used to make aromatic vinegar, which is considered the best seasoning for dandelion and lettuce salad. With Alsatian wine infused with this herb, they offer to taste stewed poulard and stewed cabbage. In European culinary tradition, it is customary to use this plant to flavor smoked meats. The spicy flavor of the herb pairs well with meat.

The benefits of woodruff odorous and treatment

The benefits of the plant are known to folk medicine. Its main medicinal effect is treatment of heart palpitations and various heart diseases. To do this, prepare an infusion of 15 grams of leaves, flowers of the plant and vodka diluted with two parts of water (500 ml of liquid should be obtained in total). The remedy is insisted for several days, and then taken 3 tbsp. l. For the period of admission medicinal product it is forbidden to eat fish in any form and meat, as well as salty dishes; it is forbidden to use salt in cooking. Treatment is carried out for 5 days, then a break of 10 days is taken, during which one large onion should be eaten every day. Further, the reception of funds should be resumed and continued for another 10 days.

woodruff - famous remedy for dropsy. This disease is a fluid retention in various organs. Essentially, this is not independent disease, but a consequence of other diseases, for example, the liver, kidneys, heart. In this case, an infusion is prepared from the aerial part of the herb. For infusion you will need 30 grams of dry raw materials per 400 ml hot water. The resulting infusion is put in a cold place for several days. Then it must be filtered and 50 ml of vodka should be added to 2 cups of infusion. Take the remedy should be 5 times a day half a teaspoon. For the period of treatment it is forbidden to eat meat and fish meals and also salt. If on the second day the urine acquires a herbal smell, then treatment will pass fast. If the smell appears later, then the recovery process will be difficult and lengthy.

In the Caucasus, woodruff is used to treat heart disease, and also as a means to improve metabolic processes. Bulgarians use the herb for sleep problems, hysterical seizures, and liver diseases. To get rid of nervous attacks 10 grams of grass is poured with boiling water and insisted. Take the remedy 4 times a day for 1 tsp.

The herb can also be used as prophylactic during stone formation bladder. Externally, the plant is used for boils, wounds.

Harm of woodruff odorous and contraindications

The plant can bring harm to the body with individual intolerance. The herb is considered low-toxic, but due to the content of coumarin in large quantities may cause headache, dizziness, paralysis, respiratory arrest, death. It is contraindicated to take the plant to pregnant and lactating women.

Woodruff has whorled, hard-edged leaves, which is also reflected in its Latin name asperula (rough, hard), but when dried, it smells pleasantly of coumarin; hence its specific name - odorata (fragrant).

Other plant names:

woodruff odorous

A brief description of woodruff fragrant:

Fragrant woodruff (odorous) - This is a perennial herb about 30-40 cm in height. Creeping rhizome. Stems erect, unbranched, tetrahedral, solitary, with creeping shoots at the base.

The lower leaves are spatulate, collected in whorls of four to six; the upper ones are lanceolate, in whorls of eight. The inflorescence is apical, few-flowered, consisting of three semi-umbels. Flowers almost sessile, white or pale pink, 3–4.5 mm long, with 4 obtuse corolla lobes. Corolla 3–7 mm in diameter, white, funnel-shaped, with a short tube and 4 oblong, blunt lobes. The anthers are exposed from the pharynx on the corolla. Stamens - 4.

The fruits are dry, covered with dense, shiny, hook-shaped hairs. Blossoms in May - July, bears fruit from July.

Places of growth:

It is found in the middle zone of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus. It usually grows in in large numbers in shady, deciduous, mainly beech and oak forests.

Cultivation of woodruff:

Woodruff propagates by seeds and rhizomes. Woodruff is sown or planted with row spacings 45–70 cm wide. Planting care consists in keeping the soil in a loose and weed-free state.

Woodruff preparation:

FROM medicinal purposes collect grass during flowering. Dry in the shade, laying out thin layer, or in a dryer at a temperature of 50–60 °. It must be dried quickly so that the grass does not turn black, stored in a dark, dry place in a tightly closed package. However, with proper drying, the grass still darkens a little, only partially retaining its green color. The fresh plant has almost no smell, but the dried one has pleasant aroma. In the process of drying woodruff loses part of its biological active substances, so it is better to use for medicinal purposes fresh plant.

During wilting and drying woodruff pleasantly, but sharply smells of coumarin. One plant gives an average of 0.4-0.9 g of raw or 0.1-0.2 g of dry above-ground mass.

For spices, the grass is cut during flowering, when coumarin and other substances accumulate the largest number. Drying spices is carried out in the shade, often turning over. When dried, the plant darkens a little, acquires a strong smell. Store in a cool dry place in an airtight container.

The chemical composition of woodruff fragrant:

Woodruff herb contains glycosides, tannins, bitterness, some fatty essential oil, asperuloside, and the mainly spicy-smelling coumarin, which is coumaric acid anhydride, which is released when the herb dries out.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of woodruff fragrant (scented woodruff).

Pharmacological properties of woodruff fragrant:

The pharmacological properties of woodruff are determined by its chemical composition.

Woodruff preparations have a mild laxative, antiseptic, wound-healing, sedative, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant effect.

"Grass" is used in folk medicine for heart disease (as a sedative and antispasmodic), for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stones and sand in the bladder (diuresis increases).

AT Bulgarian medicine used as an emollient, diuretic and diaphoretic.

The use of woodruff in medicine, treatment with woodruff:

Infusion of woodruff herb is used to improve metabolism, calm nervous system, hysterical fits, against insomnia, nervous and other pains, for dissolving sand and stones in the bile ducts, gallbladder and kidneys, with liver diseases and edema of various origins, intestinal colic, to improve the work of the heart, eliminate palpitations, relieve painful menstruation, sweating, excretion of urine and bile.

Infusion of woodruff herb is used for various skin diseases, diarrhea, bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma, with difficult to separate sputum and severe cough. An infusion of herbs has found wide application as a means of restoring wrong exchange substances.

Infusion of woodruff grass is used externally for washings, lotions, compresses, poultices for boils, skin ulcers, wounds, rashes, bleeding from wounds, subcutaneous hemorrhages (hematomas) and poor blood clotting.

In pharmacy, raw materials are used for the preparation of herbal preparations and for aromatization.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses of woodruff preparations:

From woodruff herb are made effective medications and forms used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's consider the main ones.

Woodruff herb infusion:

Pour 1 glass of cold boiled water 2 tsp dry herbs, insist in a sealed container for 4-5 hours, stirring the contents occasionally, strain. Drink 1 day in several doses 20 minutes before meals, the last time - before bedtime.

Woodruff herb infusion:

Pour 2 cups boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. fresh chopped herbs, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain, squeeze and bring the volume of liquid to the original. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Fresh woodruff herb:

Fragrant woodruff contraindications:

main role coumarin plays a role in the treatment with woodruff preparations, but it should not be administered in large quantities, since it acts toxic, causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, headache, paralysis and even death.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate; to give Activated carbon inside and saline laxative. In the future - symptomatic treatment.

The use of woodruff on the farm:

Woodruff odorous is a well-known spice with a pleasant intense smell, spicy bitter taste. Used for food upper part plants, using both fresh and dry, seasoning salads, vegetable dishes. Woodruff leaves can be used from early spring, enriching food with vitamin C. In sweet compotes, drinks, fruit drinks, woodruff is dipped at the very end of cooking for a few seconds and the twig is immediately removed. Fresh and dry leaves flavor other sweet dishes, puddings. The culture of using woodruff fragrant for flavoring non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks has developed a very long time ago. So, the famous fragrant German crucson is known, for the preparation of which they use Rhine wine, cognac, sugar and orange peel. Aromatize the beaker with the stalks of the fragrant woodruff. This spice was widely used by Benedictine monks to prepare a "drink of love", which was also considered a "health drink". French champagne is flavored with this spice. In Switzerland, they add it to cognac or Benedictine. Dried woodruff herb is used to flavor beer, vodka, essences, and is used for tea blends. Used for flavoring linen, tobacco. Roasted seeds are used for surrogate coffee. The plant is also used as a dye (the roots give a red color, the flowers - dark blue). However, excessive consumption of this drink entails an acute headache.

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