Trimedat - what is prescribed, prices, reviews, similar drugs. Trimedat - official instructions for use (in the form of tablets), indications, take before meals or after meals, analogues are cheaper


Trimedat is a drug that regulates the intensity of motor motility of the digestive tract (mainly the intestines) and, accordingly, the speed of the food bolus from the esophagus to the large intestine. Trimedat is used to relieve various symptoms caused by gastrointestinal motility disorders, such as diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, intestinal colic, abdominal pain, cramps, nausea and vomiting.

Varieties, names, forms of release and composition of Trimedat

Currently, Trimedat is available in the following two varieties:
  • Trimedat;
  • Trimedat Valens.
These varieties differ from each other only in names, and the indications, contraindications and side effects for both drugs are exactly the same. An additional word in the name of the drug "Trimedat Valenta" was introduced in order to obtain a unique name that differs from others by at least one letter. Such a unique name is necessary for the registration of a medicinal product as a trademark of a plant or factory.

And since the drug called "Trimedat" is produced by the South Korean pharmaceutical corporation "Dae Hau New Pharm Co.", then the right to this name also belongs to it. Therefore, the Russian pharmaceutical company "Valenta" began to produce the drug under the name "Trimedat Valenta", which differs from the original by an additional word and is its own trademark.

However, since, in fact, the preparations Trimedat and Trimedat Valenta are varieties of the same drug, we will use the common name "Trimedat" to refer to them in the further text of the article.

Trimedat is available in a single dosage form - oral tablets. There are two dosage options for the active substance - 100 mg or 200 mg per tablet. That is, Trimedat is available in tablets with two dosages - 100 mg and 200 mg.

As an active ingredient Trimedat contains trimebutine. As auxiliary components The tablets of both dosages contain the following substances:

  • Silicon dioxide colloidal;
  • Corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Talc.
Tablets of both dosages (100 mg and 200 mg) are available in packs of 10, 20 and 30 pieces.

South Korean-made Trimedat tablets with a dosage of 100 mg are flat-cylindrical in shape, painted white and equipped with two embossed letters "TM" on one side and two intersecting risks on the other. Three triangles are visible above and below the letters "TM", located on the same line.

South Korean-made Trimedat tablets with a dosage of 200 mg have a round, biconvex shape, are painted white, and are also provided with a risk on one side and an extruded symbol in the form of two drops on the other.

Trimedat Valenta tablets of both dosages have the same shape and color - round, flat-cylindrical, painted white. Tablets of 100 mg are provided on one side with a chamfer, and on the other with two intersecting risks. Tablets of 200 mg are provided with one facet and a risk from different sides.

Action Trimedat

The therapeutic effect of Trimedat is to equalize the intensity of peristaltic movements and contractions in all parts of the intestine, due to which the food bolus moves evenly, at an optimal speed, without stopping anywhere and, at the same time, without slipping too quickly. Due to the normalization and equalization of the speed of movement of the food bolus in various parts of the intestine, the problem of symptoms of digestive disorders caused by various diseases of the stomach and intestines, such as increased gas formation (flatulence), bloating, abdominal pain, cramps, intestinal colic, diarrhea or constipation, is completely eliminated. as well as nausea and vomiting.

Thus, the action of Trimedat ensures the elimination of painful symptoms accompanying diseases of the stomach and intestines or their functional disorders (for example, after taking a large amount of fatty, spicy, spicy or other irritating food, etc.). Therefore, Trimedat is used as a symptomatic drug for the relief of painful manifestations of diseases of the intestines and stomach.

The specified therapeutic effect of Trimedat is achieved by its ability to normalize the intensity of peristaltic contractions of the intestine, that is, to accelerate with insufficiency and reduce with redundancy. In addition, the drug acts as antispasmodic, reducing tension and too strong tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine, which contributes to the relief of spastic pain.

That is, Trimedat restores the intensity of movements of the smooth muscles of the intestine in various diseases, thereby normalizing the process of digestion and eliminating the painful symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia (flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, spastic pain).

The advantage of the drug is that Trimedat just normalizes intestinal motility, that is, increases or decreases its intensity, depending on the existing level in relation to the norm.

In addition, Trimedat optimizes the pressure of the esophageal sphincter and the rate of gastric emptying, which eliminates reflux of gastric contents. Stopping reflux, in turn, eliminates such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting and heartburn.

Indications for use

Trimedat tablets are indicated for use in the following cases:
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by abdominal pain and colic, intestinal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation (or their alternation);
  • Postoperative paralytic ileus;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  • Dyspeptic symptoms in functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with impaired motor skills, such as swallowing air during meals, discomfort or pain in the stomach, a feeling of fullness or fullness in the stomach after eating, rapid satiety;
  • Dyspeptic disorders against the background of diseases of the stomach and intestines, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation (or their alternation), cramps and pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting;
  • Preparation for x-ray or endoscopic examination of the stomach or intestines;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms in children (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, bloating, abdominal cramps and pain) associated with impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Trimedat - instructions for use

How to take Trimedat?

Trimedat tablets should be taken orally, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in other ways, but with a sufficient amount of water (it is optimal to drink tablets with 2/3 cup of water).

The dosage of Trimedat is the same for various diseases, but differs for children and adults. Currently, it is recommended to take Trimedat in the following dosages depending on age:

  • Teenagers over 12 and adults
In the indicated age dosages, Trimedat should be taken in the presence of any indication. The duration of the course of use depends on the disease or condition for which the drug is taken.

So, for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, Trimedat should be taken in the acute period, 200 mg 3 times a day for four weeks. Then, to prevent relapses and achieve stable remission at the end of 4 weeks, you should continue taking Trimedat already at a dosage of 100 mg 3 times a day for 12 weeks in a row. Such a therapy regimen: 4 weeks of 600 mg per day + 12 weeks of 300 mg per day allows you to cure irritable bowel syndrome in almost 100% of cases.

People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome in remission can undergo treatment with Trimedat, aimed at preventing relapses, by taking 100 mg tablets three times a day for three weeks.

With functional disorders or diseases of the digestive tract (including cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, GERD, etc.) Trimedat as a symptomatic drug should be taken in courses lasting 2-3 months for both children and adults . Moreover, it is recommended to repeat the courses of therapy periodically, observing intervals between them lasting at least 3 months. Remember that the effect of Trimedat in chronic diseases develops and manifests itself only by the end of the second week of admission, so short courses of therapy in these cases are useless.

When using Trimedat as an emergency remedy, for example, with symptoms of dyspepsia in children (bloating, belching, nausea, cramps, intestinal colic, etc.), the drug should be given at an age dosage for several days, until the symptoms of the disorder are completely will pass. In the same way, adults can also take Trimedat in short courses when symptoms of dyspepsia appear that are not associated with diseases or functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, if a child or an adult has bloating, nausea, colic or abdominal cramps, diarrhea that is not associated with an infectious disease (for example, "bear disease"), or flatulence, then to eliminate these symptoms, you can take Trimedat at an age dosage . In such cases, when the symptoms of dyspepsia occur episodically, and are not constantly present, the drug should be taken in short courses lasting 1 to 3 days.

When preparing for an x-ray or endoscopic examination of the digestive tract, take Trimedat 1-2 times at the age dosage before the upcoming manipulation.

In the treatment of postoperative paralytic ileus, Trimedat must also be taken at an age dosage for at least 4 weeks. After four weeks of treatment, it is necessary to evaluate the motor activity of the intestine, and based on the data obtained, make a decision to stop or continue therapy.

Trimedat - before meals or after?

Tablets are optimally taken 15 to 30 minutes before meals for both adults and children. If for some reason it is not possible to take Trimedat 15-30 minutes before a meal, then this can be done within 20 minutes after a meal. In this mode, tablets should be taken as planned, during the entire course of therapy.

However, if symptoms of dyspepsia (abdominal pain, colic and intestinal cramps) occur between meals, then you can take Trimedat urgently, and not as planned, in which case you do not need to focus on food. That is, the drug can be taken at any time, regardless of meals.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the course of experimental studies on animals, Trimedat did not show a negative effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy. However, for obvious ethical reasons, such trials have not been conducted in pregnant women, so there is no exact data on the safety of the drug. That is why it is not recommended to take Trimedat during the first trimester of pregnancy (from the beginning to the end of the 13th week). And in the II and III trimesters, you can take Trimedat only if the potential benefit outweighs all possible risks.

Since it is not known whether Trimedat penetrates into women's milk, it is recommended to stop using the drug throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. If it is necessary to take Trimedat for health reasons, then the child should be weaned and transferred to artificial mixtures.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Trimedat does not affect the functions of the central nervous system, and therefore, against the background of its use, you can engage in any type of activity that requires a high speed of reactions and concentration.


An overdose of Trimedat tablets has not been detected even once during the entire period of observation of its clinical use.

Interaction with other drugs

Interaction with other drugs for Trimedat is not described. This means that Trimedat can be combined with any other drugs needed to effectively treat various diseases and conditions.

Trimedat for children

Trimedat can be used to eliminate the symptoms of dyspepsia in children provoked by various causes. You should know that South Korean-made Trimedat can be used for children only from the age of 12, and the Russian Trimedat Valenta - from 3 years.

Most often, Trimedat in children of different ages is used for symptoms of dyspepsia that are not associated with any diseases, such as:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Discomfort, feeling of heaviness or fullness in the stomach;
  • Nausea;
  • Colic and spasms of the intestines;
  • Flatulence;
  • Bloating
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea not associated with an infectious disease or poisoning).
In children of different ages, the listed symptoms of dyspepsia can occur quite often for a variety of reasons, for example, after eating unusual food or a large amount of carbonated water, overeating, intense physical activity after eating, against the background of nervous tension, climate change or unusual surroundings, etc. . Regardless of the cause that provoked the phenomena of dyspepsia, Trimedat can be used to stop them in children. In such cases, tablets should be given at the age dosage for 1 to 3 days. Stop using the drug should be after the complete disappearance of symptoms of dyspepsia.

Since dyspeptic symptoms develop quite often in children, Trimedat is a necessary drug in any home or travel first aid kit, as it quickly normalizes the child's condition, stopping painful symptoms.

In addition, Trimedat can be used as part of the complex therapy of various diseases of the digestive tract in children, such as GERD, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, etc. In such situations, Trimedat should be given to the child at an age dosage in long courses of 1 to 3 months.

The dosage of Trimedat for children depends only on their age, and is the same for various conditions and diseases. This means that for any disease or condition, the child should be given Trimedat in the same dosage appropriate for his age.

  • Teenagers over 12 years old- take 100 - 200 mg 3 times a day;
  • Children aged 6 - 11 years inclusive- take 50 mg (half a tablet with a dosage of 100 mg) three times a day;
  • Children aged 3 - 5 years inclusive- take 25 mg (a quarter of a tablet with a dosage of 100 mg) three times a day.
Tablets can be given to a child regardless of food intake, especially if it is necessary to eliminate sudden symptoms of dyspepsia that are not associated with any diseases of the digestive tract.

Adolescents over 12 years of age are given whole tablets of the required dosage (100 mg or 200 mg), which they must swallow whole and drink clean non-carbonated water. For children aged 3 to 11 years, Trimedat 100 mg tablets must be divided into two or four parts to obtain a dose of 50 mg or 25 mg. After the tablet is divided into the required number of parts, you can give the child the required dosage in two ways. First, you can let the baby swallow half or a quarter of the pill, if he already knows how to do it. Secondly, you can grind half or a quarter of the tablet into powder, place it in a spoon, add a little water and let the child drink the resulting suspension.

The choice of the method of taking Trimedat tablets by children aged 3 to 11 years depends on their preferences. That is, if it is more convenient for a child to swallow tablets, then you should give him a half or a quarter. If the child swallows tablets with difficulty and is accustomed to liquid dosage forms (syrups, suspensions, solutions), then it is better to crush half or a quarter of Trimedat into powder, then dissolve it with water, turning it into a suspension, and give it to the baby in this form.

Trimedat for constipation

Trimedat has a regulating effect on intestinal motility, strengthening or, on the contrary, weakening it, depending on the need and the initial level available. Moreover, in different parts of the intestine, Trimedat can have exactly the opposite effect - for example, in the small intestine it increases peristalsis, and in the large intestine, on the contrary, it weakens, or vice versa. Such a therapeutic effect of the drug leads to the fact that intestinal motility is normalized and synchronized, as a result of which the food bolus moves at an optimal speed, which ensures complete digestion. Accordingly, ensuring optimal peristalsis normalizes defecation, eliminating both constipation and diarrhea. That is why Trimedat can be used to treat both constipation and diarrhea (non-infectious origin).

For constipation, Trimedat for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age is recommended to take 100 mg 2 to 3 times a day 15 to 20 minutes before meals. Babies 3-5 years old with constipation should be given Trimedat 25 mg 2-3 times a day, and children 6-11 years old - 50 mg 2-3 times a day, also 15-30 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy depends on the rate of normalization of the defecation process. That is, you should take the pills until the stool becomes regular.

  • Individual sensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
  • I trimester of pregnancy (until the end of the 13th week of gestation);
  • Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • Trimedat - analogues

    The entire set of analogues of any drug, including Trimedat, is divided into two large groups - these are synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms are drugs containing the same active substance. That is why synonyms are also called structural analogs.

    Analogues are drugs that have the most similar spectrum of therapeutic action, but contain different active substances. Such drugs are often referred to as "analogue drugs".

    Synonyms of Trimedat are drugs that also contain trimebutine as an active substance. On the domestic pharmaceutical market, there are the following preparations-synonyms of Trimedat:

    • Debridate solution (available in some CIS countries and Europe);
    • Neobutin tablets;
    • Tributate tablets (available in Ukraine);
    • Trimspa 200 tablets (only available in Ukraine and Kazakhstan).
    Analogues of Trimedat are drugs containing other active substances, but also with the ability to regulate intestinal motility. Currently, the following drugs are classified as Trimedat analogues:
    • Dicetel tablets;
    • Duspatalin capsules;
    • Iberogast drops for oral administration;
    • Colofort lozenges;
    • Niaspam capsules;
    • Pepsan-R capsules and gel for oral administration;
    • Spazmomen tablets;
    • Sparex capsules;
    • Trigan solution for injection;
    • Enterosan capsules.

    Violation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract worries the population more and more regularly, most often this occurs due to poor nutrition. At such moments, drugs that improve intestinal motility come to the rescue.

    Trimedat is recognized as one of the most effective means of eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, the acquisition of the drug requires very tangible financial costs. If health urgently requires drug support, but there is no way to buy expensive drugs, more affordable, but no less effective analogues will come to the rescue.

    Instructions for use of the drug

    The drug is a drug of Russian production. The main active ingredient is trimebutine. It is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


    The drug is actively used for such disorders as:

    • pain, cramps in the abdomen;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • violation of the digestive system;
    • stomach upset;
    • violation of motility of the gastrointestinal tract (including in children).

    Trimedat is also used in preparing the gastrointestinal tract for various medical examinations.(magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray, endoscopic examination).


    Contraindications for the use of the drug include:

    • hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components that make up the basis of the drug;
    • children's age (it is forbidden to give the drug to children under three years old);
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period (breastfeeding).

    Side effects

    Failure to comply with the prescribed dosage or excessively prolonged use may cause side effects. These include unpleasant symptoms such as:

    • skin rash;
    • skin redness;
    • development of an allergic edition.

    If one or more negative symptoms occur, you should stop taking Trimedat and inform your doctor about the ailments that have arisen.

    The cost of the drug

    Produced in the form of tablets. Tablets are packed in blisters (one blisters - 10 pieces), they go on sale in a cardboard box. One box contains from one to three blisters.

    Tablets differ in the content of the active substance - 100 mg and 200 mg each. The cost of packing Trimedat 100 mg is an average of 280 rubles (for 10 pieces), Trimedat 200 mg costs about 485 rubles (for 30 pieces).

    Cheap analogues

    A wide range of medicines in pharmacies provides an opportunity to choose the most appropriate drugs. If you need to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can rely on the help of one of the analogues.

    Trigun D

    A drug from the group of antispasmodics and analgesics. The basis is dicycloverine and paracetamol. Produced in the form of tablets.


    The drug is prescribed for discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and pain:

    • severe colic of any localization (intestinal, renal, hepatic);
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • stomach cramps;
    • dysmenorrhea.

    Dosage and duration of administration is prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis. depending on the patient's diagnosis.


    This medication has a number of contraindications, in which it is strictly forbidden to take the drug:

    • stomach ulcer;
    • duodenal ulcer;
    • acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • esophagitis;
    • hypovolemic shock state;
    • intolerance to one or more components that make up the composition.

    Also, for a number of diseases, it is necessary to take Trigan D under the strict supervision of a specialist:

    • acute dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
    • any blood disease;
    • glaucoma;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • oncological neoplasms;
    • alcoholism.

    Side effects

    Any medicine can cause side effects, even with strict adherence to the dosage and duration of administration. Treatment with Trigan D can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • daytime sleepiness;
    • loss of appetite;
    • weight loss;
    • deterioration of vision.

    If side effects occur, the medication should be stopped and the doctor should be informed about the malaise.


    The average cost in Russian pharmacies is within 120 rubles.

    Comparison with the original

    Both drugs are aimed at combating the violation of the digestive system, while they have a different composition and a very different price.


    Russian drug designed to improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. The main active ingredient is trimebutine.


    The drug is prescribed for intestinal obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome and to improve the overall tone of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.


    Neobutin has a number of contraindications. It is strongly not recommended to take it with:

    • hypersensitivity or complete intolerance to the components that make up the composition;
    • lack of lactase in the body;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation (breastfeeding).

    The restrictions also apply to children and the elderly.

    Under the influence of negative environmental factors, the digestive system may be disrupted. Ultimately, unpleasant symptoms such as increased gas formation, bloating, diarrhea or constipation appear. You can restore the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of special preparations, including Trimedat. The drug stimulates the work of the intestinal walls, which actively begin to digest food and remove decay products in a natural way. Next, we will consider in more detail which Trimedat has analogues of domestic and foreign production.

    The composition of the drug includes paracetamol and dicycloverine. Trigan D is available in only one form, namely in the form of tablets.

    • When there are problems in the digestive system.
    • For colic of any kind. It can also be the kidneys or liver.
    • With intense contraction of the muscles of the stomach, accompanied by pain.
    • During the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

    Only a doctor can choose the optimal dose and duration of treatment, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient.

    • With serious diseases of the digestive system, such as an ulcer, a malignant tumor, inflammatory processes, intestinal obstruction.
    • In some cases, an allergic reaction to individual components of the drug may occur. When the first negative symptoms appear, you should definitely stop treatment and choose another remedy.
    • The drug is forbidden to take with serious diseases of the kidneys and liver.
    • Diseases of the blood and heart also do not allow the use of this remedy.
    • Viral and inflammatory processes in the body.
    • During pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before taking the drug.

    The following side effects can be distinguished:

    • Allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin are very rare.
    • Deterioration of the general condition, which is accompanied by dizziness and headache.
    • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
    • Problems with vision and perception of the world.

    When the first negative symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

    Trigan D belongs to the budget category of drugs, the cost of which ranges from 120 rubles. It all depends on the pharmacy chain and the region.


    The drug is produced in Russia and is intended to improve the motility of the digestive tract. The composition includes trimebutin, which performs the main function.

    • With intestinal obstruction to eliminate stagnant feces in a natural way.
    • First of all, it is an allergic reaction to the individual components of the drug.
    • With a deficiency of lactose in the body, it is also not recommended to use the drug.
    • During pregnancy and lactation, you can take the drug only after consulting a doctor.

    While taking Neobutin, the following side effects may occur:

    • Problems with stool in the form of diarrhea.
    • Deterioration of general well-being in the form of headache, dizziness and nausea.
    • Problems with the menstrual cycle.
    • Allergic reactions in the form of edema and rashes.

    The drug can be attributed to the budget category, the cost of which does not exceed 150 rubles. The tool is characterized by an increased level of effectiveness, but only a doctor should prescribe the optimal dosage, taking into account the individual characteristics and condition of a particular patient.

    Meteospasmil, Italy-France

    Only a doctor can choose the best analogue for Trimedat, taking into account the characteristics of the condition of a particular patient. So, in many cases, Meteospasmil is prescribed.

    The drug is designed to reduce gas formation in the stomach and relieve tension in the abdominal muscles. The main components of the drug affect the smooth muscles of the stomach, relieving muscle tension, forcing them to work normally.

    Meteospasmil is also recommended for stool disorders. The main components of the drug allow you to eliminate congestion in the colon and restore the natural process of defecation. It is also effective for diarrhea. In this case, the drug is recommended to be used in the initial stages to avoid dehydration.

    Contraindications include the following:

    • Intestinal obstruction.
    • Allergic reaction to individual elements of the drug.
    • Serious diseases of the digestive system.

    The drug can cause the following side effects:

    • General weakness of the body.
    • Eruptions on the skin.
    • Nausea.

    Sparex, domestic substitute

    • With tension in the abdominal muscles. The drug quickly relieves spasm and restores the normal functioning of the digestive system.
    • With intestinal and biliary colic.
    • With weakness of the muscles of the colon.
    • Can be taken only after 12 years.

    The main contraindications include the following:

    • Hypersensitivity to the main elements of the drug.
    • During pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor.

    The following side reactions are possible:

    • Headache and dizziness.
    • Problems with bowel movements such as constipation or diarrhea.
    • Allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin.
    • In addition, the drug can affect the reaction of a person, so it is not recommended for drivers to use it.

    Niaspam, India

    • With problems in working with the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by intestinal spasm.
    • With colic in the gallbladder and intestines.
    • In violation of the digestive system.

    The drug is allowed to patients only after 12 years. Contraindications include allergic reactions to the main components of Niaspam. It is also recommended to use the drug during pregnancy without consulting a doctor.


    Another good analogue of Trimedat, which is prescribed in the following cases:

    • In chronic or acute diseases of the digestive system. This may be a violation of the normal intestinal microflora, irritable stomach syndrome, after a serious infectious disease.
    • During the treatment of allergic skin diseases.
    • As a preventive measure to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis.

    The drug has practically no contraindications. In some cases, an allergic reaction to the main elements of the product may occur. When the first negative symptoms appear, treatment should be stopped.


    • For the treatment of chronic gastritis.
    • With increased gas formation and bloating.
    • With pain in different parts of the abdomen.
    • With heartburn.

    The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

    • Very rarely, allergic reactions to individual components of the drug may occur.
    • With damaged gastric mucosa, accompanied by bleeding.
    • Serious diseases of the digestive system, for example, a malignant tumor.
    • The drug is not recommended for use with other drugs. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect.

    The main components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood and are absolutely safe for the human body, including a pregnant woman. In this case, during pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid side effects.


    This drug is cheaper than Trimedat, it is recommended to take it in the following cases:

    • During the complex treatment of peptic ulcer of the digestive system.
    • With an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the stomach.
    • With irritable stomach syndrome.
    • To restore the normal functioning of the digestive system.

    Very rarely, allergic reactions to the main components of the drug can occur, which is the main contraindication. At the same time, there are also a number of side effects, which are better known in the instructions from the manufacturer.


    The tool is prescribed in the following cases:

    • In inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
    • With diseases of the digestive system, for example, cholecystitis.
    • With diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.
    • To prevent the development of diseases of important organs and systems.

    The drug can cause the following side effects:

    • General weakness in the form of headache and dizziness.
    • An allergic reaction in the form of swelling or rash on the skin.
    • Pain in the abdomen and diarrhea.
    • First of all, it is an allergic reaction to the individual components of the drug.
    • The tool can be used in patients only after 2 years.
    • Serious diseases of the brain and nervous system.
    • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
    • It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

    Problems of a gastroenterological nature can develop for various reasons, in people of different ages. Many medicines help to solve them. For example, the drug "Trimedat", reviews of which are received from doctors and patients are somewhat contradictory.

    In what form is the medicine produced?

    A drug that helps to solve numerous problems in the gastrointestinal tract - "Trimedat". He gets different reviews. Many patients Ents like that it has only one dosage form - tablets for adults and tablets for children, which allows you not to think about the dosage of the drug, split the pill or decide how to take the medicine.

    For adults, Trimedat tablets contain 200 mg of the active substance. Each unit of the drug has a biconvex rounded shape, on one side there is a risk for dividing the tablet in half, and on the other side two mirror-like elements in the form of curved drops are squeezed out.

    For children, the dosage is half as much - 100 mg of the active ingredient per unit of the drug. On the one hand, the tablets have an extruded pattern in the form of TM symbols and three triangles, on the other hand, two risks are extruded, allowing, if necessary, to divide the tablet into 4 parts.

    Both for adults and for children, the tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pieces, enclosed in cardboard boxes.

    What does the drug consist of?

    The drug "Trimedat" in its composition contains one active substance - trimebutine maleate. Its chemical formula is 2-(dimethylamino)-2-phenylbutyl ether of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid. The drug also contains substances such as corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate, talc. They are auxiliary form-building components and do not play a therapeutic role.

    How does the medicine work?

    The action of "Trimedat" is based on the functionality of the active substance. It belongs to the pharmacological group of myotropic antispasmodics (antispasmodic), that is, it works to relieve spasms of smooth muscles. For the drug "Trimedat" instructions for use tells about the work of the active substance. It activates intestinal motility and normalizes the functionality of all structures of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Like the work of any organ or system of the human body, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is due to a whole system of interrelated processes. For example, intestinal motility also depends on the activity of enkephalinergic neurons that make up the enkephalinergic system of the intestine. It is by acting on this area of ​​​​the gastrointestinal tract functionality that trimebutin shows its medicinal qualities. This substance has a dual ability - to suppress excessive spasm, relaxing the muscles, or, conversely, to stimulate peristalsis in case of hypotension of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

    It is noteworthy that tablets "Trimedat" actively work throughout the gastrointestinal tract, starting from the sphincter of the esophagus and ending with the muscles of the colon. The active substance helps the process of moving food from the stomach to the intestines, through the intestines, as well as the process of defecation. That is why the drug "Trimedat" receives mostly grateful reviews, helping patients to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract in the field of motility.

    Pathway of the drug in the human body

    Tablets "Trimedat" are taken orally. Once in the stomach, the active ingredient begins to be immediately released and absorbed into the bloodstream, its bioavailability is 5-6%, which is sufficient to provide a therapeutic effect when taking the number of tablets prescribed by the doctor per day. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed 1.5-2 hours after taking the tablet. The drug is absorbed by blood proteins to a low degree - only 5%. Metabolic processes occur in the liver, the drug is processed, broken down into metabolites and excreted in the urine. The half-life of the drug from the body is 12 hours. 70% of trimebutine metabolites leave the body per day.

    When is the drug prescribed?

    Currently, the drug "Trimedat" is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for use in the clinic of various diseases in the field of gastroenterology. Therefore, in all patients who are prescribed this medicine, the question arises: " Trimedat "what helps? Due to the functionality of the active component, this drug is recommended in the treatment of diseases, the symptoms of which are gastrointestinal motility disorders:

    • disease of the stomach and duodenum;
    • disease of the digestive system (unspecified);
    • pain in the abdomen (unspecified etiology);
    • gastroesophageal reflux;
    • functional diarrhea;
    • dyspepsia;
    • constipation;
    • flatulence;
    • functional bowel disorder (unspecified);
    • vomit;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • nausea.

    Also, this medicinal substance is recommended for use in preparation for surgery, X-ray and endoscopic examination of organs. Gastrointestinal tract or in the postoperative period with paralytic ileus.

    Medicine "Trimedat" for childrenprescribed to eliminate dyspeptic disorders, which are based on impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract.


    Any drug works only if the diagnosis is correctly made. Tablets "Trimedat" (200 mg) are prescribed to patients after making an adequate diagnosis based on the examinations. Like the vast majority of drugs, it has contraindications for use. There are few of them - this is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as the patient's age up to 3 years.

    Are side effects possible?

    For the drug "Trimedat" side effects were detected only in isolated cases. This is a manifestation of an allergic reaction in the form of skin itching, the appearance of unreasonable anxiety, a violation of the stability of the menstrual cycle, as well as impaired auditory perception. Such an inadequate response of the body to drug therapy resolves on its own and does not require therapeutic intervention. If the condition does not stabilize, then the drug should be discontinued and symptomatic therapy should be used as recommended by the attending physician.

    How to take the drug?

    For the use of the drug "Trimedat" indications for use are based on problems of the gastrointestinal tract associated with motility. It should be taken according to the doctor's prescription after the diagnosis is made in accordance with the therapeutic need. For children over the age of 12 years and adult patients, the standard regimen for the use of the drug is 100-200 mg 3 times a day, no more than 600 mg should be taken per day. As a preventive therapy, the drug is taken in an amount of 300 mg per day, dividing the dose into 3 doses.

    In pediatrics, the drug is prescribed according to age: children from 5 years of age to 12 years of age are recommended to take 50 mg 3 times a day, and children from 3 to 5 years old - 25 mg 3 times a day. It is for this division that the risks on 100 mg tablets are intended, which are conveniently divided into 2 or 4 parts, respectively.

    Tablets, regardless of the age of the patient, should be taken without regard to food intake, without chewing or crushing, drinking plenty of water.

    He receives the medicine "Trimedat" reviews from grateful patients if the course of treatment is completed, and not with the simultaneous use of the drug. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician, while the manufacturer recommends taking the drug as a preventive therapy for at least 4 months.


    For the drug "Trimedat", the instructions for use mention that they do not have data on an overdose. This is based, according to experts, on the fact that the drug is produced in a convenient form, which provides for adequate adherence to the regimen and dosage of use, even for small patients, because a 100 mg tablet is convenient and easy to divide into the required number of parts, double risk allows you to make this without prejudice to adequate dosing of the active substance.


    For the drug "Trimedat" compatibility with other drugs has not been studied. This is most likely based on the functionality of the active substance, which works to normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, a low degree of binding to blood proteins. In addition, this drug can be taken at any time, adhering to the conditional division into morning, afternoon and evening, which allows you to withstand, if necessary, the time interval between taking other drugs and Trimedat.

    How to buy and store the drug?

    The drug for normalizing the motility of the gastrointestinal tract "Trimedat", whose analogues have similar functions, is dispensed from the pharmacy network without a prescription. But taking it without the recommendation of the attending physician is not worth it, since any problem must be diagnosed so that the treatment is beneficial, does not harm and does not take time in case of danger to life. Medicine"Trimedat" has a shelf life of 3 years, after which you can not take pills! The drug is stored under normal conditions, without exposure to sunlight. Tablets should be kept away from children in an inaccessible place to avoid accidental swallowing, despite the fact that"Trimedat" has seemingly minor side effects.

    special instructions

    The medicine "Trimedat" has quite extensive indications for use, associated with disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But in order for the treatment to lead to positive results, long-term remission or a qualitative cure, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with a remedy. The manufacturer recommends that you refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and alcohol for the period of use of the medicine.

    "Trimedat" during pregnancy should be taken only on the advice of a doctor, since trimebutine has a slight ability to penetrate the placental barrier, although its embryotoxicity and teratogenicity have not been identified.


    What does the medicine "Trimedat" help from? From disorders of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract caused by spasm of the smooth muscles of this system. Its active substance (trimebutine) is a myotropic antispasmodic that helps optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. So for the drug"Trimedat" analogues should have the same effect, and synonyms - the same active substance. The synonym for this drug is "Neobutin", which is based on the functionality of timebutin. This is perhaps the only synonym for "Trimedat". But there are many more similar drugs. These are No-Shpa, Betamax, Galidor, Duspatalin, Meverin, which are part of the group of myotropic antispasmodics. Also normalize the work of the intestines such drugs as "Mukofalk" based on plantain oval, which has a laxative effect. So any drugs that affect the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and are used in the normalization of the process of moving food, and then feces through the gastrointestinal tract, can be considered analogues of the drug "Trimedat".

    With alcohol

    When starting a drug prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of a diagnosed disease, it should be remembered that "T rimedat" and alcohol are incompatible. Alcohol, passing through the process of metabolism in the liver, slows down and impairs the work of the active component of the drug - trimebutine. This, of course, negatively affects the process and quality of treatment. Therefore, for the entire course of treatment with "Trimedat" you should stop drinking any alcoholic drinks.

    During pregnancy and lactation

    Tablets "Trimedat" help to cope with problems in the gastrointestinal tract for both adults and children. But for them there is one serious limitation - children under 3 years of age and pregnancy in the first three months. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the use of the drug must be justified by medical indications and necessity. Due to the fact that clinical trials of the drug were not conducted during the lactation period, treatment should be started only after the cessation of lactation, transferring the child to artificial feeding.

    The use of trimedat in pancreatitis is dictated by its gentle effect on the functioning of the pancreas and the ability to selectively affect the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, relaxing spasmodic muscles or toning them during hypotension. Trimedat is a myotropic antispasmodic, the main active ingredient of which is trimebutin.

    Composition and pharmacokinetics of the drug

    Trimedat is often used to relieve the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. The drug detects the highest concentration after 0.5-1.5 hours after taking the drug. During this time, it is absorbed in the intestines and enters the bloodstream. Most of the drug is excreted in the first day with urine. At the same time, it does not have a cumulative ability and does not show a toxic effect on the kidneys, so the agent can be used for a long time.

    Trimebutin is able to regulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, acting in isolation on the enkephalinergic system. With intestinal hypotension, it stimulates its work, and in hyperkinetic conditions, it effectively relieves spasms of the intestinal walls and relaxes the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

    With insufficient secretory activity of the pancreas, situations are not uncommon when the absorption of food slows down and it stagnates in the stomach. Such phenomena reduce the motor activity of the intestine and lead to the growth of pathogenic flora in it. In such cases, gastroenterologists usually recommend taking Trimedat.

    It has the necessary effect, significantly improving the patient's condition:

    • relieves pain and discomfort in the abdomen, eliminates spasms and bloating;
    • improves intestinal peristalsis in the presence of problems with the stool;
    • eliminates motility disorders of the sphincter of Oddi and the biliary tract, eliminates congestion in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • improves the transport of food masses;
    • alleviates the patient's condition with postoperative intestinal obstruction.

    Due to this effect of the drug on the gastrointestinal tract, it can help with the following symptoms:

    • unstable chair;
    • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
    • nausea or vomiting;
    • discomfort under the left rib or upper abdomen;

    Trimedat is widely used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. It is used to prepare the patient for diagnostic measures for the study of the abdominal cavity (endoscopy, X-ray).

    Indications for use

    Usually, the reason for prescribing drugs with trimebutine is gastrointestinal pathology associated with functional disorders.

    The drug is used in many diseases of the digestive system as a symptomatic agent and to improve the process of digestion of food.

    • unstable chair;
    • reflux esophagitis;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • discomfort and spasms;
    • congestion in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • decreased intestinal peristalsis;
    • intestinal obstruction after surgery;
    • flatulence and increased gas formation;
    • stagnation of pancreatic juice and bile.

    Due to the fact that the drug eliminates congestion and the feeling of fullness in the stomach, relieves nausea and improves the motor functions of the intestine, it is often used for inflammation of the pancreas. In addition, Trimedat is sometimes included in the preparatory measures before diagnostic procedures.

    Adverse events and contraindications

    The drug is completely contraindicated in the following conditions:

    • in the first trimester of bearing a child;
    • with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • during lactation (cancellation is required);
    • in early childhood (up to 3 years).
    With full observance of the recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug, and the doctor's prescriptions, the drug rarely shows undesirable effects. Even if side effects occur, they are usually mild and disappear spontaneously.

    Undesirable effects when using Trimedat include allergic skin manifestations that occur due to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Very rarely, the remedy can cause the following pathological manifestations:

    • transient hearing loss;
    • skin rashes;
    • feelings of unreasonable anxiety;
    • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
    • disorder of the digestive tract with lactose intolerance;
    • violation of the heart rhythm.

    These manifestations go away on their own after stopping the use of the drug. It is possible to reduce the severity of allergic manifestations by gradually reducing the dose of the drug. This makes it possible to continue further treatment with the drug Trimedat. In the event of a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, the use of the drug is completely excluded.

    Dosage and rules of admission

    The drug Trimedat has different forms of release (100 and 200 mg). To ensure a complex effect in pancreatitis, it is necessary to take the drug in combination with other means that improve the functioning of the gland. The scheme and duration of therapy is determined by the gastroenterologist.

    In the treatment of children, the following maximum daily dosages are accepted:

    • child from 3 to 5 years - 75 mg in one dose;
    • children from 6 to 12 years old - 150 mg;
    • adolescents over 12 years of age and adults can take up to 300-600 mg.
    Do not exceed the indicated dosage unless directed by a doctor. Use with caution in IBS. There is no information about an overdose of the drug, but it is better in this case to contact a medical institution.

    Drink Trimedat should be three times a day before meals, drinking water. It is undesirable to use milk, tea or juice for these purposes. In some cases, an additional course of therapy may be needed to maintain adequate gastrointestinal function. The drug is usually prescribed at half the dosage for 1-3 months, depending on the diagnosis and instructions of the specialist.

    Analogues and compatibility with drugs

    Trimedat goes well with almost any means, without showing any specific interaction. This feature of the drug makes it possible to use it in the complex therapy of many diseases accompanied by a violation of the functions of the digestive system.

    With a disease of the pancreas, as well as many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract similar in symptoms, it is allowed to use Trimedat analogues. They also contain trimebutine, but its concentration may be higher or lower, and additional components may also be present in it.

    The following drugs are analogues of Trimedat:

    • Debridate;
    • Neobutin;
    • Trimedat Valens;
    • trimebutine maleate;
    • trimebutin;
    • Tribudat.

    Drugs of similar action (coincidence in the ATC level 4 code) are Duspatalin, Meverin, Niaspam, Aprofen.

    Trimedat has a release form in the form of tablets, solution for intramuscular injection and powder for suspensions. Debridat contains trimebutine in the form of a powder for suspension dilution, which is convenient in pediatric therapy. Suspensions are allowed to be used to treat children from six months of age.

    In severe cases, infusion therapy will help. The drug should be administered in the form of injections intravenously slowly (up to several minutes). During the treatment period, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable, this will slow down the treatment and adversely affect the patient's health.

    In general, the drug Trimedat has shown itself well in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies and in the complex therapy of pancreatitis in particular. The pharmacological agent restores the motility of the digestive tract and accelerates the healing process. Trimedat effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease, finds excellent compatibility with other pharmacological agents and practically does not cause undesirable effects.

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