How to feed Scottish Fold kittens natural food. Useful tips on care and feeding for the owners of lop-eared Scots. Video "Scottish fold cat"

What to feed a Scottish fold cat (Scottish Fold)? Unfortunately, not all owners of these cats think about it, believing that such an unpretentious animal can be fed as much as necessary. And such confidence ends sadly - with health problems and visits to the veterinarian.

Scottish folds are famous for their good health, but to maintain it, proper, balanced and selected nutrition is necessary for this breed.

How to feed a Scottish Fold cat?

There are three main ways to feed:

  1. Natural food.
  2. Natural raw food. They consist of pieces of natural raw meat, as well as vegetables, offal, egg yolks, omega-3, taurine and vitamins and are healthy nutrition for an active and long life of cats. These feeds are not subjected to heat treatment, are stored and delivered frozen. On the Russian market, this type of feed is represented by the company.
  3. Dry or canned food.

Mixing natural food and ready-made food is not worth it: the stomach of these cats hardly adapts to the constant change of food. Choose one option and stick to it, changing your diet or manufacturer as little as possible.

In feeding - a fairly unpretentious breed, it does not require pickles.

The debate about what kind of food is better to feed the Scottish Fold cat has been going on for decades, but veterinarians have not been able to come to a consensus. Many experts advise choosing exclusively ready-made food for pedigreed cats, since they include all the substances necessary for the animal. And a balanced branded food, of course, will contain much more substances the cat needs than scraps from the owners' table. Indeed, there are many arguments in favor of packaged food:

  • Their use does not require additional feeding with vitamins.
  • A jar of canned food or a bag of food can reduce the time it takes to prepare food for a pet by several times.
  • It reduces to zero the risk that the animal, due to carelessness or negligence of the owner, will receive something tasty, but harmful.

You can buy ready-made food for your cat at the best price in the following online stores:

Despite all the advantages of ready-made feeds, natural products effectively supply the cat with essential trace elements and vitamins. After all, genetically any cat is a predator, and its digestive system is ideally suited for processing natural food - primarily meat.

Feeding a Scottish Fold cat with human food (prepared for people) is not worth it. Some of the foods that are perfectly digested by us can be harmful to the health of the animal. And, more importantly, animals need a completely different combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a healthy life than humans.

If you decide to feed your pet with natural products, then make sure that the diet is based on the physiology of the animal, and not formed from the food left after your hearty lunch or dinner.

Feeding with natural food

On how to properly feed a Scottish Fold cat, it is better to consult an experienced veterinarian. The health of animals depends largely on the amount of nutrients they receive with food.

  1. At least half of all food should be meat.
  2. Vegetables are required - an average of 20 - 25%.
  3. And a third of the entire diet should be filled with cereals.

For a full life, a Scottish Fold cat should receive per day per 1 kg of weight:

  • 4 grams of proteins.
  • 2 grams of fat.
  • 12 - 15 grams of carbohydrates.

The volume of a single serving is also better calculated depending on the weight of the animal. This breed has a tendency to become obese, so owners will have to make sure that their pet does not overeat. That is, a cat weighing 5 kg should eat about 100 grams of food in one sitting, no more. And the daily portion for him will be about 200 - 250 grams.

What foods can be given to the Scots?

Food that can be fed to a Scottish Fold cat should be without the addition of salt or any spices. Any seasonings are contraindicated for cats.

  • One of the most important components of the diet is meat. The main requirement for it: not too high fat content. Ideal for this breed of chicken, turkey, beef and veal. But pork and lamb should not be given in any case.
  • 2 times a month you can pamper your pet with boiled (but not raw and not fried) fish. More often not worth it: this product creates an excessive load on the cat's liver. Please note that only sea fish, and exclusively low-fat varieties, are suitable for feeding the Scottish Fold.

Important! Before feeding the Scottish Fold with fish, make sure that no bones, even small ones, remain in its pulp: otherwise the cat may choke or scratch the delicate tissues of the mouth with a sharp end.

  • Porridges are vital for cats: rice, buckwheat or barley groats. It is best to mix cereals with meat and vegetables: add 1 share of other products to 2 shares of porridge.
  • These cats digest oatmeal quite poorly, and it is better to give it only during indigestion: at these moments it really benefits and helps to speed up recovery. Also note that rice in large quantities can cause constipation.
  • In no case do not give cereals with a high protein content: peas, beans, lentils. Many cats love these foods, but the result is bloating and painful colic.
  • All cats love dairy products. But Scottish folds are contraindicated in pure cow's milk, as well as fermented milk products with a high fat content (for example, cream). It is best to give kefir, fermented baked milk and low-fat sour cream.
  • But vegetables can be given any, except for tomatoes, eggplant, garlic and onions.
  • Add a little boiled, finely chopped egg to your pet's food (no more than 1 per day). Quail is best suited to help maintain immunity, but, in extreme cases, chicken can also be given.

Scottish folds should not be fed cold or too hot food. All food should be slightly warmer than room temperature.

Food for pregnant and lactating cats

But what to feed a lactating Scottish Fold cat? In general, the diet for recently born lop-eared beauties does not change much. However, it is worth adding a spoonful of bone meal to a single serving, and pouring a few drops of fish oil on food once a week. Do not forget about vitamins: during this period, animals need additional support with microelements.

Be sure to increase the proportion of dairy products. And, of course, the volume: for a mother cat, it grows 3 or even 4 times, because she has to feed not only herself, but also her kittens. In order not to be mistaken, give your pet food on demand.

However, there is an easier way to provide the Scottish fold with good nutrition: temporarily transfer the cat to high-quality ready-made food for pregnant and lactating cats.

It is famous for its friendly character and unpretentiousness in care and feeding. These qualities, along with good looks, have made the breed one of the most desirable and in demand. Of course, like any cat, the Scot, even a kitten, prefers a carnivorous diet based on meat. Everything that is laid down in childhood will affect the health of an adult cat, so we will figure out how to properly feed representatives of this breed at a young age.

How much quality food a pet consumes ultimately depends on its well-being and appearance. It has been proven that the timely introduction of certain products into the diet launches programs for the formation of mental processes and characteristics. For example, if the first food for Scottish Fold kittens after milk was meat, then the kids learn hunting skills earlier and more efficiently, develop more dexterous and nimble.

The choice of type of feeding is the responsibility of the owner. And here you can not rely only on personal preferences and stereotypes. There is a whole science of veterinary nutrition that develops specialized diets for animals with different nutritional details. Nutritional requirements vary from animal to animal and foods are also classified accordingly:

  • By age: for adult cats, for young animals, for kittens, for aging cats;
  • By type of coat: for long-haired cats, for "bald" cats;
  • According to the degree of activity and type of content: for active cats, for inactive cats, for homebody cats;
  • According to gastronomic preferences: for picky pets, for those prone to skin problems;
  • According to the life stage: for feeding animals during the breeding period, for pregnant and lactating cats;
  • According to the health factor: for those prone to allergies, food for cats with sensitive digestion, with urolithiasis, with liver problems, etc.

Depending on the type of raw materials, feeding can be natural (food from the table and homemade dishes) and professional (ready-made dry and canned food). These two options can be combined to varying degrees, and then we get mixed feeding (when dry food is added directly to natural food) and combined feeding (dry food and natural products are given at different meals).
It is customary to refer proteins (proteins), fats (lipids) and carbohydrates (sugars) to the substances of the main balance. Their origin and energy value vary depending on the type of raw material. The same applies to the balance of minerals, vitamins and essential acids.

Why is natural feeding not always better?

Food for Scottish Fold cats should be balanced, if only because there is some tendency to digestive diseases in the breed. And cats living in the house almost always begin to suffer from urolithiasis and obesity with age. Feeding with such metabolic features must be selected with care and a balanced diet should be followed from early childhood.

Natural feeding would be ideal for the Scots if each owner could independently calculate the optimal balance of the diet for all nutrients and trace elements. Choosing food for such a diet is not an easy task. How, for example, to calculate how many nutrients a cat received after eating a mouse or catching a pigeon? And how different is the nutritional value and calorie content of the same pieces of sea fish and turkey? What vitamins and minerals should be added to the diet of Scottish Fold kittens so that they grow up to be excellent representatives of their breed? Home natural feeding is unlikely to be able to take into account all the nuances.

INTERESTING! Under extreme conditions, cats can go without food for a long time. They can lose up to 40% of their weight without serious health consequences.

About proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The average cat's diet should be rich in fats, which are valuable not only in themselves, but also help in the absorption of vitamins A and E. A lack of fat leads to emaciation, beriberi, and related skin, coat and digestion problems. And excess is a direct road to accumulation and obesity. However, with age, the proportion of fat should increase slightly.

The proportion of protein (or rather, proteins of various origins) in the daily diet should be at least 26%. These percentages are calculated according to the ratio of the so-called dry residue, since ordinary food contains about 70% water. The protein index is the higher, the higher the "construction" costs. Most protein should be contained in food for pregnant and lactating cats and for growing kittens.

For example, in a standard factory diet for kittens, protein is at least 35%, and fat is from 12 to 24%.

And these are only proteins and fats, but there are still a lot of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and special needs. Are you still going to feed your cat natural food and do it right? To know how to feed a Scottish Fold kitten as part of a natural diet, you will have to learn how to count not only calories.

Ready factory feed

The easiest way to organize the nutrition of your beloved pet has always been feeding ready-made factory feeds. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of rations and veterinary diets for any needs of cats and kittens, taking into account the material possibilities of the owners.

The quality of products is almost always high, and the price is the sum of the cost of individual components. For example, salmon-based food is always more expensive than chicken-based dry food. Cats are picky about the taste and variety of food, so food brands offer entire menus. For kittens, three tastes are usually presented: poultry, game and fish with different combinations of additional components.

The new owner will have to change food for the growing Scot twice: when the kitten is 3-4 months old and when he becomes an adult (9-12 months). The nutritional value of feed for kittens and young animals varies, as does the vitamin and mineral balance. In any case, feeding ready-made rations has undeniable advantages:

  • The cat always receives fresh food (from a bag, jar or pouch);
  • The feed balance strictly corresponds to current needs;
  • It is easy to control the amount eaten and comply with the feeding rate;
  • No need to waste time searching for ingredients and preparing food.

When the kitten grows up, it will need to be transferred to "adult" food. You can feed a Scottish cat with ready-made food for life. It's convenient and safe. The most preferred food groups for adult Scottish cats:

  • Food for cats with digestive problems;
  • Food for long-haired cats or marked "from hairballs";
  • Breed food for Scottish cats;
  • Food for sedentary pets or marked "weight control";
  • Food for sterilized cats and neutered cats (according to age).

About feeding Scottish kittens

The first feeding in this breed is recommended to be done a little later than in the breeds of the "wild" type (Abyssinian, Siamese cats). Scots are often formed with a slight delay. This is not a pathology, but only a feature of genetics. While average kittens are ready for their first food at the end of the third week of life, Scottish Fold kittens will try their first meat (or soaked food) a week later.

INTERESTING! Novice breeders should be aware that if the first complementary food is meat (for example, a scraper from a very frozen piece of selected beef), then the mental development of the kittens will be more intense.

Natural diet for a kitten

Kittens of the second month of life should still receive mother's milk along with complementary foods for some time. This is important for the formation of good behavior and health. If the breeder takes the kittens away from the nipple earlier, then later (after about six months) the first problems with friendliness and quality of digestion may arise, and it happens that such forms of behavior as sexual and territorial are violated from milk malnutrition. Here, it turns out, how important it is to feed dairy kittens to the full.

After 3 months, when the kittens are already fully prepared for self-feeding, the amount of cow's milk and its derivatives should be reduced. Often cats lap up milk with pleasure all their lives, but this is not always good for digestion, because. enzymes that break down milk protein cease to be synthesized.

In general, a kitten's natural diet should include:

  • Several types of meat;
  • Ocean or sea fish;
  • Eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, kefir, a small amount of milk;
  • A small amount of vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins and coarse fiber (but how to get a cat to eat fruit?);
  • Vegetable and animal fats, taurine, carnitine;
  • A small amount of cereals as a source of vegetable fiber;
  • Ready-made vitamin and mineral complex according to needs.

It is not easy to balance all these components in the diet of a small growing kitten whose nutritional needs are constantly changing. Much easier to pay attention to the finished product. However, if the owner still wants to feed his cat food from the table, then as an alternative, veterinarians recommend using ready-made rations temporarily - at least up to 8-9 months. At this point, the period of intensive growth will end, and it will be possible to feed the kitten with the food that seems more acceptable to the owner. But still, it is better to choose ready-made feed.

Kitten feeding regimen

For healthy growth and development of kittens, not only the composition and type of food is important, but also the feeding regimen. Depending on age, you will have to change the number of feedings and their composition. Pay attention to the daily food intake at each age:

As you can see from the table, the maximum nutritional requirement is observed in kittens at 6-9 months. This is a period of intensive growth, puberty, the formation of the psyche, behavior and social contacts. The kitten at this time needs a large number of various nutritional components. Feed brands take into account these needs and offer ready-made balanced diets.

IMPORTANT: do not combine foods from different manufacturers or different lines of the same manufacturer in the diet. Their balance sheets can vary considerably. It is best to choose and dry. And wet food of one brand and one line.

Do not forget that the kitten should not be allowed to actively move immediately after eating. It is advisable to take a 15-20 minute break before games. With any type of feeding, the kitten should always have access to clean drinking water, which should not be replaced by other fluids.

Feeding Secrets for a Good Character

How healthy and beautiful your kitten will grow up depends on how you feed your kitten in early childhood. It is better for the breeder to feed the first food from the hands, and not from the bowl. This will form an additional contact between the cat and the person and help establish a positive friendly character.

Cats respect rituals and rules, so before you feed your Scottish cat, invite her to come over here on the command "Come here" and sit across from you. Then put the bowl and allow to eat. In the future, this will save the cat from eating food that is not his own and stealing from the table - she will wait for the command to eat. You can start such exercises already with 1.5-2 month old Scottish kittens.

You should not exceed the daily feeding rate or supplement the cat with food from your own table. Despite the unpretentiousness of the Scots, their health is not always perfect. The breed has a tendency to overweight and diseases of the heart and urogenital area. Therefore, the nutrition of a Scottish cat at any age must be carefully balanced and meet the needs of the body. And feeding a kitten must be given special attention and strictly observe the regimen.

Selection of ready-made feed

In the laboratories of well-known food brands, they try to take into account the maximum of cat needs and tastes. Brands such as Royal Canin, Acana, Jams, Hills offer a wide range of feeds and a convenient online feed selection system, some take into account the breed, others are based on age and health characteristics.

For example, Hills - a brand famous for highly specialized veterinary diets and recognized by British breeders - offers its "Scientific Plan" for feeding kittens up to 1 year old.

Kitten feeding scheme:

  • First complementary foods and feeding up to 2-3 months: Science Plan™ My First Diet Gentle Kitten Mousse;
  • Feeding from 3 to 6 months: Science Plan™ Science Plan™ Kitten Chicken (in cans or pouches) Available flavors: chicken, tuna, turkey;
  • Feeding up to 1 year: at six months, Hills suggests switching the kitten to a permanent diet for a growing body: Hill's Science Plan Kitten Healthy Development - Hills for Kitten Healthy Development, or use Hill's Natures Best Naturally Gentle Kitten diet for sensitive digestion.

Find food for your Scottish cat online on the website of one of the manufacturers. There you can also ask a question to the company's specialists and get comprehensive advice.

Royal canin, perhaps one of the few brands that develop breed diets for certain groups of breeds:

Josera when selecting food, it is based on the age of the cat, and then from the proposed options you can choose the right diet for your Scot:

Another famous brand ProPlan (Purina) inspired by the characteristics of each breed, but focused on the characteristics of the health and goals of each age:

Scottish fold kitten (also called Scottish fold) can become a favorite of every family, bringing comfort to the house. If you have a desire to bring a small pet into the house, you need to think about how to feed a fold-eared Scottish kitten so that over time it turns into a healthy and happy cat. You need to decide on the diet right away, because then it will be difficult to wean the pet from food and transfer it to natural food.

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    Nutritional features of kittens

    Lop-eared and straight-eared kittens should not be taken from their mother earlier than 1.5-2 months from birth. If the baby is weaned from mother's milk earlier, this can adversely affect his future health. Since the kittens are still developing, they should be fed in small portions 6-10 times a day.

    Kittens can drink boiled milk, but after the 5th month it is better to exclude it from the diet. Six months later, the baby can be transferred to three meals a day, and after 8 months it will be enough to feed 2 times a day.

    Chocolate Brit - photo, description and character

    Types of nutrition of the Scottish Fold kitten

    There are two types of kitten food: measured and continuous.

    In the first case, the kitten eats in small portions throughout the day, when the owners feed him. This is the best way in which the baby gets enough food without overeating. The disadvantage of this method is that it is necessary to give the kitten food a large number of times throughout the day, adhering to the schedule. This can be a problem if the owners are at work during the day.

    With continuous feeding, the kitten's bowl is always full. It is necessary to pour in small portions of food, as the bowl is empty. Periodically, it is necessary to renew the feed if it has remained untouched for a long time. The pet will be able to eat when he gets hungry. The main disadvantage of this method is the possible overeating. The baby is not yet able to control the amount of food that he needs, and can overeat. This is fraught with vomiting if the kitten's body can not cope with so much food. Also, in the future, uneven nutrition can easily lead to obesity, so this method is not recommended to be used on an ongoing basis.

    A lop-eared kitten should always have another bowl filled with clean water next to the food. Access to water should be constant, and it needs to be changed twice a day, even if the baby has not touched it.

    For food and water, plastic or metal bowls are suitable for kittens. It is important to pick it up in a specialized store so as not to purchase a fake. Poor quality bowls may contain harmful substances that will later get into the baby's food.

    What foods to feed a Scottish fold or straight-eared kitten?

    Natural nutrition may seem like a great solution. But it is important to remember that many products are not suitable for a small body. And this means that you will need to choose a special diet for the baby, which differs from what the owners are used to eating.

    The main food of the baby should be meat or meat products, as they contain protein, which is necessary for the normal development of a small organism.

    List of allowed products

    There are basic foods that you can feed your baby without harm to his health. It is important to consider the amount of food and not overfeed the animal:

    • raw beef (up to 30 g per day);
    • boiled chicken breast (unsalted);
    • boiled hake, perch or carp (but not more than once a week);
    • low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, sour cream (several times a week);
    • boiled liver (1 time per week);
    • boiled milk;
    • a small amount of cereals and vegetables;
    • boiled or steamed vegetables - cauliflower, carrots, green beans - which are mashed and mixed with meat.

    This is useful! It is forbidden mix fermented milk products with porridge, vegetables or meat products. In addition to fermented milk products, it is allowed to give eggs or bran.

    Prohibited Foods for the Scots Diet

    When feeding at home, it is important not only to maintain a balanced diet, but also not to follow the wishes of the kittens. Despite the interest of the animal in many products, there are those that are strictly prohibited:

    • foods high in fat;
    • pork;
    • any smoked, salted, peppered and dried food;
    • sweets;
    • flour.

    Vitamins, trace elements and supplements to the main diet

    Not all nutrients are absorbed by kittens with food. In addition to the main products, babies need those elements that their body does not fully absorb with ordinary food. Kittens under 6 months old need vitamins D and A. In order for a pet to grow up healthy, it is vital for him to receive all the vitamins and minerals.

    Veterinary pharmacies offer a wide range of multivitamin preparations, in which a balanced complex of useful elements is selected specifically for kittens, which is necessary from the age of 1 month.

    Ready Feed Options

    When a small creature appears in the house that needs a fairly long-term care, the owner of the British will come to the rescue of ready-made feed. They are perfect for kids when there is no time to implement its complex nutrition at home. The main thing is to select high-quality feed, taking into account the age of a little friend.

    Ready-made food is of two types - dry or in the form of canned food.

    Dry food is stored for a long time, so in a bowl it retains its properties, and it will be fresh enough to feed the baby for one to two days. Canned food has a certain shelf life - up to a day in the refrigerator after opening, and every 2-3 hours they should be replaced in a bowl. Both types of food will be well accepted by the pet, so the choice should be based on personal preference. The main thing is not to mix these foods during one meal of the pet.

    What should be the finished food?

    In order for the baby to feel good, it is important to select food depending on the needs of his body. You should not buy cheap products, as they can harm. Do not blindly believe expensive brands, as fakes are often found on the feed market.

    It is better to buy food for the baby in specialized stores, where the risk of acquiring a fake is minimal. In addition to food, you can purchase special grass for cats, which they can enjoy with pleasure.

    If it becomes necessary to transfer your pet from homemade food to ready-made food, this should be done gradually. To begin with, you should buy a new food in small portions and check if the kitten has any allergic reactions to it.

    How to feed a Scottish Fold kitten with a mixed type of nutrition?

    The third, less common type of nutrition is mixing feed with natural products. In this case, it is extremely important that the basis of nutrition is dry food. It is necessary to give natural products, but no more than 2 times a day.

    Natural products become an addition to ready-made food, but there are certain rules for the selection of such food:

    • The kitten should not be given pieces of large size or with bones;
    • it is better to give boiled unsalted meat. Any boiled meat must be frozen before cooking;
    • salty food should not be given in any form;
    • pork or lamb is contraindicated for the baby;
    • raw meat is prohibited, as it can cause indigestion or the appearance of worms.

    Important! What the owners usually have on the table should not be given to the kitten, as this is fraught with negative consequences.

Scottish Fold or Scottish Straight is the embodiment of aristocracy, which is combined with calmness and gentleness. The appearance of this cat in the family is a real event. Having prepared everything required for him, it's time to decide on the daily routine and menu. When and how to feed a lop-eared kitten - these are probably the most pressing questions of its happy owner.

Pedigree lop-eared cats, as a rule, are under the care of their mother for at least 2 months. Breastfeeding ensures the formation of the immune system in charming fluffies. Moreover, complementary foods must be introduced long before weaning the animal from mother's milk.

If for some reason the cat cannot feed offspring, then the bill in the nutrition of kittens literally goes to the clock.

It is advisable to follow a clear schedule:

  • once every 2-3 hours you need to feed kittens under the age of 14 days with milk mixtures;
  • until one month old - once every 3 hours. For a one-month-old lop-eared kitten on artificial feeding, water will already be needed. You can introduce complementary foods at the same time;
  • What to feed a Scottish kitten for 2 months? At the age of 2 months, kittens should eat 7 times a day, and at night they usually sleep. At this age, they ideally still receive milk from their mother, but they can already eat complementary foods with pleasure. At this time, the kitten needs approximately 150 gr. food per day. If you decide to feed ready-made feeds, then this should be done starting from this age. Why you need to buy special products for kittens, taking into account age. When it is dry food, then they must first be soaked, since the small cat is not yet able to digest this solid food;
  • 3 months for kittens becomes a turning point. The mother no longer has milk, and it is necessary to feed at least 6 times daily;
  • at 5 months, the amount of food intake is reduced to 5;
  • in 9 - 4 meals a day is enough;
  • by one year, a lop-eared cat is already obliged to get used to the "adult" daily routine: 2-3 times a day.

What is forbidden to feed?

Whatever the fate of the baby - breastfeeding or with mom, there are certain prohibitions on the use of certain categories of products in his daily menu. Since the formation of all organs in the body and the immune system lasts almost up to a year. This fact dictates a careful weighing, what to feed a scottish cat.

In this list prohibited foods are:

When the owner loves mushrooms, this does not mean that they can be consumed by an animal: the body may not be able to cope with this source of protein, cats do not produce enzymes to digest them.

Determining the Type of Cat Food

Most often nurseries or scottish fold breeders kittens are given to a new family at the age of about three months.

New pets already have their own eating habits, have good manners and are fully socialized. You just need to ask about them. Moving to a new place of residence can be stressful, and it is advisable to continue feeding Scottish kittens. It is necessary to change the usual diet to a new one slowly, and choose it wisely.

Naturally, natural nutrition has certain advantages:

  • Diet variety.
  • Full confidence in the quality of food.

But feeding the Scottish Fold with a self-composed diet is quite difficult:

  • Several times in 7-14 months during natural feeding, the lop-eared kitten will need a course of minerals and vitamins.
  • It takes a lot of time to cook.

Natural nutrition means the presence in the daily diet of a Scottish kitten:

You need to carefully measure portions and feed only fresh food daily. Should not be left in the bowl. You also need to take care of the water, it must always be.

Industrial feed

When there's no time to look delicacies and from them to prepare another change for a lop-eared cat, you can look at ready-made food.

They can be wet and dry, designed specifically for kittens. The pack must describe in detail the frequency of feeding and consumption rates per kilogram of weight, as well as the composition.

Please note that canned food is not balanced all the time and can only act as a treat for daily feeding.

Wet food removes the problem of saturating the body with moisture, as some Scots hardly drink. But this is a more expensive way of eating. You can not leave food in the bowl, only a fresh portion is constantly required.

Wet foods are best used to feed fold kittens during the transition from breastfeeding to regular feeding. After the hosts, as a rule, they are transferred to dry food. Any change must be gradual and smooth.

The most important thing is that the food is of original production and professional quality. No need to purchase economy options. There is nothing in them, except for raw materials of dubious origin and ballast substances.

Dry quality food has undoubted advantages:

  • ease of use for the owner: it is easy to measure the daily norm, the food is economical, it is stored for a long time;
  • prevention of the appearance of tartar;
  • guarantees the pet a balance of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and nutrients. No additives required.

The most important thing in feeding Scottish kitten dry food is the presence of water. Always available and clean.

mixed feeding

Often the owners combine natural products and ready-made feeds. If we consider in terms of diversity, then this is quite justified.

Difficulties likely to follow- it is difficult to establish a daily intake rate. A very small calorie content leads to dystrophy, and a large one leads to obesity. Therefore, the state of the Scot must be carefully monitored: the kitten must be cheerful, mobile and active. Everything else is a sign of imbalance.

During mixed meals certain rules must be observed:

  • A Scottish kitten, when combining different feeds by origin, additionally requires fortification. Rules should be discussed with the veterinarian.
  • It is forbidden for a Scottish kitten to feed a portion of natural food and ready-made food at the same time. This is due to differences in the process of digestion of food, which has undergone completely different processing.

Features of feeding in adolescence

For Scottish Fold cats up to 8-10 months old, a special food is selected, with the indication “for kittens”. Then you can gradually switch to "adult" feeding.

By this period, you need to decide on the time of castration or include in the program for mating your Scottish Fold or Scottish Straight.

When a kitten does not take part in breeding, then castration is the only way out for a thoroughbred pet to live a happy and long life. But before the operation, it must be transferred to feed for castrated animals. Gradually and gently so as not to cause stress. In the future, feed only special diets that take into account the characteristics of mature cats, however, deprived of the main instinct.

During natural feeding, the transition period is characterized by the ability to feed the animal more sour-milk food. After 10 months, the exterior has already stabilized and the ears have formed. Therefore, calcium will only benefit.

General principles of feeding

General rules, how to feed a scottish fold kitten or any other animal, actually match. Cats are carnivores and require animal protein. Even touching and affectionate Scots.

The basis of the daily menu must be meat. Ready-made food or natural food: you need to pay attention to the quality and composition of raw materials.

Dyes, spices, artificial additives, stabilizers, salt, sugar and flavors are prohibited. By eliminating these foods, you will ensure the animal's good health and natural development. The Scot must be provided with water. This is the main rule during feeding.

Make sure the food is the right consistency and at room temperature. Up to 3 months Scottish kittens it is advisable to give crushed food. Closer to six months, pets are transferred to large pieces that ensure the normal development of the jaw muscles.

The Scots, along with the British, have long been dictating the rules of home etiquette. Not only his health will depend on how carefully you treat your kitten, and then the adult cat. contented animal who is satisfied with the contents of the bowl will be a source of well-being and tranquility in your family.

Appearing in the house, fluffy family members give adults and small family members a lot of joy and love, but you need to immediately think about how to feed a Scottish kitten.

A Scottish fold kitten should not be weaned from its mother until two months of age, and already at 8 - 10 weeks old kitten is quite ready to feed on its own. Very young kittens are fed 7-8 times a day.

Veterinarians advise diluting complementary foods for babies with a little more liquid than manufacturers advise. This will help avoid constipation.

How much to give food (per day):

  • 1 week - 30 ml per 100 g of kitten's weight;
  • 2 weeks - 35 ml per 100 g of weight;
  • 3 weeks - 40 ml per 100 g of weight;
  • 4 weeks and subsequent - 48 - 53 ml per 100 g of kitten's weight.

Recipe for Cat Milk Replacement Formula #1:

  • 20% condensed milk without sugar (1 part water to 5 parts condensed milk);
  • 1 teaspoon of bone meal (for 1 liter of milk);
  • stir until the lumps disappear;
  • strain and cool to t 36 - 38 ° C.

Newborn Kitten Replacement Formula Recipe #2:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil;
  • a drop of vitamin (trivit or tetravit).

Recipe for a mixture for weakened kittens No. 3:

  • 100 ml milk (3.2%);
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20 ml glucose 5%.

Make sure your kitten's diet includes:

  • glycerophosphate;
  • calcium gluconate;
  • fitin;
  • white chalk;
  • 2 - 3 drops of fish oil;
  • crushed egg shells on a coffee grinder.

From 1.5 to 2 months, the kitten should be fed 6 times a day every 3 hours.

What to feed at 2 months and at an older age?

After a month and a half, portions are gradually increased, but the number of feedings is reduced to 4-5 times. At the age of 4 - 5 months, feeding should be done 4 times a day, at 6 - 7 months - 3 times a day, and after 12 - 14 months, the Scottish cat is already fed twice a day.

At home, you can also use the continuous method of feeding Scottish Fold kittens: in this case, food is not removed from the bowl and the kitten can approach it whenever it wants. The food needs to be changed as often, depending on what you are feeding your lop-eared kitten.

For example, dry food may be present in the bowl all the time, while canned food and natural food are changed 4 times a day.

It is important not only to properly feed, but also to water the Scottish Fold kitten. Water should be in a separate container (metal or plastic). If you decide to purchase a plastic bowl, buy it in a specialized store so as not to get a fake: poor quality plastic may contain harmful substances.

Change the water 2 times a day and make sure that no pieces of food get into it.

What to feed a Scottish kitten?

natural nutrition

Remember: not all foods that people consume can be fed to cats, and even more so to kittens. In addition, natural food should not be understood as food leftovers from the owners.

You will need to prepare food for the kitten on a daily basis using the following foods:

  1. lean meat is the most important product in the diet of lop-eared kittens. This product should be given to kittens daily, previously boiled or scalded with boiling water. Beef will be enough to give the kitten 30-40 grams every other day, and you can alternate boiled with raw frozen meat (it must first be frozen for 3-5 days). Raw meat can only be given to a kitten if you are sure of its high quality.
  2. poultry meat(chicken, turkey) can only be given well-cooked to avoid salmonella infection. The breast must be crushed before serving. And legs can be given to kittens from 4 months.
  3. Beef or chicken offal(liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, scar) can only be given frozen or boiled. For lop-eared kittens, boiled liver is useful, as it is rich in vitamins and trace elements. It should be offered to a lop-eared pet once a week.
  4. It is a myth that cats need to be given fish. In fact, fish is not such a useful product for the cat's body. Fish can be given to cats only lean, preferably of marine origin. Before feeding the Scot, the fish must be boiled, freed from the bones. Raw or freshwater fish is not recommended for kittens. Fish should not be abused, give it no more than twice a week. Constant consumption of fish (especially raw) can provoke the development of urolithiasis in a kitten.
  5. Milk and dairy products kittens are allowed only up to 3 months of age, since then milk begins to cause intestinal upset. Milk must be boiled before serving. Offer fermented milk products to your pet 1-3 times a week (kefir, low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese). The body of a kitten best absorbs cottage cheese and kefir (from baby food). But you should not overfeed with cottage cheese: from its excess, the stiffness of the animal's coat increases and the ears rise. And since soft wool and hanging ears are the main features of the Scottish kitten breed, such metamorphoses are unlikely to please you.
  6. Egg yolk or whole quail eggs. If the eggs were bought in a store, it is better to boil them. Raw egg yolk should be given to kittens no more than once a week, and boiled chicken yolk should be mixed into the kitten's porridge 2 times a week.
  7. Vegetables(except potatoes) are introduced into the diet up to three times a week. Fresh and boiled vegetables are very useful for kittens. Before use, they are rubbed on a fine grater. Boiled vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, asparagus beans) are mashed and mixed with meat. Boiled or steamed pumpkin is added to food - from worms.
  8. Rice, buckwheat or oatmeal you can cook 3-5 times a week with water or milk. You can add vegetable side dishes. If you boil cereals in water, add meat, fish, meat broth or grated boiled vegetables to them.
  9. Since the kitten's body does not always absorb all the beneficial elements contained in the products, the kitten should be given vitamin and mineral supplements. It is necessary to add special vitamin complexes to the feed of a lop-eared kitten, which do not include iron. You should take a responsible approach to the selection of vitamins, since an incorrectly selected vitamin complex can cause problems associated with the liver and kidneys. That is why before giving a kitten vitamins, he needs to do tests.

Feeding prepared foods

For a Scottish Fold kitten, it is better to choose premium ready-made food, since only they can saturate the growing body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

In addition, this method of feeding will save you time without worrying that the cat's body will not receive all the necessary nutrients. You can not worry that the kitten will not have enough calcium for growth, and sulfur or zinc for a beautiful coat.

All these trace elements are contained in the feed of the "Elite" and "Premium" classes. Don't skimp on your pet's food if you value its health.

The composition of feed for kittens of each age is significantly different. For a lop-eared kitten up to three months, canned mousse is most suitable: thanks to the most delicate consistency of mousse, it is very convenient for a kitten to eat it.

Do not feed small kittens with adult food, as the granules of adult dry food are larger than in children's food. Kitten food is not suitable for a pregnant or lactating cat.

When the kitten is a little older, gradually mix dry food into canned food, which is useful in that the cat nibbles on it and the risk of dental disease is reduced. It is not necessary to add vitamins to ready-made feeds, as there are enough of them in feeds.

mixed food

When choosing a mixed diet for a kitten, remember that ready-made food should become the basis of your pet's nutrition. Natural products should be given as bait 1-2 times a day. With such feeding, the cat should receive vitamins every day - just like with a natural type of food.

What is the best food to feed?

Avoid cheap (massively advertised) foods - this can adversely affect the health of the kitten, since such foods contain very little real meat, only ground bones, skin and other waste flavored with synthetic additives.

Vitamin supplements in such feeds are very poorly balanced - their use can lead to the development of urolithiasis. That is why literally after 2-3 months of feeding with cheap food, the kitten starts to get sick.

Well-known premium feed manufacturers:

  • hills;
  • Nutro Choice;
  • Iams;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Eagle Pack;
  • Nutra Gold;
  • Purina Pro Plan.

If you cannot afford quality food, it is better to feed your pet natural food.

Remember: even very healthy foods can damage a cat’s health and disrupt metabolism, but a good attitude, quality nutrition and care can make a Scottish Fold kitten healthy and cheerful.

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