Osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats. Osteochondrodysplasia of cats: sentence or not

And first of all, kittens that were conceived by crossing two representatives of the Scottish lop-eared cats and the root cause of this disease is a developmental defect cartilage tissue, which provokes osteoarthritis of a progressive type.

The danger of osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats lies in mild symptoms on initial stages diseases, especially considering the small mass of these animals and their unique ability to redistribute the load in a special way due to frequent orthopedic deviations. Over time, osteochondrodysplasia is complicated by rather noticeable deformities. lower extremities that cease to develop and grow normally. Unfortunately, the matter is not limited to this, because against the background of negative processes occurring in the body and in bone tissues in particular, a disease such as arthritis can develop. It is quite natural that an acute painful syndrome is added to everything described above, which can be observed both in one and in both limbs, and therefore walking becomes very difficult, while jumping becomes completely impossible.

Osteochondrodysplasia in cats advanced stages leads to strong changes in gait and most often the owners notice that something is wrong with their pets exactly on this stage when their gait becomes unnaturally tight-fisted. At the same time, it often seems that the animal is hunting or is going to celebrate natural need, although in fact there is a progressive disease that can affect not only the lower paws, but also the main, as well as the transverse skeleton of the pet. It is noteworthy that the tail of a cat is often subjected to deformations, which can be either shortened or unnaturally straight and hard with an uncharacteristically thin base. And you should not assume that the occurrence of this disease is possible only in mature and / or elderly individuals, because most often it begins to manifest itself almost from the very birth of the pet.

So, the first signs of osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Fold cats can be observed already at the age of seven weeks, which most often come down to minor changes in the structure of the lower limbs and tail of the animal (wrists, phalanges, etc.).

At the same time, it is quite natural that the sooner treatment is started, the more chances there are to stop at least for a while. this disease. That is why doctors strongly recommend that all owners of cats of this breed closely monitor their limbs, especially in the first months of life. For any negative symptoms the animal should be taken to the nearest veterinary department, where specialists will take an x-ray of its limbs. Unfortunately, specific treatment this disease has not yet been developed, but there are many effective interventions intended for the quality maintenance of the animal. Yes, one of the most effective means V this case is the use of special feed additives designed to strengthen the bone and cartilage tissues of the animal.

Moreover, it is not excluded drug therapy osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats, which includes the use of so-called NSAIDs ( nonsteroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect), but only in moderate doses and provided that the animal does not suffer from a disease such as renal polycystic. Some experts also recommend trying a therapy that inhibits this ailment, including pentotane polysulfate, as well as a complex of atropathies and glycosaminoglycans, called GAG among specialists, which together can provide a rather powerful palliative effect.

But the most successful to date is precisely the case experimental treatment osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats, suggesting radiation therapy, despite the fact that he has not yet received wide application. So, as a result of its 6 sessions, the animal completely disappeared all the clinical signs of this disease.

Unfortunately, the correction of this pathology is not excluded, carried out by surgical intervention, an indication for which are considered particularly severe cases of osteochondrodysplasia. At the same time, even a successful result of the operation does not imply a rejection of further control and diagnosis of the disease.

Osteochondrodysplasia in cats Scottish Fold - hereditary (genetic) disease characterized by a generalized impairment of cartilage formation. The disease manifests itself in the formation bone tissue around the joints, which causes a violation of their mobility. Lesions are most pronounced in the joints of the wrist and tarsus (below the heel), as well as the vertebrae located from chest to the tail.

The Scottish Fold breed was bred in Scotland by crossing cats subject to spontaneous mutation with simple farm cats and British Shorthair cats. Previously it was assumed that heterozygous cats were not susceptible to skeletal damage except for folded ears, and only when two cats with floppy ears were crossed did joint damage develop. To date, it has been established that folded ears are outward sign general violation cartilage formation, so all cats of this breed suffer from osteochondrodysplasia varying degrees expressiveness.

During the period of growth, abnormal development of cartilage causes disturbances in the growth of bones in length and width, in severe cases limb deformity develops. in affected joints due to increased loads progressive degenerative changes, bone tissue grows around the joint, which is more pronounced at the place of attachment to the bone of the ligaments and joint capsule. These processes are most pronounced in the tarsus and wrist, which ultimately can lead to impaired mobility of these joints.

The disease has equivalent synonyms, such as arthropathy, chondrodysplasia And osteodystrophy Scottish Fold.

Clinical signs

There is considerable variability in the severity of symptoms of chondrodysplasia in cats. Clinical signs can manifest as the age of 5 months, and the age of 6 years. Affected cats show various signs of musculoskeletal disease, such as lameness, failure to jump high, and a stiff gait. The rate of disease progression also differs significantly. When probing the joint below the heel and in the wrist area, you can feel exostoses (bone outgrowths) that are more pronounced on hind limbs. With bone growths of a significant size, the skin located above them may ulcerate.


The final diagnosis is established by radiographic (X-ray) examination, which can detect characteristic changes in the area of ​​the tarsus, wrist and vertebrae.


Due to the fact that chondrodysplasia is a genetic disease and cannot be completely cured, therapy consists of various methods aimed at reducing pain and improving the quality of life of the animal. As conservative methods Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (pr. meloxicam), pentosan polysulfate and glycosaminoglycans are used for treatment. In developed countries, radiation therapy (irradiation) is used to reduce the progress of the disease. Surgery may consist in the removal of bone exostoses and fixation of the joint in one position (arthrodesis).

Below are x-rays from characteristic features chondrodysplasia

Photo 1. X-ray A 6-month-old kitten was found to have changes characteristic of osteochondrodysplasia. The owners contacted veterinary clinic with complaints about the fact that the kitten saves hind legs, cautiously jumps on the sofa, does not retract the claws of the hind legs.

Photo 2. X-raycat with chondrodysplasia

Photo 3. X-raycat with chondrodysplasia

Photo 4. X-raycat with chondrodysplasia

Veterinary clinic of Dr. Shubin, Balakovo

What are the reasons for such modifications and why folds suffer from this disease. You will learn about this and much more by reading our article.

It is believed that the folds come from the beautiful city of Scotland. It was there that for the first time they began to cross cats of the British Shorthair breed with a modified genome. The essence of the natural mutation was in twisted ears - and the first Scottish folds were born.

Later, scientists noticed that the genome modification that affects the cat ear cartilage mutation is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. However, the type of inheritance is incomplete dominant, so all kittens are born with straight ears, but closer to one month, approximately half of the litter shows a defect in cartilage tissue - the ears gradually bend.

Also, breeders, when crossing Scottish folds, soon noticed that not only cartilage tissue is deformed, but also the skeleton of the cat itself, starting from the tail section. This problem was first discussed in 1971, although it was registered back in 1966. Through long-term experiments and developments by scientists and leading veterinarians, it was found that the deformation occurs in those cats whose both parents were lop-eared.

Due to very terrible disease- immobility of the skeleton and the inability to walk - it was decided to stop breeding this type of breed. However, this decision was made in 1971 only in the UK, and breeding cats and cats were exported to other countries starting in 1968. As a result, the breed continued to develop actively in other countries, especially in the USA. Then it was decided to prohibit the crossing of representatives among themselves, and to continue the breeding business, they crossed the Scottish Straight with the Scottish Fold. Thus, there were only about 50% of folds in the litter, but terrible genetic changes were avoided.

But, unfortunately, not all breeders adhered to these rules, as a result of which we get a culling kitten with osteochondrodysplasia. How long do these little lumps live, and what forecasts await the owners of such a baby? We'll tell you more about it.

Osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats occurs due to a violation of the development and formation of cartilage tissue, which leads to osteoarthritis. This disease complicates the movement of the animal and its general physiological state. A kitten is not immediately born with this type of disease, just as it is not born with straight ears. Osteochondrodysplasia can manifest itself at any age and even in a completely healthy person. adult cat. This is what is dangerous this disease. It is almost impossible to notice signs of the disease in a young small cat with the naked eye.

The main signs of the disease:

  • lameness - the animal will try to distribute weight on healthy limbs, but this will not always work out for him;
  • the cat's gait becomes stilted;
  • the cat no longer tries to jump somewhere and most spends time on the floor.

Only a veterinary clinic can confirm or deny the presence of this disease in your pet on the basis of an x-ray. The picture will clearly show changes in the paws, bones of the hand, tail vertebrae.


In most cases, this disease progresses due to the modification of cartilage tissue, so the condition of the animal improves markedly if Pentosan is administered to it, a drug that stimulates proper development cartilage tissue. However, this disease is completely incurable. Even in the case of surgery, the cartilage will grow back, making your pet immobile.

To avoid all these negative consequences choose your kitten carefully. Also pay attention to how long the kitten's tail is: it should be medium or long, pointed at the end. A short and immobile tail indicates a mutation in the cartilage tissue. However, this mutation does not greatly affect the lifespan of your purr. With proper care and special care, the cat will delight you for many years.

Scottish Fold cats are inherently prone to developing the most various diseases. That is why they need increased attention and meticulous care. However, even with this approach, cases of the occurrence of a particular disease are possible. The task of the owner in this situation is to provide pet first aid and seek help at an animal hospital.

How do you know if your cat is sick?

Unfortunately, animals can't speak, so they won't be able to tell you exactly what's bothering them. The following symptoms may indicate that something is wrong with the cat:

The animal refuses to communicate and "hides" in a corner;
- rapid breathing;
- the cat has lost its appetite;
- if the cat experiences severe pain, then she does not tolerate any movement, refuses to go in her arms;
- the animal experiences constant need in something to scratch, lick, bite, scratch. Very often she performs such manipulations in the place where she feels sharp pain;
- discharge from the eyes;
- Scottish fold cat constantly runs to the toilet;
- Difficulty eating. The animal may drop food, choke on saliva, etc.

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian for help. Prior to the doctor's visit, you should give the cat first aid (if necessary). To do this, you should have a special first aid kit for animals on hand. Never treats Scottish lop-eared cats medicines intended for humans.

The most common diseases of Scottish Fold cats

Eye diseases;
- osteochondrodysplasia;
- osteochondrodystrophy;

Eye problems in Scottish Fold cats

Osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats: symptoms.

Affected animals have bone anomalies and short deformed legs. These cats experience pain limbs and have difficulty jumping from a height. Damaged joints make the animal's gait stiff and awkward.


Radiography provides basic information about the disease. In the pictures you can see wide bones, growths, deformation of the joints.


In order to avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to cross the fold and british cat. In this case, pathology may also appear, but it will not proceed so hard and painfully.

Osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats: treatment.

A sick animal must be shown to the veterinarian. Each case is individual, so the treatment of this disease in different cats happens differently.

Osteochondrodystrophy in Scottish Fold cats

Osteochondrodystrophy is hereditary disease. It is characterized by curved and shortened limbs, as well as a thickened tail. In this case, the animal is lame, avoids outdoor games. Unfortunately, the disease may not appear immediately. Due to the fact that the cat relies on good leg She may develop arthritis. Diagnosis of osteochondrodystrophy of Scottish Fold cats can be done using x-rays.


There are no specific methods for the treatment of this disease. Your veterinarian may prescribe medications to relieve swelling, relieve pain, and increase joint lubrication. In the most difficult and advanced cases radiation therapy and surgical correction are needed.

Urolithiasis disease

If you notice that the cat began to run to the toilet often, then this is the first sign of the occurrence urolithiasis. Unfortunately, Scottish Fold cats are genetically prone to it. If you turn to the veterinarian in time, then the negative consequences of this disease can be avoided.

Scottish fold kittens vaccinations.

In order to prevent the occurrence viral diseases, Scottish Fold cats need to be vaccinated. Kittens are vaccinated for the first time at the age of three months. Deworming must be done 10 days prior to vaccination. Before vaccination, the animal must be completely healthy! Lop-eared cats are vaccinated against rabies, ringworm etc.

Scottish Fold breed has a special structure auricles. This is the result of a gene mutation. Unfortunately, these cats are prone to developing various diseases: eyes, ears, cartilage. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to constantly consult with a veterinarian and, if necessary, apply measures. It is a guarantee of health and wellness your pet!

Osteochondrodysplasia - incurable disease. Scottish fold cats are at risk. Learn about the causes and methods of preventing the disease.

Osteochondrodysplasia. Description of the disease

Osteochondrodysplasia - genetic disease, which affects Scottish Fold cats. This incurable disease, it is associated with the lop-eared gene.

Osteochondrodysplasia is manifested in the formation of bone tissue around the joint, the growth of bones and the spine, the development of cartilage tissue and the skeleton are disturbed. Most often, the carpal and tarsal joints are affected, as well as the vertebrae in the tail, chest, and lower back.

Causes of disease in cats

Osteochondrodysplasia is genetic disorder. It is inherited regardless of gender and is passed from parents to offspring. Scottish fold cats are the most commonly affected.

In this cat breed, folded ears are a sign of impaired cartilage formation. Scottish Fold cats suffer from osteochondrodysplasia of varying severity. Impaired cartilage formation causes developmental anomaly bone skeleton, in severe cases, deformation of the front and hind legs develops.

Breeders are sure that if the breed is crossed correctly, the risk of disease is negligible. However, the likelihood of developing the disease remains. For this reason, in some countries the breeding of the Scottish lop-eared breed forbidden.

Symptoms and signs of osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish cats

In animals with osteochondrdysplasia, activity is sharply reduced, the pet refuses to jump and run. He is in pain. In young cats, the signs of the disease may not be noticeable to the owner. Due to the small weight, the animal distributes the load on healthy limbs. With age, the disease progresses.

Affected cats have:

  • Difficulty moving
  • Change in gait
  • Limb curvature
  • Big head
  • Short nose, protruding jaw
  • Crooked teeth
  • Lameness
  • short hind legs
  • enlarged joints
  • Reluctance to jump high

The lower parts of the limbs in animals are short, underdeveloped, so cats have a squat appearance. The tail is short, motionless, thin at the base. Signs of the disease in a cat can appear both at a young and at an advanced age. If your cat has begun to move little, practically does not jump, has a stilted gait, contact your veterinarian.

To make a final diagnosis of osteochondrodysplasia, the doctor will ask you to provide the cat's pedigree. Take a common and biochemical analysis blood, urinalysis. He will take x-rays of the limbs and spine. At x-ray examination visible characteristic changes in the area of ​​the tarsal, carpal joint and spine.

How is osteochondrodysplasia treated in Scottish Fold cats?

There is no treatment that will fix this problem. A sick cat is prescribed maintenance therapy that can improve its quality of life and reduce pain.

The doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, prescribe intra-articular injections of drugs. Chondroprotectors reduce the destruction of cartilage and increase the amount of intra-articular fluid. The animal becomes easier to move.

In some cases, an operation may be prescribed, during which bone growths are removed and the joint is fixed in one position. A method has also been developed radiotherapy to slow down the progression of the disease. This method rarely used in our country due to the lack of special equipment.

We make a diet for a cat with osteochondrodysplasia

Patients with osteochondrodysplasia cats need to be properly fed. Their diet includes special supplements that contain vitamins, macro- and microelements. The cat menu includes supplements rich in calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, vitamins B and E. Among industrial feeds, it is better to give preference to feeds of those brands that have lines of feed for pets with sore joints. These foods contain chondroitin and glucosamine, additives that stimulate cartilage repair.

Cats with osteochondrodysplasia are prone to obesity. They don't move much, so they gain quickly excess weight. Watch the calorie content of the pet's diet and reduce the portion if the cat has become stout. Overweight body threatens to increase the load on cardiovascular system, on the spine and limbs.

Owners of lop-eared cats should carefully monitor the health of the pet and the slightest sign disease, contact your veterinarian. How formerly doctor will prescribe a treatment for the disease, the more likely it is that the pet will live a long and active life. We wish all mustaches good health!

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