What are the labrador mestizos in nature. What is a Labrador crossbreed and how to distinguish it from a purebred breed Labrador mix with a Rottweiler description

Dogs are probably one of the most diverse human-made species on the planet. Thousands of years of selective breeding have created a wide range of distinctive breeds with different colors, coats, builds and sizes. But what happens when two breeds make a successful mestizo that combines the most conspicuous properties of its parents? You can get an adorable dog that combines the best of both breeds.

The debate about who is better, mutts or purebred dogs, will probably never be put to rest. Purebred dogs have a predictable set of characteristics such as size, color and temperament. However, breeding animals tend to be more susceptible to genetic diseases. Mestizos tend to be healthier in this regard, but they may have behavioral problems. In addition, if you, for example, want to get a shepherd mix puppy, then you may have little idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow big it will grow.

Golden Shepherd

The Golden Shepherd, or Golden Cattle Dog, took the best qualities of the Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd. This mestizo has less aggressive personality traits than the German Shepherd and can make an excellent family dog.

However, it is hardly possible to tame a mixed breed completely, because Golden Retrievers are known for their energy, but at the same time obedience and desire to learn. All this makes the Golden Shepherd ideal for hunting, guarding, obedience and search and rescue.

Metis Labrador and German Shepherd

Labradors are easy to train, obedient and amazingly patient with children. They tend to have a slightly lower energy level, which is balanced by the high energy German Shepherd.

Metis laba and shepherd dogs are an excellent dog for children, she will always be playful and affectionate. She also tends to get along well with other pets, and can stay alert throughout the night. This well balanced hybrid can really give you the best of both breeds.

Shepherd chow

Chow Chows are known for their incredible wit, curiosity and intelligence. Today, their main functions lie in the field of hunting, protection, or protection of property. So when the natural protective instincts of the Chow Chow are combined with the suspicious nature of the German Shepherd, the result is a dog that is always on guard.

Fortunately, Chow Sheepdogs love to please their owner and are always happy to please him. This means that your family will always be safe if there is a Chow Shepherd nearby.

Metis German Shepherd and Pug (nops)

This mestizo combines the size of a German Shepherd with the loving nature of a Pug. As a result, the hybrid breed is relatively average in size and loves to cuddle with its owner just like a pug.

Siberian Shepherd - shepherd and husky mix

The German Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix, known as the Siberian Shepherd Dog, is both highly intelligent and obedient. The hybrid has a fairly large size. The dog also has a fairly thick coat, so it is not the best choice for a hot climate. In general, the Siberian Shepherd Dog can be described as loyal, intelligent, sociable, energetic, with developed guarding and protective instincts.

German shepherd and collie mix

This hybrid breed has a well-developed vigilance, cheerful and energetic character, and has a friendly disposition. Both the Collie and the German Shepherd have been used as herding dogs, so they need plenty of walking and exercise. The hybrid is easy to train and always eager to please.

Metis Corgi and German Shepherd

This mestizo is another strange hybrid, but at the same time quite balanced. The hybrid is substantially smaller in size than the standard German Shepherd.

The Welsh Corgi, despite their size, tends to be dominant, so you need to be prepared for this and let him know who is in charge in the family. If you give him a chance, then the pet will dominate his master, and in this case, training will be useless. As such, a mestizo that combines the dominant nature of a Corgi with the stubbornness of a Sheepdog can be a recipe for disaster unless you have a dominant, strong will.

Metis rottweiler and german shepherd

When it comes to protection and protection, there is probably no better breed than the Shepherd and Rottweiler mix. These dogs tend to be very large and weigh around 50kg on average, so you'll need to be prepared for this if you want to own one.

This hybrid breed needs an owner who will be the alpha male of his family. In general, they are remarkably calm and confident animals, with enough energy to be ready for anything you have to offer them.

Metis sheepdog and labradoodle

This hybrid combines the unique traits of both breeds and is an extremely intelligent and fun-loving dog. They are quite large, weighing from 25 to 35 kg. Metis is in many ways a truly unique dog and, in addition, unlike most other sheepdog hybrids, it practically does not shed.

Metis wolf and German shepherd

A wolf/shepherd mix could probably be closer to wild animals than to domesticated ones. However, the mestizo has the usual traits of domesticated dogs. If you want to take on such a mestizo, then you must play the alpha role in your family, otherwise he will take it upon himself as soon as he becomes a little older.

Metis German Shepherd and Akita Inu

Akitas are known to be good family dogs, great with children, but with some stubbornness. Combined with the German Shepherd's stubbornness, this will be an even more difficult case, so you should use a reasonably confident and consistent approach to training them.

Being large dogs with high energy levels, they need a lot of exercise. With the right training and socialization, you will end up with a smart and well-trained dog that will love you and your family.

Perhaps there are other hybrids or mestizos of the German Shepherd? Please let us know in the comments!

A cute cross between a Labrador and a poodle is called a Cobberdog. Funny muzzles and curly hair cause tenderness, and large sizes - fear. The very strange word, born on the Australian continent, arouses curiosity: why did people mix these two breeds? We will try to answer the question and explain what characteristics dogs acquire as a result of mating Labradors with other breeds. And about whether it is good or bad, you yourself will draw a conclusion.

In Russian there is a common expression "a mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros." And we know well what is meant when they say so. It's a hilarious irony about mixing things that shouldn't be mixed. Can this expression be applied to dogs resulting from mating Labradors with other breeds? It turns out you can, but… fifty-fifty.

The fact is that it is necessary to distinguish simply with another breed and directed selection work on crossing dogs. In the first case, the connection can arise both by chance and at the request of the owners. The reasons for mating are different, ranging from the elementary "the owner did not keep track" and ending with the desire to simply get any puppies. Very cute little creatures are often born. And the fact that they are some kind of “mixture” does not at all interfere with finding a loving owner and serving him faithfully.

In the second case, this is the painstaking work of scientists on the possible breeding of a new dog breed that will take the best features from its parents. In the process of crossing a Labrador with another breed, two different genotypes are combined through fertilization. This is a selection that allows, through the transfer of heredity, to increase the stability and survival of the created species.

Recognition of the standard is not far off

In recent years, a breed called Labradoodle (Labradoodle), bred by Australian scientists, has been gaining popularity. Its representatives appeared in Russia as well. The origin of this, as yet unrecognized, breed is worth understanding in more detail.

The first type, obtained by crossing and a poodle, has the word original in its name. While working on the creation of new individuals, livestock specialist Wally Korner wanted to develop a breed of guide dog with a hypoallergenic coat.

Combinations were created with a different percentage of the presence of one or another "blood" of each breed, but these manipulations did not give the desired effect. Puppies of the same litter could have completely different coats: smooth, like a Labrador, or curly, like a poodle. They may or may not shed. In a word, the result was not predictable and it was recognized as ineffective.

However, based on the experience gained, selection work continued. The result of it was the Australian labradoodle (cobberdog). It mixed the genes of not two, but six breeds - the Irish Water Spaniel and the Soft-Coated Terrier, the American and English Cocker Spaniels, the Labrador and the Poodle. Specialists of research centers used the most modern breeding methods. The result is a dog that is agile, easy to train and does not shed.

As for non-allergenic wool, this issue is still controversial. Allergy itself has not yet been sufficiently studied, more and more new irritants appear. Therefore, it is impossible to call Cobberdogs 100% hypoallergenic dogs. But today they are the most acceptable coat owners who can live next to a person suffering from asthma or allergies.

They took the best from their parents

Cobberdogs come in different sizes. The “mini” size at the withers has a height of 35 to 43 cm. The average size ranges from 43 to 52 cm. And finally, large labradoodles reach a height of 65 cm.

Their fur is also varied. It can be rough and curly, but softer than a poodle. However, it does include haircuts. In owners of another type, it is soft, wavy and loose. The third type is very similar to the coat of a Labrador. The palette of colors is also impressive: chocolate and black, golden and silver, apricot and red.

The nature of the resulting dogs is just wonderful. Like the grandparents, they are friendly, get along well with children and pets. Cobberdogs inherited along with easy learning and a remarkable mind. Maintained energy and mobility.

Unlike Labradors, the Cobberdog has no hunting instinct, but the love of water remains. And they are also very attached to the owner and distinguish him from other people, while Labradors recognize everyone in a row and easily change owners.

The new breed finds application where a person needs help. This is a guide, a nanny, a rescuer, a bloodhound and, of course, a cheerful companion.

Let's believe the facts

Puppies that appear after mating dogs of two different breeds are called mestizos. The resulting specimens have nothing to do with breeding work to breed new individuals. It is impossible to determine exactly the genes received by the offspring. For example, if you mate a poodle and a Labrador on your own, then you will get a Labropoodle hybrid. Not a Labradoodle at all.

Random mating can occur between any breed of dog, regardless of size. And although the size creates serious inconvenience during sexual intercourse, dogs carried away by "love" show miracles of ingenuity.

And if mating is still planned, then the owners of Labradors, as a rule, try to select breeds that are suitable at least in size. For example, a cross between a Shar Pei and a Labrador is common. It is possible that the resulting puppies will acquire numerous folds in the skin, which look quite cute. From the Shar-Pei, stubbornness and resentment can be inherited. A mixture with German shepherds can give extraordinary loyalty to the owner, and the participation of a husky will give blue eyes. However, all this is unpredictable.

Some believe that mestizos inherit only the best qualities from their parents, have better health. But this cannot be called a proven fact. Here, as luck would have it.

You can’t argue with the fact that Labrador crosses with other breeds often turn out to be very cute and smart. And those owners who have such dogs do not get tired of praising them: “They do not need to buy expensive food. They themselves are cheap. They have a higher immunity to diseases.” Perhaps there is some truth in this. But the fact that they will never make a new breed, and they will not be able to participate in exhibitions, remains a fact.

Weimaraner, Corgi, Pit Bull, Pointer, Doberman, Boxer, Laika - dogs of these breeds and many others have already been used as mating partners with Labrador Retrievers. But we still do not advise you to conduct such experiments, the outcome of which is unknown.

designer stuff

Now so-called designer breeds often appear in the world. They are obtained from planned matings of dogs of different breeds. These are some kind of experiments. Perhaps someday they will lead to the receipt of fundamentally new breeds of dogs. In the meantime, the seemingly funny Shar Pei and Labrador mestizos are considered a good design move.

In order not to fall for the bait of such a “designer” and not accidentally acquire a mixture of a Labrador with no one knows who, you need to be able to determine the breed. Use the following options when choosing:

  • even a small Labrador puppy looks wide and dense, like an adult dog;
  • the tail at any age is similar to the tail of an otter, thick at the base and tapering towards the end;
  • the coat is short and dense without spots (a small white spot on the chest is acceptable);
  • the complete absence of any aggression towards people.

The users of the World Wide Web did not remain indifferent to mestizos. There are many forums in its open spaces where happy owners of such dogs share their experience. The vast majority of owners are madly in love with their pets. They are taken care of and considered the best in the world. Metis, of course, deserve a good attitude, like all other dogs. They deserve the love of the owner and his care no less than thoroughbred dogs.

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In the article I will talk about the Labrador mestizo, the nature of the dog. I will consider what breeds are crossed with and why.

The main advantage of mestizos is their low cost.

A thoroughbred animal costs many times more. Metis quickly adapt to the new environment and living conditions. Dogs are easier to train. Hybrids have strong immunity. Pedigree animals are prone to hereditary diseases. You can feed it with any food, it is not whimsical in food.

If one of the parents of the crossbreed had a serious illness, the disease can be passed on to the puppy.

The disadvantage of hybrids is the lack of documents for the dog and the pedigree. The presence of defects in the exterior. Metis are not banned from exhibiting, but they rarely receive awards. It is impossible to predict the nature of an animal. From parents, a puppy can adopt the best and worst qualities.

Crossbreed options

Mating can happen by accident if the owner overlooked. But purposeful mating is possible to obtain new colors, working qualities and character in puppies.

Metis with a sheepdog

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty and protectiveness. Labradors are obedient dogs, easy to train and good with children. Metis adopted protective qualities and friendliness from his parents.

The Labron German is great for families with children, she will play for hours and frolic with them. The dog gets along well with pets, even cats. The dog will guard the house sensitively, not letting a single noise go past his ears.

The Labron German resembles both parents. The color of puppies is predominantly black. Ears hanging, coat of medium length. Height and weight depend on the proportions of the parents.

With a yard dog

The mating of a Labrador and a mongrel can happen by accident.

The appearance of future puppies will not be known until birth. The growth of puppies depends on the height of the parents. As a rule, if the mother is short, then the height of the babies is average.

The psyche of the dog will be stable. From the Labrador to the offspring, energy and love will be transmitted. Metis from such a connection will be good guards and companions.

Who else can you mix a Labrador with?

A poodle mix is ​​considered popular. The name of the new breed is Labradoodle. The dog is used as a vehicle for the blind and people with disabilities. Cobberdogs are great babysitters. From parents, the dog took the best qualities of character.

When crossing, it is impossible to say exactly what kind of puppies will be born. They will all be different: someone will look like a Labrador, someone like a poodle. The Labradoodle's coat type can be different: straight, curly, wavy.

Colors are also different:

  • golden;
  • coffee;
  • apricot;
  • black;
  • cream;
  • silver.

Mix and Labrador make beautiful and cute puppies. The dog received the color, body build from, and the eyes from the husky. The dominant character traits are those of a Labrador.

The animal is responsive, good-natured, attached and devoted to the owner. Kind to children. But it tends to show aggression in moments of danger.

How to distinguish from a purebred dog

You can distinguish a mixture from a thoroughbred dog by external data. Labradors, downed and strong dogs, even in puppyhood. The ears are drooping and close to the head. The tail resembles the tail of an otter - wide, dense, tapering towards the end.

The coat is dense, thick, smooth. The color of a purebred dog is uniform, without inclusions and spots.

The following qualities should appear in the character of a purebred dog and mestizo:

  • stubbornness;
  • tenderness;
  • equilibrium;
  • caress;
  • kindness;
  • obedience;
  • playfulness.

Crossbreeding a Labrador and leads to unexpected consequences. Behavior is difficult to predict, such a dog is not suitable for communicating with children.

Mestizos can be obedient and kind, but can bring a lot of problems if not properly raised. The nature and behavior of the dog depends on education. The animal must feel the leader in the owner and recognize him as the leader of the pack.

Most breeders and owners of purebred dogs are careful to ensure that their pets do not crossbreed with other breeds or common yard dogs. But some cynologists decide on risky experiments, purposefully crossing different breeds of dogs, getting unusual and unique hybrids, or, as they are also called, mestizos.

What are Labrador Retrievers?

Labrador Retrievers are known for being one of the most friendly, obedient, affectionate and playful dog breeds. And it is not surprising that they are most often used to breed interbreed species, crossing with poodles, huskies, sharpei and shepherd dogs.

A German Shepherd-Labrador hybrid inherits better qualities from its parents: protective qualities from a shepherd dog and friendliness from a Labrador

And especially popular among breeders is a hybrid or mestizo of a German shepherd and a Labrador, which is called the Labron German. Such animals have a cheerful and friendly disposition, they are playful, sociable and affectionate, especially towards children. But the main feature of such a hybrid is the protective and protective qualities they inherited from German shepherds. The mestizo of a Labrador and a German is distinguished by devotion and fidelity and is always ready to defend those whom he loves with all his heart.

A cross between a Labrador and a shepherd dog: a description of the appearance

Most often, such a mestizo looks like a shepherd, but unlike purebred Germans, the color of such dogs is very unusual and original. Mestizos have the black, cream, or chocolate coloration that is characteristic of Labrador Retrievers.

German Shepherd and Labrador mix with German Shepherd coloration

These are large and muscular dogs with a lean and strong body, long powerful paws and a short tail.

Most Labronems have long, floppy ears, but some mixed-breeds may have erect pointed ears.

The nature and characteristics of the behavior of mestizos

German and East European Shepherds are distinguished by their lively mind, fearlessness and unquestioning obedience to the owner. But these breeds of dogs are also characterized by excessive aggression and hostility. Labradors are considered one of the most friendly, affectionate and peaceful breeds, but they have some cowardice and indecision, so the protectors of them are not the best.

And what qualities will a mestizo of a Labrador and a shepherd dog have? From such a marriage, charming puppies are obtained, inheriting from their parents only the most positive traits, both in character and appearance.

The Labron German puppy is extremely friendly and playful, so it will be an excellent pet for small children. Unlike balanced and calm Germans, mestizos are always ready to play and frolic, and their passion for fun and active games is preserved until old age.

Like the German Shepherd, the mestizo will choose his own owner among the family members, to whom he will obey. The dog treats the rest of the household faithfully and affectionately, but the beloved owner will always be the indisputable authority and leader for the animal.

These dogs are obedient and quick-witted, they are easy to train and train. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the best results in raising mestizos can be achieved if you treat your pet with understanding and love. It is unacceptable to use cruelty and violence in the process of training.

Most Labronems have long, floppy ears, but some mixed-breeds may have erect pointed ears.

Harsh parenting methods can cause the pet to become nervous and irritable, and will not always follow the owner's commands.

Also, the positive qualities of the Labronems include their peacefulness and friendliness towards other pets. With the rest of the dogs and cats, the mestizo will easily find a common language and get along well in the same house with any pet.

Mestizos inherited from the German Shepherd such traits as courage, bravery and readiness to rush to protect the owner at any moment. Unlike the indecisive and timid Labradors who behave confidentially towards strangers, the hybrid is wary of strangers, so he can be safely entrusted with the protection of the house.

Important: the labronetian needs constant communication and attention, and if the owner is not ready to devote much time to such a pet, it is better to get a dog of a different breed that can easily endure loneliness.

Shepherd and Labrador mix: pros and cons

If you believe the characteristics of the most cynologists, a cross between a Labrador and a shepherd dog can be called the perfect combination of positive qualities and appearance. Indeed, such animals have much more advantages than disadvantages.

The benefits of hybrids include:

  • intelligence, intelligence, ability to make decisions quickly;
  • playfulness and love for outdoor games;
  • friendliness, peacefulness, complete absence of aggression;
  • reverent and patient attitude towards children;
  • unpretentiousness and undemanding content;
  • ability to get along with other pets;
  • endurance and good health, since mestizos do not have a predisposition to genetic diseases;
  • the cost of such dogs is much lower than for their purebred relatives.

The disadvantages of mestizos include:

  • some individuals may have a wayward and stubborn character;
  • mestizos do not have a pedigree history and documents confirming their belonging to a particular breed, so it is not always possible to be sure who the parents of such a hybrid were;
  • mixed breeds of dogs are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

The sociability and friendliness of Labradors, combined with the intelligence and devotion of German Shepherds, make these amazing dogs great pets for both single people and families with small children. Mestizos will perfectly cope with the role of companions in fun games and defenders of the house, therefore, having got such a pet, the owner will never have to regret his choice.

Video: training a mestizo shepherd dog and a labrador

Recently, the fashion for breeding various "designer" dog breeds, crossed from firmly different parents, has become more and more relevant. The Labrador crossbreed became exceptionally famous in this respect.

Mestizo Labradors - what are they?

Labradors are crossed even with poodles, resulting in comical puppies of a characteristic color, with curly hair, outwardly resembling mongrels. Of course, such a pet will be, so to speak, unique, inimitable and hefty cute for outsiders. But for the owner himself, such a dog can cause a lot of trouble.

Experienced cynologists, and even sophisticated dog breeders, delightfully know that any breed of the most correct and devoted four-legged friends of a person has a specific disposition, thinking and way of life. For example, hunting dogs are extremely courageous, agile, hardy, stubborn and incredibly charming.

And poodles are wise, calm, objective, devoted and obedient. What can happen if you cross these two breeds? That's right, you get a mestizo.

But he will be a mestizo, alas, not only outwardly, which means that the behavioral characteristics of the pet will become extremely unpredictable.

Labrador puppies often have the undeniably accurate features of an adult dog, that is, it is easy to confuse a mestizo with a purebred dog. The sale of such a "live product" is often handled by disregarding breeders. About what will grow up from a seemingly purebred puppy, you can only guess in the first months of his life. And the owners who sold the baby to you can deliberately hide the pedigree of his parents, or wishful thinking.

Animal lovers and advocates will probably say - “What's so terrible about that? What role does the breed play if you wanted a dog? But for some people, the presence of a pure breed is solid, and not at all out of ambition, but out of a need for certain personal qualities of a newly minted pet. How is it possible to distinguish a Labrador from a mestizo, and what “crossed” breeds exist today?

Independent "examination" of the authenticity of the breed

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most famous dogs in the world, which is what the disregard breeders cash in on. Now we are not talking at all about getting a “designer” mestizo, from the fact that in this case two thoroughbred dogs are crossed. We are talking about those cases where you are energetically sold a mixture of a Labrador with a mongrel, energetically passing him off as an honorary pure breed attorney.

Distinguishing a Labrador from a mestizo is quite primitive, however, beginners may have a lot of questions about this. And it's not just the color or condition of the coat. The main thing is to be able to track the behavioral collations of the newly-minted pet in the house in order to realize how they correspond to the classic personality traits of the breed.

Let's start with the fact that the Labrador is probably the most good-natured and affectionate dog in the world. Any aggression, exclusively without a reason, is completely absent in it.

These pets are extraordinarily playful and mobile, very curious and sociable. They strive to make friends with everyone and easily get in touch with any person.

They are also great nannies for kids, which is extremely important for those families in which there is a child.

Imagine - you take a Labrador in order to make him your child's favorite, and he begins to show aggression, which is more typical for a driven, wild mongrel! Is it encouraging? We assume not.

How to distinguish a genuine thoroughbred dog from a "fake"?

  • Pay attention to the general appearance. Real Labradors are "strong" even in puppyhood. Their jaws are of medium size, as are their eyes. They do not have a long nose. Each middle third of the muzzle has angular rather than round features;
  • The ears of a genuine Labrador are drooping, of medium size, set far behind the front of the head, tightly adjoining it;
  • The tail of a Labrador is somewhat reminiscent of an otter's tail - it is quite wide and dense at the base, and systematically tapers towards the tip;
  • The puppy's hair curtain is quite dense, the coat is short, as if "velvet" to the touch. In golden retrievers, it shimmers with the appropriate shade to the luminary. By the way, experienced dog breeders say that golden and chocolate Labradors are especially savvy and intelligent;
  • The color of the Labrador is uniform, therefore, if there are spots on his body, most likely each, the breed is not pure. An exception in this regard is a barely invisible pale spot on the chest in golden-colored individuals.

Characteristic personality traits can also appear in dogs from puppyhood. Little Labradors are quite playful and mischievous, which, however, is typical for all puppies.

However, along with these normal qualities, the following traits of character must appear in a small pet:

  • Responsiveness;
  • Tenderness;
  • Equilibrium;
  • Kindness;
  • Weasel;
  • Attachment to the owner;
  • Agility;
  • Obedience.

When mixed with a mongrel, character traits can manifest themselves in the most unforeseen way, and in the distance they are not invariably acceptable to owners.

It is also worth paying attention to mestizos with fighting breeds, say, a cross between a staff and a Labrador. Staffy and Labrador mixes may exhibit unforeseen behavioral factors that may not be appropriate in communicating with a child.

Popular Labrador Mixes

The most famous and relevant today is the mestizo of the Labrador and the Husky. This delightful unnaturally bred breed is exceptionally beautiful. The dog takes from the Husky its whitish, colorful, normally northern eyes, and from the Labrador - the body and color. In this case, the pet's coat can be somewhat variegated and spotty. Occasionally they have different eyes: one is clear blue, and the other is brown.

The nature of these dogs in the aggregate is moderate, although occasionally their somewhat formidable disposition, taken from the husky, can still slip into everyday behavior. Such four-legged pets are wise, they are dominated by logic in all actions (in addition to games). They are also responsive, quite friendly, attached to the owner. They can show aggression when approached or threatened. They are quite gentle and patient, find a common language with children, love to play at any age, are mobile and sometimes loud.

Labrador and husky mestizos have approximately the same set of qualities - both visual and behavioral. Outwardly, they usually have a clear color, and sharp ears characteristic of a husky, raised up. The temper is moderate, hefty mobile. These dogs are great for hunting. Of the negative qualities, normally "barking" waywardness, resentment and autonomy can manifest itself. However, the normal qualities of the Labrador can soften and neutralize the mores of the Far North.

In terms of breeding, mestizos of Labradors and Shepherds are considered very significant. As you know, the German Shepherd has a set of qualities that this breed is proud of in every world. First of all, it is the mind. These four-legged friends are very inquisitive, vigilant, courageous, confident in themselves and their abilities.

They are devoted with every heart to their exclusive owner. Moreover, if the puppy gets into a large family, he, as usual, chooses the owner on his own.

It is not at all necessary that the owner will be the spouse or child to whom you decide to give the dog. It is absolutely possible that she will prefer you as her "leader".

Sheepdogs are keenly aware of the temperament of the people around them. And it is worth giving one of them slack, as the authority in the eyes of the dog melts before our eyes. Nevertheless, if a person has tamed a pet, he will remain correct to him until the end of his life.

From the Labrador, such mestizos also take the characteristic leading features - tenderness, kindness, sociability. The result is something like a "perfect" dog.

Even if you have got a pet with the most awesome set of personal qualities, do not forget about how important it is to properly raise him. Any dog ​​can become a real owner for you if you do not position yourself as its leader. The dog must certainly feel your strength, inner core, dominance over him. On the contrary, you run the risk of raising an unconditionally uncontrollable, hostile and inadequate overage puppy. And remember that you are in the end for those who have tamed!

May your newest pet bring you nothing but bliss!

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