Ear disease in dogs. Ear diseases of dogs. Inflammation of the ear cartilage

Ear problems in dogs are accompanied by various symptoms. One of them is strange discharge. Pet owners should take this kind of thing seriously and, if necessary, give their pet timely help.

Discharge from the ears indicates the presence of any. Usually, we are talking about otitis externa.

Pus in the ears of a dog

The appearance of pus in the ears of the animal - serious problem. This is an indicator that the dog has a progressive disease. The owner of the animal must take serious measures to cure his pet from otitis media.

Pus in the ear of the dog must be removed, but this must be done carefully. For this purpose, use cotton swab or cotton swab. It is very important not to damage the dog's ear and not to hurt it. Next, you need to provide the animal with peace, drink and a warm place. Then you need to call the veterinarian. He will prescribe medication to the dog, if necessary, remove foreign objects from the ear.

What to do if your dog has earwax

Discharge from the ears of a dog is not only in the form of pus. It could also be sulfur. It is important to note here that the presence of sulfur in the ears of an animal is in itself normal phenomenon. It is important that its amount is not excessive.

In dogs, wax in the ears should have a natural character. Such sulfur is necessary. It protects the ears of dogs from dirt. The problem arises when there is too much sulfur, and it takes on the character of a thick mass of yellow or Brown color. If the dog's earwax changes color or character, we are talking about abnormal discharge. These are the symptoms of the disease. Sulfur is removed in the same way as pus. But it is important for pet owners not to overdo it here. It is necessary to remove sulfur if the dog has certain problems. This is also done when cleaning the ear of a healthy animal, but it is impossible to automatically clean out sulfur of any color and any consistency.

It is necessary to distinguish between the normal content of healthy sulfur and the moment when the dog is leaking from the ear. It must be remembered that discharge from the ear of an animal is not a disease, but just a symptom. Removing pus or wax from a dog's ear will not solve the problem, as the diseased animal must be treated. Be sure to consult a veterinarian who can prescribe the correct treatment.

Discharge from a dog's ears does not necessarily indicate the presence of otitis media. The problem may be elsewhere. In addition, discharge is not always in the form of pus or sulfur. But in any case, dog breeders need to carefully monitor the health of their pet. If you experience unhealthy discharge, you should contact your veterinarian.

Very often, dog owners are faced with diseases that occur in their pets. Ear diseases in dogs are quite unpleasant phenomenon, have their specific reasons appearance and methods of treatment.

It is quite simple to notice the presence of these diseases, because the behavior of the dog changes: it often begins to scratch its ears, sometimes even to the point of blood, from auricle speaks different kind discharge, possibly even pus.

Causes of Ear Diseases in Dogs

Most causes can be easily avoided if you use by special means dog ear care. One of the inexpensive such products is with Cornflower extract and vitamin A. They have a disinfecting effect from bacteria, you can wipe tear ducts and easily fit in your pocket.


To make a correct diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian who will conduct comprehensive examination your animal. Very often, to make a correct diagnosis, blood tests are taken, an allergy test is performed, and cytological tests are also performed.

If, with the help of these examinations, the doctor finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, then additional research pet, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

Using the images obtained at the time of this diagnosis, the specialist can determine the presence of polyp tumors and inflammatory processes. Only when a diagnosis is made can therapy begin that will bring results.

Symptoms of ear diseases

The symptoms of ear diseases are very different and depend on the specific disease that the pet has acquired. The main symptoms of ear diseases in dogs can be identified:

  1. A sharp aroma from the auricles;
  2. redness and swelling of the ears;
  3. Itching around the ear;
  4. Secretion from the auricle.

The most common diseases

  • Otitis media: the disease develops by transferring infection from the outer ear to the middle. The dog is experiencing pain, difficulty in chewing food, the temperature often rises, interest in food disappears.
  • Otodectosis or ear scabies: a disease carried by ticks. The main symptoms are itching, fever and discharge, first serous and then purulent, loss of appetite, seizures and convulsions.
  • Allergic otitis: This disease occurs due to an allergic reaction to food. The dog's ears itch intensely, swell, redness appears, and brown discharge. Allergic otitis media is the main disease of dogs with a symptom of ear swelling.
  • Ear hematoma appears after mechanical damage, very often after fights. Diseases are characterized by the fact that the skin in the area of ​​damage becomes red with a slight bluish tint, the ears of dogs hang down. Hematoma is a disease accompanied by profuse swelling of the ear. The disease is very dangerous, because in the absence the right treatment causes the ear to rot, causing excruciating pain to the pet.
  • Eczema of the auricle appears as a reaction to external stimuli environment, for example, pollen, various chemical substances and water. The disease is characterized by reddening of the skin, swelling, in some cases, bubbles form in which fluid accumulates.
  • Otitis externa characterized fetid odor coming from the ears of the animal, secretions that may be serous or purulent character. This type of disease is carried by various microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and yeast. The main danger is that the disease develops into chronic form.
  • Deafness in dogs most often develops with age, and also due to infections or stunning. This disease may be accompanied by diseases such as kidney failure and diabetes, congenital deafness is very common in some breeds (for example, Dalmatians).

Fungal diseases and their treatment

Fungal infections of the ears in dogs are not uncommon. The most basic symptom is itching, round bald patches and a specific smell also appear. To make a diagnosis, a laboratory culture is performed.

The causes of fungus in animals can be:

If the pet is diagnosed with a fungus, then they should immediately begin treatment. Treatment fungal disease ears are prescribed by a veterinarian. Most often, it consists in taking medicinal medicines using special shampoos.

You should also immediately change the dog's food, get rid of all the old bedding, and disinfect everything that the animal has ever used, including its toys. It is recommended to limit contact with children during treatment. If the dog has long hair, it should be trimmed.

How to treat

Treatment of ear diseases in dogs depends on the form and accompanying symptoms:

  • With otitis media and external otitis, antibiotics are used, which are prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • You can get rid of ear mites at home without going to a specialist by dripping a few drops every day vegetable oil, into the pet's ear. This treatment lasts 21 days.
  • Ear hematomas are treated by opening the affected area and draining it.
  • At allergic otitis media anti-allergic agents are used, as well as diuretics, which help to cope with swelling and swelling.
  • If deafness is caused bacterial infections, then it is recommended to start treatment for the infection, sometimes it is even possible to completely restore hearing.
  • If foreign objects get in, they should be removed immediately.


Effective treatment of ear diseases in dogs is possible only with the help of a veterinarian. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, because it is very important to put correct diagnosis and start treatment. Only with the help of a veterinarian can you carry out all the examinations and tests necessary for diagnosis.

It is better to follow the doctor's recommendations impeccably, observing the prescribed dosage of medications. If necessary, disinfect items used by the dog, observe the rules of hygiene and preventive measures to avoid future ear infections.

Each owner must be responsible for the health of the dog and, with any slightest change in its behavior and condition, provide him with timely assistance, and if necessary, consult a doctor. After all, there are a number of diseases that carry a very severe consequences if you don't start treating them on time.

The dog is not able to properly follow the ears, so this task falls entirely on the shoulders of its owner. If you do not monitor the condition of your pet's ears, you may encounter a number of ear diseases.

What are ear diseases in dogs and their symptoms

The problem of ear diseases is most often faced by breeders of long-eared dog breeds: dachshunds, spaniels, setters, Afghan shepherd hounds and others. Their ears are usually poorly ventilated, so these dogs are more likely to develop ear problems.

Some of the most common ear problems in dogs include:

  • hematoma - blood spots received from injuries;
  • lymphoextravasate - accumulation of lymph in the auricle;
  • necrosis of the auricle ear cartilage at which point it ceases to function.
  • otitis media - inflammation of the ear;
  • ingress of foreign bodies into the auricle.


Hematoma occurs in the process of ear injury: blows, scratches, bites, and so on. Her symptoms:

  • the ear gets bigger;
  • the ear begins to hang down;
  • there is swelling in the ear area;
  • the ear becomes hot to the touch;
  • the dog starts shaking his head and waving it from side to side;
  • the dog constantly scratches the ear, causing even more harm;
  • the animal becomes irritable and restless, and sometimes aggressive.

It is necessary to treat a hematoma, because over time, the pain from it increases and there is a risk of complications. It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian - he will open the hematoma, remove dead tissue and blood clots, wash the ear and tell you what to do next. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you need to apply cold to the hematoma, and then treat the ear with special ointments.


This is practically the same disease as a hematoma: the symptoms and causes of these diseases are similar. The only difference is in the treatment. Cold with lymphoextravasate is contraindicated, and all treatment should be carried out exclusively by a veterinarian - it is necessary to pump out lymph from the ear with a syringe, which requires certain skills. Besides, in special occasions surgery may be needed.

It is imperative to treat a hematoma, because over time, the pain from it increases and there is a risk of complications. It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian - he will open the hematoma, remove dead tissue and blood clots, wash the ear and tell you what to do next. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you need to apply cold to the hematoma, and then treat the ear with special ointments.

Ear necrosis

Necrosis is the death of the ear cartilage. It occurs, either if you squeeze the ear for a long time and strongly, or if there are purulent tissues nearby. Necrosis looks like large ulcers, and the ear cartilage begins to blacken and rot, while causing ear deformity. Necrosis can be cured only with the help of an operation: you need to amputate the affected part or even the entire ear.

If you find signs of otitis media, you should immediately contact your veterinarian - in this case, only surgical intervention will help.

Necrosis is the death of the ear cartilage. It occurs, either if you squeeze the ear for a long time and strongly, or if there are purulent tissues nearby. Necrosis looks like large ulcers, and the ear cartilage begins to blacken and rot, while causing ear deformity. Necrosis can be cured only with the help of an operation: you need to amputate the affected part or even the entire ear.

Foreign bodies in the ear

Grains of sand, grass, insect larvae, and lice can periodically get into the dog's ear, thereby provoking inflammation. And although it's not so serious illness, in order to consult a doctor with it, you still need to rinse the pet's ear with hydrogen peroxide, and to remove pain drip a few drops of camphor oil into the ear.

Causes of Ear Diseases in Dogs

There can be several reasons for the occurrence and development of ear pathologies in dogs. These include:

If you notice something wrong with your dog's hearing organs, it's better to call the veterinarian right away than to wait for it to pass. Ears are a very sensitive and fragile part of the body, so ear pathologies should be treated immediately.

Typically, ear infections in dogs - depending on the diagnosis - are treated with antibiotics, antihistamines, and decongestants. Auricane, Aurizon and Oridermil are the most common remedies for the treatment of ear diseases in dogs.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs

In order not to face such a problem as ear diseases your dog, you need to take all possible preventive measures. These include:

An ear infection in a dog is almost always manifested by a change in the animal's behavior: the dog shakes his ears, scratches them, and also rolls on the ground and rubs his head against furniture to reduce itching. The smell from the ear of a dog, released during inflammation, can be both fetid and sugary-sweet and is one of the main diagnostic signs. In addition to the smell, ear inflammation in dogs is often accompanied by various kinds secretions. Ear discharge in dogs can range from serous to purulent, which must be taken into account when choosing therapy and, in particular, when treating the disease with homeopathic remedies.

In addition, ear diseases in dogs can be triggered by certain chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, and, again, allergies. In this aspect, it is interesting that pet dander, in turn, is one of the most common allergens that cause otitis media in humans.

Inflammation of the outer ear (otitis media) in dogs almost always becomes chronic and recurs over and over again, regardless of what drugs were used during treatment. preventive treatment otitis externa.

The traditional treatment of otitis externa includes the following steps: removal of a foreign body from the ear canal; dog ear cleaning use of antibiotics, steroids, and decongestants and antihistamines. In dogs good effect give Aurizon, Aurikan and Oridermil (veterinary preparations). They have a complex antibacterial and antifungal action. To surgical intervention, consisting in the complete or partial excision of the external auditory canal, is resorted to in cases where there is a risk of hearing loss.

A holistic approach to the cure of otitis involves the rejection of the above drugs traditional medicine. Instead, it is recommended to use alternative medicines that allow you to heal various diseases ears in dogs while avoiding the complications of traditional pharmaceuticals.

However, it should be remembered that the effect of treatment with alternative drugs does not occur immediately and will require certain time and patience to wait for the desired result. In view of this, at severe forms otitis externa, which in the absence of timely treatment may lead to total loss hearing, the use of antibiotics is more justified. Before making a final decision on taking certain traditional medicines, be sure that they will be effective against the microorganisms that caused a particular infection. Never use antibiotics at random, get your dog susceptibility tested to a particular drug, or at least make sure your veterinarian has produced microscopic examination animal ear secretions.

The emphasis in holistic medicine is primarily on the prevention of disease and the elimination of its causes, and not only on the suppression of symptoms. Considering the human / animal body as a whole, holism implies an increase in the patient's health potential by treating not only the main, but also concomitant diseases through methods such as changing the diet; acupuncture; homeopathy; as well as herbal medicine and aromatherapy. All of the above methods can also be used to prevent and treat ear problems in dogs.

Otitis media and otitis media in dogs.

If your dog loses balance when walking, stumbles, falls, or rolls to one side, it can be assumed that your pet has otitis media or otitis media. In most cases, otitis media in dogs develops as a result of infection from the outer ear through the eardrum. In the event that the dog's ear is festering, we can talk about perforation eardrum, as well as the danger of the transition of inflammation to inner ear and meninges.

Obviously, none of these diseases are to be trifled with, so if you notice any of the above symptoms in your dog, try to contact your veterinarian immediately. It is possible that you will need to be treated with antibiotics to prevent infection.

Ear mites in dogs.

How can you tell if a tick in your dog's ear is bothering him? In general, there is a specific test for this under a microscope, but there are a couple of simple homemade recipes. Place content dog ear on a white paper towel and dampen it with hydrogen peroxide. If brownish spots appear during wetting, know that this is blood digested by ticks. In addition, mites in the ears of dogs do not allow the latter to calmly survive the cleaning. Animals thump restlessly with their hind paws when their ears are cleaned, as they are disturbed by intense itching.

The etiology of these blood-filled cavities located between the skin and cartilage of the pinna remains unknown. Sometimes a hematoma is formed from the fact that the dog shakes its head often or too actively. As a result sudden movements small blood vessels burst and an ear hematoma is formed.

Traditional treatment of hematomas involves opening the affected cavity with subsequent drainage. Additionally, steroid injections and, in some cases, surgery may be prescribed. Hematomas tend to recur in 50% of cases after the first operation and in 30% of cases after repeated removal.

As homeopathic remedy yarrow herb can be used to strengthen blood vessels. Brew yarrow as a tea or use it externally as an ointment or oil extract. Not less than healing properties in this respect, the herb witch hazel (witch hazel) also possesses.

Foreign bodies in the dog's ear.

Signs of a foreign object getting into the ears of an animal are as follows: the dog scratches its ears, begins to shake its head, whines and rubs its head against the ground, trying to get rid of the object that has fallen into the ear. The symptoms are acute and can be quite dramatic.

The only way to know if there is a foreign body in the ear canal is to examine the dog's ear with a special instrument. This procedure almost always requires anesthesia, so if the dog is not able to get rid of the presence in ear canal foreign object you need to contact your veterinarian immediately. If you removed the foreign body yourself, then do not forget to rinse the dog's ear with a soothing herbal solution after the end of the procedure.

Hearing loss and deafness.

The main factors that cause hearing impairment up to its loss are: infections, ear injuries, deafening by loud sound, old age, genetic predisposition, nervous diseases, side effects some medicines.

The most common form of hearing loss is conductive deafness caused by a blocked ear canal. foreign body, as a result of infections, or with excessive accumulation of wax in the ear canal.

Stun loud noises causes sensory deafness, which increases and worsens if the animal is exposed to noise for a long time. So, loud rock music or rap can significantly impair the hearing of an animal and, as a result, lead to complete deafness. If you are a hunter, don't forget to buy earplugs and plug your dog's ears before you start hunting.

To medicines that can cause hearing loss include aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin and amikacin; loop diuretics such as furosemide (Lasix); some anti-cancer drugs; high doses of aspirin. Be sure to check with your veterinarian before taking any medications to make sure the recommended medications will not cause hearing loss in your dog.

Hearing loss can often be accompanied by dog ​​diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, and hypothyroidism.

Hearing loss is a natural change in the aging body. As dogs age, just like humans, there are slow changes in hearing function. The animal no longer responds so actively to your commands and refuses to walk through unfamiliar territory.

You can slow down the increasing hearing loss by switching to more nutritious diet, as well as the addition of antioxidants and Ginkgo Biloba to food.

At first, an aging dog, as a rule, loses the ability to perceive high frequencies. Therefore, if you notice that your pet responds better to lower tones, speak to him in a low voice. It is believed that even very hard of hearing dogs react to the sound of clapping, so if you need to get the attention of an animal, just try clapping your hands a couple of times. It should also be borne in mind that changes in the auditory function are reflected in the behavior of the dog. She becomes more shy and may bite you at any surprise.

Neural deafness is the least common form of hearing loss. It can be caused by trauma, rupture blood vessels in the head, or brain tumors.

To diagnose partial (unilateral) or total (bilateral) hearing loss, an auditory brainstem response test, known as the BAER test, is performed. This study may be particularly useful for testing certain breeds of dogs, such as Dalmatians, which often produce deaf or semi-deaf puppies.

  • bad smell,
  • dark patina in the ears
  • itching (dog scratches ears)
  • hearing loss

So that the dog does not lose hearing and does not suffer from ticks, it is worth contacting a veterinarian in a timely manner for diagnosis and treatment.
Sores on the ears in a dog can be caused by other diseases. Often the appearance of sores can be caused by allergic reactions and various inflammations ears.

Diagnose ear mites only experts can. Therefore, it is better to show the dog to the veterinarian immediately, without delay. advanced disease can cause not only sores on the skin of the ears, but also lead to hearing loss of the dog. Veterinarians Bio-Vet can diagnose and prescribe treatment depending on the cause of the sores or scratches on the ears of the dog.

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