What is better a cat or a cat in the house. Choosing the gender of the animal: who is better a cat or a cat? Who better to take a cat or a Scottish fold cat

The decision to settle in the house of a representative of the cat tribe means the emergence of a number of issues for discussion by all family members. And in the first place, undoubtedly, there will be a dilemma, who is better to take a cat or a cat, because its character and habits largely depend on the sex of the animal. Taking a kitten into the house, you must remember that this is a living creature that requires regular care and special procedures. That is why understanding the sexual characteristics of a pet even before its acquisition will be the key to a long and joyful life together.

To decide which cat or cat is better, future owners interview numerous relatives and friends. And listen to different, often completely opposite opinions.

The most common stereotypes are:

Who is better: female or male?

An objective argument in favor of a cat can be considered the absence of the need to “mark” the territory of residence, which is typical for males. Cats have special glands that produce a specific musky smell. That is why, for mating, the cat is taken to the groom, and not vice versa.

In addition, it is not common for females to fight for a male, so wound healing after fights is not expected. On the other hand, unsterilized cats during estrus do not always behave adequately, so you will either have to provide the animal with a trusted partner, or let it go on an independent search. This causes certain difficulties for busy owners, because high-quality cats for mating and breeding are not found as often as we would like.

The argument in favor of the cat is the lack of possible offspring and the hassle associated with this. Moreover, if the owners decide on an operation, castration is usually much easier than in the case of cavity sterilization of the female. It is believed that a healthy mature cat needs up to 20 matings per season, so if it is impossible to provide the animal with such activity, it is better to lean towards castration.

At the same time, the question of whether a neutered cat can satisfy a cat depends on the age and experience of mating the pet. If the animal had intercourse with the opposite sex, then the skills will remain after the procedure. Such "empty" individuals are often kept together with unsterilized females to relieve the nervousness of the latter during estrus. However, veterinarians advise doing this only as a temporary measure to avoid diseases of the reproductive organs. For example, pyometra disease, which you can read about.

It is believed that a neutered cat can satisfy a cat, but after a certain period of time in the absence of regular mating, the male simply loses attraction and “forgets” about the previous need.

The answer to the question of whether a castrated cat can mate with a cat will be positive, but it is better to provide the female with a full-fledged partner in order to prevent possible diseases.

Castration and sterilization of animals

Cats mature at the age of 5-9 months, and their childbearing period can last a lifetime. The number and duration of estrus varies depending on the breed and age of the pet. In any case, cats have 2-3 periods of sexual activity per year. At the same time, they gather around a lot of "suitors", and the meowing of a cat for a cat often resembles a real concert.

Maturation of males occurs later, at the age of 6-8 months. At this age, their secretions acquire an unpleasant persistent odor, the animals themselves become almost indomitable. The question of who is better than a cat or a cat in an apartment does not have the most pleasant answer: both of them bring a lot of trouble during this period.

If the owners do not have the time or desire to provide their pets with a sufficient number of proven partners, they will look for them on their own or suffer from a lack of mating. To exclude this and protect animals from probable diseases of the reproductive organs, sterilization or castration procedures are used. The answer to the question of how much it costs to castrate a cat depends on the type of intervention.

The difference between these operations is the removal of the ovaries. During sterilization, the gonads are not touched, only tubal ligation is performed. Accordingly, the production of hormones is produced at the preoperative level. In cats, the seminal ducts are similarly ligated. Such animals can mate, but do not give offspring. Castration removes all organs responsible for procreation (in females - ovaries or ovaries with a uterus, in males - testicles). The result is a complete lack of sexual instincts and sexual activity.

Veterinarians recognize castration as a more humane method, because sterilization leaves the possibility of certain diseases and hormonal storms.

Sex determination

If you are interested in how to recognize a cat or a cat, you just need to look under the tail of the kitten: if the structure resembles a colon, this is a cat, and if the exclamation mark is a cat. Good luck choosing your baby!

The question of who to choose, a cat or a cat, will be quite painful for a person who has never previously kept a mustachioed meowing pet at home. Despite the similarity of habits, male and female individuals still differ in some nuances of the manifestation of feline instincts.

Difficulties of education

The cat is no doubt more cunning, gentler and more inclined to compromise than the cat.. If you successfully get used to the role of a dominant male, most likely, it will not be difficult for you to command your tailed pupil. In this case, you can easily drive her away from bad habits or teach her the right skills.

It is possible that the cat will only pretend to obey, but will gradually begin to twist the ropes out of you: it will sleep on your pillow, eat the most tidbits and tear up new wallpaper.

However, a cat can also encroach on these privileges, only he will do it impudently, with unshakable self-confidence in his exclusive right to the entire space of the apartment and the owner in addition.

The harmful habits of the cat will have to be stopped in a slightly different way: not trying to prove their superiority, but gradually directing the cat's behavior in the right direction.

Important! Let's summarize. By raising a cat, you become a relentless feline macho, and by reining in a cat, you act subtly, like a representative of the weaker sex.
By the way, remember that cats are not only more massive, but often more beautiful than their girlfriends. So, if there is a goal - to surprise the guests who come to you, take a cat.

Family idyll

It can occur with both a cat and a cat if you are familiar with the principles of peaceful coexistence in a limited living space in advance.

Growing kittens usually behave in the same way: they reach for affection without leaving their owners. The difference in behavior becomes more pronounced after puberty: cats become more reclusive, and cats, on the contrary, more contact.

The tailed girl will always be near you, trying to be the focus of your attention.. She will fawn over anyone who is ready to pet her and talk to her. The cat will suffer unbearably from the master's callousness and indifference.
That is why, if you have small children who are ready to play with an animal for hours, it is better to opt for a cat. True, you do not need to squeeze it either. Any games and caresses are good in moderation.

It is interesting! Unlike a cat, which equally equally sympathizes with all members of your family, a cat, as a rule, will begin to show its sympathy to one owner (less often to two).

Yes, and he will not indulge his only chosen one with excessive attention, approaching him a couple of times a day to remind him of the end of food or water (and very rarely - for a portion of affection). It is worth mentioning: neutered males become almost as affectionate as cats.

So, if you are not afraid of feline importunity, and you have enough time to iron the curved fur back, get a girl.

For many working people or those who do not particularly need "calf" cat tenderness, purring boys are recommended.

sexual behavior

One of the key aspects of the dilemma (cat or cat). Each of them has its own intermittent sexual quirks that can turn the life of the owner into hell.

She is

An estrus cat is not for the faint of heart. The owner will have to come to terms with such manifestations as:

  • restless behavior;
  • increased (decreased) appetite;
  • rolling on the floor;
  • piercing meow;
  • obsession;
  • frequent urination.

There is also an “erased” estrus, in which this symptomatology is absent, which, of course, makes the owners very happy. But you should not hope that it is your pet that will calmly endure estrous cycles.


A sexually mature and sexually preoccupied cat is also unbearable. And in his arsenal there are a lot of "surprises" for the owner:

  • persistent "meow", as a call to let go;
  • scratching the front door;
  • spraying odorous secret;
  • aggression towards humans.

By the way, there are cats that never (!) mark their territory. But this amazing quality has little to do with the breed, but stems from the cat's temperament. Phlegmatic males with low sexual desire do not mark corners: they are found among different breeds, including Scottish, British and Siberian cats.


The bright sexual reflexes of quadrupeds are in the hands of only their breeders. People without commercial interests (in relation to cats) need to decide which method is preferable - surgical (sterilization / castration) or medication (drops / tablets).

If you are not able to encroach on the reproductive organs of your pet, consult a veterinarian and buy hormonal drugs. The animal will avoid the surgical table, but will face the side effects of these contraceptives, leading to a variety of ailments, including oncology.

By the way, not so long ago it became known that sterilization has a beneficial effect on the body of a cat and even prolongs its life. And do not forget that castrated / sterilized animals become more docile and calm.

It is interesting! The owners feel much easier when they let their vaseks and muroks into the yard, where they spend the accumulated sexual energy. There is only one minus (for cat owners) - you will have to attach or drown kittens several times a year.

Other pros and cons

A cat that has all the signs of its gender and is used to a wild lifestyle will never “tell” you about its pregnancy.

A cat that is not devoid of reproductive function can conceive and bring offspring at any time.

The opinion that cats are smarter than cats and get used to the tray faster is controversial. Cat owners are also sure that their pets are much cleaner than cats. This judgment is much closer to the truth.

Cats, even castrated ones, have a strong natural smell, which is especially noticeable when urinating and defecation. And a person with a keen sense of smell will always feel this aroma.

The cat is convinced that the owners are in his full power, and that he is free to behave on his territory as he pleases. He will demonstrate this life credo to you tirelessly, tearing the sofa to pieces or dragging food from your plate.


Oddly enough, but not always gender will tell about the features of a potential pet. Experienced felinologists know that kittens of the same litter (regardless of gender) show different inclinations from birth. Someone is a clear ringleader and a brawler, the other is calm as an elephant, the third is a wimp and a whiner.

Watch the little ones to choose the one that best fits your idea of ​​a perfect friend.

So, the decision is made: you will soon have a kitten! These soft and affectionate creatures bring harmony and peace to the house with their very presence. And what a great joy it is for children! But here the question immediately arises: is it better a cat or a cat? What are the differences between them, except for the obvious ones? Let's try to figure it out, based on the opinions of veterinarians and experienced cat owners.

Some people know right away that they only need a cat, because he will not bring kittens home, while others, on the contrary, are impressed by the tenderness of cats. Choosing a pet is a very important undertaking, because, in fact, you choose a new family member that you will take care of for many years. Therefore, if you are in doubt who to choose, a cat or a cat, pay attention to the following distinctive features associated with the gender of the animal.

External differences

An experienced cat lover in appearance will determine the sex of an adult animal without the slightest hesitation. Indeed, adult cats are larger than cats, have a larger head relative to the body and more massive jaws. And looking at the cat, neat and graceful, it immediately becomes clear: in front of you is a real lady!

Character and behavior

The difference in character between cats and cats is a very controversial issue. Veterinarians believe that after castration, sex differences between animals become almost invisible.

In general, they talk about the following features that characterize cats and cats:

1. Affection and love for the owner

Cat lovers like to argue who loves their owners more, cats or cats, but there is no unanimity on this issue. The truth, perhaps, is that regardless of the sex of the animal, they are very attached to the one who was chosen as a pet in the house. But this love manifests itself in different ways.

Cats are rather individualists, and it is unlikely that your furry friend will constantly, with or without reason, express his attitude towards you. "Sessions" of tenderness will be short-lived, after which the cat will rush to his urgent feline business.

The cat loves to sit on the owner's lap, purr and rub against his legs. The cat in this way usually hints that it would be nice to eat, but the cat is not so “selfish” - she just wants to get her portion of affection from you.

2. Activity

Cats are considered more active than cats. Their predatory nature is realized at home by curiosity and unpredictable behavior. Cats tend to look into every corner, get into all the boxes and packages, and sometimes scare the owners with an unexpected jump towards them from the dark.

Cats clearly establish their rights in the house, unlike kitties, which are softer and more accommodating. As males, they may be aggressive towards other animals in the home. The cat seems to be hinting: “I'm in charge here!”, And you need to try to make it clear to him that this is not entirely true.

3. Cleanliness

There is no need to argue about cleanliness - cats are definitely cleaner than cats, by their nature they have a less pungent smell. In addition, it is the cats who constantly “make a marathon”, licking their fur coat for hours.


One of the main aspects of choice. If breeding purebred cats is not your goal, it would be more humane to sterilize or castrate your pet. Otherwise, the cries of a beloved animal, unequivocally speaking about its desires, can simply exhaust your patience. And for the animal organism, an unrealized instinct is a great stress. Castrated cats and sterilized cats become softer, more affectionate, more attached to the house and most often do not cause such problems as puddles in the corners to the owners.

If you don't want to neuter your cat, be prepared for him to start marking his territory. Getting rid of a strong unpleasant odor is quite difficult. Of course, it is possible that the cat, considering the apartment as his personal territory, simply does not consider it necessary to mark it. But still, if you are categorically opposed to castration, this moment must be foreseen. “Girlfriends” are usually brought to a thoroughbred cat, and the owners also receive money for this. Pets living in private homes live peacefully and do not interfere with anyone, doing their men's business outside the yard. But in an apartment, an uncastrated cat will feel very bad, so you need to find a humane way out of the situation (for example, hormonal drugs).

For a cat, as for any woman, motherhood is the real meaning of life. On the one hand, an unsterilized cat during estrus can truly drive her owners crazy, and on the other hand, by allowing her to realize her maternal instinct, you will surely be touched by the true tenderness and harmony emanating from mommy and her fluffy babies. However, you have to think about the consequences, namely, where the kittens will live in the future. We are responsible for those who are weaker and completely dependent on us. Therefore, take care of the subsequent fate of the kids. If the cat is purebred, most likely there will be no problems, kittens can be sold using the Internet, newspaper ads or through acquaintances. For "simple" - the owners will be more difficult to find, but also quite realistic.

Do you dream about a cat, but do not want problems with "attaching" kittens? As with cats, there are two options - radical (sterilization) or hormonal (special drops). Be aware that spaying a cat will be significantly more expensive than spaying a cat. But this method is much more humane than hormonal exposure. Most veterinarians emphasize the dangers of using such contraceptives, in particular the increased risk of cancer in cats.

Cat or cat: which one to choose?

Choosing a pet is not an easy task. Cats, like people, have different personalities and may well not fit into any standards. It is simply impossible to say who is better, a cat or a cat. There are only some objective differences based on gender, primarily related to the desire of animals to leave behind offspring. And the rest - regardless of whether a cat or a cat appears in your house, it will be a great responsibility, but at the same time a joy. We hope that the new pet will become a truly dear and beloved member of your family!

If you decide to get a pet, then you need to discuss with your family a lot of details. Who will buy food, take on the responsibilities of accustoming to the tray and cleaning. Who will be responsible for taking him to the veterinarian, especially if the pet is sick. After that, you can move on to a discussion of the breed that will suit everyone. And last but not least on our list is the issue of gender.

At first glance, what's the difference. But this is only until he began to understand the issue deeper. Of course, while the kitten is small, there is practically no difference between them. But even before that, you need to think about who is better to have: a cat or a cat. After all, soon the pet will grow up, and the differences will become very noticeable.


Most people have an established opinion about who is better, a cat or a cat. What gender of the animal to get will ask you, what will you answer? Most have a stereotype: a cat is better than a cat. She is affectionate, gentle, clean, a mouse hunter. She is better accustomed to the tray, eats less, loves affection. And cats - lazy and couch potatoes, will not allow manifestations of tenderness, and with the onset of spring they will scream heart-rendingly and mark your home.

But all these myths are quite easy to destroy. Cats often hunt much better than cats. In occasion of tenderness - too it is debatable. There are cat girls that you can’t approach once again. And the other cat is filled with such sweet purrs that you can forget about everything in the world.

Pedigree or yard

What kind of cat do you want? A purr who will brighten up your life with her songs, or a show champion? This has a direct bearing on who is better to have, a cat or a cat. A cat is more suitable as a pet, while a male has more chances to win in exhibitions.

Second moment. What do you want: for the pet to be a decoration of the house or a continuer of the family? Of course, most often, when buying thoroughbred animals, people think about breeding activities. The amount they paid for a kitten is immediately multiplied by the number of heads in the litter, as well as several times a year. But here, too, a dilemma arises. Who is better to have: a cat or a cat?

On the one hand, cat owners get the right to sell the entire litter, while cat owners get only one kitten. But the former are responsible for feeding a pregnant cat, medical support, obstetric work, and sometimes even surgery. After that, they will have to feed their mother, feed the kittens, clean up after the kids and accustom them to the tray, vaccinations, and find owners for the kittens. There are more concerns in this case.

We take a pet for the soul

As you can see, it is worth thinking carefully about who is better to get, a cat or a cat. But we're moving on. If breeding activities or a show career are not planned, then a decision is usually made to castrate or sterilize the animal. In this case, males are often preferred. The operation is simpler, and it costs less. Whereas in the case of cats, this is an abdominal operation, which can have serious consequences.

But in this case, gender features are erased. Sex hormones will no longer excite your pet. That is, the question of whom to choose: a cat or a cat is practically removed. If you decide to keep the physiological characteristics of your pet's body intact, then let's decide together who to choose.

kitten girl

It is difficult to say which of the two sexes people most often prefer to take. Everyone has their own priorities. That is why today we are considering all the pros and cons. So that everyone can decide for themselves who to choose: a cat or a cat. For now, let's look at the behavioral characteristics of kittens, and then move on to adult animals.

So, the kitten is a girl. Affectionate and very gentle, she is still very independent. A charming young lady walks by herself, in everyday life she is more independent of a person. Only an extreme situation or illness can make a cat ask to be held in your arms and calm down in your arms. Of course, they will easily allow you to scratch behind the ear, stroke "their lordship." Everything else is just mood. You can not squeeze the cat at your discretion.

kitten boy

And we continue to collect information that, as a result, will help to understand who is better to choose for the house: a cat or a cat. Male kittens, however strange it may seem, are more affectionate and more attached to their owners. Most likely, the fact is that they are more expressive in their feelings. Of the whole flock, only boys will come to you in the morning to caress. They will sit on their knees and purr with great pleasure. All the tenderness and love that the female saves for her kittens, the male gives to the owner. Therefore, the answer to the question of whom to get: a cat or a cat lies in your expectations. If this is how you compensate for the lack of love, then it is better to choose a boy kitten.

Owner and pet

Surely you have heard that they are gradually becoming similar to each other. Therefore, it is not enough to decide who is better to have, a cat or a cat in the house. You have to live with him for a few years. You need to love and accept your pet for who he is. Only then will he reveal all the secrets of his feline soul. And it turns out that boys and girls are not so different from each other. The main thing is whether there is mutual understanding with the owner.

Plus sign cats

Each individual, in addition to gender, has its own characteristics and differences. Therefore, it is not enough to rely on gender differences. But even without their awareness, it is impossible to make a choice. What awaits the owner, who decided to take the cat? Here are some realities:

  • Someone will say that cats are not as affectionate as cats. It's not like that at all. They can come to caress and sit on their hands, purr and express their love in every possible way. But this is only possible if the pet wants it. If you try to grab a cat in an armful when he is busy with other things, then you will get nothing but discontent.
  • This is a very curious creature. He needs to know everything, to smell everything, to be aware of what is happening. In this regard, he is very similar to a dog. Whatever they bring home: new furniture, things, household appliances, he must inspect and sniff it. Often, empty boxes or plastic bags do not go unnoticed. All containers and boxes are willingly settled from the inside. And this is what cats do most of the time.
  • Games. Male individuals are very fond of spending time interestingly. What does it mean? Gotta play with the owner. He will hide in corners, burrow into underwear, and then suddenly jump out of the most unpredictable places.


But among those who have already kept males or have heard something about it, there is often an opinion that a cat is far from the best choice. Let's look at what can be said in this vein:

  • The male is by nature the leader and dominant individual. Therefore, at an early age, you will have to show him who is the boss in the house. Otherwise, he will inevitably try to claim this role. But you should not go too far and offend your pet. Cats are very vindictive animals.
  • It is an independent and proud creation. Showing indulgence towards his masters, he allows himself to be stroked behind the ear or patted on the withers. But this usually does not last long, because he has a million urgent things to do. But if you find yourself in the kitchen, the cat will immediately rush after you. He will follow, purr and rub against his legs. The beggar is still the one.
  • For many, the strongest argument against a cat is a strong and very pungent smell. Cats are not really as clean as cats, but with proper care of your pet, you can avoid bad smell. Often this becomes a decisive moment when considering options: a cat or a cat. Who is better to choose for an apartment and children, the answer is obvious. After all, the most unpleasant begins when, having reached puberty, the cat begins to mark the territory. If in a private house it will be fences and trees in the garden, then in the apartment the smell will quickly become unbearable.

Let's get a cat

What awaits you when the touchy kitten grows up? Pay attention to the following:

  • Cats are more open and pliable for petting. But they are no less cunning creatures. How often have you been touched when a beauty rubs against her legs, demonstrating her adoration. In fact, she leaves hairs on her clothes, showing that you are her property. But it's still an innocent way to leave labels. There is another.
  • Unlike cats, they love to leave claw marks on upholstered furniture. Of course, there is no such strong smell from the cat, but who likes the tattered side of the sofa. The only way out is to buy a scratching post and teach your cat to it from the first day.
  • Do not flatter yourself about how openly the cat shows affection and affection. In fact, she is much more vindictive than cats and will not forget the offense.
  • The instinct to procreate. It is customary to attribute this to cats, but try to keep your beauty at home with the onset of spring, who is impatient to become a mother.

No wonder they began to consider the cons, because stereotypes say otherwise. The cat is bad, but the cat is good? No, like any medal, there are two sides to it.

Positive sides

Since girls are always taken from their mother before boys, there must be reasons for this. Let's look at how cats can be better than cats:

  • These are real cleaners. They can spend hours licking their fur, and the slightest touch will cause the work to be started all over again. Sometimes this annoys the owners, but this does not bother the fluffy beauty.
  • The cat is an excellent hunter. It will be an ideal choice for a private home, protecting it from mouse incursions. But do not be surprised that she will definitely bring the caught prey home.
  • This is a great friend for growing children. She will purr affectionately in the nursery, willingly let you put on a dress and will not scratch in response to an attempt to trim his mustache. Try to explain to the children that this is not the way to do it.

Instead of a conclusion

So, we tried to give all the arguments. Whom to get: a cat or a cat? You can decide for yourself when you weigh the pros and cons. Finally, I would like to give one piece of advice. Weigh the consequences of your choice very well. A kitten, no matter what gender it is, is a living creature that is very attached to its owners. If you take this tiny ball, you should be aware that a small child has appeared at home. He will cry, write past the tray, ask for food at night. This is a big plus. All this passes much faster than in the case of human children. Just a few months, and the grown kitten will become independent. It doesn't matter if it's a cat or a cat. He really needs your love and care.

We want to buy a British kitten. I think that cats are more affectionate, gentle and clean, so I'm looking for a cat on the ads. At work, a colleague claims that cats are more affectionate and accurate. So who is still better to choose - a cat or a cat? Elena Voronkova, Vitebsk.

Photo by Maxim Shestakov

For some, this question may seem strange. In fact, does it matter what gender the pet will be? However, based on my own felinological practice, I can confirm that this is almost the first question that is asked of me when choosing a kitten.

Photo by Alexander Rakovich

Many decide in advance what gender the kitten should be - only a cat or only a cat and no compromises. And in the future it is almost impossible to convince them. Such categoricalness is often associated with ingrained stereotypes, and the reasons for the categorical choice are based mainly on their own and other people's prejudices. There is also personal experience. After all, if in our childhood the cat Murka was affectionate and clean, and the neighbor's cat Vaska showed aggression and shamelessly marked, we will consider all cats affectionate and neat, and associate cats with something evil and unkind. Similarly, if a ginger cat was remembered as very gentle and good-natured, and a Siamese cat was hostile, constantly scratching and fighting, we will consider all ginger cats to be kind, and Siamese to be evil. Is it really? Of course not.

The strongest influence on the character of a kitten is exerted by the genes of its parents, grandparents, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Therefore, instead of focusing on the kitten's field, it is better to pay attention to the behavior of his parents: lack of aggression, contact, affection. After all, it is precisely this, most likely, that your kitten will grow up, no matter whether it is a cat or a cat, positive behavior, as well as deviations in it, are very well inherited.

Also, the nature of the kitten is affected by its proper socialization in childhood. On the one hand, from birth, he must see and feel human hands, hear the voices of people, smell them, communicate with them, move freely around the house. On the other hand, the kitten should be given the opportunity to live with its mother and companions for up to 3-3.5 months, including for the sake of learning the necessary social skills.

No one excludes such a factor as the individual characteristics of a particular kitten. So it will not be superfluous to ask the breeder how the kitten you are interested in behaves.

Be sure to ask the breeder about the nature of the kittens and listen to your heart. Perhaps it will fade when looking at a particular kitten, and everything else will no longer matter.

Cats tag, cats don't

Of course, an uncastrated cat will mark with a 95% probability and it's hard to argue with that. However, not only cats are capable of marking, but also cats, and far from rare individuals. This is normal behavior for cats that are territorial animals.

Photo by Alexander Rakovich

Therefore, cat owners must be prepared for the fact that your irreplaceable laptop or even you, peacefully sleeping under the covers, can become an object of encroachment by your beloved kitty. Not to mention the “typical” marks: near the front door, next to the tray, on carpets, rugs, sofas. And the reason for this is not harm or a desire to inconvenience their owners, but instincts. Swearing and punishment in this case is absolutely meaningless.

Let's start with the fact that all cats and cats that are not involved in breeding should be castrated for their own good. In castrated animals of both sexes, sexual desire disappears, therefore, the behavioral problems generated by it also disappear.

Thus, the widespread assertion that cats tag and cats don't is nothing more than a misconception.

Cats are cleaner than cats

Cleanliness (regular visits to the tray) has nothing to do with the gender of the pet. Toilet problems can occur in both cats and cats. The reasons are different. For example, a cat does not like the filler in the tray or the tray itself and its location. Or the cat wants to have several trays at its disposal: one for “big” things, the other for “small” things. It happens that a breeder does not pay enough attention to accustoming a growing kitten to a tray and consolidating this skill. After all, ignoring the litter box can mean health problems for the cat. But the sex of the animal is definitely not the cause of the “toilet issue”.

Cats are more affectionate than cats

From my own experience and the nature of dozens of grown kittens, passed through my hands, in the general mass, on the contrary, it is cats that are more affectionate, not cats.

Of course, neither cats nor cats have lost the element of independence in their character. However, cats are not genetically designed to feed offspring, look for food for kittens, protect them, take care of them. Therefore, in general, they may seem somewhat more primitive and simple compared to cats and, as a result, more affectionate.

Cats, on the other hand, are more independent and intelligent. Therefore, it is often they who are seen in a greater number of leprosy and some kind of too harmful, from the point of view of a person and everyday life, behavior. They are very big inventors.

Cats are more loyal than cats

The devotion of cats is generally a very conditional concept. And therefore, to distinguish between the devotion of a cat and the devotion of a cat, in fact, means looking for a black cat in a dark room.

If we talk about the manifestation of feelings for a person, then with a greater probability, the cat will still be more expressive in this, again due to the fact that it is simpler due to its nature and somewhat more primitive.

Do not get hung up on the field of a kitten. Instead, it is better to take into account factors such as genetics, breed traits used in breeding the line, individual characteristics, proper socialization of the kitten.
Irina KOSTIUCHENKO, felinologist
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