What does the diagnosis mo mean when donating blood. Blood test: the norm in men, and how to take it correctly. How to prepare for a complete blood test

A qualitative interpretation of the results of a blood test can only be carried out by a doctor. However, as in any specialty, in medicine there are good and not so good specialists.

Of course, only an authoritative commission can determine the level of a doctor's true qualifications, but we want to control the quality of the care provided by ourselves, if only to develop confidence in the doctor and his recommendations. In this article, we tell you how to understand what a deviation in one or another parameter of a blood test means.

From the standard analysis form, you can find out what the normal blood test values ​​​​should be, but this is often not enough to determine the pathology. It is important to know exactly how the excess or fall of the indicator affects the physiology of the body. It is valuable to know under the influence of what factors the value of the analysis can rise or fall, in what combinations these changes become a characteristic syndrome - a group of typical signs of the disease. Let's try to deal with each indicator separately.


  • Red blood cells (RBC) - red blood cells, flattened cells without a nucleus, delivering oxygen to the tissues and removing the main "slag" from them, the product of metabolism is carbon dioxide. A decrease in the level of red blood cells, as erythrocytes are also called, indicates a possible oxygen deficiency in the tissues. If the number of red blood cells is increased, this may indicate thickening of the blood and the risk of thrombosis. Norms for men: 4.3 - 6.2 x 10 12 / l; for women: 3.8 - 5.5 x 10 12 / l; for children: 3.8 - 5.5 x 10 12 / l.
  • Hemoglobin (HGB, Hb) - the main protein of the erythrocyte, which has a high chemical affinity for oxygen and carbon dioxide. It is on it that vital gas molecules are transferred to the tissues of the body, and the main "slag" of the body - carbon dioxide, from the tissues. Its decrease directly indicates the presence of anemia, and its increase is the result of dehydration of the body or thickening of the blood. Norm: 120-140 g/l.
  • RBC Distribution Width (RDWc) - This is a percentage that determines how much the largest erythrocyte in a blood sample differs in diameter from the smallest erythrocyte. A difference of more than 15% indicates anisocytosis, a characteristic sign of anemia. Norm: 11,5 – 14,5% .
  • Red cell volume (MCV) - a characteristic of the average size of red blood cells and another factor in the evaluation and differentiation of red blood cells, indicating anemia. A decrease in the indicator indicates iron deficiency or microcytic anemia, an increase indicates a deficiency of folic acid (aka vitamin B12), which indicates the presence of megaloblastic anemia. Norm for an adult: 80 - 100 fl.
  • The content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte (MCH) - a factor, the decrease of which indicates iron deficiency anemia, the increase indicates megaloblastic anemia. Normal index: 26-35 gu (pg).
  • Erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)- an extremely important and rather rare indicator that reveals hidden inflammatory processes in the body, malignant tumors, anemia in cases of its increase. A decrease may indicate an increased number of red blood cells. Norm: 30 – 370 g/l.
  • Hematocrit (HCT) - an indicator that determines the volume of erythrocytes in the total volume of blood. An increased hematocrit indicates an increase in the content of red blood cells (erythrocytosis), which occurs with dehydration. A decrease in hematocrit is another factor in the detection of anemia. It may also indicate an abnormal increase in the liquid fraction of the blood. Regulations have gender differences: for men normal hematocrit 39 – 49% , for women 35 – 45% associated with monthly blood loss.
  • Platelets (RLT) - the indicator reports the number of cells per liter of blood that are responsible for the adhesion of red blood cells into dense conglomerates that prevent blood from flowing out of the vessels when they are injured. An increase in platelet levels is observed after removal of the spleen and in a number of other diseases. A decrease in the indicator indicates cirrhosis of the liver, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, aplastic anemia, or congenital blood diseases. Norm: 180 - 320 x 10 9 /l.
  • Leukocytes (WBC) - the indicator determines the number of white blood cells in a liter of blood. Their main function is to protect the body from bacteria. An increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the beginning and development of a bacterial attack in the body. The level of leukocytes decreases with blood diseases, certain specific infections, and in response to certain medications. Normal indicator is considered: 4.0 - 9.0 x 10 9 / l.
  • Granulocytes (GRA, GRAN) - the indicator indicates the number of specific cells of humoral immunity in a liter of blood. It increases during inflammation, the level of granulocytes decreases under the influence of certain drugs, with aplastic anemia and systemic lupus erythematosus. Fine: 1.2-6.8 x 10 9 / l(sometimes indicated in the amount per microliter, then the standard is 1.2-6.8 x 10 3 / μl).
  • Monocytes (MON) - This is a type of leukocytes, the number of which is calculated separately. These cells turn into macrophages - very large blood cells whose job is to engulf and recycle bacteria and dead body cells. An increase in the number of monocytes is a characteristic sign of infectious diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and some blood diseases. A decrease in the number of monocytes often occurs under the influence of immunosuppressants - drugs that suppress the immune system. Also, their decrease is observed after severe injuries, operations or starvation. Normal level : 0.1-0.7 x 10 9 /l (or 0.1-0.7 x 10 3 / μl); sometimes expressed as MON% 4 - 10%.
  • Lymphocytes (LYM, LY%) - Another type of leukocyte present in normal blood. The lymphocyte specializes in the fight against viruses and some bacteria, and belongs to the cells of humoral immunity. The indicator increases with viral infections, radiation sickness, taking certain drugs, and blood diseases. It decreases with various immunodeficiencies characteristic of kidney failure, taking immunosuppressants, prolonged fasting, overwork, HIV). The normal indicator is 1.2 - 3.0x10 9 / l (or 1.2-63.0 x 10 3 / μl); sometimes expressed like this LY% 25-40%.

These indicators are not limited to blood tests, but they are considered the main ones. By itself, each of them is not a sufficient basis for making a diagnosis and is considered only in conjunction with other indicators, data from a physical examination (examination by a doctor) and other studies.


It is important to remember that in addition to standard blood test data for adult men and women, there are also independent indicators and options. norms for children, and at each age separately, for pregnant women, for the elderly.

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Sometimes doctors get a blood test in English. It is not always possible to immediately determine which abbreviated name of the indicator of a general clinical or biochemical blood test corresponds to the generally accepted ones in Russia. Below we provide an illustration with a transcript of the generally accepted indicators of a blood test in English.

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- one of the most popular research methods for patients and doctors. If you clearly know what a biochemical analysis from a vein shows, you can identify a number of serious ailments in the early stages, including - viral hepatitis , . Early detection of such pathologies makes it possible to apply the correct treatment and cure them.

The nurse collects blood for examination for several minutes. Each patient must understand that this procedure does not cause discomfort. The answer to the question of where blood is taken from for analysis is unequivocal: from a vein.

Speaking about what a biochemical blood test is and what is included in it, it should be noted that the results obtained are actually a kind of reflection of the general condition of the body. Nevertheless, trying to understand on your own whether the analysis is normal or there are certain deviations from the normal value, it is important to understand what LDL is, what is CPK (CPK - creatine phosphokinase), to understand what urea (urea), etc.

General information about blood biochemistry analysis - what it is and what you can learn by doing it, you will receive from this article. How much it costs to conduct such an analysis, how many days it takes to get the results, you should find out directly in the laboratory where the patient intends to conduct this study.

How is the preparation for biochemical analysis?

Before you donate blood, you need to carefully prepare for this process. For those who are interested in how to properly pass the analysis, you need to take into account a few fairly simple requirements:

  • you need to donate blood only on an empty stomach;
  • in the evening, on the eve of the upcoming analysis, you can not drink strong coffee, tea, consume fatty foods, alcoholic beverages (it is better not to drink the latter for 2-3 days);
  • do not smoke for at least an hour before the analysis;
  • a day before the test, you should not practice any thermal procedures - go to the sauna, bath, and a person should not subject himself to serious physical exertion;
  • you need to take laboratory tests in the morning, before any medical procedures;
  • a person who is preparing for analysis, having come to the laboratory, should calm down a little, sit for a few minutes and catch his breath;
  • the answer to the question of whether it is possible to brush your teeth before taking tests is negative: in order to accurately determine blood sugar, in the morning before the study, you need to ignore this hygiene procedure, and also do not drink tea and coffee;
  • should not be taken before blood sampling, hormonal drugs, diuretics, etc .;
  • two weeks before the study, you need to stop taking drugs that affect lipids in the blood, especially statins ;
  • if you need to take a full analysis again, this must be done at the same time, the laboratory must also be the same.

If a clinical blood test was performed, the decoding of the indicators is carried out by a specialist. Also, the interpretation of indicators of a biochemical blood test can be carried out using a special table, which indicates the normal indicators of analyzes in adults and children. If any indicator differs from the norm, it is important to pay attention to this and consult a doctor who can correctly “read” all the results obtained and give his recommendations. If necessary, blood biochemistry is prescribed: an extended profile.

Table for decoding a biochemical blood test in adults

Indicator in the study Norm
Protein total 63-87 g/l

Protein fractions: albumins

globulins (α1, α2, γ, β)

Creatinine 44-97 µmol per l - in women, 62-124 - in men
Urea 2.5-8.3 mmol/l
Uric acid 0.12-0.43 mmol / l - in men, 0.24-0.54 mmol / l - in women.
total cholesterol 3.3-5.8 mmol/l
LDL less than 3 mmol per l
HDL greater than or equal to 1.2 mmol per l - in women, 1 mmol per l - in men
Glucose 3.5-6.2 mmol per l
Bilirubin total 8.49-20.58 µmol/l
Bilirubin direct 2.2-5.1 µmol/l
Triglycerides less than 1.7 mmol per l
Aspartate aminotransferase (abbreviated as AST) alanine aminotransferase - the norm in women and men - up to 42 U / l
Alanine aminotransferase (abbreviated as ALT) up to 38 U/l
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (abbreviated as GGT) normal GGT values ​​- up to 33.5 U / l - in men, up to 48.6 U / l - in women.
Creatine kinase (abbreviated as CK) up to 180 U/l
Alkaline phosphatase (abbreviated ALP) up to 260 U/l
α-amylase up to 110 E per liter
Potassium 3.35-5.35 mmol/l
Sodium 130-155 mmol/l

Thus, a biochemical blood test makes it possible to conduct a detailed analysis to assess the functioning of internal organs. Also, decoding the results allows you to adequately "read" which macro- and microelements, the body needs. Blood biochemistry allows you to recognize the presence of pathologies.

If you correctly decipher the obtained indicators, it is much easier to make any diagnosis. Biochemistry is a more detailed study than the KLA. After all, deciphering the indicators of a general blood test does not allow obtaining such detailed data.

It is very important to conduct such studies with. After all, a general analysis during pregnancy does not make it possible to obtain complete information. Therefore, biochemistry in pregnant women is prescribed, as a rule, in the first months and in the third trimester. In the presence of certain pathologies and poor health, this analysis is carried out more often.

In modern laboratories, they are able to conduct a study and decipher the obtained indicators for several hours. The patient is provided with a table in which all the data are indicated. Accordingly, it is even possible to independently track how blood counts are normal in adults and children.

Both the table for deciphering the general blood test in adults and biochemical analyzes are deciphered taking into account the age and gender of the patient. After all, the norm of blood biochemistry, as well as the norm of a clinical blood test, can vary in women and men, in young and elderly patients.

Hemogram - This is a clinical blood test in adults and children, which allows you to find out the amount of all blood elements, as well as their morphological features, ratio, content, etc.

Since blood biochemistry is a complex study, it also includes liver tests. Deciphering the analysis allows you to determine whether liver function is normal. Liver parameters are important for diagnosing pathologies of this organ. The following data make it possible to assess the structural and functional state of the liver: ALT, GGTP (GGTP norm in women is slightly lower), alkaline phosphatase, level and total protein. Liver tests are performed when necessary to establish or confirm the diagnosis.

Cholinesterase is determined to diagnose the severity and condition of the liver, as well as its functions.

Blood sugar determined to assess the functions of the endocrine system. What is the name of the blood test for sugar, you can find out directly in the laboratory. The sugar designation can be found on the results sheet. How is sugar defined? It is denoted by the concept of "glucose" or "GLU" in English.

The norm is important CRP , since a jump in these indicators indicates the development of inflammation. Index AST indicates pathological processes associated with tissue destruction.

Index MID in a blood test is determined during a general analysis. The MID level allows you to determine the development, infectious diseases, anemia, etc. The MID indicator allows you to assess the state of the human immune system.

ICSU is an indicator of the average concentration in . If MCHC is elevated, the reasons for this are associated with a lack of or, as well as congenital spherocytosis.

MPV - the average value of the volume of measured .

Lipidogram provides for the determination of indicators of total, HDL, LDL, triglycerides. The lipid spectrum is determined in order to identify disorders of lipid metabolism in the body.

Norm blood electrolytes indicates the normal course of metabolic processes in the body.

Seromucoid is a fraction of proteins, which includes a group of glycoproteins. Speaking about seromucoid - what it is, it should be noted that if the connective tissue is destroyed, degraded or damaged, seromucoids enter the blood plasma. Therefore, seromucoids are determined for the purpose of predicting development.

LDH, LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) - this is involved in the oxidation of glucose and the production of lactic acid.

Research on osteocalcin carried out for diagnosis.

Analysis for ferritin (protein complex, the main intracellular depot of iron) is carried out with suspicion of hemochromatosis, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases, tumors.

Blood test for ASO important for diagnosing a variety of complications after a streptococcal infection.

In addition, other indicators are determined, as well as other studies (protein electrophoresis, etc.). The norm of a biochemical blood test is displayed in special tables. It displays the norm of a biochemical blood test in women, the table also provides information on normal indicators in men. But still, it is better to ask a specialist who will adequately evaluate the results in the complex and prescribe the appropriate treatment about how to decipher a general blood test and how to read the data of a biochemical analysis.

Decoding of blood biochemistry in children is carried out by a specialist who appointed the study. For this, a table is also used in which the norm for children of all indicators is indicated.

In veterinary medicine, there are also norms for biochemical blood parameters for dogs and cats - the corresponding tables indicate the biochemical composition of animal blood.

What some indicators mean in a blood test is discussed in more detail below.

Protein means a lot in the human body, as it takes part in the creation of new cells, in the transport of substances and the formation of humoral.

The composition of proteins includes 20 main ones, they also contain inorganic substances, vitamins, lipid and carbohydrate residues.

The liquid part of the blood contains approximately 165 proteins, moreover, their structure and role in the body are different. Proteins are divided into three different protein fractions:

  • globulins (α1, α2, β, γ);
  • fibrinogen .

Since the production of proteins occurs mainly in the liver, their level indicates its synthetic function.

If the conducted proteinogram indicates that there is a decrease in total protein in the body, this phenomenon is defined as hypoproteinemia. A similar phenomenon occurs in the following cases:

  • with protein starvation - if a person observes a certain, practices vegetarianism;
  • if there is an increased excretion of protein in the urine - with kidney disease,;
  • if a person loses a lot of blood - with bleeding, heavy periods;
  • in case of severe burns;
  • with exudative pleurisy, exudative, ascites;
  • with the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • if protein formation is impaired - with hepatitis;
  • with a decrease in the absorption of substances - with , colitis, enteritis, etc.;
  • after prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids.

Increased levels of protein in the body hyperproteinemia . There is a difference between absolute and relative hyperproteinemia.

The relative increase in proteins develops in case of loss of the liquid part of the plasma. This happens if you are worried about constant vomiting, with cholera.

An absolute increase in protein is noted if there are inflammatory processes, multiple myeloma.

The concentration of this substance changes by 10% with a change in body position, as well as during physical exertion.

Why do the concentrations of protein fractions change?

Protein fractions - globulins, albumins, fibrinogen.

The standard bioanalysis of blood does not involve the determination of fibrinogen, which reflects the process of blood clotting. - analysis in which this indicator is determined.

When is the level of protein fractions increased?

Albumin level:

  • if fluid loss occurs during infectious diseases;
  • with burns.


  • in systemic diseases of the connective tissue ( , );
  • with purulent inflammation in acute form;
  • with burns during the recovery period;
  • in patients with glomerulonephritis.


  • with hyperlipoproteinemia in people with diabetes,;
  • with a bleeding ulcer in the stomach or intestines;
  • with nephrotic syndrome;
  • at .

Gamma globulins are elevated in the blood:

  • with viral and bacterial infections;
  • with systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, scleroderma);
  • with allergies;
  • with burns;
  • with helminthic invasion.

When is the level of protein fractions lowered?

  • in newborns due to underdevelopment of liver cells;
  • with lungs;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with liver diseases;
  • with bleeding;
  • in case of accumulation of plasma in the body cavities;
  • with malignant tumors.

In the body, not only the construction of cells occurs. They also break down, and nitrogenous bases accumulate at the same time. Their formation occurs in the human liver, they are excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, if the indicators nitrogen metabolism elevated, it is likely a violation of the functions of the liver or kidneys, as well as excessive breakdown of proteins. The main indicators of nitrogen metabolism - creatinine , urea . Less commonly, ammonia, creatine, residual nitrogen, and uric acid are determined.


  • glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic;
  • nephrosclerosis;
  • poisoning with various substances - dichloroethane, ethylene glycol, mercury salts;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • crash syndrome;
  • polycystic or kidneys;

Reasons for the downgrade:

  • increased excretion of urine;
  • the introduction of glucose;
  • liver failure;
  • decrease in metabolic processes;
  • starvation;
  • hypothyroidism.


Reasons for the increase:

  • renal failure in acute and chronic forms;
  • decompensated;
  • acromegaly;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • burns.

Uric acid

Reasons for the increase:

  • leukemia;
  • vitamin B-12 deficiency;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • Wakez disease;
  • liver disease;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • pathology of the skin;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning, barbiturates.


Glucose is considered the main indicator of carbohydrate metabolism. It is the main energy product that enters the cell, since the vital activity of the cell depends on oxygen and glucose. After a person has taken food, glucose enters the liver, and there it is utilized in the form glycogen . They control these processes of the pancreas - and glucagon . Due to the lack of glucose in the blood, hypoglycemia develops, its excess indicates that hyperglycemia occurs.

Violation of the concentration of glucose in the blood occurs in the following cases:


  • with prolonged fasting;
  • in case of impaired absorption of carbohydrates - with, enteritis, etc .;
  • with hypothyroidism;
  • with chronic liver pathologies;
  • with insufficiency of the adrenal cortex in a chronic form;
  • with hypopituitarism;
  • in case of an overdose of insulin or hypoglycemic drugs taken orally;
  • with, insuloma, meningoencephalitis, .


  • with diabetes mellitus of the first and second types;
  • with thyrotoxicosis;
  • in case of tumor development;
  • with the development of neoplasms of the adrenal cortex;
  • with pheochromocytoma;
  • in people who practice treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • at ;
  • with injuries and brain tumors;
  • with psycho-emotional arousal;
  • if carbon monoxide poisoning has occurred.

Specific colored proteins are peptides that contain a metal (copper, iron). These are myoglobin, hemoglobin, cytochrome, ceruloplasmin, etc. Bilirubin is the end product of the breakdown of such proteins. When the existence of an erythrocyte in the spleen ends, bilirubin is produced due to biliverdin reductase, which is called indirect or free. This bilirubin is toxic, so it is harmful to the body. However, since it quickly binds to blood albumins, poisoning of the body does not occur.

At the same time, in people who suffer from cirrhosis, hepatitis, there is no connection with glucuronic acid in the body, so the analysis shows a high level of bilirubin. Next, indirect bilirubin binds to glucuronic acid in the liver cells, and it turns into bound or direct bilirubin (DBil), which is not toxic. Its high level is observed in Gilbert's syndrome , biliary dyskinesia . If liver tests are performed, transcribing them may show a high level of direct bilirubin if the liver cells are damaged.

Rheumatic tests

Rheumatic tests - a comprehensive immunochemical blood test, which includes a study to determine the rheumatoid factor, an analysis of circulating immune complexes, and the determination of antibodies to o-streptolysin. Rheumoprobes can be carried out independently, as well as as part of the research that provides for immunochemistry. Rheumoprobes should be performed if there are complaints of pain in the joints.


Thus, a general therapeutic detailed biochemical blood test is a very important study in the diagnostic process. For those who want to conduct a complete extended BH blood test or UAC in a polyclinic or in a laboratory, it is important to consider that a certain set of reagents, analyzers and other devices are used in each laboratory. Consequently, the norms of indicators may differ, which must be taken into account when studying what a clinical blood test or biochemistry results show. Before reading the results, it is important to make sure that the standards are indicated on the form that is issued in the medical institution in order to decipher the test results correctly. The norm of the KLA in children is also indicated in the forms, but the doctor should evaluate the results.

Many are interested in: a blood test form 50 - what is it and why take it? This is an analysis to determine the antibodies that are in the body if it is infected. F50 analysis is done both for suspected HIV and for the purpose of prevention in a healthy person. It is also worth preparing properly for such a study.

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

In almost any pathology, certain changes in both the cellular and biochemical composition occur in the blood. For example, with atherosclerosis, patients have elevated cholesterol levels, and with anemia, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration decrease, which can be detected using laboratory tests.

A general (clinical) detailed blood test is one of the simplest and most inexpensive, and at the same time informative methods of laboratory diagnostics. It must be included in the basic examination program for patients with various diseases, and is also performed for adults and children during medical examinations.

Other factors can also affect the parameters of a general blood test, so only a specialist can make a correct decoding.

What indicators include a general detailed blood test?

When conducting a preventive examination, patients are usually prescribed the so-called reduced clinical blood test, which includes counting the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, determining the level of hemoglobin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. If it reveals any deviations from the norm, as well as when examining patients with various diseases, a detailed blood test is shown, which includes about 30 different parameters. Most often it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • diagnosis of anemia;
  • suspicion of leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy.

Consider what is included in a clinical detailed blood test.


WBC - absolute number of leukocytes. Leukocytes are responsible for the recognition and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as cells with a disrupted genome (tumor). Normally, the content of leukocytes in the blood is 4–9x10 9 / l. Their increase means the presence in the body of a focus of inflammation or malignant neoplasm, and a decrease indicates a decrease in immune defense.


RBC is the absolute number of erythrocytes. Their main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of the body. The normal content of erythrocytes is 4.3–5.5x10 12 / l. A decrease in their number occurs with bleeding, anemia, bone marrow lesions. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood leads to thickening of the blood caused by various reasons (uncontrollable vomiting, polyuria, diarrhea, massive burns) or genetically determined disorders in hemoglobin synthesis.

In children of the first years of life, the number of leukocytes is increased compared to adults, this is their age feature and norm.


Hb - hemoglobin. This is a special protein located inside red blood cells and containing iron molecules in its structure. It has the ability to easily attach oxygen to itself and give it to tissues. Hemoglobin is colored red by iron, it is thanks to it that red blood cells have a red color and all blood as a whole looks red. Normally, the hemoglobin content is 120–140 g/l. A decrease in its concentration is observed in various types of anemia.


HCT (Ht) - hematocrit. This is the ratio between blood cells and plasma volume, expressed as a percentage. The hematocrit norm is 39–49%. This means that the blood consists of 60-50% of the plasma, the rest of the volume is occupied by cells.


PLT, platelets. These are platelets that are directly involved in the process of hemostasis, that is, the formation of a blood clot and stop bleeding. The norm of their content is 150–400x10 9 / l.


ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR. An increase in this indicator is observed in many pathological processes, but may not be associated with the disease. For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs therapy or pregnancy leads to an increase in ESR.

Erythrocyte indices

  1. Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV). The normal value is 80–95 fl. Previously, the terms "macrocytosis", "normocytosis" and "microcytosis" were used to refer to this indicator.
  2. The average content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte expressed in absolute units (MCH). The norm is 27–31 pg. Previously, this index was called the color indicator of blood.
  3. Mean concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocyte mass (MCHC). Shows how erythrocytes are saturated with hemoglobin. Its decrease is observed in blood diseases associated with violations of the process of hemoglobin synthesis.
  4. Anisocytosis or RBC Distribution Width (RDW). A measure of uniformity in the size of red blood cells.
Different laboratories may adopt different standards, depending on the methods of examination and units of measurement adopted.

Platelet indices

  1. Mean platelet volume (MPV). Norm 7–10 fl.
  2. Distribution width (relative) of platelets by volume (PDW). Allows you to evaluate the heterogeneity of platelets, that is, their difference in size.
  3. Thrombocrit (PCT). The volume of whole blood per platelet and expressed as a percentage. The normal value is 0.108–0.282%.
  4. Large Platelet Ratio (P-LCR).

Leukocyte indices

  1. Relative content of lymphocytes (lymphocyte, LY%, LYM%). The norm is 25–40%.
  2. Absolute content of lymphocytes (lymphocyte, LY#, LYM#). Norm 1.2–3.0x10 9 / l.
  3. Relative blood levels of eosinophils, basophils and monocytes (MID%, MXD%). The norm is 5–10%.
  4. Absolute blood levels of eosinophils, basophils and monocytes (MID#, MXD#). Norm 0.2–0.8x10 9 / l.
  5. Relative content of neutrophils (NE%, NEUT%).
  6. Absolute content of neutrophils (NE#, NEUT#).
  7. Relative content of monocytes (MO%, MON%). The norm is 4–11%.
  8. Absolute content of monocytes (MO%, MON%). Norm 0.1–0.6x10 9 / l.
  9. Relative (EO%) and absolute (EO#) content of eosinophils.
  10. Relative (BA%) and absolute (BA#) content of basophils.
  11. Relative (IMM%) and absolute ((IMM#) content of immature granulocytes.
  12. Relative (ATL%) and absolute (ATL#) content of atypical lymphocytes.
  13. Relative (GRAN%, GR%) content of granulocytes. The norm is 47–72%.
  14. Absolute (GRAN#, GR#) content of granulocytes. Norm 1.2–6.8x10 9 / l; and others.
If it is necessary to conduct a repeated clinical blood test, it is advisable to take it in the same laboratory where the previous study was performed.

How to take a detailed blood test

In order for the results of an extended clinical blood test to be as accurate as possible, a number of rules must be observed:

  • the optimal time for taking the analysis is the interval from 7 to 10 in the morning;
  • after the last meal, at least 8 hours must pass;
  • a few hours before donating blood (at least an hour), you must refrain from smoking;
  • the patient should inform the doctor about all medications taken, as they may distort the results of the analysis.

The result of the analysis is usually ready on the day of its delivery. Different laboratories may adopt different standards, depending on the methods of examination and units of measurement adopted. Therefore, if it is necessary to conduct a repeated clinical blood test, it is advisable to take it in the same laboratory where the previous study was performed.

A detailed clinical blood test includes many indicators. Their reference (normal) values ​​are usually indicated on the referral form, but without taking into account the characteristics of the patient. For example, in children of the first years of life, the number of leukocytes is increased compared to adults, this is their age-related feature and norm. In pregnant women in the second trimester, there is a slight decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels. Also, other factors can influence the parameters of the general blood test, so only a specialist can make the correct decoding.

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This article is for informational purposes only. If you have symptoms of any disease or feel unwell, the first thing to do is consult a doctor! The tips in this resource can help you in emergency situations where qualified medical personnel are not available.

A complete blood count is one of the diagnostic laboratory tests that is performed in almost all patients. It helps to identify the activity of the inflammatory process, various anemic conditions and other pathologies. Therefore, many are interested in questions relating to the normal values ​​​​of blood parameters and their decoding. Let's consider everything in more detail.

Indicators and their normal values

A general blood test is carried out in order to identify deviations in the state of human health. It is almost always prescribed when seeking medical help. It includes such indicators as the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, white blood cells and their formula, platelets and ESR.

Table of normal complete blood count

IndexReference valuesEnglish title
red blood cellsW 3.9-4.9 M-3.5-5.5RBC. Stands for red blood cells.
HemoglobinZh-105-135 M-119-149Hb
HematocritZh-33-43 M-34-49ht
Average erythrocyte volumeZh-76-96 M-76-93MCV
The average content of hemoglobin in an erythrocyteZh-27-34 M-24-34MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
Platelet countZh-180-320 M-200-400PLT
Average platelet volume 7,4-12 MPV (mean platelet volume)
White blood cell count 4-5 WBC (white blood cell)
Percentage of granulocytes 2 GRA, %
Percentage of lymphocytes 35 LYM, %
Percentage of monocytes 5 MONO, %

It should be noted that normal levels are approximate, as each laboratory conducts blood tests with different methods, test systems, so reference levels may vary slightly. Therefore, when receiving your analysis result, the normal amount is always given on the side of the form and whether there is a deviation using special characters (more and less). If the analysis was carried out in a more outdated laboratory, then the form simply indicates the indicators obtained and next to normal. In this case, you need to compare yourself and see what deviations from the norm exist.

CBC reference levels differ from those in children, and generally vary by age.

Red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and indices

This group of indicators is important in assessing anemia conditions. They can also be used to evaluate the functions of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Let's consider each separately.

Red blood cells (RBC)

They are the most numerous blood cells. They are a curved disc, which is distinguished by a yellowish color. But then, when the small red blood cells gather into a larger pool of cells, their hue becomes red. It is due to the content of hemoglobin in them. The main function of the erythrocyte is to carry dissolved oxygen to cells and tissues.

Hemoglobin (Hb)

Each hemoglobin molecule contains iron in a different state. Thanks to him, oxygen is bound, which is then given to the cells. In addition to participating in the transport of oxygen, hemoglobin also interacts with carbon dioxide. That is, through this protein, oxygen is delivered and carbon dioxide is removed. By its quantity, the presence or absence of anemic conditions in the human body is judged. In women during menstruation, its level may approach the lower limit, which is not a pathology.

Reference values

The number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and other indicators depend on the age and gender of the person. Each laboratory has its own reference values, which are related to the type and modernity of the equipment used.

As can be seen from the table, the indicators depend on the age and gender of the person. Traditionally, in men, a complete blood count is slightly different from women. Usually the number of red blood cells in the blood is slightly higher. Men also have higher hemoglobin levels. In children, there is no clear dependence on age; each period has its own reference levels.

The amount of hemoglobin in the blood

Age featuresWomen, g/lMen, g/l
Newborn 129-199 132-199
First 3 days of life 144-224 146-221
7 days of life 134-214 138-170
14 days 124-206 126-209
30 days 99-179 110-170
60 days 91-139 91-142
half a year 96-134 95-123
Two years 104-139 105-140
3 to 6 years old 101-138 110-150
7 to 12 109-140 109-150
13 to 16 111-145 107-130
17 to 19 109-137 119-140
20 to 49 105-145 129-149
From 50 to 59 110-149 123-150
60-65 years old 113-153 119-140
More 109-147 124-160

As mentioned above, hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen to tissues and removes carbon dioxide back. In women during menstruation, there may be a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin to the lower acceptable levels. Therefore, when passing the analysis, girls should take this feature into account.

RBC indices

Such indicators are introduced in order to determine the shape and size of red blood cells. It is worth noting that they are informative in identifying the causes of anemia. The indices include the average volume of an erythrocyte, the average content of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte and its average concentration. There are three indices that allow assessing and identifying the causes of the development of an anemic condition in patients.

Definition and normal values


This indicator gives an idea of ​​the ratio of red blood cells in the volume of plasma. In hematological devices, it is a calculated parameter. For women, the hematocrit is 33-46, for men 34-49. It should be noted that each laboratory has its own reference values.

Causes of a decrease in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit

Conditions that are accompanied by a decrease in these parameters are called anemia in medicine. It is worth thinking about anemia when you get the following results:

  • In men, the hemoglobin level is below 135 g/l, and the hematocrit is below 40%.
  • Among women, hemoglobin is less than 115 g/l, and hematocrit is below 35%.

In children, anemia can be suspected with a decrease in hemoglobin less than 110 hl. It is also worth remembering about the reference levels for each age, which were given above in the tables.

Anemia symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • increased fatigue, drowsiness;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness, headaches.

The causes of anemia can be associated with acute blood loss, impaired blood formation, with an increased rate of destruction of red blood cells. The erythrocyte index, as well as other laboratory tests, helps in determining the exact causes.

In establishing the cause of anemia, it is important to determine the indices of erythrocytes. Based on this, a classification has been identified that allows you to divide anemia into several types. Based on the average volume of an erythrocyte and the amount of hemoglobin in it, the following types of anemia are distinguished:

  • Microcytic. These often include iron deficiency, thalassemia. As the name implies, this condition occurs with a lack of iron.
  • Normocytic. This group is quite extensive. Usually these are anemias that are associated with the presence of any chronic disease. These include blood loss with hemorrhoids. This group also includes increased cell destruction, damage to the red bone marrow.
  • Macrocytic. This type of anemia develops due to the formation of abnormal large red blood cells. Often this happens with a deficiency of B 12 or folic acid.

With the help of a complete blood count, you can try to determine the cause of anemia. In some cases, anemia is a symptom of another serious disease.

Reasons for the increase

The following group of diseases is distinguished, in which the number of red blood cells can increase. These include:

  • bone marrow tumor;
  • diseases of the lungs, kidneys, excessive physical activity;
  • obesity and high altitude;
  • various neoplasms of the kidneys;
  • dehydration, smoking, stress.

The reasons for the increase can be pathological and physiological. In most cases, the number of red blood cells increases relatively, that is, due to a decrease in other blood cells.

Leukocytes and leukocyte formula

The next group of indicators that are determined in the general clinical blood test. These cells are also called white blood cells. Distinguish among leukocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. The total number means the totality of all listed cells.

The number of leukocytes in the blood is one of the important diagnostic features. Their increase occurs with a pronounced protection of the body from the influence of foreign agents. Therefore, when receiving the results of a general blood test, the number of leukocytes should be assessed.

The picture shows the normal number of leukocytes and the leukocyte formula. The division is based on age.

It should be noted that this number of leukocytes reflects the totality of all cells. That is, their increase can also be due to monocytes or basophils.

With an increase in leukocytes in the general blood test, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The largest part of the cells of all leukocytes. They are the first link of immunity when pathogenic bacteria enter the body. Therefore, their number increases markedly with an acute inflammatory reaction. Normally, there are segmented and a small number of stab nuclei in the blood.

An increase in neutrophils in the blood is called neutrophilia. With this increase occurs over 8 * 10 ^ 9. And the decrease is called neutropinia (1.5 * 10 ^ 9).

Table of normal neutrophil levels

The number of neutrophils is a kind of indicator of the state of the body. Such cells are the second in protection, after the skin.

Eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes

The picture shows the limiting levels of eosinophils depending on the age of the patient. As well as their level as a percentage.

Basophils are involved in allergic reactions. Therefore, their number increases with bronchial asthma, in persons with increased sensitivity to flowering, etc. In adults, the number of basophils should not exceed 0-0.02%.

Lymphocytes, like other cells of the white germ, take part in the immune response. Their main function is to recognize foreign agents. The number of lymphocytes is normally 1.0-4.5. Percentage 34.

Causes of an increase in the number of leukocytes

The main function of leukocytes is to protect the body from foreign agents. These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa. They also help to limit and eliminate the inflammatory response, damage to tissues and cells. For this reason, an increase in the number of leukocytes occurs with the development of pathological conditions in the body. This increase is called reactive leukocytosis. But it should be distinguished from such an increase that occurs with malignant neoplasms of the bone marrow.

It should be noted that a separate increase in any leukocytes allows you to orient yourself in advance with the nature of the disease. Thus, with an increase in the level of neutrophils, the following pathological conditions can be suspected:

  • Acute bacterial infections. These include localized forms (tonsillitis, abscesses, appendicitis, otitis, salpingitis, meningitis, acute cholecystitis) and generalized (sepsis, pleural empyema, peritonitis).
  • Exogenous and endogenous intoxication. These include bites from various animals and insects, medications, vaccines, uremia, and diabetic acidosis.
  • Acute bleeding and myeloproliferative diseases.

An increase in the number of neutrophils indicates the presence of a purulent inflammatory process. Therefore, this parameter is considered important in the diagnostic plan.

Causes of an increase in other types of leukocytes

Consider the reasons for the increase in the number of eosinophils. In another way, these cells can be called markers of an allergic reaction. If the increase in neutrophils is more related to the bacterial nature, then the increase in eosinophils to allergic.

The main reasons for the increase:

It should be noted that in allergic conditions, the number of eosinophils can increase up to 1.5 * 10^9.

Causes of increased basophils and monocytes:

  • Allergic reactions that occur to food, drugs, vaccines.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Chronic ulcerative colitis.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • when taking estrogen.

Basophils and monocytes are extremely rare. However, a relative increase in the number of monocytes occurs in vasculitis, endocarditis, and flaccid sepsis. Also, this is noted in persons recovering from severe infections.

Reasons for an increase in the number of lymphocytes:

  • This occurs when recovering from an infection.
  • Against the background of granulomatosis, blood diseases, collagenoses.

Also, lymphocytes can increase against the background of cytomegalovirus, HIV infection, whooping cough, viral hepatitis.

Causes of a decrease in the number of leukocytes

A decrease in the number of leukocytes is extremely rare. This happens when the bone marrow is affected, as a result of which it can no longer reproduce cells in the required volume.

  • Toxic effect on the bone marrow with severe bacterial intoxication.
  • Viral infections.
  • Radiation, lack of B12 and folic acid, taking anticancer drugs.
  • immune changes. For example, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE.

Severe AIDS also leads to a decrease.

Change in leukocyte formula

Such changes give an idea of ​​the state of human health, its tendency to recover or worsen.

Table of shifts of the leukocyte formula

Shift left(there are metamyelocytes, myelocytes in the blood) Shift to the left with rejuvenation (metα-myelocytes, myelocytes, promyelocytes, myeloblasts and erythroblasts are present in the blood) Shift to the right (decrease in the number of stab neutrophils in combination with the presence of hypersegmented neutrophil nuclei)
Acuteinflammatory processes Chronic leukemia Erythroleukemia Megaloblastic anemia
Purulent infections Myelofibrosis Diseases of the kidneys and liver
intoxication Neoplasm metastases Conditions after blood transfusion
Acute hemorrhages Acute leukemia
acidosis and coma Coma states
Physical overvoltage

The table shows the main diseases in which the leukocyte formula shifts to the right or left.

Sedimentation rate of erythrocytes

A general clinical blood test contains such an indicator as ESR. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases markedly with age. It is known that every 5 years the level is aged by 0.8 mm. In pregnant women, ESR usually rises, from about 4 months until the end it reaches its peak and is 40 or 50.

ESR is not a specific indicator for diseases. But it changes in the presence of a pathological condition.

The picture shows the normal level of ESR, depending on the age of the child. For adults, the ESR is 2 to 10 for women and 2 to 15 for men.

The reasons for the increase in ESR are varied. These include:

  • inflammatory processes. Any inflammatory disease gives an increase in ESR in the general blood test. The measurement of such an indicator is used to confirm pathologies such as ulcerative colitis or rheumatoid arthritis. Determination of ESR helps to identify the stage and activity of the process. It is also used to evaluate the patient's response to therapy.
  • Infectious diseases. When an infection enters the body, antibodies are produced that affect the tendency of red blood cells to settle faster. In this case, infections that are caused by the ingress of bacteria are accompanied by a large increase in ESR. Virus particles do not produce such an effect on the parameter. Especially high levels are present against the background of chronic infection in the body. We are talking about diseases such as infective endocarditis.
  • Oncological. ESR is elevated in most patients with cancer. But it should be noted that such an increase does not occur with all tumors, so ESR is not a sign of a malignant process. The acceleration of ESR is especially pronounced in multiple myeloma. Such a disease is accompanied by the production of atypical cells, which in turn provoke the synthesis of immunoglobulins. As a result, ESR rises.
  • Tissue damage. A number of pathological processes that are accompanied by tissue destruction lead to an increase in ESR. Often the cause can be a myocardial infarction or destructive pancreatitis.

A decrease in ESR is extremely rare. This phenomenon can be observed with sickle cell anemia, jaundice.

A complete blood count, or as it is also called KLA for short, is one of the basic studies that allows you to detect pathologies at the initial stage of development. Often the absence of external manifestations is not a guarantee of absolute health. Only a blood test will allow you to determine your condition with maximum accuracy.

Deciphering the analysis of the KLA is the key to the timely diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of effective therapy. It is rather difficult for people who are far from medicine and various frightening terms to understand what their analysis means: is everything okay or is it worth sounding the alarm. If it’s still a long time before going to the doctor, and you have a transcript of the analysis on hand, try to interpret it yourself using our recommendation article.

Briefly about the analysis

Often the analysis of the KLA is called the simplest. Of course, there is truth in this, but do not forget that for all its apparent simplicity, this analysis is the most informative and covers the following “blood” parameters:

  1. RBC count
  2. Hemoglobin level
  3. ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
  4. Leukocytes and leukocyte formula
  5. Hematocrit
  6. platelets
  7. Biomaterial color
  8. Lymphocytes

Each of these parameters is responsible for a particular function of the body, any failure in the system immediately affects the quality of the blood.

Of the vast range of studies, this analysis does not require careful and rigorous preparation. It is enough, if possible, to donate blood on an empty stomach, provided that you are not an infant or a pregnant woman.

Blood for analysis is taken from a finger, and therefore there can be no talk of any serious blood loss.

Well, the best part is that you don't have to painfully wait for the results for several days. They are often ready by the evening of the day you visit the lab.

It remains only to correctly decipher the results and you can sleep peacefully.

Remember that you can only approximate whether your data complies with medical standards. Do not self-diagnose yourself, and even more so prescribe treatment. Only your doctor can clearly and competently interpret the results of the study.

As a rule, the doctor pays attention only to some indicators. If something else bothers him, most likely, the patient will be sent for an additional examination.

A clinical blood test is included in the list of mandatory studies assigned to the patient at the first sign of malaise.

What do your scores mean

A few years ago, the results were a form in which all your parameters were entered by the hand of a laboratory assistant. Today, in medicine, almost everything is automated, so you will receive the answer in the form of a large printout. It will show your values ​​and reference values. This will help you quickly determine how normal your tests are.

In such printouts, all indicators are indicated by terms in English. For example, the number of erythrocytes is RBC. We offer you interpretations with the analysis of each serum component separately.

RBC rate (RBC)

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that transport hemoglobin. Any disruption in the work of these uniform elements may indicate anemia. Red blood cells remove carbon dioxide from the tissues, which is then removed through the lungs.

Red blood cells are always at the head of such a blood test as a KLA. This is due to the fact that these cells perform many other functions besides those listed above. If the qualitative or quantitative composition of red blood cells is disturbed, hemoglobin automatically falls.

Table 1

In children, the indicators of red blood cells in the blood are somewhat different than in adults.

Hemoglobin (HGB): function and norm

What is hemoglobin, perhaps everyone knows. A very active protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen. When the level of hemoglobin in the body is disturbed, anemia occurs, which is fraught with serious consequences. But an elevated hemoglobin level can be a sign of dehydration, or the number of red blood cells is much higher than normal.

The table below shows the average medical values ​​of hemoglobin levels in the blood of people of different ages.

Any deviation from the norm regarding hemoglobin requires additional control. For this, an additional examination is prescribed to study the causes of a decrease or increase in hemoglobin levels.

Platelets (PLT)

Tests such as CBCs focus on platelets. This is exactly the indicator that the doctor pays close attention to.

We have repeatedly said that platelets are blood cells in the form of oblong plates that are responsible for blood clotting. Changes in the performance of these whey components are alarming.

Elevated platelet levels may be a symptom of myelogenous leukemia, severe inflammation, or a postoperative period.

In men and women, the rate of platelets in the blood is the same.

Leukocytes (WBC) and leukocyte formula

These white blood cells are considered the body's defense against harmful viruses and bacteria. It is the elevated level of leukocytes in the blood that is the first sign of a progressive inflammatory process. The sooner it is detected, the sooner action will be taken.

Numerous studies of leukocytes and their properties have shown that the main reasons for the increase and decrease in the level of leukocytes are:

  • anemia
  • lymph loss;
  • viral infections.

table 2

Leukocytes act as litmus paper: as soon as the virus enters the body, white cells immediately react to the enemy.

Sedimentation rate of erythrocytes

This indicator directly depends on the age and gender of the patient. It is by ESR that the doctor determines the presence of any pathological abnormalities.

  • In men, the norm does not go beyond 2-19 mm / h
  • In women - 2-15 mm / h

The norm in children is somewhat different from the "adult" indicators.

An increase in ESR may be due to the following factors:

  • inflammatory processes
  • infectious diseases
  • manifestation of anemia
  • malignant neoplasms

At the same time, an increased level of erythrocyte sedimentation is considered quite normal in pregnant women.

Not only erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes show the real state of the body. For example, the color indicator is considered the leading one in determining hypochromia, otherwise iron deficiency anemia.

In the table below, you can see all the parameters combined together.

Modern technologies

Today, the medical industry is widely developed in terms of technology and "computing". Newfangled blood analyzers examine your biomaterial with maximum accuracy and give the perfect transcript.

More and more sites are offering a service called "online transcription". To do this, you just need to enter the Internet, type the necessary request and follow the instructions of the selected site.

Only at the same time, it is important to understand that this painstaking work is best handled by a qualified specialist, to whom you will soon go for an appointment. In the meantime, there is time before the visit, and the excitement eats up from the inside, drive your parameters into the online program and get a preliminary diagnosis in your hands.

In any case, you should never lose your composure and calmness. Even if your results are far from ideal, the doctor will prescribe a second examination and select the necessary therapy.

Be healthy and take a general blood test for prevention in a timely manner. After all, it is always easier to cure a small disease than its big brother.

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