Constipation in adults is an obstacle to healthy old age. How to determine the presence of the disease? Find causes and eliminate them

anonymous , Female, 28 years old

Hello Yulia Vladimirovna! I would like to consult with you. I have a problem stomach. I often had constipation in my childhood. As a student, the problems worsened. I did FGDs, passed all the tests. According to the ultrasound of 2008 and 2011, there is no pathology. FGDS 2008 Conclusion - chronic gastroduodenitis, duodeno-gastric reflux. Then the gastroenterologist, according to all tests, diagnosed IBS, chronic gastroduodenitis, spastic dyskinesia. Has been treated several times. In the past 2015, against the background of taking antibiotics, everything worsened. With almost no tests, taking into account past records and tests, symptoms, complaints, examination, IBS was diagnosed ( mixed type), antibiotic-associated reactive pancreatitis. Diet. She was treated with nispam, enterosan, sanpraz, micrasim, then Iberogast for a month. Improvement, but only for a few months. In the fall of 2015 it got worse again. Oak is normal, feces for worms 2 times normal, glucose, cholesterol are normal. Coprogram (end of November 2015) - mushy stool, a large number of undigested fiber, digested fiber and starch 1+, detritus 3+ (normal 5+), the rest is normal. They put reactive pancreatitis without exacerbation, they said that enzymes are not being produced enough. I drank enterosan for 2 weeks, mikrazim for 2 weeks, zakofalk for a month. There was an improvement, zakofalk helped a lot with the chair. I drank it a couple of weeks ago and it got worse again. The main problem is that my chair is unstable. There is no tendency to constipation, as such there is no constipation (I try not to allow a delay of more than a day at all), but the feces are often hard. Against this background, I have hemorrhoids, I am engaged in treatment. But since hard feces continue - hemorrhoids also continue to bother. On other days, it happens, on the contrary, gases, colic, pulls to the toilet. It is sometimes worth having a snack at work with fruit (an apple, kiwi, for example) and after 1.5 -2 hours, a sharp urge to go to the toilet. There is no diarrhea, but the stool is unformed, with pieces of food, very unpleasant urges with copious gases, colic, bloating - relief immediately after defecation. This is less common than hard stools, but it does happen. I have been following my diet very clearly for a year now - I follow all the recommendations - nothing fried, sweet, salty, I don’t eat bread at all, nothing starchy foods, I eat cereals, boiled / fresh meat, chicken, fish, fresh or steamed vegetables, low-fat broths. In general, everything is like a piece of paper. For almost 3 months I have been using kefir from Evitalia sourdough 2 times a day, adding bran there. I'm tired of limiting myself in everything, because there's no point. I eat right “from” and “to”, I don’t allow myself anything, but still it’s either a hard stool or a liquid one. As a result, I no longer know what to eat and what to do. hard feces I'm more afraid, it happens more often and worsens the proctological situation. I walk almost every day, in the morning I always exercise, no bad habits did not give birth. Help, please, advice. What could it be? How can you cope? What to do? Thank you!

In adults, the following causes may lead to Improper nutrition: drinking a small amount of liquid, eating a diet with a small amount of plant fibers (fiber), eating canned foods, fast food, alcohol abuse, strong tea. Fiber plays an important role in the digestion process: it cannot be digested by itself and is not absorbed in the intestines, but rather retains a certain amount of water in the intestines and softens the feces. Due to this, fiber increases the volume of intestinal contents, stimulating intestinal motility. See the list of fiber-rich foods at the end of the article. Changing the daily routine - changes the usual rhythm of bowel movement. Psycho-emotional: excitement, conflicts, overstrain, insufficient sleep can cause constipation. Sedentary lifestyle, weakness of the anterior abdominal wall (abdominals), hernias: are more likely to cause constipation in the elderly. Diseases of the digestive system:, tumors of the intestine, the presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity after surgery, anomalies in the development of the intestine, irritable bowel syndrome (alternating episodes of constipation with episodes of diarrhea). Diseases of the rectum - fissures anus, haemorrhoids. Diseases nervous system: , multiple sclerosis, head and spinal cord with strokes, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism (decreased function thyroid gland). Pregnancy - during the bearing of a child, the ratio of hormones changes and the tone of the intestinal muscles decreases. Taking certain medications: drugs, antidepressants, diuretics, aluminum-based antacids (drugs that reduce stomach acid), iron, calcium, contraceptives(hormonal contraceptives). Lead, mercury, nicotine poisoning in smokers. Proper lifestyle In the treatment of constipation, walking on fresh air, physical exercises, morning exercises at least 15 minutes every day. This increases intestinal peristalsis and muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall. Physical exercise and sports can help manage constipation in sedentary people ( office workers, programmers, etc.). If you don’t have time for jogging in the morning and exercising in a fitness club, just try to walk 10-15 minutes in the morning before work (you can get off the transport 1-2 stops earlier). Deep breathing and stretching and flexing exercises are especially helpful in strengthening the bowel muscles and should be practiced every morning. After gymnastics, rubbing the body with a rough terry towel needed to improve blood circulation. Diet Meals in the treatment of constipation should fall on certain hours (routine), 4-5 times a day. The diet should include foods containing a lot of fiber: vegetables, fruits, both raw and boiled. Fiber, although not absorbed by the body, increases the volume of the stool, which contributes to its better passage through the intestines. It is useful to include bran in the diet, which is contained in bran bread, which also stimulate the intestines. In addition, it is recommended to eat lean meat, cabbage, buckwheat porridge, seaweed, prunes, oranges, green peas, beans. Exclude fried, peppered, canned foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, because. lack of fluid can lead to hardening of the stool and cause constipation. product with the greatest content fiber Oat bran Wheat bran Dried apricots, dill, strawberries Product with high content fiber Garlic Currant Bread with bran Medium fiber product Pepper Parsley Melon Prunes Citrus fruits Rye bread Hercules cereal Beans To overcome severe constipation you can use wheat bran. To prepare bran, two tablespoons of dry bran are poured with a small amount of boiling water and allowed to brew. The resulting mass of swollen bran should be eaten with food, one tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Some food products more than others: plums, prunes and cherry berries are excellent in this regard. When cooking, fill them very hot water and leave it like that all night. Do not boil or sweeten them. A few plums should be eaten every morning, and if desired, also in different watches all day. Breakfast should consist of fresh ripe juicy fruits, but if constipation is extremely severe, then a relatively large cup of fresh cabbage and apples should be finely grated on a grater, but in this case nothing but a mixture of grated apples and cabbage should be eaten. Lunch from oatmeal, two medium-sized grated apples, one tablespoon of grated nuts and juice from half a lemon. Mix everything and serve best result you do not need to eat anything other than the products mentioned, but you are allowed to eat this mixture as much as desired. Dinner should consist of several boiled or juicy vegetables, a salad of green leafy vegetables, or cottage cheese, or meat, or meat substitutes: fish, eggs, nuts. It is extremely important that the food consumed is chewed very thoroughly. Beet and spinach juices are very laxative. These juices should be mixed with carrot and celery juices and drunk many times throughout the day. If the constipation is very severe, then you should add a few cups of beetroot or one cup of spinach juice to one liter of juice mixture, but you should reduce the amount of beetroot or spinach juice if it becomes very weak. Sometimes celery juice is just what is needed to stop constipation. You can: Bread from rye and wheat flour coarse grinding, dry biscuits, inedible pastries, Soups and borscht on meat broth with vegetables, Buckwheat, green peas, porridge with wheat bran, All not fatty varieties meat in baked or minced form, Lean fish boiled or baked, Apricot, melon, plums, honey, compote, All available lactic acid products, All types vegetable oils, Fruit and vegetable juices, especially useful on an empty stomach, beer, kvass, dry white wine Dairy products are good prophylactic against constipation It is impossible: Bread from flour higher grades, pastries from rich and puff pastry, Liquid food is a good prophylactic against constipation, Rice, semolina, pasta, Canned meat, all fatty meats, fried meat, oily fish especially in the form of canned food, Blueberries, quince, dogwood, chocolate, cakes, cream cakes, Fats of animal origin, Strong coffee or tea, cocoa No and

Such pathology as constipation in adults occurs quite frequently. Prolonged lack of bowel movements leads to deterioration general well-being and can provoke. Therefore, difficulties with bowel movements cannot be left to chance. This is especially true for frequently recurring intestinal stagnation.

What causes constipation in adults?

With the appearance of poor bowel movements, it is quite difficult to determine the main cause of the pathology. The fact is that there are a lot of factors that can provoke the absence of a chair.

But there are basic , which are divided into subjective and objective. First - external factors that negatively affect the human body, as well as the lifestyle of the patient and his bad habits. Objective - of various origins, affecting work gastrointestinal tract.

A common reason for the absence normal stool is a poorly adjusted diet, characterized by an imbalance in the diet and low-quality products. Also, debilitating diets or a long gap between meals can lead to problems with emptying.

In addition, the following factors can affect bowel dysfunction:

  • lack of fiber;
  • hypodynamia (inactivity);
  • frequent stress;
  • depression;
  • disruption of the part of the brain responsible for the functioning of intestinal motility;
  • some medicines, especially their long-term use;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of scars, adhesions, inflammation or tumors in the intestines;
  • stomach diseases.

Also, diseases of the liver and pancreas lead to difficulties with defecation. Constipation may occur due to poisoning chemicals, provoking chronic intoxication organism.

In addition, endocrine problems are among the causes of constipation. Manifested this pathology improper production of hormones, which leads to dysfunction of some organs of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.

In adults, difficulty with bowel movements can be a symptom of poor intestinal patency due to pathologies in the intestines. digestive system. Such constipation is called reflex, and they most often consist in the surgical correction of the disease.

Often, poor defecation in adults is observed against the background of hypokinetic causes. These include pathological disorder digestion, which most often occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle.

How to understand what is constipation?

Each organism is individual, and if for one person a bowel movement once every 2 days is the norm, then for another it is a deviation. Therefore, in order to understand that stool retention is constipation, it is necessary to listen to the existing additional features this process.

The main symptoms of constipation are:

  • increased gas formation, accompanied by hardening of the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of pressure in the stomach and rectum;
  • strong attempts during an attempt to defecate;
  • occurrence of anal fissures.

How acute the symptoms will be depends on the degree of neglect of constipation and the cause that influenced its development. The longer it will keep stagnant process in the intestines, the more signs of pathology will appear.

Intoxication with constipation, lasting more than four days is fraught with serious consequences, such as:

  • prostration;
  • skin rashes;
  • vomit;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of working capacity;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • sepsis, etc.

Besides, prolonged absence stool can lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa. As a result, there may be internal bleeding. Also, accompanied by intoxication, negatively affect the body's immune forces and are the cause of hemorrhoids.

Treating bowel problems

With frequent stagnation of feces in the intestines, a completely understandable question arises as to whether how to treat constipation in adults. First of all, it should be understood that the fight against poor bowel movements should be directed to the root cause that led to problems with bowel movements.

Treatment of constipation in adults starts with a complete medical diagnostics. After determining the factor that provoked a bad stool, the patient is prescribed a suitable therapy.

For successful restoration of defecation, treatment must be comprehensive. Which type of therapy will be chosen depends on the underlying ailment and the nature of constipation.

Problems with bowel movements are treated in the following ways:

  • taking medications;
  • special ;
  • massages and therapeutic exercises.


It is recommended to treat chronic constipation with the help only in last resort when other methods have proven useless. Therefore, in case of problems with bowel movements, it is not necessary to immediately resort to the use of drugs that improve the functioning of peristalsis.

are very diverse and can only be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is the specialist who is able to determine safe dosage for a particular patient and choose the right drug.

Laxatives for adults consist of the following drugs:

  • irritating and enhancing the function of peristalsis;
  • affecting the density of feces and changing their consistency;
  • softening feces for free passage.

Stool restorative preparations are sold both in the form of tablets and suppositories and drops. When using them, it is important to adhere to the recommended dosage and not exceed the duration of administration. Otherwise, such treatment can provoke addiction and then go into a chronic form. In addition, improper use of laxatives often results in severe diarrhea and dehydration.

Colon cleansing with enema

Constipation in adults, what to do, if there is no stool for more than 3-4 days and symptoms of intoxication appear? In this case, it is very important to restore the process of bowel movement and prevent further poisoning of the body.

Cleanse the intestines prolonged constipation can be done using the procedure. This is what helps to quickly get rid of accumulated feces and stop intoxication. To prepare the solution, ordinary boiled (non-hot) water and natural-based oils are used.

If constipation does not have serious symptoms, and feces are partially released, then you can clean the intestines with the help of traditional medicine, which includes:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • the use of castor oil;
  • massages;
  • special gymnastics.

Decoctions to restore defecation are made on the basis of herbs that activate peristalsis (hay leaves, buckthorn, marshmallow, flax seeds, agar-agar, etc.). To improve the effect, several components are often used at once. But with this treatment of constipation, one should be careful in dosage.

As for, it can not be applied to everyone and in a small amount. It is strictly forbidden to drink castor oil at any stage of pregnancy and for children under three years of age.

Gymnastics and abdominal massage for constipation helps to activate peristalsis and improve bowel function. It is especially useful to resort to these procedures in morning time shortly after waking up.

Remember, before starting, it is better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist knows how to restore a chair without causing even more harm to the body.

Almost every second adult is familiar with constipation, which, of course, is very unfortunate.

According to the official criteria physiological norm stool ranges from three times a day to three times a week. However, it is stipulated that a person should not experience any sensations of discomfort.

The second criterion of the norm is a free defecation, in which stool should come out without effort and excessive straining, without prolonged sitting on the toilet.

Causes of constipation in adults

There are quite a few reasons for a malfunction in the activity of the intestine, but you can conditionally classify them, dividing them into objective and subjective:

  • objective causes of constipation in adults are various diseases, not even associated with the intestines,
  • in turn, subjective reasons are due to the habits and way of life of a person.

Constipation classification

In one of the classifications, there are such types of constipation as alimentary, hypokinetic, reflex, toxic, endocrine, mechanical.

With alimentary constipation The reason is insufficient intake of plant fiber with food. This substance can be found in fruits and vegetables, and it is a peristalsis stimulant for the intestines. In most cases of constipation in adults, fiber deficiency is the leading factor. Alimentary constipation may be due to limited consumption water, whose role in this case is to soften the fecal mass, which facilitates defecation.

Hypokinetic constipation suffer mainly people whose lifestyle does not allow to develop a noticeable motor activity. This is typical for "sedentary" professions, in particular, accountants, office workers, drivers. This can also be included.

Reflex constipation occur when diseases occur different departments Gastrointestinal tract, but in some cases, lesions of other organs can also provoke difficult stools.

toxic constipation develops due to chronic poisoning various chemicals such as lead, morphine, nicotine, nitrobenzene. This category also includes the reaction of the body to the prolonged use of a number of drugs. In particular, these include papaverine, no-shpa, drotaverine and other antispasmodics, as well as anticholinergics, such as platifillin and atropine.

With endocrine constipation stool retention appears with reduced function of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland or ovaries.

Various obstructions in the large intestine can lead to to mechanical lock . Tumors, scars, megacolon (congenital elongation of the intestine), underdevelopment in the thickness of the intestinal wall can act as mechanical obstacles. nerve plexuses known as Hirschsprung's disease.

There is another extensive group of constipation - neurogenic .

Here, the initiators of stool retention are various pathologies nervous system, for example, depression, neurosis, trauma, inflammatory and neoplastic processes of the brain and spinal cord.

When there is a forced need to often suppress the urge to defecate, it can, which also belongs to the neurogenic group. In particular, this includes traveler's constipation, which occurs if a person does not have the opportunity to go to the toilet on the road, as is often the case on an airplane or train.

Constipation can be a manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome. Such constipation also belongs to the group of neurogenic or psychogenic, due to the fact that it usually appears on the background of psychological trauma. Here pathological changes in the intestine is not observed, and other causes of stool retention are also excluded.


Proper nutrition and bowel function. Problems with stool, eating out. How to get rid of constipation.

Girls, what kind of food for constipation? Chair in a day. For about a year I eat about two grams of protein per kg of weight, since I am engaged in bodybuilding, probably this also provokes irregular stools? But earlier I remember exactly, there were problems with the stool, also the stool was not every day.

The author, the rate of defecation for an adult with enough water and fiber from 2 times a day to once every 2 days. If you do not have pain when communicating with a porcelain friend, do not worry, everything is fine with you.

This is fine. If you want more stools, then eat more fiber.

Flaxseed oil on an empty stomach for constipation, dried fruits. More water. Especially in the morning before breakfast. Water is the key to excellent bowel function.

And reduce the protein and follow the reaction of the body?

You can add bran or fiber to your diet, but still drink plenty of water. More vegetables and fruits.

Hi all. I mostly eat right, and there is almost no belly fat, but as soon as I eat, it becomes like a "ball", as if there is a lot of air. He's so big at once, it's terrible.

I also noticed that I rarely go to the toilet for the most part. That is why it is more and more, there is always food, and it is not digested. I no longer know what to do with constipation. I tried it, and I still do it, I don’t drink 20 minutes before a meal, I don’t drink water for 40 minutes after a meal. And I eat in small portions (about the size of my palm), but it's not like that! What to do?

If you don’t go to the toilet often and bloating, it’s already a bell that you need to see a gastroenterologist. More precisely, first on the ultrasound, then to the doctor.

You may need to add more fiber or bran. In the evening kefir.

Do you drink linseed oil? It just weakens and it is necessary to drink it. If there are problems with the toilet - in the morning and in the evening, a tablespoon. Checked! Works.

In one of our girls, her stomach swelled up after eating in the same way, she reached it, the result: cirrhosis of the liver, stage 4, go to the hospital, and not write here.

What ultrasound should I go for?

Abdominal cavity.

I am 14 years old. Since September, I have been on diets and brought myself to exhaustion (do not judge, I have already realized my mistake). From 49 she lost weight to 34 with a height of 158 (there is still no KD, although I eat dairy, high fat content, for bread, rolls, I always smear butter, fats are present). For the second month I have been eating fully (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, dream book - milk).

The weight is worth it, although the bones no longer stick out so much. But the number on the scale never changes. What am I doing wrong?

And further. How to get rid of constipation? I didn’t go to the toilet for a long time, for the most part, three weeks ago, a laxative was advised at the pharmacy, after listening to my problem. I drank it every week (at the end of the week to clear my stomach). I can't go to the toilet by myself. The stomach does not hurt and does not twist. How to start going to the toilet on your own?

Those who are bombed and are eager to condemn me in the comments, please scroll on. I just need help.

Poor thing, don't listen to advice here, go to the doctor. Even just a therapist. He will already prescribe drugs and treatment for metabolism.

I won’t give any particular advice, but fish oil capsules, for me personally, helped to return the KD.

From constipation duphalac, it does not cause addiction. Eat more protein.

Well at least I realized. Well done. Still, contact the experts. Or find girls who were able to gain weight after that. Consult with them.

Try an enema, maybe you have it there fecal stones formed. Good luck, get better!

It's good that you realized and are ready to stand on healthy way. Try laxative products like prunes (it really works for me), beets with butter, etc. Well, and so, I would advise to the gastroenterologist. It's easy to investigate, and then look further.

Why doesn't your mom do anything? Where is she? Let him write you down to a psychologist, a gastroenterologist and a gynecologist, urgently check and treat everything, poor child, get well!

For KD drink linseed oil. In general, you need to run to the doctor.

I don't get it, where are the parents? Don't they see that their daughter has a health problem?!

You wrote at the end that you need help. There will be no help here. Help will be provided only by the mother and doctors.

I had this at the age of 13. I wanted to lose weight so much that I ate only in the morning. Stupid. The result of all this - I also could not go to the toilet on my own, a laxative saved me. Then I started eating more - this problem went away. After such a hunger strike, a knot on the thyroid gland came out.

Take your mom and go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist to prescribe tests. Get well!

drink fish fat(Omega-3), it is full of vitamins and necessary for the body substances. Should help.

Believe me, it will not be superfluous.

From constipation forlask and normobact.

Restoring health is more difficult and takes longer. For 2 months, the CD cannot be returned. Continue to eat in surplus and more fat.

Candles rektaktiv 50 mg can be 1. In the morning. Then the body itself will begin to be released.

This was not the case with food. But to restore the CD, I drank the omega 3-6-9 complex (I bought it in stores sports nutrition) and hormones (as prescribed by a doctor). Get well soon!

After an injury, my niece lost weight to the state of anorexia (3 months of resuscitation), more than six months passed, weight was difficult, she gained weight. There are still no periods, the gynecologist simply said - weight loss and that's it. Maybe someone can suggest what else can be done.

To the state of dystrophy, not anorexia.

I don't know what the difference is, it was just wrapped in leather.

Anorexia - mental illness and not thinness. I have anorexia, but I don't look like a skeleton at all. I was treated, but nothing helps, because I myself do not want to.

Why don't you want to?

Everything suits me. I eat everything.

The same situation, constipation. Look for a good gastroenterologist, here's some advice. Nothing without this.

You might think that everyone has such understanding parents. I drink 3 times a day, a tablespoon of rekicen rd - helped well with gastrointestinal problems (harmless). For KD - fats, fats and again fats. Avocado, nuts, fish, seeds, oil, flax seeds. And you can drink linseed oil and fish oil capsules as advised above.

And I am embarrassed to bring cooked food in containers with me to the university and eat it in the cafeteria. How do you get out of an awkward situation, namely eating out? It’s just that from food I usually don’t have any kind of aspic, or baked goods, but as a rule, these are boiled eggs, chicken breast, cottage cheese, thick katyk.

Well, why are you shy? I think it's the other way around, cool. Decorate with greens, cherry tomatoes - they will still envy!

I was also shy at the beginning. Then I got used to it. My classmates were okay with it and even supported it.

Initially, I was shy, but when I realized all the benefits of taking food with me, I stopped. Sometimes I take 5-6 containers, plus a couple of liters of water. Even the most such classmates began to eat from containers themselves. Nobody ever condemned.

I take something not so smelly with me and that's it.

Well, in vain! I even eat on public transport. Yes, they are watching. I don't know, I don't care!

Do not be shy. God, everyone carries food in containers. What's in it? It is much more embarrassing to go and eat a chocolate bar or a bun, knowing that it was possible to bring food from home.

Do you think others are shy too? Give them an example.

I take food in a container with me, and I also eat in the audience. Studying from 8, I get up at 5.30, breakfast at 6.30. Everyone understands me that I want to eat and be with the guys. I eat cottage cheese, cereals, eggs, etc. no problem.

I take cottage cheese for study and eat it, but it falls apart and my classmates are like fu, what is it.

But I know that this is a super tasty cottage cheese.

Personally, I am disgusted by how and so not in best form man eats a hamburger. And for some reason he is not shy.

I take it with me for couples. And tea, coffee in a thermos, I often pour my classmates, recently I brought homemade pancakes and treated everyone.

I, too, can eat everywhere, the time has come - you have to eat and you should not be ashamed.

And I was at work like a white crow at first. 5 containers with them (girls 1-2 take), laughed. Well, you love to devour, when you saw the result, you were surprised. He eats so much and loses weight, they begin to understand the essence of proper nutrition. I take it with me on the road and eat, when the time comes, no one pushed me off the road, take it with you and eat.

I take snacks to school. Two days is such a schedule that you have to drag lunch in a box, and nothing. I also take pride, I even follow the food outside the home, but those who look askance - no. Eat healthy and don't sweat it.

And I went to couples with a thermos - I don’t care at all who thinks what there.

And I go with my friends to the canteen, they buy, and I eat mine with them. Now, by the way, many people have begun to walk with containers.

If with me someone ate with their hands in the canteen boiled egg, I would not understand either, I don’t understand all these snacks at all. I love to eat at home.

Why hands? Cut into slices at home, and eat. She also eats the cottage cheese she writes about with her hands, or what?

Some do not cut, but simply wear boiled and unpeeled and already clean and eat on the spot.

I am a teacher at the university, and I also go with an eco-bag, where I have vessels, water. I eat at recess, with students nearby. And excellent, this is my health, there is no time for embarrassment. So take food and eat.

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Constipation in adults occurs quite often. This delicate issue worries many. Constipation is a delay in bowel movement for more than three days, which then passes with some effort: attempts, prolonged stay in the toilet, abdominal massage, etc. With constipation, self-emptying of the intestine is almost impossible, since the stool masses become denser and come to such a solid state, in which their natural exit from the intestine becomes difficult.

1 Causes of constipation

So, constipation: what is it and why does it occur? Among the causes are anatomical, physiological, psychological and nutritional reasons. This means that constipation in a person occurs under certain circumstances.

  1. Wrong eating habits and non-compliance with the diet. If a person eats irrationally, consumes a small amount of liquid food and water, neglects the diet, then he is worried persistent constipation. This is due to the small amount useful substances in the body that take part in the digestive process.
  2. Low physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle slows you down metabolic processes in the body and leads to constipation. Bowel movements are faster if you are active rather than leading a quiet lifestyle.
  3. Psycho-emotional shocks, stress, depression and worries lead to constipation, because under their influence spastic processes occur in the body, and some processes, including metabolic ones, slow down.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and stomach, the digestion process is disrupted due to an insufficient amount of the necessary enzymes produced, which are involved in the processing, transportation and removal of processed food.
  5. A prolonged diet and poor nutrition provoke constipation due to a lack of consumed trace elements that are involved in the processing, assimilation and excretion of processed food.
  6. Diseases of the rectum: fissures, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis cause retention and obstruction of feces.
  7. In case of violations in work and diseases endocrine system a person has constipation. Diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroiditis, tumor processes in circulatory system also cause constipation.
  8. Some medications have a fixing side effect on the body and contribute to the appearance of constipation.
  9. Lifestyle. If a person leads a passive lifestyle, has sedentary work, does not pay due attention to nutrition, the likelihood of constipation in such people is high.

The causes of constipation in adults may vary by gender. So, in women they occur more often than in men, which is associated with the structure of the genital organs.

Pregnant women, women after childbirth, as well as during menopause and plump women suffer from constipation more often. Constipation in men is associated with in a sedentary manner life and overweight.

2 Unpleasant symptoms

Cause discomfort and pain.

  1. There is a delay in defecation for several days and difficult defecation, requiring muscle effort and attempts. AT medical reference books indicated that the frequency of bowel movements for each person is individual and ranges from three times a day to three times a week. But with these indicators, the stool should be of a soft consistency, freely exit and not cause pain wherein.
  2. The stool acquires a dense texture, comes out in small pieces or balls. Sometimes the stool comes out with blood. This indicates damage to the rectum or the presence of hemorrhoids.
  3. There is bloating, arching pains and, increased excretion gases, flatulence.
  4. Human activity decreases, which is accompanied by a lack of appetite, nausea, headaches, heartburn.
  5. Frequent and chronic constipation provokes the appearance of rectal fissures or hemorrhoids.

3 Diagnosis and examination methods

As for the diagnosis of the disease, it should be noted that constipation can be detected independently by the above symptoms and well-being, if bowel movement has not passed for the last four days. Where to turn with a problem and which doctor treats constipation?

This issue should be addressed to medical institution because constipation can be a symptom serious illnesses.

When the first signs appear, if the stool has been absent for a week or more, you should contact a therapist who will conduct a visual examination and talk with the patient, and then refer him to a specialist for examination. A gastroenterologist is a specialist who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation. In some cases, this problem goes to the proctologist. After visual inspection The patient and clarification of the etiology of constipation are prescribed examinations - blood, urine and feces tests, X-ray examination of the rectum, irrigoscopy or colonoscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

The type of study the patient is prescribed after identifying the causes. If the symptoms are severe, the examination is comprehensive, and if they are not associated with a violation of the work of others internal organs, only examined abdomen and rectum. Depending on the results of the study and analyzes, treatment is prescribed. How to treat constipation in adults and what drugs to use for this, only the attending physician can determine.

4 How treatment is carried out

In adults, treatment sometimes takes a long period of time. This is influenced by the causes of the disease.

If constipation in adults is episodic, you can relieve well-being with an enema. This will take approximately two liters. boiled water room temperature and a pear or mug of Esmarch. With help this method you can only cleanse the intestines and temporarily alleviate the condition, but you can’t normalize the stool either.

If constipation is chronic, it is used with a mild cleansing effect on the intestinal microflora. How to treat constipation with laxatives? Among the common new generation remedies that have a safe mild effect and are widely used to treat constipation in adults, there are such drugs as Duphalac, Normaze. These are laxative prebiotics containing lactulose, which is broken down in the intestine and restores water balance. Due to this, liquefaction of fecal masses occurs, motor function intestines.

The drugs also stimulate intestinal motility. As a result, its natural emptying occurs, the stool normalizes. Accepted at chronic form only as prescribed by a doctor and according to a special scheme, because some of them are addictive, and the human body can no longer perform the function of emptying the intestines without auxiliary means.

Treatment chronic constipation requires integrated approach, since only medical preparations is not enough. Along with medications it is necessary to change eating habits, enrich the diet with cereals, vegetables, fruits, lead a mobile lifestyle. Important role play therapeutic diets, which should include foods rich in fiber. AT preventive purposes It is recommended to use decoctions of herbs with a laxative effect.

Constipation in adults can be treated with drugs such as Picolax, Regulax and Guttalax. They irritate the intestinal receptors and cause spasms, due to which the feces move through the intestines and are excreted from the body.

Constipation in adults is also treated with osmotic laxatives. it medical preparations, which have a softening effect on feces due to the retention of water in the intestinal lumen. Thanks to the salts and magnesium in the composition, the preparations retain water in the intestines, increase the volume of feces and stimulate intestinal motility. In this case, the body is not dehydrated if. The drugs are used both for the treatment of chronic constipation, and for constipation due to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. At long-term use osmotic drugs can be addictive, so you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

How to cure constipation with rectal suppositories? Laxative oils of almond, fennel, and petroleum jelly help induce bowel movements for constipation. Oils are used to make rectal suppositories. Suppositories soften feces and stimulate intestinal motility, but they cannot be used on permanent basis. Particularly effective are the anus, the presence of which is evidenced by feces with blood.

Such natural medicines, like hay, flax seeds, buckthorn bark, decoction of mountain ash, aloe juice, dried apricots, ginger and beets, help in the treatment, as they have a laxative effect and thin the stool. Pregnant women, people with high blood pressure must be taken with caution folk remedies, but it is better to consult a doctor first.

5 Preventive measures

Constipation in adults is common in conditions modern society, which means that its treatment is possible in a variety of ways. But in reality this delicate disease easier to prevent than to cure. To do this, you need to monitor nutrition, take vitamins, give preference to natural products.

Sweets should be excluded from the diet and their use should be limited in the future. Drinking alcoholic and carbonated drinks is contraindicated. If possible and according to the state of health, you need to do exercise. To alleviate the condition and relieve cramps in the abdomen, you can massage the abdomen in circular motions.

It is important to remember: if there are signs of constipation, you must contact medical institution, as it can be a symptom of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. How to treat constipation, so as not to harm the body, can only be determined by a qualified specialist.

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