Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the body. My path to a healthy lifestyle. Tips for beginners

Healthy lifestyle - where to start and how to do it? This question arises in many people. However, not everyone is able to answer it. Expressions that say that we will have everything if we have health have become commonplace. With them, not only no one fights, but even does not try to argue. Almost everyone understands how many benefits will be received by those who lead the right way of life. However, there are many excuses not to think about your health. Therefore, in order to lose weight or recover, many begin to go on diets and go to the doctors. It is very difficult to meet a person whose desire for health has become a lifestyle.

You just need to pick up and start

The media is already full of articles and reports that aim to educate people about a healthy lifestyle. However, all these attempts are perceived by readers as boring and well-known teachings. They don't believe in success. But experts continue to insist that the right way of life is necessary. Due to it, you can maintain your health. It remains only to begin to reckon with your body. But willpower is not enough.

Do you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle? It should not be postponed until later, on Monday or some other date. Start doing everything today and now. The main thing is to overcome yourself and begin to translate your desire into reality.

What conditions should you read?

Where to start a healthy lifestyle? First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the basic conditions that go hand in hand with it. Neither weight loss, if you strive for it, nor just health, nor energy - none of this can be achieved if the following conditions are not observed.

  1. Need to get up early. But for this you need to go to bed much earlier than we are used to. The most sound sleep is considered the period from 22 to 2 o'clock in the morning. After that, it is only superficial.
  2. Where to start a healthy lifestyle? Movement is needed. There must be a lot of it.
  3. You need to take into account the rules of nutrition in your daily life:
  • Eat anything that contains a lot of energy (sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, oranges, eggs, almonds, salmon).
  • It is necessary to eat little, at the right time and in the right combination.
  • You need to constantly drink fresh water. About 3 liters should be consumed per day.
  • Every day you need to remove toxins from the body.
  • You should do something serious that will benefit you.

What to do in the morning?

Where to start the day, choosing a healthy lifestyle? After you get up in the morning, thoroughly clean your mouth, as well as your nostrils and ears. Use a teaspoon to clean your tongue well. As experts advise, you need to walk barefoot on the grass for about 10 minutes. However, not all yards have grass, and even in winter this rule cannot be used. In such a situation, you just need to trample in cold water for about 10 minutes. You can pour it into the bathroom or into a fairly large basin. The temperature of the water should be lowered gradually. The purpose of such an event is to harden the body. After the procedure is completed, you should wipe your feet dry and put on socks.

Simple but effective steps

Where to start a healthy lifestyle? You can give yourself a head massage with your fingers or a nylon brush. This should be done until the moment when a surge of heat is felt throughout the body. Wipe your body using a damp towel. After that, you can feel a surge of energy, freshness and cheerfulness.

After all the above steps, you can take a shower. It is necessary to alternate cold jets with hot ones: about 15 seconds for cool water and one minute for sufficiently warm water.

Movement needed

At least half of the road to work must be walked quickly. And it is best to choose the route where there will be as few encounters with vehicles as possible. Naturally, not every person can boast of having the time to complete all the above procedures before starting work. However, this requires a healthy lifestyle. Where to start it? Plan your morning in such a way that at least part of the procedures can be completed. And if there is still time for gymnastics, then it will generally be good. If not, then the set of exercises can be transferred to the evening. Watch your posture throughout the day.

Where to start a healthy lifestyle? You should list the main actions that will definitely not be superfluous in your endeavors.

Action #1. Get rid of habits that are not useful

You need to be aware of your bad habits. There may be quite a few of them. These, in addition to the well-known ones, include constant lack of sleep, and completely malnutrition, and a rare pastime in the fresh air. The listing will be long enough. You have to admit that you have these habits too. Therefore, it is not necessary to shift the transition to a healthy lifestyle for later. With age, a large number of restrictions appear, which will negatively affect attempts to change habitual foundations.

How to start a healthy lifestyle? Make a list of your not-so-healthy habits. Its name should demonstrate your desire to get rid of all these unnecessary addictions. You should also indicate the reason. You need to understand why you want to give up bad habits.

Action number 2. Where did bad habits come from?

It is necessary to determine for what reason you have developed bad habits. There are situations when they appear just from scratch, due to an unfavorable set of circumstances. It is easier to get rid of such habits. But the situation can noticeably become more complicated if they are closely related to the circle of your communication. In addition, a person can be completely sure that without this habit it will be quite difficult for him to live. How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? You should think about what is more important to you by trying to give up your usual actions. Do not be afraid. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. We must try to find alternative solutions, trying to give up bad habits and replacing them with something more useful.

Action number 3. Know Your Purpose Fully

You need to be clear about what you need. You will also need to develop a plan to achieve your goal. It should be detailed enough. The right way of life should begin with constant personal planning. It is very important to carefully think through and analyze the goals of your life, regardless of whether they are short-term or not. Try to develop a detailed plan that will describe exactly how they should be achieved. Think carefully about what can make your life more joyful and prosperous. It may also happen that some plans should be postponed until later for more important actions.

So, the beginning of a healthy lifestyle should fall on the process of writing a list of goals, plans to achieve them. You can draw up an algorithm of actions that will be calculated for several years. There is also a need for a plan that will outline actions aimed at the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

Action number 4. Expanding your interests plays an important role

It is necessary to expand the circle of your interests and communication. You should not expect that during the transition to a healthy lifestyle, absolutely all your friends will remain with you. There will be those who will stop communicating with you completely for lack of more common interests. To get out of this situation, you need to expand the circle of your acquaintances. First of all, you should really get carried away with something new. Gradually, new acquaintances will begin to come into life who will fully share your interests. In the end, life will completely change, becoming more vivid and interesting.

Action #5: What is the issue that so many reviews are talking about?

Healthy lifestyle - where to start? The feedback of those people who were able to achieve this goal suggests that it is necessary to be aware that not everything can be achieved impudently. Some things should be done gradually. It is impossible to get rid of all bad habits at once. You just need to start adding something new, useful to your life. It is impossible to make life useful in one fell swoop. If there is no strength to give up old habits, replacing them with something more useful and new, then you need to think about the reasons for such behavior. You should try to find a compromise without forcing yourself at the same time. First of all, you need to switch to something that is not related to the issue at hand. For example, you can always buy comfortable walking shoes.

Action number 6. Development must be regular

It is necessary to constantly improve, while continuing to improve your life. You need to constantly analyze how you behave every day, your habits. Try to improve by finding the most successful solutions to emerging issues. You may be able to discover a bad habit that you never even thought existed. Immediately try to analyze the situation and eliminate the identified shortcomings.

The Importance of Eating and Drinking Properly

Healthy lifestyle - where to start? Nutrition must be correct. After all, you are what you eat. And if you want to be healthy and feel cheerful even in advanced years, then you need to eat only healthy food. You should familiarize yourself with the following components of a healthy diet.

  1. Food should include 15% protein. You can eat beef, chicken, seafood, etc.
  2. The diet should be about 35% fat. This element is found in everything except liquids, fruits, and single vegetables. The daily norm of vegetable oil should not exceed 20 grams, animal fats - no more than 10 grams.
  3. The food should be about 50% carbohydrates. 40% of them should be difficult. To do this, you need to eat vegetables, cereals and fruits. The remaining 10% are monosaccharides. Under them should be understood juices, sweet carbonated drinks, confectionery, bananas.

Some experts say that about 40 milliliters of fluid should be supplied per 1 kilogram of live weight per day. Half of this dose comes from solid foods, the rest from drinks. If you drink yourself properly, you can look fresher. However, you shouldn't get carried away.

Sports are the best way to burn excess calories.

If the question arose of where to start a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, then you should think about playing sports. Remember that one gram of fat contains 9 calories. And in order to deal with one hundred grams of unnecessary substances, you should put in at least 900 calories.

Half the battle is just getting started. If you have not yet embarked on a sports path, then you should start small. In the morning you can do gymnastics. It is also worth considering using steps rather than an elevator.

It is important to control your emotions

Learn to manage your own emotional state. No need to be upset and explode over a variety of trifles. You should try to treat emerging problems with a philosophical approach. Be kind to those around you. And this, combined with the above actions and recommendations, will help to find harmony with the world. Yes, and the physical condition will be just great.

Without the right motivation, a dream will remain a dream.

Summarizing all of the above, one simple factor should be noted, without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with the task. Do you want to tell your friends, children or grandchildren later stories on the topic “How I started to lead a healthy lifestyle”? Then learn how to properly motivate yourself. Without the desire to achieve your healthy lifestyle will remain just a dream.

There are many different ways to be motivated. These are images with ideal shapes for you, and the presence of a dress that will be several sizes smaller. Or maybe you have a loved one for whom you can achieve your goal? It is very important to choose a good incentive that will be effective and will not allow you to eat chips while lying on the couch instead of jogging. If there is a desire, then it will be possible to achieve the goals, regardless of the complexity. Good luck in fulfilling your intentions!

Ever thought about how to make your life better? Maybe you want to lose weight, become more active, or just feel healthier. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you will most likely need to make a lot of changes in almost every area of ​​your life. The concept of "health" is based on many things, including: genetic characteristics, diet, exercise and lifestyle in general. We cannot control and change our genetics, but we can make changes in other areas of life that are within our control - this will help to make a healthier lifestyle. Focus on making some changes to your diet, physical activity, and other areas of your life that will benefit your health.


Part 1

Prepare for a Healthier Lifestyle

    Talk to doctors. The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is regular medical check-ups. Doctors will definitely support your desire to lead a healthier lifestyle. In addition, they will also advise whether you should give up something (or, conversely, do something) to improve your health.

    Take some measurements. There are several ways to check your health status on your own without going to a doctor. Measuring your weight and height can also give you some idea of ​​how healthy you are.

    Start keeping a diary. Keeping a diary is a great way to start living a healthier lifestyle. You can take notes, write down your goals, keep track of them, and also keep a food diary. All this will help you understand in which direction you should move, and will also be a good motivation to achieve your goals.

    Get yourself a support group. A support group is a great part of a healthy lifestyle. These people will not only support you in achieving your goals, they will also become your emotional and moral support in a new way of life.

    • One of the most overlooked aspects of a healthy life is your emotional and psychological well-being. Therefore, the people in your support group should not just "guide" you, they should be your good friends.
    • Ask friends, family members and colleagues to support you in achieving certain goals. Perhaps some of them also want to lose weight, eat better, or become more active.
    • Studies have shown that people who have a support group are much more likely to achieve their goals.

    Part 2

    Make changes to your diet
    1. Make a meal plan. When trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you will need to change is your diet. Make yourself a new meal plan - this will help you stick to a healthy diet all week.

      Pay attention to what you eat. Conscious eating is a way to help you focus on what you are eating. This is not only a useful and important point in a healthy lifestyle, it also helps to get more pleasure from the process of eating.

      Stick to a balanced diet. A balanced diet is the basis of proper nutrition. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to eat well.

      Pay attention to portion sizes. When reading information about the composition and calorie content of a product on its packaging, it is important to remember that this information applies to one serving. But how much is one serving? You can eat a whole bag of cookies or chips, thinking it's just one serving, when in fact, the package contains 3 or 4 servings. Therefore, be sure to look for information about the serving size (in grams or packages) so as not to eat more than you need.

      Drink more water. For a healthy lifestyle, it is simply necessary to maintain water balance.

      Limit your alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain or weight loss, and it also negatively affects your overall health.

      Consider nutritional supplements. If your diet is limited for some reason (due to allergies, dietary restrictions, and so on), it may be worth relying on special supplements that will help you saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients. Talk to your doctor about whether you should start taking nutritional supplements and find out which ones are best for you.

      Part 3

      Get Physically Active
      1. Turn exercise into a fun activity. Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, if the type of physical activity you do is not enjoyable, it may even prevent you from living a healthy lifestyle.

        Set a goal of doing about 150 minutes of cardio a week. In general, health professionals recommend 150 minutes (or 2.5 hours) of intense cardio per week.

I am glad to welcome you to my blog.

I want to warn you right away - the article will be informative, long and large, so prepare - chips and beer ...

It's a joke… We know: chips are bad, beer is not!

Ask yourself these questions:

Am I well?
Is my diet dominated by healthy foods?
Do I often play sports or do not do them at all?
Drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day?
Do I have a good dream?

If you gave a positive answer to all these questions, then we can say with confidence that you are leading a healthy lifestyle.

But in our modern life, few people can confidently say that they care about their health at 100%, and unfortunately, many people remember it already when they have lost it.

Here are some components of our life that greatly affect our body:

Sedentary lifestyle, it leads to premature aging.
Promiscuity in food - causes obesity and problems with the endocrine system.
Not being able to rest and be distracted from various problems, from which the nervous system begins to suffer.
Some are even worse - they have bad habits, which with "reactive" shorten life.

This list is endless and all this greatly affects our body.
And if your health has already reminded you of yourself, then you should think about it. Listen to my tips to help you lead a healthier life.

1. Drink more water

Why do we need more water? During the day, our body will use up about 3-5 liters of fluid. It is clear that this needs to be done somehow. And moreover, every day!

But what is the right way to do it?

We get some of the liquid from food, and the rest must be replenished by drinking about 10-15 glasses a day.

Why so much?
Because water is involved in very important functions: waste removal and nutrient transfer, digestion, blood circulation, saliva production, etc.

Water even helps to lose weight. If a person is hungry, then after drinking a glass of cool water, the brain receives information that the stomach is already full, and hunger recedes (tested on myself - it works). Thus, water can contribute to the formation of a slim figure.

To know if you are drinking enough water, you need to pay attention to the color of your urine. If it is almost colorless or has a slightly yellowish color, then everything is normal, if it is not, then you are not getting enough water. Other signs may also indicate this: dry lips, dry mouth, etc.

Drink a glass of water before moving on to the next tip.

2. Get enough sleep

Everyone knows that sleep is an important function of the body for recuperation.

If a person has had enough sleep, then he feels much more cheerful, more efficient, and if he did not manage to sleep properly, then he walks “broken”, tired all day.

According to scientists, sleep restores the cells of our nervous system, so sleep is the best prevention of any disease.

Poor sleep can cause headaches, memory problems, and even premature aging.
Lack of sleep leads to an increase in the appetite-enhancing hormone. Therefore, problems with being overweight directly depend on the quality of sleep.

I wish you sleep well and feel great.

3. More movement.

In this age of scientific and technological progress, most household work is replaced by machines.
We have become less prone to physical activity. Yes, on the one hand it is not bad, but on the other hand it is very harmful to our health.

A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle often has problems with the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, obesity, etc.
If you already have some of these problems, take action now!

You can start from the smallest - walk a couple of stops on foot, climb the stairs instead of the elevator ...

There are enough types of physical exercises that will surely interest you. (see tip #4).

4. Physical exercise to your taste.

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to play sports. And actually, it's great!

After all, playing sports brings great benefits to our health: the work of the heart is stimulated, the risk of diseases is reduced, and life expectancy is increased.

Friends, no matter what the work is, and no matter how busy they are, there will always be an hour for the gym, or a morning jog ...

You just need to choose your favorite sports activity:
You can’t live without communication - I advise the gym. People practicing near you will motivate you not to quit.
Prefer to go in for sports alone - go for a morning jog or walk on the street, headphones, your favorite music and go ...
Jumping rope can also bring many benefits to your health.
A great option for a home workout can be a video cassette with a recording of various exercises.

In conclusion, I will say that any sport will benefit the body.
If it is in moderation and not extreme!
For example, like this.

The most important thing is to choose an activity to your liking that will give you pleasure and, accordingly, the desire to do it will be a skin day.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

How do these foods affect our health?

According to scientists, in addition to vitamins that are completely absorbed by the body, fruits and vegetables can improve mood, as they contain substances that produce endorphins - “pleasure hormones”.
They have a very useful property - low calorie content. Nutritionists often, to the maximum, use them in diets for weight loss.
Fruits and vegetables, due to the content of their own enzymes, have an excellent effect on digestive processes, improve the absorption of heavier meals.

Let fresh vegetables and fruits always be on your table.

6. Bright fruits and vegetables are healthy.

Probably, there is no person on earth who would not be attracted by the bright colors of oranges, apples, melons, tomatoes, etc. They have an attractive color, but, in addition, bright fruits and vegetables are also useful because they contain a large amount of antioxidants.

Antioxidants have a very good effect on our health - they rid our body of the negative effects of free radicals (very "harmful" molecules).

In addition, they have a positive effect on:
Cell aging slows down;
Proper functioning of the organs of the whole body.

According to research, skin color has its own properties.

Pineapples, apples, peaches, mangoes, etc. - strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Apples, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, etc. bring youth to a person.

Orange, carrot, papaya, pumpkin - prevention of cancer.

All the same apples, avocados, greens, kiwi, cabbage, etc. - contribute to good digestion and "calm" the nerves.

Eggplants, plums, blueberries also keep youth and raise the body's immunity.

Be sure to include colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet.

7. Introduce more unprocessed foods into your diet.

It's no secret that most processed foods are not healthy, as the processing destroys useful vitamins, damages protein and fats.

Supermarkets are crammed with processed foods: various types of sausages, preserves, sauces, mayonnaise, confectionery, and so on. Colorful packaging, attractive appearance, fragrant taste lure us - "buy, buy, ku-wee ..."

But how many preservatives, trans fats, harmful food additives that enhance the taste and extend the shelf life, are contained in these products. In addition, they contain the minimum amount we need - nutrients, trace elements, vitamins. But there are a lot of calories.

We need to prioritize unprocessed foods: whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, fish, and more.
They are valued for their natural state, ie. without undergoing heat treatment.

Switch to natural products and you will be fine.

Probably enough "letters" for today. Relax and read...

Suffering from insomnia, frequent colds, depression and headaches, we begin to think that the body gives us quite obvious distress signals. Turning to a doctor or experienced comrades for advice, we often hear the opinion that we should lead the right way of life. Most people have general ideas about the meaning of such a term, but they do not realize the nuances that are included in its postulates and do not use it in everyday life. Let's talk about what these rules are.

General information

So what is the right way of life? In general terms, this term can be described as a combination of factors that favorably affect the life, health and well-being of any person. Simply put, these are our actions and actions, the regular repetition of which makes us feel great. The system of correct values ​​includes certain requirements for nutrition, physical activity, daily routine, and the spiritual component. In short, the right way of life is present in all possible areas.

How to start changing your diet?

In modern society, it is generally accepted that the main requirements relate to the diet. We are what we eat. This phrase is justified in many ways. First, let's recall the basic rules. Give up junk food, pickles, smoked, fried, flour, everything that negatively affects our body in general and the digestive tract in particular. These activities will help you start living a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition is based on more complex postulates, your daily food should be optimally balanced. This will not only help not to harm, but also strengthen your immunity and vitality. Please note that you are not required to starve at all, a healthy diet is not a diet. Calorie restriction, as a rule, leads only to a negative result, wasting.

About useful and necessary substances

Proper nutrition as a way of life - this is the slogan recommended for every person to take as a basis. Let's talk about what components must be included in your regular diet. These include:

  • Vitamin C. Necessary for immunity and protection of the body from various viruses. Stimulates the production of collagen, so that the skin remains elastic and youthful longer. The vitamin is also found in strawberries.
  • Potassium. It is a universal useful substance, the presence in the body of which is an excellent prevention of heart disease, high blood pressure. Potassium is also necessary for the formation of bones and the muscular system. It is found in dried apricots, bananas, animal meat and poultry.
  • Calcium. The basis for the formation of teeth and strong bones. In large quantities, this mineral is found in dairy products, as well as in cabbage.
  • Iron. This component is responsible for supplying cells with vital oxygen. The absence of a substance provokes anemia, regular fatigue, apathy, and a decrease in immune functions. Iron is found in red meat and legumes.
  • Vitamin D. Responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body, it is necessary for the proper development of children.
  • Vitamin E. Helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair, supports the protective function of the body. Found in nuts and seeds.
  • Magnesium. Another versatile and important substance. Favorably affects the nervous system, the condition of muscles, bones. Prevents the development of strokes and other heart diseases.

Among other things, proteins and fatty acids should be present in the diet. The right lifestyle for women in position involves the use of folic acid. This valuable substance is necessary for Regular consumption of special vitamins, as well as greens and avocados, will significantly reduce the risk of birth defects.

Such important and necessary drinks

Do not forget about a very useful rule - drink at least two liters of water per day. By the way, the liquid consumed can be doubly useful, for example, black tea helps to strengthen blood cells, which means it helps our immune system to fight various viruses much more effectively. In many countries, herbal infusions are also popular. They are not only an excellent preventive, but also a therapeutic tool. So, you can brew lemongrass, ginseng and other useful gifts of nature.

Do not forget to load the body

Correct, implies regular physical activity. It is not worth avoiding activity and sports exercises, they not only improve the figure, but also help to strengthen your health. Of course, subject to certain measures. Moderate regular movement provides stimulation of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for the removal of toxins, toxins and other impurities from our body. Such cleansing of the body strengthens the immune system and significantly reduces the risk of developing viral and colds. To maintain proper body tone, it is necessary to devote no more than one hour to sports activities per day, but increasing the load can lead to overstrain and Try to pay attention to all muscle groups. Push-ups are responsible for strengthening the muscles of the heart, and abdominal exercises improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Looking for a hobby

The right person can and should contain special exercises. Each person is free to choose them independently, someone prefers classical hardening, and someone tries to achieve harmony with the help of yoga and other Eastern teachings. Such techniques have a positive effect on human health and the state of his nervous system.

About laughter and nervous breakdowns

How to lead the right way of life? The simplest advice is as follows: enjoy life and enjoy it. Try to minimize the negative emotions that are present in our lives to one degree or another. Remember: it is not fear and tears that prolong life, but laughter. Even scientists have proven this thesis. So, according to ongoing research, people whose face often lights up with a smile are less likely to get sick and have greater endurance. But stressful situations, on the contrary, increase the production of negative hormones that weaken our health, make it more susceptible to aggressive attacks of viruses. Regular nervous shaking can lead to weight gain, early sclerosis and deterioration of character.

How to get involved and not break?

Many people are wondering how to start the right way of life. It is quite difficult to give up permanent habits, and sometimes almost impossible. Do not despair. First, make a change plan that you will have to stick to. Visualization makes the process much clearer and clearer. Add the following basic postulates to your list:

  • Changing the diet, eating at short intervals at fixed hours.
  • Moderate but regular physical activity.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Formation of a new system of values.
  • Finding a useful and interesting hobby.
  • Rest, especially after a hard day's work.
  • Connect with people who share your views.

Do not rush to master the entire list at once, move systematically, gradually mastering new heights will help you avoid breakdowns. It is necessary to plan not only useful skills, but also the mode of your day. Given a person, you can create a schedule that will help you achieve the best results in all areas of life.

Change bad habits to good ones

The right way of life always means giving up bad habits and following useful rules. What harms your body the most? The most common problems of our time are cravings for alcohol and nicotine, it is hardly necessary to talk about their harm, absolutely each of us knows that such vices shorten life expectancy. But sleep can be attributed to useful habits! Sitting up late at night at the computer? Such a decision will have a negative impact on health. Ideally, you need to go to bed at the same time every day, you should rest at least 8 hours in total. To make it easier for the body to relax and fall into a slumber, go for an evening walk or ventilate the room for 15-20 minutes.

On the need for personal hygiene

Another useful habit that we teach our kids from an early age is hand washing. Such simple security measures will protect you from many viruses. It is best to repeat hygienic manipulations twice in a row, this will enhance the protective effect. Do you want to cleanse your body? Do not forget to take a shower every day, and visit the bathhouse or sauna a couple of times a month. Hot water and air stimulate internal processes and also destroy bacteria.

Too often, when we start eating right and exercising, our patience lasts only for a few days or weeks, and after this period, we again and again return to the old lifestyle and addictions. Changing views on nutrition, weight and daily routine - this is what can help break this vicious circle. To make a positive shift in health, you should review your diet and start following some rules.

Think of it like taking care of your car: you fill it up with good quality gasoline regularly, you get motor oil to keep it running properly, and the same should happen to your body. Don't wait until one day you automatically get in shape, or dream about the day when you finally decide to change something. In this article, I offer useful rules that, if followed, will allow you to be the best every day, not just tomorrow.


We are all victims of our food environment: when we feel hungry, we eat what is nearby. On the other hand, healthy people plan their food intake very carefully and realize that right at their fingertips they always have the foods they need, those that will fill them with new strength and energy, but will not contribute to weight gain. The same can be said about physical activity. You just need to find time for them. There will always be some excuse, some other work to do, or a reason why you absolutely have to stop at a service station to buy junk food. But if you're serious about getting healthy, you need to prioritize your needs, food, and exercise.

Add more vegetables to your diet

You can eat half a plate of vegetables several times a week, but in reality you need this amount every day. Establish some vegetable habits, such as drinking vegetable juice regularly or adding carrots, celery, and capsicum to your lunch, so that even if you don't eat vegetables for a couple of days, you still manage to get some of the vitamins you need throughout the day.

Eat nuts

Nuts are small sources of energy, especially walnuts. They contain many vegetable fats that are good for the heart. Buy a large package of nuts and divide the contents into small portions. Such a snack will easily relieve you of hunger, but remember: ten nuts - at one time.

Eat what you love, but in moderation

"Life is too short to eat poorly" This is a very simple saying, but it makes sense. If you know that foods such as cakes, cookies, pastries, and fried foods contain fats, preservatives, additives, and various artificial junk, why are you saturating your body with them? It's okay if it happens from time to time, but eating such foods every day for no reason other than the stupid excuse "I can't eat only quality food" does not lead to anything good. Take care of your body, and it, in turn, will work and look better every day.

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