Vitamins. Medical guide for every family

Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, is widely distributed in animal and flora. It is found in yeast, wheat germ, liver, fish, beef, legumes. It is also obtained chemically. It is a colorless crystalline powder, soluble in water. Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolism of protein and fat in the body. With a lack of it, rats fall ill with the so-called rat pellagra, and larger animals (dogs and pigs) develop severe anemia. In humans, deficiency in vitamin B6 occurs with toxicosis of pregnancy and with some nervous diseases. FROM therapeutic purpose it is given, for example, with toxicosis of pregnancy,.

Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid) is named after Latin word"folium" - leaf, as it was first isolated from spinach leaves. Its sources: yeast, liver, green leaves of plants. Folic acid is a yellow crystalline powder. In the absence of it in the diet, a person becomes ill with anemia, in which the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Vitamin B12, cobalamin. The richest beef liver and kidneys; it is also found in milk, cheese, eggs, and other foods. Represents the crystals of red color containing a mineral element - cobalt. B12-avitaminosis does not arise from an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 in food, but due to a violation of its absorption and assimilation. Vitamin B12 is successfully used in the form of intramuscular injections for malignant anemia and accompanying illness nervous system, as well as in diseases of the liver, some skin diseases, radiation sickness and others.
Choline belongs to the group of vitamins B. It is found in meat, cottage cheese, cheese, soybeans, cabbage, spinach, etc. pure form choline is a colorless viscous liquid; in the form of chloride salt - colorless crystals. The lack of choline in the diet leads to the deposition of fat in the liver, kidney damage and bleeding.

Vitamin C, vitamin C, is widely distributed in nature, especially in plants. Most vitamin C is found in raw vegetables, fruits and berries, during cooking they lose about 50% of it. Valuable additional source vitamin C, especially in the winter-spring period, when there are few fresh vegetables and fruits and there may be a lack of it in the body, are concentrates and syrups from wild rose, blackcurrant berries and others, as well as vitamin C, obtained industrially. In its pure form - colorless crystals of sour taste, highly soluble in water, easily destroyed under the influence of air, light and metals (copper and iron). In the absence of vitamin C in food, a person becomes ill with scurvy. At various diseases mouth should be contacted dental clinic, for example, in dentistry in Lublino Astra-Dental. For therapeutic purposes, it is taken for scurvy, gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis and others.

Vitamin P got its name from the Hungarian word "paprika" - red capsicum from which it was first isolated. In the body, it increases the strength of the walls of vascular capillaries and is used for diseases associated with a decrease in their strength (with various forms bleeding). Apparently, it also contributes to the retention of vitamin C in the body. Available various drugs: citrine isolated from lemon juice, rutin - from buckwheat leaves; catechins - from green tea leaves. Found, in addition, in rose hips, oranges, mountain ash, grapes, black currants Vitamin D. The liver of fish, marine animals and cattle. Plants contain provitamin D, which is converted to vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light. By irradiating ergosterol, a substance most often extracted from yeast, vitamin D2 is obtained. In the human body, vitamin D is formed when the skin is exposed to the sun or rays. quartz lamp(it's called vitamin D3). Vitamin D contributes to the retention of phosphorus and calcium in the body and their storage in bone tissue. With a lack of vitamin D in the diet or with prolonged absence sunlight the bones of the child lose lime and soften - he falls ill with rickets. For therapeutic purposes, it is prescribed for rickets, and others.

Vitamin E is found mainly in plants and in very small amounts in animal tissues (most of all in the liver). It is soluble in fats. The richest vegetable fats, in particular oil from wheat and corn germs. Vitamin E is isolated in its pure form and is called tocopherol (in Greek - contributing to childbearing). In the absence of it in food in male animals, the seminal glands are damaged, and in pregnant females, the death of the fetus. Along with this, the central nervous system and muscles are affected. Vitamin E has a high antioxidant effect - adding it to fats prevents them from going rancid. Used in the treatment of certain nervous diseases as well as muscle damage.

Vitamin K got its name from the Latin word "coagulation", which means - coagulation (blood). It is found in the green parts of plants, animal products and microorganisms. In its absence in food or in violation of its absorption and assimilation, bleeding occurs, since the formation of protein substance- prothrombin. Therefore, vitamin K is used for injuries and wounds, bleeding, with, as well as with radiation sickness.

Vitamins, what is this substance, and why is it necessary for our body? They are elements without which various processes in the body are impossible. These substances are not able to be synthesized, so their intake is extremely necessary either with food or in the form of taking multivitamin complexes.

A general description of vitamins will help you understand each of them and understand why they are needed for normal life. The body's need for trace elements of the body is high, although the intake of some of them is quite a milligram or microgram. With insufficient content in food, it is possible to develop serious violations and even chronic diseases. Currently, about 20 substances have been well studied, which have special meaning for our body. Vitamins for a person are of great importance and must be ingested daily, because preventing a disease is much easier than curing it.

Vitamin classification

Types of vitamins are represented by two broad groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, E, K, D. Consider the general properties of this group:

  • the lack of these compounds is rarely observed, since they are very slowly excreted from the body;
  • dissolve in fats;
  • mainly come from food of animal origin ( various varieties fish, meat), a small content in plant products.

The benefits of these compounds are enormous. Their role is to maintain the functioning of cell membranes, ensure the full digestibility of products containing fats, etc.

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Vitamin A and its benefits

What is vitamin A? In a different way, it is also called retinol, a vitamin for vision, etc. The storehouse of this substance is eggs, butter, liver, carrots. Adults need 2 mg of vitamin A per day. The absorption of retinol primarily depends on the food with which the vitamin enters the body. Required condition- so that the food is enriched great content fat.

Retinol has a huge effect on the body and performs certain functions:

  • favorably affects the sex glands;
  • improves skin turgor, condition of nails, hair;
  • improves vision, in particular prevents night blindness and much more.

Signs of a lack of retinol:

  • non-healing wounds, skin lesions;
  • loss of vision;
  • deterioration in the condition of the hair;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds.

It must be remembered that precise definition the lack of any vitamin can only be determined by a doctor when passing laboratory tests.

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Vitamin E and its features

Vitamin E has another name - tocopherol. The content of this substance in the products is much less than the previous vitamin. Tocopherol is found in milk, eggs (in the yolks) and in the liver. The largest amount of it is found in nuts, broccoli, spinach. daily need in tocopherol is 14 mg.

The main role of tocopherol in the body is to protect cells from damage, that is, antioxidant activity. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on sexual function, accelerates tissue regeneration together with the intake of retinol.

Tocopherol deficiency leads to:

  • violation of sexual function;
  • decreased immunity;
  • muscular dystrophy.

Vitamins have an extensive complex impact, and as a rule, a lack of one vitamin leads to a lack of another. For example, vitamin E improves the absorption of retinol, as it prevents it from being oxidized in the intestines.

As for vitamin K, its other name is the hemostatic component, menadione. Members of this group have an interesting chemical structure vitamins, which explains unique properties substances. There are 2 types - these are K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). The requirement for the compound is minimal, being 0.4 mg. Menadione is found in all green plants (the main thing is the presence of chlorophyll), in fresh leafy vegetables.

  • improvement of hematopoietic function;
  • education shaped elements cells;
  • participation in the formation of energy in the body.

Lack of menadione threatens:

  • violation of blood clotting with various bleeding;
  • babies - hemorrhagic disease.

Additional use of vitamins of group K increases with:

  • bleeding;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.

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Vitamin D: Key Benefits

Also, this compound is called ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol, anti-rachitic vitamin. Vitamin D is found in cottage cheese, cheese, fish oil, in mackerel, tuna. The properties of group D vitamins are unique, because it is able not only to be supplied with food, but also to be produced under the action of sunlight in our body. The daily dose is 15 mcg.

Effect on the body of ergocalciferol:

  • exchange of phosphorus, calcium;
  • the need for a vitamin for bone growth;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • used in complex therapy intractable diseases (psoriasis, some types of tuberculosis, epilepsy).

The main symptom of cholecalciferol deficiency is bone fragility and fragility.

Characteristics of vitamins of this group in again suggests that you need to take care of your health, walk more, be more often in the sun and fresh air.

The set of water-soluble vitamins is represented by groups B, H, C, P.

Studied certain types groups B: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12.

A common property of representatives is that they strengthen the nervous and immune systems of the body, and also improve metabolism, in particular intercellular.

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What other vitamins are useful?

Important B vitamins:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine).

Its main functions are: a stimulating effect on the brain, an increase in the body's resistance, an improvement in metabolism, and in all cells of the body.

The daily requirement is 2.5 mg. It does not accumulate in the body, so its intake must be monitored daily. The entire population of the globe is prone to deficiency of this substance. Sources are: buckwheat, pork with "fat", nuts, lentils.

The deficiency is manifested by nervousness, sleep disturbance, appetite, headaches.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Main functions: increasing visual acuity, normalizing the work of the whole organism, participating in metabolism. The daily dose is 2.5 mg. The synthesis of a small amount of riboflavin in the intestine is possible. Women of young age are most often prone to a lack of vitamin B2.

Found in: dairy products, pine nuts. Deficiency is revealed: fear of light, peeling of the skin, tearing.

Vitamin B3 and B5 (pantothenic acid).

Properties: improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, has beneficial action on metabolism, eliminates stress, fatigue. It is necessary to take 20 mg per day. Found mainly in liver, cauliflower, milk,

Deficiency manifests itself: lethargy, decreased appetite, loss of sleep, pallor skin.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).

Influence on the body: participation in the formation of enzymes, in the metabolism of proteins and amino acids, maintenance of the central nervous system, elimination of muscle cramps.

The daily dose is 2 mg. A high content of pyridoxine is found in shrimp, pine nuts, chicken meat, cottage cheese, cheese.

Lack of pyridoxine is characterized by symptoms: loss of sleep, nausea, anemia, dry skin, irritability.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid).

Main properties: participates in cell division, formation of blood cells, accelerates metabolism, improves the development of the nervous system in the fetus. The need per day is 1000 mcg. Sources are: peanuts, liver, spinach, beans, walnuts.

Insufficient intake can be determined: bleeding gums, anemia, damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

Meaning: maintaining normal hematopoiesis, strengthens the immune system, regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, protects against obesity by removing fat from the liver.

The daily dose is small, only 3 mcg. Contains cyanocobalamin in octopus, liver, mackerel, pork, beef, cheese. Deficiency is manifested by weakness, fatigue, hysterical states, dizziness.

Uniqueness this vitamin is that it is able to accumulate in the body: lungs, kidneys, liver.

Attention: vitamin H (biotin).

Participates in metabolism, and also takes part in the synthesis of glucose, has a beneficial effect on sexual function. The need for it is 0.2 mg. Most biotin is found in the liver, chicken eggs, oatmeal, peas.

Disadvantage: hair loss, depression, nervousness, pallor of the skin.

Leads to its weakening (see Vitamin deficiency), a sharp lack - to a violation and diseases - beriberi, which can end in death. Avitaminosis can occur not only from insufficient intake, but also from a violation of the processes of their assimilation and use in.

New nomen-

Former designations

Physiological role

Main food sources

Daily rate for an adult, mg

It is part of visual purple, enhances visual acuity in low light, strengthens epithelial tissues
nor is necessary for normal growth


Grows. foods, especially green leaves; low in animal products



Citrus, blackcurrant, black-fruited, (especially green)

Included in pyruvate decarboxy-
PS, splitting pyruvic
to-tu, in its absence, B 1 -avitaminosis occurs (take-take)

Included in the redox composition. enzymes - dehydrogenases

Dairy and meat products, salad vegetables

Folic acid

Group designation of mono-, tri- and heptaglu-tamine, vitamin B C,

naya to-ta

to-ta, PAB

Growth factor for many microorganisms, stimulates the production of vitamins intestinal microflora. Included in folic acid

What vitamins are included in the diets of Hollywood movie stars?

What vitamins are neededus to always look young?Vitamins C, B, E.Norms of vitaminsand foods that contain these vitamins.

Here on these very interesting topics I decided to write a separate article on our blog.

In addition, you will be able to find out all the recommendations on how to save vitamins when you are preparing food for yourself and your family.

Let's look at the products that contain vitamin C:

acerola - cherries, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons), strawberries, kiwi, red and green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower and red cabbage.

A small amount of this vitamin is found in potatoes and tomatoes. Virtually absent in meat and animal products.

It must be understood that heat, light and air destroy vitamin C. For itsstorage, do not cut vegetables and fruits in advance.

Made a salad - eat it right away. Tanks with orange juice keep covered and in the refrigerator, do not let them warm to room temperature tours.

Vitamin C levels.

Scientific studies show that the minimum requirement for vitamin Cin a healthy person is 250 mg per day, for a pregnant woman - 500 mg per dayday, for a nursing mother-700 mg per day, for patients, especially with braid fracturestei, with heartfelt vascular diseases, patients with rheumatism and tuberculosis - 3000 mg per day.

Concerning optimal mode taking vitamin C, then everything is very arbitrary here. Vitamin C advocates such as Dr. Linus Pauling suggest taking 18 grams per day (that's 300 times more than the RDA) or as much as you can eat without adverse effects.

Waiter! Your schnitzel tastes like an old, worn home slipper rubbed with onions!

It's amazing what you've had to eat in your life!

(In other words, you can increase your daily intake of this vitamin untiluntil you have loose stools).

Conservative nutritionists consider the recommended RDA dose of 60 milligrams sufficient for health. But they do offer 120 milligrams for smokers. To prevent scurvy, 10 milligrams of vitamin C per day is enough.

In experiments to test the effectiveness of vitamin C in the fight against colds healthy people were given 500-1000 milligrams of this vitamin daily until they caught a cold. After that, they were given 1000-4000 milligrams of vitamin C.

At the same time, there was a mitigation of the symptoms of a cold and a decrease in its duration. Researchers cancer, who studied the preventive effect of vitamin C, recommend taking it at 1000 milligrams per day.

Taking a significant amount of aspirin requires additional intake of vitamin C.

Smokers and drinkers need increased dosages vitamin C. In addition, to remain healthy, they also need to stop smoking and drinking.

As for the toxicity of vitamin C, it is extremely low, and although some scientists believe that higher doses vitamin C can cause kidney stones and other problems, but this has not been confirmed.

Sometimes large quantities of this vitamin lead to increased bowel function. Much more controversial is the possibility of reactive scurvy when taking this vitamin in large quantities.

Some scientists believe that if long time take a lot of vitamin C and then lower the dose, you can cause symptoms of scurvy - bleeding gums and fatigue.

However, very little is known about this effect of this vitamin. In any case, when reducing daily doses of vitamin C, do it gradually at about 10% per day. If you do not eat fresh vegetables and fruits at all, then you definitely need additional reception vitamin C.

Foods and vitamin B

All B vitamins have the following common properties: they are solublein water, are part of the enzymes and activate them, affecting the vitalprocesses even in small doses.

All B vitamins, except for inositol, contain nitrogen, which means they provide the building of protein in the body.

This group of vitamins is necessary primarily to strengthen the nervous and endocrine systems, with regular food intake, rich in vitamins group B, slow down all the aging processes in the body.

This substance is contained in the following products:

brown rice, whole grain products, soybeans, oatmeal, chicken, kidneys,liver, fish, eggs, pork, peanuts, walnuts. In dairy products and meatcontained a small amount of this vitamin.

Vitamin E. chemical names tocopherol, tocotrienol.

Usually natural vitamin E is referred to as d-alpha-tocopherol or RRR-alpha-tocopherol. Synthetic vitamin E stands for dl-alpha-tocopherol or fully racemic alpha-tocopherol.

Of all the variants of vitamin E, it is alpha-tocopherol that is most easily absorbed and converted into a form that is easily absorbed by the body.

In my own way biological action tocopherols are divided into substances with vitamin and antioxidant activity. The physiological effect of tocopherol lies in its antitoxic effect on membrane lipids.

Oxidation of intracellular lipids causes the formation of substances toxic to the cell from oxidized unsaturated lipids. fatty acids. They can lead to dysfunction of the cell and then to its death.

I feel like I'm becoming a cockroach.

- ???

I made a promise to my relatives to lose weight and now I only eat at night in the kitchen when everyone is asleep. And when they turn on the light, I start to hide in a panic ...

These toxic substances inhibit the action of enzymes and vitamins. Main functions in the body - acts as an antioxidant that protects cellular structures from damage free radicals.

Vitamin E supports the circulatory system in healthy condition, protects red blood cells from oxidative damage, provides normal functioning muscles.

He supports immune system helping immune cells destroy free radicals; optimizes the processes of tissue respiration; stimulates intracellular immunity.

One of important functions of this vitamin is that it neutralizes toxins, counteracts the processes premature aging and is a natural filter for ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin E has the properties of a natural preservative, normalizes the health of the cardiovascular system and cells of the body, ensures the functioning of the sex glands and the endocrine system.

It is effective in treating diabetes and asthma, prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, clears veins, arteries, capillaries from blood clots.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) in its biological action is closely related to the state and function of cell membranes, and also prevents the destruction of red blood cells.

The most important property of tocopherols is their ability to increase the accumulation in internal organs fat soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A. Contribute to the activation of the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acids).

Tocopherols are closely related to function and condition endocrine systems especially the gonads, pituitary, adrenals and thyroid gland.

A sufficient level of tocopherols promotes muscle development and normalizes muscle activity, preventing the development muscle weakness and fatigue.

This ability is widely used in sports medicine as a means of normalizing muscle activity during "impact" training.

The famous researcher of vitamin E, Wilfried Schuets, whose name is now namedInstitute of Clinical and Laboratory Research in Toronto, discovered exactly whatVitamin E can successfully treat cardiovascular diseases.

At 80, he looked no older than 50, as his diet was always rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin E protects fatty acids and other fatty substances in the bodyme from oxidative damage. It also protects vitamins A and C from oxidation.This is especially important for the protection of red blood cells and lung tissue.

Vitamin E increases longevity and reproductive function. Tocopherol comes fromthe Greek word "toko" offspring and the Latin "ferre" - to bring.

The name itselfrit that vitamin E plays important role in the reproductive function of the body.

He contributes normal course pregnancy and fetal development, as well as activebut participates in the processes of sperm formation. Americans believe that it is Vitamin Ye gives a person liveliness and attractiveness.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that tocopherolis part of the diets of many Hollywood movie stars.

Willy Tokarev said in his interview that he takes natural vitamin E every day. He feels great and looks much younger than his years. It is vitamin E that contributes to the fact that a person seems younger, he is always given less years than what is written in the passport.

Vitamin E protects against the development of heart disease by preventing the oxidation of cholesterol, which is believed to lead to atherosclerosis. May help with anginain those who already suffer from heart disease, prevents the formation of blood streaks.

Protects against cancer by preserving DNA and other cellular structures from free radical damage.

There are questions about vitamin E.

Who especially seriously should think about taking vitamin E in combination with lecithin?

One who eats little vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, wheat germ and soybeans.

The one who smokes, goes in for sports, eats fried in large numbers eating oils, sunbathing, drinking alcohol, or on a low-fat diet. All these factors reduce the content of vitamin E in your body.

A friend visited his friend in the hospital and tells the others:

He will still be treated!

Have you talked to his doctor?

No, I saw a nurse.

Anyone interested in increasing antioxidant protection; people looking to add lecithin to their diet.

Why combine lecithin with vitamin E in one tablet?

Lecithin is a carrier of vitamin E. Combining the two helps your body use them more efficiently.

Lecithin is a complex of phospholipids found in soybean lecithin. Essential phospholipids are components cell membrane liver and are necessary not only for the formation, but also for the stabilization of the biological structure and regeneration of the membranes of the liver cells.

Phospholipids regulate the work cellular mechanisms: ion exchange, tissue respiration, biological oxidation, improve the activity of respiratory enzymes in mitochondria, energy metabolism of cells and normalize impaired lipid metabolism.

Lecithin normalizes protein and fat metabolism, has a lipotropic effect, protects cell structure liver, restores immune functions lymphocytes and macrophages. Lecithin, derived from soybean oil, is essential for the absorption of vitamin E by your body.

As you can see, we just need to take all the vitamins every day. What vitamins are needed to look young and not feel your age? You definitely can’t do without vitamin E (and don’t forget about lecithin).

How to purchase natural vitamins, read .

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of vitamin B and vitamin C. Make sure that your body receives vitamin norms every day and you won't get sick. Remember about vitamins in foods. Raise your immunity, and then diseases will bypass you.

In the next article I will tell interesting story about how the first multivitamins and multiminerals were created.

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Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) plays an important role in the regulation of carbohydrate, fat, mineral and water metabolism. He renders favorable influence on cellular respiration, nervous and cardiovascular system, digestive organs. In the human body, thiamine is formed in the intestine, but not in enough therefore, it must be supplemented with food.

With a lack of vitamin B in food 1 the oxidation of carbohydrates does not reach the end, and intermediate products accumulate in the tissues - pyruvic and lactic acids, as a result of which the processes of transmission of nerve impulses are disrupted.

Unsharply pronounced hypovitaminosis B 1 leads to dysfunctions of the central nervous system in the form of mental depression, general malaise, fatigue, headache, insomnia, weakening of attention.

A significant deficiency of vitamin B 1 in the body leads to the development serious illness called take-take. It is accompanied by polyneuritis, disorders of the sensitivity of the extremities, disorders of cardiac activity (palpitations, cardiac weakness), a decrease in the body's resistance to infections.

Daily requirement for vitamin B 1 - 2 mg. The need for thiamine increases with great content carbohydrates in food, as well as in febrile conditions, intestinal diseases, increased function thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), neuritis and radiculitis.

Vitamin B 1 contains in rye bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, liver and kidneys of cattle and pigs, ham. The best sources thiamine are whole grains various cereals, legumes and nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts). For the prevention of thiamine deficiency, it is recommended to use yeast drinks and bread kvass, as well as pre-soaked grains of wheat and rye.

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) has a significant impact on visual function- Increases color sharpness and improves night vision. This vitamin is part of a number of enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the synthesis of proteins and fats.

Riboflavin obtained from food combines with phosphoric acid in the body (phosphorylated). Together with proteins, this acid is part of the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration. Vitamin B 2 has a regulatory effect on the functions of the central nervous system and liver, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

With a deficiency in the body of riboflavin protein synthesis worsens, lactic acid oxidation is disturbed, glycogen disappears from the liver, the formation of amino acids is inhibited, and cardiac and circulatory disorders develop. Characteristic features riboflavin deficiency are cracks in the corners of the mouth. Further development hypovitaminosis causes a decrease in appetite, weight loss, weakness, apathy, headaches, a burning sensation of the skin, itching or pain in the eyes "violation twilight vision, conjunctivitis. Cracked nipples in lactating women may be due to a lack of vitamin B 2, since lactation significantly increases the body's need for this vitamin.

Medium daily requirement human in riboflavin is 2.5-3 mg.

The most important sources of riboflavin are: whole milk, especially yogurt, acidophilus, kefir, cheese, lean meat, liver, kidneys, heart, egg yolk, mushrooms, baker's and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B 2 is stable during cooking.

Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) is integral part many enzymes involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism stimulates the production of adrenal hormones.

The richest in pantothenic acid are the liver, kidneys, egg yolk, lean meat, milk, fish, peas, wheat bran and yeast. During cooking, up to 25% of vitamin B 5 is lost. It is produced in sufficient quantities by microbes that live in the large intestine, so lack pantothenic acid, as a rule, does not happen (the need for it is 10-12 mg per day).

Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is part of numerous enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol. Pyridoxine improves fat metabolism in atherosclerosis. It has been established that vitamin B6 increases urination and enhances the action of diuretics.

A pronounced picture of vitamin B6 deficiency is rare, as it is produced by microbes in the intestine. It is sometimes seen in children early age fed with autoclaved milk. This results in growth retardation gastrointestinal disorders, increased nervous excitability, convulsive attacks.

Medium daily dose pyridoxine - 2-2.5 mg. It is found in plants, especially in unrefined grains. cereal crops(wheat, rye, etc.), in vegetables, meat, fish, milk, in the liver of cattle, egg yolk, a relatively large amount of vitamin B 6 in yeast. This vitamin is heat stable but degrades when exposed to light (especially ultraviolet rays).

Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) It has complex structure, its molecules contain a cobalt atom and a cyano group. In the human body, this vitamin is necessary for the formation of nucleic acids and some amino acids (choline, etc.). Vitamin B 12 has a high biological activity. It stimulates growth, normal hematopoiesis and maturation of red blood cells, normalizes liver function and the state of the nervous system. In addition, it activates the blood coagulation system (increases the activity of prothrombin), has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats - in atherosclerosis, it lowers blood cholesterol, increases the amount of lecithin, and has a pronounced ability to reduce fat deposits in internal organs.

Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs most often in connection with diseases of the stomach or intestines, as a result of which the extraction from food and the absorption of vitamin B 12 contained in it are disturbed, which manifests itself in the form of severe anemia (Addison-Birmer disease) due to a violation of normal hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

In the human body, vitamin B 12 is formed in the intestines in small quantities; in addition, it comes from animal products. Vitamin B 12 is contained in liver, meat, eggs, fish, yeast, and also in medical preparations derived from the liver of animals. An important source of it is milk, especially sour milk, since it is synthesized by some lactic acid bacteria. It is heat resistant, but sensitive to light.

Vitamin B c (folic acid) is an integral part of the complex of B vitamins. Together with vitamin B 12, folic acid is involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis, the formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, as well as in the regulation of protein metabolism, stimulates growth, and reduces fat deposition in internal organs.

Folic acid contained in fresh vegetables and greens - tomatoes, beans, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, in green leaves of parsley, celery, as well as in the liver, kidneys, brains of animals. In the process of culinary processing of food, due to the instability of folic acid to heat, its losses reach 50-90%. In the human intestine, it is synthesized by the microflora in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of the body.

In this regard, the corresponding vitamin deficiency can only occur as an exception. Hypovitaminosis develops with the introduction large doses sulfonamides or antibiotics, which destroy the intestinal microflora and thereby block the formation of folic acid. Vitamin deficiency can also occur when malabsorption of folic acid is due to diseases. small intestine. Since vitamin B 12 is necessary for the absorption of folic acid, its deficiency impairs the absorption of folic acid. Estimated daily human requirement for folic acid equal to 0.2-0.3 mg.

Vitamin B 15 (calcium pangamate) improves fat metabolism, increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, increases the content of energy-rich substances (creatine phosphate and glycogen) in the heart, skeletal muscles and liver. Vitamin B 15 is found in plant seeds (in Greek "pan" - everywhere, "gam" - seed), brewer's yeast, rice bran, liver. It is widely used in the treatment of heart and liver diseases.

Vitamin B 17 (nitriloside) opened relatively recently. It improves metabolic processes prevents the development of tumors. It is found in large quantities in fruits, especially in cereals (rye, wheat) and seeds - the bones of apples, pears, grapes.

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