Non-contact energy massage. Energy massage - a feeling of vitality

Many people lead sedentary image life, the movements of the body are monotonous, as a result, the muscles weaken and tighten, the joints lose their mobility, “overgrow with salts”. The whole body is bound. In the beginning, we don’t notice it, it’s just that fatigue sets in faster, the productivity of mental and physical labor falls.
Energy is weakening, and as a result, memory is deteriorating. Emotions weaken, interest in life disappears.
And a little later they begin to develop various diseases joints and ligaments, the spine is bent, erased intervertebral discs. As a result, headaches, sciatica, pain in the back, neck, arms and legs.
Then, from a lack of energy, the blood and lymphatic vessels. They lose their elasticity and become clogged, blood supply worsens, and cleaning of the whole body, including internal organs. And this is a whole bunch of diseases.

Adhering to the description in terms of the ancient American Indians - seers, let's imagine the human energy body as a luminous cocoon, consisting of vibrating threads. The cocoon is permeated with a network of channels, which shaman healers called "rivers of light." In the shamanic anatomy of the energy body, chakras or energy centers are distinguished, which are called "eyes of light" by Native American healers. The chakra is shaped like a funnel, pointing towards the spine. The expanding part lags behind the surface of the physical body by 10-12 cm. In these centers there is a resonant transformation of the energy coming from outside to the desired frequency.
The human energy body perceives the vibrations of the Earth and the Cosmos, then transfers them to the chakras for transformation to the required frequency. 13 energy channels are designed to conduct 13 specific energies (frequencies) and correspond to the thirteen main joints of the physical body (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and the spine).
The joints mark the path of 12 types of energy (frequencies) along the energy channels from points located along the spine (6 pairs), called resonators, to the feet and palms of the hands.
The thirteenth energy (frequency) passes through the spinal column, on which the tops of the chakras are located. Each of the 13 frequencies has 20 different manifestations. So, the vital energy is transferred to the chakras, where the corresponding rough adjustment takes place, then finer tuning of the frequencies is carried out in the resonators and then flows through the energy channels through the energy body and goes outside. It is undeniable that the current civilization developed under the influence of the 12/60 rhythm, corresponding to the artificial division of time into intervals of 12 and 60 (12-month year and 60-minute hour). This rhythm, corresponding to the low frequency of vibrations of human DNA, severed the connection between man and nature.
Energy massage allows you to harmonize the energy-vibrational structure of a person, which leads to an expansion of awareness, an increase in the luminosity of the energy body (enlightenment) and, as a natural consequence, to the improvement of the physical body.

Energy massage plays great importance in the restoration of the human body. Thanks to him, conditions are created under which vital energy flows are actively turned on. Which, in turn, turn on the mechanism of self-healing of body parts where this flow has been disturbed.
The goal of any energy massage is to turn on the lifestream, direct energy to every organ and every cell of the body in those vibrations that are necessary for its restoration and operation.
But first of all, it is necessary to remove pollution from all negative energy attacks. Such as the evil eye, corruption, witchcraft, programs, etc., if they exist, and put protection.
Then, the biofield (energy channels) and centers are cleared. All centers are charged. Special, very painstaking work goes on with the meridians. Of course, for maximum benefit from energy massage, the karmic purity of the patient is necessary.

Energy massage is the most vital help to any person who is sick or just tired. All the bodies of the Healer participate in this process, helping each in their own way, the patient, pulling him out of a complex and confusing state, which is called by people - a disease. By streamlining the flow of energy in the physical body and filling each of its cells with it, cleansing the Subtle bodies, the healer returns to the person the forces given by Nature and the Creator for life.

Reiki massage.

REIKI MASSAGE is a therapeutic massage with the effect of invigoration, as well as with the effect of relaxation and rest. Massage is especially recommended for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle (car, computer, business negotiations). The state of stiffness of all muscle groups of the back and legs is removed.
Reiki massage for pain relief various etiologies and is recommended for diseases of the spine, circulatory disorders, decreased tone, insomnia.

The cost of energy massage is 1000 rubles.

Few people know what bioenergetic massage is. Every human body has a physical and energy shell. The physical is flesh and blood, and the energy is a special field called the aura. Holes in the aura contribute to the emergence of various physical illness. In order to restore strength to the energy field, it is necessary to influence the internal centers of our body - the chakras. Each chakra is connected with the organs and main systems of our physical body, but they can be influenced only through the energy meridians that permeate our body. Reiki energy massage relies on the flow of energy and its direction, on the energy of harmony and vibration of the universe, with which you can restore the health of the whole organism.

Strong negative emotions, voltage, frequent stressful situations and any physical damage can weaken the energy shell. The depletion of the aura entails disturbances in the work of the most closely located chakras, because of which health is endangered. With a lack or decline of mental strength, a person becomes vulnerable and faces painful condition organism.

Compared to classic massage hakim is softer. Through the hands of a master healer, contact with energy is established and energy tissues are affected by impulses. During the procedure, Qi energy flows into every point of the body, restoring and awakening vitality. Massage sessions are harmless, because the incoming energy replenishes the amount that the body needs, thanks to which the self-healing process starts.

The effect of massage

After passing the course of massage hakim, the feeling disappears chronic fatigue. Sessions help get rid of pain help cleanse the body of harmful substances and strengthening immune system. The functioning of the internal organs, cells and tissues of the body is restored, and the negative energy disrupting life processes.

They say that after the energy massage procedure, in addition to improved health, a person’s personal life is getting better and the financial situation is stabilizing.

Indications and contraindications

Anyone can visit an energy massage session to nourish their aura and protect the body from various diseases. Also, hakim massage is indicated in the following cases:

  • The patient suffers from pain in the joints, from curvature of the spine;
  • There are violations in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the genitourinary system;
  • The patient suffers from a neurosis;
  • Often a person experiences a state of depression, stress and suffers from insomnia;
  • There are leg diseases, swelling and frequent seizures;
  • A person experiences severe headaches, suffers from noises in the head;
  • There are problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Although the massage procedure does not bring any harm, there are a number of contraindications. Bioenergetic massage is not recommended for:

  • Malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • Acute forms of viral and infectious diseases;
  • Acute diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Any damage to the skin;
  • stock inflammatory processes in the body;
  • ulcers;
  • Pregnancy.

Techniques and methods of the procedure

There are three types of energy massage techniques:

Contact technique involves direct contact of the healer with the client. The massage session begins with soft stroking movements on the body of the person being massaged, after which the master on an intuitive level begins to work out specific parts of the body, running his hands over it. With each minute, the intensity of pressure increases, but the points being worked out are arbitrary. With his consciousness and movements, the specialist passes energy flows through the patient's special channels, which make all organs and systems work to the maximum. They also practice massage with silver ailerons - a special massage prop in the form of an ellipse.

Non-contact technique uses special energy massage techniques, such as "incision" and "punching". With the help of these elements, the specialist influences the bioenergetic points that open the zones through which energy passes further towards the cells of the body. The most significant area in this type of massage technique is the spine.

Mixed media is a mixture of elements from contact and non-contact techniques.

Before the beginning massage procedure the patient needs to relax while lying on the couch. Quite often, relaxation is achieved through appropriate music. Further, the masseur takes such a position that it is possible to see the face of his patient and freely interact with his body. This is necessary so that the healer can establish an energetic connection with the client as quickly as possible.

Next four tight clenched fingers left hand, the masseur draws along the line of the spine so that thumb was at the largest possible angle from the other four. After this movement, the healer taps right hand through left line along spinal column moving your hands up and down. The blows should be light and not painful.

Then the surface of the back is covered with a thin terry towel, after which the massage therapist punches the back with his palms for 2 minutes. The most commonly used technique is to twist the client's hands, reaching his palms to the shoulder blades from the back. If pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped.

An energy facial massage begins only after the client is in a positive mood.

The master first uses the ailerons to apply strokes in a spiral or side to side motion on the top of the face. Further from the line of the forehead, the master moves his hands to the cheeks, stroking them in the direction towards auricles and vice versa. Then the area is worked out from the dimple above upper lip to the corners of the lips. The eyelids are also massaged, starting from the center of the bridge of the nose through the lower eyelid to the upper one. Finishing the procedure, the massage therapist puts aside the ailerons and strokes his chin with his palms.


An important aspect in this technique is visualization. It is necessary to imagine how energy penetrates the body and spreads through energy channels, filling the body with forces. It is important to try to feel these processes at the physical level.

Hakim massage is a complex of methods that contribute to filling the body with vital energy. As a result, the body becomes resistant to various diseases, the harmony of soul and body is achieved, the spiritual level of a person rises.

Many feel the presence of another person even before they are approached. This is because their energy field, or aura, has taken on vibrations from another body. The stronger our health, the stronger and more voluminous our aura. If we are tired or sick, the energy field weakens and narrows. Chakra system - part energy field, so some knowledge about it is useful to the massage therapist. You do not see the chakras, but you influence their work with your touch. It is possible to improve the work of the chakras and strengthen the energy of the biofield as a whole with the help of energy massage. Energy massage will help maintain best form your body and spirit. Energy massage is a combination of energy and physical impact on the human body

Thai massage in clothes

The massage is performed in special clothing without the use of oils, by combining pressure and compression with light machinery stretching in yoga style. This massage awakens the natural energy flows in the body, increases muscle tone, activates nerve cells muscles, helps to revitalize them. Ideal for people with a sedentary lifestyle. This technique combines elements of Ayurveda, yoga, and traditional Chinese medicine. Stretching, stretching and rhythmic breathing warm up the body, and further application of oils enriches and relaxes it. Thanks to the activation of the lymphatic flow, increased blood flow in the internal organs, the processes of removing toxins and toxins from the body are improved.

Acupressure along the meridians

The basic rules of acupressure are associated with ancient ideas about " vital energy"- "chi", according to which "chi" moves along a certain trajectory along invisible meridian channels and provides each organ with "nutrition". Life energy moves from one channel to another, in total there are 12 paired and 2 unpaired channels. Under normal circumstances, when each channel receives a certain amount of vital energy, a person is healthy. As a result of a violation of the “tides” of vital energy, an excess of energy is observed in one part of the body, and a deficiency in another.

Thai aroma massage

An unusually effective mixture of acupressure, manual therapy, muscle massage and tenderness of the masseuse's hands using the most natural oils, based on the juice of tropical fruits and plants. The massage technique includes treating the surface of the patient's body not only with fingers and hands, but also with elbows and forearms. The main method is a variety of strength and intensity of pressure.

Thai herbal massage with pouches

Thai herbal massage pouches - full body massage with hot pouches Thai herbs- one of the best and most popular programs. Such a massage will gently warm up and relax your muscles, "start" the metabolism and improve blood circulation in the tissues, and extracts of miraculous Thai plants will saturate the body with micro and macro elements. This allows the body to better resist diseases, you will feel cheerful and full of energy. Our center uses specially brought bags from Thailand.

Non-contact or in other words - energy massage. What it is?

Each of the massages carries an energy essence.

That is precisely why the massage therapist (if he is really a master) should never start performing a massage in bad condition. This applies not only physical condition, but it is also important that the massage therapist has a good state of spiritual, mental and astral bodies. Along with contact massages, there are also non-contact massages.

Such massages have their supporters and admirers, as well as opponents. Of course, many may say that such a massage is nonsense, that it simply cannot be. You know, I will not impose my opinion on this technique. It’s just that these are actions that everyone feels, but not everyone has a desire to admit it.

Non-contact energy massage was used by many healers. Let's take one of the most famous, like Juna. There are even those who are looking for information on the Internet - "non-contact massage according to Juna."

Let's just remember how many times almost every one of us imagined something in our imagination. Maybe it was a blessing good health, the conquest of an inflexible heart, and anything. Yes, of course, these are just fantasies, but a certain energy is spent on them, and therefore they already have an energy carrier, and although they are invisible, this does not mean that they do not exist.

After all, one of the main directions in Tibetan medicine- this is not a treatment for a specific disease of an organ, but a treatment for the entire system of our body, since malaise is something other than the disharmony of man with nature.

It's not just a procedure. This massage helps improve emotional condition. Such a massage cleanses the energy channels, cleanses and increases the aura, activates the tone of BAP (biologically active points). Thanks to non-contact energy massage, the harmony of the physical body and spirit comes, which naturally has a positive effect on our recovery.

How does non-contact energy massage work?

Regardless of the procedures performed, the effect of such a massage is always aimed at improving general condition, while paying more attention to that organ or state of one of our bodies (this is ethereal, astral, mental, spiritual and physical body). To conduct such a non-contact energy massage, you need a state of complete silence and peace. Music is desirable - relaxation (for relaxation). It can be said that this massage It is a kind of meditation.

Of course, a specialist practicing non-contact massage should understand anatomical structure person, also he must know not just the concepts thin bodies, but also what consequences can be from exposure to them. Knowledge of psychology is also important here, since people with an already shattered body come to non-contact energy massage. nervous system and misbehavior can cause progression in such people, which is not permissible in itself. If you are undergoing a non-contact energy massage session, then it is advisable to undergo an examination by doctors in parallel. This will help to find out about the effectiveness of this massage.

It is desirable to carry out prevention of non-contact energy massage every day with breaks of up to two days for two weeks, then about six days of break, and repeat everything in the same way. This technique allows you to be in a state of contact with the body.

For example, while practicing, I came to the study of non-contact energy massage through the knowledge of cosmic energy. This helps me in diagnosing and conducting Tibetan acupressure sessions to more accurately determine the state of certain points and the meridians associated with them. Since the sensations in non-contact energy massage are transmitted through the tactile pathway, sometimes there is a feeling of warmth transferred to the fingertips, and sometimes there is a tingling sensation. The work is carried out until you get a feeling of movement of pure energy in the place where the massage was performed, after that the work goes acupressure and you get complete picture actions taken.

When only non-contact energy massage is done, the patient has different sensations. Someone has a pleasant heaviness in the whole body, there is a feeling of fullness in the hands. It happens that the patient, if the massage is performed while standing, begins to swing. Any such manifestation is something other than the impact of energy flows.

I had to conduct non-contact energy massages, and I observed all this in my patients. Whatever skeptics say about this technique, it works and brings very good results.

Of course, and non-contact massage has its contraindications.

This technique of energy massage is undesirable to apply:

  • During pregnancy
  • If the masseur himself is unwell
  • The inability of the massage therapist to cut off negative energy
  • There is no proper experience from the massage therapist (before conducting such a massage, the massage therapist must have good training)
  • If the patient did not give his consent to such a massage

And in conclusion, I will give advice!

Such massages are usually practiced various kinds healers, psychics, magicians and witches, healers of various ranks. Not all of them, of course, are charlatans, but still be careful, do not trust your energy bodies untested people, it can damage your health.

Energy massage is a simple and proven way to bring happiness, harmony and strength into your life. By awakening the inner energies, you are doing much more than it seems at first glance. The world around you is starting to change! These changes are wonderful and amazing. They return the mood of a miracle even to the sleeping area of ​​a gray metropolis, awaken the beauty sleeping inside, strength and the desire to create. And then, this process incredibly pleasant and simple.

Step 1. Goal setting

If you do energy massage “just like that”, then the whole process will go “just like that”. Therefore, start each lesson with setting goals. Goals can be very diverse, tailored to your mood and situation. For example, they might sound like this:

- Returning a sense of "fluidity" and harmony in your life

- Miracles, I wish miracles and movement! Exit from vicious circle where i am now

- Safety. I return the strength that my fears take from me and the Gods will now grant me their protection

- Love. I awaken love in myself and for myself

- Strength. I awaken and receive great power which is given to me by the gods about birth

Start with general harmonizing goals, and then move on to situational ones, so you will change your life more harmoniously. For example, first spend a couple of sessions in order to return love to yourself and harmony with the world, and then proceed to throw off extra pounds. Yes, energy massage is capable of this!

Step 2. Activating the hands

In energy massage, our main tool is the hands. Therefore, they must be put in order before the session.

- wash your hands and dry them well

- rub your palms together to create a sensation of warmth and tingling

- use your index and middle fingers to "scrape" the stagnant energy from each of the fingers. To do this, hold the finger to be cleaned with the second phalanges of the index and middle and sudden movement with pressing "reset" the energy.

- imagine that from your index finger strikes a ray of energy. Move this ray along each of your fingers. Feel a light touch and "tickle". These sensations, at first almost imperceptible, will intensify from time to time. This is how the sensitivity of the hands to energy develops. Approximately the same process in the end you will do during the massage.

- put your palms opposite each other at a distance of 20-25 cm. Feel / imagine that a ball of energy is sandwiched between it. Power, as if beats from your palms and forms a sphere. Hold it for a while, transfer it from one hand to the other. Feel its density, color, texture, and then change it to your own. I love to work with golden fluffy light, it has proven itself very well.

Even if the feeling of the ball is barely perceptible and disappears (and this will happen all the time), just know that this ball is there! It cannot be! Indeed, for such a talented and strong sorceress / wizard like you, it cannot be otherwise ... it's just that today the ball is shy, secretive, but no less effective. Within a week, you will notice noticeable shifts in visualization, sensation and energy control.

Step 3. Appeal to the world for protection

You, in principle, can do energy massage on your inner resource. As long as you work with yourself, it doesn't matter. But when working with others, it is highly discouraged to use your energy. Therefore, do not be shy and turn to the world and the Gods for protection. Moreover, they are extremely interested in your growth and development. And don't doubt it! You are their children! And parents are always ready to help children in their development. Sometimes you just have to ask. Here are some options:

Meditate on the image of God or Goddess. Ask for their help in achieving your goal. You can evoke those images that you are used to working with, or ask to come in the incarnation that you need right now. Don't worry, the Great Ones will hear your intent and respond, even if their response is almost imperceptible.

If you prefer to work with Reiki, Cosmic Rays, Violet Flame, or another bioenergy tradition, then tune in to the appropriate power.

- Feel the world around: air, birdsong, wind, sunlight, clouds, trees, sounds...expand your perception until you begin to feel the world around you. His mood, strength, power. Turn to the world for strength and he will definitely share it with you. Or rather, you just stop resisting and draw from the ocean of energy that surrounds you.

Step 4. Clearing the Energy Channels

This is where the massage begins. The previous steps, despite the fact that a lot of text has been spent on them, take at most 10 minutes, but they are necessary so that the remaining time can be spent most efficiently.

So, the algorithm of actions this technique in massage is extremely simple.

- form an energy ball, filling it with the desired intention of color, density and texture. For example, if you are working to return love to yourself, then your ball will be filled with this desire! Gradually, the sensation of color, texture, and density will come, but you should start with the mood and intention.

- lift it above your head and lower it "to the top of your head." Guide the ball with the palm of your hand down to the coccyx. At the same time, try to feel its movement along the energy channel. Each of these feelings are individual. Personally, I feel a slight itch.

- as you move, visualize/know that the ball takes all the clamps, blocks and dirt into itself. It is like Mr. Muscle for a pipe cleaner: it removes blockages and allows energy to flow freely. Or like sticky tape: it collects dust and leaves behind a clean and free space. In general, the images are arbitrary, the main thing is to strive to feel and be involved in the process.

- at the end of the movement, “pull out” the ball from the body in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coccyx and discard it along with the dirt. But it is important not only to shake it off your hand, but also to give direction. For example, feel how it flies into a bottomless abyss or falls straight into a radiant flame where it quickly burns out.

- repeat the process. First, slide the ball down three times, then up three times.

- proceed to cleansing other channels: from the crown to the left and right palm; from crown to feet; from the palm to the foot of the same name; from one palm to another; from one foot to another; from palm to opposite foot.

NOTE!!! Cleansing should take place with love, harmony and blessing. It is these feelings that contribute to the movement of energy and its development. IN NO EVENT do not try to cruelly get even with energy clamps for your failures. So you will achieve the opposite result.

Step 5. Energy scratches

So, you have cleared large energy channels, but besides them there are still very small, almost imperceptible ones. But no less important! If large channels can be compared with veins and arteries, then small ones can be compared with capillaries. It is through them that power is delivered to every cell of your body. The ball will not help here, because there are a lot of channels and you will not have enough time to go through all of them. So let's change tactics.

- Feel how your hands are wrapped in a dense radiance. This glow is like a glove with claws on the end... or a cat's paw... or a hair comb... after all, a back scratcher!

— Start scratching yourself with this comb. And not only the surface of the skin, but also inside! Comb through your arms, legs, internal organs, head, bones ... every cell.

- During scratching, you can feel as if the energy dirt and dust rolls into lumps, just as it happens if you run a wet hand over the carpet. "Comb" these lumps out of yourself and drop them through your arms or legs.

Step 6. Energetic Strokes

At this point, not only your hands are already active, but your whole body. You've brushed and combed your energy so it's practically on fire! Now let's "smooth" it so that nothing superfluous sticks.

- Feel that your hands are surrounded by a soft elastic glow.

- Start moving your hands at some distance from the body, stroking, massaging, calming and harmonizing your energy. The sensations caused by such strokes are pleasant, so enjoy them to the fullest.

Step 7. Free work

During the previous steps, you may have noticed areas that need special attention. Somewhere the energy can be felt too hot, and somewhere cold, dark, prickly, sticky... Again, the sensations are extremely individual.

Usually by this moment you are already deeply in an altered state of consciousness and the body itself will tell you what to do. Just listen to his advice and get to work! Do you want to hold your hands on a sore tummy and fill it with a warm glow? Scoop out the stagnant dirt from the liver and throw it away? Unwind the "sleeping" chakra so that the whistle in the ears stands? Do whatever you want! So you will learn to hear your body, become one with it and find in it a valuable ally, and not just a “suit for the soul”.

Step 8: Pumping and Patting

At the end of the massage, it is very useful to strengthen your energy.

Lightly fan your body with energy. The movement is as if you want to scoop up some air and put it into your body. In fact, with your intention, you create a flow that begins to fill your body.

- When you "fan" the whole body, start rhythmic patting, as if trying to make a snowman. This patting will condense the energy a little, delay fresh forces until they are completely absorbed by the body and strengthen the natural defenses.

Step 9. Blessings and thanks

Ask the power you called for blessings in all your deeds and undertakings. And Special attention focus on the goal that was set at the beginning. Improvise! After all, no one knows your desires better than you. For example, you can say:

“Goddess, fill my life with your love and blessings, let it be saturated, active, joyful and abundant. And your strength, in harmony and joy, beat me from excess weight bringing my body to harmony and lightness"

Feel how the blessing fills you and all the space around, then thank the called forces and finish the massage.

Step 10 Bringing Yourself Back to Reality

During the massage, you can practically “fly away”. Time after time, the altered state of consciousness will take you deeper and deeper, making the impact more and more effective. Therefore, pay attention to returning to reality, because. if you immediately do household chores, then this can be a real blow to the psyche and energy.

- If you did a massage before going to bed, then you probably want to go to the realm of Morpheus immediately. Take advantage of this desire. Sleep itself is ASC, so the work you have started will continue all night until morning.

- If you have time, then just lie down in bed, or sit comfortably in a chair. "Hang" for the time. By the way, do not limit yourself, it is especially pleasant to “hang out” with a mug fragrant tea and a cookie. At some point, the body will give a signal that it is ready for further action.

- You can vigorously clasp your body with your palms and rub it well. This method will bring you back to reality fairly quickly, but don't abuse it. Long exits are much more useful for energy.

The time it takes to perform this magic is extremely individual. But rarely when the session exceeds an hour. But the results will not keep you waiting! They usually show up the next day. And with daily practice, you will find such visible and significant shifts in all areas of your life that you will not be dragged with your ears from massaging yourself loved ones.

In addition, the technique presented here is great for working with other people. Feel free to pester your girlfriends and relatives with offers to do an energy massage! They will very soon appreciate the result and will themselves ask to bewitched over them. And seeing that your skills are objective, you will gain confidence in yourself and your art. And such confidence will make any ritual and conspiracy a thousand times more effective and stronger.

ATTENTION!!! At the end of the massage, avoid cold for an hour or two. No walks through the winter forest or contrast showers! Hardening is extremely useful, but this is not the time when it should be done.

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