Which celebrity was born on February 5th. Full eastern horoscope by year

According to Orthodox tradition, during Holy Baptism, a person is given a church name, along with which an angel appears, a heavenly patron - the saint in whose honor the person was named. And the day when the memory of this saint is celebrated will be the name day of the person. This day is one of the main holidays for an Orthodox Christian. People call the name day the day of the angel, although in fact the day of the angel and the name day are different concepts.

All the names of saints can be found in the Saints - a special list of saints venerated by the Orthodox Church. When choosing a church name, most often they choose the saint who is revered on the date following the person.

What date is the day of the angel Alexei?

Let's find out what date the day of the Angel or the name day of Alexei is celebrated.

The name Alexei in Greek means "protector", "protector". According to the church calendar, the name day of Alexei falls on several days a year: on February 25, St. Alexy, the wonderworker of all Russia, is venerated, on March 30 - the man of God, the Monk Alexy, on 22 - Alexy of Constantinople, a martyr, on October 11 - Alexy of the Caves, a recluse of the Near Caves, on December 6 - the day of memory of Alexy Nevsky, the right-believing prince.

The most revered among the people was the man of God Alexy. According to legend, he was born into a wealthy Roman family. In his youth, he left his parents and fiancee and decided to devote himself to the service of God. For many years he lived as a hermit, praying and eating only bread and water. After death, his relics brought healing to sick people.

Alexey is most often an active, courageous person who takes on any job. He may enjoy playing music, playing in the theater or cinema. He loves his loved ones and always seeks to protect them. All Alekseys are calm, conscientious and reliable.

When, according to the church calendar, is the name day of Alexei: March 30 - Alexy, man of God; August 22 - Alexy of Constantinople, martyr; October 11 - Alexy Pechersky, a recluse in the Near (Antoniev) caves.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Alexei:

From the ancient Greek language - protecting, protecting. It is possible that it comes from the name of the Greek hero Ales, the son of a priest-soothsayer (the prototype of Alyosha Popovich). Compliant, serious. Often sick in early childhood. He grows up focused, a little obsessed. Thinks abstractly, speaks persuasively. A good artist, sculptor, orator. Outwardly similar to his father, in character to his mother. Sexy. He likes to talk about his adventures, however, more about fictional than real.

Aleksei seems to be deprived of a cover that separates him from the outside world, he is not very united in himself ... Aleksey is a curl of the world and for at least temporary stability he is certainly thought to be leaning against something or someone, and without this external attachment to a place there will certainly be carried away by no one knows where, no one knows what winds

Alexei's name day should be celebrated cheerfully, and it is imperative to congratulate the birthday man.

Congratulations on the birthday of Alexei:

Do not forget to celebrate the name day of Alexei and congratulate Alexei on the day of the angel.

Alexey, Happy Angel Day to you!

Congratulations on a good holiday,

After all, you can’t forget about the name day,

I wish you from myself:

Clear skies and sunny days

Kind, sympathetic, true friends,

In the house - prosperity, comfort always,

Don't let trouble knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family - understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Alexei has a name day today,

What faithful friends congratulate

Among which are brave men,

Not some kid.

And therefore we wish Alexei

Be strong, brave and simple

To go to the breach, not shy,

And he was younger.

Defender of the weak - Alex!

He is known throughout Russia.

He is a hero and a giant,

You, Lesha, look like him,

You will save us all from evil and trouble!

you on your birthday

We are not too lazy to congratulate!

Alexei is an ancient male given name that originates in Ancient Greece. Translated into Russian, this proper name means “protector”, “guard” or “protector”. The most revered in the Orthodox faith is the man of God Alexy, who devoted his whole life to serving the Lord and a righteous life. It is known that this historical character was born into the family of a wealthy merchant, however, at a fairly young age he left home, leaving all the blessings of the earth there, and began to profess Christianity.

  • Lyosha.
  • Lyokha.
  • Alyosha.
  • Alik.
  • Lexa.

Name characteristic

By the nature of inheritance, Lyosha usually outwardly resembles his mother, but in character they follow his father. From an early age, the owners of this name are defenders of the weak and fighters for justice. Despite the fact that Lyosha are not authoritative leaders and ringleaders in the children's hierarchy in the yard or at school, the most self-confident children often turn to him for advice.

Character traits that are inherent in Alexei:

  • activity;
  • will;
  • the ability to soberly assess one's strengths;
  • having one's own opinion;
  • diligence;
  • passion.

On the subtle plane of energies, male protectors have a sharp intuition and developed imagination. Alyosha are creative people, and if they choose a professional activity related to art, then the world can get new outstanding artists, writers or poets.

Since Leshas are addicted and bring things to the end, they just need to find and occupy their niche in the professional field. Possessing the nature of a peacemaker, Alexey tries to reconcile everyone around him and smooth out sharp corners.

Often, the representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, are lost in the shadow of their colleagues because of their calm and complaisant disposition. This fact can be traced even in Russian epics and legends about heroes. Everyone knows Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Despite the fact that the last hero “did not climb into his pocket” for courage and accomplished many feats of arms, he is always perceived and perceived as an addition to the first two partner heroes. So it is in real life: Lyosha is always lost against the background of the rest.

Alexei is known to be sensitive to his own failures and criticism. When his business fails, he tries to escape from the world of reality into the world of illusions and fantasies. He will always justify his misdeeds, for which he can be criticized by others and close people, and come up with a thousand ways to avoid such reproach.

Relationships with women

Alyosha is picky with women. This man will choose a clean and tidy girl as his wife, somewhat reminiscent of his mother. Seeing his wife with disheveled hair or in a dirty dressing gown, Lyosha will not betray his dissatisfaction with words, but with his whole appearance will make it clear that he is unpleasant. Men of this name do not like to change sexual partners often, this is due to their innate disgust and cleanliness.

In intimate terms, Lyosha is quite clamped and shy. However, sometimes they find inspiration, and then they show themselves in all their glory and do things that were previously unusual for them. If, sexually, the bearer of this name does not succeed with his partner, then Alexey does not get upset, but, on the contrary, tries to improve and hone a complex and problematic element. Men of this name prefer women a little older and more experienced, but not devoid of tenderness and understanding.

In family life, Alexey is a loving and caring husband and father. He is not jealous and completely trusts his life partner, but because of this quality, Lyosha often leads the weaker sex by the nose for a long time.

Such women are compatible with Alexei as:

  • Alina.
  • Anastasia.
  • Anna.
  • Daria.
  • Lyudmila.
  • Sophia.
  • Tatiana.

Lesha are good friends and are always ready to listen and support a loved one. However, they do not tolerate direct pressure on themselves and their own opinions. Summer representatives of this name are easy to communicate, but winter ones are more reserved and closed.

Astrology and the Church

According to astrological interpretations, the gas giant Jupiter is considered the patron planet of Alexei, but Libra is the ideal zodiac sign that fully corresponds to this name. Star experts consider red and all shades of light green to be the color of the name.

Like any Orthodox name, Alexei has his own day of an angel or holy name day of the patron, they are also called "small name days". There are celebrations of the days of memory of saints bearing this name in 11 out of 12 calendar months. The only time or "month of rest" is the January calendar period. The name day named after Alexei according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on the following dates:

  • December 26;
  • February 17;
  • March 8;
  • April 5;
  • 4 and 7 May;
  • 2 June;
  • 4th of July;
  • August 11 and 26;
  • 12-th of September;
  • 29th of October;
  • 11 and 13 November.

In order to find out how many name days Alexei has, you need to look into the Saints: the date that will be closest to the day the bearer of this name is born, and will be his “small name day” or the day of St. Alexei.

Do not confuse the day of the angel with the day of the patron or, as it is now fashionable to say, the name day of the name. Each person has 2 patrons, one of which is his Guardian Angel, given to him at birth, and the second is a patron saint named Alexei.

Veneration of Saint Alexis

The Church recommends spending the day of the patron saint with family and friends away from the hustle and bustle. On this day, you should not drink alcohol in large doses and it is better to go to church in the morning for confession and communion. If you still want to set the table and invite guests, then it is better to do this in a calm atmosphere and sincere communication. It is customary to give gifts for a name day, however, they should be more religious in nature.

On the name day and angel's day, Alexei should read a prayer to his saint Alexy and mentally or aloud thank him for everything. It is recommended to contact the heavenly patron as often as possible and communicate with him. It is believed that the more often he is remembered, the more often he fulfills the requests of his ward. For greater unity and harmony with your patron saint, it is recommended to study his life and deeds. It is believed that in this way a person will understand more of the one whose name he bears.

The icon of the patron saint Alexy - the man of God - looks different. It can depict the Monk Alexy in simple attire and barefoot, communicating with God in heaven. And also the icon of the patron saint can display him in adulthood with gray hair and in expensive church attire. In his left hand he holds an open book with many bookmarks. The right hand of the man of God is raised up and indicates attention and concentration.

Any human name is beautiful and requires respect. Do not forget that a person is a person. When choosing a name, one must think about its meaning and study the essence in order to provide its owner with a decent life in the future.


The story of St. Alexis is known only from hagiographic literature. The oldest text of the life (in which Alexy dies in Edessa) was written in Syria on the basis of oral tradition in the second half of the 5th - early 6th centuries. Around the 9th century, a Greek version of the life appears, in which Alexy returns to Rome.

According to the life, Alexy was born into a noble Roman family. His parents Senator Euthymian and Aglaida were devout Christians who helped the destitute and needy. For their son, the parents chose a bride from a noble family. On the night after the betrothal, Alexy, left alone with his bride, gave her a belt buckle and a wedding ring, saying: “Keep this, and may the Lord be between you and me until he renews us with His grace.” After that, he left his native home and sailed on a ship to the East.

After arriving in Syrian Laodicea (now Latakia in Syria), Alexy joined the muleteers and got with them to Edessa (now Sanliurfa in Turkey). Here Alexy distributed the rest of the property, dressed in rags and began to beg. For the next seventeen years, Alexy lived in charity, ate only bread and water, and spent all his nights in vigil and prayer. Over the years, the saint changed so much outwardly that the servants sent by his parents to search for his missing son and who visited Edessa, among other things, gave him alms, but did not recognize him.

After seventeen years of asceticism, the rumor about the holiness of Alexis spread widely throughout Syria. Moreover, the Most Holy Theotokos herself pointed to Alexy as a saint to the Edessa church watchman. From the revered miraculous icon of the Mother of God (later called the Madonna di Sant'Alessio), a voice was heard at night, calling Alexy a man of God. This went on for several nights in a row. Embarrassed by the nationwide respect shown to him, Alexy secretly fled from Edessa, intending to cross by ship to Tarsus. But the ship got into a storm and after many days was washed up on the Italian shores.

Alexy, who was not recognized by anyone, returned to Rome and came to his home. His parents did not recognize their son, but allowed him to stay in their home. Alexy lived in a closet under the stairs, and a servant was assigned to him, who was ordered to feed the wanderer with food from the master's table. The rest of the servants, out of jealousy, surreptitiously insulted Alexy, but he accepted the insults with humility. Living in a rich house, Alexy continued to be in constant fasting and prayerful vigil. The most difficult test for the saint was to hear the sobs of his mother and bride, who continued to mourn him. So another seventeen years passed.

Fresco "Life of St. Alexius" (XI century) in the lower part of the Basilica of St. Clement in Rome

In 411 or 417, during the Sunday liturgy in St. Peter's Cathedral, the voice of God indicated to those praying: "Seek the man of God, so that he would pray for Rome and all his people." On the following Thursday, the same voice pointed out to the people: "There is a man of God in the house of Euthymian; look there." Emperor Honorius and Pope Innocent I asked Euthymian in vain - he did not know anything about the righteous living in his house. And only then the servant assigned to Alexy told Euthymian about Alexy's asceticism.

Evfimian, hurriedly returning to his house, did not find Alexy alive. The face of the deceased shone, and in his hand he had a scroll. In vain did Euthymian and the family try to take the scroll from the hands of the saint. Only when Pope Innocent I, who arrived at the house, asked the saint for permission to read the scroll, Alexy's hand unclenched. From the scroll, those present learned who the man of God really was.

The body of Alexy was put up for parting in the square, and numerous healings took place at his coffin. The pope and the emperor personally carried the body of the saint in a funeral procession and buried him in the church of St. Boniface on the Aventine Hill.

Veneration of Saint Alexis

The story of St. Alexis became widespread in the Orthodox East. The first mention of a man of God (so far unnamed), who lived in alms in Edessa under Bishop Rabbul (412-435) and who later turned out to be from a noble Roman family, is found already in the 5th century in Syrian sources. Until the 9th century inclusive, the veneration of St. Alexis spreads first throughout Syria, and from there throughout the Byzantine Empire. Starting from the 10th century, the name of St. Alexius appears in the Roman calendar.

The emergence of the cult of St. Alexis in the Christian West is associated with the arrival in Rome of Syrian clerics who were forced to flee from Muslim oppression. In 977, the Church of St. Boniface was transferred by Pope Benedict VII to Metropolitan Sergius of Damascus. Sergius founded a monastery at the church for monks of both the Greek and Latin rites. The monastery that arose became famous as the "Cloister of the Saints", in subsequent centuries the monastery became one of the centers of piety, and its inhabitants carried out missionary work in Eastern Europe. The most famous native of this monastery was St. Adalbert of Prague.

The main altar of the Basilica of Saints Boniface and Alexius with the relics of these saints

In 1216, the relics of St. Alexis were uncovered and placed under the main altar of the church on the Aventine Hill. Since 986, the church itself began to be called in honor of two saints - Boniface and Alexy. The relics of St. Alexis were divided: the head is in the Greek monastery of St. Lavra near the city of Kalavryta in Greece (according to legend, it was donated to the monastery by Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos), in the Novgorod Cathedral of St. Sophia, the hand of the saint was kept, stolen, according to the legend of the 17th century, from Rome by a Novgorod merchant. Particles are being separated from the relics at the present time: for example, in 2006, a particle of the relics of St. Alexis was donated from Italy to the John the Baptist Monastery.

Since 2018, a silver reliquary with a large particle of the relics (cubit) of St. Alexis, the man of God has been kept in the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra (in ancient times, this particle of relics was kept in Rome, in the 18th century it was transferred to one of the monasteries of France). For worship, it is brought to the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

Most likely, thanks to the numerous missionaries and preachers who left the "Convent of the Saints", the life of St. Alexis became widely known in Western Europe. Thibaut of Champagne's poem about Saint Alexis is the first work written in the Languedoyl dialect of French. The life of St. Alexis is told in "Legenda aurea" ("Golden Legend") and "Vita dei Patri" - valuable hagiographic sources of the 13th century. In 1632, an opera about the life of St. Alexis was staged at the Palazzo Barberini to music by Stefano Landi and a libretto by Giulio Rospigliosi (the future Clement IX). In 1710, Camille de Rossi wrote an oratorio on the same subject.

The life of St. Alexis was a very popular subject for ecclesiastical art in Italy. The earliest known fresco is the Life of Saint Alexis in the Basilica of Saint Clement in Rome. This fresco depicts the events of the last years of the saint's life: the return to Rome and the meeting with his father; the deceased Alexis with a charter in his hand; Pope Innocent I implores the saint to unclench his hand; relatives recognize the deceased as their son.

From Byzantium, the veneration of St. Alexis the Man of God passed to Russia, where the life of this saint was one of the most widely read. A cantata by Rimsky-Korsakov is dedicated to Saint Alexy. In Alexander Radishchev's Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow (1790), the story of Alexy is told in the song of a blind soldier who begs for alms in the city of Klin near Moscow.

Since 1890, Saint Alexy has been the heavenly patron of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army.


Mary of Egypt and Alexis, the man of God
(icon by royal painters, 17th century)

Presumably the earliest (8th century) image of St. Alexis is preserved on a fresco in the crypt of the Basilica of Saints Boniface and Alexius on the Aventine Hill in Rome. In Russian icon-painting originals, the similarity of the image of Alexy with John the Baptist is noted:

... in the image, beard and hair like John the Baptist, the robe is one green wild, beggarly rags, holds his hands to his heart; Inde writes: in his left hand is a scroll, and in it is written a sitz: “Behold, leave your father and mother, wife and clan, and others, villages and estates.”

In the murals of Orthodox churches, the image of St. Alexis was usually placed in narthexes among the saints, ascetics and ascetics. In Russian icon painting, images of St. Alexis often have a patronal character. This was especially pronounced in the middle - second half of the 17th century, since Saint Alexy was the heavenly patron of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During this period, he was often depicted together with the Monk Mary of Egypt (the first wife of the Tsar, Maria Miloslavskaya, was named in her honor) or with the martyr Natalya (heavenly patroness of the second wife of the Tsar, Natalya Naryshkina).

European art is characterized mainly by separate scenes from the life of St. Alexis (for example, on the frescoes of the 11th century in the church of San Clemente in Rome, in miniatures of manuscripts of the 12th century). The most commonly depicted were maidservants pouring dirty water on a saint dressed as a beggar, or a pope kneeling before Alexis on his deathbed. This tradition can be traced in the stained-glass windows and frescoes of the 14th-15th centuries and in the engravings of the 16th-18th centuries.


Alexis man of God
(Orthodox icon)

In the East, the early texts of the service to St. Alexis are known from the Typicon of the Great Church (X century), the Stish Prologue (XI century), and the Studian-Alexian Typicon (1034). In Western sources: the Messinian Typicon of 1131 and the Evergetid Typicon (the first half of the 12th century) there is an indication of the service to Alexy with Alleluia, and if the celebration coincides with Saturday or Sunday, they sing stichera, sedals and read the life.

Orthodox hymnography
Troparion, tone 4 Rising up to virtue and clearing your mind, you have reached the Desired and Extreme, having adorned your life with dispassion, and we will perceive a fair amount of fasting with a clean conscience, in prayers, as if incorporeal, staying, you shone, like the sun, in the world, blessed Alexis.
Like purity, the lamp brightened up, wondrous Alexis, for the corruptible chamber changed to the incorruptible Kingdom of God, like a worker of chastity is beyond measure. For this sake, stand before the Lord, the King of all. Pray him to grant us peace and great mercy.
Kontakion, tone 2 The house of your parents, as if alien, having, settled in it in a poor manner and after the death of the crown, the reception of glory, wondrous on earth appeared thou, Alexis, a man of God, an angel and a man of joy.

At present, the Orthodox Church uses the service to St. Alexis, contained in the menaias of the studio edition, and the canon to the saint, compiled by St. Joseph the Songwriter.

Modern view of the Catholic Church

In the course of the liturgical reform undertaken after the Second Vatican Council, the feast of St. Alexis the Man of God was excluded from the new edition of the General Roman Calendar (1969). Thus, the commemoration of St. Alexis on July 17 at Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours is no longer obligatory for all dioceses of the Catholic Church, it is performed only in countries and monastic orders associated with the saint. In the Catholic order of the Alexians, whose patron saint is Saint Alexis, his memory is celebrated with special solemnity. The basis for exclusion from the General Calendar was the legendary nature of his life, which is not confirmed by modern sources. In the Catholic Encyclopedia, the life of St. Alexis is described, but with the comment: “Probably the only basis for this story is that a certain pious ascetic lived in Edessa as a beggar and was subsequently revered as a saint.”

Saint Alexis is the patron saint of the Catholic order of the Alexians (or Cellites), which arose in Europe in the 14th century to help the sick (especially the mentally ill) and fight plague epidemics. According to the Annuario Pontificio for 1997, there were 124 people in the order.


In honor of Alexy, the man of God, were named:

  • Alekseevka is a district of the city of Kharkov and the source of the same name.
  • The Alekseevsky Starodevichi Monastery in Moscow is a non-preserved Orthodox convent, located on the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. During the construction of the temple, it was moved to Krasnoe Selo.
  • The Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery is an Orthodox monastery located on the territory of Moscow, in Krasnoye Selo.
  • The Bogoroditse-Alekseevsky Monastery is an active Orthodox monastery in Tomsk.
  • The Temple of Alexy, the Man of God, in Krasnoye Selo is a functioning Orthodox Church of the Epiphany Deanery of the Moscow City Diocese. Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The temple is located in the Krasnoselsky district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow (2nd Krasnoselsky lane, 3).
  • Temple of the Monk Alexy, the Man of God (Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad District, Khotkovo, Gorbunovskaya Street, 42).
  • Church of Alexy, the man of God, in Kostroma.
  • Temple in the name of the Monk Alexy, the man of God (Voronezh, Zheleznodorozhny district, Repnoye village).
  • Church of the Monk Alexy, the man of God from the field (Pskov, Sovetskaya street, 100).
  • Alekseevsky monastery in the village of Zolotukhino, Kursk region.
  • Alekseevskaya fair in Kotelnich, Kirov region.
  • St. Alekseevskaya hermitage - Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district.
  • Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra, St. Alekseevsky cave temple in the monastery caves.
  • Church of Alexy, the man of God, in the village of Klyuchi, Klyuchevskiy district, Altai Territory
  • Church of the Monk Alexy, the Man of God, in Kharkov (Klochkovskaya Street, 317/319).
  • Church in the name of St. Alexis, the man of God, in Odessa (Alekseevskaya Square, 19a).
  • Church in honor of the righteous Alexy, the man of God, in Yadrin (50 years of October street, 71e).
  • Church of St. Alexei, the Man of God, in Bugaevka (Ostrovsky Street, 2a)
  • Temple of St. Alexis, the Man of God, in Marcien, Latvia
  • Church of Alexy, the man of God, in Shuya.
  • Church of Alexy the Man of God - the patron saint of the Ussuri Cossack army in the village of Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai.

Name day of Alexei according to the church calendar

Alexy - name of Greek origin, translated as "protect", "reflect", "prevent"

Name day, the day of the Angel at Alekseev: March 30 - the day of memory of the Monk Alexy, the man of God

Venerable Alexy, man of God (late 4th - early 5th centuries)

The Monk Alexis was born in Rome into a noble, pious Christian family. From the age of six, the future saint began to study secular sciences. At the same time, the Holy Scriptures attracted his special attention. Such an interest in the Word of God was decisively reflected in his subsequent fate.

From adolescence, Alexy began to lead a strict Christian life: he regularly fasted, distributed alms, and wore coarse fabric under expensive clothes. When he came of age, his parents decided to marry him. The saint even then dreamed of preserving his virginity in imitation of Christ.

However, not daring to contradict the wishes of his parents, Alexy agreed to the marriage.

After the wedding celebrations were over, the saint, being alone with his wife, handed her the wedding ring with the words: "Keep it, and may the Lord be with us, arranging a new life for us with His grace."

That same night, he secretly left the city and went by ship to Edessa (a city in modern Turkey). Here he distributed all his money to the needy and himself began to beg around the church.

Bread and water made up his daily diet, and all the money that was donated to him, he distributed to the urban poor.

Meanwhile, the parents searched everywhere for their missing son. Their servants also visited Edessa, where they saw Alexy on the porch near the temple, but did not recognize him and returned to the master with nothing. The saint's mother and wife mourned the missing man for a long time.

For 17 years the monk lived in the city. One day something extraordinary happened. To the sexton, who served in the church where St. Alexis was begging, there was a voice from the Most Holy Theotokos: “Bring into My church a man of God, worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; his prayer ascends to God like a fragrant censer, and the Holy Spirit rests on him.”

It was revealed to him that this man was a beggar who had been living on the street near the temple for many years. The sexton immediately carried out the order. The miraculous event attracted many people who, having learned about the holy life of Alexy, wanted to see the righteous man with their own eyes. The monk, frightened by such close attention, hurriedly boarded the ship and left the city forever.

The storm brought his ship to the shores of his native Italy. He ended up in Rome, where, as a beggar, he settled at the house of his father. The parent did not recognize his son and ordered the servants to bring the wanderer food from his table. So many years the saint spent under the windows of his parents, who mourned their missing son, not suspecting that he was very close by.

All this time, Alexy meekly endured ridicule and insults from the servants.

Repose of Saint Alexis. book miniature

Feeling the approach of death, Alexy got a charter (paper) and, having described his whole life on it, asked his parents and wife for forgiveness for everything.

On the same day, during the Sunday solemn liturgy, which was attended by the emperor himself, all those in the temple clearly heard a voice that came from the altar: “Seek the man of God, so that he prays for Rome and all his people.” For three days Christians prayed that the name of this righteous man would be revealed. Finally, on Thursday, the audience heard: "Look for the man of God in the house of Euthymian."

They found Saint Alexis already dead. The bishop read everything that was written in the saint's farewell letter. Then the mother, father and wife of Alexy bowed to him with tears. The relics of the monk were solemnly buried in the church of St. Boniface.

Other famous saints named Alexis:

Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, Wonderworker

(between 1292-1305-1378)

Born into a boyar family. He was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Russia by the Patriarch of Constantinople. Possessing a deep mind, the saint was in fact the head of the then growing Moscow principality.

The saint not only pursued a skillful diplomatic policy, but also did much to strengthen the future capital. In particular, he initiated the construction of the Moscow Kremlin. He enjoyed special favor in the Horde after he healed the Khan's wife from blindness.

The relics of St. Alexei rest in Moscow, in the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo.

Holy Righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev)

Born in the family of the choir director of the Chudov Monastery. In March 1893 he was appointed priest of the church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki. Here he remained abbot until his death. At first, there were no parishioners in the church, so the priest served alone every day.

However, gradually the believers of Moscow learned about his righteous life, and soon one of the most famous communities in the city developed around Father Alexy. The saint took the death of his wife very hard, but he managed to find strength in himself and continued his ministry. He became one of the most famous and revered confessors in Russia.

In 2001, the relics of Righteous Alexy were found and transferred to the temple, where he served all his life.

Hieromartyr Alexy (Nechaev)

Born into a priestly family. After graduating from the seminary, he served in his native Tver province until 1929. It so happened that the authorities demanded that he pay an arbitrary tax in such an amount that even if the priest sold all his property, he would not have enough money.

For this, Father Alexy was sentenced to three years in prison. After his release, the saint continued his ministry, but in 1937 he again appeared before the court. According to the traditions of the time, he was charged with "counter-revolutionary anti-Soviet agitation." On November 27, Father Alexy was shot.

His canonization took place in 2000.

1. Church, Orthodox name Alex

Alexey and Alexy are the same name, Alexy is the Church Slavonic version of the name Alex.

2. The earliest depiction of a saint

In the crypt (an underground vaulted room under the altar of the temple) of the Basilica of Saints Boniface and Alexius on the Aventine Hill in Rome, presumably dates from the 8th century.

3. The life of St. Alexis, the man of God, was very popular in Western Europe

Thus, Count Thibaut of Champagne (1201–1253), a French poet, wrote a poem in which he for the first time outlined the exploits of the saint in Old French.

4. In Russia, the life of St. Alexis

It was one of the most read.

5. Composer Rimsky-Korsakov created a piece of music

Cantata for choir and orchestra on the spiritual verse "Alexei the God's Man".

6. Saint Alexis - patron of the subway

On March 1, 2014, at an official meeting with employees of the Moscow Metro, Patriarch Kirill declared St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the patron saint of the metro.

When is the name day of Alexei according to the church calendar: by months. Congratulations on the name day

Alexey is a very beautiful and popular Russian name of Greek origin. It has a truly masculine meaning - "protector". Every boy who is so named at birth will definitely grow up to be a real man.

And many examples can be cited to prove this - Alexei Brusilov (Russian cavalry general), Alexei Kaledin (ataman of the Don Cossacks), Alexei Leonov (cosmonaut, who was the first of all to go into outer space).

In the creative and sports fields of activity, there are also many outstanding men named Alexei - Alexei Mishin (Soviet figure skater, champion in pair skating in the USSR), Alexei Tolstoy (writer), Alexei Popov (Honored Artist of the USSR).

This list can be continued for a long time, but in this article we will pay attention to the days of the year when Alekseev's name day is celebrated.

Name days are the essence

Name day is a holiday when Christian saints are revered. There were many saints with the name Alexei, so there are enough days in the year when Alekseev's name day is celebrated. By the way, if you decide to name your child Lesha, then just look at when the name day falls, and on this day christen the boy.

We will list the dates on which Alexei's name day is celebrated.

Name day of Alexei January

If you want your son to grow up emotional, stubborn, fair and persistent, then name the boy Alexei. Just keep in mind that often in life, due to such characteristics, he will find himself in unpleasant situations.

Alexis, who were born in the spring, are usually calm and quiet men who never come into conflict. These are peace-loving people, and they will never openly impose their opinion on everyone and argue with someone.

Congratulations on the name day in prose

  1. Dear Alexey! Today is your name day, and I want to wish you to be active and courageous in life! Let your optimism and purposefulness help you develop your best qualities. Be happy and loved!
  2. Alexei! You are destined from above to be a bold and courageous defender. I wish you that and be for your family, your friends and loved ones. Do not look back, walk through life boldly and with love in your heart!
  3. Name day is a special day in a person's life! Dear Alexey, since today is your holiday, I want you to know that we wish you great happiness and good luck in life! May God bless you in all endeavors, and may the guardian angel protect you from all bad weather.
  4. Alexey, on your holiday, we wish you good luck! May every undertaking be crowned with great success, may there be as many white stripes as possible! Happiness and love! Let the whole planet revolve around you!
  5. Alexei, by the will of your parents, you have been given this wonderful name. Today, your name day is celebrated in the Orthodox calendar. We wish you on this day to be happy, joyful and lucky. Let many different events with unpleasant content happen in life! But today you need to live in such a way that there is something to remember tomorrow!

Do not forget to congratulate each other on birthdays, although this is not accepted in our society. So that the angel carefully guards the fate of a person, remember all the celebrations associated with his veneration! We hope that the cheat sheet prepared by us for congratulations on such holidays Alekseev will help you out more than once!

Alexey: the meaning of the name, name day according to the church calendar

The name is what every person receives at birth. After long deliberations or spontaneously making a decision, our parents choose the “name” that suits only us.

It is known that by naming a child in one way or another, mothers and fathers program the future person for a certain life path and lay those qualities that are inherent only to the bearer of this sacred “name”.

People have long believed that any proper name carries its own information.

In order for a child to have, for example, leadership qualities, he was called a strong leader name with loud vowels or an impressive sound.

Starting from the moment of the baptism of Russia, future parents coordinated the name of the expected child with the church calendar, the so-called Saints. To do this, they went to the priest and asked him for advice and help in this matter.

In the modern world, everything is much simpler, there is a web of the World Wide Web and a lot of information available. Some names come into fashion, then others, and no one bothers to compare them with the canons of faith.

However, recently the tradition of looking for an answer in the Saints is gradually being revived, and more and more parents want to give their heir the right name that would help him in life and protect him from evil.

Alexei is an ancient male given name that originates in Ancient Greece. Translated into Russian, this proper name means “protector”, “guard” or “protector”.

The most revered in the Orthodox faith is the man of God Alexy, who devoted his whole life to serving the Lord and a righteous life.

It is known that this historical character was born into the family of a wealthy merchant, however, at a fairly young age he left home, leaving all the blessings of the earth there, and began to profess Christianity.

The full name Alexey has several pet diminutives. So, a man named like that can be addressed:

  • Lyosha.
  • Lyokha.
  • Alyosha.
  • Alik.
  • Lexa.

The name is considered strong and calm at the same time. It is believed that only a strong, calm and balanced woman is capable of naming a boy Alexei. Perhaps that is why the sons bearing this name from early childhood to late old age are very attached to their mothers. Mom for Alexei is the most beloved, respected and authoritative person on Earth.

Name day of Alexei

The name Alexei protects its owner from various troubles and troubles. A big imprint on his whole life leaves his childhood, the family in which he lived.

It is always a pleasure to have a conversation with him, because he knows how to listen and knows when something needs to be advised.

Moreover, Alexey sincerely worries about other people and tries to help them in any situation, he is responsive. He prefers to prove his words with actions.

Aleksei always perform this or that work, and diligently perform even the most tedious work. Therefore, Lyosha always achieves success, no matter what work he undertakes. Alexei can rightly be called an individual who always has his own opinion. At the same time, Alekseys are creative people. Great success is achieved in creative work.

Alexey is a good family man, he is inferior to his wife in almost everything, therefore there are practically no quarrels. True, if the matter is serious, he will always express his opinion and will defend it to the end. Carefully choose their wives, the latter must be very neat and tidy. Otherwise, they have no chance.

Fate: This is not a majestic and big, but an ordinary, gentle and reliable person. True, all his wonderful qualities, as if in a fog, are expressed dimly - “beautiful”, “light” and even “round”. This is a man for everyday life. Passions, ups and downs, sharp twists of fate, unexpected decisions are not his element.

Saints: Alexy of Moscow (name day February 25), Alexy the Venerable (name day March 30), Alexy Pechersky (name day October 11).

Day of Angel Alexei

From the ancient Greek language - protecting, protecting. It is possible that it comes from the name of the Greek hero Ales, the son of a priest-soothsayer (the prototype of Alyosha Popovich). Compliant, serious. Often sick in early childhood.

He grows up focused, a little obsessed. Thinks abstractly, speaks persuasively. A good artist, sculptor, orator. Outwardly similar to his father, in character to his mother. Sexy.

He likes to talk about his adventures, however, more about fictional than real.

Aleksey seems to be deprived of a cover that separates him from the outside world, he is not very united in himself ... Aleksey is a curl of the world and for at least temporary stability he is certainly thought of leaning against something or someone, and without this external attachment to a place he will certainly be carried away by the unknown where, no one knows what winds.

Alexey Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • February 17 - Alexy (Princely), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy (Lebedev), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy (Sharov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • February 20 - Alexy (Troitsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • February 25 - Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia
  • February 28 - Alexy (Nikitsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy (Smirnov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • March 8 - Alexy (Nikolsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • March 22 - Alexy (Smirnov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • March 28 - Alexy (Vinogradov), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • March 30 - Alexy the Monk man of God
  • April 5 - Alexy (Skorobogatov), ​​martyr. /novomuch./
  • April 18 - Alexy (Krotenkov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • May 4 - Alexy Bortsurmansky, priest
  • May 7 - Alexy Pechersky, recluse
  • June 2 - Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (Finding of relics)
  • June 5 - Alexy (Protopopov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy Bortsurmansky, priest
  • June 22 - Alexy of Moscow (Mechev), right, archpriest / novomuch. /
  • June 23 - Alexy, Bishop of Bithynia
  • June 26 - Alexy Zosimovsky (Soloviev), venerable, hieroschemamonk, Zosima Hermitage
  • July 4 - Alexy (Skvortsov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • July 6 - Alexy (Vvedensky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • July 14 - Alexy (Drozdov), schmch., Protodeacon / novomuch. /
  • July 17 - Alexy (Romanov), passion-bearer, prince / novomuch. /
  • August 2 - Alexy (Znamensky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • August 4 - Alexy (Ilyinsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • August 11 - Alexy (Krasnovsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • August 17 - Alexy (Gnevushev), Bortsurmansky, righteous, presbyter (Finding of relics)
  • August 20 - Alexy (Vorobiev), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • August 22 - Alexy of Constantinople, martyr.
  • August 25 - Alexy, primch., novice, Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery / Novomuch. /
  • August 26 - Alexy (Vvedensky), schmch., Deacon / novomuch. /
  • August 27 - Alexy (Zverev), martyr. /novomuch./
  • August 30 - Alexy (Velikoselsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • September 4 - Alexy (Naumov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy (Orlov), schmch., Archbishop, Omsk / novomuch. /
  • September 12 - Alexy (in the world Alexander) Nevsky, Grand Duke (Transfer of relics)
  • September 16 - Alexy (Zinoviev), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • September 18 - Alexy (Belkovsky), schmch., Archbishop, Veliky Ustyug / Novomuch. /
  • September 22 - Alexy (Uspensky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • September 25 - Alexy (Voroshin), martyr. /novomuch./
  • September 29 - Alexy of Moscow (Mechev), right, archpriest / novomuch. / (Transfer of relics)
  • October 1 - Alexy (Kuznetsov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • October 2 - Alexy Zosimovsky (Soloviev), venerable, hieroschemamonk, Zosima Hermitage
  • October 4 - Alexy (Stabnikov), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • October 11 - Alexy, recluse of Pechersk (XIII century; Russian).
  • October 13 - Alexy (Serebrennikov), martyr. /novomuch./
  • October 14 - Alexy (Stavrovsky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • October 18 - Alexy, Moscow and all Russia
  • October 29 - Alexy (Nikonov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • November 3 - Alexy (Moskvin), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • November 6 - Alexy (Neidgardt), martyr. /novomuch./; Alexy (Porfiriev), schmch., prot. /novomuch./
  • November 11 - Alexy, martyr. /novomuch./
  • November 13 - Alexy (Siberian), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • November 20 - Alexy (Molchanov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • November 22 - Alexy (Zadvornov), prmch., Hierom / novomuch. /
  • November 23 - Alexy (Gorbachev), martyr. /novomuch./
  • November 27 - Alexy (Nechaev), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy (Nikologorsky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • December 3 - Alexy (Amanov), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./; Alexy (Nikatov), ​​schmch., prot. /novomuch./
  • December 5 - Alexy (Benemansky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • December 6 - Alexy (in the world Alexander) Nevsky, Grand Duke
  • December 7 - Alexy (Tyutyunov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • December 10 - Alexy (Gavrin), prmch. /novomuch./; Alexy (Speransky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • December 11 - Alexy (Veselovsky), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /; Alexy (Smirnov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • December 15 - Alexy Belkovsky, Archbishop, schmch.
  • December 17 - Alexy (Saburov), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • December 23 - Alexy (Vvedensky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • December 26 - Alexy (Rozhdestvensky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./

Name day of Alexei: fate and commemoration days according to the church calendar

Name day is the day of memory of the holy defender, with whose name a person was baptized. All, without exception, Orthodox Christians have their own heavenly patron.

It is believed that the Lord has given us two angels: a guardian angel (preserves from troubles and evil) and a holy name angel that prays for our soul.

Angels see our earthly stay, illnesses, problems and infirmities, pray to God for our salvation, know about our deeds and hear our prayers of repentance. They see the suffering of people and despondency, they do not cease to intercede for us before God.

The saint with whose name a person lives is a role model. One must strive for this model in order to be worthy of it. You should definitely know the biography of your intercessor.

When they are going to baptize a child, they choose the day of the saint they like and conduct a church ceremony on this date.

Church form of the name

The name is Greek, it seems to protect and reflect. Church uniform - Alexy.

In Russia, they began to massively call children by this name, in honor of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter the Great I.

In other countries, it has different pronunciations: Oleksey, Alex, Alexis, Alexius, Lyaksey, Alexio.

The ordinary, Russian address is diverse: Alyoshka, Leshka, Leksya, Leka, Lyokha, Lyoka, Alekseyka, Lyoshenka, Alyoshenka.

The name of Alexy was called monarchs, church leaders of various ranks, military leaders and nobles.

The character of Alexei: social life

Alyoshenka is a domestic child, very attached to the family, modest. Sufficiently firm character and kindness, non-conflict - these traits will forever remain the main ones for his character. A distinctive feature of Alexei is a certain isolation, unsociableness, closeness from people.

He expects understanding and sympathy from parents and teachers, he cannot stand the commanding tone. The boy is quite indecisive, does not like to be the center of attention. He participates in public life, but without much enthusiasm.

Alyosha lives at a leisurely, measured pace, sharp twists of fate unsettle him. Some laziness prevents his ambitious plans from coming true, but natural stubbornness will avoid stagnation in business.

Aleksey is a life-loving, born conciliator who rejects violence and hostility. This is a champion of justice, it is impossible to keep under his heel.

He lives up to the meaning of his name and is a true protector of his family and environment.

Inadequately perceives criticism and comments, it is characterized by some difficulty in accepting reality. He is looking for excuses for himself, he can find it in alcohol or seclusion.

The man has an excellent memory, curiosity, he is trusted.

Physically strong, although he gets tired quickly. Often has some kind of external or mental defect.

Marries a bright, attractive woman. For him, important qualities in a partner are: loyalty, sincerity, cleanliness. Alexey often creates one marriage in his life, he expects understanding and care from his wife. He himself is able to give pleasure to the second half, a very sensual person. Hard to endure betrayal, can lay hands on himself.

In a successful relationship, he is complaisant and faithful, the real head of the family. He loves children, teaches them to be wealthy in life and not repeat his mistakes.

Professions for a man are obedient to everything, if he is truly passionate about what he is doing. This is a creative person, a talented artist, designer or fashion designer, can become a writer. He is carried away by his inner world, does not tolerate someone else's influence on his life.

Alyosha is passionate about nature, he loves hunting, fishing, hiking, life in the countryside.

The most famous revered righteous

After the death of pious and immaculate people, a considerable number of them were canonized by the church.

  1. Saint Alexis was born into a senatorial family in Rome. His most humane father, a man of rare piety, daily fed travelers and suffering, lonely people. The virtuous spouses, after a long time, found offspring, they had a son. The boy was brought up in love and received a good education, and upon reaching adulthood he married. But, leaving a young woman at home on their wedding night, he leaves his father's house. He dressed in rags and labored at the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos in the city of Edessa (Syria). Alexy ate only water and some bread. Relatives sent to look for their son, however, the envoys did not recognize Alexy, passing by. He spent seventeen years in the parish.

    He secretly left the city when they began to revere him, asked for shelter from his father, introducing himself as a beggar. The father did not see his son in him, and for seventeen long years he lived incognito in his own house, sharing a modest meal with other guests. Before his death, he took a scroll and described his life.

    When the voice of the Divine announced to everyone where the man of God lives, he departed to another world. Relatives mourned the body of a loved one. Sufferers approached the body that radiated radiance and received a cure for diseases. The deceased Alexis was carried with reverence by the Roman emperor himself and the pontiff. The venerable saint is very revered on Russian soil.

  2. Alexy of Constantinople is a holy martyr who was tortured for icons. He came from an eminent family, was an educated person. In Byzantium, the persecution of icon painters began, and the destruction of icons, the persecution of Christians. Alexy, having witnessed the tearing of the icon of Jesus Christ from the gates of the church, dropped the ladder on which the defiler stood. He died, and the believers, along with Alexy, were thrown into prison and brutally tortured. He spent about a year in dungeons, subjected to endless torture. He was recognized by the church as a martyr. A little less than one hundred and forty years later, the body of the reverend was found completely intact.
  3. The holy righteous Alexy Mechev, who was born in the middle of the nineteenth century, was dissuaded from the medical path by his mother. He studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, served as a psalmist, steadfastly and meekly enduring rough treatment from the priest. All his life he was a simple man, even after gaining the dignity. He opened a parochial school, his sermons were understandable to a simple parishioner. I witnessed how on the eve of the Great October Revolution a tear rolled down from the eyes of the Virgin. He died in 1923, and ten years later, when reburied, the body turned out to be incorrupt. Canonized in 2000.

Name day Alexey

Alexy, the man of God (Greek ̓Αλέξιος ὁ ἄνθρωπος τοῦ Θεοῦ; end of the 4th century - beginning of the 5th century) - Christian saint (in the guise of saints), ascetic. It is revered by the Orthodox (commemoration day - March 17 according to the Julian calendar) and the Catholic (commemoration day - July 17) Churches.

The life of St. Alexis was widely known and popular both in the East and in the West. The relics of Alexis, the man of God, are under the main altar of the Basilica of Saints Boniface (Boniface) and Alexius on the Aventine Hill in Rome.

The real existence of Alexy is not confirmed by any sources other than hagiographic sources, and therefore his historicity remains in question.

February 17, February 20, February 25, February 28, March 8, March 22, March 28, March 30, April 5, May 4, May 7, June 2, June 5, June 22, June 23, July 6, July 17 , August 4, August 20, August 22, August 25, August 26, August 27, August 30, September 4, September 12, September 16, September 22, September 25, October 1, October 2, October 4, October 11, 13 October, October 18, October 29, November 3, November 6, November 11, November 13, November 20, November 22, November 23, November 27, December 3, December 5, December 6, December 10, December 11, December 17, December 23 The story of St. Alexis became widespread in the Orthodox East. The first mention of a man of God (so far unnamed), who lived in alms in Edessa under Bishop Rabbul (412-435) and who later turned out to be from a noble Roman family, is found already in the 5th century in Syrian sources. Until the 9th century inclusive, the veneration of St. Alexis spreads first throughout Syria, and from there throughout the Byzantine Empire. Starting from the 10th century, the name of St. Alexius appears in the Roman calendar.

When communicating with Alexei, you need to remember that his totem animal is a crab that can attack with claws, drag its prey, back away, and if the fight is unequal, it burrows into the sand.

Alexei has pronounced creative abilities, he has an accommodating character. This helps him to be happy in family life. He does not indulge in all serious things, most of all because of innate disgust.

He cares more about his children than about himself; at the same time, he retains a certain dependent attachment to his father even until his venerable age. Alexei has been friendly to people since childhood. In all matters he is very diligent and whatever he does, strives for perfection. Helps him in this ambition.

But if Alexey is deprived of this quality, then he often succumbs to laziness and turns into a completely different person.

This is not a majestic and big, but an ordinary, gentle and reliable person. True, all his wonderful qualities, as if in a fog, are expressed dimly - “beautiful”, “light” and even “round”. This is a man for everyday life. Passions, ups and downs, sharp twists of fate, unexpected decisions are not his element.

Alexey is an introvert: he is more introverted, runs away from reality, hiding in the sands of his subconscious. Has a vivid imagination. Often tries to justify his actions in advance, especially when frightened or afraid of judgment.

The type of thinking is synthetic. Curious, has a good memory.

Respectful to parents. Capable of dubious acts.

Average, easily overtired. He suffers from stomach problems, so he must take care of digestion. Alexei is characterized by defenselessness, if not external, then internal. Such defects as lisping, stuttering, crookedness, etc. are not excluded.

In a woman, she especially appreciates neatness and neatness. In sexual games, he is not very skilled, but nevertheless he easily wins. Sensitive, cautious, vulnerable, curious - seeks to learn all forms of sexual relations, gain experience.

Alexei is always a faithful husband, but his wife can sometimes take advantage of his gullibility.

Aleksey prefers to be a man of action and engage in less conversation.

Alexey is an individual with pronounced creative abilities. Thanks to them, he can achieve significant success in painting, literature, theater, as well as in the exact sciences.

Alexey is diligent in any business, he does even monotonous work with pleasure. He always strives for excellence and achieves great success in production, science, sports, business, and can achieve a good position in society. Potential candidates for successful entrepreneurs are those Alekseys whose fathers are named Ivan, Mikhail, Pavel and Fedor.

Character and fate

Alexia is a curious example of how reliability and resilience are combined with an escape from monotony and a love of change. This woman stands so firmly on the ground that her steadfastness could be compared with the invincibility of a mountain if she were not in constant motion. The character of these women is multifaceted, and it is worth starting acquaintance with him from childhood.

Girls bearing this name are distinguished by prudence from an early age. Alexia grows up as an open and inquisitive child. She easily makes friends, both small and adults.

She is quite stubborn, does not like it when decisions are made for her. Parents should be given the freedom of choice she needs at least in some matters in order to achieve the desired obedience from the child.

The girl does well at school. She has the necessary perseverance in her boring lessons, and on her favorites she catches every word of the teacher. From school, the child has authority among peers. Friends and classmates reach out to her for advice, and she never refuses to help them. He has leadership abilities developed since childhood, which will only increase in the future.

The meaning of the name Alexy is well revealed in such character traits as responsibility, reliability, honesty and love of freedom. This woman does not lose her composure even in the most extreme situations. Panic, tantrums and throwing - this is not about Alexia.

If the case requires it, the owner of this name will make instant decisions with enviable self-control and calmness. She knows when to take a risk, and when to refrain from it, calculates her moves in advance and already knows in advance what to do under certain circumstances.

These character traits make her the undisputed leader, whom you can follow even blindly, because such a woman will never allow herself to let anyone down. Reliability makes her a valuable friend. Those close to her incredibly value her ability to keep her word. Alexia never gives false promises, and does not throw words into the wind.

Nevertheless, you can hardly call her silent. The girl loves to communicate, she is open to people and loves to make new acquaintances. She is often considered the soul of the company. Alexia is endowed with subtle humor and good manners, she is interesting to talk to, she is smart, but not boastful.

The Greek origin of the name is manifested in her desire to come to the aid of those in need of support, the woman seeks to protect and take the weak under her care. Often, selfish people try to take advantage of this quality, and there will be no mercy from Alexia. The girl, although she herself is endowed with prudence and practicality, does not tolerate lies and pretense and breaks off relations with anyone who tries to deceive her.

However, Alexia also has her weak points in character. Stubbornness, which began to manifest itself in childhood, can reach extraordinary proportions with age. This girl is simply impossible to convince of something if she thinks otherwise.

With all her hands and feet she rests on her point of view, and it is simply impossible to move her from her place. Those close to Alexia must eventually accept that she must come to any conclusion herself. It is useless to push the girl to the desired conclusion, she must be carefully interested in it.

It's funny that the mistress of this name does not consider herself stubborn at all and considers her stubbornness as a continuation of prudence. However, this is almost the only quality that Alexia does not recognize in herself.

This woman is destined to succeed no matter what path she chooses in life. The fact is that from a young age, she begins to single out and work out her strengths and weaknesses without hesitation.

Alexia is a great strategist, she can present her qualities in the most favorable light "on the battlefield", thereby squeezing the maximum benefit out of the battle. He knows how not only to earn, but also to save, so he does not need money.

Nevertheless, between material well-being and personal freedom, this woman will always choose freedom. She simply needs space, and she perceives any hint of the oppression of freedom with the horror of a wild bird in front of a cage.

Alexia likes change, she loves to travel, get new experiences. She is afraid of monotony. Fortunately, she knows how to fill life with new colors, entertain herself with new acquaintances and interests.

Girls who have this name should pay more attention to old and trusted friends than to new acquaintances. Acquaintances come and go, and friendship with an old friend can be difficult, if not impossible, to resurrect, so Alexia risks such behavior at some point in her life to remain completely alone. Long-term relationships scare the girl with monotony, but deep down she still understands that only in them will she find the support she needs so much.

Love and Compatibility

Alexia falls passionately and passionately in love. In men, she appreciates intelligence, sincerity and passion for life. Love can turn a woman's head, she is ready to go to great lengths for the sake of a dear person, but not to renounce her freedom.

Do not think that Alexia does not tolerate family ties. On the contrary, she wants to be and will become a wonderful wife, a loving mother and an excellent housewife.

She sees marriage as a joint work on a relationship, where both partners make an effort to maintain balance. If the spouse of Alexia understands in time that this woman should not be imposed any duties or frameworks, thereby infringing on her freedom, then the relationship will be strong and long.

This female name is well compatible for marriage with:

  • Egor.
  • Timur.
  • Oleg.
  • Nikita.
  • Elisha.
  • Fedot.
  • Artem.
  • Ruslan.
  • Alexey.
  • Vladislav.
  • Evgeny.

Alexia is not in the Orthodox calendar, however, the mistresses of this name can celebrate the day of the angel on the days of memory of Saint Alexis. Alexy celebrates name days about 70 times a year: February 20, March 8, June 22, September 16, November 11, December 5, etc. Julia Bibik

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