5 golden exercises of Tibetan monks. "Five Tibetans" - exercises for every day. How to perform ritual actions: a diagram of all exercises

Good day, dear friends! How often do you feel tired? I often hear other people complain about feeling unwell in the morning: “It would be better if I didn’t sleep, I didn’t rest anyway.” There is a theory according to which energy circulates through special channels in our body in the same way that blood circulates through the veins. If, roughly speaking, a blood clot appears in the channel or there is simply not enough vitality, the person fades. Health problems begin, the aging process accelerates. It is similar to stress: there are no obvious pathologies, but the state of health is bad and diseases are tormented. What to do? A set of exercises for 5 Tibetans will help out. It has other names - Five Tibetan Pearls and the Eye of the Renaissance. About everything in order.

Who needs classes in the 5 Tibetans complex?

It is worth setting aside 20 minutes for daily workouts if you want to:

  • look young: tighten problem areas, give the skin a healthy tone, correct wrinkles;
  • get rid of excess weight or get the missing one;
  • improve hearing and vision;
  • forget about chronic fatigue, increase productivity;
  • strengthen back muscles;
  • gently wake up and get a positive charge for the whole day.

Many note that the symptoms of chronic diseases subside or disappear. Charging has a general healing effect, so everyone's body reacts in its own way.


Make sure the complex suits you. The contraindications for the exercises of 5 Tibetans are as follows:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • serious pathology of the spine.

What should you know about the 5 Tibetan Pearls exercises?

The maximum number of repetitions is 21. This is not a strict norm and goal, it is just under such conditions that you will get the maximum effect. Further increase makes little sense.

It is better to start with 5 times, if there is no physical preparation - with 3. Avoid the excellent student syndrome! If you give too sharp a start, it can become bad. Even with small regular exercises, you will get a good result. It is the matter of time.

For the first time, Peter Kelder described the set of exercises for 5 Tibetans. He warned that all movements must be performed in the order in which they are indicated in the book.

You need to train every day. The movements are simple, even a child can handle it. I know that there is laziness, especially when you don’t get enough sleep, but ... you have to. The main principle of technology is stability.

Do you want to rejuvenate a little and maintain your current state? It is acceptable to reduce the number of repetitions to 7, since you do not need an enhanced effect.

The classic version is morning exercises. You can also practice in the evening if it's convenient.

Treat classes like a sacrament. There will be more benefits!

About the execution process

Beginners should remind themselves every time how the 5 Tibetans technique is performed. The description of the exercises at first will seem complicated, but in fact everything is simple. Just remember to take 3 deep breaths in and out between stages. At this time, clear your mind and focus on the sensations. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

First ritual

Starting position - standing, arms spread apart. Point your palms down, straighten your fingers and hold together. Rotate to the right side (clockwise). This is true for both lefties and righties. Movement normalizes the work of the balance mechanism. You will probably feel a little dizzy. It's ok, but you have to stop. At the end, stand up, bring your legs together, and move your palms to your hips. At this time, breathe deeply. Further, I will mean that each technique is completed with this position and breaths.

Don't drive yourself to exhaustion. If your body is not yet ready for intensive training, just stop there. Soon the potential of the body will rise, and dizziness will cease to disturb.

Little trick: focus on some fixed point. This will allow you to last longer. If the object has left the field of view, try to return to it as quickly as possible, “chase” with your eyes.

Second ritual

You need to lie down on any surface of medium softness. It is better to refuse the bed, because the mattress may be too “tender”. A rug will do. Hands along the body, palms touch the floor. Raise your straightened legs so that the angle between them and the body is slightly less than 90 °. At the same time, press your chin to your chest. Don't reach up with your fingers! The loin remains on the ground. Finish after the optimal number of sets.

Watch your breath. The emphasis is on him. Empty your lungs before exercising, inhale when relaxing.

Third ritual

The movement is directed towards the spine. I made a selection of different exercises to strengthen the back muscles: with and without dumbbells. They will be a great addition. Here they are:

So, get on your knees so that it is comfortable. The distance between the legs is about 10 cm. Straighten up. The pads of your fingers should be pressed against the surface. Move your palms under the buttocks, the chin to the chest. Arch back. Emphasis on hands.

As in the previous case, inhale during exercise, exhale after.

Fourth ritual

Sit down. Legs are straight, brought together. Hands along the body, palms on the floor. The head is as low as possible. Without unnecessary body movements, lift your hips by bending your knees. Tilt your head back as far as you can. Ideally, your body forms a rectangle with the floor.

Fifth ritual

You need a hard surface. Lie on your stomach, and then stretch upside down, resting on the ground with your palms and the balls of your toes. In the process, lower your head, start raising your buttocks. Got a "triangle"?

Additional Ritual

In his book on the 5 Tibetans exercise set, Christopher Kilham mentions his own 6th movement.

Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Inhale and begin to lean forward. Move your hands to your knees. In the process, release the air, at the end “push out” it so that the stomach is drawn in. Return to the starting position and only after a couple of seconds inhale. It is not recommended to repeat the movement more than 3 times.

Frequently asked Questions

  1. Is it possible to do a set of exercises 5 Tibetans with hormonal gymnastics? — Yes, you can. Do hormonal gymnastics in the morning in bed, and the Eye of the Renaissance later, at any time. It is advisable to do this in the morning. About hormonal gymnastics here.
  2. At what age can you train? - In any. Just do it regularly and correctly, do not overexert yourself.
  3. Can I stop exercising? - Can. Many report a deterioration in well-being. This is not due to the imaginary "addiction" to the Five Tibetan pearls, but simply because of the lack of training. After all, they were healthy.
  4. I regularly practice the technique of 5 Tibetans. When does the weight loss process start? - Lessons alone are not enough. If you connect sports and diet, you can lose up to 3-5 kg ​​per month.

Do not believe in the power of the Eye of Rebirth? Just try! It's fast and easy. Albert Einstein said:

“Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes the ignoramus, who does not know about it, and does it!”

How do you heal your body? What else would you like to know?

I'm 60 and I practice these exercises daily! The extra weight went away, the thyroid gland returned to normal, and seasonal colds forgot the way to my house.

The secret of the youthful appearance and cheerfulness of the Tibetan monks, kept in the deepest secret for hundreds of years, has become available to everyone.

Performing 5 simple exercises, which are not without reason called "Tibetan pearls", gives an impressive result: relieves diseases, rejuvenates, restores visual acuity, hearing, normalizes weight, increases endurance and performance, gives a charge of vivacity and good mood.

We tried this technique on ourselves and finally made sure: Tibetan eye of rebirth and the truth does not take much time, and with its regular performance, the body is filled with vital energy, muscles - with strength, and thoughts are tuned in a positive way.

Tibetan pearls

Exercise #1

The first exercise is to rotate clockwise. Raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing down. Start rotating clockwise around your axis until you feel a slight dizziness. Try to breathe slowly, evenly and deeply. At first, do 3 turns, but gradually increase their number to 21. After completing the exercise, stop, fold your hands in front of your chest and wait until the dizziness completely disappears.

Exercise #2

Lie on your back, arms along the body. Take a deep breath. Inhaling smoothly and deeply, lift both legs up at an angle of 90 °, the head reaches for the chest. Try not to lift your pelvis or bend your knees. On a slow exhale, return to the starting position.

Start with three slow repetitions, gradually bringing their number to 21, no more. After completing the second pearl, lie on your back and relax for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise #3

Get on your knees, legs parallel to each other, toes rest on the floor, palms on the buttocks. As you exhale, tilt your head to your chest, while inhaling, tilt your head back, bend slightly and stick out your chest. As you exhale, tilt your head to your chest again, continuing to combine tilts with breathing. Do 3 to 21 reps. After completing the exercise, restore breathing and rest for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise number 4

Sit on the mat, place your palms on the floor, fingers pointing forward. The legs are straight, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the head is tilted to the chest. While inhaling, rolling from heel to toe, lift your pelvis up and tilt your head back.

Hold this position for a few seconds, tensing all the muscles. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Start with 3 smooth repetitions, eventually increasing their number to 21. After completing the fourth pearl, rest for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise number 5

The final Tibetan pearl is an up-facing dog. Stand in an emphasis lying on your hands, bend over, palms and feet slightly wider than shoulders. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. Tilt your head back and exhale. On an inhale, lift your pelvis and move into the downward facing dog position (hill pose). The chin stretches to the chest, the legs are as straight as possible, while the body resembles an acute angle.

As you exhale, return to the starting position, remembering to breathe. Do not be afraid, over time you will get the hang of breathing correctly: inhale, bending the body, and exhale, unbending. Do from 3 to 21 repetitions, it depends on your preparation.

In order for the Tibetan practice of rejuvenation and healing to bring the desired result, you must follow a few simple rules for its implementation.


  1. The most important rule is regularity! Do a set of exercises 1 time per day, avoiding skips. If you want to achieve maximum effect, increase the number of repetitions: 1st week - 3 repetitions of each exercise, 2nd week - 5 repetitions, 3rd week - 7 repetitions, and so on up to 21 repetitions in 10 weeks of practice.
  2. The best time to perform the Eye of Rebirth is in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Another important condition for quickly achieving results is correct, even, deep breathing through the nose.
  4. If you find it difficult to perform this or that exercise, do not overexert yourself. It is better to do fewer repetitions, but with high quality.
  5. After completing each of the exercises, do not forget to give yourself a minute to rest, relax and restore your breathing.

There are a huge number of oriental exercises and complexes, but this one is perhaps the most effective. 5 Tibetan pearls They give a charge of vitality, bring muscles into tone, normalize the work of all organs and systems, but most importantly, they nourish the mind and soul. Start doing this set of exercises today and feel how you change inside and out.

In contact with

The duration of human life is limited, in order to rejuvenate and heal from diseases, special exercises are used. A popular complex with practically no contraindications is the Tibetan gymnastics "Five Pearls".

How did the exercises appear, what is included in the program? What is the use of movements, what results do people who regularly practice this system have?

Unapproachable Tibet is the source of esoteric teachings. The knowledge of previous civilizations was preserved by a limited circle of Tibetan monks and lamas. For the first time about the gymnastics "Five Tibetan Pearls" in the West, they learned from Peter Kelder's essay "The Eye of the Renaissance", published in 1938. The "second wave" of popularity of exercises arose in the sixties of the XX century due to the growing interest in esotericism. Since then, effective gymnastics has become famous in many countries of the world.

What is included in the ritual complex

Tibetan gymnastics 5 pearls consists of several exercises that are performed one after the other. In the first week of training, each movement is repeated three times. The number of repetitions is gradually increased. After complete mastery, each movement is done twenty-one times. In total, gymnastics takes 15-25 minutes. Finishing the lesson, you need to take a pose for relaxation and relax the muscles.

Preparing for execution

A comfortable environment for Tibetan gymnastics exercises is a free space of about 2 * 2 meters indoors or in an open place without drafts. As a base, use a yoga mat or gymnastic mat. The base should be sufficiently soft and warm, and the floor or platform should be level.

First movement

Purpose - "promotion" of the chakras, rotation speed, improving interaction.

  1. Starting position. Standing, the back is straightened, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the arms and palms are extended parallel to the ground.
  2. From the initial position of the exercise, the person begins to rotate the torso in a clockwise direction. Rotation is continued until the cycle is completed or dizziness appears. At first, three turns are enough, gradually the number of exercise cycles is increased. If you need rest, you need to sit or lie on the floor to get rid of the unusual sensations.
  3. If the exercise "Five Tibetan Pearls" was performed too diligently, dizzy, nausea appeared, the following movements may cause vomiting. If you feel discomfort, stop immediately. To prevent a headache, use a "fulcrum". When turning during the exercise, the gaze is fixed on a fixed point. When the body is fully turned, the head immediately turns to such a position that the chosen support is visible.

Second movement

The ritual action "Five Pearls" is used to fill the chakras with energy.

Third movement

Fourth movement

  1. Starting position. Sitting on a flat surface. Legs extended forward, feet shoulder-width apart. The back is straightened, the palms are placed on the floor on the sides of the body. The fingers of both hands point forward.
  2. From the starting position, the exercises lower the neck down, pressing the chin to the chest. The body is lifted forward and up with one jerk. Hands are placed on the width of the shoulders. The torso with the hips are parallel to the floor, resting on the arms and legs. Having taken the correct position, strain the muscles, lingering in it for a few seconds. After the appearance of discomfort, the muscles relax and take their original position.
  3. At the beginning of the Five Tibetan Pearls gymnastics exercise, exhale the air completely. On the rise, take a deep breath. Raising the torso above the floor, straining all the muscles, they hold their breath. After a short delay, exhale, taking the starting position.
  4. Elderly and sick people begin to perform gymnastics exercises, starting with a slight rise in the torso and chin. The main condition for progress is constant repetition and proper breathing.

Fifth movement

  1. Starting position. The lower part of the body is parallel to the floor. The upper part is straightened, the arms are lowered, spaced shoulder-width apart, the fingers of the palms are directed forward. In this position, the exercises transfer the weight to the tips of the toes and palms. The back is arched, the head is laid back.
  2. From the starting position of the Tibetan gymnastics “Five Pearls”, the pelvic region is lifted up with a sharp movement. The head is lowered down, the chin is pressed to the chest, the legs are straight. Straightened arms are placed in the same plane with the upper body. After a short delay, the muscles relax and return to their original position.
  3. After mastering the fifth exercise, during the execution, the back is arched back. This effect is achieved thanks to the straightened shoulders and the chest laid back. At the starting bend and in the “triangular” position, they briefly hold their breath, straining all the muscles of the body.
  4. The implementation of the preparatory stage is accompanied by a full exhalation. "Fold" on a deep breath. While holding the breath, all muscles are tensed. After a short delay, exhale, taking the starting position.

Rules for performing Tibetan gymnastics "Five Pearls"

Movement and breathing

Proper breathing is the main driving force behind progress in mastering the Five Pearls Tibetan exercise complex. The incoming prana is converted into energy that fills the physical body and chakras. Breathing should be full and deep. Before each exercise of the Tibetan gymnastics "Five Pearls" free the lungs from the air. Correct exhalation becomes the cause of correct inhalation, which ensures the flow of prana. In the lesson, they maintain a single rhythm of breathing, both when performing exercises and in between them.

Action "Five Pearls"

The reasons for rejuvenation and healing from disease are given in Peter Kelder's essay "The Eye of Rebirth". The human bioenergetic structure contains seven main "whirlwinds" (chakras). In a healthy body, the vortex rotations are “coordinated”, and the rotation frequency is very high. If, due to physical inactivity or an uncomfortable workplace, the body occupies an uncomfortable position for a long time, the vortices slow down.

The energy structure of a middle-aged person usually has various damages. The coordination of the main and secondary vortices is broken, the channels through which the energy circulates are polluted. At the physical level, disorders are manifested by diseases of the joints and salt deposits. The subsequent deterioration of energy leads to the appearance of pathologies, dysfunctions and serious diseases of the body.

As the speed decreases and the frequency of vortices decreases, a person quickly ages, becomes decrepit and loses health. The first signs of violations are a breakdown, drowsiness, rising in zombie mode. As a rule, the organs located in the part of the body with the slowed down rotation of the chakra begin to fall ill or function incorrectly (night sleeper and other bad habits). The principle of the "Five Pearls" exercises is aimed at restoring the energy structure of the body and stabilizing the work of the "whirlwinds", or chakras. It is believed that by restoring the optimal state of the body and energy centers, you can get rid of ailments and restore youth.

Which chakras are improving

Tibetan gymnastics "Five Pearls" activates the work of two whirlwinds in the head area. One of them is located above the top of the head, the second in the middle of the brain. The work of the vortex in the neck or throat chakra is improved. The work of the vortex associated with the work of the liver is stabilized. The state of the chakra related to the genitals is normalized. The work of the vortices located in the knees improves.

The dimensions of the chakras in the normal state go beyond the boundaries of the physical body. In healthy people, they form a dense protective "cocoon". If the work is disturbed, the funnels decrease in size, do not "show out". It is necessary to perform the Tibetan exercises "Five Pearls" for the promotion, nourishment and "rehabilitation" of energy whirlwinds. A partial effect can be obtained even from performing one movement of the gymnastics of Tibetan monks. The maximum result is achieved only with the regular performance of the full sequence of exercises.

Combining exercises with other methods

The complex of Tibetan gymnastics can be performed in parallel with other systems of practice or sports training. It increases the effectiveness of any exercise for the body and is an energy basis.

By doing the exercises of the Five Tibetan Pearls gymnastics, you will not only improve the condition of the physical body and energy, working capacity and endurance. The ritual positions of the complex are a means for the development and disclosure of consciousness, the comprehension of the human spirit. Using a certain sequence of movements, you will move on to the next stage of human evolution.

And what kind of gymnastics to do with a child of 3 months, read.

Save and share - it will come in handy!

The exercises of the five Tibetans are designed for 19 energy centers or vortices that a person has. Most of them are located on the 12 main joints of the limbs.

The Eye of Rebirth training helps to restore the strength and speed of energy vortices. The complex is also able to tone and strengthen the main muscle groups, recover faster and get in good physical shape. Ideally, each of the five exercises should be repeated 21 times. This number was not chosen by chance. It is this number of repetitions that allows you to achieve the desired effect from a set of exercises.

At first, not everyone will succeed in repeating the exercise 21 times, but this is normal. You need to start the Eye of Rebirth or five Tibetans with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The process of approaching the final result is good in itself, it will bring a lot of pleasure to a person who practices the five Tibetans system.

Tibetan pearl No. 1.

Stand up straight, feet almost shoulder-width apart? Pull the tailbone under you and the stomach, arms to the sides at shoulder level.

Look at a point in front of you. Slowly begin to rotate around your axis until you feel your head spinning slightly. You need to rotate strictly clockwise.

To prevent severe dizziness and nausea, at first, you need to perform the first exercise 3-5 times. After finishing the exercise, we rest - inhale - exhale.

After completing the required number of revolutions, if you feel dizzy or tired, sit down or lie down on the sofa, do not ignore the natural desire of your body.

After a few weeks of training according to the Tibetan lamas system, you will have sufficiently trained your vestibular apparatus so as not to experience severe dizziness. Without allowing a long break, you must immediately proceed to the second exercise.

Tibetan pearl #2

You need to lie on the floor with your back. straighten your legs, stretch your arms along the body, palms on the floor, the chin merged with the chest. Raise straight legs up, perpendicular to the floor, make sure that the pelvis is pressed tightly against it. We always start the exercise with an exhalation. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, while raising the legs and head - a deep and full breath. Lowering the legs - the same exhalation.

Try not to stray from the rhythm, breathe at the same pace, if you can’t do the exercise with straightened legs, do it with bent legs, gradually you will learn how to do it correctly.

After several weeks of training, you will be able to bring your legs further behind your head, the main thing is not to bend them. Then slowly return to the IP.

Having finished the exercise, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl No. 3.

It is necessary to kneel, slightly apart, so that the hips are strictly perpendicular. Place the palms under the gluteal muscles. Leaning your head forward, press your chin to your chest. Gradually tilting the head back, bending in the back - we straighten the chest and bend the spine. help yourself by resting your hands on your hips. At the very beginning of the third exercise, you need to exhale deeply, and bending back, gradually inhale, returning to the PI - exhale. Having finished the exercise, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl #4

It may seem like a difficult exercise at first glance, but it is not. Even elderly sick people mastered it, strengthening their body and spirit. Sit on a mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart. Straighten your back, touching your chin to your chest. Rest your palms on the floor, fingers should “look” forward. Tilt your head as far back as possible, lift your torso up so that it takes a horizontal position. The shins and arms should be placed perpendicular to the floor, like the legs of a table. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to the IP. Having finished the exercise, we rest - we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl #5

The final exercise of the 5 Tibetans complex allows you to consolidate the result and raise your energy potential one more step. Lie face down on the floor, palms should be strictly under the shoulders, fingers “look” forward, feet on toes.

We raise the upper body and stretch the top of the head to the ceiling, leaning on our hands - this is the starting position, throwing your head back, exhale, bend your spine, leaning on your toes and palms. Inhale - round the back and raise the pelvis as high as possible, while the head sags down as much as possible.

The body should sort of fold in half at the hip joints. Try to make the body resemble an acute angle, the top of which is directed upwards. Press your chin to your chest, pointing your head forward as much as possible, as if we dive forward, bend in the back and again stretch the top of the head up, exhale. Arms and torso in the same plane, the torso does not touch the floor.

Having finished the exercise, we rest - we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times.

At the end of the complex, an exercise for rest is recommended: we lie down on our back, hands are approximately 30-40 cm from the body, palms up, legs are straightened and relaxed, all attention is in the solar plexus, calm breath - long smooth exhalation, exhalation is longer than inhalation, all attention in the solar plexus - feel how the energy is spreading, distributed throughout the body, track your sensations, relax your arms, legs, body, face, feel how warmly fills your every cell, your entire body. relax.

Practice the whole set of exercises of 5 Tibetans and after a month of training you will feel how much it affects your body and will. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Few people know that by spending 20 minutes a day, you can start the processes of producing vitality through the chakras and saturate the body, organs, nervous system and glands with full energy. The secret is simple! It is necessary to master the complex 5 Tibetan pearls , and the knowledge of Tibetan lamas will help you touch the source of eternal youth.

Tibetan pearls or 5 Tibetan men (five Tibetans) – . Without exerting force, without performing active, energetic actions, repeating simple postures day after day, one achieves activation of the nervous system at the etheric level. Thus, life potential and health are revived.

The human body has 19 centers of energy concentration, they are also called vortices. Mostly the place of their location is located on the joints of the limbs. The main purpose of vortices is to rotate at maximum speed, attracting the energy of prana, ether, light. If at some stage one of the vortices stops working, the person quickly fades, grows old and leaves this world.

Daily half hour ritual Eye of rebirth, a set of exercises , helps to restore the strength and speed of energy whirlwinds, tone up and give strength to muscle muscles, tighten the body, and acquire a decent physical shape.

Tibetan gymnastics 5 pearls has a long history and has 2500 years of existence. Each exercise has a deep meaning and incredible benefits. This is a kind of prevention of old age and age-related problems. Performing a complex consisting of 5 Tibetan exercises, even in old age:

  1. Maintain balance.
  2. Give flexibility to the back.
  3. Increase endurance, make a person stronger, slow down aging.

Each pearl stimulates the glands, attracting energy to the brain. From where it spreads through the glandular system to every cell of the body.

The human body includes 7 centers. If a person is healthy, their rotation is intense, and to prevent aging, it is important to maintain them at the proper level. The vortices are located locally:

  • In my head In the occipital and frontal parts (A and B).
  • In the larynx at the base of the neck - C.
  • Opposite the liver - D.
  • In the organs of reproduction - E.
  • F and G - in the knees.

The main task of a person is to develop vortices as much as possible, since they must protrude beyond the edges of the body.

Rules for conducting classes

An important condition for doing gymnastics 5 pearls of Tibet is discipline. The ritual is performed daily, without missing classes. One missed lesson nullifies all the previous ones. Pearls cannot be worked out by doing several sets a day to compensate for missed workouts the day before. It is also important to increase the number of actions in the exercise according to the scheme, gradually increasing to 21. Each of the 5 pearls is performed 21 times, and it is this number that contributes to the achievement of the necessary action.

It is worth noting that if a person is healthy and in good physical shape, it is quite enough for him to perform 3 repetitions of each pearl. If we are talking about a sick person with obesity and a lot of health problems, each exercise should be performed under control, without excessive overload. Each pearl is performed once. If you feel discomfort, you should stop. Moreover, with obesity 4 and 5, exercises are not allowed to be performed until complete comfort is achieved from the first 3.

Increasing the load, bringing classes to 21, occurs gradually. Increase repetitions by adding one every 7 days, this helps to stay in the comfort zone.

There are no prohibitions on doing gymnastics, but you should follow some recommendations so as not to harm your health and achieve maximum results:

  • Loads increase sequentially. The first week with a conditionally healthy body, start with 3 repetitions. Add 2 reps weekly. After 9 weeks, the maximum allowable and important number of repetitions will be reached - 21. The first pearl is performed as far as possible, until the head is slightly spinning. Increasing the repetitions of the remaining exercises, the first is performed depending on the reaction of the body. Mastering it can take much longer.
  • The ritual should be performed daily. It does not matter at what time of the day or in the evening the actions will be performed. There are circumstances when exercises are skipped, but absenteeism should not be more than one per week.
  • The best period of the day to perform the techniques is before dawn. If the number of repetitions could not be completed in the morning, they can be performed in the evening, for this you need to remember the number of actions performed.
  • Each pearl has an incredible effect on the body. If it doesn’t work out to fully complete the exercise, you should not despair. At the first stages, you can proceed to the next ones without completing the previous one. The effect of the classes will still be and improvement in health will not be long in coming.
  • After abdominal operations in the area of ​​the peritoneum, exercises 2, 3, 5 are approached with extreme caution.
  • With obesity, it is worth delaying exercise 5. Ideally, it is started only after the normalization of weight.
  • The best fix after gymnastics is taking a hot bath. If there is experience with proper rubbing, alternate use of wet and dry towels is allowed.

Also, in parallel with doing gymnastics, you should reconsider your lifestyle and habits. You can speed up the rejuvenation process with some adjustments:

  • Move with straightened shoulders.
  • Normalize weight, regardless of whether it is an excess or a deficiency.
  • Control the water balance by drinking one and a half to two liters of pure water a day.
  • Exclude animal fats and pork from the diet completely.
  • Avoid sugary foods.
  • Alcohol must be completely abandoned.

After the completion of the ritual, it is recommended to relax, lie down, do not make sudden movements. When performing techniques, it is important to control breathing. You can start performing the eye of rebirth only after reading the recommendations of professionals. In chronic diseases, additionally receive advice from the attending physician.

Important! There are no contraindications to doing classes, but caution is essential in some cases.

A set of exercises

With excess weight, loss of strength, health complaints and poor psycho-emotional state, pearls help to relax, relieve hypertonicity in the body, and improve physical health. Performing a daily ritual, already after the first days you feel a charge of energy, vivacity, and activity increases. Like any sports training, gymnastics begins with a warm-up.

warm up

The warm-up begins with two repetitions, gradually bringing them up to 10:

  1. Being in a standing position, gently bow your head to your shoulder (5 sec.). Then the head is placed on the chest (5 sec.). The same ligament is done on the other side, but instead of tilting forward, the head is tilted back (5 sec.). They return to their original position. It is important to monitor breathing - while exhaling, they move the head, while inhaling, they return to a vertical position.
  2. In a standing position, make rotational movements of the shoulders back and forth. Do 5 repetitions, while breathing is deep.
  3. In a standing position, elbows are bent, hands in front of the chest. The pads of the fingers touch each other, the palms are spread apart. The fingers of both hands are squeezed until they connect, but the palms cannot be brought together. Release your hands and repeat the exercise. Breathing is natural.
  4. In a standing position, freely, relaxed, the upper limbs are held in front of them. The right hand covers the left wrist. The thumb is pressed to the inside of the wrist. Perform compressions that are not too strong, but quite noticeable (5 times). Change hands and do the same. Breathing should be natural.
  5. They are placed in a prone position, the torso is lifted, leaning on the elbows. In this position, raise the legs and rhythmically bend, unbend the knee joints. Performing movements, the heels should slide without breaking away from the floor surface. Each exercise is repeated for 30 seconds. Breathing is kept natural.
  6. They kneel, resting their palms on the floor (on all fours). Raise the face, bend the back down until the pelvis is raised up. The chin is lowered to the chest. Further, the exercise is done exactly the opposite - the back is arched up, the pelvis is lowered. When raising the pelvis, inhale; when lowering, exhale.

When all processes have started, and the body has warmed up, they perform basic exercises.

Exercise #1

Take a standing position, with an even posture. Straight arms are held at shoulder level. With unhurried movements, they perform rotational actions around their axis. They are performed before the head spins. The first classes according to the Oko Revival method are carried out by scrolling from 3 to 5 turns. After that, it is recommended to lie down. You can add a couple of turns only after a week. Gradually adding rounds, bringing them up to the 21st, the dizziness will pass, and the activity will not cause nausea.

Exercise #2

The exercise begins with an exhalation. Raising the lower limbs and head, take a deep breath. When lowering the legs - exhale. It is important not to stray from the respiratory rhythm. It is advisable to perform the lesson with even legs, but if for some reason it is difficult, the limbs can be slightly bent.

After the breathing is adjusted, lying on the back, the chin is lowered to the chest, the palms are placed on the floor. Slowly raise even lower limbs up. Gradually, the angle is made smaller, trying to get straight limbs behind the head. Return to starting position.

Exercise #3

Produce exhalation. Making a deflection back - slowly inhale. Take the starting position and exhale again. There are no pauses between pearls. For the correct execution of the technique, they kneel, they are slightly bred to the sides. The palms are pressed under the buttocks, the head is smoothly lowered to the chest. Next, the head is pulled back, the chest is opened, and the spine is deflected. Allowed emphasis brushes on the hips.

Exercise number 4

They are placed sitting on the rug, stretching their legs in front of them. The feet are spread wider than the shoulders, the back is kept straight, the head is placed on the chest. The palms are placed on the floor, turning the brushes forward. Leaning the head back, raise the body up, building a horizontal line. Hands and shins are placed perpendicular to the floor, repeating the look of a coffee table. After a delay in this position (2-3 seconds), they return to the starting position.

Exercise number 5

Placed lying on the stomach. Focusing on the toes and hands, tilt the head back, bending the spine. In this case, the palms are necessarily placed under the shoulders so that the fingers look forward. From the side, the position of the body resembles an acute angle. Next, the chin is placed on the chest, while the legs are kept straight, the upper limbs with the body are located in the same plane. The body is folded in half.

It is necessary to remember the rule: the pelvis and knees do not touch the floor. Each movement should be accompanied by a second - five second pauses.

To consider the nuances, exercises five Tibetan pearls , it is worth considering in more detail video .

After a thorough mastery of the five pearls, for maximum effect and the acquisition of youth, not only external, but the functioning of the body as in 25 years, you can master the 6th ritual.

Important! The first five are not excluded, moreover, they should become a lifestyle within 5-6-7 years.

Starting to perform the exercise, you should completely exclude sex from life, or sharply limit it. This is quite logical, since sexual energy is transformed into vital forces. An additional pearl is designed for men in an exclusive sexual form, since for the transformation of energy there must be an excess of sexual desire and the need for its application.

Action algorithm:

  1. Stand up straight, exhale air from the lungs. They hold their breath.
  2. Tilt the torso forward, and emphasis with palms on the knee joints.
  3. They exhale the remaining air, and also hold their breath.
  4. Return to the starting position, straighten your shoulders.
  5. Brushes press on the hips and draw in the abdominals.
  6. At this stage, the chest should be expanded.
  7. Hold the pose for as long as possible.
  8. Inhale air through the sinuses, exhale through the mouth. At the same time, the upper limbs are relaxed and lowered.
  9. Take a deep breath in twice and exhale at an intense pace.

Perform three times, directing upward the accumulated sexual energy. To achieve the goal, you will have to sacrifice the natural need to have sex.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tibetan monks are distinguished by their strength of health and longevity. This difference is due to the peculiarity of the lifestyle. The benefits of doing the 5 Tibetan Pearls exercises are obvious:

  1. Tibetan gymnastics is effective for solving spinal problems . By performing 5 pearls daily, you can heal and eliminate or significantly alleviate the pain of arthritis.
  2. Through exercise, you can normalize the work of the reproductive organs in women, restore the menstrual cycle. Men solve, thus, problems with erection.
  3. The work of the digestive apparatus is getting better, the stool is normalized. Given the amount of energy expended on each exercise, they are effective if you want to lose extra pounds.
  4. The barrier functions of the body are strengthened, resistance to infectious diseases increases. The bronchi are cleared, congestion in the sinuses is dispersed.
  5. Endurance increases, addiction to addictions (alcohol, nicotine) decreases.

Since the complex is not just anti-aging, but belongs to the category of therapeutic, with some physiological changes and pathologies, gymnastics should be abandoned or used with caution. The best solution is to consult a doctor.

  • Hyperthermia.
  • Predisposition to heart attack.
  • Menstrual cycle.
  • The period of gestation.
  • Very old people.
  • Children.

There is an opinion that this is a male gymnastics complex, since it was developed by Tibetan monks for internal use. It is worth noting that these are prejudices and exercises can be performed by all people, regardless of gender.

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