Dishes from green dill. Dishes from garden greens. dill salad recipes

Dill is a fragrant spice and an excellent healer.

The beneficial properties of dill have been known for a long time, and its indispensability in cooking has been confirmed by personal experience. What is the use of dill, what does an infusion of dill seeds and an infusion of its herbs help, what is dill water, and also what dill salads can be prepared, how to freeze, dry and pickle dill for the winter, we'll talk about this with you.

Dill is one of the most common plants in the garden. It can be found in almost every area. Dill is easy to sow, it is not whimsical to care for, and in the end you get a fragrant spice that is appropriate in any dish. In addition, dill and its fruits have useful medicinal properties, which are determined by their vitamin and mineral composition. Its great advantage is its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Dill lowers cholesterol levels, acts as a sedative, stimulates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, gently on the digestive system, and helps prevent and treat diseases of the urinary system. And not only! Plant dill in your beds - this is a great helper!

Dill as a seasoning in cooking

The benefits of dill in cooking are obvious. Dill is a versatile herb that can be used fresh, dried or frozen. Dill is good in salads, and in soups, and in borscht, and with meat and fish. Young boiled potatoes with dill are unusually good, baked fish sprinkled with dill is excellent. And flowering dill is simply indispensable for conservation - not a single jar of cucumbers or tomatoes is complete without dill. Moreover, dill plays the role of not only a spice, but also a natural preservative that protects the workpiece. Remember that dill greens are added to the dish at the end, and dill seeds are added at the beginning.

Dill as a medicinal plant

The beneficial properties of dill have been used by healers for a long time. In medicine, dill can be used fresh (salads) and in the form of preparations (dill infusion, dill decoction). Eating dill, we get vitamin C that protects the body from infections (about 100 mg for every 100 g), B vitamins - relieving skin and hair problems, strengthening the nervous system, helping to cope with insomnia and bad mood, vitamin A - useful for vision and skin and not only a vitamin. Dill is rich in iron, potassium, carotene, valuable oils and more.

Dill greens contain a large amount of vitamins: vitamin A (retinol), provitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins (thiamine, niacin equivalent, riboflavin, pyridoxine and folic acid), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (tocopherol). ). In addition to vitamins, dill contains many acids, essential oils and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. The benefits of dill are obvious - regular use of dill helps to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

dill salad recipes

The greatest amount of vitamins comes with fresh herbs. Therefore, try to use fragrant dill fresh or in salads. Moreover, the most delicious salads, as a rule, contain a small amount of ingredients. The key is to eat them fresh. We bring to your attention simple green salads from fresh dill.

Refreshing dill salad

Cut the dill (two bunches), add a little salt to taste and mix. Beat a tablespoon of lemon juice with olive or ordinary sunflower oil (3-3.5 tablespoons), then add brown sugar (1-1.5 tablespoons). Mix the dressing well so that there are no grains. It will taste better if it sits for a while. Dress the salad with the resulting sauce, leave it for 2-3 hours. Cut the lemon into thin circles and spread on top of the salad just before serving. You can add pine nuts.

Dill and onion salad with sour cream

A large bunch of dill and a large bunch of green onions need to be chopped. Mix chopped greens in a salad bowl. Salt and mix. We fill with a jar of sour cream from the refrigerator. You can add a spoonful of mayonnaise to the dressing. Very tasty and healthy.

Dill salad with egg

Finely chop a bunch of dill and a bunch of green onions. Mix the chopped greens with salt and season with sour cream. Chop hard-boiled eggs. Mix eggs with herbs. You will need a bunch of onions and dill, 4 boiled eggs, 100-1500 grams of sour cream, salt. Delicious and nutritious spring salad is ready.

Cabbage salad with dill

Fresh and tasty dill and cabbage salad is very easy to prepare. Slice the cabbage half thinly with a sharp knife. Put in a bowl. Sprinkle the shredded cabbage with salt and remember with your hands. It should release juice and become soft. Rinse the dill, dry slightly, cut the branches. Finely chop the dill and add to the cabbage. Drizzle with olive or sunflower oil.

Cheese-curd salad with dill

Grated apple (2 tablespoons) mixed with lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and dill (3 tablespoons). Three hard cheese (150 g) on ​​a grater, add low-fat cottage cheese (100 g). Mix everything thoroughly, season with olive oil (2 tablespoons) mixed with chopped garlic (3-4 cloves). If desired, you can roll balls from this mass and decorate other salads with them.

And be sure to add dill to the first dishes. Fragrant dill is able to give soups an indescribable taste and smell. And how good is borsh sprinkled with fresh dill!

To please yourself in winter with fragrant dill, it is harvested for future use. Harvesting greens for the winter can be done in three main ways: drying, freezing, salting.

How to dry dill for the winter

It is necessary to collect dill for drying in the morning, when the dew has come down. In no case should you collect it after rain.

Before drying, dill must be carefully prepared: sorted, washed in cool water and allowed to drain.

Now the dill is laid out on a sheet of clean white paper in the shade so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Only in this way will the dill retain its natural beneficial properties and attractive appearance.

Dill can be dried in another way - in bundles hung on a rope. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated cool room.

Dill should not be dried for too long. With good clear weather, it will dry out in 2-3 days. It is very easy to check this. The dried sprig of dill is easily crushed into powder.

Store dried herbs in glass containers, so it will retain its appearance and aroma, and will not absorb moisture. Jars with tight-fitting lids work well for this.

How to freeze dill for the winter

Freezing dill is a very good way to store herbs. Many people prefer freezing to drying, as vitamins and essential oils are preserved in frozen dill, and the taste and appearance of dill from the freezer is just like fresh. There are three ways to freeze dill for the winter: whole plants, chopped and in ice cubes.

The freshest and most fragrant plants are selected for freezing. Dill sorted, washed and left to dry. Further, depending on the chosen method of freezing dill:

Cut into portioned pieces and placed in a container, jar or bag, in which I will store in the freezer;

The whole is wrapped in a bag;

Sliced ​​dill is laid out in molds for ice and poured with water.

Frozen greens can be stored for a long time, but they should not be re-frozen. When freezing dill, pack it into several small bags or containers to thaw only the amount of greens you need.

How to pickle dill for the winter

Dill can not only be added to blanks, but also canned separately. To do this, chopped greens are mixed with salt and vinegar and closed in a sterilized container. Or you can just salt the dill according to this recipe.

We thoroughly wash the dill and sort it out, tearing off the greens from the stem. Chop the dill greens and place in a large bowl. Add salt (for one bunch of unsorted dill, which is wrapped around the thumb and middle finger of the hand, there is 1 tablespoon with the top of salt). Grind the salted dill thoroughly in a bowl so that it flattens and releases the juice. Let stand for half an hour and put in clean glass jars with a screw cap. Salted dill should be put into the container very tightly, in small portions, so that there are no voids. You can also add a pinch of salt on top before twisting. Store in the refrigerator on the door.

What is useful dill

The fruits and essential oil of dill relieve spasms, lower blood pressure, have an expectorant, carminative, soothing, wound healing, diuretic and antihemoroidal effect.

Dill fruits are used to improve appetite and for insomnia.

Dill is useful for obesity, diabetes, salt deposition, for stimulating the separation of milk in lactating women, for allergic itching of the skin and pustular diseases of the skin of the face.

Contraindications: dill preparations are contraindicated in people with low blood pressure; pregnant women should not abuse dill.

Interesting fact about dill

Dill has been used as a useful plant for a long time. In ancient Egypt, a decoction of dill was considered a good remedy for headaches. In ancient Rome, warriors and athletes ate dill to improve their tone before battles and competitions. In Europe during the Middle Ages, doctors recommended dill to strengthen memory and to treat upset nerves.

How to cook dill decoction, dill infusion, dill water

Dill Seed Infusion

How to prepare an aqueous infusion of dill seeds: a tablespoon of crushed dill seeds is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes in a sealed container, filtered and drunk 30-50 ml 5-6 times a day.

Dill herb infusion

How to cook dill infusion: a tablespoon of dried dill herb is brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water, infused for an hour, filtered and drunk 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

What is useful infusion of dill:

Used for flatulence, constipation and chronic colitis.

Dill water

The famous dill water for reducing colic in newborns is actually made from the fruit of fennel, which is very similar to dill. You can also prepare water from dill seeds, but its effect will be weaker. The therapeutic effect of fennel infusion is much higher than that of dill water from dill.

How to prepare dill water: Dill water is made from dill oil at the rate of 1 part dill oil to 1000 parts water. You can also cook it this way: add 0.05 g of fennel oil or dill oil to one liter of boiled water.

Another recipe for making dill water at home, you should take fennel seeds (3 g), grind them in a coffee grinder (you may not grind, but then you will need to insist for at least an hour) and pour boiling water over them, let it brew for about 20 minutes, then bring the volume of liquid to 200 ml. Before use, the infusion must be filtered through a filter into several layers of gauze. Ready broth for 1 tsp. Add to formula or to expressed breast milk.

Often, mothers do not brew fennel, but dill seeds (1 tsp): pour it with 200 ml of boiled or purified water and leave for 60 minutes. The settled broth is used 3 times a day for 1 dessert or teaspoon. The water that the seeds are poured with must be pre-treated.

Important: Before using dill preparations, be sure to consult your doctor! Never self-medicate.

10 delicious greens for this summer

Man is an omnivore animal, but when everything around turns green, ears of corn and fragrant, the herbivorous part wakes up in him. And it requires more fresh dill, fragrant parsley, a crispy young onion - and at the same time a couple of bunches of that fragrant one!

Pics has put together 10 awesome recipes that are full of delicious herbs. Vitaminize for health!

green pie

Ingredients: 5 bunches of greens (dill, parsley, green onions and everything that pleases the soul), a couple of eggs, a tablespoon of sour cream and flour, a little vegetable oil, pepper and salt. The process itself. Eggs, sour cream and flour are turned into a dough. Pour coarsely chopped greens (green onions with onions) into a heated and oiled pan and pour over the prepared mixture. We season and cook under the lid until a blush, then turn over and achieve a blush on the reverse side. To prevent the cake from falling apart, you can cut it and turn it over in parts.

Green pancakes

Ingredients: for how many branches of various greens (dill, parsley, onion, celery, basil ...), a liter of milk, a couple of eggs, 400 grams of flour, a teaspoon of salt, a third of a teaspoon of soda, a little butter and vegetable oil, you can sour cream. The process itself. Beat the eggs and salt, pour flour and soda into them, pour half the milk and mix well. Then pour in the rest and get a dough of sour cream consistency. Let it stay warm for an hour. Then we drip vegetable oil there and pour the chopped greens. Then we cook like classic pancakes, grease with butter, pour over with sour cream and gobble up like crazy.

green soup

Ingredients: a pound of greens (spinach, sorrel, beet leaves, young nettles - in general, what was the freshest on the market or grew in the garden), a pan of chicken broth, a couple of carrots, parsley root, salt, boiled egg and sour cream. The process itself. We throw carrots and parsley root into the boiling broth, cook until softened, then we throw chicken pieces from the broth there - and well-washed, dried and torn by hand (so tastier and more vitamin) greens. In ten minutes, he's all yours. Pepper, salt, sour cream in a bowl and decorate with a piece of egg. The moment of truth has arrived! And she showed up not in wine, but in soup.

Green salad

Ingredients: head of young or Beijing cabbage; a few stalks of celery, a couple of cucumbers - and how much it is not a pity for a variety of greens (parsley, dill, onions, and so on), natural yogurt, mustard, salt. The process itself. We chop the cabbage into cabbage (thinly), add and mash. We cut the celery into pieces, turn the cucumbers into straws, crushed a stack of greens there - and season with yogurt mixed with mustard. However, no one forbids experimenting with dressing, as well as with additives: you can add peas or an apple, pour nuts or crackers, and so on. The main thing is that the grass should be like in the grandmother's village in the meadow! :)

Green kyukyu snack

Ingredients: on a not too thick bunch of your favorite greens (sorrel, spinach, green onions, wild garlic, and their other colleagues will go), heels of eggs, a piece of butter, some walnuts, homemade yogurt or kefir, salt and pepper. The process itself. We chop the whole stack of grass not too finely. Break the eggs into it, salt and pepper and mix well. Pour into a mold greased with half the oil, pour the other half of this oil (in melted form) over it all. In the oven, at about 170 degrees, bake for 15 minutes in the lower mode - and the same in the upper one. Sprinkle the finished dish with lightly roasted nuts, pour over with yogurt, cut it like a pie and get high in Azerbaijani style.

green pancakes

Ingredients: dill-parsley-onions and whatever greens you want - like pills for greed (“more!”), heels of eggs, 300 ml of kefir, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, 200 g of flour, a piece of hard cheese, half a spoonful of soda, a little vegetable oil . The process itself. Grind a couple of boiled eggs and greens and combine, three cheese there. We mix sour cream and kefir, heat it up a little, add the remaining eggs and salt-soda to the same place - and shake well until high-quality bubbling. Now there is flour - and we get the dough into which we pour the green mixture. Mix well and fry in a pan - until golden (pancakes) and abundant secretion of gastric juice (at home).

Green cakes kutaba

Ingredients: a couple of glasses of flour, a stack of spinach and other greens pleasant to the heart, a 100-gram piece of Adyghe cheese, a little butter, salt, pepper. The process itself. We knead the dough from flour, water (about half a glass) and salt, cover with a towel for 20 minutes, sprinkling water a couple of times and stirring along the way. We make balls, roll them into cakes, put chopped herbs and cheese inside, pinch the edges, slightly flatten what happened. We bake kutaby in a dry frying pan, immediately grease with oil - and eat it from the heat, from the heat.

Green cutlets

Ingredients: a pound of spinach puree, a couple of potatoes, a couple of eggs, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of green onions, breadcrumbs, a little flour, salt and pepper. The process itself. Boil potatoes, make mashed potatoes and mix with spinach. We add crackers so that it is normally molded, pour chopped greens there, salt and pepper, make cutlets, roll them in flour. We dip into a bowl with beaten eggs and fry until a pleasant ruddy color and the family shouts: “Give it! Hurry! Meow!" You can also add a little cheese for complete ecstasy - but this is only if the family, teased by smells, allows.

green oil

Ingredients: a pack of butter, a drop of olive oil - and a large bunch (heaps!) of everything that the beds sent: parsley, thyme, basil, green garlic ... The process itself. We load the oil softened at room temperature into a blender, load the chopped greens there, mix, drip olive oil - and blend! Now you will not have ordinary sandwiches. And there will be only divine ones! Well, in order to have a luxurious breakfast, fresh bread will be enough. Be warned though, it will end soon.

Green cocktail

Ingredients: two parts of your favorite greens (dill, lettuce, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet leaves, young nettle or dandelion, etc.) and three parts of your favorite fruits or vegetables (carrots, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, bananas ... ). The process itself. We take what fits well. For example, basil asks for tomatoes, mint for strawberries ... In general, we connect logic, fantasy and an experimental spirit. We shake all the ingredients in a blender, if it turned out too thick - add mineral water, if we want to absorb all the vitamins - we drip olive oil. It turns out inhumanly useful!

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Greens become one of the first fruits of the warm season - they begin to harvest them in gardens already in May-June, and this should be used to the fullest, because any greens are very useful. Meanwhile, it can not only decorate ready-made dishes and add it to salads - you can cook full-fledged dishes with it, tasty and very appetizing.

The most common greens in our country are dill, cilantro, parsley, celery, green onions, sorrel and lettuce. Of course, as we said recently, carrot and beet tops also belong to the greens. Any greens are very rich in vitamins and useful, as nature has established, and from its regular use there are many times more benefits than from meat, fish, and even fruits and vegetables. And the thing is that in its composition there are much more substances useful for the body.

For example: parsley has 4 times more vitamin C than lemon, it also contains beta-carotene, B, E, A vitamins, minerals (zinc, phosphorus, iron, selenium, etc.), inulin, glycosides, terpenes , flavonoids and other beneficial substances. This composition makes parsley a unique polysaccharide that protects against various diseases and prevents cancer.

Listing all the beneficial properties of various types of greens would take more than one hour, and doctors and nutritionists tirelessly talk about the benefits of its regular consumption. So it is definitely worth learning how to cook various greens dishes, especially since it is very simple.

What dishes can be prepared from greens?

There are really a lot of such dishes, because greens can be used both as a filling and as a basis for preparing a wide variety of second courses and snacks: scrambled eggs, salads, sandwich masses, casseroles and even meatballs!

When it comes to celery, spinach or sorrel, the fact that the noted dishes can be cooked with them is, of course, obvious - all these types of greens have long been used as vegetables. If you ask even an experienced hostess about what can be cooked from parsley, dill, green onions and lettuce, she is unlikely to be able to name any other dishes besides salads. Well, even more experienced housewives, of course, will call greens an excellent filling option for pies and pies - that's probably all. Therefore, in this article we will talk about dishes from these types of greens.

For starters - a recipe for a very interesting and simple "pie" of greens.

Green pie recipe

You will need: 5 bunches of greens (green onions, dill, parsley, etc.), 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. sour cream and flour, pepper, salt.

How to make green pie. Heat a frying pan with a small amount of oil, put coarsely chopped greens, green onions, cut into rings, then everything is poured with eggs mixed with sour cream and flour, covered with a lid and cooked until lightly browned. Next, the cake must be divided into 4 parts and each separately turned over to brown on the second side.

The green pie can be served cold or hot, as an independent dish or as a side dish.

Speaking of greens, salads cannot be ignored.

Assorted green salad recipe

You will need: 50 g pumpkin seeds / walnuts, 3 bunches of parsley, 2 bunches of dill, 1 small celery root, 1 bunch of green salad, 1 bunch of wild garlic, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 can of natural yogurt, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. grated horseradish, green garlic arrows, lemon juice.

How to cook a salad - assorted greens. Rinse all the greens, chop them with a knife and place in a large salad bowl. Finely chop the feathers of green onions and garlic, add to the salad bowl, put the grated celery on a fine grater, mix everything, add salt. For the sauce, mix yogurt with honey, warm water and lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste. Add chopped and roasted pumpkin seeds or nuts to the salad poured with sauce, chopped and fried pumpkin seeds, horseradish and mix.

Such a salad is a real vitamin bomb, with its regular consumption there will definitely not be a shortage of them, especially if all the ingredients are grown with your own hands in the garden.

As for recipes for salads with herbs, there are a lot of them. For example, you can take different types of greens, chop them, add boiled shrimp and dress the salad with olive oil - it will turn out very tasty.

For all cutlet lovers, the following recipe will be a godsend.

green cutlet recipe

You will need: 100 g of green onions, dill and parsley, 50 g of flour, 1 egg, pepper, salt.

How to cook cutlets from greens. Twist the greens in a meat grinder or chop it very finely. Break the egg into a bowl and lightly beat with a fork, add to the twisted greens along with flour, pepper everything and salt, mix until smooth. Form cutlets from the mass and fry them in a pan with hot oil until browned on both sides. Cutlets can be served with sauces to taste.

If you mix greens with cheese, you get a famous Indian dish, the preparation of which is described below in the video recipe.

Many green dishes can be found in various cuisines of the world, for example, Azerbaijani.

Recipe for omelette "Kyukyu" in Azerbaijani

You will need: 200-250 g of greens (sorrel, spinach, wild garlic, green onions, dill, cilantro, etc.), 4 eggs, turmeric, ground red and black pepper, salt.

How to cook an omelet with herbs. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with pepper, salt, turmeric, add coarsely chopped greens, mix, transfer to a refractory form greased with melted butter, bake the omelette for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 160 degrees until dense. Before serving, sprinkle kyukyu with ground nuts to taste and serve with sour cream, matsoni or natural yogurt.

You can also cook cold summer soups with herbs, for example, such a simple soup with milk.

Recipe for cold milk soup with herbs

You will need: 2 cups of milk, 1 pinch of salt, fresh herbs (tarragon, parsley, green onions, kupyr, dill, etc.), nutmeg to taste.

How to cook cold soup with milk and herbs. Finely chop the greens, pour into milk, add some salt and season with nutmeg, beat, serve the soup to the table.

Greens are versatile, so they can be combined with so many vegetables and other products, you can invent your own original dish, or you can use the recipes for dishes with herbs given in the article and cook cutlets, soup, casseroles, etc. from it. Such dishes are very tasty, but light, which is the best thing for a summer diet!

Man is an omnivore animal, but when everything around turns green, ears of corn and fragrant, the herbivorous part wakes up in him.
And it requires more fresh dill, fragrant parsley, a crispy young onion - and at the same time a couple of bunches of that fragrant one!

We have collected 10 awesome recipes for dishes in which there are many, many delicious herbs. Vitaminize for health!

green pie


5 bunches of greens (dill, parsley, green onions and everything that pleases the soul), a couple of eggs, a tablespoon of sour cream and flour, a little vegetable oil, pepper and salt.


Eggs, sour cream and flour are turned into a dough. Pour coarsely chopped greens (green onions with onions) into a heated and oiled pan and pour over the prepared mixture. We season and cook under the lid until a blush, then turn over and achieve a blush on the reverse side. To prevent the cake from falling apart, you can cut it and turn it over in parts.

Green pancakes


for how many branches of various greens (dill, parsley, onion, celery, basil ...), a liter of milk, a couple of eggs, 400 grams of flour, a teaspoon of salt, a third of a teaspoon of soda, a little butter and vegetable oil, you can sour cream.


Beat the eggs and salt, pour flour and soda into them, pour half the milk and mix well. Then pour in the rest and get a dough of sour cream consistency. Let it stay warm for an hour. Then we drip vegetable oil there and pour the chopped greens. Then we cook like classic pancakes, grease with butter, pour over with sour cream and gobble up like crazy.

green soup


a pound of greens (spinach, sorrel, beet leaves, young nettles - in general, what was the freshest on the market or grew in the garden), a pan of chicken broth, a couple of carrots, parsley root, salt, boiled egg and sour cream.


We throw carrots and parsley root into the boiling broth, cook until softened, then we throw chicken pieces from the broth there - and well-washed, dried and torn by hand (so tastier and more vitamin) greens. In ten minutes, he's all yours. Pepper, salt, sour cream in a bowl and decorate with a piece of egg. The moment of truth has arrived! And she showed up not in wine, but in soup.

Green salad


head of young or Beijing cabbage; a few stalks of celery, a couple of cucumbers - and how much it is not a pity for a variety of greens (parsley, dill, onions, and so on), natural yogurt, mustard, salt.


We chop the cabbage into cabbage (thinly), add and mash. We cut the celery into pieces, turn the cucumbers into straws, crushed a stack of greens there - and season with yogurt mixed with mustard. However, no one forbids experimenting with dressing, as well as with additives: you can add peas or an apple, pour nuts or crackers, and so on. The main thing is that the grass should be like in the grandmother's village in the meadow!

Green kyukyu snack


on a not too thick bunch of your favorite greens (sorrel, spinach, green onions, wild garlic, and their other colleagues will go), heels of eggs, a piece of butter, some walnuts, homemade yogurt or kefir, salt and pepper.


We chop the whole stack of grass not too finely. Break the eggs into it, salt and pepper and mix well. Pour into a mold greased with half the oil, pour the other half of this oil (in melted form) over it all. In the oven, at about 170 degrees, bake for 15 minutes in the lower mode - and the same in the upper one. Sprinkle the finished dish with lightly roasted nuts, pour over with yogurt, cut it like a pie and get high in Azerbaijani style.

green pancakes


dill-parsley-onions and whatever greens you want - like pills for greed (“more!”), heels of eggs, 300 ml of kefir, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, 200 g of flour, a piece of hard cheese, half a spoonful of soda, a little vegetable oil .


Grind a couple of boiled eggs and greens and combine, three cheese there. We mix sour cream and kefir, heat it up a little, add the remaining eggs and salt-soda to the same place - and shake well until high-quality bubbling. Now there is flour - and we get the dough into which we pour the green mixture. Mix well and fry in a pan - until golden (pancakes) and abundant secretion of gastric juice (at home).

Green cakes kutaba


a couple of glasses of flour, a stack of spinach and other greens pleasant to the heart, a 100-gram piece of Adyghe cheese, a little butter, salt, pepper.


We knead the dough from flour, water (about half a glass) and salt, cover with a towel for 20 minutes, sprinkling water a couple of times and stirring along the way. We make balls, roll them into cakes, put chopped herbs and cheese inside, pinch the edges, slightly flatten what happened. We bake kutaby in a dry frying pan, immediately grease with oil - and eat it from the heat, from the heat.

Green cutlets


A pound of mashed spinach, a couple of potatoes, a couple of eggs, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of green onions, breadcrumbs, a little flour, salt and pepper.


Boil potatoes, make mashed potatoes and mix with spinach. We add crackers so that it is normally molded, pour chopped greens there, salt and pepper, make cutlets, roll them in flour. We dip into a bowl with beaten eggs and fry until a pleasant ruddy color and the family shouts: “Give it! Hurry! Meow!" You can also add a little cheese for complete ecstasy - but this is only if the family, teased by smells, allows.

green oil


a pack of butter, a drop of olive oil - and a large bunch (heaps!) of everything that the beds sent: parsley, thyme, basil, green garlic ...


We load the oil softened at room temperature into a blender, load the chopped greens there, mix, drip olive oil - and blend! Now you will not have ordinary sandwiches. And there will be only divine ones! Well, in order to have a luxurious breakfast, fresh bread will be enough. Be warned though, it will end soon.

Green cocktail


two parts of your favorite greens (dill, lettuce, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet leaves, young nettle or dandelion, etc.) and three parts of your favorite fruits or vegetables (carrots, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, bananas ... ).

We take what fits well. For example, basil asks for tomatoes, mint for strawberries ... In general, we connect logic, fantasy and an experimental spirit. We shake all the ingredients in a blender, if it turned out too thick - add mineral water, if we want to absorb all the vitamins - we drip olive oil. It turns out inhumanly useful!

Enjoy your meal!

Already read: 9525 times

Probably, everyone knows fragrant umbrellas and leaves of an interesting shape, growing in cottages and gardens. Of course it isdill, the most common greens on our tables.

Russian cuisine is impossible without dill. Everyone's favorite potatoes with dill and butter, barrel cucumbers with horseradish and dill umbrellas, soups and borscht plentifully sprinkled with fresh herbs. Delicious! And without dill is not the same.What is useful dill? What can be cooked with dill, read on.

Such a useful and magical dill / What to cook with dill

Plant dill Almost everything is edible, except for the roots of course. Dill greens are used fresh for salads, dressings, sauces or to decorate dishes. Dill stalks are ideal for broths and preserving vegetables for the winter.

Umbrellas with seeds are also often used for homemade preparations, and the seeds themselves are a wonderful remedy for many diseases and an aromatic seasoning for cooking many national Russian dishes. For example, sauerkraut cannot be imagined without dill seeds.

Since ancient times, dill has firmly entered our lives. In the villages, babies are still brewed dill tea, from pain and colic in the tummy. Due to the huge amount of fiber in dill, it perfectly cleanses the intestines, eliminates gas formation and improves peristalsis.

dill tea recipe


  • 1 teaspoon dill seeds
  • 1 glass of boiling water

Cooking method:

  1. Pour dill into a clean glass, pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid or saucer.
  2. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Ready tea should be taken 1-2 tablespoons with meals.

For babies, dill tea is added to milk or other drinks. Pour 1 teaspoon of dill tea into 150 ml. Dill water will help both adults and children. This recipe is suitable for adults after a feast.

Often we pass on the holidays, and many use pharmacy enzymes in tablets to get rid of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. Dill tea is healthier, cheaper, more natural and most importantly more effective than pills. A decoction of dill greens is a wonderful remedy for sick hearts and hypertensive patients.

The use of such a decoction lowers blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to its properties to relax smooth muscles, dill decoction will instantly help relieve headaches, cope with insomnia, and even increase the secretion of the mammary glands in lactating women.

Few people know, but a decoction of dill stalks is a folk and effective remedy in the fight against kidney diseases, cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. These properties are associated with the diuretic properties of dill.

And also dill is rich in iodine. For those who have a lack of iodine in the body, you need to include fresh dill in your diet and eat 1-1.5 bunch per day. It is ideal to use healing dill in vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

It happens that many do not like to eat fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. And that's all, because they contain a lot of pectin - natural fiber in its purest form. It is necessary for the body, but not everyone digests it without problems.

A few leaves of dill greens will help the body get pectin from vegetables, without harm to the intestines and digestion in general. Chop or tear the dill and sprinkle over a fresh vegetable salad. Delicious, healthy and beautiful!

Dill is magical not only as a medicine, but also in cooking. This plant is the only one on Earth that does not lose its beneficial and aromatic properties. Both dried, salted and frozen. Even in marinades, pickles, hot dishes - dill will remain dill. Isn't that magic? It's dill!

What to cook with dill?

It is suitable for almost all products and dishes. Dill goes well with fish dishes. No other greens will be so wonderful in fish hot dishes. If you fill the fish fillet with finely chopped dill and leave for 1 hour, then the fish in such a marinade will turn out to be unusually juicy, spicy and tender. In this case, no other spices are needed.

Fish in dill marinade especially popular with Finns. It is believed that this method of preparation - national Finnish culinary specialty. Interestingly, dill is used in many cuisines around the world, but it is more common in northern countries.

The South is also not complete without it. It is often included in: Turkmen, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Tajik and Georgian cuisines. However, the same cilantro or parsley is more loved there. Dill in dishes feels good and is not lost with such herbs and spices as: thyme, tarragon, basil, garlic, lemon balm and rosemary.

But with cilantro and mint it is better not to mix it. It is also great in combination with dairy products.

Curd Paste Recipe


  • 200 gr fat cottage cheese
  • 1-2 tsp salt
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch dill
  1. Grind the dill and garlic in a blender.
  2. Add cottage cheese and beat. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream if the paste is thick.
  3. Salt to taste.
  4. Serve with bread, thin pancakes or chips.

Use dill in your food every day, because it is a magical and beneficial plant.

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