Don't miss the chance to quote. Aphorisms and quotes about a chance in a person's life. The best sayings and aphorisms about a chance in life

We present to your attention Quotes, aphorisms, thoughts and sayings of the great and not only great (but just people) about Chance in life. And so, a chance in life - in quotes and aphorisms on the site. (Continuing the topic, we advise you to read: article)

The best sayings and aphorisms about a chance in life:

Take a chance! All life is a chance. The person who goes further is usually the one who's done and dared. (Dale Carnegie.)

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: Chance, Nature, Compulsion, Habit, Cause, Passion, and Desire. (Aristotle.)

Our lives will only improve when we take risks, and the very first risk we must take is to be honest with ourselves. (Walter Anderson.)

This was my life. I have found that it is worth living, and would gladly live again if the opportunity presented itself. (Bertrand Russell.)

It is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny. (Gene Nidetch.)

Enjoy life because it gives you the opportunity to love and work and play and look at the stars. (Henry Van Dyke.)

The golden opportunity you seek is within you. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance or other people's help, it is only in you. (Orison Swett Marden.)

A successful person is one who met a chance and took it. (Roger Babson.)

Luck is everything, may your hook always be thrown into the stream where you least expect to catch a fish. (Ovid.)

Necessity is the mother of risk. (Mark Twain.)

In shaping life, chance and the ability to respond to chance is everything. (Eric Hoffer.)

A wise man turns chance into a lucky break. (Thomas Fuller)

Everything that exists in the universe is the fruit of chance or necessity. (Democratic)

Chance has something to say about everything, even how to write a good letter. (Balthasar Grassian.)

Nothing happens by chance, my friend…. There is no such thing as luck. Every little thing has a meaning, and there is a meaning behind it. Partly for you, partly for me, it's impossible to see it for real right now, but it will be, soon. (Richard Bach.)

Chance - very easy to sell or buy, but not very easy to use. (Lada Wolf)

If you are given a chance at life, you need to be able to pass it with dignity. (Neyah)

It's easy to say - weigh all the odds. To begin with, these very chances must be obtained - absentee weighing is obviously inaccurate. (Yuri Tatarkin)

Seeing a chance is not yet an art. Art is to see the chance first. (Benjamin Franklin)

Was at the right time in the right place. And this is the main thing! (stasis)

A missed chance, by definition, is considered alien from the start. (Yuri Tatarkin)

Don't turn your back on offers, chances are rarely given. (Sergiy Babiy)

Don't miss out on all chances. At least one, overwhelmed, to the hands, and stick. (Yuri Tatarkin)

There is always a chance. You just don't have to lose hope. (Tulebaev Dauyrzhan)

Life is the last chance given to us by fate to become human.

This collection includes quotes about a chance in life for psychological reflection. And here is the first saying: We live in a world ruled by faith. What you believe will work.

A mensa et toro - from the table and the couch.

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

The woman, of course, is smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? Faina Ranevskaya

If you start with self-sacrifice for the sake of those you love, then you will end up hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself. B. Show.

Sometimes, only having lived a life, a person realizes what his life purpose was. I. Shevelev

And if you are not confident in yourself, nothing good will ever come of it. After all, if you don't believe in yourself, who will?

In America, in the Rocky Mountains, I saw the only reasonable method of art criticism. There was a sign above the piano in the bar: Don't shoot the pianist, he's doing his best. Oscar Wilde

Only one deity can possess comprehensive wisdom, and it is natural for a person to strive only for it. Pythagoras

It is very easy to be gloomy and incomprehensible. It's hard to be kind and clear.

Any mutual affection between a man and a woman begins with a stunning illusion that you think the same about everything in the world. Agatha Christie

We cannot learn values; we must experience values. Frankl V.

We are slaves of our habits. Change your habits, your life will change. Robert Kiyosaki

For every minute you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

Not one of them will fall in love with a man whom all women love. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Faith is enough for the first step. You don't have to see the entire staircase to take the first step.

When it's hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better.

Evil, as a rule, does not sleep and, accordingly, does not understand well why anyone should sleep at all. Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

No, said with deep conviction, is better than yes, said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems. Mahatma Gandhi

Wisdom is the awareness of the unconditional significance of life itself in the face of death itself. Eric Homburger Erickson

Wise is the ignoramus who is devoid of wisdom, Than the sage who is hungry for ignorance. William Shakespeare

After life, only that which he acquired with his moral qualities and good deeds remains. Cicero

Words are like keys. By choosing the right words, you can open any soul and close any mouth!

Don't think about how to make something better. Think about how to do it differently.

When a person starts a war with himself, he is already worth something. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie

Money does not spoil a person, it just shows who he really is.

We live in a world ruled by faith. What you believe will work.

A man should feel that he is needed, and a woman that she is taken care of.

You don't have to conform to anyone. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

Entangled in love alternately sigh, then rejoice. They rejoice because they are transferred to something better. They sigh because they lose themselves, lose and destroy. Marsilio Ficino (XV century)

The more comprehensive the meaning, the less comprehensible it is. Infinite meaning necessarily lies beyond the comprehension of a finite being. This is the point where science gives way and wisdom takes over. Frankl V.

When we surround ourselves with good people and good thoughts, life begins to change for the better.

Love under the mask is like fire under the ashes. K. Goldoni.

There are no crimes or offenses in love. There are only misses of taste. Paul Geraldi

Clara pacta, boni amici - with a clear relationship, friendship is stronger.

Worldly wisdom requires secrecy: whoever plays openly runs the risk of losing. B. Gracian

The optimist believes that we live in the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears that this is the case. M. Zhvanetsky

Everything is going well, just passing by. M. Zhvanetsky

Those who stubbornly test their life for strength, sooner or later achieve their goal and end it spectacularly.

Love preserves beauty, and the body of a woman lives with caresses, like a bee with flowers. Anatole France

Every law, implicated in ignorance and malice and pandering to base passions, we call the wisdom of our ancestors. Sydney Smith

Love can change a person beyond recognition. Terence

We reap in life what we have sown: whoever sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed. Luigi Settembrini

It is necessary to return only those people who left through our fault. The rest should be wished a happy journey.

Marrying hopes, marrying promises. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Who stopped loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive

Everything passes is the most true truth in the world. - Erich Maria Remarque.

Always choose the most difficult path on it. You will not meet competitors.

To every person you give trust, you put a knife in your hand. With it, he can protect you or destroy you.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz.

Do not forget that every morning is a chance to start life anew.

You eat a lot - the excess is deposited in fat. You eat little - the body thinks that hard times are coming, and begins to accumulate fat. Not a single chance, damn it, not a single chance!

Nikita Dzhigurda shouted "" Thunder strike me "", and God realized that such a chance falls once in a lifetime.

If a man does not have a chance to sleep with a woman, then he has no choice but to be an honest and devoted husband.

We do not give a second chance to people, we give a second chance to ourselves, because it is too difficult to sit down and honestly say to ourselves: yes, I was mistaken in this person.

But it’s interesting in the entire history of mankind that there was at least one case when a person went crazy while studying tickets for an exam? I'm wondering if I have a chance to get into the Guinness Book of Records on this issue? 0_o

Ranetki is a children's chanson.

The meaning of the New Year is to get another chance. A chance to do better, more, to love more, to forgive and not worry about what would be different, but to perceive life as it is.

If in a dispute with a girl you are armed only with logic, facts and common sense, you have no chance.

Money and stupidity give the greatest chance of winning an election.

At least the chances are zero. Hope is still a full bag.

The worse a person copes with work, the less likely they are to get rid of him.

Do not think that life goes in a circle, that everything will return more than once. rather kiss the betrayed hand, drown in the depths of your beloved eyes. Don't miss autumn, winter, summer. Don't miss your chance for happiness.

Rarely does anyone get a chance to keep a hand-cut diamond! So let's drink to the fact that the diamond cut by us remains in our hands!!!

don't give them a second chance, let them appreciate it from the first.

I won't give you an eighth chance! Understood?!

Life gives us a sea of ​​​​chances, but often we are just too lazy to swim

Love like it's the last day of your life, smile - don't be sad, don't cry - you'll regret it later. Every new day is another chance for you

Stop yearning for summer! In autumn, you have no less chance of finding adventure!

You won't know how strong you are until you have the chance to prove it.

In order not to miss your chance and find love for life, you need to take the first step on time, maybe it will be the most important in your life. Think.

And our chances of losing each other again are zero.

The more you love a person, the more likely you are to be truly happy.

In the summer on the beach, it is best to get acquainted with an untanned girl. She is just at the beginning of her summer holiday and you will have a chance to teach her how to swim.

You can try to wake up tired feelings and there is a chance that they will flare up again. But never killed.

You can't betray the one who gave you the chance. You can't turn your back and say I'll come back later. Later may not come.

Only with a child we are given a chance to return to the magical world: re-read fairy tales, watch children's films and see the world in bright colors.

Luck comes when you have a constant willingness to take a chance.

In a family where people know how to negotiate, there is always a chance to continue the game.

It is foolish not to take the chance and change everything if you have it. just because you're afraid.

A loved one should be reliable - like a control shot and the only one - as the last chance.

When you think that life has turned its back on you, look at it from a different angle. Always remember, when life gives you another chance, you will succeed.!

New Year is the only holiday when a drunk man, who has confused the apartment and even the city, has every chance to recapture the owner of the apartment from a normal man.

If a woman tells you "What?" it's not because she didn't hear you. She's just giving you a chance to change what you said.

The upcoming New Year of the Monkey gives us another chance. turn into a human.

Don't give people a second chance, because they will give you such an experience that no one will get even a first from you.

My family is not perfect, but if I had a chance to choose another, I would choose MY FAMILY again and again!!!

You know, it happens that you look and understand: here he is "your man", but there is no chance for him and cannot be.

Giving chances to the person who betrayed you is probably the same as giving a second bullet to the one who missed you the first time.

God created women different, and Mendeleev gave a chance to each.

If you hear the alarm clock in the morning - just smile. And there will be a chance that this day will be the most beautiful in your life.

A person should always be given a second chance, but not a third.

There is always a chance as long as there are feelings.

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What difference does it make what happens tomorrow? The main thing is happening today and now! Don't miss your chance. (With)

A man is more likely to find happiness than a woman. Because there are much more women in the world who know how to love than men who are worthy of love.

New Year is a chance for one night in the year to become small again and believe in a miracle.

Even if there is no longer any chance, then there is still a chance that they will appear.

Even if you are loved for who you are, do not miss your chance to become better.

I’m not looking for anything… what I wanted to find… what I can do without… lost… Only what is important remains… I’m not looking for the meaning of life — it’s in me… I’m not waiting for a second chance — the first one hasn’t been used yet… I don’t regret anything — this can't be fixed...

A world in which there are no real feelings left, a world in which everyone pretends, a world in which the only chance to live is to hold on tightly to real feelings.

There is always a chance as long as there are feelings.

I always give people a second chance and never a third. Having done it once, a person understands whether he likes it or not. And if a person repeated it, it means he likes it, and he will always repeat it.

Sometimes giving a person a second chance, you give him another bullet if he missed the first time ...

Every day is another chance to change your life!

Everything will be fine, everything will be cool, life gives us a chance every minute.

There is only one chance in life. If you fight, then to the end!

People tend to make mistakes, they learn from mistakes, you need to be able to forgive and give a second chance. But if it happens again, it hasn't passed the test, it's not real. These people need to be removed from your life. Once and forever.

If a woman tells you "What?" it's not because she didn't hear you. She's just giving you a chance to change what you said.

There are people who are ready to give a second chance all their lives. Just to keep them close.

If this is fate, then love will give another chance!

Love and be loved… if you are near, it means you are destined to, life has given you a chance to show what LOVE is!

I wonder how we would live if we had a chance to lie only once in a lifetime?

Time gives a chance...

There are people who can be given a 10th chance, and there are those for whom even the 1st was clearly superfluous!

Give me a chance to start from scratch...

Don't give them a second chance, let them appreciate it from the first.

The basic principle: in any case, at any time, any man has a chance to turn any woman's head. It's important to find a way.

Do you know what's so great about today? Today I got a chance to fall in love with you again...

Every moment is another chance to make a 180 degree turn!

You don't stand a chance. At all. You don't even stand a chance.

Know how to give people a second chance, because someday you will need it.

If you are bisexual, then the chances of having a good evening are doubled. :)

The chances are endless. Say "no" once...

Always use all your chances... everything. Even if you think there is no chance...

Everyone is given a chance to be happy, but not everyone is given to understand that this is exactly the happiness that he was waiting for.

Sometimes such slippery chances come across that they cannot be kept even with a tight rein.

The chances that you miss, all as one, are beautiful. And those that get - shabby and unsightly.

Give luck at least one chance.

It's better to regret what you did than what you didn't do.

Knock Knock. Who's there? Your chance. You're lying. Why? Chance doesn't knock twice...

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