Autumn melancholy. How to deal with it: tips. How to get rid of autumn blues. What do we call blues

With the onset of autumn, there is only talk about a decline in mood. Many of us are so reluctant to let go of summer that it seems we are ready to hibernate! It remains to decide only some “nuances”, somehow: who will work instead of us, do housework, take care of the children ... All this is simply called “autumn blues”. What is behind it and how to neutralize it - we will discuss today with professional, practicing psychologist Vladimir Gabmarov.

Vladimir, let's first deal with what is correct to call the autumn blues.

Autumn blues - quite typical psychological condition of many people. It is associated with a deterioration in mood and a decrease in the emotional background. In addition, appetite, sleep patterns change, motivation for activity disappears.

And what exactly is happening to us, and what are the reasons for this condition? Restructuring of nature or something else?

Naturally, for many, autumn is associated with worsening weather, cold rain, slush, a decrease in daylight hours, etc. It gets cold not only on the street, but also in apartments, which cannot please. A reduction in daylight hours entails changes in hormonal levels and physiological changes in the body. In this regard, some people experience mild weakness, slight drowsiness, mild emotional depression in the form of mild sadness.

Can people confuse some underlying problems with the autumn blues? And does the latter have any special symptoms when it is already worth sounding the alarm and contacting a specialist?

Autumn blues is not always a disease. The usual reduced mood background. If we talk about a mental disorder, then this is the area of ​​psychiatry and the activities of psychiatrists. Signs of illness of deep problems are identified with prolonged apathy, prolonged incessant depression, lack of a positive emotional response from joyful events, frequent references to death, coloring the emotional background in dark colors (a shade of tragedy). Also, people are no longer happy with relationships and a pronounced introversion, deep thoughtfulness, sleep disturbance, and suicidal behavior tendencies appear.

So, this is not always a disease, which is already pleasing. Nevertheless, there are those who suffer from the blues, and there are those who are lucky, whom she bypasses. Who is at risk? Why do some feel exhausted, while others continue to live as if nothing had happened?

I’ll make a reservation right away that autumn blues occurs in both women and men, so there are no preferences for gender. But still, in practice, more women seek advice. This is explained quite banally: it’s just that men seek help much less often, they have their own, not always correct “methods” of dealing with depression. This is how male psychology works. Moreover, girls are more emotional. In general, regardless of gender, the dynamics of the onset of the disease is largely determined by lifestyle. People who are busy with work, family, leading an active and mobile lifestyle are less prone to autumn blues. As one client recently put it, “I just don’t have time for bullshit.”

An interesting nuance about the weather. Tell me, does the fact that we have more sun save Buryatia in this autumn decadent period?

Maybe. But, as one wise man said: "Everything is in our hands." Much depends on the view of the situation, attitude to what is happening, as well as social well-being and the environment.

Is it possible to escape from the blues? In the truest sense of the word: to another city, country.

Why not, if the means allow and there is everything for this, all the possibilities. A change of scenery, new acquaintances and communication, distraction from everyday troubles have a positive effect on the state of mind. However, as Pythagoras said: "Do not chase happiness, it is in each of us."

Sometimes it seems that, in general, everything is in order. You get enough sleep, you are doing well at home and at work. But you do not like autumn, and this at least spoils your mood ...

Just don't focus on your least favorite or favorite season of the year. Show attention to those things that charge with activity and improve the brightness of life.

How exactly can we help ourselves?

Sometimes only a specialist is able to understand, correctly assess the psychological state and promptly provide needed help. But you can cope with a bad mood on your own. So, if you don't get enough sunlight, just get up earlier, spend more time outdoors. You can also lead an active lifestyle - make yourself move more! In moderation, please yourself with various goodies, go in for sports, go out into nature with your family or colleagues. During your lunch break at work, try to get out of the room. Special attention pay attention to nutrition: consume more vegetables, fruits and berries. Try to balance your biological clock, observe the daily routine. In the end, learn to notice the beautiful even in dullness, and the sun will certainly return to your heart!

Question answer

"Unsolicited nostalgia"

“Hello, Vladimir! I have a strange autumn problem. I don't know what it's called, but every autumn I live some scenarios from the past. I have total nostalgia for everything: old favorite clothes, smells, friends, relationships, music. What is happening to me? This is very bad? And how can I deal with it? From such memories to me, let's say, at least sad.

Natalia, 24 years old

Hello, Natalia! Indeed, memories are, first of all, a sensual part - images, impressions, emotions, feelings. Memories are bright, sad, heavy, gloomy, joyful, etc. This is characteristic of every person. In moderate doses, they give a positive effect. For example, the smell of "confectionery" takes us back to childhood, because it reminds us of pies baked by our mother or grandmother. The guys running next to backpacks evoke memories of a carefree childhood. We remember how good it was once, but it becomes sad that you can’t return it. But it is one thing to sometimes succumb to the mood of memories, and quite another to become dependent on them, living only in memories. Therefore, it is important for you not to get stuck in the past. In fact, if life is the past, which has passed and the future, which has not yet come, is the path to frustration (anxiety). It is necessary to live here and now, to enjoy the present moments of life. After all, the past cannot be returned, and the future has not yet arrived.

Excessive nostalgia occurs when the present does not bring joy, and the future portends problems. Perhaps now you to some extent do not have enough happy moments that you remember and idealize them. So try not to idealize the past. I understand that it is impossible to fully control feelings, but you can control your actions.

Soundtrack to autumn

“As autumn begins, my daughter seems to be replaced by someone else. She hits sad music. Includes groups "Splin", Zemfira. It seems to me that this only makes it harder for her, but she says that, on the contrary, it is easier. Like, it's like a soundtrack to autumn. Is there anything I can do to help her? Maybe if she listened to something positive, it would be easier for her ... "

Svetlana, 46 years old

Hello Svetlana! I understand your feelings about your daughter. If boys are brought up to be courageous, then girls, respectively, are gentle, sensual. Much depends on physiology. Perhaps your child has a melancholy temperament. The most important thing is to accept your daughter for who she is. Help her feel confident. Emotions that arise under the influence of music can be conditionally divided into perceived and felt. look at the behavior and emotional state daughters. Perhaps in this way she is trying to complete the picture of emotional colors, sometimes sad motives, on the contrary, bring bright colors back to life. But that doesn't mean you have to listen to sad music all the time. Everything should be in moderation.

Girlfriend gone crazy?

“Every fall my friend does stupid things. I don’t know why this is happening, perhaps she wants something bright in this gloomy time. But she either leaves a wonderful guy for some incomprehensible person, then dyes herself blonde, then runs away to another city, changing jobs and leaving her friends. I feel a little uneasy, because this happens with different frequency, but every time - as soon as the summer ends. Is it possible for her to somehow hint at a trip to a psychologist? Or am I exaggerating and there is nothing wrong with that? Why does she need these changes? Why at this time of the year?

Alexandra, 32 years old

The psychology of autumn bad weather is often associated with a person's mood. At the same time, not only its deterioration is observed, but also an emotional upsurge. Perhaps in bad weather in this case, the self-expression of the individual occurs. Parting and unfulfilled hopes have something in common with the psychology of feelings reflected in the songs of our reality. Perhaps, in this case, bad weather only turns on the compensation mechanism for the realization of one's dreams and fantasies, but over time this does not find personal satisfaction inside and fades away.

Academic year with tears in my eyes and ... a thermometer

“The blues or not the blues, but every school year our son has tears in his eyes, because he even often gets sick in the fall. How can we be with him? Tell me please! We often heard about psychosomatics, about how we depend on our mood, our emotions. Maybe there's some grain in it."

Svetlana, 41 years old

Thoughts that arise with the approach of a cold, damp autumn trigger the mechanism of negative attitudes. A person expects an increase in the symptoms of the disease in advance, and the endocrine system is very sensitive to nervous strains. However, a child's reluctance to go to school may be accompanied by a number of other factors. Specialist consultation is required.

Bad mood, fast fatiguability, fatigue, apathy, frequent nervous breakdowns, it is not clear for what reason increased appetite - all this can be symptoms of the onset of seasonal depression, which can drag on for several months. And if the “dull time” makes you sad and does not cause any positive emotions, then the situation must be urgently taken under control!

1. More light

One of the main causes of autumn depression is the lack of bright colors in nature, as well as the lack of sun and light. There are statistics that in autumn and winter depression, at least in a mild degree, occurs in every second inhabitant of the Earth. In the Scandinavian countries, it is proposed to fight it with the help of light therapy, for which special heavy-duty lamps are used. Light therapy rooms (sometimes also called phototherapy) began to appear in some Russian clinics. A more affordable and easier alternative is daytime walks (especially if the sun is shining outside). But those who want to stay alert and in a good mood should refuse to watch TV at night or sit at a computer in a dimly lit room: constant dim lighting, especially at odd hours at night, causes desynchronization of life rhythms, and also stimulates increased production of TNF protein, which causes. So sleep, as expected, at night, and in the morning and evening, try to ensure that the lighting is sufficient.

2. More delicious food and anti-depressant products

Among them are turkey, bananas, whole grain bread and sour-milk products.(contain the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of the good mood hormone serotonin, and turkey is also rich in amino acids that increase the body's anti-stress resistance); spinach (a good source of folic acid, a deficiency of which is found in about a third of those suffering from depression); dried apricots (it is rich in magnesium that helps us), chocolate and cocoa (they also contribute to the production of serotonin). Do not forget to drink a sufficient amount of liquid: an organism suffering from a lack of moisture cannot be in good shape. And keep in mind that according to the observations of nutritionists, depression can also be triggered by tasteless and monotonous food.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

Serotonin is an important biologically active substance and hormone, it increases physical activity and sociability, improves emotional mood. In addition to foods rich in tryptophan, serotonin synthesis requires a certain amount of carbohydrates. So it turns out that lovers of sweets (within reasonable limits) are more positive people than those who completely avoid eating them.

3. Less "depressive" food

Give up fast food, free products and convenience foods, eat less fried foods. A joint study by scientists from the Canadian Research Center Canadian Obesity Network and the Spanish University of Navarra (Universidad de Navarra), which lasted six years and in which more than 12 thousand people took part, proved a direct relationship between the foods we eat and our mood and mental state. With the wrong diet with a lot of trans fats, the risk of depression increases by 40% or more. And vice versa: when enough in the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the main source of which is vegetable oils and sea ​​fish less likely to be depressed. Keep in mind: everything that contains margarine also falls into the category of harmful products rich in trans fats (primarily ready-made pastries, since margarine for baking can contain up to 40% of these fats).

4. Avoid drugs

Be careful with antidepressants and, moreover, do not "prescribe" them yourself. As numerous scientific studies show, they are useless in the fight against seasonal autumn depression, as they treat the effect and do not eliminate the cause. It is better to drink tea with mint in the evenings - a natural antidepressant, which, moreover, normalizes sleep. You can also take lavender before bed.

5. Rest and relax

If it becomes completely unbearable - make sure that a little summer appears in your life. If possible, take a vacation or time off and go to warm sunny climes for a few days, go to a spa for some exotic aroma massage, or start growing flowers: according to scientists, even a small home “greenhouse” on a windowsill of two or three plants (most importantly - flowering) can prevent depression.

For information on how you can relax after work, see the story:

6. Buy yourself a new bag

And the point here is not only the magical power of shopping therapy, which is familiar to almost every woman. As follows from the recently published results of a study by scientists from the National University of Singapore (National University of Singapore) and the University of Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong), the constant carrying of a heavy bag negatively affects our subconscious and mood: the physical sensation of a “heavy burden” inevitably leads to "heaviness" in the soul. Therefore, in order to avoid autumn depression, we lay out everything superfluous and switch to a smaller and lighter bag!

Has the autumn melancholy rolled over? Psychologists and experts advise how to effectively fight and cope with the autumn blues and depression.

Covered by autumn melancholy? Psychologists will tell you how to live on!

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In autumn, the lack of sunlight becomes more and more every day. This can cause seasonal depression with all the ensuing consequences: fatigue, helplessness, apathy and depression.

According to neuroscientist and professor Russell Foster, the main way to overcome the autumn blues is to go outside. Fresh air for at least 30 minutes between 6 and 10 am when the sunlight is at its strongest.

“Even on an overcast day, the light is 500 to 1,000 times stronger outside than in your home or office,” he explains.

"Studies show that exposure to morning light helps reset our internal body clock and effectively counter seasonal depression."

2. Set up a sleep schedule

A broken state after sleep and a strong desire to sleep more is a common autumn problem.

Shortening days and long hours of darkness cause levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone, to rise, causing a desire to sleep during the day and anxiety at night.

We often exacerbate the problem by rearranging our natural system sleep and wakefulness - we drink coffee to wake up in the morning and drink alcohol to relax in the evening.

Instead, it is better to accustom yourself to a certain daily routine - go to bed and wake up at the same time.

3. Load up on healthy food

Shortening days and lack of sunlight lead to the fact that our body reduces the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone”.

This gives us a strong desire to fill the lack of serotonin with carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes and rice. By using these products, we quickly gain weight.

Resist the temptation and lean on fresh, seasonal produce with low content fats, which, thanks to a large amount of antioxidants, successfully resist diseases:

  • Swede, sweet potato and pumpkin—these bright orange vegetables are loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and the antioxidant beta-carotene.
  • Apples and peaches. Apples contain heart-healthy flavonoids, one of the most powerful antioxidants. And peaches are rich in soluble fiber, which helps improve digestion and lower cholesterol.
  • Figs are a high-fiber treat that is also an excellent source of calcium.

4. Have social gatherings to fight depression

Countless studies show that Good friends can relieve depression. But at this time of year, it's much easier to curl up in front of the TV than to see your comrades.

Make it your mission to get outside and meet your friends at least once a week.

Watching a nice movie together in the evening or just having some cute gossip over homemade food is a guaranteed way to feel better.

5. Set a goal

Summer is over and Christmas is still a long way off, so it's hard to stay motivated and focused in the fall.

To effectively fight the autumn blues, psychologist Evi Joseph recommends starting to set small goals, like reading a book you've been putting off for years (even if it's 50 Shades of Grey!).

After that, you can set a more global goal, for example, sign up for yoga or learn a new language.

6. Simulate dawn with a smart alarm clock

Wake up with a sunrise simulator that will fill your bedroom with rays of "sunshine".

Research shows that an alarm clock that mimics sunrise can help reset our internal biological clock and wake us up. naturally.

7. Introduce one of the newest superfoods into your diet

An impressive cocktail of vitamins and minerals containing 6 times more vitamin C than oranges, 6 times more antioxidants than blueberries, 2 times more calcium than milk and much more more iron than red meat - no wonder Baobab has been named one of the newest health-boosting superfoods!

The homeland of the baobab is East Africa, this fruit has been valued by the locals for many thousands of years.

It is available from us in powder form. Add it to yogurt or porridge, and you will no longer be able to overcome the autumn blues.

8. Diversify your sex life

Research shows that we feel sexier in the summer.

Sunlight boosts hormones wellness- serotonin and dopamine, as well as the hormone responsible for sexual activity - testosterone, thereby bringing us into a playful love mood.

In autumn, our sexual energy goes down, and to prevent this from happening, you need to diversify your sex life and get off the beaten path.

Don't wait until 11 p.m. when your eyes are already droopy to have sex - try starting after 8 p.m. when the kids are in bed, or at lunchtime on weekends.

"And if you're always waiting for your partner to initiate sex, you're missing out," adds sex expert Tracey Cox.

“The initiative could revive the most sluggish sex life. You will begin to enjoy and enjoy when you are active and diversify your habitual behavior.

9. Choose happy food

The body makes serotonin (the happiness hormone) from a chemical called tryptophan, which is found naturally in dairy, fish, bananas, dried dates, soy, almonds, and peanuts.

“Combining tryptophan-rich foods with whole grain carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain bread or oatmeal helps the body release insulin, which boosts tryptophan, redirecting it to the brain for use,” explains nutritionist Dr. Marilyn Glenville.

10. Try laughter therapy

16. Book a vacation

Many of us experience what psychologists at the University of Granada in Spain call "post-holiday syndrome" - feeling tired, lethargic and demotivated after a summer vacation.

But it's not just travel itself that puts a smile on our face, it turns out that planning a vacation is also very important. Psychologists say that simply waiting for the upcoming vacation is a good enough reason to cheer up.

So start looking for where you're going next year or plan a trip for the coming weekend - and do it right now!

17. Raise your iron levels

Are you exhausted, pale and find it difficult to focus on anything? You may be suffering from an iron deficiency, the world's most common deficiency. nutrients.

Researchers from the Department of Health suggest that only 1 in 10 people have a normal level of iron in the blood. And even if you don't suffer from anemia, your iron levels may still be low.

Ideally, women should take two servings of iron-rich foods a day—the best source is found in red meat, fish, eggs, bread, legumes, leafy greens, vegetables, and dried fruits.

Read on the topic: How to deal with depression and apathy in women

18. Let nature do its work.

“Enjoying a beautiful walk can boost your mood and self-esteem,” says one study from the University of Essex.

Researchers have found that walking in nature elevates our mood, while walking in an urban setting increases depression.

Therefore, go outside and enjoy the beautiful autumn landscape by visiting a local park or forest.

19. Put a needle to apathy

Acupuncture can release endorphins in the body, and help deal with apathy and blues.

“Needles act like switches in the energy channels of the body, releasing stagnant energy and allowing it to flow freely,” explains acupuncturist Lisa Sherman.

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In social media feeds - solid puddles, umbrellas, falling leaves ... "Summer, come back!" - asks the soul. But the next vacation stop is only the New Year holidays. No, there are, of course, those among us who enjoy gloomy weather, but most still dream of the sun.

“That's it, I have autumn depression,” I read the status of a friend the other day. Well, what was required to prove! Of course, she is not depressed at all. Those who are at least a little interested in psychology know that depression is a disease that is treated with pills, not chocolate and shopping. Experts call our dull mood, when you want to “get ink and cry”, autumn blues. Not a diagnosis that needs to be dealt with here and now, but it interferes with life. It's good that there is an almighty Internet, and it has a lot of tips on how to cope with a bad mood. Among them there are both rather banal and very fresh ideas. Does it work? We tested several life hacks and asked psychologist Oksana Savchuk to comment on how effective they are.

Buying a colorful scarf

In the fall, I want to update my wardrobe. Firstly, it is noticeably colder outside, and secondly, shopping still cheers up even avid skeptics. But not always a tempting plan can be implemented: there is no money, there are enough things in the wardrobe, there is no time to walk around shopping malls. In a word, there can be a lot of reasons to postpone shopping.

Therefore, in social networks they advise: buy one multi-colored scarf. Indeed, what could be more comfortable than this cute accessory? It will not only warm, but also make the world a little more comfortable and kinder. At least that's what those in the know say. And you know, the advice works! In the nearest store, I chose one for myself and did not regret it, the mood really became a little better.


Color therapy is widely used in psychology. It is believed that shades affect us in different ways. Here are the most famous examples: green calms, red excites, etc. Therefore, the advice has a place to be: a bright thing can really cheer you up. When we wrap ourselves in a bright scarf, surround ourselves with beautiful and colorful things, it seems that the gray autumn landscape is no longer so sad and dreary.

Going to the park for a morning run

Yes, the advice is banal, but sport definitely distracts from sad thoughts. Rather nowhere! So go ahead - to fitness, yoga or to the gym. And this is what I read on one of the forums: “I have been in sports since I was seven years old. At first she was engaged in gymnastics, then dancing. Now I'm 30, I go to the gym on a schedule. And that's what I noticed: as soon as I started running in the park in the morning, my mood became just great. Doing sports in a stuffy gym is not so invigorating and does not give so many positive emotions.


Here everything is simple and at the same time effective. When playing sports on the street, especially in the park, the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, complex biochemical processes take place in the body, there is even such a term as “jogger's euphoria”. After such training, one gets the feeling that any business can be done, and nothing is impossible in this world.

Watching entertaining talk shows

Many Internet users, talking about ways to deal with the autumn blues, agree that the eternal classics will not help. For example, if you wrap yourself in a blanket and take a volume of Dostoevsky, then, alas, you can plunge into the abyss of hopelessness. It's raining outside, and then Raskolnikov with his gloomy theory or the tragic fate of Sonechka Marmeladov.

“I come, I turn on the series - and I forget about everything”, “I’m ashamed to admit it, but I don’t fall asleep without “House Two”. It helps to disconnect from all problems, ”such revelations are very common on the Web.


Why does spleen occur? We begin to take life too seriously. And the participants of a talk show or some light, unobtrusive series are the same as you and me. They are not afraid to laugh at themselves, quarrel, say something strange or even stupid. In addition, we can simply observe their actions and mentally engage in this game ourselves: we come to understand that life, in general, is not as difficult as it seems, there are many positive, funny and ridiculous moments in it. Watching them from the side, their problems no longer seem so global. You begin to look at things happening around you easier, with a smile and humor.

Playing with children and animals

Probably, all parents and owners of four-legged pets will agree with this. Both children and animals are equally affectionate, they meet us from work or school with joy, they are full of energy and positive. "Hugs" warm and make you smile.


Children and animals are spontaneous, for them life is a game. And we involuntarily join in it, adopt from them lightness, a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality, change before our eyes, become more joyful. And the world outside the window no longer seems so alien and hostile. Also, touching a child or pet, we get a portion of tactile sensations that we all need to peace of mind and harmony.

We organize photo walks

“Is everything tired and you want to hide from others somewhere far away? - I read it in a friend's feed recently. - Take a walk with a camera around the city - it will remove longing like a hand!

Don't have a camera? Now every second smartphone with an excellent camera. The other day I was not too lazy to get up half an hour earlier and go to work without haste. I didn’t rush to the stop at full sail, but calmly walked to the office - fortunately, I live 30 minutes away. On the way I came across a wonderful fluffy dog, a bunch of golden leaves, a funny showcase, which is simply impossible to pass by. Yes, I pass by that store every day. The key word is “run through”, because I am always late. But, lo and behold, if you don’t rush, and even do creativity on the way, that is, shoot something beautiful and unusual on camera, then the day starts in a completely different way.

One of the reasons for seasonal melancholy is the lack of sunlight. Scientists conducted an experiment on rats - rodents were kept in a dark room for six weeks. The scientists then examined the brains of the test subjects. Some of the brain cells were damaged. Moreover, the so-called pleasure centers, which help maintain a positive attitude, were most severely affected.

And if so, do not neglect walks on a sunny day. Ideally, you should walk at least two hours a day. If this is not possible, make sure that your home always has bright lighting. It has been proven that bright light, regardless of the source, improves mood.

Go in for sports

Regular exercise causes the body to produce serotonin - the so-called hormone of happiness, besides, when you exercise, the level of the stress hormone - cortisol decreases. There is another argument in favor of physical education. During training, a person begins to breathe deeply and correctly. BUT breathing exercises- one of the best sedatives. When you take a deep breath and slowly exhale, carbon dioxide is formed, which has an anti-anxiety effect.

Watch your nutrition

During a period of nervous tension, the need for B vitamins increases five times. Therefore, cereals must be on your menu. Whole grain breads and cereals will do. Just don't try to save time and cook quick porridge from a sachet. The fact is that the speed of cooking is achieved by pre-treatment of cereals with steam, which leads to the loss of vitamins and trace elements.

Set up your daily routine

Sleep is essential for the body to rejuvenate. If there is too little rest, then any irritant will piss you off. Most people get enough sleep for 6-8 hours, but the need for sleep depends on the individual. Finding out exactly how much time you need is easy. Go to bed around 10-11 pm (in order not to violate the correct biorhythms, you need to go to bed no later than 12 at night) and sleep until the morning without turning on the alarm clock. If you wake up feeling energized, then you have slept enough.

Mood or disease?

It is necessary to distinguish between the usual seasonal blues from depression. Depression is a serious illness that requires specialist treatment. It's almost impossible to deal with it on your own. Here are the criteria for this disorder.


  • Depressed mood, independent of circumstances, for a long time.
  • Loss of pleasure from previously enjoyable activities, fatigue.
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, anxiety and/or fear.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Inability to concentrate and make decisions.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.
  • Loss of appetite, marked weight loss or gain.
  • Disturbed sleep (insomnia or drowsiness).

To make a diagnosis, at least two main and three additional symptoms must be present, and their duration must be at least two weeks.

Family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina:

Go to the museum. Contemplation of pictures relieves nervous tension and improves mood; this method of relaxation is often used in psychotherapy. At the same time, in order to correct the mood, it is not at all necessary to look at pictures with a positive plot. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person needs a dark canvas to give vent to his negative emotions. Therefore, the advice is simple: look at the picture that is in this moment attracts you, even if the picture shows something unpleasant. When your state of mind changes, so will your preferences in painting.

Nutrition specialist, medical psychologist, head of the weight loss clinic Elena Morozova:

In moments of bad mood, it is often drawn to eat something sweet. But cakes and pastries are not the most direct way to happiness. The more often we eat sweets, the more we need them to drown out sad thoughts. Thus, a person finds himself in a kind of trap: without sugar, it can be difficult for him to cheer up, and by abusing dessert, he risks spoiling his health and figure.

Doctor of the first category, therapist Irina Vechnaya:

To bring the body into tone, to cope with apathy and drowsiness will help the intake of vitamins and herbal preparations based on eleutherococcus and ginseng. Just keep in mind that these plants increase blood pressure, so they are contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

But to fight the autumn blues with the help of alcohol is not worth it.

The fact is that every glass of alcohol increases the load on the liver. As a result, the brain does not receive the necessary nutrients, but it receives toxins in abundance. It is no coincidence that all lovers of strong drinks are irritable, fussy, unable to make adequate decisions. All this is the result of the action of alcohol.

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