Theatrical performances for February 23 for children

The approaching holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day every year poses a difficult task for the beautiful half of humanity - how to congratulate dear men on February 23 in an original way. And if this dilemma is solved with native men with the help of a delicious dinner and a gift, then, for example, for male colleagues at work, you need to come up with something more creative for a corporate party. Girls in schools and even kindergartens are also puzzled by the question of the original congratulations on February 23. They also want to prepare an interesting and cheerful holiday for boys with pleasant congratulations and surprises. As a result, both the first and the second quite often come to the decision to organize a festive concert for their men in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. An obligatory part of such a concert, as a rule, are funny skits on February 23 performed by the female half of the team. The whole atmosphere of the holiday and the mood of its participants largely depend on their implementation, creativity and jokes. Therefore, further we offer you ideas for funny and cool scenes on February 23, which can be used to congratulate dear men and boys on their wonderful holiday.

What scenes for congratulations on February 23 are better prepared for girls and women

To begin with, we note several options for scenes on February 23, which are best suited for congratulating men and boys, and which can easily prepare both girls and women. First of all, you should pay attention to funny scenes with humor, jokes and jokes on an army theme. It is humorous numbers that largely determine the atmosphere of the holiday and are conducive to its fun. In addition, funny army scenes will easily fit into any scenario on February 23rd. Also, with the help of numbers with humor, you can beat congratulations in poetry or prose.

Among the options for scenes for congratulations on February 23, which girls and women can best prepare, parodies are worth noting. Parody scenes are one of the most win-win and fun options for numbers on Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can, for example, make a general parody scene on army everyday life or prepare a parody of real people from the team / class. But when choosing this type of scenes, it is very important to remember that parodies should be kind and moderately caustic so as not to inadvertently offend someone. Also a good option for scenes on February 23 performed by girls and women can be musical numbers. For example, it is interesting to beat a musical medley of popular military songs and famous movie phrases dedicated to the military.

Scenes for boys on the matinee on February 23 in kindergarten, ideas and videos

Festive concerts dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day are mandatory prepared in kindergartens. The main participants in such festive events are the children themselves, and the numbers and skits performed by them are dedicated primarily to dads and grandfathers. But quite often, on February 23 matinees in kindergartens, they also prepare separate skits for boys performed by educators, mothers and girls. As a rule, such skits are congratulatory in nature and consist of wishes in verse and prose. Musical versions of scenes-congratulations are also popular. For example, you can congratulate boys in kindergarten in an original way with the help of small dance sketches with poems about different Russian troops. You can also involve real military people in organizing a festive concert. For example, with their participation, you can put on a skit about the features of military service and its importance. Such a number, of course, will not be entertaining, but it will introduce the kids to the real defenders of the Fatherland.

Funny scenes for boys from girls on February 23 to school, video

If we talk about organizing a festive concert on February 23 at school, then, as a rule, the script necessarily contains funny scenes for boys performed by girls. You can even say that such humorous numbers are an integral part of the holiday for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. And even if a big holiday concert is not provided for at the school, then at least at the level of each class, as part of congratulations, there are sure to be small funny scenes. True, the level of their performance and topics can differ significantly depending on the age of the students. Therefore, further we have prepared for you ideas for funny scenes for boys from girls on February 23 to school for elementary and high school separately.

Variants of scenes for Defender of the Fatherland Day for primary school

Defender of the Fatherland Day in primary school is celebrated without fail and its preparation is treated with particular enthusiasm. The boys are waiting not only for congratulations and nice presents, but also for fun entertainment. Therefore, in the festive concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, there are always funny and funny scenes. The theme of such numbers is one way or another connected with the military and military service. For example, you can have fun playing the passage of a medical examination as part of a concert. Such a scene can be made in the form of a musical potpourri, choosing a funny melody or excerpt from a song for each participant. You can also put on a funny sketch about what kind of defenders the boys of the class will become in the future (what troops they will get into, where they will serve, etc.). It is desirable that such predictions of the "future" be based on the characteristics of the character of each boy. For example, the most noisy and talkative can be identified in the reconnaissance troops, where he can "talk to death" of all potential enemies.

Ideas for cool and funny scenes from girls on February 23 for high school

In high school, it is also advisable to choose a humorous format for skits as part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. One of the most popular and cool options for funny scenes in high school on February 23 are parodies of boys performed by girls. For example, you can have fun playing the situation what would happen if the guys got into the army and how they would behave. In this case, you can beat the typical school behavior of boys in military service. If you skillfully beat their habits and behavior patterns, adding a little army humor, you can get a very funny scene. Another interesting option is to put on a skit based on a popular movie or series on an army or military theme. The main characters of such a scene will, of course, be the boys of the class, whose roles can be played by girls. It will be especially funny if you pick up movie characters similar to classmates in character, tracks from the movie and scenery with costumes.

Options for funny scenes on February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day for male colleagues, video

Funny skits on Defender of the Fatherland Day for male colleagues are almost the most popular option for congratulations at corporate parties. Such a love of women for such numbers can be easily explained by the fact that when else, no matter how corporate on February 23, you can have fun and kindly laugh with men over their behavioral characteristics. As for the possible topics and options for funny scenes on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day for male colleagues, it is worth giving preference to situations that are well known to everyone. For example, you can put on a funny scene about how women decide every year what to give men on February 23rd. It can be either a solo reflection in the form of stand-up, or a dialogue scene with the participation of several women. You can also have fun playing the situation when a guy is taken into the army and he says goodbye to his friends, mom and girlfriend. Surely many male colleagues who served in the army will see themselves in this funny scene. In general, almost any event related to the army and service can be beaten with humor, jokes and gags. Therefore, it is only worthwhile to approach a certain situation with creativity and skillfully beat it.

Popular ideas for funny scenes for a corporate party on February 23 from women

Next, we suggest that you take a closer look at the most popular ideas for funny sketches for a corporate party on February 23 that women can perform. Let's start with the easiest to perform, but also one of the most fun topics - the features of gifts for February 23 and their comparison with presentations for March 8. Surely everyone is well aware of the situation when a man receives shaving foam from his beloved on Defender of the Fatherland Day, but on March 8 he gives her a more valuable gift, for example, a ring. So this fairly common situation can be fun to beat. For example, put on a scene from the category “somewhere in a parallel universe”, in which girls get hairpins on International Women's Day, but men get expensive watches and phones on February 23. Another cool version of the scene on this topic can be put in the format of a funny enumeration of why women give just such gifts to men. Naturally, gift options should be the most banal, and the reasons pushing ladies to purchase them should be ridiculous.

Another interesting idea for funny scenes on February 23 for corporate parties is comic nominations. For example, you can prepare a number about how the head of the company decided to arrange military exercises for his employees and decides which of the team will perform this or that role. For example, a secretary can be retrained as a military clerk, and a department head can be appointed company commander. During such a scene, it is advisable to call everyone in question from the hall and reward him with cool attributes associated with his appointment.

Funny and funny scenes on February 23 must be present in the scripts of congratulatory concerts in kindergartens, junior and senior classes of the school and at corporate parties. Their presence provides not only a cheerful atmosphere of the whole holiday, but also helps to congratulate boys and male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day in an original and interesting way. Especially pleasant are such scenes-congratulations performed by beautiful ladies - girls and women who know the men from their teams well and can present their character traits with humor. We hope that our ideas for funny numbers in honor of February 23 will definitely come in handy, and the selected videos will inspire you to have an unforgettable fun holiday for your men.

Target: formation of conditions for uniting the team of children and parents.
- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- develop children's creativity and imagination;

- cultivate respect for the army, develop ingenuity.

Contribute to the cohesion of the children's team
Ways: reading poems, dramatization, competitions.

Event progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher

Teacher. Today is not just a February day. Today is a special day - the day of defenders of the Fatherland.

Today is our army day.

She is not stronger in the world

Hello defenders of the people,

Russian army - hello!

Congratulations from girls

There is one fun class

We have 17 boys

Congratulations to them today.

That's what we want for them.

Learn only for five

We will help you.

Just, mind you, don't ask

And never fight with us!

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

Best for skiing

And beat everyone in football!

May luck be with you

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything

Protect us from others.

In general, lovely boys,

We'll let you in on a secret:

Better than you in the world

Nobody, of course!

On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

We will not give you flowers:

They are not given to boys.

Girls a lot of kind words

They will leave you in your hearts.

We wish you forever:

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

And all the obstacles on the way

To overcome you together.

But first, grow up

And you need to grow up.

Listen, boys, to us,

Accept congratulations!

We know this is your day

Like a birthday.

Boys response.


There are bumps on the forehead

Under the eye - lanterns.

If we are boys

Then we are rich.

Scratches. Splinters.

We are only afraid of iodine.

Here, without hesitation, tears

The commander himself is pouring.

Let the head be green

And in plasters leg,

But there are still strengths

To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we

Back to battle, on patrol...

Scars from those battles

Remained so far.

V. Berestov

Dramatization of "Soldier and Baba Yaga"

The song "Marusya, from happiness sheds tears ..."

Soldier: Oh, I'm coming from the war. Tired. I keep my way to my family. Let's live happily with them now. The soldier's lot is not easy. I have been going home for three days now. After all, today is a holiday for real soldiers. Okay, time to get some rest. And here is a good place. Oh .... (falls asleep)

The music of the forest is playing.
Gradually, all the light goes out.
Baba Yaga appears to mysterious music.

Baba Yaga: Oh what a soldier. Tired, lay down. I'm lucky for the soldiers. This is what you will have to conjure! He's kind of skinny.
Well, today he also has a holiday, well, just in time I got this soldier. Okay, sleep, soldier, you will come to me. No one has passed by my hut yet.
(darkness, forest music, Baba Yaga leaves)
(Lights on, music sounds, soldier wakes up)

Soldier: Oh well, how I slept. At least rested. Well, it's time to hit the road. There is very little left of the house. My family is already waiting for me at the festive table. Oh, and what is this hut? How did I not see her yesterday?
(Baba Yaga jumps out to the music "Spread the furs, accordion")

Baba Yaga: Hello soldier!

Soldier: Hello, grandma! Why are you living alone in the middle of the forest? And aren't you scared?

Baba Yaga: Oh, scary soldier, scary!
And you, once you are walking by, you can come in, go completely hungry.
I'll feed you!

Soldier: I'm glad to eat, grandma. I'll come.

Baba Yaga: Come in dear, because today is your holiday.

Soldier: Yes, you're right, holiday. Oh, and the guys weren't here yesterday.

Strange, I do not understand anything, maybe someone will explain to us what's the matter? (turns to the children in the hall)
- And why are you here? (Questions to the audience)

Soldier: Celebrate a holiday? This is great!

Baba Yaga: Oh, what is that number? (children - February 23)
Soldier, I'm sure you don't want to be left without a holiday?

Soldier: No, of course, I'm going to my family to celebrate the holiday.
Baba Yaga: Well then, I suggest you celebrate the holiday with our guests. And see what kind of boys gathered here! And, of course, the girls will help them!

Soldier: I agree, as long as you let me go home as soon as possible.

Baba Yaga: Well, let's see who will help us. (at the entrance to the hall, the children chose the plates of the color they liked: the boys were blue and light blue, the girls were red and pink:

1st team: pink and blue, 2nd - red and blue)

Soldier: Well, in order to start testing, we need to warm up a bit.
(dance break: student performance)

Game program:

1. Competition "Explainers"
For the competition you will need: a stopwatch, cards with words from different groups (transport, fairy-tale characters, different objects, products, etc.).
* "grandmother" - mom's mom
* "deuce" - five upside down
* "tears" - sometimes, when they are upset, they are poured
* "grandfather" - there is a grandmother, but there is ...
* "plate" - they eat from it, it beats easily, it can be deep for the second.

2. "Cockfight"
Two boys are invited to the stage. They put numbers on their backs. They need to find out what number is on the other person's back. Move only on your feet, hands behind your back.

3. Auction "Military professions"
Teams take turns calling military professions (each profession is a point)

4. Competition "Give a girl a gift."
On paper, a flower with a hole in the core, through which a rope is stretched. A gentleman boy and a girl participate in the competition from each team. We hold the rope at face level so that an angle is formed (one end is held by a girl, the other by a boy - assistant). The task of the gentleman boy is to blow the flower to the girl.

5. "Accurate shooter"

Each team member must hit the target from a certain distance. (You can use the game "Darts", you can hit an empty bucket with chocolate egg capsules or tennis balls, you can make balls out of paper and throw as many balls into the basket as possible, etc.) Count the number of hits.

6. Riddles

Teacher. Men - future warriors - must be smart and savvy. Girls help.

Try to guess riddles.

I’ll put it under myself, under my head, and it will remain to hide. (Overcoat.)

During the day - a hoop, and at night - a snake. (Belt.)

Not a god, not a king, but you can't disobey. (Commander.)

What is a teenager who studies maritime science called? (Cabin boy.)

What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

What are military shoulder badges called? (epaulettes.)

What military ranks do you know? (Private, sergeant, ensign, etc.)

A turtle is crawling, a steel shirt.

The enemy is in the ravine, she is where the enemy is. (Tank.)

He hums and draws with chalk,

He draws in white - white

Blue on paper.

He draws, he sings.

What is this? (Airplane.)

7. Competition "Miners"

Participants need to “burst” as many balls as possible with their eyes closed.

8. Competition "Collect a proverb"

(In envelopes - a proverb cut into words. Who will fold it faster.)

Hero - a mountain for the Motherland.

To live - to serve the Motherland.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

9. Competition "Important report"

There is a package hidden in the classroom. It contains a task to be completed. Contestants are looking for a package. In the bag of sweets and a note: "You are awarded sweets for winning this competition, you must share this prize for everyone."

Baba Yaga: Well, what a soldier, well done, coped with all the tasks together with the guys. I'm letting you go to your family. Go in peace!

Soldier: Thank you Baba Yaga! Thank you guys for such a wonderful holiday, where you showed all your abilities! Goodbye!

Baba Yaga: Well, again, I'll have to stay alone, the Soldier is gone. And you guys have more important things to do. I congratulate all the boys, dads, grandfathers on the holiday! I wish you to be healthy, cheerful, happy, so that all desires come true. See you!


We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

Happy Army and Navy Day!

To serve to protect the Motherland -

Good job!

One, two, three, four, five -

We will congratulate dads

Defender's Day has arrived!

Wishes - just a flurry:

ONCE - do not know the diseases of the eyelids,

To flaunt health.

TWO - work without alarms,

And for THREE - salaries on time.

For FOUR - bright days,

Good, devoted friends;

Never lose them...

Yours to flourish!

And on FIVE - great love,

Happy Defender's Day, hero!!!

May today in your name

February twenty third

All words of congratulations sound

Closer to the night - salutes thunder.

February twenty third

We congratulate men for a reason:

So securely a man's shoulder.

We congratulate you warmly!

Let the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the formidable guns be silent

And machine guns do not scribble,

So that people live, cities,

Peace is always needed on earth!

TEACHER: We once again congratulate all men today.

Men are a gift from God for the weaker sex.

A man is a protector, a man is a support.

And there are many more reasons

So that women glorify men today.

February 23 is a holiday celebrated by all age categories of citizens. In all offices, schools and even kindergartens, congratulations are being prepared for current and future defenders of the Motherland. At the same time, scenes for February 23 (funny) are an obligatory element of the holiday. There are many options for staging them, the main thing is that the game of the participants is sincere.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - holding at school

Among the many holidays, February 23 is one of the most beloved at school. For girls, this day is an occasion to congratulate their little men, once again demonstrate their talents in singing and dancing during the celebration. Boys, on the other hand, have the opportunity to feel like real defenders and once again feel pride in their belonging to the stronger sex.

(A very short fur coat, heavy army boots and a cap are the image of a representative of the border troops. She must pull a tiny toy dog ​​on a leash).

- And finally, at the end of our parade - heavy artillery! This is our last resort against an enemy who falls to his knees at the mere sight of her. Meet!

(A girl comes out, on her chest there is a sign with the inscription “Sex bomb”. She is dressed and made up at her discretion, but the brighter and bolder, the better).

- Dear men! Join our ranks, let's protect the Motherland together! Choose the troops in which you want to serve and approach their representatives for an appointment.

Such cool scenes on February 23 will decorate any holiday and will be the best gift for men.

Mini-sketch "Agrippina"

The celebration script does not have to include long skits that require complex staging. A wonderful surprise for colleagues will be mini-skits on February 23. They consist of short dialogues and do not require much preparation.

Several soldiers are standing on the stage, putting on their uniforms. These are recruits who are tested for equipment speed. The commander, passing along the line, sees a little guy who just drowned in his overcoat. Here comes the daunting question:

- What's your name?

The soldier from fright lost the gift of speech, is silent. Commander, even more angry:

- I'm asking you what to call, your mother!

The soldier is frightened:

- Agrippina.

Military change of seasons

Scenes for February 23 for adults must be funny. For example, everyone will like it, both those who did not serve and former soldiers.

Several soldiers are on stage. In front of them stands the major, next to the captain. The Major addresses the squad:

- Comrades, autumn has already come, and the trees are still green. So, go there, tear off the green leaves and tie the yellow ones. Fulfill!

Turns around, leaves. The captain, looking displeased after:

- Completely crazy ... Tie, untie ... Company, listen to my command! Run to the warehouse, take the yellow paint and work!

Scene about the police

Scenes for February 23 for adults can also be on a police theme. After all, they are constantly guarding our peace.

On the stage is a table where the investigator and the suspect are sitting.

Investigator: Well, now we will take your fingerprints (dip the suspect's fingers in the paint). Then we press them here (puts on a sheet of paper). Now here (presses to the weapon), here (to the knife) and here (to the keys). That is great!

Suspect: So I can be free?

Investigator: Not likely.

Scene "Policemen in the forest"

On the stage there is a screen depicting a forest. Nearby are two policemen. The following dialogue sounds.

- What a silence. Only the birds sing. By the way, who is this, woodpecker?

- No, owl!

- Well, what an owl. Grouse.

- Yes, what is this black grouse?

- Well, who then?

- Well, this one, like him .. Ah, here it is! Capercaillie!

The screen leaves, behind it lies a man.

- Oh, I told you, capercaillie! We ship it.

Scene "Even men have tantrums"

Scenes for February 23 from women help once again show men how they are valued, loved, and most importantly, understood.

The husband is sitting in a chair, watching TV. The wife enters.

Husband: I urgently need a new shirt!

Wife: Why?

Husband: Look what I'm wearing!

Wife: Well, in a shirt...

Husband: Shirt? THIS is what you call a shirt? Look, my wife bought a shirt for Max from 34, that's what I understand, a shirt! And new pants, by the way! And I? I can't even get out!

Wife: But, honey, I can’t now ...

Husband: Oh, right? I knew that you didn't love me at all! Well, it's enough! I'm going to my dad!


Both at school and in the office, you can thus spend a holiday, giving a lot of positive emotions. And finally, you can give small themed souvenirs as a keepsake of this fun evening.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is always celebrated in elementary school. Parents are invited to the holiday, and especially dads and grandfathers are waiting for guests. After all, this holiday is for them. How to surprise guests? Show new scenes by February 23rd. In elementary school, you can play different versions of skits that guests will like. We have several options that can help you prepare for the holiday. Let's watch them.

Scene - different military professions.
This scene will tell and show a variety of military professions. For the scene, you need to prepare toys or cut out the necessary material from cardboard. For example, a tank, a plane, a ship, and so on. All this is necessary so that when the scene is on and the children talk about some profession, other participants, using the example of toys, show how it all works.

Profession tanker.
A student comes out and talks about the tankers. And others with the help of toys show what it is and how it all happens.

Pilot profession.
The next student talks about pilots and what they do. Assistants also show everything that happens with the help of airplanes. You can stage an air battle. In which our planes defeat enemies.

Profession radio operator.
Now about the radio operators. You can also show everything here. For example, one child will come out with a walkie-talkie and a radio, as if transmitting a signal somewhere.

Profession border guard.
Many dads and grandfathers served on the border, and it will be interesting for them. Here the students talk about the border guards and their service.

Profession military doctor.
It is in the war. Perhaps the most difficult profession is a military doctor. He helps the wounded and is constantly at work. Children tell a verse about military doctors, and assistants show how doctors bandage the wounded.

Profession military sailor.
And, finally, the main military profession on February 23 is a sailor. This verse is large and can be recited by several students. And the rest to show how ships can conduct combat operations at sea.

The scene is hazing.
Everyone knows that there was, and maybe is, hazing in the army. This is when a senior in rank or service life forces others to do everything. In this scene, you will see an example of this.
First on the stage, a little boy does push-ups, and he is led by an older boy. Then an even older boy comes in and forces the one who led before to do push-ups. Then he comes even older and already he forces the one who was the eldest before him to do push-ups and so on. And then a girl comes out, who plays the role of a wife, and turns to the eldest, to her husband. He asks him - why is he not at home? He cannot give an exact answer, and his wife makes him do push-ups.
Watch the video to see what this scene looks like:



Petrov, Sidorov, Burakov - soldiers and others.

Part 1. On the build.

The ensign bypasses the system.

Sidorov! Sidorov! Where is Sidorov?!

Sidorov appears, gets in line.

Yes, here I am...

Still would! As the sailors say, where will you go from a submarine! Kidding.

I don't ask where you've been! I'm asking where you're coming from! And in general, if you want to say something, stand and be silent!

He notices Burakov, who does not dare to get into line.

And you, Burakov, why are you standing there? Do you have no tongue to knock on?

Allow me to get in line.

I allow. So, I'll start with a reminder: boots should be cleaned in the evening and put on a fresh head in the morning! Further: yesterday I walked over your beds, I don’t understand how you live there ... Clean up immediately!

Let's move on to today's agenda. Equal! Attention! Private Ivanov, why are you scratching your nose when I commanded "Quiet!" ?

I have a fly on my nose.

But I commanded: "Attention!"

Yes, but the fly keeps marching! (Everyone laughs.)

Stop laughing! And you'd better keep quiet, Private Ivanov, your noodles on your ears haven't dried yet!

So, today is a subbotnik according to the plan. For a soldier, a subbotnik is a voluntary matter, and not in such a way that you want to participate, but if you don’t want to, no.

Who loves light music - three steps forward! Two soldiers are out of order.

A new piano was brought to the House of Officers. Take it to the third floor. The rest - to lay the foundation. We dig from the fence to lunch. I have already agreed with the shovels. Disperse!

Part 2. Evening, free time.

A soldier writes a letter by speaking it out loud.

Dear mother, everyone knows that the soldiers' barracks are ideally clean and tidy. But only after settling here, I realized who maintains this order and cleanliness...

A colleague approaches.

Are you writing to your mother?

Yes sir.

Be a friend, put down a carbon copy...

Ensign enters. He comes across a soldier with a package.

What, a parcel was sent from Ukraine?

Sent. What do you want, fat?

I won't refuse.

Well, write to your relatives, let them send it. The ensign offendedly departs, shouts:

Orderly! The orderly runs in.

I walked through the barracks. There is a "bull" lying in the corridor. Whose?

Nothing, comrade ensign! Smoke! Another soldier runs up to the ensign.

Comrade ensign, your order has been fulfilled!

Yes, I did not order anything ...

And I didn't do anything!

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