How is bile produced in humans? The process of bile formation and bile secretion. Reflux gastritis and herb

Everything in the human body is arranged harmoniously and subtly. Each organ is responsible for certain processes that occur in the body and allow it to function correctly. The digestive system is necessary for the proper digestion of the products entering the human body in order to extract from them the substances necessary to maintain life. Bile also takes an active part in digestion. But, contrary to popular belief, it is not produced in the gallbladder. Where is bile produced?

Almost every person at least once in his life saw what bile looks like. It is a liquid that has a yellowish green or brown hue, has a distinct bitter taste and a special smell. It is divided into two types - bladder and gallbladder, their differences will be shown below.

This substance has a rather complex and definite chemical composition. Its main component is special bile acids (about 67%), which are derivatives of cholanic acid. First of all, these are chenodeoxycholic and cholic (the so-called primary) acids, and secondary acids are also isolated in the yellow secretion - allocholic, lithocholic, deoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic. All these components in bile are present in the form of certain chemical compounds with various substances. It is acidic compounds that determine the properties of this digestive secret.

The composition also contains potassium and sodium ions, due to which bile acquires alkaline reaction, and some acid compounds are called bile salts. It includes a red pigment that gives bile a special color - bilirubin, organic anions (steroids, glutathione), immunoglobulin substances, a number of metals, including mercury, lead, copper, zinc and others, as well as xenobiotics. Bile acquires a greenish color due to the pigment biliverdin.

Table. The chemical composition of bile (mmol, l).

Substance nameCystic bileHepatic bile
acids310 35
Pigments3,1-3,2 0,8-1
Phospholipids (about 22%)25-26 3
Cholesterol (4%)8 1
sodium ions280 165
Calcium ions15 5
Potassium ions11-12 2,4-2,5
Chlorine ions14,5-15 90
Bicarbonates8 45-46

On a note! The acidity of bile depends on its type. So, the hepatic type has a pH in the range of 7.3-8.2, and the cystic type has a pH of 6.5-6.8. More water is found in hepatic bile (about 95-97%).

Most people who did not study biology well at school believe that the gallbladder is responsible for the production of bile. However, it is not. This secretion is produced in the liver. The secretion of most of the substance (about 75%) is carried out by special cells - hepatocytes. It is collected in the tubules-ducts, the walls of which also partially produce bile (about 25%). Further, the substance gradually passes into the gallbladder, which is the accumulator for it. Then, in order to take part in the digestion of food, bile is fed into one of the intestines - the duodenum.

gallbladder the body needs to collect bile, from where it is fed into the intestinal tract during the active digestive phase in the right amount. During digestion, the volume of the substance produced momentarily by the liver is simply not enough for the correct passage of all processes, therefore its accumulation is conceived by nature. The gallbladder is pear-shaped and about 8-12 cm long. Its volume is 50-60 cm 3 .

On a note! This is where bile is divided into two types. The one that is secreted by the liver is called the hepatic, and the one that enters the intestine from the gallbladder is called the cystic (mature).

On the day, the human liver produces about 1-1.8 liters of bile - this is about 15 ml / 1 kg of body weight. The process of formation of this secret is called choleresis (or bile secretion) and goes on non-stop. But bile secretion (or cholekinesis), when the secret is used for digestion, occurs only in certain time and is associated with the process of nutrition. When a person is hungry and does not eat, bile does not enter the intestinal tract and accumulates in the bladder. Because of this, it becomes a highly concentrated substance and can change its composition. This is how gallbladder is formed.

Attention! Alcoholic drinks can seriously change the composition of the bile secretion, because the process of digestion of food is worse.

Bile is not just produced in the human body. This fluid performs a number of important functions that ensure vital activity. Most of they are related to digestion.

So, bile is required to change the processes of digestion from gastric to intestinal, it is able to eliminate the negative effect of the pepsin substance, which negatively affects a number of enzymes involved in digestion. Bile acids act in the direction of activation correct operation small intestine, responsible for the production of digestive hormones, help fats to be absorbed. By the way, without bile, the body will not be able to absorb fats at all. Bile is also responsible for the activation of enzymes that are necessary for the high-quality digestion of protein compounds.

On a note! The functionality of bile does not consist only in participation in digestion. The secret is at work excretory system. For example, through bile, substances such as bilirubin and cholesterol are excreted - human kidneys cannot filter them. About 70% of cholesterol leaves the body with feces, and 30% is absorbed by intestinal tissues.

Various food products stimulate the secretion of bile, it is especially actively produced after drinking milk, meat, egg yolks. When hit in digestive tract such products, bile is actively produced within 6 hours.

The secret also performs a bactericidal function and is able to cope with a number of pathogens. various diseases. It can also reduce the acidity of gastric juices.

It's interesting that Previously, bile was considered one of the main fluids of the human body.. Doctors of the past associated its amount with the character and temperament of a person - the more light bile in the body, the more unbalanced a person was, he was considered a choleric. Dark bile was considered a source of gloom, making a person melancholic. But this theory has been debunked.

Diseases associated with bile and liver

At certain diseases The liver and gallbladder of a person are not able to function properly, respectively, there are problems with the production of bile. The most common pathologies are as follows.

  1. Gallstones or cholelithiasis. They appear if lithogenic bile is formed, which has an incorrect, disturbed composition. Stones form in the bile ducts, the liver itself, in the storage bladder. The cause of the occurrence is malnutrition, which includes mainly animal fats. Also, stones can appear against the background of endocrinological problems, with an increase in body weight, physical inactivity, toxic damage liver.

  2. - a disease that develops due to a lack of bile acids or when total absence bile. Fats that enter the digestive system with food cannot be processed and exit together stool. The latter acquire a grayish or whitish color, have a very oily texture.

  3. various refluxes. In this case, bile enters the stomach, where, from the point of view of physiology, it does not belong. It can also enter the esophagus. Long term exposure this secret on the walls of the stomach can disrupt their integrity and leads to the development of reflux gastritis. The esophagus also suffers from bile entering it due to a violation of pH, which also causes reflux. Doctors who treat diseases of the liver are called hepatologists..

  4. Bile duct dyskinesia. This is a violation of the functioning of the biliary tract and the gallbladder itself. Develops due to proper nutrition with rare eating, stress. It is characterized by the presence of pain under the ribs on the right, constipation and loose stools.
  5. Cholecystitis- a disease that occurs after the development of cholelithiasis. The stones accumulated inside the gallbladder begin to irritate its walls, increase the level of pressure in it, and can provoke the occurrence of necrotic or inflammatory processes. Approximately 10% of patients have acute cholecystitis developed without the presence of stones. It can be provoked by infections, allergies, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

  6. . Is it chronic or acute inflammation bile ducts. It develops against the background of traumatization of the shells of the channels with stones, due to infection of the tissues. With a bacterial variety of pathology in 40% of cases, a lethal outcome can be expected.

  7. Cancer tumors. They usually appear in the gallbladder against the background of various other diseases. Characteristically rapid appearance metastases in nearby organs.

There is also such a disease as jaundice. It is characterized by the presence of yellow pigmentation of the skin, the body acquires an earthy yellowish tint. With such a symptom, it is important to immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize a person, since yellowing of the skin is often associated with a rupture of the gallbladder.

On a note! In some cases, the doctor may need to examine the composition of bile. For this, the so-called duodenal sounding method is used.

Diagnosis of gallbladder disease

Step 1. To begin with, you should study the first signs of various diseases associated with the gallbladder and liver. This will help to understand whether they develop in a particular case.

Step 2 One of the most unpleasant diseases- jaundice. It is important to make sure that there are no or presence of its signs - this is yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes.

Jaundice is one of the symptoms

Step 3 You need to listen to the sensations of your body and evaluate whether there is pain syndrome. Localizing with right side in the hypochondrium, it is a sign of cholecystitis.

Step 4 It is important to check for the presence or absence of symptoms such as belching, heartburn, increased gas formation, vomiting, etc. In some cases, they signal problems with the liver.

Step 5 In case of problems with the production and excretion of bile, the presence of bad smell from mouth.

Step 7 For any of the symptoms, if they do not disappear within one day or appear frequently, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Step 8 It is important to have an ultrasound abdominal cavity- it will help to assess the condition of internal organs.

Step 9 It is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment, which will be recommended by the doctor. In some cases, the patient may be referred for surgery.

Video - Symptoms of gallbladder problems

Identified on early stages gallbladder and liver problems can often be overcome conservative treatment. However, with serious pathologies, a person will be treated for a long time and persistently, in some cases it is completely possible fatal outcome. Knowing why a person needs bile and how it is produced will help to realize the importance careful attitude to the organs involved in its formation and excretion.

Interesting biochemical processes take place in human organ systems. They are designed to ensure homeostasis in the body, that is, they preserve and maintain internal environment. Some processes maintain body temperature, some - blood pressure, some are responsible for metabolism. But the functioning of the digestive system is difficult to imagine without the production of bile. What is it? Where and how is it formed? And why does he play so important role? The answers to these questions are presented in the article.

general information

The process of bile secretion is continuous. In this case, bile gradually accumulates in the bladder. Bile excretion is possible only at the time of eating. It starts 5-12 minutes after the start of the meal.

The body accumulates two types of bile - hepatic and gallbladder. The hepatic secret is "young", it is partially immediately transported to the duodenum, the rest - to the gallbladder. And the gallbladder bile is more mature. Liquids vary in color, density, and composition.


Hepatic bile is yellow or slightly greenish color. Gall bladder is darker, almost brown. The acidity (pH) of the liver secretion is 7-8. In cystic bile, during the absorption of bicarbonates, the acidity decreases - 6-7. The relative density of the hepatic secret is 1.008-1.015, and the cystic bile is somewhat denser - 1.025-1.048.

Approximately 98% of the composition of bile is water, 2% is the dry residue. The dry residue contains bile salts, a certain amount of bilirubin and biliverdin (bile pigments). It also contains cholesterol, fatty acids, electrolytes, lecithin and cholesterol. In gallbladder bile, the concentration of substances is much higher.

All substances of the dry residue are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

  • falling through the filtration line from the blood (Na, Ka, creatinine, cholesterol and others);
  • formed in the process of secretion by hepatocytes (bile acids, pigments).

Given the importance of the function of bile, the body produces about 10-15 ml of it for every kilogram of mass. It turns out that an adult with normal weight produces about 600-1500 ml of bile per day. Despite the continuity of the process, its intensity varies depending on the time of day.


Bile performs functions related to digestion, fermentation, peristalsis, and so on. All of them are equally important for human well-being. Any changes in the functioning of the gallbladder lead to the development of serious diseases that require medical treatment. If we consider in more detail, then the functions of bile can be described as follows:

  1. Together with gastric juice, bile neutralizes acidic chyme ( food bolus) from the stomach. In the process of neutralization, a reaction takes place between carbonates and HCI with the release of carbon dioxide. As a result, the chyme is loosened, which facilitates the process of digestion.
  2. Bile is involved in the digestion of fats. Through the action of bile acids in combination with fatty acids and monoacylglycerols, fats are emulsified (mixed with water), after which lipase can act on them.
  3. Bile allows you to reduce surface tension, which prevents the draining of fat droplets.
  4. The secret affects the formation of individual particles (micelles) adapted to absorption.
  5. One of the functions of bile is absorption fat soluble vitamins(A, D, K, E).
  6. The enzymes that make up the secret activate intestinal motility.
  7. Bile stops the effect gastric juice in the small intestine by inactivating pepsin.
  8. Normalizes the intestinal microflora, providing a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. Prevents putrefactive processes.
  9. Has an excretory function for substances that are not able to filter the kidneys (cholesterol, bilirubin, glutathione, steroids, metals, some medicinal substances), excreting them from the body with feces. In this case, cholesterol is excreted from the body only with bile. Excretion of 1-2 g is possible per day.

The functions of bile in digestion, as you have noticed, are very diverse. If you exclude it from the digestive process, then the digestion and absorption of fats will be completely disrupted.

The effect of bile on health

Consider what will happen to a person in whose body there is a lack of bile. First, his stool will lighten and become greasy, which will lead to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins. There will be a lack fatty acids, as a result of which the condition of the skin will worsen, there will be problems in work of cardio-vascular system, weakness will occur and metabolism will be disturbed.

With insufficient production of bile, pathologies of the large intestine cannot be avoided. The fact is that he is not able to independently cope with a large amount of fat in the chyme, and the breakdown of fats is one of the main functions of bile.

With a lack of secretion, the digestion process will be disrupted, which can lead to the accumulation of fats in the fascia of the internal organs. Patients with gallbladder disease often suffer from internal obesity, which impairs the functioning of the heart, liver, spleen, and intestines.

How can bile be affected?

If it is necessary to increase the concentration of bile acids, then patients are prescribed choleretics. it choleretic agents containing elements of bovine bile ("Allohol", "Holenzim"). It is also possible to prescribe plant sterols for choleretic herbs, such drugs include Liv 52 and Holosas. From medicinal herbs to influence the level of bile acids, immortelle flowers, succession, arnica, wormwood, parsley, wild rose and dry stigmas of corn are prescribed.

To reduce the toxicity of bile acids, preparations containing ursodeoxycholic or chenodeoxycholic bile acid are used.

Gallbladder. With and without him [Fourth edition updated] Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov

Bile in the human body

Bile in the human body

Our consideration of the physiological aspects of the gallbladder and bile will begin with the mention of Hippocrates, who at one time pointed to the gallbladder as an organ that occupies a huge place in the life of the whole organism as a whole. The formation of bile occurs continuously in the cells of the liver. The bile formed in the cells, through the bile capillaries, and then the bile ducts, flows into the hepatic ducts and from there, depending on whether digestion occurs or not, it is sent to the gallbladder or through the common bile duct is poured into the duodenum, bypassing the bladder.

Although bile is produced continuously, it is released into the intestines only when food is ingested.

The common bile duct, which empties into the duodenum, is equipped with a sphincter that opens when food enters the intestine from the stomach and closes as soon as the last portion of food has passed.

throws the duodenum. After the cessation of digestion duodenum bile produced in the liver is collected in the gallbladder.

When food enters the intestine, receptors embedded in the intestinal mucosa are irritated. The excitation that occurs in them is transmitted to the central nervous system, and from there through the vagus nerves it enters the sphincters of the gallbladder and bile duct, causing them to open.

The opening of the sphincter is accompanied by contraction of the bladder. As a result, the bile that has accumulated in the gallbladder is squeezed out into the intestines.

The sphincter of the gallbladder closes after emptying, but the sphincter of the common bile duct remains open throughout digestion, and bile continues to flow freely into the duodenum.

After the cessation of digestion, the sphincter of the common bile duct closes, and the sphincter of the gallbladder opens; bile begins to collect again in the gallbladder.

The function of the biliary system is regulated by the neurohumoral system of the body and depends on functional state neighboring organs.

Bile refers to digestive juices. However, it also performs an excretory function, since various exogenous and endogenous substances are removed from the blood with it. Bile increases the activity of the enzymes of the pancreatic juice of the pancreas, and especially lipase. Its influence on the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is carried out not only by activating pancreatic enzymes and intestinal juice, but also by direct participation in this process of its own enzymes.

Bile acids play a huge role in the absorption of fats. They emulsify neutral fats, breaking them into tiny droplets, as a result of which the surface of their contact with enzymes increases, the breakdown of fats is facilitated, and the activity of pancreatic and intestinal lipase increases.

Bile is necessary for the absorption of fatty acids and, consequently, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K ... In patients suffering from blockage of the bile duct, the synthesis and intake of vitamin "A" into the body is disrupted, since its formation is associated with the participation of bile acids in this process. In addition, bile acids seem to not only help disperse vitamin A, but also prevent its oxidation in the intestinal contents.

Bile acids enhance the secretion of the pancreas, increase tone and stimulate intestinal motility (12 duodenal and large intestine), take part in parietal digestion.

It also has a bacteriostatic effect on intestinal flora, preventing the development of putrefactive processes and the occurrence of inflammation in the appendix.

Bile neutralizes hydrochloric acid coming from the stomach to small intestine.

According to oriental medicine, there is a reflex connection of the gallbladder with a headache localized in temporal region, accompanied by a feeling of nausea and bitterness in the mouth, and which disappears after the retching, provided by nature for such an occasion, due to which congestive bile is discharged and relief occurs.

In those cases when healers, improving the function of the gallbladder through a deep massage of the abdomen, saved the patient from many types of headaches, and sometimes from such a formidable disease as epilepsy, makes him treat him more respectfully. Of course, not in 100% of cases, but, nevertheless, if there is no epiactivity of the brain on the encephalogram, and epileptic seizures occur at night, during the period of maximum activity of the gallbladder and liver, or after emotional overload, then definitely manual therapy abdomen is shown. It is also indicated in cases where the attack begins with a temporal headache accompanied by nausea.

Oriental medicine notes that any congestion in the body causes its poisoning.

If we take into account the significance of what was mentioned, then we can say that a decrease in the functional activity of the gallbladder and the entire complex associated with it leads to catastrophic disorders in the body, disruption of digestion and its poisoning, and one can assume a reduction in life expectancy.

The pathology of the gallbladder, according to our observations, also leads to the appearance of pain in the joints. lower extremities and destruction of their surfaces. In particular, there is a clear relationship with the knee, hip and ankle joints.

Observations show that there is even a certain sequence of development of articular disorders. On the initial stage a decrease in the activity of the gallbladder, a crunch appears in knee joints when they are bent (squatting), then the pains appear during movement, especially during exercise and at the initial stage more often in the right knee. Subsequently, characteristic squeaks and hypermobility in the joint capsules appear, this will already have a clear medical diagnosis- arthrosis or more serious violation- coxarthrosis.

Of course, it would be wrong to assume that arthrosis of the lower extremities is associated only with the gallbladder. Here there are general violation metabolism that develops in the body. Intoxication that occurs in the intestine due to developing dysbacteriosis, which leads to a decrease in the so-called intestinal immunity. But the leading role in violations, of course, is played by a decrease in the function of the gallbladder.

To the reasons disruptive in the work of the gallbladder, a number of modern authors attribute strong negative (and often prolonged emotions), which, affecting immune system and other systems of the body, comprehensively weaken it and create fertile ground for the development of many diseases.

Nutrition plays an important role in this process. The absence of choleretic complexes in food often leads to detraining of the bladder. The weakening of the function can also cause vegetarianism with an imbalance in food products.

dyskenesia biliary tract arises as a result of a prolonged spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, which regulates the outflow of bile, according to the observation of many modern clinicians, it is very often associated with severe emotional experiences, fear, irritability. This factor is in the first place among the reasons, disease-causing in adults and children. Another factor, also important, is considered a family predisposition, or hereditary factor. To the following reasons can be attributed to: violation motor activity, violation of the mode of consumption of fats, nutrition.

A significant place in the development of disorders is occupied by previously transferred infectious diseases liver and gastrointestinal tract.

According to physiology, stressful situations dysfunction of the gallbladder is accompanied by a weakening of its contractility and development of detraining. Due to the causes that caused a violation of the outflow of bile from the organs and the formation of stagnation in them, bile thickens, which leads to the formation of sand or the formation of solid inclusions of stones (calculi).

Often high concentration bile leads to its absorption by the walls of the bladder and into the bloodstream and as a result - intoxication of the body. It is often accompanied by jaundice skin and sclera of the eyes.

Some food products for the process of digestion require participation a large number bile, and then the need for increased contractile activity of the gallbladder causes a shift in it of sand or stones. They clog the ducts of the bladder and liver, disrupt the outflow of bile and there is a so-called obstructive jaundice. At the same time, a violation of the outflow of bile from the liver can cause organic disorders in it. Often this is accompanied pain attacks in the region of the right hypochondrium, in the region of the epigastrium or with sharp girdle pains reflected in the spine.

Bile, due to stagnation in the bladder, becomes viscous and supersaturated, there is an imbalance between it and the mucosa inner surface bubble body. Due to stagnation, it often becomes infected, and as a general consequence, an inflammatory and intoxication process develops. In addition, due to high viscosity an atonic process of the gallbladder walls appears, associated with the detraining of muscle structures.

S. P. Botkin, speaking about the clinic of biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis, pointed to the facts of the occurrence of "emotional jaundice" due to the mental trauma of people.

In his works there are descriptions calculous cholecystitis that mimic angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.

Bile is physiologically actively involved in the launch of the peristaltic wave of the intestine, and it can be noted that when the gallbladder is removed or functional weakness is inherent in it, there is often a decrease in the activity of intestinal motility, constipation is formed, additionally causing intoxication of the whole organism as a whole.

By the way, in oriental medicine Tibetan bile and gallbladder attach great importance. For illustration, we can quote a few excerpts from the book of Peter Badmaev "Fundamentals of Medical Science in Tibet Zhud-shi", published in 1903:

"When the vital processes of bile are weakened, the energy of vital-living warmth weakens, tissues lose their color, the skin loses its luster and darkens, cold is felt."

"An increased disorder of the vital processes of bile is expressed by the fact that urine, skin and proteins take on a yellow color, hunger and thirst are constantly felt, the body burns, the skin is hot to the touch, patients suffer from insomnia, diarrhea, constipation."

"According to the views of the medical science of Tibet, all processes of fermentation, decomposition and necrosis in the body occur due to the disorder of the vital processes of bile."

Here, dear reader, what is the function of our gallbladder in the body, and if for some reason, and which ones, we tried to list, it is removed, then your task is to learn how to use your hands to compensate for its absence by activating the work of other interested organs .

This is how a person works, that instead of a missing organ, the body always tries to adapt others, compensate and adapt them to the new state that has come. And very often this compensation does not occur, and there are many reasons, it makes no sense to list them, our task is to teach you to help your body when the need arises.

In the animal kingdom, only a few animals do not have a gallbladder, these are the elk, the horse and the rat. At the same time, even fish have it. Unlike other animals, the rat, elk and horse have a relatively large liver, which compensates for the absence of a bladder. Our task is to teach our liver or adapt it and other organs to the absence of a gallbladder by special actions of a physical nature.

Thus, we proceed to the description of the technique itself. postoperative therapy belly.

It should be noted that the therapy of the abdomen in people with and not removed gallbladder is different, therefore this work It is intended mainly for those persons whose gallbladder has been removed.

For those who have it, but performance is reduced, we recommend reading the first edition of a book on this topic called " Visceral Chiropractic in old Russian medicine.

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To understand the importance of this liquid for a person, you should read the list of its functions:

  1. Acts as a stimulant of secretion and gastric mucus, but in priority - the function of the liver.
  2. Bile is a catalyst that activates many enzymes (mostly intestinal or pancreatic lipase).
  3. Responsible for the productive absorption of water-insoluble fatty acids, carotene, vitamins D, E, K, cholesterol into the intestine.
  4. Makes a change gastric digestion on the intestinal and limits the effect of pepsin.
  5. Starts the motor function of the intestine, including work intestinal villi, as a result of which nutrients absorbed faster.
  6. Due to the composition of bile, under normal physiology, bacteria do not multiply in the intestine, putrefactive processes are prevented.
  7. Renders irritant effect on the nerve endings blood vessels, changes excitability nervous system.
  8. Takes an important part in metabolism.

Physical and chemical properties

Human bile is rich yellow in color, turning into greenish-brown due to the decomposition of dyes. It is viscous in consistency, depending on how long it has been in the gallbladder. The taste of bile is very bitter, smells peculiar and has an alkaline reaction.

The specific gravity is about 1005, but it is possible that it can rise to 1030 after a long stay in the gallbladder. Concerning chemical properties, bile pH - 7.3-8.0, relative density – 1,026-1,048.

If the stomach is empty (for example, after repeated vomiting), the color of the bile may be dark green. The shade is often compared to freshly cut grass.

bile pigments

Bile pigments are substances found in bile. Their color varies from yellow and transparent to green-blue. The process of oxidation in the liver and other organs, the breakdown of hemoglobin, is what causes pigments to form. There are only 11 of them, but they are divided into 4 groups depending on the color, parent structure and other parameters.

Normally, bile pigments that enter the intestine from the liver are excreted from the body with feces in the form of reduced bilirubin. They have the properties of acids, give metals and salts. Because of this, they are formed.

Great importance has pigment levels in urine, blood, and skin when presence is suspected. This connection is explained by the fact that due to a violation of the metabolism of hemoglobin and pigments, bilirubin accumulates, due to which the integument turns yellow.

Your doctor may order stool, blood, or urine tests. If observed increased content pigments in the urine, this indicates excessive physical activity, starvation, pathology associated with hemolysis of erythrocytes. The feces contain a lot of pigments during menstruation, and few - in violation of the patency of the bile ducts.

The composition of bile

I wonder what this liquid is, what components it contains. So, the composition of human bile is 98% water and 2% solids. It includes substances such as bilirubin, fatty acids, cholesterol, urea, mucin, lecithin, vitamins A, B, C, bile enzymes - phosphatase, amylase, protease, oxidase, amino acids and glucocorticoids, inorganic substances.

If you disassemble the chemical composition - this is predominantly bile acids. They are made from cholesterol. When interacting with taurine and glycine, salts of glycocholic and taurocholic acids are formed. Cholesterol leaves the body in the form of bile acids, and unsplit cholesterol is insoluble in water, which is why it is produced by liver cells in the form of phospholipid vesicles.

It is important to know not only the composition, but also the properties of bile:
  1. emulsification of fats. This means that the enzymes contained in bile are able to break down fats, so that they get from small intestine into the blood.
  2. Dissolution of products of lipid hydrolysis.
  3. regulatory property. The fluid is also responsible for motility - the ability of the intestine to push food further.

Normally, a person secretes about 500 ml to 1.2 liters of bile per day. In the case of pathology, these indicators may change.

Regulation of secretion and excretion of bile

The secretion process is continuous, but its intensity increases due to the action of bile acids, secretin and some other hormones. Approximately 94% of bile acids are absorbed in upper section small intestine. Before they are removed from the body, the circulation of the molecule can occur about 18-20 times.

The conclusion is the following - more quantity secreted bile, the more fatty acids are absorbed. Then they again enter through the blood to the liver, stimulating the formation of the next portions of bile.

The secretion of bile occurs in the duodenum. This process depends on the tone of the smooth muscles of the biliary tract, the gallbladder wall and the work of the sphincter muscles. The way bile moves into the duodenum from the liver is a consequence different pressure at the beginning of the biliary system, ducts and duodenum. It arises as a result of the secretory activity of hepatocytes.

Half an hour after eating, incompletely digested food enters the duodenum from the stomach. Fatty foods stimulate the contraction of the gallbladder due to the effects of cholecystokinin. Another reason for this is nerve impulses coming from vagus nerve and enteric system. Also, bile secretion is enhanced due to secretin, which stimulates the secretion of the pancreas.

Weak valve, taking any medications or alcohol, exposure to muscle contractions, and duodenal spasm are the list possible causes through which bile can enter the stomach.

If cholesterol compresses with bilirubin or calcium, stones form. This condition is treated only. AT rare cases calculus is possible with the help of medicines.

Metabolic functions of the liver

This unique organ can be compared to a laboratory where work never stops. The liver affects the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Due to the metabolic rate in the liver, energy is distributed between all organs.

Its role in carbohydrate metabolism can be described in several points:

  1. Conversion of fructose to glucose.
  2. Deposition of a large amount of glycogen.
  3. Gluconeogenesis.
  4. Formation of glucose resistance due to chromium and glutathione.
  5. The process of formation of other chemical compounds. Their formation occurs at intermediate stages of carbohydrate metabolism.
  6. Urea formation.

Proper liver function is a very important factor in maintaining normal blood glucose levels. If it is not enough for the body, iron begins to use glycogen stores.

Gluconeogenesis occurs when there is a clear decrease in the concentration of glucose in the human blood. In this case, the formation of glucose comes from amino acids and glycerol, which are based on triglycerides.

Metabolism in the liver plays a role in fat metabolism. Such reactions occur in almost all tissues, but there are those that affect only the liver.

Regarding metabolism, the liver is responsible for the production of:
  • Fats and carbohydrates from those proteins that subsequently pass into adipose tissue.
  • cholesterol, phospholipids and most of the lipoproteins that take part in the formation cell membranes and other important substances.
  • Oxidative reactions of fatty acids, which are responsible for the supply of energy.

The liver is directly related to work thyroid gland due to the fact that it is responsible for the conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine. If violated metabolic function liver, it threatens with hypothyroidism. The gland also produces hormones such as adrenaline, insulin, estrogen.

Every day, the metabolic function of the liver is under a powerful attack due to the effects of viruses, harmful substances, medicines. If the ability of the gland to metabolism decreases, this indicates a lack of proper nutrition, fatty acids, vitamins, and trace elements. Appearance chronic pathologies in the liver significantly impairs its metabolic function.

In the event that a specialist detects deviations, he can prescribe a remedy that normalizes the composition of bile. Fractional analysis is used to diagnose duodenal sounding. As a result of the lack useful elements steatorrhea may develop.

This is a condition in which food travels through the small intestine and disturbs the intestinal microflora. The stool becomes white or just light, more oily. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Modern methods of treatment are so safe for the body that they can be used absolutely calmly. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Now it becomes clear not only the composition of bile, but also its role in digestion.

Useful video about the work of the gallbladder

Bile is a product of the activity of hepatocytes (liver cells). Various studies indicate that without the participation of bile in the process of digestion of food, it is impossible normal activity GIT. There are violations not only of the digestion process, but also of metabolism, if there is a failure in its production or its composition changes.

What is bile for?

It is a digestive juice that is produced by the liver. It is used immediately or deposited in. Two important functions of this biologically active fluid are noted. She is:

  • helps digestion of fats and their absorption in the intestines;
  • removes waste products from the blood.

Physical properties

Human bile is saturated yellowish color, turning into a greenish-brown (due to the decomposition of coloring matter). It is transparent, more or less viscous, depending on the length of time it has been in the gallbladder. It has a strong bitter taste, a peculiar smell, and after being in the gallbladder, it has an alkaline reaction. Its specific gravity is about 1005 in the bile ducts, but it can rise to 1030 after a long stay in the gallbladder, due to the addition of mucus and some constituents.


Bile, the composition of which is a composition of the following materials: water (85%), bile salts (10%), mucus and pigments (3%), fats (1%), inorganic salts (0.7%) and cholesterol (0.3%) , stored in the gallbladder and after eating is released into the small intestine through the bile duct.

There is hepatic and cystic bile, their composition is the same, but the concentration is different. During the study, the following substances were found in it:

  • water;
  • bile acids and their salts;
  • bilirubin;
  • cholesterol;
  • lecithin;
  • ions of sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium;
  • bicarbonates.

There are 6 times more bile salts in gallbladder bile than in hepatic bile.

Bile acids

The chemical composition of bile is mainly represented by bile acids. substances is the main route of cholesterol catabolism in the body of mammals and humans. Some of the enzymes involved in the production of bile acids are active in many cell types in the body, but the liver is the only organ where they are completely converted. Bile acids (their synthesis) are one of the dominant mechanisms for excretion from the body excess cholesterol.

However, the excretion of cholesterol in the form of bile acids is not enough to completely neutralize its excess intake with food. Although the formation of these substances is a cholesterol catabolism pathway, these compounds also have importance in the solubilization of cholesterol, lipids, fat-soluble vitamins and other essential substances thereby facilitating their delivery to the liver. The entire cycle of bile acid formation requires 17 individual enzymes. Many bile acids are metabolites of cytotoxic substances, so their synthesis must be tightly controlled. Some congenital disorders their metabolism are due to defects in the genes responsible for the synthesis of bile acids, which leads to liver failure in early childhood and progressive neuropathy in adults.

Recent studies have shown that bile acids are involved in the regulation of their own metabolism, regulate glucose metabolism, are responsible for controlling various processes in liver regeneration, and also regulate overall energy consumption.

Main functions

A lot of various substances contains bile. Its composition is such that it does not contain enzymes, as in other digestive juices from the gastrointestinal tract. Instead, it is mostly bile salts and acids, which can:

  • and break them down into small pieces.
  • Help the body absorb the breakdown products of fats in the intestines. Bile salts bind to lipids and are then absorbed into the blood.

Other important function bile is that it contains destroyed red blood cells. This is bilirubin, and it is usually produced in the body in order to get rid of old red blood cells rich in hemoglobin. Bile also carries excess cholesterol. It is not only a product of liver secretion, but also removes various toxic substances.

How does it work?

The specific formulation allows it to act as a surfactant, helping to emulsify fats in food in the same way that soap dissolves grease. Bile salts have a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end. When exposed to water mixed with fat in the small intestine, bile salts accumulate around the fat droplet and bind both water and fat molecules. This increases the surface area of ​​the fat, allowing more access to the pancreatic enzymes that break down fat. Because bile enhances fat absorption, it aids in the absorption of amino acids, cholesterol, calcium, and fat-soluble vitamins such as D, E, K, and A.

Alkaline bile acids are also able to neutralize excess intestinal acid before it enters the body. ileum at the end of the small intestine. Bile salts are bactericidal, killing many microbes that may be present in incoming food.

bile secretion

Liver cells (hepatocytes) produce bile, which accumulates and drains into the bile duct. From here, it passes into the small intestine and immediately begins to act on fats or accumulates in the bladder.

The liver produces from 600 ml to 1 liter of bile in 24 hours. The composition and properties of bile change as it passes through bile ducts. The mucous membrane of these formations secretes water, sodium and bicarbonates, thereby diluting the liver secret. These additional substances contribute to the neutralization of stomach acid, which enters with partially digested food (chyme) from the stomach.

bile storage

The liver constantly secretes bile: up to 1 liter in a 24-hour period, but most of it is stored in the gallbladder. This hollow organ concentrates it by resorption of water, sodium, chlorine and other electrolytes into the blood. Other components of bile, such as bile salts, cholesterol, lecithin, and bilirubin, remain in the gallbladder.


The gallbladder concentrates bile because it can store bile salts and waste products from the fluid produced by the liver. Components such as water, sodium, chlorides and electrolytes then diffuse through the bubble.

Studies have shown that the composition of human bile in the bladder is the same as in the liver, but 5-20 times more concentrated. This is due to the fact that gallbladder bile mainly consists of bile salts, and bilirubin, cholesterol, lecithin and other electrolytes are absorbed into the blood during their stay in this reservoir.

bile secretion

20-30 minutes after eating, partially digested food enters the duodenum from the stomach in the form of chyme. The presence of food, especially fatty, in the stomach and duodenum stimulates the gallbladder to contract, which is due to the action of cholecystokinin. The gallbladder expels bile and relaxes the sphincter of Oddi, thereby allowing it to enter the duodenum.

Another stimulus for gallbladder contraction is nerve impulses from the vagus nerve and the enteric nervous system. Secretin, which stimulates pancreatic secretion, also enhances bile secretion. Its main effect is to increase the secretion of water and sodium bicarbonate from the bile duct mucosa. This bicarbonate solution, along with pancreatic bicarbonate, is needed to neutralize stomach acid in the intestines.

It should be noted that the different people bile has an individual qualitative and quantitative composition, that is, it differs in the content of bile acids, bile pigments and cholesterol.

Clinical relevance

In the absence of bile, fats become indigestible and are excreted unchanged in the feces. This condition is called steatorrhea. Kal instead of characteristic Brown color painted white or gray shade and becomes fat. Steatorrhea can lead to a deficiency of nutrients: essential fatty acids and vitamins. In addition, food passes through the small intestine (which is usually responsible for the absorption of fats from food) and changes the intestinal flora. You should be aware that the processes of processing fats do not occur in the large intestine, which leads to various problems.

The composition of bile includes cholesterol, which is sometimes compressed with bilirubin, calcium, forming gallstones. These stones are usually treated by removing the bladder itself. However, they can sometimes be dissolved medicines with an increase in the concentration of certain bile acids, such as chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic.

On an empty stomach (after repeated vomiting, for example), the color of the vomit may be green or dark yellow and bitter. This is bile. The composition of vomit is most often supplemented with normal digestive juices from the stomach. The color of bile is often compared to the color of "freshly cut grass", in contrast to the components in the stomach, which appear greenish-yellow or dark yellow. Bile can enter the stomach due to a weakened valve, when taking certain drugs, as well as alcohol, or under the influence of powerful muscle contractions and spasms of the duodenum.

Bile study

The bile is examined by the method of separate probing. The composition, quality, color, density and acidity of various portions allows us to judge violations in synthesis and transportation.

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