Joints hurt with pressure. Blood pressure in different types of arthritis. What to use folk remedies if the joints hurt when the weather changes

Why do joints hurt when the weather changes? How the deterioration of health in the "whims" of the weather explains official medicine. Treatment of articular meteopathy with medicines, with the help of therapeutic measures and folk remedies.

The content of the article:

Pain in the joints when the weather changes is a sign of weather dependence. This condition is called articular meteopathy. Women suffer more often, their bones are thinner and more sensitive, and older people due to natural age-related changes associated with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A change in weather is considered not only warming or cooling, but also fluctuations atmospheric pressure. Discomfort with climate change significantly reduces the quality of life.

  • Read the review of the joint cream

Why do joints hurt when the weather changes?

The human body is 80% water: it is found both in synovial fluid, the natural lubrication of joints, and in cartilage tissue. The air is also saturated with water vapor.

Why does the weather hurt joints, modern medicine explains like this. With fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which accompanies any climate change, internal pressure in the human body also changes slightly. This reduces or increases the speed of blood flow, causes soft tissue edema, affects intra-articular pressure, innervates nerve fibers which causes pain. As soon as the body adapts to new conditions, the condition returns to normal, the pain subsides by itself.

The reasons that cause changes in the articular tissues - the heads of the articulated bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons:

  • Insufficient or malnutrition. If the diet lacks the amino acid glycine and ascorbic acid, the regeneration of cartilage tissue is disturbed and the cartilage becomes thinner.
  • flat feet. Violation of the load distribution leads to a gradual deformation of the knee and hip joints, they wear out.
  • Increased physical activity or neglect of physical activity, professional activity. Negative impact on the musculoskeletal system cause both overexertion and forced immobility.
  • Arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Such diseases develop in violation of metabolic processes.
  • Arthritis. it inflammatory disease infectious etiology, accompanied by the destruction of cartilage and a decrease in the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.
All these reasons increase meteorological dependence. It is impossible to predict whether it will get warmer or colder based on pain in the joints. The nervous system reacts to heat, wind, cold or precipitation with exactly the same pain.

The main symptoms when joints hurt when the weather changes

Patients describe pain in the joints when the weather changes in different ways. Complaints are voiced: the joints hurt, “twist”, ache, it is difficult to move. Pain may occur during movement or at rest. The cervical or lumbar spine, large joints of the limbs and small - phalanges of the fingers.

Symptoms of articular meteopathy may be accompanied by:

  1. Headache and insomnia. Violation of the central nervous system is associated with difficulty in the blood supply to the brain due to swelling of the soft tissues surrounding the spine in the cervical region.
  2. Lethargy and weakness. The reasons are the same, a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the brain.
  3. Feeling anxious, abdominal pain. Negative organic changes are reflected in the psychological state.
  4. Swelling of the toes and hands. Large joints swell, blood vessels are compressed, peripheral blood supply worsens.
In people who react to the weather, when atmospheric pressure changes, pain may occur when performing simple household activities, they become irritable. This greatly affects the relationship with others.

What to do if your joints hurt in the weather

It is not advisable to wait until the body adapts to the vagaries of the atmosphere. Moreover, guarantees that weather stabilize, no. The body will again react to the following climatic changes with pain in the joints. In order not to suffer from constant discomfort, it is necessary to begin treatment.

What medications to take when joints hurt in the weather

When pain in the joints occurs during weather changes, painkillers of various groups are used.

Quickly eliminate aches:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets. These are Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Movalis and the like, which have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic action. Application - no longer than 5 days, have an aggressive effect on the mucous digestive tract, the main contraindication is erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, peptic ulcer.
  • Teraflex Advance. Complex tool, which includes glucosamine, chondroitin and ibuprofen at the same time. The action is not only analgesic, but also therapeutic, due to the content of the chondroprotector.
  • Humisol. Biogenic stimulant, has an adaptogenic effect, increases the body's resistance to chemical and biological influences.
  • Warming and analgesic ointments. "Virapin" with cobra venom, Gevkamen (Gevkamen) with camphor and levomenthol, Apizartron with bee venom.
  • Gepar-Sutav in capsules. it homeopathic remedy, which includes 24 active component. Dissolves salt deposits and eliminates edema, normalizing the condition of the tissues of the joints, reducing the reaction to weather changes.
Additional symptoms that appear with joint pain help relieve:
  1. Diuretic teas - lower arterial and intra-articular pressure;
  2. Cavinton and Lucetam - normalize blood supply, including peripheral;
  3. Analgin and Paracetamol - to eliminate pain and inflammation;
  4. Barbiturates - with the development of insomnia.
To eliminate articular meteopathy, chondroprotectors are used - Rumalon, Artra, Chondroxide and others. The effect of exposure is manifested 6 months after the start of treatment: the condition of the joints improves, the blood supply normalizes, and meteorological dependence decreases. Not suitable for acute pain relief.

Baths for joint pain when the weather changes

Official medicine does not recommend taking a bath for joint pain, but if the reaction to a change in weather is acute, then this method will help to quickly eliminate them.

Bath Recipes:

  • mint. 200 grams of dry raw materials are boiled in a bucket of water for 1 minute, infused for about half an hour, filtered and poured into a bath. As soon as the pain disappears, you can rise. It usually takes 20 minutes. The water temperature is 38-39°C, the level is below the heart area.
  • Sennaya. 1 kg of hay dust is poured with boiling water, insisted for 40 minutes and poured into the bath together with grass. The temperature is like a mint bath. They wait for the patient's body to steam out, then remove moisture dry with a towel, rub the joints with any cream and lie down under a warm blanket.
  • mustard. The water temperature is not higher than 38°С. The bath requires 100-150 g mustard powder without fragrance. Mustard is diluted to a creamy consistency and poured into a bath. The pain usually disappears within 10 minutes.
  • Dry bath. Available in summer days on the beach - to eliminate pain in the joints they burrow into the hot sand. At home, heated sand is poured into a bag and applied to the aching joint.
Bath for joint pain Ambulance". prolonged therapeutic effect does not render.

How to reduce joint pain in the weather with diet

Special nutrition will help stop the exacerbation of articular meteopathy.

The principle of the diet, which is switched to when pain in the joints appears:

  1. During the period of exacerbation, it is necessary to completely abandon salty and spicy dishes, spices and marinades.
  2. Remove food from the diet, which includes extractive products. This is the name of dishes that stimulate the deposition of salts in the joints: chocolate, canned food, food with a fried crust, strong broths, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.
  3. You can season dishes with turmeric and ginger for taste - they dissolve joint salts.
  4. Restrict in daily menu the amount of refractory fats.
  5. Increase the amount of liquid in the diet by pure water or diuretic teas. Before following the recommendation, you need to make sure that the urinary system is working properly.
  6. During the period of exacerbation, you should stop eating tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers, reduce portions of potatoes.
  7. Deterioration of the condition is caused by goose liver pates, fashionable foie gras. You should not feast on these dishes if the joints ache, even if with the help of delicious meals eat depression. You need to give up all foods with purines - red meat, legumes.
  8. The basis of the menu on the days of deterioration are alkalizing or neutral foods: sour-milk and vegetables, in addition to those mentioned above.
The best way to eliminate the exacerbation is to arrange a fasting day, using only kefir, cottage cheese and drinking rosehip broth. The daily amount of food is 200-300 g of cottage cheese and 2 glasses of kefir during the day in equal portions. The amount of liquid is not limited.

Gymnastics to eliminate joint pain in weather dependence

By using gymnastic exercises strengthen the anatomical structures that are near the problem joint. This helps to prevent exacerbation when the weather changes and stops the swelling that appears.

Basic principles of gymnastics for joints:

  • If the exacerbation has already begun, but the pain is tolerable, then passive movements and relaxation exercises are performed. This helps to normalize the blood supply and stops the deterioration of the quality of the intra-articular fluid. Passive is an exercise in which movement is helped.
  • All exercises are performed in a comfortable position - lying or standing.
  • The muscles surrounding the problem joint are warmed up with rubbing.
  • During the period of remission perform active movements: first bends-bends, and then rotations, constantly increasing the amplitude.
The sooner they start exercise therapy classes, the more likely it is to stop the deformation of the articular surface, strengthen the ligaments and prevent degenerative-dystrophic processes, which stimulate the development of articular meteopathy.

Choosing medical complex, you should consult your doctor.

What to use folk remedies if the joints hurt when the weather changes

Traditional medicine offers its own way to eliminate the soreness of the joints during weather dependence. The main contraindications for treatment with folk remedies are pregnancy and lactation, age up to 18 years.

Pain Recipes:

  1. Potato sprout rub. With articular meteopathy, you must always be prepared for deterioration and do it in advance. Potato sprouts are poured into a bottle of ordinary vodka by 2/3, pouring excess liquid, leave to infuse in the dark. It is advisable to stir daily. After 14 days, filter. When pain occurs, the joints are rubbed.
  2. Kernel tincture pine nuts . Helps prevent flare-ups. calcined nutshell in a frying pan without oil, tightly stuffed into a bottle of vodka, filling halfway, pour vodka. Bring to readiness in the warmth, wrapping a towel so that the light does not fall. After 3 weeks, filter. Treatment regimen: 3 drops in a tablespoon of water before lunch on day 1, 4 on the second, 5 on the third, and so on up to 22 drops. Then the dose is gradually reduced. Make a 3-day break and repeat the therapeutic course. After 4 courses, they rest for 2 months and are treated again, if necessary.
  3. Oil balm. Oils - sesame and olive - are equally mixed, for each tablespoon of the product is added oil solution vitamin A from one capsule. Before rubbing the diseased joint, it is advisable to steam it into soda bath- 2 tablespoons baking soda to a glass of water. Warm up hip joints or the spine with a soda poultice. After rubbing, the problem area is insulated.
  4. Cabbage or burdock leaves. The leaves are washed reverse side beat off with a wooden pestle so that juice appears, and apply to the aching joint.
  5. Tincture bay leaf . 10 leaves are boiled in a liter of water for 10 minutes, the infusion is poured into a thermos, insisted overnight. Drink in small sips for 3 days, regardless of the meal, 2 thermoses of strained bay tincture. Usually this amount of medicine is enough to relieve pain.
  6. Horseradish gruel. The horseradish root is rubbed, and then a compress is placed on the sore joint. After eliminating the pain, the skin is treated with an oily agent so that no traces remain.
  7. Pepper-kerosene oil rubbing. 25 red pods hot pepper pour any sunflower oil and add half a glass of kerosene. Mix, insist a week, shaking occasionally. When pain occurs, rub into the joint.
  8. birch leaves. Gather leaves away from locality, steamed, cover the problem connection and insulate, as when making a compress. If you use this remedy with the appearance of pain constantly, articular meteopathy will gradually disappear.
What to do if the joints hurt in the weather - look at the video:

If, when the weather changes, the joints constantly hurt, despite regular treatment then you need to ask for help official medicine and get tested. Only by finding out what causes caused articular meteopathy, you can eliminate it. Complex treatment joint diseases and additional therapeutic measures help stop the degeneration process and make the symptoms of articular meteopathy less pronounced.

According to statistics, people with rheumatoid, gouty and some other types of arthritis are much more susceptible to the development of arterial hypertension than healthy people. High blood pressure, in turn, significantly increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other serious illnesses. Therefore, prevention and treatment hypertension in patients with arthritis today is so relevant.

Persons suffering from chronic inflammation of the joints need to regularly monitor their blood pressure, making sure that it does not exceed allowable rate(140/90 mm Hg). To do this, it is necessary not only to follow the recommendations of the doctor and take all prescribed medications, but also to healthy lifestyle life with arthritis. Balanced Diet, correct mode and adequate motor activity will help to avoid the development of arterial hypertension, slow down the progression of arthritis and significantly alleviate the well-being of a person.

AT recent times There have been many studies that have examined the effect of chronic joint inflammation on blood pressure. To date, it has been established that arterial hypertension in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is much more common than in the general population. Moreover, the likelihood of an excessive increase in pressure directly depends on the activity pathological process in the joints. Therefore, the more severe the form of arthritis in a person, the higher the likelihood of developing arterial hypertension in him.

The presence of both hypertension and deforming osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) in elderly people significantly accelerates the progression of both diseases. Such a combination very often leads to a violation of calcium metabolism and the development of osteoporosis. Therefore, people with hypertension and osteoarthritis are indicated replacement therapy(calcium preparations).

The reasons

As you know, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids are used to treat most arthritis. At systemic use these drugs slightly increase blood pressure. Long term treatment these drugs can lead to the development of arterial hypertension.

The mechanism of action of angiotensin-2.

In addition, regular pain and chronic inflammation contribute to the increase in pressure in patients with arthritis. The latter leads to violation normal functioning vascular endothelium, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Damaged endothelium has the ability to synthesize excess amount angiotensin-2 - a substance that increases blood pressure.

Rheumatoid arthritis

As a rule, arterial hypertension develops with a long course of rheumatoid arthritis. chronic inflammation and regular intake of NSAIDs (Diclofecac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin) contribute to the development of this pathology. Methotrexate (a drug widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis) reduces the risk cardiovascular pathology.


This disease mainly affects the elderly. They most often affect the hip, knee, elbow and other large joints. This, in turn, leads to a limitation motor activity. It is difficult for a person to walk, work, perform habitual actions. Inactive image life contributes to the development coronary disease heart and hypertension. Therefore, people with osteoarthritis are much more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatism is a systemic inflammatory disease in which rheumatic carditis very often develops.

In acute rheumatic fever, pressure may increase due to severe intoxication. However, more dangerous for a person is an inflammatory lesion of the heart muscle. This can lead to heart failure, acquired heart defects, and other serious complications.

For gout

The main cause of hypertension in this disease is persistent hyperuricemia - an increase in salt levels. uric acid in blood. According to the data scientific research, this factor leads to an increase in blood pressure in almost half of the people suffering from this disease.

Causes of hypertension in gout:

  • increased activity of the sympathetic nervous and renin-angiotensin systems;
  • hypertrophy vascular wall and increased peripheral vascular resistance;
  • kidney damage (urate nephropathy);
  • insulin resistance and increased reabsorption (reuptake) of sodium, which retains fluid in the body.

Prevention of hypertension

The main measure in the prevention of arterial hypertension is a reasonable intake of medicines. Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, and any pharmaceuticals should be taken only with his permission. Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, preference should be given to selective inhibitors COX-2 - they are safer and much less likely to cause any side effects. These drugs include Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Xefocam.

You need to remember that timely treatment arthritis can markedly reduce the risk of developing hypertension. Therefore, such measures as following a diet for gout, avoiding hypothermia with rheumatoid arthritis and strong physical activity with osteoarthritis.


To correct pressure in patients with arterial hypertension and arthritis should take drugs from the group of calcium antagonists or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. The former include Amlodipine, Verapamil, Diltiazem, Nifedipine. The most famous ACE inhibitors- Enalapril, Captopril, Lisinopril. You can start treatment with the listed drugs only after consulting a specialist.

To prevent osteoporosis, people with deforming osteoarthritis need to ensure that enough calcium is supplied to the body. When taking calcium supplements, the risk of developing urolithiasis. Naturally, kidney pathology will only aggravate the course of hypertension and significantly worsen a person's condition. Therefore, preference should be given to preparations based on calcium citrate or calcium hydroxyapatite (Calcium D3 citrate, Calcimax, Calcium hydroxyapatite).

Calcium in the body is essential for maintaining bone structure, normal operation nervous and cardiovascular systems.

As for diuretics, it is strictly forbidden to take them with gout, since these drugs additionally increase the level of uric acid in the blood. In all other cases, they can be drunk only with the permission of a doctor.

Replacement of a joint affected by osteoarthritis (hip, knee) significantly reduces the risk of developing heart attacks and other cardiovascular pathologies. This can be explained by a decrease in the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a decrease in pain stress and a marked increase in motor activity. Surgical intervention allows many people to return to a normal lifestyle.

It's no secret that green tea- source of youth, longevity, vitality and Have a good mood. Since ancient times, in the countries of the East, knowledge about useful properties ah green tea.

And in the modern period in Eastern Europe, it could only be bought from pharmacists as medicine. And this is understandable, because green tea contains a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins, so necessary for our health. About today we will talk about the effect of green tea on the joints, skeletal system and blood pressure.

It is known that on initial stage hypertension infusion of green tea will help lower blood pressure, and also lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Japanese scientists have found that with prolonged use of blood pressure is reduced by 10-20 units.

The decrease in pressure occurs due to the fact that tea strengthens and dilates blood vessels, and also because green tea is a strong diuretic. Due to this, water is removed from the body and a large number of harmful substances, including salts, which no less contribute to lowering the pressure. And the acceleration of the decomposition of cholesterol and other fats leads not only to a decrease in pressure, but also to weight loss. Which again improves well-being, reduces the impact on the skeletal system and joints.

Scientists at the Queen Margaret University of Edinburgh have shown that if you drink 4 cups of green tea a day for 14 days, you will decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol and fat levels. There is no need to continue further, as this can harm. In general, Chinese scientists recommend no more than 1 cup of tea per day, and then with their daily intake, you will lose 4-5 kg excess weight in a year.

However, people with low blood pressure should not drink green tea, because. it can lower the pressure even more. People suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension in the acute stage should also give up green tea. caffeine and theophylline large doses excite nervous system, and hence the cerebral cortex, which leads to narrowing of the vessels of the head and the formation of blood clots.

In order for the pressure to decrease, tea must be brewed in this way:

1. dry green tea rinse with warm boiled water, due to this, the caffeine contained in it will decrease;

2. pour tea with boiling water at the rate of 3 g per half a glass of water;

3. let the tea brew for 10 minutes;

Drink it after meals, 1 glass a day.

Attention! Total in this case, the liquid you drink must be reduced to 1.2 liters (including tea).

Green tea helps to improve the condition of bones, growth of bone tissue, protection against bone fractures in people over 65 years of age. And the content of epigallocatechin gallate in tea helps to increase the activity of key enzymes and bone growth by 79%.

Epigallocatechin blocks osteoclasts that destroy the old bone tissue, and also prevents the growth and development of cancer (breast, prostate, skin).

Thanks to fluoride, green tea helps teeth to strengthen enamel and be always healthy.
The research was carried out by Dr. Chwang-Li Sheen and his colleagues at Texas Tech University.

Women over the age of 57 were offered to take green tea polyphenols in tablets and engage in wellness exercises. As a result, after 6 months, it turned out that women had improved bone health and strengthened muscles. Green tea prevented cell damage from oxidation.

To eliminate joint pain, research scientists advise soaking napkins in a strongly brewed and cooled tea solution and applying them to inflamed joints.

Despite great amount useful properties that this wonderful drink- green tea, do not forget that everything has its own measure. You should not drink more than 1 cup of green tea per day. Do not abuse this delicious tea and be healthy!

About this in this article.

60% of women suffer from reduced pressure. But for some reason, medicine does not consider it a disease. They do not give sick leave, there are no medicines. The doctor recommends moving more, walking more often fresh air take a contrast shower.

In fact, low pressure it is the cause of migraine, headache, meteorological dependence. Migraine exhausts a person, he sits down on caffeine-containing drugs. Sometimes he carries with him 3-4 packs of such drugs. And as you know, caffeine leaches minerals from the body, which means the body will not get enough calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. This will lead to problems with the joints and spine.

The reduced pressure is associated with a constant fragility of nails, hair loss.

Once a woman solves a problem low pressure- many problems that she could not solve throughout her life go away.

Chrome helps.

Chromium is an enzyme that controls the production of energy in cells. If there is not enough of it in the cells, the cell does not produce enough energy. Hence the problems - pain in the chest, then in the arm. Either cold hands, then cold feet, then goosebumps, then tingling.

When the pressure is higher, the body copes with inflammation. At low pressure, the body is more susceptible to inflammatory processes. Including inflammation of the joints. Here you have one of the causes of problems with the joints and spine.

(According to the materials of the conference of the doctor Zelenkov)

O proper nutrition for joint and spinal problems

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Manifested by reactive arthritis (mainly of the joints lower extremities), pain in the joint, characteristic extra-articular manifestations (urethritis or prostatitis, conjunctivitis or uveitis, damage to the skin and mucous membranes - ulcerative stomatitis, erosive balanitis,), defeat of cardio-vascular system(arrhythmias, blockades, aortitis), fever (38.6 - 40.0 joint pain and pressure). But international group Scientists from Taiwan, the United States and the United Kingdom, after analyzing a large amount of statistical data, found that in different geographical areas, migraine attacks in participants, joint pain and pressure in the study correlated with different weather factors: air temperature, low pressure, strong winds, the approach of a typhoon, the approach of a cold atmospheric front. Knee-joint enclosed in a sealed joint capsule (bag), inside joint capsule there is a synovial membrane containing synovial fluid. Groups of drugs capable of causing drug-induced arthralgia - antibiotics penicillin series, barbiturates and lungs sleeping pills and tranquilizers (on a chemical basis), antihypertensive drugs, contraceptives and anti-tuberculosis, proton pump inhibitors.

But because patients with hypertension take blood pressure pills for years, or even for life, many of these drugs accumulate in the body and begin to affect the joints over time. Inflamed cells release an enzyme that attacks bones and cartilage, leading to joint deformity, increased pain, and loss of movement.

According to the website contact numbers. After this, increased bone formation and the appearance of bone growths or osteophytes begin.

it autoimmune disease, which is characterized by the development of edema of the synovial membranes, which causes pain, local boost temperature and swelling around the joints. Constant sharp pain in the joint, aggravated by movement, swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the soft tissues above the joint, fever (38.6 - 40.0).

sweating in daytime. The function of cartilage is to glide and cushion during movement.

The synovial fluid ensures the normal mobility of the cartilage that covers articular surfaces bones. If you are concerned about pain and inflammation in arthrosis of the joints, then it is important to influence the cause of inflammation and pain in the joint, therefore, in addition to drugs for pain, the therapy includes drugs that improve the condition of the cartilage.

Causes, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and the diagnosis of this condition is not being studied, due to the active promotion medicines in the pharmacological market and the lack of severity of the condition in relation to functional disorders joint and individual drug tolerance. When similar symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor.

Extra-articular manifestations - eye damage (conjunctivitis), heart damage (myocarditis, pericarditis, arrhythmias), central nervous system damage (neuritis, encephalopathy), kidney damage (pyelonephritis), impaired trophism of nails, skin and mucous membranes (onychodystrophy, keratoderma, erosion). Radiography is a reliable method for examining joints.

In this regard, if you suspect a particular disease based on your symptoms, try to visit a doctor as soon as possible, who will interview, examine you, and, if necessary, prescribe additional research and based on the data obtained will clarify the diagnosis. Treatment of joint pain largely depends on the cause of the development of this symptom.

Pseudogout - (pseudo-gouty arthritis) microcrystalline arthritis, a disease based on a metabolic disorder ( local violations metabolism of calcium pyrophosphate in the tissues of the joint), namely calcium metabolism, resulting in the deposition of crystals of calcium pyrophosphates (calcium salts) in the periarticular and articular tissues. Joint pain (arthralgia) – may be a symptom various diseases musculoskeletal system a person that occurs both in old age and in young people and children.

Reiter's disease separate view reactive arthritis with a genetic predisposition) - manifests itself after suffering chlamydial or intestinal infection. During the period rapid growth almost every child experiences discomfort and even pain in muscles, bones and joints.

In order to distinguish normal "growing pains" in a child from the symptoms of the disease, you should pay attention to the following points:. For early diagnosis rheumatoid lesions special meaning has rheumatoid factor - antiglobulin antibody.

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