Wheezing in the lungs of a child with fever. Wheezing when breathing in a child: Komarovsky gives advice. Treatment of wheezing when coughing in a child with folk remedies

Young children often cough regardless of the weather and general condition baby health. If the throat is dry, then when you inhale, there are wheezing, which can lead to a dry cough - usually this phenomenon can indicate that a person has diseases associated with the lungs, bronchi or throat. Wheezing is dry and wet, and each of them requires its own treatment. Let us consider in more detail how wheezing in a child can be cured. one

What causes wheezing in children?

Often, wheezing in children occurs due to foreign bodies entering the larynx, bronchi or trachea. after all Small child very often pulls into his mouth everything that catches his eye. Sometimes foreign objects get in when coughing or talking, so you should be careful about what kind of objects the baby plays with.

But if we consider wheezing as a symptom of the disease, then, most likely, this indicates inflammatory process. Most often, this indicates inflammation of the lungs, and there are types such as curly, focal and chronic. If a child has wheezing and coughing, but there is no temperature, this may be a bad signal for parents, as this indicates a latent form of pneumonia.

If, after a cold, the child still long time the cough does not go away, but it is still worth visiting the doctor again and conducting additional examinations.

Doctors define several types of wheezing in the lungs, namely:

  1. Whistling during wheezing manifests itself in the case when the bronchi narrow and swell, with severe spasms.
  2. humming wheeze- when coughing appears thick viscous sputum, which occurs during an obstructive process occurring in the lungs.
  3. Wet wheezing- occurs due to the accumulation of blood and fluid in the bronchi. Usually such a cough occurs with tuberculosis, lung abscess, pneumonia and bronchiectasis.
  4. Silent wheezing- appears with pulmonary edema and chronic heart failure.

It is worth remembering that, regardless of the type and reason for wheezing and coughing, you should first consult a doctor for first aid, because the consequences can be the most deplorable.


What is the danger of wheezing without fever, and what can they mean?

Wheezing and cough without fever may indicate serious illnesses such as pneumonia. In a baby, this disease manifests itself as follows:

  1. the child becomes lethargic and restless;
  2. complains of headaches;
  3. babies may refuse breast milk;
  4. the baby often spits up, the stool becomes more frequent;
  5. frequent shortness of breath;
  6. bluish swelling occurs in the nose and eyes;
  7. cough accompanied by a runny nose.

Any cough is dangerous to health and indicates that not everything is in order with the health of the baby. If coughing and wheezing continue for a long time, then this may indicate the presence of a serious illness.


How to treat wheezing in a child?

In case of wheezing in a child without fever don't self-medicate. Even with this manifestation of the disease, the baby can be hospitalized with suspected pneumonia. First of all, blood, urine and sputum are taken for analysis. Fluorography is prescribed, which can determine the presence of pneumonia. The lungs are examined.

For the treatment of wheezing without fail appointed antibiotics. It is worth remembering that the room where the child is located should be often ventilated, and dried fruits, fruit drinks, tea and herbal decoctions should be present in the diet. Parallel to drug treatment respiratory exercises are prescribed to develop the lungs.

In any case, if wheezing and coughing occur in a child, you should consult a doctor for a complete examination. Regardless of whether it is caused by a disease or we get into the body of a foreign body, first aid should be better provided by physicians. Do not forget that latent pneumonia can be fatal.


Obstructive bronchitis in a child

Wheezes are non-physiological noises or additional sounds that occur when breathing. If the child is breathing heavily, and wheezing is heard, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor. Parents themselves cannot determine the cause of wheezing.

Treatment of wheezing in children

Once the cause of wheezing has been established, treatment can be started. Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract are stopped by drugs. Steroids, for example, quickly and easily relieve swelling. They are usually given by injection or spray. If a Airways swollen due to an allergen, then doctors also use adrenaline.

Wheezing may occur due to infection. In this situation, the treatment of wheezing in a child must be carried out with antibiotics. The drugs are administered intravenously or orally.

Wheezing in the lungs of a child

In order to establish the cause of wheezing, it is necessary, at a minimum, to listen to the chest with a phonendoscope.

Wheezing is wheezing, dry, wet, and so on. Dry rales appear when the air stream passes through a narrowing obstacle. If there is fluid in the airways, the wheezing becomes moist. The tone of wheezing depends on the viscosity of the fluid and the diameter of the affected airways.

In order to identify the disease, it is necessary to understand what symptoms are combined with wheezing in the lungs of a child.

Wheezing in the throat of a child

A healthy child breathes smoothly and evenly. If breathing becomes hard, the timbre changes, you should consult a doctor.

If wheezing is accompanied by a whistle, it means that the child has caught respiratory infection. It is difficult for the baby to breathe, sleep is disturbed. There are wheezing wheezing, pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Wheezing in the throat of a child can be treated with a tincture of coltsfoot leaves, plantain, fragrant peppermint and marshmallow root. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. The resulting infusion can be gargled or taken orally, two dessert spoons three times a day.

Banana puree is good for coughing. It is prepared as follows: take a banana, crush it, add honey and water. This medicine can be given to the child all day long.

Wheezing may occur if a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. Buttons, berries, small balls and berries often end up in a baby's nose. It is not necessary to independently remove a foreign body that is deeply seated, it is better to call a doctor or an ambulance.

The child has wheezing when breathing

Respiratory failure can occur due to swelling, a foreign body, or muscle spasm. If the skin around the lips turns blue, the child is breathing heavily and cannot speak, you need to call an ambulance.

In a child, wheezing during breathing occurs due to bronchospasm, respiratory disease, or for other reasons. The child may begin to cough if the room where he is too dirty air. This should be remembered by parents who smoke in the house.

The child has wheezing and fever

by the most serious illnesses respiratory tract in childhood considered pneumonia and bronchitis. They are successfully treated if the diagnosis is correct and good drugs are prescribed.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi. This disease can be acute and chronic. Bronchitis is much more common in children than in adults. First of all, the throat becomes inflamed, then the infection descends below and affects the bronchi.

In a child, wheezing and fever may be due to bronchitis, pneumonia, and other reasons. Acute bronchitis does not require specific treatment. However, in any case, it is better not to self-medicate. As soon as the mother realized that something was wrong with the child, she should immediately go to the doctor. There is no need to be afraid that the child will be admitted to the hospital. After all, bronchitis is well treated at home, the main thing is to know what and how to treat.

Cough and wheezing in a child

Cough is a complex reflex act in which there is a sharp contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system and powerful release air. With irritation of the receptors of the trachea, larynx, pleura and large bronchi, cough reflex. During coughing, the air that leaves the lungs takes with it foreign bodies and sputum. Cough is needed in order to clear the airways from various foreign bodies.

Coughing and wheezing in a child can occur due to an infection, a foreign body, and for other reasons.

Wheezing in an infant

At baby wheezing may appear immediately after it is born. Causes can be spasms of the airways, swelling, fluid accumulation, and so on.

Wheezing in an infant occurs due to the natural structural features of the respiratory tract. The systems and organs of newborns are not yet fully formed, the larynx, for example, does not have the necessary hardness, so sometimes it gives vibration to the nasopharynx.

A child can often have a dry, wheezing cough when the person inhales air. This indicates a disease of the bronchi, lungs, throat. Wheezes are different - dry and wet. With the second type of wheezing, sputum quickly departs; with a dry cough, it is important to monitor and take measures in time so that the cough becomes productive.

Causes of wheezing in the lungs in a child

Often wheezing in a child can be triggered by a foreign body. It often ends up in the larynx, bronchi, trachea. Small children put everything in their mouths. A foreign body can get into the lumen of the trachea when the child coughs, talks. Because of this, the lungs suffer from acid starvation, the child begins to breathe frequently, in addition to wheezing, suffocation is observed.

It is dangerous when wheezing is caused and there is no temperature. It can be a croupous, focal, chronic inflammatory process in the lungs. If there is no temperature, this does not mean that everything is fine. Such symptoms indicate a latent form of pneumonia. Therefore, it is so important after having suffered the flu, colds, bronchitis, for a long time the child's cough does not go away, consult with your doctor.

Types of wheezing in the lungs of a child

1. Wheezing with a whistle appears when the air passes through the bronchi, it can narrow, swell, there is a strong spasm.

2. Humming wheezing accompanied by thick viscous sputum, often occurs with obstructive processes in the lungs.

3. Wet rales appear due to the accumulation of blood and liquid sputum in the bronchi. They are typical for lung abscess, bronchiectasis, pneumonia.

4. Unsound wheezing occurs if the lungs swell, with chronic.

Symptoms of pneumonia with wheezing without fever

1. There is a strong weakness.

2. Worried about a headache.

3. The child may be in a semi-conscious state.

4. When physical activity there is severe shortness of breath.

5. Sharp and It's a dull pain in the chest area.

6. excessive sweating weakness, constant thirst.

7. Heartbeat quickens.

8. Pain when turning.

9. Wet rales appear in the chest.

To find out for yourself if your child has pneumonia. Raise outerwear to be visible thoracic part body, ask him to hold his breath, then exhale sharply. You will notice that the chest is not working properly.

Signs of pneumonia without fever with wheezing in infants

1. Rejection of the breast.

2. The child is restless, lethargic.

3. The stool becomes more frequent, the child constantly spits up.

4. Worried about severe shortness of breath.

5. A bluish tint can be seen near the eyes, nose.

6. Arises coughing, .

7. The newborn is very ill.

Despite the fact that the child does not wheeze, he is admitted to the hospital for treatment of pneumonia. After a blood test, without temperature, leukocytes may be elevated. Hidden pneumonia is determined using fluorography, sputum analysis is also taken, lung volume is examined.

The inflammatory process and wheezing in the lungs are treated with antibiotics. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the air in the room, constantly ventilate it, give the child as many compotes of their dried fruits, fruit drinks, tea, herbal decoctions as possible. Do it all the time breathing exercises. Please note that hidden pneumonia in a child can be fatal.

In the event that such wheezing is caused by inflammation, it is necessary to use a nebulizer. You can use a kettle, equip it with a straw and breathe in vapors. If the child does not suffer from allergic reactions, eucalyptus, chamomile decoction is used, sometimes added essential oils, but for a child they are not recommended for use. The child should not breathe boiling water, it is best for him to use water that has already cooled down a bit.

When dry and wet cough if wheezing is heard in the lungs, despite the fact that there is no temperature, you should immediately contact your doctor.

In case of hit foreign object, you need to call emergency care. Before they arrive, try to provide medical food yourself. To do this, tilt the child, hit a little between the shoulder blades. When this method does not help, the stomach is strongly compressed, the ribs from below. So you can push out the trapped foreign body.

Wheezing can be treated with:

1. Mucolytic drugs, agents that will help thin the sputum. Their doctor prescribes if the sputum is viscous, it is difficult to separate.

2. Expectorants medications. They are necessary in order for liquid sputum to depart better.

3. Bronchodilators will help expand the narrowed bronchi, with the help of medicines respiratory function can be restored.

To protect the child from wheezing in the lungs, he should be exposed to allergens as little as possible. Also, hypothermia of the child should not be allowed, all viral, infectious diseases should be treated in time.

The danger of wheezing in the lungs for a child

It is important to treat the disease in time, because breathing can stop. This happens when the organs are affected viral infection, toxic substances. Often the disease begins to affect other organs.

So, to prevent wheezing in the lungs of a child, you need to protect him from inhalation of smoke, an allergen, various harmful elements, walk in the air as much as possible. In summer, the child should rest in a sanatorium near the sea. If the temperature does not rise with wheezing in the lungs, it may be dangerous symptom. Therefore, with a child, you should immediately contact the attending doctor, go through additional examination. Then, based on the data, the analysis selects effective and safe methods treatment. In no case should wheezing in a child be treated with folk methods, everything can lead to serious consequences.

The child's body is very fragile and sensitive to various viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, children get sick much more often than adults. Wheezing in the throat, cough, hoarse voice, fever and lethargy - what do these symptoms signal? Similar state may be due physiological phenomenon or serious illness. What to do and how to treat crumbs? The answers to these questions are in the article.

Wheezing in the throat and cough in a child - a reason to see a doctor for an examination

Causes of wheezing in the throat with and without cough

Wheezing in the chest and coughing are symptoms that signal problems in the body. The most common causes of wheezing are:

  1. Allergic and respiratory diseases. These include the flu, certain types of asthma, bronchitis, and so on.
  2. Pneumonia. With the development of this disease in the lungs of a child, sputum accumulates in large quantities. It prevents the normal flow of air during breathing, which causes hoarseness in the chest.
  3. Entry of a foreign body into the bronchi.
  4. Thoracic dropsy, causing wheezing and rattling on respiration.

The main causes are listed above, but it should be remembered that wheezing can signal much more serious and dangerous problems in the body of the baby, such as pathologies of the heart and neoplasms in the lungs. Whatever the listed symptoms are associated with, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy only a specialist can.

Treatment of wheezing in a child

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For appointment proper treatment when coughing, hoarseness and wheezing in the chest, the doctor should listen to the chest with a stethoscope. In some cases, an x-ray is necessary.

In some cases, with wheezing, the doctor insists on x-ray examination child

With a dry cough, accompanied by wheezing, treatment is prescribed with special preparations for children. At elevated temperature antibiotics are needed. When prescribing therapy, the age of the patient should be taken into account. If the child is still very small, the temperature does not drop, and there are signs of intoxication of the body, then the treatment will be stationary.

Medical therapy

If the baby wheezes when breathing and coughs, then without medical preparations it is unlikely to be cured (see also:). After taking it to the pediatrician, making sure that the cause is a cold, you can start using expectorants in the form of a syrup or mixture (Ambrobene, Bromhexine). The advantages of syrups are that they taste good and children are more likely to drink them.

If a child is over 12 years old, it is better to use cough medicines in powders or tablets (ACC, Stoptussin) (we recommend reading:). Pay attention to the dosage of the drug, and follow the recommendations of your doctor exactly. Additionally, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs. In the case when wheezing in the chest is caused by pneumonia and the ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi, the treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Treatment with folk methods

If wheezing in the chest is caused by hypothermia, a cold or SARS, then to traditional therapy can be added and folk methods treatment. The first place in the fight against cough is occupied by infusions medicinal herbs. A decoction of licorice, coltsfoot and chamomile is effective for coughing. In pharmacies you can buy various herbal preparations, which are selected specifically for cough therapy.

For the treatment of wheezing caused by colds, very effective warm teas and herbal infusions

At normal temperature the child's body can be inhaled. A decoction prepared on the basis of pine buds helps well, but if they could not be found, then potato peelings have a similar effect.

Pine bud remedy can also be taken orally: 1 tablespoon of the collection should be poured with 1 liter of milk and drunk 50 ml every 2-3 hours. With such treatment, initial stages it is possible to get rid of a cough in just a couple of days.

If the child is not allergic to honey, then you can make eggnog. Most children perceive it as a treat and take it with pleasure. Honey must be ground with egg yolks and butter. The mixture should be consumed in 20 ml before meals.

Causes of hoarseness in a child with and without a cough

The child may suffer not only from hoarseness, but also hoarse voice. The most common causes of the condition are:

  1. Acute form of laryngitis (we recommend reading:). With this diagnosis, the patient coughs, feels a sore throat, and the temperature rises to him. Common symptom is barking cough(see also: ). Most dangerous form laryngitis is considered false croup.
  2. Various neoplasms in the larynx (cyst, polyp).
  3. Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta.
  4. Cold. This is the most common cause baby's hoarse voice. With a cold, the child needs to ensure the rest of the vocal cords.
  5. Reception antihistamines, which dry out the mucous membranes in the throat.
  6. Inflamed adenoids.

The cause of a hoarse voice in a child can be various ENT diseases

Methods for treating a hoarse voice

  • Provide peace of mind vocal cords. Explain to the child that the neck is hoarse and should rest, there is no need to talk yet (we recommend reading:).
  • Do not eat foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. These include hot and cold, spicy and salty dishes, etc.
  • Abundant warm drink- a wonderful helper for soothing the throat. Herbal infusions chamomile will relieve inflammation.
  • Maintain the optimum humidity in the room.
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

If the child has hoarse voice due to a cold, topical therapy is recommended before consulting a doctor. Gargling with decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, sage will relieve pain and soothe an irritated throat. Rinsing with salt and soda is not recommended.

With hoarseness in a baby, drugs are used:

  • antiallergic drugs Tsetrin, Zirtek, Claritin;
  • solutions for rinsing Lugol or Furacilin;
  • tablets Faringosept, Lizak;
  • sprays with antibiotic Ingalipt, Bioparox.

Physiotherapy has a positive effect: UHF, electrophoresis. Treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation and relieving swelling of the larynx.

Inhalations and compresses for wheezing and hoarseness without fever

One of the most popular treatments is inhalation over potatoes. The child bends his head over the boiled potatoes, and a towel is placed on top of him. You need to breathe until the potatoes cool down.

Another proven method is inhalation with eucalyptus. To do this, boil 50 grams of eucalyptus leaves and 2 grams of Asterisk ointment in 1 liter of water. Leaves can be replaced with a few drops of aromatic oil. The child must breathe in the steam. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

All types of inhalations are allowed to be carried out only in the absence of elevated temperature.

Compress is simple and effective method facilitate breathing and eliminate wheezing in the throat. It is advisable to put compresses all night, using mustard mixed with honey, vodka and vegetable oil. You can also make cakes from warm boiled potatoes or paraffin - the mass must be kept on the baby's chest until it cools completely.

What can't be done?

It is important not only to know how to treat a child, but also what absolutely cannot be done. With wheezing in the throat and coughing is prohibited.

Wheezing in a child when breathing is a serious sign indicating the presence of pathology associated with the state of the respiratory system. The most likely factors that provoke wheezing are an inflammatory process in the lungs, trachea, throat, or bronchi.

With the development of acute respiratory diseases accompanied by a significant increase temperature regime, cough and runny nose, children often have noisy breathing, called wheezing.

In addition to pathological conditions, such manifestations occur against the background of physiological or mechanical factors.

Ignore appearance negative symptom should not be, as wheezing can signal the development of serious pathological processes that pose a threat to the health and even the life of the baby.

What it is

Wheezing when breathing in a child is a noise that can be heard while being next to the baby. Extraneous sounds that occur during breathing are quite diverse and depend not only on the cause, but also on the localization. inflammatory process.

Noisy breathing occurs with various pathological processes located in the respiratory organs.

The sputum in the respiratory tract, when air enters them, foams and, as a result, a noise effect occurs. Besides, protective functions the body tries to get rid of mucus, as a result of which a cough begins, followed by expectoration of sputum.

The situation is more complicated with a dry cough, when there is swelling in the bronchial area. The noise is whistling, sharp.

It is quite difficult to determine the nature of wheezing in children; only experienced doctors. Therefore, if you notice breathing difficulties in the crumbs, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Main reasons

Identification of factors provoking the occurrence of wheezing is a paramount task. This allows you to choose the right tactics treatment and eliminate not only severe symptom but also its cause.

Most often, the mechanism of development of wheezing manifests itself in conditions such as:

  1. Acute respiratory disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, tracheitis and other inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. They are accompanied by the formation of sputum and the likelihood of spasms. It should be borne in mind that spastic breathing is also characteristic of the pathology of the heart and kidneys.
  2. Return of fluid from the esophagus back into the nasopharynx. Especially often regurgitation is observed in babies up to two or three months after birth.
  3. allergic manifestations. Severe condition occurs on the background of contact with the allergen. Except hoarse breathing itching, difficulty breathing through the nose, coughing and rashes on the skin. Among the most common irritants, drugs, dust, animal hair, plant pollen, and various products should be noted.
  4. physiological factor. Wheezing in the lungs in children under two years of age is quite common, which is explained by the active formation of their respiratory organs.
  5. Swallowing a foreign object. The situation is extremely dangerous, since small toys or food components able to stop breathing completely.

To find out exact reason why the child wheezes when breathing is possible by the nature of the noise produced. The presence / absence of cough, temperature and the general condition of the baby are also taken into account.

Various manifestations of wheezing

The classification distinguishes the following types of wheezing:

  • tracheal;
  • bronchial;
  • pulmonary;
  • arising in the nasopharynx, larynx or throat;
  • allergic.

In addition to localization, the nature of the noise produced and its duration are taken into account. These are wheezing:

Noisy breathing should not be expected to improve without treatment. In most cases eliminate negative manifestations succeeds in applying medicines, and sometimes (swallowing objects) needs surgical intervention.

Species under different conditions

Wheezing depending on pathological condition are distinct, muffled, whistling. At various diseases the nature of wheezing has its own characteristics:

  1. Dry wheezing. Occur against the background of inflammation in the bronchi. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the organ leads to stenosis (narrowing) of the bronchial lumen, as a result of which the free movement of air to the lungs is blocked. At the heart of this state is the development bronchial asthma, allergic manifestations.
  2. Wet. Appear at chronic bronchitis due to accumulation a large number mucus and sputum of different density. Mucus is coughed up with difficulty and makes breathing difficult.
  3. Wheezing with cough in a child. These symptoms indicate the likelihood large cluster mucus or the presence of a foreign body in the airways. Mucus and sputum indicate an inflammatory process. The presence of a foreign object requires urgent intervention by medical professionals.
  4. Wheezing without cough and fever. These signs are more indicative of allergic nature noises during breathing, and also appear due to physiological changes characteristic of a growing child's body. It should be borne in mind that in pathological processes associated with the lungs, heart and kidneys, such wheezing is also frequent companions in the absence or presence of cough and fever.
  5. The appearance of wheezing in a child without fever. Of particular concern are such manifestations when the baby is ill with pneumonia. The absence of a fever in a child calms the parents, and the process develops with increasing force. The temperature does not rise with wheezing caused by the reflux of food from the stomach into the respiratory tract, the ingestion of foreign objects and due to physiological changes.
  6. Colds with nasal congestion or runny nose also contributes to noisy breathing. In addition to acute respiratory infections, these signs indicate the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
  7. Wheezing with cough and fever. The condition is difficult for children to tolerate. Such signs are clear evidence of an inflammatory process localized in respiratory system. Such wheezing when breathing in a child is a complication caused by a simple cold, acute course bronchitis. But the possibility of their occurrence due to pneumonia is not ruled out.

Wheezing in the lungs of a child should be the reason for a serious examination and adequate treatment under constant control doctor. Absence in a timely manner measures taken leads to such complex pathology, like pleurisy, threatening not only the health, but also the life of the baby.


A more thorough examination to identify the cause of wheezing is necessary procedure if such manifestations do not stop after taking the medicines prescribed by the pediatrician. This is especially important in case of a noticeable deterioration in the general condition of the crumbs, accompanied by symptoms such as:

The manifestation of such clinical picture should be a signal for immediate medical attention. The danger of the condition lies in the likelihood of developing lobar pneumonia, often leading to death.

How to recognize wheezing in the lungs in a child

A diagnostic procedure that reveals the presence and nature of noises is to use a conventional phonendoscope.

Listening departments chest produced in many locations. Auscultation reveals true reason wheezing of various nature, to clarify the localization of the lesion and to choose the most effective tactics of the treatment course.

If a baby breathes with wheezing, this does not always indicate the presence of a pathological condition. Wheezing in infancy are often the result of prolonged crying. Therefore, the baby should first be calmed and listen to his breathing when the baby is not crying. If wheezing is present even in calm state crumbs, therefore, he is sick.

Anxiety is caused by a condition when, when crying, the baby has cyanosis and difficulty breathing. This may be a manifestation of a complex inflammatory or infectious disease, as well as the result of a swallowed toy, food bolus blocking the air supply.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following measures are taken:

  • clinical blood test;
  • x-ray;
  • biological examination of sputum;
  • CT, MRI;
  • biopsy.

Some parents detect changes in their baby's breathing by placing their ear against their chest or back. One should not rely on the accuracy of such listening. best method- see a pediatrician.

How to treat

Eliminate hard breathing succeeds only after the treatment of the pathology that has become the root cause of wheezing.

Based accurate diagnosis doctor prescribes following methods therapy:

Widespread use for the elimination of wheezing found drugs based on medicinal plants. Is it chamomile or eucalyptus tea, breast collection, as well as decoctions of thyme, St. John's wort, mint.

Inhalations are an effective procedure; they are recommended for children over two years old. The solution for inhalation is prepared using soda, mineral water or medicinal plants.

The main requirement for the use of these methods is no amateur performance. Medications and folk remedies are used only on the advice of a doctor.


Parents themselves must create all the conditions for the improvement of the baby. These include:

  • complete nutrition;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • daily exposure to fresh air;
  • hardening procedures (taking into account the recommendations of specialists);
  • carrying out daily wet cleaning and air humidification.

Application of these simple preventive measures will prevent the development anxiety symptom what are wheezing when breathing.

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