How to get enough sleep in a short time. How to sleep in a short time: useful tips

Healthy sleep is key good mood and good performance. For normal life, doctors recommend sleeping at least eight hours, but, you see, in the modern rhythm of life, when time is money, sleep enough time is a luxury. Here a quite reasonable question arises: “How to get enough sleep and gain strength for a short time". And it is precisely the answer to this question that we will now try to provide you with.

If you want to sleep little and still get enough sleep, then you need to reconsider your views on life, your daily routine and change your lifestyle, but sometimes this is simply impossible. That is why we decided that it would not be superfluous to give a couple of tips that will make the goal - to get enough sleep in a short time - quite achievable and, most importantly, with minimal losses.

Tip #1: Relax before bed

When preparing for bed, we advise you to relax - take a relaxing bath or a warm shower, turn on pleasant music, and lie down in bed, think about something pleasant, imagine some pleasant events remember happy moments. Just when you are tuned to a positive wave, you can fall asleep. Such a dream will be much more effective, since not only the body will rest, but more importantly, the brain.

Tip #2: Sleep in the fresh air

If you want your sleep to be comfortable, waking up in the morning you were in a good mood, cheerful and ready to move mountains, then we advise you to ventilate the room before going to bed. If the season permits, it is better to leave the window open all night. Remember, the most optimal temperature for sleep is 18-20 degrees.

Tip number 3. Bed and pillow should be comfortable

By choosing a comfortable mattress and pillow for sleeping, you can sleep even in a short time. Therefore, here you can be guided by the rule: "The main thing is not quality, but quantity."

Tip #4: Don't Eat Before Bed

A heavy dinner can cause a restless night's sleep. Not in the best way smoked meats, fatty and spicy food, tea, coffee, and especially alcohol, so try to refuse the listed at least three hours before lights out. If an attack of hunger caught you off guard before going to bed, then drink a glass of warm milk, better with honey.

Tip #5: Listen to your biological clock, but don't forget traditional time

It is believed that in order to get enough sleep, it is necessary to be guided by the natural clock. In other words, fall asleep at sunset and wake up at dawn. However, you will agree that hardly anyone can afford such a regime. So choose the best for you optimal hours for sleep based on individual features, so, if you are an owl, the hours of sleep at dawn will be the most beneficial for you, but it is still advisable for larks to try to go to bed early.

Tip #6: Make up for sleep hours on weekends

Despite the fact that experts recommend that you follow the chosen sleep pattern even on weekends, we still advise you to sleep a little longer on weekends or organize a quiet hour for yourself at night. daytime. This way you can stock up necessary quantity sleep for the coming week.

Agree, most of the suggested tips are quite easy to follow, which means you can recharge with vigor and the necessary amount of energy in a minimal amount. as soon as possible. Finally, I want to tell you one more valuable information, knowing which, you can sleep in a short time. It turns out that daytime sleep is much more beneficial than nighttime sleep, and sometimes a couple of hours of sleep during the day can charge you with such energy and vigor that night hours of sleep cannot saturate. Now let's remember!

People are desperately short of time. In order to live better, you need to work harder. While a person is young and healthy, he asks the question: “How to get enough sleep in a short time to remain alert and efficient?” With a busy work schedule, before the session, just from sleep, you can take a couple of hours for entertainment, household chores, or extra work. Doctors warn about. People should think not how to sleep less, but how to get good sleep. But life dictates its own conditions, and scientists are developing methods of short sleep that do not deprive the body of a full recovery.

The problem of how to sleep in just 4-5 hours is not faced by a person who observes the regimen. If you go to bed on time, and not, six hours of nightly rest is enough for physical and mental health. The most productive time for sleep is from 22:00 to 02:00. The brain rests until midnight, the renewal mechanisms are launched, and daytime information is processed. During this period, recovery processes occur, the body accumulates energy for subsequent activities. After three in the morning, the organs begin to wake up, the metabolism accelerates. At four in the morning you can get up and get to work, play sports, your favorite things. Six hours of sleep is enough to stay productive and not have serious violations health. The technique of how to sleep well in 6 hours, so as not to want to sleep throughout the day, is not difficult.
Only you need to worry about a good rest in advance:

  • Provide comfortable conditions(comfortable bedding, ventilation);
  • Learn to relax to let go anxious thoughts interfering with rapid falling asleep;
  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • Do not overeat at night. So that an empty stomach does not interfere with sleep, you need to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, oatmeal drinking a glass of warm milk with honey.
  • Develop the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time.

After 3-4 weeks, a person will adapt to the regime - he will quickly fall asleep and feel cheerful all day.

How to ensure an easy awakening

Sleep cycle is 90 minutes and ends with REM sleep when accelerated heartbeat and intensifies brain activity. This phase lasts about 10 minutes. The end of the cycle is the best time to wake up. Four cycles are enough for a good rest, only you need to accurately calculate the interval so that the alarm clock does not ring during deep sleep. The one and a half hour cycle can shift slightly in one direction or another. You can find out the duration of the period yourself by observing the state at the time of awakening. If you feel tired, it means that you woke up in the phase slow sleep and revival should be moved forward. When calculating, you need to take into account that on average it takes 10-20 minutes to fall asleep, and in the subsequent cycle, the phase REM sleep becomes longer. For example, you need to have time to sleep for 5 hours. If you decide to go to bed at 22:00, you need to add 15 minutes to fall asleep and 4.5 hours (three cycles). The alarm clock should be set at 02:45. If you want to wake up at four in the morning, then go to bed so that at 22:00 or 23:30 you are already asleep. When the calculations are correctly made and the moment of lifting is determined, you can sleep for 3 hours and wake up full of energy. But you can not create extreme conditions for the body and do not fill up too often. If you do not know how little sleep and sleep, contact a sleep center for daily EEG monitoring. Based on the results of the data, specialists will determine the duration of the cycle and how much time you need to sleep to restore strength.

Alternative sleep patterns

If you don't know how to learn how to sleep less, try the polyphasic sleep method. Polyphasic sleep consists in the fact that instead of a long eight-hour sleep, which is considered necessary for an adult to sleep a day, it is divided into several periods with a reduction in its duration. According to the adherents of the idea, the quality of sleep improves and a surge of energy and strength is felt. Sleep time is reduced by reducing the phase of non-REM sleep. Thus, you can sleep for two hours. In addition, the period after waking up is considered the most productive. Polyphasic sleep results in several periods of increased performance. Such a regime requires strong motivation, patience and willpower.

Since a full Non-REM lasts about an hour and a half, that is, up to 80% of all sleep, it basically occupies its entire volume. According to the adherents of the method, the body does not really need the Non-REM phase, because the energy “recharge” occurs during REM fast phase. Therefore, the main task of polyphasic sleep is to learn how to immediately enter the fast phase.

Several modes of polyphasic sleep have been developed with different duration and an indication of how many times a day you need to sleep:

  • Dymaxion.
    Sleep is divided into 4 parts of 30 minutes after 6 hours. Total duration rest without taking into account the time of falling asleep 2 hours. To an ordinary person this technique of REM sleep is hard.
  • Uberman.
    Sleep lasts 20 minutes every 6 hours. The implementation of the method may interfere with the work schedule. You must strictly adhere to the schedule. Vacation periods cannot be rescheduled. Missing one phase ends with unbearable drowsiness and fatigue. Energy received in a short time recovery period, is quickly consumed. In 20 minutes, a sleeping person does not have time to plunge into a state of deep sleep, wakes up easily, but during the day feels tired and lacks strength. If you decide to use the method and think about how to learn how to sleep less, think about how the experiment for health could end.
  • Everyman.
    On the night rest 1.5-3 hours are allotted, during the day you need to sleep three times for 20 minutes at regular intervals. Good way for those who do not know how to get enough sleep in a short time and keep working capacity. It is desirable that the first phase of sleep takes place before midnight. For example, from 22:00 to 01:30. After two in the morning, sleep will be of less quality.
  • Siesta.
    The most sparing mode for those who are thinking about how to get enough sleep in a few hours and have time to prepare for a session or submit a project. Five hours of sleep at night and 20-90 minutes during the day can restore vitality and nervous system get the energy you need to work. After a day's rest, the material covered is better absorbed, and working capacity increases.
  • Tesla.
    It turns out that the famous electrical engineer Nikola Tesla knew how to learn how to sleep little. Perhaps, thanks to such an extreme regimen, he made many discoveries. Just 2 hours of sleep at night and 20 minutes of daytime give a lot of free time. Is it possible to sleep during this period? Probably not. And in the future, the rejection of the most important physiological need will affect health.

Adherents of the doctrine believe that it is important to painlessly move from traditional to polyphasic sleep, then everything will be much easier. The recommended transition mechanism is usually as follows:

  1. First, just learn to go to bed and get up at the same time.
  2. Then long sleep break into 2 phases of 3-4 hours for sleep - that is, practice biphasic sleep.
  3. The transition to polyphasic sleep, which includes 3-4 hours night sleep small blackouts during the day.

Full effective adaptation to the polyphasic sleep technique usually requires no more than three weeks. The most difficult will be for those people who are not used to relaxing at all during the day, so it is more difficult for them to fall asleep quickly during daylight hours.

However, it should be noted that polyphasic sleep has never been studied at the medical level. Many doctors express their concerns about it. In some diseases, for example, cardiovascular and nervous, reducing the time of sleep is directly contraindicated.

How to sleep less according to the Wayne method

Doctor medical sciences Wayne Alexander Moiseevich for a long time studied the effect of sleep on brain function and developed a method for how to sleep in 4 hours. The essence of the technique is that a person must determine the most favorable periods for sleep. The experiment will have to devote a day. It is necessary to listen to the sensations in the body, evaluate the intensity and record the duration of the moments when you most want to fall asleep. In a day, you will need to choose the two longest intervals with the strongest craving for sleep. You will have to sleep at this time. For example, 2.5-3 and 1-1.5 hours. For the method to work, it is important to fall asleep at the exact time.

Proponents of the polyphasic regime claim that short periods sleep activates the hidden resources of the body and is a stepping stone to new achievements. Doctors believe that most methods that teach how to sleep in an hour are harmful to the immune system, mental and physical health. It is especially difficult to switch to polyphasic mode people who sleep for a long time.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: S.P. Medical, 1983. - P. 431-434.
  • Morrissey M., Duntley S., Anch A., Nonneman R. Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. // Med Hypotheses: journal. - 2004. - Vol. 62, no. 6. - P. 876-9. - PMID 15142640.
  • Marks G., Shaffery J., Oksenberg A., Speciale S., Roffwarg H. A functional role for REM sleep in brain maturation. // Behav Brain Res: journal. - 1995. - Vol. 69, no. 1-2. - P. 1-11. - PMID 7546299.

Information to help you enter into your life new mode sleep and rest

  • Very often people have too many tasks and assignments.

They prefer to do everything at once, but get less sleep. As a result, their body suffers, and with it their performance, well-being, intelligence and health in general. The brain is no longer working as actively as when a person gets enough sleep;

  • There is a small group of people who are called "short sleepers"

These are people who themselves sleep for several hours a day, and this is enough for them. They did not use any techniques and methods, they are by nature. This is a certain genetic mutation.

Polyphasic sleep technique. Special system when you sleep during the day in small portions

There are 5 main modes of polyphasic sleep:

-Dymaxion. You sleep for 30 minutes every 6 hours. It turns out that during the day you will spend 2 hours in a dream;

- Uberman. Every 4 hours you sleep for 20 minutes. Total time sleep equals 2 hours a day;

- Everyman. At night you sleep for about 1.5-3 hours. During the day you commit nap 20 minutes 3 times a day. Total sleep time - 2 hours 10 minutes;

-Tesla. 2 hours sleep occurs at night, 1 time during the day for 20 minutes. Total sleep time - 2 hours 20 minutes;

- Siesta. You sleep 4-5 hours at night and 1.5 hours during the day. The total sleep time is about 6 hours;

For a beginner, the last mode is suitable, as it is more “sparing”.

Polyphasic sleep is a relatively new trend that has not yet been fully explored. Some somnologists recommend it, others, on the contrary, are against it.

People who have used the polyphasic sleep technique say that in the first week they are full of strength and energy, their life has become better, they have become successful everywhere. But after a few weeks, they usually “break down” and switch to a regular sleep pattern, because the slightest failure can disrupt the entire regimen.

Man in the process of evolution slept for about 8 hours a night. Because of this, some biological rhythms. Therefore, many somnologists look at the technique of polyphasic sleep as a diet.

Classic sleep at night

Here, too, you can learn to get enough sleep for 5-6 hours a day. You need to follow some rules:

- Create suitable conditions for favorable sleep;

- Create an environment with the least amount of light. It is best that there be no light at all;

- Create absolute silence. It does not work - use earplugs;

- The bedroom should be cool. The optimum temperature is plus 20 degrees Celsius;

- Be sure to ventilate the bedroom;

- Try to go to bed early (at 10 pm);

- Do not strain before going to bed (both physically and intellectually);

- Don't eat before bed. Ideally, the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime;

- Be physically active during the day;

- Hard bed and low pillows. The ideal pillow height is from ear to shoulder;

- Sleep with a minimum of clothing on yourself.

The one and a half hour rule

Sleep has cycles and phases, and middle phase lasts approximately 1.5 hours. Interrupting your sleep during this phase is highly undesirable.

It is easy to sleep for two hours, giving the body good rest. It is both fast and efficient. In the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes there is no time at all for sleep, but without it human body cannot be healthy, and the mind is accurate. Considering the topic - is it possible to get enough sleep in just 2 hours, having provided all this, one should turn to various methods.

The Importance of Sleep

Even animals understand how important sleep is. This is a complete renewal of the capabilities of the body, and for a person it is still the provision of a healthy psychological state and mental activity. The set of parameters gives people the opportunity to realize themselves.

Important! Critical indicator insomnia for 11 days, after this time the psyche cannot withstand the load and the person goes crazy, which often ends in suicide.

Therefore, parents talk about the benefits of sleep in early childhood, accustoming the child to a schedule that gives normal rest to the body and brain. It is just as important for a baby to sleep as it is to eat. Sleep deprivation affects physical and psycho-emotional state children and adults.

Sleep: phases

Mastering techniques that allow you to sleep 2 hours a day without harm to the body, it is recommended to study sleep as a complete phenomenon. This cannot be done without knowing scientific research carried out by scientists.

The test result was determined based on the following sleep phases:


Scientists divided into subphases:

  1. First. The duration is no more than a quarter of an hour. This phase is popularly known as drowsiness. In this state, the body relaxes, breathing becomes even, and the pulse slows down. The brain organizes the streams of information received during the day. There are frequent cases when, from the abundance of information, a person begins to hear the incomprehensible, incl. hallucinations, mistaking it for reality.
  2. Second. The phase lasts over 20 minutes. The body slows down brain activity, the pulse and breathing rhythm slow down, completely relaxing the muscles. It is noteworthy that in this state, hearing is sensitive, and even a whisper can cause waking up. The importance of silence at this stage is difficult to overestimate.
  3. Third. It is a bridge between the previous and subsequent subphase. Sounds no longer interfere with rest, because. rest became deep.
  4. Fourth. Paired with the 3rd sub-phase takes 50 minutes and is important part night rest. Forced wakeup will be difficult to implement. Consequences - sleepwalking is aggravated, as well as dreams with nightmares. If there is no tendency to these disorders, then dreams will be vivid and realistic. This subphase includes the mode of regeneration of the body, tissue growth, strengthening of immunity.


Normally, it takes 20% of the time allotted for rest. The body relaxes, but the brain does not, so a person sees colorful dreams, and if you wake him up, he will clearly remember every little thing that he dreamed about. Eyeballs under closed eyelids move as if trying to see the image.

Regulatory indicators

Not everyone manages to sleep normally in our time, because you need to have time and do the planned things. Productive work requires proper rest, which can only give rest. Therefore, a person is tormented by the thought of how to sleep in 2 hours. Doctors don't give clear framework for a complete rest. How much a person needs to rest per day to get enough sleep - it depends on age, the functioning of the body, place of work and residence. Therefore, speaking generally, this is 8 hours of uninterrupted night rest. You should not sleep for 10 hours in a row, because after that you can wake up even more tired than before sleep.

Polyphasic sleep is

The idea of ​​choosing the time for rest, not in one stage, but in parts, turned out to be effective. Polyphasic sleep will allow you to sleep 2 hours and get enough sleep, without spending 8 hours of life on it. Researchers have developed a special mode. Those who are interested in the technique of quick rest can choose the appropriate one:

  • Siesta - up to 6 hours of sleep at night and up to 2 hours in the afternoon;
  • Everyman - up to 3 hours at night and three times for 20 minutes during the day;
  • Dymaxion - every 6 hours to give the body a rest for half an hour;
  • Uberman - every 4 hours, providing the body with a 20-minute sleep.

There are many examples of how people spend 2 hours a day, while getting a good rest. Which way to choose, everyone decides individually, listening to the body and brain.

Sleep Timing: Exploring Your Own Cycles

Biological rhythms are inherent in all life on planet Earth. circadian rhythms allow a person to sleep, and learn to manage himself, achieving maximum vital signs. Focusing on the 24-hour cycle of human life, scientists have identified the main rhythms:

  • at 6 am there is an increase in the level of cortisol in the blood, awakening the body;
  • by 7 o'clock melatonin for quality sleep no longer produced;
  • by 9 am sexual hormones reach the peak of production;
  • at 10 o'clock in the morning there is a peak of brain activity;
  • at half past three it is better to give time for training, because body coordination is at its peak;
  • after another hour, maximum body dexterity is reached;
  • by 5 pm, the elasticity of tissues and the work of the heart and vascular system increase;
  • diagnosed at 7 pm Maximum temperature human body and blood pressure indicators;
  • at 21:00, the production of melatonin begins, preparing the body for sleep;
  • after an hour, the gastrointestinal tract calms down and prepares for rest;
  • at 2 a.m., the phase of deep sleep begins;
  • at 4 am the body reaches the lowest temperature of the day.

These indicators and designations are approximate and depend on the characteristics of the body and the rhythm of human life. For most people, these rhythms shape life.

Modern Sleep Techniques and Ancestral Achievements

Sleep 2 hours and wake up refreshed - this is the system that people choose for themselves. Most prefer to sleep for 8 hours a night, but the methods of two-hour daily rest are in favor. At the peak of spirituality and religious life, people preferred to sleep 4 hours at night, and spend two hours on such rest during the day.

During wakefulness, in addition to daily duties, people carried out spiritual practices, considering actions to be sacred. With this method, scientists recommend starting the entrance to the practice of two-hour sleep, as a full-fledged daily rest. After that, it is recommended to move on to the methods of famous geniuses of past times.

1. Da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci attributed success in creativity to the technique of sleep. Genius gave the body a quarter of an hour to rest at a time, but every 4 hours. This allowed me to rest 2 hours a day. The remaining 22 hours I spent at work, preferring such polyphasic sleep to others. Until now, there are followers of da Vinci in the world.

2. Napoleon

Scientists believe that great commander due to frequent stress and depression suffered from insomnia. Bonaparte himself was sure that 4 hours of rest was enough, and the soldiers needed 5-6. The opinion of the commander about sleeping for 8-9 hours is sick people. Napoleon fell asleep at 12 at night, and slept for 2-3 hours, after which he devoted another 3 hours to work and again a two-hour rest. At the end of his life, the rhythm underwent changes, and the commander slept a lot and for a long time.

3. Salvador Dali

The Spanish artist Salvador Dali had enough broken sleep to create and live. Control over this state, practiced interesting way- with a spoon and an iron tray went to bed, and when deep phase sleeping spoon fell out of weakened hands, the genius woke up. In his opinion, this contributed to new creative ideas and achievements.

4 Secret Service Sleep System

The secret agent in his work is faced with different situations, incl. awake for more than a day. After all, only a vigorous specialist achieves his goals, which is why it was developed special system sleep for agents. In most services, methods of sleeping animals are adopted, which spend a couple of hours on the main sleep, and after another 3-4 times they doze for a quarter of an hour during the day with equal intervals between them. It is not harmful to health and is considered effective.

5. Dymaxion

This method was developed by Bucky Fuller and is considered effective. Followers get enough sleep for 30 minutes every 4 hours to feel alert and healthy. Despite the extreme nature of the technique, even doctors, after a number of researchers, recognized it as effective and safe.

6. Superman

After a sleep that takes 20 minutes, but every 4 hours, many feel alert and healthy. In this case, it is recommended to observe the rhythm strictly without skipping up to one minute. The consequence of such non-compliance is complete weakness and fatigue for 2-3 days. However, according to followers, this method is a generator of incredible ideas and achievements.

7. Tesla

The brilliant inventor considered it blasphemy to spend 8 hours of his life time on vacation. That is why he preferred to sleep for 2 hours at night and no more than half an hour during the day. It is difficult to overestimate his achievements in science, therefore there are quite a lot of followers of his methodology around the world.

8. Wayne Method

According to it, it is important to identify your optimal hours for rest, adhering to the biorhythms of the body. The desire to fall asleep should be natural, only in this way you can understand that it is time for the body to rest. For the accuracy of determining such a time, you need to spend 24 hours and after that focus on your conclusions. Having chosen 2 main ones, stick to them all your life. Allocate one interval for the night, the second - for the day. The body will remember the technique and will fully rest during the hours allocated to it.

sleep in short span time is not easy, but there are a number of tips that will help with this. Their observance allows you to quickly develop such a habit and get maximum effect from such a short break.


In addition to the fact that the bedroom should be made in a calm, sleepy color scheme, you need to take care of / about:

  1. tributary fresh air, incredibly useful for a good sleep and not only. It will also bring coolness, which, after being wrapped in a warm blanket, drives away insomnia.
  2. Convenience bed and personal space on it. After all, not only an uncomfortable bed can cause lack of sleep, but also a partner who pulled off the blanket or took up a lot of space. An orthopedic mattress is needed so that the body receives not only comfort, but also health from sleep.
  3. A pillow that should be purely personal, orthopedic and as comfortable as possible. It doesn't matter if it's a Japanese roller or a boot under your head, your convenience is above all.
  4. Linen, which is better to choose from natural fabrics that provide comfort and convenience. No narrow and tight details, and it is even better to sleep naked.
  5. Light and silence, without which it is difficult to have a normal rest.


Do not overeat and eat heavy meals at night. The gastrointestinal tract also needs to rest without disturbing the body.

disturbed food regimen inevitably leads to a violation of all biorhythms in the human body.

Do not rely on alcohol as a relaxant. After all, despite fast falling asleep during alcohol intoxication, after a while the body will wake you up due to dehydration. Tobacco is also harmful for a night's rest, after smoking before going to bed, a person is tormented by irritability and fatigue, which do not allow a normal rest.

Psychological attitude

The more excited a person is, the more difficult it is for him to relax. Therefore, scientists recommend throwing all thoughts out of your head and psychologically adjusting yourself to rest. You can use relaxation practices to make it easier to fall asleep. Calm reading or relaxing music can help with this. But if the person himself does not have a desire, then sleep will not give the expected results.

Smart alarm clock

Now it is a complete replacement for the spoon and tray used by Salvador Dali. Wearing such a bracelet, you can be sure that it will wake you up in desired phase sleep. The technique considers your condition and wakes you up. It can be vibration, sound or light. Those who tried it agreed that sleeping with it gives a greater surge of strength and vigor.

Video tutorial: This video will help you learn polyphasic sleep more easily.

Is it possible to sleep 2 hours a day all the time?

Most people prefer to sleep with their usual 8-hour sleep, but there are those who need it for work, such as security guards, soldiers. It is for them that polyphasic sleep is the only way to give the body a good rest. But you should not practice them all the time, because such stress and lack of sleep can end very sadly, bringing their negative results from a decrease in vitality before a heart attack.

Physicians have come to a consensus that the long-term use of the above methods leads to irreversible consequences in the body, which can even end lethal outcome. After many years of research, the harm of lack of sleep was not only determined, but also proven, which made it possible to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Sleep deprivation: harm

Young people may sleep little and feel relatively well. But what older man, the more difficult it is for him to survive the lack of sleep, which manifests itself in:

  1. Problems with skin that takes on an unhealthy and tired look, leading to premature aging. And here neither expensive cream nor concealer will help, only good sleep.
  2. Excess weight, which will increase gradually, because during a period of stress the body accumulates reserves.
  3. Hormonal imbalance, which can lead to diabetes and a number of other problems. Most of the time they are hard to fix. And then you have to sit on medicines for the rest of your life. Ensuring the functionality of the body.
  4. All systems begin to malfunction, which can lead to the failure of any organ. Often people who practice polyphasic sleep suffer from:
  • frequent colds, because the immune system faltering and weakened;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • migraines, the attacks of which are frequent and quite strong;
  • meteosensitivity, when even a slight cloudiness, maybe for a day, a person is knocked out of his usual rut;
  • slowdown and decrease mental abilities which has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

Master one of the polyphasic sleep techniques, how to prove to yourself that you can do a lot. And this is an achievement. However, you should not test the body for strength, let everything be in moderation, because an excess of sleep is no less harmful than its lack. This skill will be useful in extreme situation and even save your life, but the rest of the time you should not abuse ragged sleep.

Man simply needs healthy sleep a certain duration is an important part of its daily rhythms, directly related to the need for rest of all body systems. However, there are times when you can't get enough sleep. What to do?

Exist modern techniques, allowing to restore a person's working capacity in a relatively short time without serious damage to health.

How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep?

Our industrial era, with its frantic pace of life, does not always make it possible to sleep comfortably and feel good after waking up. Extraneous noises, tight schedule with late returns home, extreme physical and mental fatigue All of these factors negatively affect milestone recreation.

Modern conservative medicine does not set rigid time frames for sleep- its duration depends on the age of the person, the individual characteristics of the body, the environment and other important factors.

How to sleep in a short time?

If you do not have the opportunity to fully sleep for 8-9 hours, then this period can be reduced using the features of the psychomechanics of sleep. Dream like physiological process, divided into certain phases:

  • 1st phase. A person begins to fall asleep, his muscles gradually relax, his heartbeat slows down. Eyeballs move actively under closed eyelids. This stage is a borderline state between wakefulness and sleep, lasts about 15 minutes;
  • 2nd phase. A fast dream that is always forgotten on waking. Muscular and cardiac activity is weak, rotational movements eyeballs are present. Average this stage takes 20 to 30 minutes;
  • 3rd phase. Deep dream. The activity of the muscles, heart and brain is very weak, it is quite difficult to wake a person in this state;
  • 4th phase. Transition to the 2nd border state: deep dream still present, but brain activity is increasing. The sleeper sees memorable and clear dreams. After another 15-20 minutes, the cycle enters the 1st phase.

Learn more about sleep phases and timing best awakening can be read.

On average, the duration of one complete cycle of 4 phases takes about an hour and a half. Accordingly, with a "healthy" good sleep a person has 5-6 such cycles per night - this is 7.5-9 hours.

If you don’t have enough time, then without harm to the body and well-being, you can reduce the number of “approaches” to 3-4, clearly adhering to their boundaries and not waking up in the middle (4.5 or 6 hours).

Interrupting a person’s sleep at other times is fraught with lack of sleep, a broken state, and a number of other negative factors.

How to get enough sleep in 2 or 4 hours and what is it fraught with?

This article is often read:

Some researchers claim that the effectiveness of methods of using only the phase of REM sleep. Most experts are skeptical about such a scheme, but in a number of extreme cases they are the only ones possible in the current situation.

The development of the basic scheme of ultrashort sleep is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, who, according to legend, slept only 1.5 hours a day and worked effectively at the same time. In the modern era, such methods are used by people with an extremely complex work schedule - security guards serving objects on a rotational basis and being on an overtime plan, soldiers, etc.

Its essence is sleep only in fast phase 1. There are 2 options for how to quickly sleep:

  1. Every 4 hours of wakefulness are replaced by 15 minutes of REM sleep with an accurate alarm setting;
  2. 4 phases of REM sleep in sequence. The alarm clock is set for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the person gets up, translates it for another 30 minutes and falls asleep again. Such an event is repeated 4 times, after which the wakefulness phase begins, within 6-7 hours.

It is undesirable to carry out such practices on a regular basis, only in case of an acute one they are needed for a maximum of 2-3 days.

Prolonged lack of sleep is fraught with metabolic disorders in the body, a significant increase in the risk of heart attack and stroke, a significant overall decrease in vitality and performance.

good sleep rules

In order for sleep to be pleasant, long and beneficial, it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple recommendations, then you will be able to sleep for 8 hours. Thanks to them, you will always get up in the morning with good mood and full of energy for a long day at work.

  • Food for the night. The statement, as old as the world, that you can’t eat up at night is still relevant today. It's not just about extra calories: the stomach, overloaded with food, begins to actively digest it, temporarily weakening other functions of the body, including the brain, which reluctantly goes into sleep mode. In addition, working at night digestive system will violate natural cycles quick and slow phases dreams. Try not to eat at least 3-4 hours before a night's rest;
  • daytime sleep . 1.5 hours of good daytime sleep compensate for 1-2 full phase cycles of the night. By the end of the day, the person will feel much better. Daytime sleep is not only for children, in Western countries midday "siesta" is the norm;
  • Fresh air. Before going to bed you need without fail ventilate all rooms, especially the bedroom. At the same time, it is advisable not to active action- so, replacing with a long walk can cheer up a person, and he will fall asleep much more slowly. As an addition, take a warm shower - it will further relax the body;
  • Comfortable bed. The main factor the effectiveness and usefulness of sleep - the right bed. The bed should be with an orthopedic mattress and appropriate pillows, bed sheets only natural, fresh and pure. A third of life is spent in bed - give it your maximum attention;
  • Correct circadian rhythms. Try to fall asleep before midnight, optimally by 21-22 hours - it is during this period that sleep has the maximum restorative effect.
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