Why it disappears and how to increase appetite in an adult and an elderly person. Decreased Appetite in Adults: Possible Causes and Diagnosis

Many women struggle so desperately with their appetite that they would consider not wanting to eat as happiness. However, everything is good in moderation, including appetite.

Poor appetite can often indicate the presence of a serious illness. Inadequate intake of essential substances into the body due to poor appetite can lead not only to poor health, but even to death.

If the appetite disappears for a short period of time due to emotional reactions, fatigue, stress, then there is nothing to worry about. It is worth worrying when there is no appetite for a long time and leads to poor health and weakness.

How to increase appetite in adults - tips:

- try to establish the cause of poor appetite and get rid of it. There are cases when a woman wants to lose weight so much that the desire to eat absolutely disappears, leading to severe anorexia;

- Eat small meals. Several meals a day in small portions will be beneficial to the body if you put healthy nutrition into these portions;

- cook tasty and beautiful. The smell and appearance of the food should evoke a desire to eat;

- add seasonings, spices, saltiness, fats to food, as they cause gastric juice, stimulating appetite. To this end, use mustard, pepper, chicory, horseradish, dandelion leaves, rosemary in reasonable quantities. All these seasonings are contraindicated if you wish;

- drink plenty of fluids to get rid of dehydration, which is often the cause of loss of appetite. With increased physical activity, you should drink more than 6 glasses of pure water;

- take a multivitamin complex, as a lack of vitamins or trace elements can cause a decrease in appetite. Vitamin C and B12 have a positive effect on appetite;

- drink 50-100 g of dry red wine or an aperitif with a bitter aftertaste 15-20 minutes before meals;

- eat according to the regimen so that the body begins to produce gastric juice in advance;

- do not snack. If you want to eat fruit, then it should not be before a meal;

- lead an active lifestyle, walk, play sports;

- get rid of bad habits, since, for example, a portion of nicotine distracts attention from the need to eat. Get enough sleep, stick to the daily routine;

- use infusions of bitter herbs and complex herbal preparations from wormwood, bison, black currant, mustard, parsnip, horseradish, chicory, yarrow, dandelion, gentian, plantain, calamus, watch.

How to increase appetite in adults: folk recipes.

1. Infusion of wormwood. Take 1 tsp. chopped and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to brew for half an hour and drink 15-20 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

2. Yarrow juice. Fresh juice of common yarrow should be drunk in 1 tsp. three times a day, you can with honey.

3. Infusion from the rhizome of dandelion. In the spring, add fresh dandelion leaves to your salad. The bitterness that is in these leaves is exactly what the body needs. From the rhizome, prepare an infusion that will improve appetite and the digestive tract. For this, 2 tsp. crushed dandelion root, pour a glass of cold water and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Drink the infusion should be 4 times a day for a quarter cup.

4. Juice from carrots and watercress. Take 4 carrots and a bunch of watercress. Squeeze the juice out of them and dilute with the same amount of water. Drink half an hour before meals.

5. Infusion of centaury, angelica, sage, rue. Take 20 g of herb centaury umbrella and fragrant rue leaves and 10 g of angelica root and medicinal sage. Separate 3 tbsp. collection and pour 3 cups boiling water. Leave to brew for about 30-40 minutes, then strain and drink three times a day, a third of a glass before meals. Appetite will return in a few days.

6. Infusion of willow, wormwood, yarrow, dandelion. Take 1 part of wormwood herb, dandelion herb, common yarrow herb, half a part of white willow bark. Mix all the ingredients and separate 1 tbsp. collection. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and leave to brew for half an hour. Drink three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for half a glass.

It draws your attention to the fact that if no methods of combating weight loss give a result, and at the same time there is weight loss, constant fatigue, drowsiness, various pains, taste habits change, then you should consult a doctor for qualified help.

Not such a rare problem. Someone is on diets, limiting themselves in every possible way in food, but there are people who would be happy to eat plenty and gain weight, but it just doesn’t work out - there is no appetite. ?

To begin with, one important truth should be learned: a good (but not excessive) appetite is a sign of normal health, a lack of appetite is a sign that not everything is in order with health. Loss of appetite can be a symptom of a number of diseases, some of them quite serious. That's why if you are wondering how to increase your appetite, first of all you need to visit a doctor.

To increase appetite, you need to establish the root cause of its violation.. If the cause is serious, the doctor should prescribe the appropriate treatment for the disease. If you don’t have any special health problems, and the loss of appetite is associated with improper daily routine and stress, it is quite possible to increase your appetite at home.

First, review your diet. It is usually advised to eat often, but in small portions.. If you have not eaten for a long time, and then pounced on food, the subsequent feeling of heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion will discourage you from eating for a long time. And when the appetite still appears, everything will happen again. Therefore, it is better to eat often, but a little bit.

At the same time, nutrition should be regular and complete: if the body is used to eating at the same time, then the appetite will also come “on schedule”. Try to avoid all kinds of snacks and snacks: they do not help you get enough normally, but your appetite deteriorates. It is advisable to read the meal with a salad of fresh vegetables, which activates the work of the stomach.

Beautifully decorated dishes help to raise your appetite.. Beautifully decorated and served food seems tastier, and this is not a matter of self-hypnosis. At the sight of beautiful dishes, we salivate, and literally: aesthetically attractive food provokes salivation, as a result, food is digested much better. And the production of gastric juice is stimulated by seasonings and spices. But do not abuse them, everything is good in moderation.

Often, loss of appetite is associated with dehydration. That's why to increase appetite, you must drink several glasses of water a day. Tea and coffee don't count, drink water! By the way, caffeinated drinks are one of the reasons for reducing appetite, so coffee and tea should be drunk at the end of the meal, and not before it.

In many countries, before a meal, it is customary to serve aperitif drinks that help increase appetite and improve digestion. Aperitifs can be non-alcoholic (mineral water, acidic fruit juices), but they are usually associated with alcoholic drinks. As an aperitif, they can serve, say, vermouth, brandy, port wine, etc. Bitters, for example, KV 15, stimulate the appetite well.

Of course, it is impossible to abuse alcoholic aperitifs. Quite enough will be 50-100 g of a weak aperitif 15-20 minutes before a meal Anything more is too much. If you do not want to drink alcohol, replace it with non-alcoholic aperitifs or herbal infusions and decoctions.

Peppermint, dill, chamomile and lemon balm stimulate appetite, you can drink decoctions of these herbs half an hour before meals. And has a similar effect. Wormwood, yarrow, chicory, horseradish, dandelion, bison, parsnip, mustard, calamus, gentian, blackcurrant, plantain also help increase appetite.

You can, for example, try a collection made up of wormwood grass (1 part), white willow bark (0.5 parts), dandelion grass (1 part) and common yarrow grass (1 part). A tablespoon of the collection is poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain and drink half a glass of infusion 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day. Please note that the effect will not be instantaneous: the increase in appetite will be gradual.

Also, giving up bad habits, an active lifestyle and observing the correct daily routine will help increase your appetite. Sometimes appetite decreases from a lack of vitamins and minerals, so you can drink a multivitamin complex (after consulting a doctor).

Please note that if you can’t increase your appetite in any way, and the decrease in appetite is also accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible!

Deterioration of appetite or aversion to food can lead to a deficiency of nutrients in the body that are needed for its full functioning. Tablets to increase appetite in the form of dietary supplements (BAA), vitamins and medications can help with this. It is worth noting that not always with a loss of appetite in a patient, weight increases. The help of an endocrinologist is required if the patient's weight gain is the root cause. If the reason lies in psychological trauma or stress, then the help of psychologists is needed. In all other cases, special pills that improve appetite will help. More about this and will be discussed in this article.

The doctor cannot prescribe this or that drug, based only on the patient's description of the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination, the results of which can confirm the development of the following pathologies:

  • anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia, depression and other psychological disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases (bird flu, SARS, AIDS, etc.);
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems with the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • infection;
  • failure of the liver and kidneys of the patient.

On a note! To determine the exact cause of loss of appetite, you need to consult a doctor. Only he is able to distinguish between a problem caused by dysbacteriosis and a lack of appetite caused by cancer or diabetes.

Against the background of these diseases, a common cold or flu does not seem so dangerous, but in this case, it will most likely not be necessary to take appetite pills. Unbalanced diet- this is perhaps one of the most common reasons. In this case, the doctor will make adjustments to the menu, while excluding fatty, fried, spicy foods and other harmful foods. During pregnancy, the body can also go on a hunger strike. The same can be said for older adults or professional athletes who have only recently switched to a new training regimen. But for athletes, there is no provision for prescribing medications that increase interest in food, since after the body adapts to new physical exertion, it will recover on its own. Of course, here you can not do without the control of the coach and the doctor.

If the loss of appetite is associated with destructive causes, such as drug addiction or alcoholism, then therapy should be carried out using completely different drugs. The dosage and duration of the treatment course is compiled by the doctor.

Best Appetite Remedies

It’s worth starting to worry if problems with appetite accompany you for 10 days or more. Due to the fact that various diseases can be the cause, doctors often prescribe medicines, various dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. Time-tested folk remedies can also strengthen food cravings. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

Pharmacy preparations

Not always adjusting the diet can help - sometimes medication is required. Below are the most common and, accordingly, effective ones.

Table. An overview of drugs to increase appetite.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

A well-known drug used to increase body weight. It is prescribed to patients regardless of gender or age. Periactin is prescribed to normalize the secretion of gastric juice, with anorexia, as well as for the treatment of a pathological condition caused by prolonged loss of appetite.

An antiserotin drug that increases hunger by preventing the physiological effects of serotonin. Peritol should be taken three times a day, 1 tablet, but the doctor can change the dosage if necessary.

Another medication, produced in the form of not only tablets, but also an injection solution. The drug improves appetite, but, despite all its positive qualities, Ferrovin has several contraindications. For example, it is not recommended for use in cirrhosis of the liver, as well as during pregnancy.

General tonic drug with antispasmodic and regenerative properties. It has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug. It is prescribed for seborrhea, anorexia, hypotension. Available in the form of tablets, powder and ointment.

An effective drug that differs from analogues in a higher cost. It is available not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution and chewable tablets. It is prescribed for violations of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the treatment of various pathologies associated with it.

Histamine agent with antiserotonin activity. Astemizole acts as an active ingredient. It is used in the treatment of allergic diseases (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria). Available in the form of a suspension and tablets.

On a note! Anabolic steroids can also be used to increase appetite quickly and effectively. The most common of these is Primobolan, but, like most anabolics, it can cause side reactions. We are talking about bouts of nausea and vomiting.

The use of dietary supplements

The use of dietary supplements can also help if you have lost your appetite. They have a stabilizing effect on the digestive system, thereby eliminating the consequences of forced starvation. It should be noted that such additives do not replace medications, but only enhance their effect.

- food supplement, produced in the form of gelatin capsules, colored in yellow or orange. The action of the drug is to stimulate the central nervous system. In this regard, doctors strongly recommend not to drive a car during the treatment period.

- a dietary supplement with metabolic properties. It begins to act within 20 minutes after application, having a positive effect on the patient's body, in particular, on his digestive system. The tool has practically no contraindications, so it can be taken by both aged people and pregnant women. Release form - tablets, before use, which must be dissolved in warm water.

Vitamin complexes

If you do not want to stuff yourself with potent drugs or steroids, you can choose an alternative option - vitamins. To increase appetite, it is necessary to take ascorbic acid and B vitamins. Doctors find a connection between poor appetite and a deficiency of these components in the body.

The most effective vitamins in terms of increasing food cravings include the following:

  • vitamin complexes Dodex and Pikovit;
  • vitamins B2, B5, B3 and B12;
  • vitamin C.

When choosing the right drug, you need to remember that not all of them are well combined with each other. For example, vitamin C is incompatible with Dodex.

Folk remedies

Many people prefer to use traditional medicine instead of chemicals. The use of herbal extracts increases appetite by irritating the lining of the digestive tract and oral cavity. As a result of such an impact on the body, the secretion of gastric juice increases at a reflex level. Most of these funds are absolutely safe for health, unlike the same anabolic steroids.. In addition, in addition to increasing appetite, folk remedies have a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the patient's body.

Regular use of bitter medicinal plants stimulates the digestive system, thereby improving appetite. With the acceleration of metabolic processes, hunger appears much earlier. These herbs include tarragon, cetraria, tripol, dandelion, centaury and wormwood. Most of the above herbs can help restore the appetite of adult patients, but they are strongly discouraged in the treatment of children.

Good appetite without pills

We figured out the medications, vitamins and dietary supplements - they are prescribed by the attending physician. But are there ways to increase appetite without using pills? To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • eat fractionally. This means that you need to eat often, but in small portions. This will speed up the metabolic processes in the body;
  • try to decorate all cooked dishes so that at the mere sight of them, the appetite intensifies;
  • keep drinking regimen. It's no secret that pure water is the best friend of digestion, so you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is the adult norm;
  • add spices and seasonings to your food- it will speed up metabolic processes. Of course, spicy seasonings should be consumed in moderation so as not to provoke other health problems;
  • correct mode. Try to eat at the same time every day. This is the golden rule, which must be observed not only by adults, but also by children.

When there are problems with digestion, many immediately run to the pharmacy. But you should understand that not all drugs can help you specifically, since you still do not know the true cause of loss of appetite. Therefore, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor.. This will not only increase the effectiveness of therapy, but also prevent the development of complications caused by taking “the wrong drugs”.

Video - Medications to increase appetite

How to increase appetite, if its loss or deterioration is due to not too significant and significant factors, the practice of effective use of traditional medicine and the use of appropriate psychological techniques can also suggest.

In the realities of the present time, many people attach great importance to the fight against extra pounds, and often the problem of overweight is seen as associated with increased appetite. At the same time, when there is a decrease in appetite, such a phenomenon can be predominantly perceived only in a positive way, and when it comes to the need to increase appetite, this, on the contrary, does not seem important, and this issue is often simply dissociated from something that does not deserve special attention. Nevertheless, as you know, the presence of an enviable appetite has long been considered a sign of good physical health. It was not for nothing that in the old days, when hiring workers, landowners often offered the applicant a hearty meal: whoever ate with great appetite, this was regarded as a sign that such a eater would be an equally good worker.

On the other hand, due to a reduced or as an extreme stage - with a complete loss of appetite, there is reason to regard this phenomenon as one of the symptom complex of various diseases. And in the most severe cases, as in especially severe forms of anorexia, there is even a very real risk of death.

Under a certain set of circumstances and due to a certain combination of negative factors of a physiological or psycho-emotional nature, appetite may disappear or significantly decrease. No one is completely immune from this. However, if the duration of such a state is not too significant, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. Fear should inspire regular refusal to eat in the required amount for time periods exceeding 14 days.

In this case, a consultation with a medical specialist can come to the rescue, which will allow you to outline the circle of reasons for what is happening, based on what, begin to take the required measures to eliminate this.

Causes of decreased appetite

The causes of decreased appetite, of which there are more than a hundred, are, in particular, the consequences of stressful conditions that a person can experience, diseases and infections that the body is exposed to, as well as the effects of various drugs in this regard.

Depending on the nature of the adverse factors that cause a decrease or lead to a lack of appetite, they can be classified into three main groups.

Rejection or refusal of food in the amount necessary for the normal functioning of the human body often occurs due to psychogenic causes, certain changes in the psycho-emotional sphere. These include: a long stay in a stressful state, the development of anorexia, reactionary purposeful starvation as an expression of protest against something. The latter is most characteristic of children and adolescents in adolescence. In addition, the presence of certain mental illnesses can negatively affect a person’s appetite.

Further, a decrease in appetite occurs under the influence of a number of external factors, which primarily mean food and the use of medications. Just as certain foods and drugs can stimulate appetite, others can act as a depressant.

In many cases, the appetite worsens against the background of diseases affecting the internal organs, both at the stage of exacerbation and in their chronic course. This mainly applies to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - inflammatory processes in the intestines, gastritis, gastric ulcers, pancreatitis. In addition, lesions affecting the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the hepatic and renal activity, as well as in the functioning of the heart and lungs, are also included here. Loss of appetite is noted in acute infectious diseases, including against the background of acute respiratory viral infections. Speaking about diseases as the causes of a decrease in appetite, we must also mention endocrine system disorders, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, and oncology in all its manifestations.

In addition, the etiology of decreased appetite is unclear.

If you had to face this problem, you need to determine as soon as possible what exactly appears as the main factor causing reduced appetite. Therefore, it seems extremely important to immediately take measures to help neutralize these causes, since the vital activity of the human body and the state of its immune system directly depend on food and water.

Appetite enhancing drugs

Drugs that increase appetite can be called the following.

Periactin - hyproheptadine hydrochloride is a medicinal product presented in tablets of 4 mg or having a syrup dosage form in a 100 ml vial. the drug is a histamine and serotonin antagonist, the action of which is to stimulate appetite. For this purpose, the appointment of Periactin for oral use is recommended for adults at a dose of 1 tablet (4 mg) three times or 4 times a day. Regarding the syrup, the recommended dosage is 1-2 teaspoons with 3-4 doses throughout the day. For children from six months to 2 years of age, the drug is given at a dose not exceeding 0.4 mg / kg per day. At the age of 2-6 years - three times a day for half a tablet. Children 6 to 14 years of age should take 1 tablet three times daily. The maximum allowable daily amount of Periactin should be within 32 mg for adults. In children from 2 to 6 - 8 mg, and 6-14 years, respectively, up to 12 mg. the use of the drug may be associated with a number of side effects: dryness of the oral mucous membranes, a state of excessive drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, rashes on the skin.

Elixir Parnexin is a drug with a combined effect. It is indicated for adults and children from 3 years of age with reduced appetite. It is offered in bottles of 100 ml of elixir, which contains liver extract, thiamine hydrochloride, sodium glycerophosphate, ferrous gluconate, riboflavin, calcium pantheonate, nicotinamide, cyanocobalamid, pyridoxine hydrochloride. The recommended dose for adults and children from 3 years of age is 5 ml (1 teaspoon) three times a day, during meals. In relation to children 1-3 years old - half a teaspoon. Good tolerance and minimal possibility of side effects allow the use of the drug for a long time period.

Elkar is a preparation in the form of a solution for oral administration, as a result of which metabolic processes, the metabolism of protein fats are normalized, the secretion and fermentation activity of intestinal and gastric juice improves, and food is better absorbed. For adults with anorexia nervosa, the recommended dose is 2 teaspoons or 2 grams of Elcar diluted in liquid three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of such treatment with the drug is 30-60 days. To stimulate appetite and promote weight gain in chronic gastritis with a decrease in secretion and pancreatitis with insufficient exocrine function, the drug should be taken half a teaspoon (500 mg) twice a day for 1 to 1.5 months. In connection with the use of the drug, gastralgia and dyspepsia, the occurrence of myalgia and the development of allergic reactions are possible.

Primobolan depot promotes an increase in physical activity of a person, an increase in appetite, and is a positive factor for increasing body weight. It has a liquid dosage form in ampoules containing 100 mg (1 ml) of methenolone enanthate, as well as ampoules for children, respectively, 1 ml and 20 mg. Adults are prescribed intramuscular injection of the 1st ampoule every 14 days, and in the future, the time interval between injections is increased to 3 weeks. For children, the dose is calculated based on the ratio of 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, and the injection is made every two weeks.

The phenomenon of decreased appetite, when it occurs for a long time, necessitates seeking medical advice. Based on its results, a medical specialist may prescribe an examination of the organs of the digestive system, and if any diseases and disorders or other negative phenomena in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are found, appropriate means are prescribed to stimulate appetite.

Antidepressants that increase appetite

The use of antidepressants to increase appetite along with psychotherapy sessions become relevant in cases where a significant decrease in appetite occurs due to the developing syndrome of anorexia nervosa. This pathological condition, which is mainly inherent in the age of puberty of adolescents, manifests itself in the obsession with the need to lose weight, which is achieved by deliberately severely limiting oneself in food, up to a complete refusal to eat. In addition, anorexia can occur as a result of certain neuropsychiatric diseases. These are, in particular, psychopathy, neuroses, neurosis-like schizophrenia, organic neuroendocrinopathy.

In order to actively influence the components of depressive experiences and help restore appetite in anorexia nervosa with bulimic disorders and bring the patient's weight to those indicators that are close to normal, treatment with the following antidepressants is advisable.

Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant with pronounced thymoanaleptic and sedative properties. It is presented in the form of tablets with amitriptyline hydrochloride, 28.3 mg of which is equal to 25 mg of amitriptyline. It is taken orally during or after a meal in an initial daily dose of 50 to 75 milligrams, 25 mg twice or thrice throughout the day. In the future, the dose is increased gradually by 25-50 mg until the desired effect is achieved. The full antidepressant effect begins to manifest itself after 7-14 days from the moment the drug is used. After 2-4 weeks, you need to gradually reduce the dosage until it is completely canceled. Negative side effects of the use of amitriptyline can be: the appearance of headache, dizziness, excessive fatigue, confusion, tremor, the occurrence of arrhythmia and tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, the development of stomatitis. Allergic rashes on the skin, itching, increased sensitivity to light, urticaria are also possible.

Fluoxetine (Prozac) is a popular drug used to treat depression associated with anxiety and fear, and is effective for bulimia nervosa. (RS)-N-methyl-3-phenyl-3-propan-1-amine powder capsules are prescribed for oral administration in the recommended daily dose for adults - 20 mg. After several weeks of use, the dosage is increased by 20 milligrams. The maximum allowable dose per day should not exceed 80 mg. Actualization of the pronounced therapeutic effect occurs after 7 to 14 days from the start of taking the drug. It has the quality, as a rule, of its good tolerance, however, in some cases, the development of such side effects as: a state of excessive drowsiness, drying of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the possibility of constipation, headache, nausea, and vomiting is possible.

Cipramil (Escitalopram) is an antidepressant drug presented as tablets containing 24.98 mg of citalopram hydrobromide, which corresponds to 20 mg of citalopram. For the treatment of depression, a single daily dose of 20 mg is recommended, which can, if necessary, be increased to a maximum allowable 60 milligrams. The use of the drug is able to cause nausea, diarrhea, lead to dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, cause excessive drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, agitation, tremor, increased sweating, and sexual disorders may occur.

Paxil is an antidepressant drug containing the equivalent of 20 mg paroxetine to 22.8 mg paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate per tablet. Treatment of depression involves the use of Paxil 1 tablet per day during a meal. If the need arises, the initial recommended dose of 20 mg is increased by 10 mg per day every subsequent week, but the daily maximum of 50 milligrams of the drug is not allowed to be exceeded. The use of Paxil is associated with the risk of such side effects as: the appearance of sleep disturbances - either insomnia or drowsiness, dreams of unusual content, including nightmares, the occurrence of tremors, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea, increased sweating.

Antidepressants that increase appetite, thus, are aimed primarily at combating factors that cause such a negative phenomenon in the psycho-emotional sphere of a person as depression or anxiety and self-doubt about one's own body weight. For this reason, food is refused, and therefore, as the patient is removed from this state, the appetite gradually returns accordingly.

Vitamins that increase appetite

Among the vitamins that increase appetite, the undisputed leaders are, first of all, vitamin B 12 and ascorbic acid.

The entry into the human body of the first of them, vitamin B 12, occurs mainly in the form of cyanocobalamin, which is its main form. Many vitamin complexes contain it, and in addition, B 12 can be found as an injection solution with a characteristic pinkish tint of liquid.

This vitamin is of great biological importance for the activity of the body, since it takes part in the processes of protein metabolism and in the production of red blood cells, and is also a component in many enzymes. In a small amount, vitamin B 12 is produced by microorganisms of the digestive tract, but mainly a person receives it with food. Plant products do not differ in any significant content of B 12, it can be provided mainly by animal products - meat, kidneys and liver, fish dishes, eggs, milk and other dairy products. This vitamin, useful for stimulating appetite, is found, among other things, in brewer's and nutritional (but not baker's) yeast, in fortified cereals, crushed grain products and in special additives. It can sometimes be found in some breakfast cereals, energy bars, and drinks.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is an organic compound similar to glucose and is a very important nutrient in the human diet. When performing its biological functions, it helps to restore the coenzyme in some metabolic processes, and in addition it exhibits antioxidant properties. With the participation of ascorbic acid, bile acids are formed from cholesterol. Vitamin C provides better absorption of iron due to the fact that it converts it from divalent to trivalent. Under its influence, glucose is transformed into sorbitol at a slower rate.

Of the foods rich in ascorbic acid, they differ: mountain ash, currant, rosehip. In vegetables, it is present in large quantities in red bell and sweet green peppers, Brussels sprouts, parsley, dill and wild garlic.

No less important for increasing appetite is the importance of other B vitamins. So vitamin B 1 or thiamine at the cellular level is involved in almost every process in the body. it is involved in energy production (ATP) and in the metabolic processes of amino acids and carbohydrates, and is also important for the absorption of proteins.

Cereals are rich in thiamine, it is found in cereals: in millet, oats and buckwheat; in wholemeal flour, potatoes, radishes, red beets, beans and onions, spinach, green peas, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, apricots. In large quantities, B 1 is found in sprouted grains, in legumes, in yeast, in bran.

Riboflavin, also called vitamin B 2, contributes to the better functioning of the central nervous system and brain, it is among the participants in the synthesis of neurons and in the activity of neurotransmitters. Thanks to the action of this vitamin, iron is better absorbed and the formation of red blood cells is stimulated, it is important for the regulation of hormonal synthesis and the work of the adrenal glands.

To obtain a sufficient amount of riboflavin, it is recommended to eat green peas, leafy vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes, rose hips, oatmeal and buckwheat, wheat bread. This vitamin is found in meat, kidneys and liver, milk, fish, eggs.

The role of pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) in terms of how to increase appetite and bring body weight to the optimum is that it is an active participant in many metabolic processes in the body. For example, it is included in the metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids, cholesterol, and is also involved in the metabolism of proteins. In addition, it acts as a regulator of the action of many enzymes and helps the tissues of the body to better absorb proteins and unsaturated fatty acids.

To get the required amount of vitamin B 6 in the body, you should pay attention to poultry, pork, veal, beef, beef liver. expedient in this aspect is the use of cereals: buckwheat, barley and wheat, bread from coarsely ground cereals, potatoes, peppers. This also includes: cabbage, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, walnuts, cherries, pomegranates and lemons.

Vitamins that increase appetite, therefore, can help optimize the activity of many internal organs, including the digestive system. And this, in turn, is a positive factor for the proper organization of the diet, because in this case, the state of satiety alternates with the feeling of hunger, and the body begins to work in accordance with this natural rhythm.

Foods that increase appetite

The use of certain groups of products that can be conditionally classified based on their taste characteristics can lead to the excitation of appetite.

So, in the first group, let's call sour. All kinds of pickled vegetables, canned tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as sauerkraut, are the best way to stimulate appetite. They cause the activation of the production of gastric juice, so they can fully serve as confirmation that the appetite comes with eating. Sometimes you can also diversify your usual diet with sour apples and lemon.

Spicy food with the addition of a large amount of culinary spices, spices and seasonings stimulates intense gastric secretion no worse than sour dishes. Excitation of appetite comes from hot red pepper, horseradish, mustard, bay leaf, basil, dill. Food in the form of semi-finished products, food in institutions and fast-food outlets can also whet the appetite. These food products, as well as products in the departments of ready-made meals in supermarkets, are richly flavored with flavor enhancers and flavorings.

Everything is salty. It is a well-known fact that everyone who wants to lose weight is recommended to reduce their salt intake to a daily intake of no more than 8 g. After all, salt has the ability to retain water in the body, and in addition to increasing appetite, it also causes considerable thirst. To satisfy it, you have to drink a lot of fluid, and subsequently it is not excreted in full, which can lead to the formation of edema.

Sweet, if for example, to have a bite of chocolate, will satisfy the feeling of hunger, which is explained by an increase in blood sugar levels several times. But the body, after a very short time, will give a defensive response to such an abnormal change in the composition of the blood, and this reaction will consist in the active transformation of excess sugar into fat. The value of its content will greatly decrease, which will cause a feeling of sudden hunger, and the need for food at the moment will increase and the appetite will increase.

Foods that increase appetite can be very diverse, but in conclusion it is worth noting such a nuance - in order for a dish to want to be eaten with appetite, it must be one of those that this or that particular person likes the most. That is, everything is individual. And yet, delicious food, and even more so, coupled with exquisite table setting, cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Ginger increases appetite

In addition to all its other beneficial qualities, ginger increases appetite. This is due to its general beneficial effect on the functioning of the human digestive system. As a result of the use of ginger, cholesterol and fat metabolism in the human body is optimized and stabilized, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Thanks to this, in turn, the processes of splitting and assimilation of food are improved, the regulation of peristalsis is carried out - those muscle contractions of the intestine that ensure the movement of food in the esophagus. Ginger leads to an improvement in gastric secretion and an acceleration of metabolism, from which calories are burned at a faster pace. Accordingly, a feeling of hunger arises more quickly and appetite is stimulated.

Thus, when taken on an empty stomach, it leads to an increase in appetite, and on the other hand, in case of overeating with too much food, it can help get rid of the resulting discomfort and feeling of excessive heaviness in the stomach.

Fruits that increase appetite

It has been established that the occurrence of appetite is directly dependent on the concentration of glucose present in the blood at a particular point in time. Namely, the physiological reasons that cause appetite are a decrease in blood glucose levels. When eating foods with a high glycemic index (an indicator of the sugar content in them), the feeling of satiety appears almost immediately, due to the rapid increase in the presence of glucose in the blood. However, the occurrence of this phenomenon is temporary, and just as soon such an excess is processed by the body into fats, and saturation is replaced by an appetite.

Fruits that increase appetite, based on the above, are such precisely because many of them contain sugar in large quantities. In addition, fruit acids contained in fruits play an important role in stimulating appetite. They stimulate the secretory function of the stomach and motility of the gastric walls.

A feeling of "false" saturation is evoked, followed by stimulation of appetite, in particular, grapes, lemon, apples.

Grapefruit increases appetite, both fresh, sweetened with sugar, and in jams and preserves made from it. This fruit, in addition to stimulating appetite, has the most positive effect on digestion, helps to replenish strength and helps to increase the overall tone of the body. Thanks to grapefruit, blood pressure is normalized, it also helps to some extent restore the liver in case of its functional disorder.

It should be noted that fruits for stimulating appetite are effective, especially in sour form. However, in this regard, it must be taken into account that sour apples, lemon juice, and all other fruits, as well as everything salty and spicy, due to the active stimulation of gastrointestinal secretion, can cause prerequisites for the development of gastritis. Eating sour apples in particular should be approached with extreme caution by people suffering from increased acidity of the stomach.

In addition to the fact that fruits in this way lead to an increase in appetite, they contribute to the deposition of fat in the human body. The explanation for this is the following. The process of fat formation depends on the peculiarities of the metabolism of fructose, which is the type of sugar that occurs in fruits. When binding two molecules - glucose and fructose, one molecule of sucrose (ordinary sugar) is formed. Fructose, which has a calorie content identical to that of glucose, contributes to satiety to a much lesser extent, as it is easily transformed into the form of acetyl-coenzyme A - from which fats are subsequently synthesized.

So, fruits that have a beneficial effect on appetite are those that have a high sugar content, in this case presented in the form of fructose. Fructose in large quantities is less harmful than regular sugar. But, despite this, it is still its analogue, and therefore those who follow a diet are not recommended to eat fruits after 4 pm. They are best eaten during a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Elkar to increase appetite

Elkar is a drug that has a corrective effect on metabolic processes. It has metabolic, anabolic, anti-rheoid and antihypoxic properties, as a result of its use, fat metabolism is activated, regeneration processes are stimulated, and in addition, Elcar increases appetite. These qualities of this drug make its appointment and use appropriate in the treatment of those diseases and negative phenomena in the human body, due to which there is a deterioration in appetite, weight loss and a state of physical exhaustion. The scope of Elkar are also cases of anorexia in adults, which has a psychogenic origin.

In addition, this drug is used in pediatrics: when newborns and children gain weight less than it corresponds to age norms, if they have a reduced appetite, there is a lag in growth, there is a certain delay in physical and mental development.

Under the influence of the main active component of Elcar, L-carnitine, a substance of natural origin and similar to vitamins that belong to group B, there is a decrease in basal metabolism, the rate at which carbohydrate and protein molecules decay decreases. The produced effect also consists in the mobilization of fat from fat depots, and in addition, L-carnitine acts as a regulator of those processes in which fats are converted into the energy necessary for the body. There is an increase in the secretory function and enzymatic activity of the juices involved in the digestive processes - intestinal and gastric, which leads to better absorption of food.

Due to these properties, on the one hand, Elcar causes an increase in appetite, and on the other hand, due to the fact that it is actively involved in the transformation of fats, its inclusion in weight loss programs can be justified. Since this drug leads to a decrease in the amount of fat in the skeletal muscles and helps to reduce excess body weight.

Appetite enhancing color

Visual perception among all the senses occupies a position that dominates the rest, because a person receives a very significant, basic amount of information about everything around him through the eyes. One of the most important aspects of the perceived visual picture of the world is color. Different shades of the light spectrum have different effects on the organs of vision, which leads to correspondingly different reactions of the psyche to one or another color effect. It can be argued in particular that a particular color can help suppress hunger or provoke an unwillingness to eat, but there are also certain colors, the effect of which on a person is to stimulate appetite.

The owner of the palm in this sense is, undoubtedly, the color red. The effect produced by the saturated intense shades of its color scheme is such that even if hunger was not present very clearly initially, then as a result of such color stimulation, appetite can become elevated to the nth degree. The impact of red is characterized by its inherent ambivalence. Despite the fact that it is a factor of pronounced stimulation of appetite, on the other hand it acts depressingly and acts as an irritant for the psyche. People tend to experience a feeling of discomfort for a long time in rooms with a predominance of scarlet, purple, and to the greatest extent purple tones. This feature of the influence of color on the psyche and appetite is used in the design of cafes and bistros, where they go for a short time to have a quick bite to eat.

Red, cherry, yellow, orange - orange, peach, lemon - the most "vegetative" colors. Their names come from appetizing berries and fruits and are firmly associated with them, as if signaling the body about the upcoming meal and preparing for it. Special studies have led to results showing that yellow and orange colors in their entire range of different shades contribute to the activation of the production of gastric juice.

From the point of view of psychology, yellow tones seem to be the most optimistic, on the basis of which, in such a color scheme, many designers recommend decorating the kitchen and kitchen furniture. This, in addition to helping to induce a healthy appetite, gives a positive attitude and promotes better absorption of food.

Colors of cold tones, especially blue as opposed to yellow, provoke suppression of appetite. Green color is neutral, but depending on the shade, it can either be beneficial for stimulating appetite or lead to a decrease in hunger. In combination with yellow, and, being light or grassy tones, it is compared in perception with vegetable useful and healthy products, stimulating the appetite. And green with blue, on the contrary, causes the suppression of hunger.

All kinds of colors perceived by a person, give everything around a great variety, and in different ways affect the psyche. Having come to understand whether this or that is a color that increases appetite, or vice versa, dulls hunger, it becomes possible to become one step closer to fully seizing control over one's own body.

How to increase appetite folk remedies?

There are a lot of recommendations proven by centuries of practice, and for those who are wondering how to increase appetite with folk remedies? Let's consider some of them.

Bee honey has established itself as a universal remedy in a large number of cases. It may be useful in this connection as well. The beneficial effect of a teaspoon of coriander, dandelion every day once on an empty stomach will not take long. To improve the child's appetite, bring up to one teaspoon of honey, increasing the amount gradually.

Lemon grated with sugar. Previously, the fruit is soaked in water to let all the bitterness come out. The lemon prepared in this way is crushed in a blender and ground with sugar. Take one and a half tablespoons before meals.

An infusion of lemon balm for appetite is prepared from two tablespoons of chopped lemon balm in two cups of boiling water. After 4 hours of infusion, it is taken before meals for half a glass four times during the day.

Blue cornflower flowers in the amount of several tablespoons are mixed with two tablespoons of boiled water. Next, you need to let it brew and then drink in three doses, one tablespoon before meals.

Sunflower appetite remedy is prepared from petals, one tablespoon of which is poured with a glass of boiling water. It is taken after half a tablespoon is infused three times a day.

Meadow clover - inflorescences mixed with 500 ml of vodka are boiled over low heat for 5-6 minutes. Next, you need to cool and strain. In order to increase appetite, a tablespoon of broth is taken four times during the day.

The next folk remedy for appetite will require half a kilogram of walnuts, honey in the amount of 300 g, 4 lemons from which you need to squeeze the juice, and 100 ml of aloe juice to prepare. All these ingredients are mixed. It should be consumed half an hour before meals, a teaspoon three times a day.

Rhizomes and ginseng roots - 25 drops per third of a glass of water are taken three times a day before meals.

Plantain large is used to prepare an appetite enhancer as follows. The crushed leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 20 minutes. It is used three to four times a day before meals.

Promotes appetite infusion of a series of two of its tablespoons in two cups of boiled water. The time required for infusion is 35 minutes. Next, strain and take 4 times a day for a tablespoon.

Thus, in terms of promoting a better appetite, a worthy and no less effective alternative to various types of modern pharmacological products can often be the most simple and affordable recipes for traditional medicine.

Herbs that increase appetite

The most effective of all natural herbal remedies in this matter are primarily herbs, which have a bitter taste. The action of these herbal extracts, also called bitterness, is to irritate the mucous membranes in the oral cavity and in the upper gastrointestinal tract, which in turn causes the activation of gastric secretion processes, which has a reflex character. As a result, there is an increase in appetite.

The use of various herbal preparations shows high efficiency. Among them, we will name in particular the collection of appetizing. Achieving a positive result with its help is determined by a combination of wormwood herb, peppermint, belladonna and valerian tincture. To prepare the product, one tablespoon of the collection is poured with boiling water in the amount of 200 grams and infused. It is necessary to take before meals three times or 4 times during the day for half an hour before meals, 1 spoonful.

When using herb wormwood, in addition to stimulating appetite, there is also an improvement in the digestive process. The composition of the product contains the presence of bitter substances anabsintin and absnin, artemisetin, flavnovoid, essential oil and tannins. The infusion is prepared from 10 grams of herbs steeped in boiling water (200 g). The dose is equal to 1 spoon or 15-20 drops three times a day before meals.

In order to stimulate the appetite, it is also advisable to use the water leaf shamrock. It contains glycosides, tannins, rutin (flavonoids). The action of this agent is to stimulate appetite and manifest a choleretic effect, it also contributes to the activation of the gastrointestinal tract with its reduced function. A prepared remedy for appetite (1 tablespoon per 200 grams of boiling water) is recommended for use, 50 g three times a day before meals.

In cases of anorexia, which is caused by mental disorders; in the treatment of gastritis of the hepacid type, that is, with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid; with gastritis, atrophic and chronic; and also against decreased appetite, the use of bitters can help. It is formed by a combination of calamus rhizomes, bitter wormwood grass, coriander fruits, centaury grass, shamrock leaves, water and 40% ethyl alcohol. It is applied inside 30 minutes before meals, 10-20 drops.

In conclusion, we note that when taking herbs that increase appetite, you can practically not worry about the possibility of developing any kind of negative consequences. You just need to remember that they are not recommended when high acidity leads to inflammation of the intestinal walls, which is characteristic of hyperacid gastritis, or with peptic ulcer. In most other cases, the positive effect of their use is obvious.

Appetite enhancing tea

To resolve the issue of stimulating reduced appetite, there is a wide variety of recipes that use a variety of natural, herbal ingredients.

Thus, it is possible to prepare a hot drink that stimulates appetite, for example, from a combination of wormwood formed by grass, watch leaves, cumin fruits and calamus rhizomes. A mixture of these ingredients, carefully crushed, should be taken in the amount of one incomplete teaspoon and a glass of boiling water should be added to them. After insisting for 20 minutes, such a resulting remedy should be cooled and taken twice a day, 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

Helps to increase appetite tea, for which wormwood and yarrow are used. 60 and 20 grams of each of them, respectively, are steamed in 200 milligrams of boiling water, after which it is infused for about 20 minutes. The tea formed in this way, having previously strained it with gauze, is consumed before meals for 20 minutes, in the amount of 1 tablespoon three times a day.

A good result is achieved by using dandelion root appetite tea (1 tablespoon), which includes yarrow and wormwood, 2 tablespoons each. The mixture obtained from a combination of such components in the amount of 1 tablespoon is poured with boiling water, which should not be a full glass. After a 20-minute infusion, the broth is filtered and taken a quarter of an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon.

Excitation of appetite occurs due to the use of tea infused on the grass of the tripartite sequence. This natural ingredient requires 2 tablespoons, to which 400 milligrams of boiling water is added. Next, the infusion needs to be filtered. Take three or four times during the day, 1 spoon, teaspoon or tablespoon. The latter is determined by the age of the patient.

Parsnip is also used to make tea that increases appetite. Both its dry grass and crushed roots can find their application, in both cases in the amount of the 1st tablespoon. Tea is prepared by boiling for 10 minutes in a volume of water equal to 2 cups. The resulting appetite stimulant is taken as follows: a quarter cup 20 minutes earlier before eating, 3 or more than 3 times a day for the first 7 days. In the following week, tea should be consumed in three-fourths of a glass.

Tea that increases appetite, prepared on all kinds of herbs, is completely justified and deservedly considered an effective effective remedy.

During a person's life, at some point in time, there may be a loss of appetite or a significant weakening of the desire to eat. Due to certain circumstances of an unfavorable combination of factors, both physiological and related to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere, this can happen to both adults and children. Before asking how to increase appetite, it is necessary to outline the range of possible causes and, based on this, begin to take appropriate steps towards overcoming this problem. Often, without the involvement of a medical specialist, it seems difficult to cope with this, but if the issue is not extremely acute, then an increase in appetite can be achieved independently - by resorting to folk remedies and using certain psychological techniques.

Effective appetite enhancers

Before talking about how you can increase appetite, it should be noted that not the last role in this survey is assigned to the correct principles of dieting and organizing a diet. The calculation of the total calorie content of meals and the amount in which proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be present in them should be carried out at the level of the upper acceptable limits of the recommended norms for adults. This will help to effectively compensate for the lack of body weight that may occur against the background of reduced appetite.

Good efficiency is demonstrated by the use of medicinal herbs and preparations, special food additives to increase appetite. You just need to remember that you should resort to their use, taking into account the medical recommendations received during the consultation. A wide range of appetite stimulating medications can be prescribed by a healthcare professional. These are, for example, anabolic steroids or digestive enzymes.

An excellent assistant, if necessary, to increase appetite is a number of medicinal plants, berries and fruits. Among them: barberry and juniper berries, cumin and anise seeds, rose hips, black chokeberry, strawberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, apples, citrus fruits, kiwi. Bergamot, hyssop, cardamom, juniper, wormwood, chamomile, the oils of which are used in aromatherapy, also have a beneficial effect.

Means that increase appetite, given above, for greater effectiveness, it is recommended to combine with physical activity, since appetite is stimulated to a large extent due to exercise. The benefits of walking and outdoor games in the fresh air to increase the overall tone of the whole body are undeniable. As a result, the appetite also “works up” to a large extent.

apples to increase appetite

Apples are a very useful fruit for humans. If you eat such a ripe crispy fruit before starting breakfast, then your appetite, excellent digestion and good mood for the whole day are guaranteed. According to the ancient sages, thanks to just one apple a day, a person will not have a place for any ailment.

The mechanism of action in relation to stimulating appetite, that is, how apples increase appetite, is as follows: due to their content of fruit acids, they lead to an intensive production of gastric juice. The flip side of this coin, for those who are puzzled by the issue of appetite stimulation, is that this method may not be acceptable if there are any malfunctions or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. From an increase in the level of acidity provoked by apples, undesirable consequences for the walls of the intestines and stomach, such as exacerbation of gastritis or even the development of ulcers, can occur. The way out in this situation can be the use of baked apples, which, bringing with them almost the same benefits as raw fruits, have a more gentle effect on the gastric mucosa. An apple is a wonderful aperitif before a full meal, as well as a light snack during the day. You can use the microwave to quickly prepare a baked apple.

Thus, thanks to apples, there is an improvement in appetite, and their benefits in this regard are the same, regardless of whether they are consumed raw or as freshly squeezed apple juice. After one green apple or a glass of juice, there will certainly be a desire to refresh yourself with something more substantial.

Fish oil to increase appetite

Much has been said about the benefits of fish oil, its use in order to prevent various serious diseases is recommended by many medical specialists. The rationale for such a position in relation to this natural product is the fact that it has a rich content of components that are vital for humans. Fish oil is distinguished by the presence of polyunsaturated omega acids, iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, as well as vitamins A and D, which are important for the proper development of the child's body. In addition, this drug takes an active part in all metabolic processes in the human body.

It becomes possible to say that fish oil increases appetite, taking into account some specific qualities inherent in this drug. Their features are such that, as a result of taking fish oil: metabolic processes in the body tend to accelerate the pace of their course, the newly formed fat cells are destroyed, and, most importantly, the hormone that controls appetite - leptin - begins to be produced in greater quantities.

There is also a certain aspect of the use of fish oil to stimulate appetite, which is related to the psycho-emotional state of the patient. It has been established that the regular use of this drug helps to reduce the likelihood of depression, and it is precisely because of them that a deterioration in appetite can often occur, up to a complete refusal of a person to eat. Symptoms of depressive states in the cross section of a number of adverse factors can result in the development of anorexia. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil promote the processing of serotonin in the brain. This hormone, the so-called "hormone of happiness", is of great importance for the formation of positive emotions, causes a good mood, and helps in the actualization of creativity. Accordingly, the appetite of a cheerful person is much better than when he is depressed. The consumption of fish oil brings with it a large amount of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn leads to an increase in serotonin levels.

The fact that the use of fish oil can help increase appetite is beyond doubt, but for the drug to have the proper effect, its use alone is not enough. An integrated approach is needed, including the organization of a proper diet, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Bitterness to increase appetite

Considering bitterness to increase appetite, first of all, let's call calamus rhizome or Rhizoma Calami. The pharmacological action of calamus root is characterized by promoting the improvement of digestive processes. An infusion of this drug is prepared from medicinal raw materials in a ratio of 10-15 grams to 200 milliliters of water. The infusion should be taken in an amount - 1 quarter cup before meals, three times throughout the day. The possibility of using calamus root to increase appetite in the presence of persistent increased acidity of the stomach and the resulting gastric inflammations - gastritis of the hyperacid type, and ulcerative lesions of the stomach is excluded.

Centaury herb (Herba Centaurii) is consumed 30 minutes before meals as an infusion of 10 grams of raw materials per 200 milliliters of water, one tablespoon, 3 or 4 doses per day. Thanks to this drug, appetite is stimulated and digestion is improved when the function of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced. Centaury has contraindications for gastric peptic ulcer and hyperacid gastritis - inflammation of the stomach that develops due to persistent high acidity.

Dandelion Root - Radix Taraxaci finds its use as a bitter to stimulate appetite. According to its pharmacological action, it is also a choleretic agent effective against constipation. The drug should be taken three to four times during the day, 1/4 cup of infusion 30 minutes before meals. The infusion is prepared from the 1st teaspoon of medicinal raw materials in a glass of boiling water. If a patient has hyperacid gastritis or a gastric ulcer caused by a persistent high level of acidity, this classifies this drug as unacceptable for use to increase appetite.

Wormwood herb or Herba Absinthii in the form of an infusion of 10 grams of raw materials per 200 ml of water increases appetite and promotes better digestion with hypofunction of the gastrointestinal tract. It is taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for the 1st tbsp. l. or 15-20 drops of tincture. It is contraindicated in gastritis of the hyperacid type and gastric ulcer caused by a persistent increase in acidity.

To date, a fairly large variety of bitterness for appetite is presented. Many of them are of natural origin, are herbal remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of practice of their use in traditional medicine. They are easy to use and do not cause any significant likelihood of negative consequences.

It's important to know!

An increase in appetite can be observed with brain tumors, in particular, the hypothalamic region, in some cases with congenital underdevelopment of the central nervous system, prolonged use of steroid hormones, sometimes ftivazide, and some antihistamines. Polyphagia is also observed in patients with some forms of malabsorption, chronic pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer.

10 foods that will help reduce or increase appetite. Our consultant is a well-known nutritionist Margarita Koroleva


1. Spices and seasonings, especially an artificial appetite stimulant - monosodium glutamate enhancer of taste and aroma.

It is added not only to “ready-made” store dishes and seasonings, but is also often abused in restaurants, especially fast food. It stimulates the appetite, but according to many scientists, glutamate is not so safe. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse it.

2. Pickled vegetables, as well as spices, such as salt, mustard, horseradish.

Everything spicy and salty stimulates the appetite very well, causing increased production of gastric juice.

But the problem is that salt retains water in our body. We drink a lot, but not all of it is excreted. Therefore, with these stimulants, you need to be very careful: eat “for appetite” no more than one cucumber-tomato per day.

3. Sour apples, sauerkraut, lemon juice diluted with water. In general, everything is sour.

Like spicy and salty foods, sour fruits and vegetables stimulate the production of gastrointestinal juices. But not everyone can enjoy them. After all, acid can provoke gastritis, and in general, sour apples are not recommended for people with high stomach acidity.

4. Sweets.

At first, they reduce appetite due to the large release of sugar into the blood, but after an hour and a half you will want to eat even more.

5. Alcohol and coffee.

Even a glass of beer or wine will make you eat more than you want, because it also stimulates the production of gastric juice. A cup of coffee also increases appetite.

If the appetite disappears just like that, this is a serious signal. Unwillingness to eat can be caused by both taking medications (for example, antibiotics) and a variety of diseases:

gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

liver disease;

depression, neuroses and other psychological diseases;

bacterial and viral infections (from colds to inflammation);

oncological diseases.


1. "Light" proteins - poultry, fish.

Proteins contribute to stable thermogenesis in our body, our expert explained. In fact, they “give” us a constant body temperature, normal blood circulation and even digestion of food. That is, they provide high-quality satiety and distribution of energy.

2. Muesli, oatmeal and other coarse grains are sources of fiber. Also nuts and seeds.

Fiber slows down the digestion process. That is, these products slowly and reluctantly give the body energy, unlike the same sweets. Accordingly, the feeling of satiety lasts longer. Ideal for breakfast. Nuts are great as a snack.

3. Coarse vegetables, that is, root vegetables, such as carrots, beets, celery. As well as legumes (sources of proteins) - beans, peas, lentils.

4. Bananas, containing not only pectin, fiber and starch, but also simple and complex carbohydrates, which are “slowly” consumed by our body, again preventing you from getting hungry quickly.

But be careful, all fruits contain a lot of fructose - a more harmless, but still analogue of sugar. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend eating them after 16.00. Especially for those who are on diets. It is better to snack on fruits in the second breakfast or afternoon snack.

5. Water, yogurt, skim milk. In general, all liquids except alcohol and coffee.

In general, it is most useful to drink before meals, and not after - in this way we "deceive" the stomach, at least partially filling it, writes Medikforum.

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