If your teeth are inflamed what to do. Symptoms of inflammation of the dental nerve and methods of treatment. Treatment of an acute form of inflammation of the root of the teeth

Today we will talk about:

Acute toothache always arises unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment.

In most cases, this is due to panic fear in front of the dentist. Everyone understands that you need to visit the dentist at least once every six months, but the fear of the dentist makes you postpone the trip for an indefinite time.

All inflammation

in the roots of the tooth (), are considered quite dangerous. If you continue, ignoring the pain and discomfort in the tooth, delay the treatment process, the inflammation will move from the pulp to the dental roots, reach the base of the root and lead to the formation purulent sacs. Inflammation of the root of a tooth of an infectious nature, affecting the canals of the tooth and the vessels and nerves located in them, dentists call pulpitis. Thanks to the protective layer of enamel, at the root of healthy person infection cannot enter. Damage to the enamel is the entrance gate for various bacteria and the further development of inflammation of the tooth root.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth - causes

There are two main causes of inflammation of the root of the tooth:

- trauma to the tooth.

In turn, the cause of the infection that caused inflammation of the root of the tooth can be:

Late visit to the doctor;

Inadequate treatment of dental pulpitis;

The occurrence of pulpitis under the dental crown: if the crown injures the gum, when the crown is displaced, this place becomes the entrance gate for infection and further development inflammation;

The so-called marginal pulpitis, when the infection spreads from other sources, not related to caries, and spreads from the oral cavity along the root of the tooth. In the same way, abscesses form along the jawbone and the roots of inflamed teeth; while the crowns (if any) remain intact;

Infectious diseases of other localization (sinusitis, tonsillitis).

In all these cases, bacteria enter the dental canals and actively multiply inside the canals, spreading the infection deep into the root itself and along it.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth can lead to causes associated with injuries:

Fracture of the root of the tooth;

Poorly sealed tooth, which in the process of chewing food is constantly subjected to a heavy load;

Various dislocations in athletes and musicians;

Vascular and nerve injuries root canal up to their rupture, leading to tooth mobility and high susceptibility to infection;

The use of certain antiseptics in the treatment, in rare cases- when using arsenic.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth - symptoms

Features of acute inflammation of the tooth root

Inflammation of the root of the tooth (periodontitis) can occur acutely and chronically.

An acute course manifests itself, like any inflammatory process, the following symptoms: redness, swelling, pain.
There is bleeding and soreness of the gums at the site of inflammation, with pressure on the tooth, the pain increases sharply, enlarged regional gums can be palpated. The lymph nodes.

Arises hypersensitivity tooth to all irritants: temperature, mechanical, chemical.

With far gone inflammatory process symptoms join general intoxication: fever, severe headaches, severe weakness, in general clinical analysis blood shows signs of inflammation (leukocytosis, elevated ESR). If you do not urgently start treatment, an abscess or phlegmon may form under the root of the tooth, the inflammation will go to paranasal sinuses nose, with further spread of infection, sepsis or osteomyelitis will develop.

Features of the course of chronic inflammation of the tooth root

The chronic course of inflammation of the tooth root is characterized by the absence of symptoms. Usually there are complaints of discomfort and unusual sensations during eating, bad smell from the mouth, which is noticed by others.

Often, chronic inflammation has no symptoms. But in the future, fistulas are formed that open on the gums or on the face. These far-reaching changes can be seen by chance on X-ray examination when contacting for another reason.

Only the occurrence of pain makes one turn for medical care. This occurs with a pronounced exacerbation of a chronic sluggish process. The chronic course of inflammation of the tooth root is dangerous because in many cases it is necessary to remove the tooth.

If you seek medical care late, the infection spreads rapidly, and this may later lead to the need to extract, possibly several teeth.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the tooth root in trauma

In case of inflammation of the root of the tooth that has arisen after an injury (for example, if the root of the tooth is broken), bleeding of the gums joins the above symptoms, a dark border appears at the place where the gums adhere to the tooth.

In the case of total destruction of the root (crushing) as a result of trauma, there is severe swelling gums, in which the patient cannot close his mouth and close his teeth.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth - treatment

Only a doctor can cure inflammation of the tooth root. The patient himself, if he wants to have healthy teeth, should contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Treatment of inflammation of the tooth root largely depends on the cause that caused the process, on the stage and severity of the course.

In general, the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation is similar, but has some differences.

The main task in the treatment of acute periodontitis is to free the inflamed tissues from pus and preserve the tooth as much as possible. Sometimes the patient himself, due to diffuse pain, cannot accurately indicate the diseased tooth. In such cases, the x-ray examination. In the future, under anesthesia, tissues damaged by caries are removed, and, if necessary, the damaged tooth pulp is also removed.

If an inflammatory process develops as a result of poor quality filling the seal is to be removed, after which the canals are instrumentally processed, thoroughly washed with antiseptics and expanded.

After these medical measures a course of antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) and antiallergic drugs are required.

A new filling is not placed until the course of treatment is completed. Therefore, before eating, the cavity in the diseased tooth is closed with a cotton swab. After two or three days, the canals of the inflamed root of the diseased tooth are washed with antiseptics, long-acting preparations are placed in them and closed with a temporary filling. If no pus is found in the channels, the pain has stopped by the time of the visit to the specialist, a permanent filling is placed. A follow-up x-ray examination is mandatory to confirm the quality of treatment.

In the treatment of chronic forms of inflammation of the root of the tooth, washing is carried out antiseptic preparations, root canal treatment with instruments, nerve removal.

Further treatment tactics have significant differences. After washing the canals, a swab with an antiseptic is placed in the cavity of the inflamed tooth and a temporary filling is placed, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

If after the end of taking the antibiotic there are no signs of further spread of the infection, the channels are re-cleaned and a temporary filling with calcium hydroxide is placed for a period of two to three months. This seal is a good antiseptic.

In parallel, physiotherapy is carried out, including UHF, electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs.

After the specified period of treatment, if the desired result has been achieved and the inflammation has been stopped, the canals are cleaned, sealed and a control X-ray examination is done.

During the next visit to the dentist, a permanent filling is performed. In the absence of the effect of the treatment, if the inflammatory process continues to spread, they resort to surgical intervention.

It should be noted that treatment of inflammation of the root of the tooth is a lengthy process.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth, as shown dental practice, it is very dangerous. Indeed, in this case, the true infection gradually affects the complex of tissues, and then the bone tissue is also affected. As a result, if the slightest inflammation the root of the tooth does not take all necessary measures, then the infection will begin to spread to neighboring teeth.

It should be noted that the infection can penetrate through untimely treatment farther. The most common failure circulatory system person. Therefore, the infection of the whole organism occurs.

The main causes of root inflammation

Main cause of inflammation- is not timely treatment pulpitis. When a patient is given a permanent filling, it eventually turns out that at the time of the filling, the doctor did not clean all the channels well. Thus, the bacteria actively multiplied and affected the root of the tooth further.

The second reason- this, as a rule, is a poor-quality treatment of pulpitis. In this case, especially if the sealing was performed by a young specialist, he may not notice the unsealed microscopic holes. As with untimely treatment, and with poor quality treatment pulpitis infection spreads deep into, thereby inflammation of the entire dental canal occurs.

Third reason- this is the occurrence of periodontitis under the dental crown. In this case, the inflammatory process occurs through the fault of the doctor. If all channels are poorly sealed, if the dentist was injured at the time of the procedure healthy tooth on which the crown is placed, then you can feel a strong inflammatory process.

It is worth noting that when you get a crown, you should know that it should not squeeze the gum too much. Otherwise, the gums will simply become inflamed.

In addition to the above reasons, an inflammatory process can also occur against the background of an injury. Such a problem can occur with a fracture of the tooth root or with a variety of dislocations that often occur in athletes or musicians.

Note that inflammation can also occur against the background of vascular injury or with trauma and rupture of the nerves of the root canal.

The latest and probably one of the common reasons- incorrectly tried on antiseptics, especially arsenic.

Symptoms and forms of inflammation of the root of the tooth

Inflammation can take several forms:

  1. Sharp form.
  2. Chronic form.

The first form is acute, it has its own characteristics, it is noted that the bone tissue in this course has not yet been affected. It is for this reason that when doctors prescribe an x-ray to a patient, there will be no signs of problems with the tooth, in particular.

But, clinical picture still hurts the patient. The patient experiences severe pain, even with light pressure on the tooth. Remember, if you do not start treatment in a timely manner acute form, then the inflammatory process will spread further. Therefore, pus will begin to form at the roots of the tooth, thereby causing the patient discomfort in oral cavity.

In addition to these symptoms, the acute phase has a number of other signs. The patient's body temperature may rise, malaise occurs, which manifests itself in lethargy and lack of appetite. And also there is swelling of soft tissues, directly on the face. Flux may occur in some patients.

Now consider, what happens when chronic course . This form is considered extremely dangerous. After all, it is necessary to understand that signs of inflammation may not indicate the presence of a true problem. The patient has severe pain at the time of pressing a finger on the teeth. Note that in the chronic course, the pain quickly disappears. Additional features chronic form, this is the occurrence of pus. It exits through fistulas and orifices.

It is important to understand that the chronic course is dangerous because in the future the doctor will have to remove the diseased tooth so that the infection cannot spread to neighboring teeth.

Treatment of an inflamed tooth root

Now you need to answer the question, how to remove tooth inflammation in dentistry and at home?

At the first visit to the dentist, the doctor needs to collect a complete patient history. Therefore, at the initial examination, the doctor counts all the teeth, presses on each and reveals signs of pain. If a, this assessment does not allow to diagnose the inflammatory process, then the patient is sent for x-rays.

If a purulent process is detected, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures. First, the doctor introduces local anesthesia. It is necessary in order to anesthetize the necessary area for further treatment. Then the purulent cavity is opened. An autopsy is performed in the area of ​​the affected root.

After such manipulations, the doctor needs to thoroughly rinse the cavity, and then install drainage. This drainage will help quick removal purulent content.

Further treatment regimen - drug therapy, which will be directed to the source of infection. After that, a temporary filling is installed, and eventually permanent.

Therapy of the chronic form

In this case, the first stage of diagnosis is channel drilling. Then an antiseptic thorough treatment is carried out.

The main tactics of treatment is aimed at strict adherence to the scheme. In contrast to the treatment of the acute form. After cleansing, doctors set cotton swab. It is pre-wetted with medicinal solution. Only after such manipulations, the dentist can install a temporary filling.

An additional treatment regimen is based on antibiotics. What antibiotics to take for inflammation of the root of the tooth, the doctor will be able to tell. After taking the drugs, which are prescribed in a course of several days, the final line is set. If the infection does not spread, then the dentist puts a filling with calcium hydroxide for 2 to 3 months.

Treatment with folk methods

Treatment folk medicine used when mild inflammatory process. Mouth rinses are helpful. You can use the root of the iris as the main solution for rinsing. This decoction helps to quickly remove signs of inflammation and eliminate pain syndrome.

It is worth noting that the root of the iris is very useful. It has a stimulating spectrum of action, therefore it has a positive effect on blood circulation.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of crushed iris root and boil it in a glass of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes.

After cooling the broth, strain it and rinse the mouth.

Second known folk method– use of dog nettle. The recipe is similar to the one above. But, there is one exception, boil not in water, but in vinegar. You will need 150 ml.

Important! In order not to get a burn of the mucous membrane of the eyes at the time of boiling the broth, it must be put on a slow fire and strictly under a closed lid.

When the broth has cooled, you can rinse your mouth.

To prepare, you will need a tablespoon of dried sage herb. Insist on boiling water or in a thermos for 10 minutes. Then strain and rinse.

Please note that sage contains tannins and antiseptic components, therefore, in acute or chronic course, this recipe will help eliminate pain in a matter of minutes.

Compresses, ointments and lotions

As a treatment, you can use compresses, ointments and lotions prepared at home.

For example, with a root cyst, sesame oil helps well. Pour the oil into a teaspoon, and keep the oil in your mouth for a few minutes. The course of treatment is long, but effective. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

The old-fashioned way, it is also often recommended by doctors. The treatment process is simple, split the iron thing red hot. After that, quickly dip it into a container, first pour natural liquid honey into the container. Quickly dip the piece of iron and pull it out. You can see that the substance will remain on it. Scrap it off and anoint the affected gum.

Garlic helps with many diseases, including the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. There are several treatments, such as simply chewing on a small clove of garlic. Such a method folk treatment not everyone adheres. Indeed, after chewing garlic, in the oral cavity long time leaves an unpleasant odor.

On weekends, you can prepare a mixture based on garlic. Mix minced garlic with butter, put the mixture on gauze and attach to the sore spot.

Otherwise, can be used in the treatment of horseradish. amazing plant helps to cure inflammation and accompanying illnesses. For example:

  • Stomatitis.
  • Periodontitis.

To prepare the recipe, take horseradish, insist for 7 days in a jar of water.

Then rinse your mouth several times a day. You can also cook alcohol tincture based on shit. But, be extremely careful at the time of treatment. The tincture must be kept in the mouth for a long time. But, as soon as a burning sensation occurs, it must be spit out.

Celandine, it is much stronger than horseradish in terms of its spectrum of action. Therefore, the recipe is also used in the chronic course of inflammation.

Cooking: grind celandine, squeeze out the cake, mix the mixture of celandine with alcohol and insist.

Application: soak cotton wool in the prepared mixture and apply to the sore spot.

In any case, you should not use alternative methods of treatment on your own. If the first signs are found, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Video: treatment of inflammation of the tooth root

Clinical symptoms of inflammation of the root of the tooth, localized in its channels, covers wide range manifestations. The first signs of inflammation of the dental pulp may be part of the sensitivity of the teeth to cold or heat, to chemical irritants. A common complaint of patients with pulpitis is toothache. Moreover, the experience of patients with toothache is diverse. So, the intensity of pain sensations can vary from barely noticeable discomfort to unbearable torment, the pain may not have a clear definition of the place; periods of toothache may be short in duration or prolonged, turning into continuous suffering. Patients may also have various signs of infection, including fistulas, edema, and fever as complications develop. Treatment of pulpitis involves the sanitation of root canals, as well as the elimination of factors that caused inflammation.

Often the concept of "inflammation of the tooth root" is also associated with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth, that is, periodontitis. Inflammation of the tissue around the root of a tooth can be either acute or chronic. The most common is the so-called "apical periodontitis", when inflammation affects the tissues located directly near the top of the tooth root. The causes of such inflammation, as a rule, are infectious, less often - traumatic and extremely rarely - chemical.

Symptoms of inflammatory processes in the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth may vary. Most of patients with an acute inflammatory process in the area of ​​the root of the tooth complains of intense pain in the area of ​​the tooth, aggravated by pressing on the diseased tooth. In addition to pain, swelling of the gums and the appearance of pathological tooth mobility are disturbing, sometimes symptoms of a general deterioration in well-being appear - slight increase temperature and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes, characteristic "inflammatory changes" in the clinical analysis of blood, which indicates the purulent nature of the inflammatory process. The formed abscess may drain through the root of the tooth or continue to spread through the bone canals, as a result of which it may communicate with the oral cavity, or such formidable complications as abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial zone, inflammation maxillary sinuses, osteomyelitis or sepsis. Obviously, such acute inflammatory processes of the periodontal tissue require decisive action. Treatment acute periodontitis It is aimed at creating conditions for the outflow of pus and exudate, as well as at the maximum possible preservation of the structure and function of the tooth.

In a chronic inflammatory process around the root of the tooth, the symptoms are mild: there is bad breath, discomfort when eating, less often, fistulous passages may appear that open on the gums or on the skin of the face. Often, chronic periodontitis is almost asymptomatic, and is detected only with x-rays, this method also helps to differentiate various forms this disease.

From time to time, periodontitis worsens, during this period, patients complain of pain.

In the treatment of chronic forms of periodontitis, antibacterial washing and instrumental treatment of root canals are performed, sometimes these methods are supplemented by physical therapy (electrophoresis, UHF therapy, etc.) on the focus of inflammation. At the final stages of treatment chronic periodontitis perform root canal filling with various materials. In the case of advanced forms, the formation of granulomas, cysts or abscesses in the area of ​​the root of the tooth, the treatment is supplemented with surgical aids (resection of the tip of the tooth root; removal of the root, along with the adjacent crown part; replantation of the tooth; or complete removal tooth). Preference is given to the most organ-preserving operations.

Modern dental care Patients with inflammation of the tooth root continue to improve, in addition to improving the techniques for carrying out certain procedures, the growth of the manual skill of the dentist, new types of antiseptic and filling materials become publicly available.

The human oral cavity is a breeding ground for pathological microflora, which, when favorable conditions may begin to actively develop, causing infection of the area. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, the inflammatory process captures not only soft tissues, but also the teeth, getting to the very root. Your dentist will have to fight to keep your tooth healthy and reduce the risk of sepsis.

In the article we will consider why inflammation of the canal and root of the tooth occurs ( periodontitis), what signs it is characterized by, what treatment is needed in the framework of conservative medicine, as well as at home.

Periodontitis is known as a complication of pulpitis (damage to the tooth canal "pulp").

Patients often delay treatment despite severe pain and discomfort in the area. In this case, the infection completely destroys the pulp and spreads to the roots, which manifests itself in the form of cysts or periapical abscess(purulent capsules at the base of the tooth).

The root becomes inflamed due to three main reasons:

Periodontitis infectious nature associated with the following factors.

  1. Pulpitis was cured out of time. The doctor installed a permanent filling, under which, after a while, the bacteria remaining in the cavity develop.
  2. Pulpitis cured poorly. In this case, the fault for the inflammation of the tooth canal lies entirely with the dentist, who placed poor-quality material in the cavity or did not take care of its proper installation.

    If even a small hollow area remains under the filling, then pathogenic organisms begin to multiply in it, which immediately attack the periodontium.

    Also, the doctor can damage a healthy tooth when installing a crown (burn the pulp during turning). The crown in this case presses on the soft tissues, microcracks appear and, as a result, the inflammatory process.

  3. The patient illiterately cared for the crown after pulpitis. Eating solid food or having foreign household objects in the oral cavity can cause the crown to move. AT formed cavity clogged food, and this, as we know, ideal conditions for bacterial growth.
  4. For the treatment of pulpitis, solutions were used and medicines (for example, arsenic), which caused a complication - periodontal inflammation.
  5. Marginal periodontitis occurs against the background of the spread of pathological microflora not from the carious cavity, but from the oral cavity immediately to the root area.

    Suppuration occurs in the roots of several teeth and can even cause osteomyelitis, while the crowns themselves are not affected.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth (photo below) of a traumatic nature can cause the following reasons:

  • the tooth was filled incorrectly, due to which the load during chewing is unevenly distributed;
  • dislocation of teeth caused by the patient's activity (traumatic work, extreme sports);
  • ruptured neurovascular bundle, due to which the mobility of the molars occurs;
  • the root is broken due to negligent actions of the doctor (inability to handle dental appliances and instruments);
  • mechanical injury to the area, which caused inflammatory processes (examples of injuries are given above).

Symptoms of the disease

Tooth cyst

Like any other disease, periodontitis exists in 2 forms: acute or chronic.

Symptoms of acute inflammation of the root of the tooth not determined by x-ray. Risk of occurrence purulent formations(abscesses) and cysts in the area is extremely low, and the bone tissue is not affected. The patient subjectively feels spasmodic sharp pain while eating or at the slightest touch to the area.

If timely treatment is not started at this stage, the inflammation will spread to nearby bone tissues.

This process is accompanied constant pain, which are difficult to dull even with the help of strong analgesics. Also, soft tissues near the roots begin to suppurate. Against the background of inflammatory processes, the patient's temperature rises sharply, he feels severe weakness, loss of strength, lack of appetite, sleeps poorly and cannot fully work. Soft tissues in the affected area swell strongly, which becomes noticeable even with outside faces. Cysts or fluxes begin to appear at the roots.

If you do not immediately provide medical care to the patient, then the acute form will turn into a chronic one., which represents serious danger for the body. Symptoms of inflammation of the tooth root in this case may not be expressed, and when you press on the area, the patient feels discomfort and mild pain. During this period, the patient feels improvement and may refuse to necessary treatment thinking he's on the mend. However, after a while, periodontitis flares up with new force, accompanied by cysts, fistulas, abscesses and other purulent formations in the root area. The patient feels a strong taste and smell of pus in the mouth.

If the chronic form is not treated with serious medications, then it will periodically worsen, causing tooth mobility. As a result, everything will end with the extraction of a tooth and the defeat of neighboring ones, which increases the chance of losing other teeth.

How is periodontitis treated in dentistry

If the treatment of periodontitis is not started in time, then the acute form becomes chronic.

Doctors are often asked the question: “What to do if a tooth is inflamed?”. First of all, the doctor must exclude the possibility of other diseases of the oral cavity. To do this, he collects an anamnesis, conducts visual inspection oral cavity using dental instruments, asks about the subjective symptoms of the patient. In some cases, fluoroscopy is prescribed.

Acute periodontitis is treated in at least 3-5 visits. The doctor examines the results of radiography, establishes the cause of the disease (it will depend on further treatment). The nurse at the reception makes conductive anesthetic injections into soft tissues. Next, the doctor drills necrotic and affected pulp tissues with a drill, thereby expanding the dental canal to the required size.

If necessary, it is pre-extracted from the channels of poor quality installed seal or foreign objects (fragments of dental instruments). After preparing the canals, the doctor drills a hole in the inflamed part of the root. and provides an outflow of pus. Then the cavity is treated with antiseptics. At this session, filling is not performed, and drugs are not placed in the open cavity.

After a few days, the dentist flushes the canals with an antimicrobial solution and puts the medicine into the cavity, installing a temporary filling.

The patient should treat it with care to prevent its premature removal.

Third stage of treatment inflammation of the roots of the teeth consists in filling the canals to the required length, after which a control X-ray. If the technology has been followed correctly, a permanent filling can be installed and polished.

The chronic form is treated similarly, especially with regard to the first session (expansion and cleaning of the channels, treatment with antiseptics). Next, the dentist diagnoses the type of chronic form.

Treatment of periodontitis

fibrous appearance characterized by the absence of abscesses and other purulent formations, which allows you to install a seal for the next session.

If purulent capsules have already appeared at the root, then treatment is delayed for several months. In this case, at the first session, the channels are already laid strong medicine and a temporary filling is placed. The doctor also prescribes a course of antibiotics. If the inflammation has stopped, then after a few days the doctor installs an antiseptic calcium hydroxide filling (for a couple of months). At the third session, a control radiography is performed, after which the canals are sealed with high-quality gutta-percha. If the canals are sealed correctly on the control x-ray, then at the 4th visit, the doctor will put a permanent seal.

Treatment of inflammation at home

Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile is a folk method for treating inflammation of the tooth root

Treatment of inflammation of the tooth root at home consists in regular treatment of the area with antiseptics, healing agents. It is also necessary to take painkillers and others, according to the symptoms.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to completely cure the disease at home, since the inflammatory process can only be established by high-quality cleaning of the channels, removal of affected tissues and purulent abscesses, competent sanitation of the cavity of the tooth and mouth.

Traditional medicine can help you relieve only some of the symptoms, such as swelling, soreness, redness of the area.

  1. Perform mouth rinses alcohol infusions(on propolis, aloe, garlic, turnip or horseradish), herbal decoctions(oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, needles), soda-salt solution (a teaspoon sea ​​salt and baking soda per 200 ml of water plus a couple of drops of iodine).
  2. Make compresses on the inflamed area from raw fat, purified from salt, garlic or potato gruel, wrapped in gauze, propolis or honey.
  3. Put in the hole the affected tooth is a plantain root or a pea of ​​propolis.

We examined what to do if the root of the tooth is inflamed. There is only one conclusion - do not delay with home treatment and go to the dentist as soon as possible. Not treating periodontitis is fraught with relapses and literally living in dentistry. In the end, you can simply lose one or more full-fledged teeth.

Most common cause going to the dentist is a toothache. It arises as a result of various etiological factors. One of them is inflammation of the tooth root.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth is a pathology in which the periodontium is affected. This violation quite dangerous, since the infection can spread not only to the tissues surrounding the roots of the teeth, but also to bone tissue. This can also damage other teeth. AT severe cases observed general infection body, so treatment should be timely and adequate.


Among the causes of inflammation of the tooth root can be called the following:

  • untimely treatment of pulpitis;
  • dislocation of the tooth;
  • improper filling of dental canals;
  • rupture of the neurovascular bundle, after which the tooth becomes excessively mobile;
  • fracture of the roots of the tooth.

This pathology also develops in cases where the crown was not well fitted during prosthetics or if it was damaged during operation. Therefore, when a tooth hurts under a crown, you should immediately go to the doctor. The resulting inflammation can cause serious complications and violations of the integrity of the dentition.

Clinical picture

Inflammation of the roots of the teeth can be acute and chronic. At acute process arises sharp pain, there is swelling and bleeding of the gums in the area of ​​damage. By pressing on the tooth pain intensify. Also characterized by pathological mobility of the teeth, may be disturbed general well-being. Sometimes the body temperature rises slightly, the submandibular lymph nodes become painful, typical inflammatory changes are found in the blood.

Such inflammation is accompanied by the formation of pus. If you do not carry out treatment, then an abscess forms under the root of the tooth, phlegmon can form, the sinuses of the nose become inflamed, sepsis or osteomyelitis develop. Treatment in this case directed to the elimination of intoxication, the creation of conditions that ensure the optimal outflow of pus, as well as the maximum preservation of the structure and functions of the patient's teeth.

Chronic inflammation of the root of the tooth is characterized by sluggish symptoms. Patients complain of bad breath, as well as discomfort during meals. Sometimes fistulous passages may appear that open on the gums or in the area of ​​​​the face. Often such a chronic inflammatory process is asymptomatic, and pathological changes detected only during x-rays. With an exacerbation of chronic inflammation, the symptoms of the disease include pain, which makes you go to the dentist.

It is worth noting that chronic form The disease is dangerous because in most cases its treatment involves the extraction of a tooth. At untimely appeal with medical attention, the infection spreads rapidly, which may require the removal of not one, but several teeth.

Features of the treatment of acute inflammation of the roots of the teeth

What to do if there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the tooth root? At the first visit to the doctor, an x-ray examination is mandatory, which allows you to differentiate acute inflammation and chronic process in the acute stage. If acute pathological changes are detected, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • conduct anesthesia;
  • drill all tissues that are damaged by caries;
  • if the disease develops against the background of pulpitis, then the necrotic pulp is removed;
  • if the pathology occurs due to poor-quality filling, then the fillings are removed and the length of the root canals is measured;
  • after that, instrumental processing of the root canals is carried out, which allows them to expand and carry out a better sealing after the discharge of pus. Be sure to wash the channels with antiseptic solutions.

After these manipulations, antibiotic treatment is carried out to reduce intoxication. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also indicated antihistamines. Until the next visit to the dentist, a filling is not placed, therefore, before eating in carious cavity a cotton swab should be applied.

After 2-3 days, the root canals are washed with antiseptics, antiseptic drugs are placed in them. long-acting and place a temporary filling. If there is no pain syndrome, there is no pus in the root canals, they are permanently sealed, after which an x-ray is taken again to control the quality of the treatment. Permanent filling it is allowed to put on the crown only at the next visit.

Features of therapy for chronic inflammation of the roots of teeth

The stage of diagnosis, drilling of channels and treatment with antiseptics is carried out in the same way as in an acute inflammatory process. Further medical tactics is different. So, after cleaning the canals, a cotton swab with medicine and a temporary protective filling are placed in the tooth cavity. After that, antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the inflammation. If no further spread of the infection is noted in a few days, the channels are cleaned and a filling with calcium hydroxide is placed for 2-3 months, which gives a good antiseptic effect.

After that, in the absence of signs of inflammation, the channels are sealed and a control x-ray is taken. Only after that, at the next visit to the doctor, a permanent filling is performed. If endodontic treatment does not give the desired result, surgical intervention- resection of the root apex. It involves the removal of a certain part of the tooth root, as well as the pathological focus in the canal.

It should be noted that inflammation of the roots of the teeth is a disease that requires long-term treatment. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor, the degree inflammatory changes and individual characteristics structures of teeth. To prevent complications and constant relapses, if you experience the slightest toothache, you should immediately contact your dentist.

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