What happens if you wear a temporary filling for a long time. Temporary filling. What is the difference between a temporary filling and a permanent filling?

Filling is one of the main procedures performed in the treatment of dental diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis, caries. Dental prosthetics are also not without fillings.

Fillings are used to reconstruct the appearance of the tooth and its functionality by placing a special material that hardens over time into the cavity cleaned with instruments. Based on the material in its composition and its purpose, seals can first of all be divided into categories such as temporary and permanent.

Permanent fillings are those whose installation marks the end of treatment. If the filling is installed correctly, consists of high-quality materials, and the patient continues to take care of the health of the oral cavity, then its service life can be up to ten years or more. But what is the purpose of temporary fillings, why are they placed and how long can you walk with a temporary filling?

Depending on the diagnosis, as well as the chemical composition of the temporary filling, its service life also varies, lasting from a couple of days to several weeks. So how long does a temporary filling last?

  1. Application of arsenic paste carried out in order to drain fluids from the nerve and its subsequent death, which is necessary before the final removal. As a rule, such a filling is placed for a period of no more than a day, and most often it is removed after a day. If arsenic is used as part of a paraform paste for, then the seal can be installed on period from 5 to 10 days.
  2. Treatment of pulpitis or caries at a deep stage, it requires the use of antiseptics and antibiotics, which are part of a temporary filling installed for a period of time from 3 days to 3 weeks.
  3. In a number of difficult cases from the point of view of diagnosis, a temporary filling to fill voids can be placed for several months, up to six months.

Temporary fillings are made from softer materials than permanent fillings.

If you know that you will not have time to go to the doctor at the appointed time, you should visit him in advance, as a long stay in the tooth of a medicine with the same arsenic can cause poisoning of your body. During your absence, the dentist will make a durable replacement that you can use without problems for several months.

If the dentist told you to come in a week, and you turned to him after three, then the active substance in the tooth can cause pulpitis or periodontitis, which is fraught with poisoning and irretrievable loss of the diseased tooth.

Why and why they put a temporary filling

Temporary fillings in dentistry are used to diagnose teeth. At the first visit to the dentist, he does not always have the opportunity to say for sure whether it is necessary to remove the damaged nerve or not.

In this case, the installation of a temporary filling and the patient's sensations in the next few days allow you to determine what kind of treatment measures should be taken next.

In addition, this procedure also serves as a means of fixing drugs in the cavity of the tooth for a certain period.

Under the influence of food coloring, a temporary filling can noticeably change color.

The point is that after the diagnosis treatment is planned for several stages ahead. For example, with pulpitis on the first visit, you can not take and remove the nerve. First, the tooth is left open, ensuring the outflow of fluid, then the cavity is filled with a temporary substance, and only at the third stage is the treatment completely completed.

The same course of action is taken in the event of a cyst or periodontitis, when a temporary filling with medicine is installed for up to 6 months.

Conversely, if deep caries is already approaching the pulp, there is a risk of inflammation of the nervous tissue. In this case, medicine is placed in the cavity of the tooth that has been vacated after treatment. And a temporary filling is already placed on top, so how long can you walk with it? Usually, no more than 2-3 days.

In most cases, a temporary filling is placed in order for the medicine to have its effect, and the diagnosis to be clarified.

Unlike permanent, it is much easier to remove and replace. However, even temporary fillings use high-quality polymeric materials that can last several years without replacement. Of course, such cases are an exception, and doing so, especially if there is medicine in the tooth, highly not recommended.

If there is a medicine under the temporary filling, it should be changed strictly on time

In addition to the danger, there is a possibility not only of a temporary filling falling out after its expiration date, but also of the entire tooth saved with such difficulty. An exception may be only materials that are used in the process of prosthetics and implantation of new teeth.

The dentist must make sure that within a few months there are no signs of implant rejection and puts a temporary filling from a special substance that lasts longer.

Pain after a temporary filling

It is not uncommon for a tooth after a procedure. The medicine used is not capable of instantly relieving pain and this is to be expected, especially if you paid a visit to the dentist already in a state of very advanced disease.

After installing a temporary filling, the tooth may hurt for several hours to several days.. This applies, among other things, to the material with arsenic paste, since the nerve in the pulp reacts to its killing with pain signals.

There are several main causes of pain:

  • pulp not completely dissolved under the influence of the drug, which causes pain at night and when pressing on the tooth;
  • refusal to comply with the recommendations of the doctor, which he appointed for the period of wearing the seal;
  • Allergy to a substance from the composition of the temporary filling, which makes it necessary to immediately visit the dentist in order to prevent possible complications;
  • in the process of eating and brushing your teeth, which can also cause an inflammatory infection to enter the tooth.

However, if, subject to all the necessary recommendations and in the absence of complications, the tooth continues to hurt, then the pain can be relieved through the use of decoctions of chamomile and sage and the use of painkillers. This should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Temporary fillings are made from different materials, depending on their intended purpose.

Precautionary measures

After placing the filling material, it is necessary to treat the condition of the tooth with special care so that your negligence does not cause the temporary filling to crumble, as in the photo, and the tooth is threatened with loss. To do this, there are a number of easy-to-learn measures:

  • when installing a filling for a long time for brushing your teeth use a soft brush otherwise observe the same oral hygiene, you can use mouth rinses;
  • it would be wiser to temporarily transfer the chewing load to the healthy side of the mouth, as well as stop eating hard and sticky foods capable of violating the integrity of the filling material;
  • throughout the day it is advisable to refrain from eating foods with a high content of coloring substances, since a filling that has not completely hardened can absorb some of them;
  • don't have to take to relieve toothaches such as aspirin, they will only hurt your stomach;
  • It is advisable to start eating after a visit to the dentist.

It should be remembered that even a temporary filling made of high quality materials is not intended for long-term use for several years. It is recommended to replace it at the time prescribed by the doctor, avoiding delays, especially if a drug was placed in the tooth together.

In case of damage to the integrity of the filling material and its loss from the tooth, you should visit the dental clinic as soon as possible.

A temporary filling is a means of protecting the exposed area of ​​a damaged tooth at an intermediate stage of its treatment. The doctor installs a temporary filling for a period of several days to 2-3 weeks, depending on the therapy. This filling is made of inexpensive materials and is not intended for long-term use in the aggressive environment of the oral cavity.

Scope: therapeutic dentistry, prosthetics.

What diseases are temporary fillings used for?

The process of treatment with a temporary filling is complex and takes place in several stages, but the result justifies all the inconvenience. The use of a temporary filling allows you to:

  • prevent the development of pulpitis;
  • treat periodontitis;
  • stop complications after acute caries;
  • to diagnose the condition of the tooth with deep caries before installing a permanent filling.

Temporary fillings are most often used in emergency dental treatment. It plays the role of an intermediate stage in an acute inflammatory process.

With planned treatment, a temporary filling is a rare phenomenon (if used, it is mainly for already filled teeth, for example, after the old filling falls out or if it is replaced with a new one).

Indications for a temporary filling

  • If it is necessary to compensate for the lack of dentin over the exposed pulp (building up new layers of dentin is important in the treatment of deep caries, periodontitis);
  • To kill the inflamed nerve (a temporary filling is placed to eliminate the nerve bundle with arsenic paste);
  • Carry out sanitation of the carious cavity, dental canal (laying potent antiseptics);
  • If you need to eliminate the inflammation of the pulp;
  • To diagnose the state of deep caries (pain indicates the presence of inflammation).

Types of temporary fillings

A temporary filling consists mainly of cement components:

  • artificial dentin based on zinc sulfate and kaolin;
  • vinoxol - a paste containing zinc oxide;
  • cement based on zinc-eugenol;
  • composition using polycarboxylate;
  • karyosan with additional analgesic effect;
  • glass ionomer cement.

The doctor makes a choice in accordance with the tasks assigned to the temporary filling. Some are designed for short-term installation (until the pain is eliminated), others, such as vinaxol, can last up to six months.

Preparing for installation

The process of preparing for the installation of a temporary filling should be entrusted to a dentist. The main requirement: the cavity to be filled should not contain damaged and inflamed tissues. If there is purulent content, the tooth is left open until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

All this time, the patient must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity. It is recommended to use rinsing with antibacterial solutions prescribed by the attending physician, to refuse to take spicy and irritating food to the nerve endings.

The process of placing a temporary filling

Installing a temporary filling can have different goals (save a tooth, relieve inflammation, eliminate a nerve, clean a cavity, build up dentin, etc.), but the general procedure is always the same:

  • the cavity is cleaned of damaged areas;
  • washed with an antiseptic solution;
  • the active composition is placed in the tooth (drug, arsenic paste, etc.);
  • a temporary filling is placed on top using smoothly solidifying substances.

The final temporary filling hardens 1-2 hours after its installation, during this time it is not recommended to eat. In the future, its presence in the oral cavity should not interfere with everyday life (if there is no pain syndrome).

How long can you walk with a temporary filling?

You can walk with a filling from a day to six months, but the dentist always discusses the timing of removal on an individual basis. On average provided:

  • to kill the nerve - from 1-3 days (arsenic) to 10 days (if sparing devitalizing agents are used);
  • treatment of inflammation in pulpitis, periodontitis - 1-3 weeks, depending on the condition;
  • treatment of tooth cysts, restoration of dentin after deep caries - up to several months.

It's important to know: not observing the period of use of a temporary filling indicated by the dentist, you can damage the diseased tooth even more. Try not to violate the specified deadlines for no more than 1-2 days.

783 10/09/2019 5 min.

Thanks to modern dental technologies, it is possible to restore a tooth of any complexity. Doctors are in no hurry to remove problem teeth - because they can be cured. If medicine is placed in the canals for a given period, and only then permanent filling is carried out, a temporary filling is first installed. Depending on the condition of the tooth, you need to wear it from one day to six months. Note that the temporary material has a softer texture and may fall out. For more details on how to properly handle a temporary filling and in what cases it is used, read on.

What is a temporary filling and why is it placed?

Temporary fillings are made using plastic resistant masses that allow you to close the tooth canal for the desired period. They are not suitable for permanent use, but they are indispensable until the installation of the final filling and the final “finishing” of the hard tissues of the tooth (restoration, grinding, polishing, etc.).

Temporary fillings are installed in the treatment of carious cavities, brushing your teeth, thorough diagnostics, making a ceramic inlay for a permanent filling. They are also indispensable in the event that there is no possibility of urgent treatment.

If urgent tooth treatment cannot be performed, and the cavity needs to be closed, a temporary filling is installed.

Also, the design is used in cases where it is necessary to make a decision to remove the nerve. For example, a patient complains of characteristic pain, but it is not acute or disturbs him infrequently, and the doctor wants to try to save the nerve and, in the long term, prolong the life of the organ. Read more about how long a tooth lives after nerve removal.

Also, the filling material can be placed on top of the bleaching agent - if the tooth has changed color as a result of injury, improper treatment, you can try to lighten it by placing special preparations in the channels and temporarily filling them. Check with your doctor about the possibility of appropriate treatment.

Under a temporary filling, the tooth can hurt, which is especially common when biting. Pain, as a rule, signals an actively developing pulpitis, so do not delay a visit to the doctor. To alleviate the condition, you can take an analgesic. In advanced cases, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Read more about drugs for pulpitis. Please note that a temporary filling can only be installed in thoroughly cleaned and dried canals.

Indications for the use of a temporary dental filling - why you need to put

Main indications:

  • periodontitis treatment- a serious inflammatory disease that affects the tooth root and adjacent tissues. The treatment consists of several stages, at each of which it is impossible to do without the installation of temporary fillings, under which antiseptics and antibiotics are placed. Read more about the treatment and types of periodontitis;

  • need accurate diagnosis- for example, the depth of penetration of caries into dental tissues. If there is a possibility that nerve endings are affected, doctors prefer to play it safe and install temporary fillings first. In cases where discomfort disappears, permanent filling is performed, and if they remain, then the tooth is depulped;
  • required to kill the nerve- in this case, arsenic is placed in the channels, and then a temporary filling is installed. While necrotization occurs, the channel with the drug must be closed - otherwise it may become infected. The period of wearing a filling is 2-14 days, depending on the type of paste (the dentist will tell you more precisely).

With arsenic in the tooth, you can not walk longer than the stated period, otherwise it will begin to act like a poison.

Types and compositions

To create temporary fillings, non-toxic environmentally friendly preparations are used. They are plastic, dry quickly, do not present difficulties in installation and are evenly distributed over the dental cavity. Main types:

  • artificial dentin- consists of zinc oxide, kaolin, dehydrated zinc sulfate. A pasty consistency is achieved by mixing the base substance with water, the hardening time is 3 minutes;

  • dentin pastes- they have a composition similar to artificial dentin, but kneading is done with essential oils. Pastes harden longer, but their strength is higher;
  • karyosan- temporary filling composition used to fill the channels;
  • zinc-evengel cement- used to combat and local anesthesia;
  • fast setting polycarboxylate cement- good old temporary filling;
  • vinoxol- the composition is suitable for long-term use.

A temporary filling cannot be used as a permanent one - it will definitely need to be replaced after the end of treatment or diagnosis.

Installation and replacement with a permanent

To be as effective as possible, the dentist first places a medical pad, which after some time will need to be removed. For this reason, making a permanent filling does not make sense. The temporary material is used as part of the first visit to the dental office. The chamber of the tooth is opened, cleaned, then preparations containing arsenic or others are placed in it, then a temporary one is made.

When caring for the oral cavity, try not to damage the material - it is highly undesirable for the temporary filling to fall on the mucous membranes.

It is not necessary to use the same arsenic - the nerve can be removed under anesthesia at the discretion of the doctor, but then all the same, medicinal pastes or antiseptics are placed in the channels and a temporary filling is made. In acute periodontitis, similar actions are performed, but in 2-3 visits - filling the channels with paste once will not be enough.

A temporary filling is installed exactly as many times as it is necessary to put medicinal pastes into the canals. With caries, this is a single treatment, with periodontitis, alternate use of different drugs is usually required.

After installing a temporary filling, refuse solid food for 12 hours, otherwise the structure may fall out or crack, and you will have to redo it. Read more about what to do if a tooth filling falls out. Brush your tooth thoroughly, but with gentle movements. And don't move around with a temporary filling.

Terms of application - how long should it last and how long can it be worn

The terms of wearing can be from 1 day to six months - depending on the characteristics of the treatment and the material used by the doctor. But keep in mind that even Vinoxol does not last longer than six months, so plan visits to the dentist in advance.

A permanent filling will be installed after the end of the treatment or diagnosis of the condition of the tooth, filling the cavities, turning and grinding. Negligence in this case is unacceptable - it is impossible to walk with temporary material in the tooth for longer than the established period (and it is unlikely to succeed - it will simply crumble), but without it at all, since in this case the drug may get on the mucous membranes and / or infection of the canals.

What to do if a temporary filling falls out

In the event that the filling fell out before the deadline, immediately consult a doctor - in person or
by phone. In this case, there are two options - the specialist will transfer the main appointment and put a permanent filling earlier than the previously scheduled time or make a new temporary one if the treatment cannot be completed yet.

The main thing that you should understand for yourself is that it is not safe to walk with open channels, complications are possible. Read more about caries and its complications. Before visiting the doctor, constantly rinse your mouth with a soda solution or an antiseptic rinse, monitor your oral hygiene as carefully as possible.

You can’t walk without a temporary filling, so if it falls out, contact your doctor immediately.


The cost of installing a temporary filling in the capital's clinics is from 400 rubles, you will need to pay separately for its removal (about 300 rubles). In regions and smaller cities, treatment in most cases is cheaper. The cost of one tooth is calculated taking into account a number of factors:

  • superficial caries- from 1500 rubles;
  • - from 2500 rubles, the imposition of a cofferdrum is paid separately (approximately 400 rubles);
  • deep caries- from 3000 rubles;
  • pulpitis, periodontitis- from 2500-5000 rubles, depending on the number of channels.

Also, the final price of treatment is affected by the use of special materials and instruments - for example, therapy using a microscope is the most expensive.


For details on the appointment and installation of a temporary filling, see the video


Temporary fillings are installed to kill the nerves of the arsenic tooth, accurate diagnosis (for example, if you need to understand whether to remove the nerve or not), multi-stage caries. The materials used are different, the choice should be made by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the clinical picture and the expected period of wear of the structure. The cost of temporary filling in the capital's clinics is from 400 rubles.

Varieties of temporary fillings

A temporary filling is indispensable in the following cases:

  1. With conservative treatment of not too neglected pulpitis and neglected caries. After drilling out the inflammatory focus and treating the root canals, the tooth cavity is clogged with anti-inflammatory drugs, and a filling is placed on top. This is necessary so that the drug does not leak out and that microbes and pieces of food do not get into the aching tooth.
  2. For diagnosis in deep caries, when it is not clear whether the nerve is affected. They put a filling with medicine and observe the tooth - if it continues to hurt, most likely it is pulpitis.
  3. In the treatment of pulpitis, if there is a need to remove the nerve. Then the treatment is carried out in 2 doses: first, a filling is placed with arsenic or other, more gentle devitalizing drugs, and after the death of the nerve, treatment is performed.
  4. In prosthetics and restorations to protect teeth while permanent structures are being made.

Installing a temporary filling is absolutely safe, except in cases where individual allergic reactions to filling materials are observed.

Life time

The service life of a temporary filling varies from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks. The exact timing depends on the specific dental disease and the drugs used in the treatment.

Here is how much a temporary filling can cost in different situations:

  • when using arsenic paste to kill a diseased nerve - no more than 2-3 days (usually - 24-28 hours), when using other means for the same purposes (for example, paraform paste) - 5-10 days;
  • when using antibiotics and antiseptics in the treatment of deep caries or pulpitis - from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks;
  • in especially difficult diagnostic cases - up to 3 and even 6 months.

If you can not come to the doctor at the appointed time, be sure to notify him in advance. In this case, if possible, he will try to put the most durable reflective filling that can be safely worn for several months.

Potential Issues

Problems that may arise after installing a temporary filling:

  1. Tolerable and not too strong toothache after filling is caused by several reasons: infection, actual surgery and not completely killed by the pulp. But, if the pain is very strong, this may mean that the nerve has become inflamed, periodontitis or pulpitis develops, a cyst has formed, or there is an allergy to filling materials. In this case, only a visit to the dentist will help.
  2. If the filling crumbles or falls out, you need to urgently run to the doctor, otherwise the infection will penetrate into the affected tooth and the treatment will have to be started in the second round.
  3. Some antiseptic and drug preparations used in the treatment of dental canals have a pronounced specific taste. Therefore, a medicinal taste in the mouth for several days after filling is quite normal, albeit unpleasant. You can beat it off (or soften it) with rinses. But, if the taste is very persistent, this may mean that the seal is cracked, and then you still have to go to the doctor.

If the filling darkens, bad breath appears, the gums over (under) the affected tooth turn red or fester, you should also rush to the dentist.

Precautionary measures

In order not to bitterly regret the time spent in the dentist's office, after installing a temporary filling, it is highly advisable to follow the following simple rules:

  1. When brushing your teeth, especially if the filling is installed for a sufficiently long period, use a brush with soft bristles. Otherwise, oral care is carried out as usual: brushing 2 times a day, rinses can be used.
  2. Try not to chew on the affected side of your mouth, and temporarily avoid sticky toffee, chewing gum, hard nuts, bones, and hard candies. Do not put pressure on the tooth, testing the seal for strength.
  3. Within 1 day after installation, it is undesirable to eat beets, drink coffee, tea, red wine, since the filling may stain.
  4. Toothache will be relieved by rinsing with decoctions of chamomile and sage, an aqueous solution with sea salt and soda. As for painkillers, it is better to consult a doctor. Aspirin should be avoided: it is ineffective for toothache, and in large quantities it harms the stomach.
  5. The most pressing question that arises after it has been installed temporary filling: when can I eat? Modern reflective fillings harden almost instantly, that is, you can eat after 20 minutes. But this is theoretical, but practically it is better to clarify this point with the dentist. In most cases, you can safely eat and drink 2-3 hours after filling.

It is important to remember that the highest quality temporary filling is not a suitable replacement for a permanent one, so do not delay your visit to the dental office.

Dental treatment sometimes involves the procedure of installing a temporary filling. Often such a need arises when laying the drug or to close the channel. The period of operation of a filling fragment that replaces part of a damaged tooth, and the procedure for replacing it, will be discussed in this article.

How long can you walk with a temporary filling in your tooth

Temporary fillings

A temporary filling is made of the same polymeric material as the permanent one, so the dentist sets the period of wearing. Depending on the treatment method used and the goals, it is determined how long you can walk with such a filling.

Typically, the period ranges from several days to 3 weeks, and during prosthetics, the duration is extended to several months.

You should not postpone going to the clinic at the appointed time, because the laying of material for short-term wear is carried out shallowly. In the process of closing the jaw and chewing food, a constant load is placed on the polymer fragment, which can cause deformation of the insert or even breakage of the tooth.

To solve some dental problems, the introduction of a drug into a drilled tooth cavity is provided. In this case, the seal is recommended to wear from 2 to 7 days.

A poisonous substance used to neutralize the sensitivity of the nerve, with prolonged exposure to the body, can cause intoxication. In connection with this risk, with a sharp deterioration in well-being, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

What determines the maximum wear time

The maximum period of wearing is set by the dentist individually.

The maximum period for wearing a temporary filling depends on several factors:

  • method of treatment;
  • type of filling material used;
  • means for laying in the tooth cavity.

A drilled hole may not reflect the full picture of the disease or require further medication. A temporary filling in this context performs the function of auxiliary diagnostics.

Short-term operation of the insert implies a high-quality installation of the filling mass with a hermetic closure of the cavity in the tooth. This will ensure reliable fixation of the pledged preparation and prevent the penetration of food particles inside. Previously, to suppress the sensitivity of the nerve, arsenic was inserted into the cleaned tooth hole. At the same time, the filling could not be kept for a long time and it was required to replace it after 72 hours.

Modern dentists prefer to use other drugs, which increases the period of wearing a filling insert from 5 days to 3 weeks. If the patient needs long-term treatment, then a reflective material is used as a medical cement (it lasts from 3 to 6 months).

Wear time examples

How long can a child walk with a temporary filling

The period of wearing a temporary filling in a child is determined only by the doctor, depending on the type of treatment and the material used (from 4 days to 3 weeks). The reasons why insertion is indicated are the same as in adult patients.

If the filling crumbles and falls out before the appointed time, then you should immediately contact your dentist. Also, do not ignore the deterioration of well-being and the appearance of other symptoms (severe pain, inflammation, etc.).

What problems may arise that will shorten the wearing period

Loss of temporary filling

After installing a temporary seal, the following problems may occur:

  • pain associated with infection of the cavity or incompletely dead pulp;
  • crumbling and loss of filling material;
  • the presence in the mouth of a sharp specific smell, interrupted even by the taste of food;
  • the formation of dark spots on the tooth;
  • swelling of the gums, often accompanied by stench.

If you have one of these symptoms (for example, if the filling fell out and the tooth hurts), you should immediately contact your doctor. The consequences of filling deformation or undetected problems with the tooth can provoke complications and, as a result, additional costs for treatment.

To prevent deformation and loss of the filling material, it is recommended to exclude coarse and solid food from the diet during the wearing of a temporary filling, and also to clean the oral cavity twice a day with toothpaste and a brush.

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