If the tooth hurts after filling. Why does tooth pain appear after filling. Poor root canal treatment

Sometimes, even after full treatment tooth, the pain does not stop. In some cases, it occurs in the area of ​​the sealed tooth only after a while. There can be many reasons why a tooth hurts after canal filling, ranging from a relapse of the disease to errors in the treatment process. In addition, pain may be caused by the operation itself and last only a few days (rarely weeks) after the operation. She no longer needs to be afraid. If it gradually decreases, then, most likely, it arose due to the treatment itself and will soon disappear altogether. You need to understand exactly when to re-contact the dentist, and when to just take an anesthetic pill.

Dentists have such a thing as post-filling pain. It occurs immediately after the operation, when anesthesia begins to pass, and this happens already 10-20 minutes after the operation.
This pain can be very severe, and experts recommend getting rid of it with the most powerful painkillers available at the pharmacy.
The reasons for this pain are simple. In the process of treating caries and other dental diseases that require further filling, soft and hard tissues are strongly affected. Part of the hard tissue is completely removed, during which the nerve endings that permeate the core of the tooth may be affected. There are even more such endings in the mucosa, so it is not surprising that immediately after the operation, the sealed tooth begins to whine. it natural reaction our body.
The main feature of postoperative pain is that it becomes less pronounced every day, and the person constantly feels it. It’s worth worrying about it for another couple of weeks, but if even after this time it hasn’t gone away, you should already contact your dentist.

Causes of pain some time after canal filling

Sometimes a sealed tooth does not make itself felt for several months or even years. The reasons why a tooth hurts after canal filling, in this case, is already more extensive. As a result additional examination a wide variety of problems may appear. Some of them cause pain immediately after surgery. Its permanent character differs from post-filling. Such pain does not go away after some time after treatment.
The main causes of pain after filling are:

. Recurrence of caries and pulpitis.

Most often, with the help of a filling, they are treated primarily for caries. The disease destroys the tooth itself, its core and gradually makes its way deeper and deeper. To treat caries, it is necessary to remove all the tissues affected by it, but sometimes it is not possible to do this completely. Even under the filling, the disease will begin to develop. In such a situation, caries is even more dangerous than it was originally. The disease is too close to the mucosa and pulp, and can affect them too. The most common complication of caries is pulpitis. It is characterized by inflammation nerve endings and blood vessels of the tooth and is accompanied by severe pain.

You can get rid of such an ailment in one way - remove the old filling, conduct a second and more thorough treatment and close the channel again.

. Allergy.

The filling material can also be an allergen. Unfortunately, this type of intolerance is quite common, especially judging by the statistics. Allergies can manifest themselves, both immediately after the operation, and some time after it. First of all, intolerance manifests itself in the form of pain, later swelling occurs, even the cheek may become inflamed.
To get rid of the pain, it is enough to change the filling. True, for this it is necessary to first determine which component of the composition the patient is allergic to. At the moment of the development of dentistry, allergy has already ceased to be something serious, because the filling composition is made from a wide variety of materials. The component that causes pain is easy to replace with something else.

. cyst and granuloma.

According to the sieve, such terms denote different stages the same disease. Cyst and granuloma are a small formation in the area of ​​the roots of the tooth in the form of a bubble. The formation is filled with fluid from dead cells and bacteria. The only difference is that the size of the granuloma does not exceed 0.5 cm, and the cyst can grow as long as it has enough space in the mucosa and even with very large sizes, it does not stop developing, and may even come to the surface through the fistulous tract. Detect granuloma and cyst on early stages development is very difficult. They are asymptomatic, can develop, thus, more than one year.

First and some time the only symptom It is pain when pressing on the tooth. To determine that this is exactly a cyst, it is possible only with the help of an x-ray.
The causes of cysts and granulomas lie in the infection that has penetrated into the affected soft tissues. This can happen even during the filling itself.
There are many ways to treat cysts. The choice depends on each individual case.

. Errors during the procedure.

The reasons why a tooth hurts after filling are not always associated with diseases.
Even experienced dentists are not immune from mistakes. Some manage to detect them even before filling, then the patient may not even know about them. If the errors are not corrected in time, they bring a lot of exacerbations in the future.
If a nerve is removed during treatment, there are many more errors. An instrument may break inside the tooth, the dentist, out of caution, violated the integrity root canal, Maybe, filling material went beyond the top of the root.
Tooth filling without removal of nerve endings safe procedure and there are much fewer complications during it. There may be voids in the filling material or the form of filling the canal is not perfect. As a result of this, difficulties occur when the jaw is closed, the seal gradually sags and begins to put pressure on the mucous membrane. To eliminate almost all types of errors, the root canal treatment must be repeated completely.

Immediately after treatment, the pain can be brought down by the usual methods for this and not worry about an additional examination by a specialist. First of all, you need to purchase an anesthetic recommended by your dentist. Usually, drugs are prescribed that, in addition to the main action, also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which will help protect yourself from the development of infection and a host of complications after treatment. You need to take pills at a certain level of pain, but you should not go beyond the recommended daily allowance.
If pills do not help, there is an even simpler remedy, cold compress. As it can be used as ice and snow, as well as cold foods or drinks. The compress can be kept safely for several hours. All this time, it will dull the pain, as well as reduce the possibility of bacterial growth and remove swelling.
You only need to see a dentist again in the following cases:
. The pain lasts more than three days and does not become less pronounced. Three days after the operation, you should feel that pain and discomfort is gradually reduced. Sometimes such a decrease in pain can be delayed for more than one week. Even then, there is no need to worry. The main thing is that the discomfort gradually decreases, but if this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist.
. If you have a fever and the pain persists, you should contact your dentist. Most likely, an infection has already developed in the affected tissues and, through the temperature, the body is trying to get rid of it on its own. With a slight increase in temperature, you can wait for the next appointment with the dentist, but if it rises above 38.5 ° C, you should call an emergency.

Post-filling pain is constant and even. Its intensity does not change in the process of chewing food. Therefore, if you feel that the pain becomes unbearable when pressing on the tooth, you should go for an additional examination and, ideally, insist on an X-ray examination. In this case, the reason why the tooth hurts after canal filling is usually associated with a cyst and granuloma, as well as serious errors in the treatment process.
. Inflammation and swelling also speak of more serious complications operations. Usually they are associated with bacteria and infection, which has penetrated the damaged soft tissues and began to actively develop. Often, swelling is accompanied not only by pain, but also by temperature. All of these symptoms are indicative of an infection.
. At first, the infection affects only the mucous membrane of the tooth itself, blood vessels and nerve endings, but then it can move to neighboring tissues. First of all, chewing and swallowing muscles suffer. If after filling you begin to feel pain not only in the area of ​​​​the tooth, but also when swallowing or chewing, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the infection will have time to bring more more problems.
Carefully monitor your health, never bring even minor symptoms to extremes, and then such problems with your teeth will no longer affect you.

Not a single person on Earth can endure a piercing toothache for a long time. Therefore, when it occurs, everyone tries to contact the office as soon as possible. professional dentist. But not always, even professional doctor, solves the problem. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that after treatment, namely filling, the pain does not go away. Why does a tooth hurt after filling and what to do in this case, this article will tell.

Filling process

To find out why a tooth hurts after filling, you must first find out how this process goes. process:

  1. The dentist removes all damaged tooth tissue.
  2. Then the cavity inside the tooth is processed before the filling is installed.
  3. A lining is laid out at the bottom, which serves as the second layer of dentin.
  4. A filling is installed, it is ground, polished and grooves are formed.

If the caries was too deep and the pulp was affected, then the nerve is removed under anesthesia. Then the affected pulp is treated and a temporary filling is installed. Then, after 2-3 days, the dentist removes the temporary filling, cleans and seals the canals and closes everything with a permanent filling. common cause why a tooth hurts after nerve removal is poor-quality canal filling. As a result, a cyst forms near the tooth and pain occurs.

Causes of toothache after filling:

Pain after filling can be as in calm state, and when pressing on the sealed tooth.

3 main the reasons pain after filling:

natural causes

Almost every person has a toothache after a filling. This is due to the fact that it had a mechanical effect and damaged the nerve endings. Discomfort and pain occurs when pressure is applied to the tooth or when cold air is inhaled. it normal condition which goes away in a few days.

If a nerve has been removed and carried out canal filling, the pain can last up to 3-4 weeks. However, it should be remembered that It's a dull pain subsides every day.

Doctor's mistakes and other causes of pain

Usually, more prolonged pain occurs after the following reasons:

  1. . Most likely, the caries was so deep that it touched the pulp. In order to eliminate the pain, you should consult a dentist. He will remove the filling and remove the nerve.
  2. Badly turned seal can also cause unbearable pain. If it is too high and does not fit under the adjoining teeth, then increased load on a sealed tooth. Soft tissues are compressed from the load, resulting in pain. Eliminate this cause of toothache is simple. To do this, it is enough to contact the dentist so that he undermines the seal. There is an opinion that an overestimated filling is erased over time and ceases to interfere. But it's not. In addition to the fact that an overestimated filling will not be erased, it can also injure the tooth tissue. And then traumatic periodontitis can develop, which can lead to tooth loss.
  3. relapse caries. For this reason, pain sensations do not occur immediately after filling, but after several years. The fact is that the service life of the seal is about 5 years. After that, she stops protecting internal tissues tooth and caries can penetrate under the filling. And also, a relapse can occur by mistake of a doctor. The doctor may not remove all the affected tissue or install the filling incorrectly.
  4. Allergy on the composition of the filling. Pain for this reason occurs quite rarely, because few people have an allergic reaction to materials. If, nevertheless, there is an allergy, then in addition to pain, he will observe skin rash. To eliminate the cause, you must consult a doctor to replace the filling, which has a different composition.
  5. - a bag in which pus accumulates. She is for a long time does not manifest itself, and then there is severe pain, fever, general malaise, swelling of the gums. If there are similar symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise it can lead to the development of more serious diseases.
  6. Overheat. Pain due to exposure high temperature. This happens in clinics where there is no air-water cooling of the tooth during treatment. Under the influence of a drill, the tooth heats up and burns or pulp necrosis occurs. As a result, there is a severe toothache under the filling. This problem can lead to more serious consequences, namely pulpitis or periodontitis.
  7. Seal shrinkage. If the tooth filling was carried out with the help of a light filling, then a phenomenon such as shrinkage of the filling may occur. As a result, pain appears some time after the filling. When the material hardens under an ultraviolet lamp, it begins to put pressure on the walls of the tooth. The larger the layer of material, the stronger the shrinkage of the seal will be. Therefore, if the technology for installing a light filling was violated, pain may occur in the future, which lasts 1-2 weeks or does not go away at all.
  8. Output of filling material limits root. If the nerve was removed and the canals were sealed, then medical error the filling material may extend beyond the root. Root perforation results in severe pain.
  9. Poor quality filling. If the canal is not sealed to its full length, an empty space remains, which should not be there at all. Over time, in this void there is an active reproduction of microbes that provoke inflammation of the root. Poor-quality canal filling makes itself felt in the form of aching pain or severe pain when pressed. In this case, it is necessary to take an x-ray. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then it is necessary to visit a dentist for tooth treatment.
  10. break off instrument is another reason why a tooth hurts after canal filling. It happens that when cleaning the channels, a piece of the tool can get stuck and break off. This fragment from the instrument becomes a source of infection because a piece of nerve can remain on it. In this case, the pain may appear immediately or after a few weeks or even years.
  11. Poorly crafted channels. Channels have complex structure and it's hard to clean them. Infection due to poorly treated canals can move to neighboring tissues. As a result, there is pain under the filling.

What to do with pain?

If the pain is not strong, then you can endure the first 3 days, usually during these days it subsides. But if the canals were sealed and the tooth aches unbearably, then you can alleviate the pain with the help of some funds:

Folk remedies do not always bring the desired effect, so you can take painkillers drugs such as Analgin, Baralgin, Nurofen and other analgesics. But you should not abuse these medicines. If the toothache is not relieved and delivers severe discomfort, then best solution will be a visit to the doctor.

When to see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if more than 4 weeks have passed and the pain has not subsided. But if the gums are swollen, the temperature has risen, then a visit to the doctor should be immediate.

The doctor will assess the condition of the tooth and ask for an initial diagnosis. If it was caries, then it will be necessary to exclude the development of pulpitis or another disease. To do this, the doctor examines the tooth, palpates the gums, taps and may prescribe an x-ray. If pulpitis is confirmed, then further treatment with removal of the nerve and filling of the canals.

If the tooth is depulped, but the pain is still there, then the doctor prescribes an x-ray. In the picture, the dentist will be able to determine the quality of the canal filling. If the filling technique was violated, then the tooth is cured.

  1. Avoid foods that have irritant effect on the teeth: hot, cold, sour and sweet.
  2. if you have bad habit such as smoking, the number of cigarettes smoked should be reduced.
  3. At first, sealed teeth should be spared and not subjected to heavy loads. So try to chew on the other side.
  4. It is desirable that the diet consisted of liquid and soft foods.

If the filling was carried out in accordance with all the rules and there are no other problems with the teeth, then the pain will subside in a few days. After that, you can return to the previous diet.

When there is soreness in the tooth, even the most hardy person will not be able to endure for a long time. similar discomfort. Most typical reasons severe pain are carious lesions different depths or pulpitis.

Of course, in such situations, the only place of salvation is the dental office. Upon leaving it, many experience long-awaited relief, but sometimes the tooth still hurts after filling. The presence of toothache after the filling procedure leaves no one indifferent, so the patient is puzzled by the question, can a sealed tooth whine?

During the filling, the doctor artificially restores the physiological structure of the affected teeth, using filling material and tools.

The tactics of manipulation will depend on their condition:

  • - in such situations, the doctor installs a seal in the cavity;
  • - This is a more complex procedure, implying.

In practice, you can often hear people say that a tooth hurts after canal filling against the background of nerve removal, or after installing a regular filling. Patients are worried about what to do if it continues to hurt, and should throbbing pain in the tooth appear at all after the filling procedure?

To understand such an exciting topic, you need to have an understanding of healing process to independently distinguish between the normal state and the symptoms of abnormalities. In many cases, after the teeth hurt for natural reasons, and this is not always a sign of pathology.

How long does the pain last

Many are interested in how much the tooth hurts after filling. It depends on how extensive the carious cavity was before treatment and individual susceptibility.

stages of caries. The larger the cavity, the more difficult the treatment.

The therapeutic algorithm for primary and secondary caries consists of the following steps:

  • the dentist completely eliminates carious foci that affected tissues;
  • then the doctor processes the dental walls so that a filling can be installed in the prepared space;
  • to create secondary dentin, the bottom of the cavity is lined with a special gasket;
  • a seal is installed;
  • on the final stage the dentist grinds the filling, adjusts it according to the bite, forms fissures on the crown part.

The process becomes more complicated when it comes to advanced forms of caries that deeply affected the dental tissue or led to pulpitis.

Under such circumstances, the doctor performs the following actions:

A good filling is beautiful, but aching pain can be hidden under it.

  • opens dental cavity drill, providing free access to root canals;
  • removes the neurovascular bundle (pulp);
  • prepares canals for filling - carefully cleans the affected areas with special nail files from dead tissue, expands the lumen, measures the depth of the working area;
  • performs antiseptic treatment;
  • using filling material, fills voids along the entire length of the canal;
  • installs a temporary filling, and after a while a permanent one.

Why does a tooth hurt after canal filling or after a filling has been placed? These dental procedures are performed under local anesthesia thanks to which the patient calmly endures painful intervention.

During the procedure, dental tissues are exposed to serious mechanical damage especially in the treatment of pulpitis. Therefore, it is considered quite acceptable when a person has a temporary or permanent filling, and the tooth aches after the effect of the painkiller ends.

Do not worry if discomfort is present the next day or intensifies while eating, biting, closing jaws, food or taste irritants.

Oksana Shiyka


Got a filling and your tooth hurts? Such symptoms belong to the variants of the norm and are called post-filling syndrome. The discomfort is temporary - it will disappear on its own as soon as the tissues heal.

As a result, we can highlight the main points that indicate a normal pain reaction of a sealed tooth to a dental injury. At the same time, it becomes clear how much the tooth hurts after filling:

  • the pain is slight or has a slight aching character, especially when pressed, it can pulsate;
  • every day there is a decrease in the tooth discomfort, it hurts less and less;
  • in the treatment of ordinary caries, it can ache for up to 5 days, but most often the discomfort disappears in 2-3 days;
  • it is assumed that after the completion of the filling of the canals, it may hurt for 1-3 weeks due to greater trauma.

For pain under the filling and inflammation of the gums, be sure to go to the doctor.

If the tooth hurts a lot, there is intense pulsation, headaches, sharp rise temperature, inflammation of the gums, general malaise - this indicates the presence of problems, so you can not endure it, but you need to contact the dentist again to resolve the situation.

Why does a tooth hurt with a filling

The most common errors made during the treatment of caries, which cause pain under the filling:

  • the dentist treated deep caries against the background of chronic pulpitis or periodontitis. This is possible if the doctor filled the tooth without examining the x-ray, based on the data visual inspection oral cavity. In this case, a person's pain pulsates and occurs sporadically, intensifies at night, worries for a long time. In the presence of these sensations, it is recommended to contact the dentist without delay, since it is urgent to open the cavity and treat the canals;
  • inflammation develops in the treated tooth due to a poorly treated cavity - this means that the doctor did not perform a thorough cleaning of caries and the remains of foci remained in the tissues, which causes toothache after filling, and will also lead to a recurrence of caries in the future;
  • an allergic reaction to the delivered material - in practice this phenomenon is very rare, because modern fillings biocompatible with the human body. Suspicion is confirmed if not only the tooth aches, but also pruritus, rash, swelling;
  • the installed filling does not correspond to the bite. Sometimes it happens that under the influence of an anesthetic, the patient cannot clearly determine how comfortable he is with a new filling, or is embarrassed to say so. When the sensitivity returns, it is found that when the jaws are closed, the treated tooth interferes, presses on soft tissues, or causes other discomfort. The problem is easily eliminated - a bite correction should be carried out by a doctor;
  • were overheated hard tissues, which caused a burn and necrosis of the pulp, and accordingly becomes the cause of severe pain after the installation of the seal;
  • there was a shrinkage of the seal - a phenomenon called polymerization stress. This property is typical for modern light-curing composites, so the task of the dentist is to fill the tooth cavity necessary quantity so that there is not too much or too little material. Large layers of composite will put pressure on the crown of the tooth, causing severe pain, and the lack of filling after shrinkage leads to the formation of gaps.

Oksana Shiyka


Any patient may experience similar pain. There are two common causes - natural and error in treatment.

The video below shows how to identify the causes of pain that were the result of improper treatment:

Filled canals and pain

If there is pain after filling the canals, and it is not short-term, then this often indicates a violation technological process treatment:

  • improper Preliminary processing canal - elements of caries, remnants of pulp, infection remained in the cavity, the lumen was not sufficiently expanded;
  • the dentist incorrectly determined the depth of the canal, so the material was outside the root or the canal was not filled along the entire length, which implies the presence of voids;
  • sometimes in the process of cleaning the canals with thin needles, part of the tip may break off and go unnoticed while in the canal. Of course, such an action is not intentional, but will lead to sharp pains and inflammatory process after filling. discover foreign body possible with the help of an x-ray;
  • perforation - the walls of the channels were instrumentally damaged during cleaning. Under normal circumstances, the dentist should immediately correct the misunderstanding by applying an adhesive solution to the through hole so that material does not seep through it to the surrounding tissues. If the channels were sealed in the presence of perforation, then sharp pains in the causative tooth are inevitable.

What to do in all these situations? Do X-ray and definitely see a dentist for re-treatment.

What do we have to do

As a rule, everything pain after installation, the fillings are transferred quite easily, and soon they disappear completely. But if a slight aching pain after filling a tooth distracts from everyday activities, then they will help simple recommendations which will speed up the healing process.

So, what to do if the pain does not go away:

  • in the first days after the procedure, eat warm food that does not irritate dental tissues;
  • refrain from sour, sweet, solid foods;
  • do not load the causal area in the process of chewing;
  • observe meticulous hygiene;
  • if a person knows about his excessive sensitivity, then it is advisable to immediately check with the dentist about painkillers - these can be Nise, Ketanov;
  • solutions based on soda, salt or herbs - mint, chamomile, sage - have a calming effect.

With drug dulling of pain, it is important not to increase the dosage on your own, because the pills can muffle the symptoms, masking true signs pathological process.

Now you know how much a tooth can hurt after a filling is installed and whether it should hurt at all after that. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

The patient goes to the dentist, basically, only when there is a toothache. And the purpose of his visit is to get rid of this pain. But it happens that they put a seal - and the tooth hurts. Why does it happen? Should my teeth hurt after a filling? What could be the reasons for this? Why does a tooth hurt after filling and what to do if pain occurs? A lot of questions arise in such cases. To understand the cause, it is necessary to understand in what situations there is pain in the tooth after filling. Let's start with the fact that a tooth can hurt, as well as during treatment with the preservation of the vital activity of the pulp - the dental nerve, and when it is removed after filling. Each case has its own reasons. And depending on the etiological factor, the nature and intensity of toothache can vary. It is worth understanding in more detail, as a result of which a tooth can hurt after filling?

The occurrence of pain after the imposition of a permanent filling on a living tooth

Toothache after filling can be different reasons. But the most common of them and the most dangerous is the misdiagnosis. Very often, doctors confuse the symptoms of deep caries with chronic course pulpitis or periodontitis. At the first diagnosis, a thin wall remains between the pulp and the carious cavity. The complaints are basically the same. And therefore, hoping that the tooth will remain alive, the treatment is carried out, as in deep caries. After some time, and maybe even on the same night, strong spontaneous shooting pains appear. Why did they appear after the installation of the seal? After all, before that, the tooth did not bother. When a nerve is inflamed, it swells a little. If the cavity is open, then it may not be felt. But in this case, the tooth is closed and pain occurs under the pressure of the filling.

The second most common case is overheating of hard dental tissues during preparation, that is, mechanical processing. carious cavity. It is produced by a turbine drill, which has a large number of revolutions per second. If you do not use air-water cooling and do not take periodic breaks, this leads to heating of the tissues. The nerve responds to this rise in temperature. Usually in such cases, the tooth aches after filling. This may bother you for several days. If the nerve is not inflamed due to this effect, then the pain after tooth filling will pass by itself.

Sometimes pain discomfort can develop gradually, that is, the patient does not immediately understand that he is worried about a recently treated tooth. There are aching pains, especially when biting. This is due to the fact that the set seal is too high. I mean, she's taller than the rest. chewing surfaces, this tooth closes with the opposite tooth faster, at a time when they should all close together at the same time. The patient in the chair cannot feel this, due to the fact that the effect of anesthesia has not yet ended or, if there was a large cavity, he could get used to the fact that there is an emptiness and not immediately understand whether this is normal or not. Because of this, there huge pressure on the tooth and there is discomfort. In addition, it can lead to malocclusion.

Last etiological factor is polymerization stress. Modern dentists use only light fillings. It is very rare to find a place where chemical curing materials are placed. Some fillings are more voluminous when placed. Under influence ultraviolet lamp, they shrink as they harden. There is pressure on the tooth walls and aching pain occurs. How much a tooth hurts after filling in this situation, no one knows. This may go on for a couple of weeks. Or maybe not at all.

It would seem that the nerve has been removed, there is nothing to hurt there. However, pain still occurs. Why Do Teeth Hurt After Canal Filling? Normally, they can be observed. Pain will occur when biting this tooth, be aching in nature, respond to tapping, even to temperature stimuli. This is due to the fact that when the nerve is removed from the canals, it seems to break away from a larger nerve. And until this place of separation heals, these unpleasant sensations will disturb. Such symptoms disturb, basically, a maximum of a week.

If the toothache after canal filling lasts longer or increases in intensity every day, you should immediately contact your doctor. Because, the cause may be something else that requires appropriate treatment.

There may be several reasons:

  • The development of infection in the periapical tissues;
  • The nerve was not completely removed from the canal;
  • Breakage of the tool in the channel during its machining;
  • Incomplete obturation of root canals;
  • Perforation.

It is worth analyzing each reason in more detail.

Nerve remained in the canal

To remove the nerve from the canal, you need an instrument such as a pulp extractor. It looks like a herringbone, its carving captures the nerve. You need to enter the channel, twist once and pull it out. If the nerve is alive, then one time is enough. If necessary, repeat several times. But often it is twisted in the channel several times in different directions, which leads to incomplete removal. It also happens that the root canal is not completely passed. And at the end of the root, if the canal is narrow, a piece of nerve may remain. The doctor, not knowing about it, seals the canals. And then the tooth aches after canal fillings. In this case, the pain of the tooth after filling may slowly fade away, but there is a danger of developing periodontitis. Moreover, if the tooth is left like this, it will darken over time, acquiring a gray-black color.

It may also happen that not just a piece remains, but the whole channel is not processed. Teeth do not have a fixed number of roots and canals. This number can vary from two to six. Of course, in large molars, three is more common. And many doctors make the mistake of relying on this figure. We found three channels, you can stop farther and farther. And it may happen that there are one or more more channels. This will be regarded as incorrect treatment, the doctor will have to re-treat this tooth.

Tool breakage in the canal

The reason why a tooth hurts after canal filling can be a very gross mistake of a doctor. Each person has a different structure of teeth, canals, their location. For some, they are well passable, for others they are too narrow, which is impossible to pass with the smallest tool. Some specialists, trying to expand the walls as much as possible, can break off the instrument with one awkward movement and leave a piece there. In most cases, it cannot be removed from there. You can not leave, because this area will remain untreated and this can lead to serious consequences. In such cases, the tooth has to be removed. Incomplete obturation, that is, filling the entire canal, will also lead to inflammatory processes.

This process is called periodontitis. It occurs due to the ingress of bacteria into the near-apical region, as a result of which pus forms there. Most often, this process develops when the nerve is already disintegrating. But there are cases when periodontitis occurs with a living nerve. Some doctors think that it is pulpitis and treat it accordingly, without eliminating the inflammation outside the root foramen. In this case, the tooth hurts intensely after filling the canals. Every day, the throbbing pain in the tooth grows even more, due to the fact that the formed pus has nowhere to go. The tooth seems to pulsate.
Can the pain go away on its own? It is unlikely that it can become smaller, but in this case there is a risk of a fistula on the mucous membrane in the projection of the inflamed root. Periodontitis can also develop with insufficient root canal treatment. Infected chips of dentin remain, which lead to the development of infection.

Perforation of the bottom of the tooth or the wall of the root canal

In other words, this is the creation of a hole in the tooth that should not be there. The bottom is often perforated when looking for canal mouths. Unfortunately, there is no definite topography, but there are some landmarks. Many doctors may not be aware of this and drill through the tooth. Or, if the tooth is severely damaged due to the soft bottom, it can be erroneously assumed that the canal has been found. In fact, the bottom is pierced. And the channels are pierced, trying to pass them. It happens that they are strongly curved or sclerotic at the end. And a specialist trying to open it to the end can make a hole in the canal wall.

There is also such a mistake as removing material from the top. The channel must be sealed up to the physiological apex. If its opening is too wide, then there is a possibility of removing the filling material. It can press on nerve endings, causing pain. With periodontitis, they are specially taken out of the top. But only when chronic forms when there is bone resorption around the apex. In other cases, you must try to remove the excess.

What measures to take for pain

What should I do if my teeth hurt after a filling? If he is alive, then you should return to your doctor and tell about your complaints. And in those cases when pain arose after filling the canals of the tooth, then it is necessary to observe it. On the same day, he may start whining. This may be due to the fact that the filling material is removed or many other reasons.

If the soreness decreases over time, then there is nothing to worry about. To relieve these pains, rinses with anti-inflammatory solutions can be done.

When a tooth hurts a lot, starts to pulsate, you need to go to the doctor, having an x-ray with you. After the doctor determines why the tooth began to hurt after filling the canals, he will carry out the appropriate manipulations. Pulsation occurs with periodontitis, most often, and in this case, the specialist will unseal the canals and prescribe treatment and rinsing. The channels must be kept open until the pain is completely gone. How long a tooth can hurt depends on the degree of inflammation. The same applies to other reasons - you need to unseal and re-treat, now qualitatively under x-ray control.

visit dental office often associated with some psychological discomfort. Having decided on a visit to the doctor, if a tooth hurts, patients hope to get rid of it soon. severe symptoms. However, it happens that after the procedure, patients continue to feel the syndromes in the cured bone formation of the oral cavity.

Why does a sealed tooth hurt?

Actions of the dentist during medical measures must be clearly organised. Any mistake during sealing can lead to joining secondary infection. This situation occurs if the doctor does not sufficiently treat the carious cavity, resulting in the formation of an infectious focus under the filling material. In this regard, pulpitis and periodontitis are difficult to treat: the dentist often has to resort to refilling. The main reasons why a tooth hurts after a dental procedure are:

  • untreated caries;
  • chronic pulpitis;
  • insufficient compliance with oral hygiene with sealed teeth;
  • improper drying procedure inner walls tooth
  • allergic reactions on the starting material of the filling mass;
  • incomplete therapy of inflamed gum tissue with periodontitis;

No nerve

Incomplete removal pulp along with poor-quality filling of dental canals can lead to the development inflammatory process in deep periodontal tissues. This complication endodontic therapy requires repeated medical intervention. However, only a specialist can accurately answer the question of why a tooth hurts after filling, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures. At the same time, some indirect symptoms may indicate that things are not the most in the best way:

  • severe, throbbing or aching pain in the area of ​​a recently treated tooth;
  • swelling of adjacent tissues;
  • difficulty in chewing and swallowing after tooth filling;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • bad smell from mouth.

Toothache after root canal filling

The development of events according to this scenario requires the patient to be vigilant in relation to his health. In the closed space of a diseased tooth, the infection spreads at a high speed. The danger lies in what might happen suppurative lesion bone or muscle tissue. This pathology is treated medications in a hospital setting. The situation can threaten with even more serious consequences, in case of suspicion or occurrence of which patients undergo an emergency prompt resolution of the problem.

Toothache on pressure

Doctors unanimously agree that pain in the first time after a filling is placed is an absolutely normal post-filling phenomenon. Often, patients turn to the dentist with complaints of discomfort when pressing, pressing, biting, drinking hot or cold. If the tooth aches after filling, then just try to “bypass” these provoking factors. Similar states are not considered pathological and are considered as the consequences of endodontic intervention in the form of damaged nerve endings.

How long can a tooth hurt after filling

Unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity may disturb the patient for a month after the procedure, which is explained by "getting used to" the new tooth. If you are interested in how much a tooth hurts after filling, then it is safe to say that this is a temporary phenomenon. Depulpated bone formation of the oral cavity usually does not bother patients much. If such a tooth suddenly really hurts, then this will be regarded as bright symptom accession of a secondary infection with its spread to nearby tissues.

What to do if a tooth hurts under a filling

Prevention of the disease consists in the exact implementation of medical recommendations. If you have been warned about a possible pain syndrome after filling, then do not worry. You need to start by removing food debris from the tooth, after which you can rinse your mouth with warm soda or saline. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take an anesthetic. However, you should not grab the pills every time if the syndrome continues for a long time after the filling. This condition needs an assessment of its future prospects by a specialist.

Taking pain pills

To date pharmacy chain offers the consumer a wide range of medications, many of which have large quantity side effects. This fact should be taken into account in patients with gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular pathologies. It is worth noting that to get involved in the reception dosage forms, even the most "harmless" is not worth it. It is necessary to respond to pain in the tooth after filling in a timely and deliberate manner. Take off obsessive syndrome you can use the following medicines:

  • Nurofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketorol;
  • Aspirin.

Traditional medicine recipes

The main advantage non-traditional methods treatment is practically complete absence side effects. rinses herbal teas, soda and saline solutions any age group population if a toothache. However, before starting practical application of any prescription, it is strongly recommended to check the components of the product for allergenicity. If the tooth hurts a lot after the filling procedure, then you can use the following tips:

  1. Celandine juice. Apply a freshly prepared remedy to the gum area several times a day. Pain syndrome usually goes away in 20-30 minutes.
  2. Applications with onion and garlic. Bring fresh raw materials to the state of slurry, after which it can be put in the form of an application on an aching tooth 3 times a day, covering it from above cotton swab.
  3. Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide. The solution is prepared from a proportion of 15 drops of peroxide to a quarter cup of water. irrigate oral cavity recommended after every meal.

Dentist visit

In a situation where the pain does not go away for a long time, and the patient experiences constant discomfort, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. Often, a few complaints that it hurts to press or bite is enough to identify the "cause of all the troubles." This is usually followed by the removal of the filling, re-treatment of the carious cavity, followed by the installation of a new filling on the already “dead” pre-pulped tooth.

Video: why a tooth aches after filling

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