What is better to eat in winter. Winter food. Teas and decoctions

Let's start with this aspect of proper nutrition. In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. For women, the average caloric intake (depending on weight and type of activity) can be 1800-2000 kcal. For weight loss, a deficit of 20% is needed (according to some sources - 500 kcal). You can calculate how many calories you consume in special applications for smartphones - this is the easiest option; or - use food calorie tables.

The normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be considered 3/3/4, although in winter time You can slightly increase the amount of protein. traditional advice- exclude simple carbohydrates- sweet, floury and baked. Give yourself one day a week when you treat yourself to your favorite dishes - arrange cheat meals.

What to eat in winter

In winter, we have a lack of many vitamins, in particular, vitamin D, which is produced by our body under the influence of sunlight. Of course, take in winter sunbathing not easy, but try at least once a week to arrange a day hiking, and also include cheeses, low-fat milk and eggs in the diet - they contain the “sunshine vitamin”.

It is very important in the cold season to use enough vitamin C - it helps us fight colds and is an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut. Include these foods in your daily diet.

It is very important to monitor the amount of protein in winter - we need it not only as an energy carrier, but also as a supplier of amino acids that are used by our body to build protection from negative external influences.

Be sure to include vegetable side dishes in your diet - it's tasty, healthy and varied. In addition, vegetables contain a large number of fiber, which is essential for normal functioning GIT. For those who are losing weight great importance has the fact that vegetables are quite low in calories.

Be sure to eat a lot of greens - parsley, onions, dill, arugula. This will add zest to your dishes and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Greens can be added not only to salads, but also used in the preparation of soups and side dishes - the taste of dishes will be brighter and more original.

Proper nutrition- guarantee of health and beauty. In winter, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of products and the preparation of a personal menu.

In the cold season, our body experiences serious stress: lack of vitamins, weakened immunity, exposure to viruses, hypothermia - all this is not in the best way affects the way you feel and look. However, proper nutrition during this period will help improve health and avoid many diseases.

Onions and garlic are natural antiviral agents, which
With regular use, they protect our body from many diseases.

10 principles of proper winter nutrition

Balanced diet
In winter, our body especially needs useful substances ah, so nutrition must be balanced and varied, containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Regular meals
Meals should be regular - every 3-4 hours. It not only promotes proper digestion without a set excess weight, but also gives the body the necessary energy for performance and heat retention.

carbohydrates for energy
In the cold season, you can not do without complex carbohydrates, which are rich in cereals, whole wheat bread, cereals, legumes, wholemeal pasta. These products are ideal for breakfast, as they charge the body with energy for several hours, improve health, and do not contribute to weight gain. Complex carbohydrates digested for a long time and are an excellent source of energy that nourishes, warms and gives strength for a long time. With a lack of these products, immunity decreases, chills are constantly felt and the body becomes more susceptible to colds.

Healthy proteins
In the cold season, you should increase the calorie content of food, but it is better to do this not at the expense of bakery products and sweets, but at the expense healthy proteins: poultry meat and fish, seafood, liver. Do not forget about dairy and sour-milk products. They protect the intestinal flora, on which human immunity directly depends. This will not affect the figure, but it will give the body everything it needs to stay in good shape in winter.

hot food and drinks
Hot food and drinks are always necessary for our body, and in winter period especially. Priority should be given to soups: they are quickly digested, help replenish water balance body, promote digestion and warm the body. In addition, when cooking products, a large amount of vitamins and nutrients are preserved. In winter, it is best to cook first courses on chicken broth: It is light and nourishing, and also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it especially recommended for colds.

Vitamin blanks
It’s not for nothing that homemade preparations are made just for the winter, because summer and autumn vegetables and fruits are useful even in canned and frozen form, especially pickles and tomatoes, pureed berries, green vegetables and quick-frozen mushrooms, as they retain their beneficial features which are so necessary for our body in winter. And sauerkraut and soaked apples, beloved by many, hold the record for the content of vitamin C and antioxidants. However, it is worth remembering that the most useful products are home-made, and not factory-made.

Preference for seasonal fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits are better to buy seasonal: cabbage different varieties, carrots, pumpkin, beets, turnips, persimmons, feijoa, citrus fruits. They contain maximum amount useful substances, unlike non-seasonal products, which even in winter are abundant in supermarkets and markets.

Sufficient liquid
In winter, our body needs less fluid than in summer. However, even in the cold season, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. Water is best for this. warm tea, compotes, decoctions of berries, as well as freshly squeezed juices from carrots and citrus fruits.

Adding spices
Various spices added to dishes help not only to diversify and improve the taste of food, but also affect protective functions organism. Especially useful are greens, onions, garlic, as well as spices: pepper, ginger, coriander and many others.

Benefits for immunity
One of better ways save immune system strong and protect yourself from colds and infections is the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in antioxidants. The most famous of them are: vitamin A or beta-carotene, vitamin C and E. They are the richest in fruits and vegetables that are purple, red, orange and yellow. To obtain the greatest benefit It is best to eat these foods raw or steam them.

The healthiest winter foods

Vitamins A and E are very useful for the skin, which in winter is exposed to adverse effects environment. They are especially rich in asparagus, beets, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, mangoes, turnips, greens, nuts, pumpkin, zucchini, spinach, potatoes, tangerines, tomatoes and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin C is one of essential antioxidants, affecting immunity, is found in large quantities in berries, broccoli, cabbage, grapefruits, kiwi, mangoes, oranges, bell peppers and green peas.

In winter, the body especially needs such trace elements as iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium. They are found in seafood, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains, dairy products and apples.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Katerina Kapustina

The material uses photographs owned by shutterstock.com

Have you ever noticed that in cold weather we want to eat more, because our body extracts energy from food. Therefore, in winter it is not recommended to go on diets.

It can be advised in no way to limit the consumption of carbohydrates - the main energy providers. That is, the diet should be a lot of vegetables, grains, fruits. You can also get energy from proteins (dairy products, meat, fish). But we need them more, as a plastic material - for the renewal and structure of cells. One more thing important rule, which should be observed both in winter and in summer - do not eat later than 4 hours before bedtime. Even one innocent apple you eat at night can not best service. The metabolism in a dream slows down, all the calories received by the body immediately go into fats, and not into energy.

Vitamin deficiency

It is not at all surprising that in cold and dark time We want to eat more during the day. In the human body during the cold season, the amount of minerals and vitamins that stimulate metabolism decreases (vitamins of group E, vitamin B, D, A, iodine and iron). Moreover, our biorhythms slow down. For this reason, losing weight, as well as doing intensive sports, is not recommended now. But in any situation - no one has yet canceled small loads (at least a ten-minute charge). Otherwise, just because of the lack of movement, depression threatens you.

By the way, if pressure allows, so as not to seize fatigue, in the morning you can cheer up a little with drops of ginseng (10-15 drops will be enough), Chinese magnolia vine, Eleutherococcus. Most importantly, do not drink stimulants after dinner - you may not fall asleep at all.

Freshly brewed green or black tea will serve well. But those who prefer coffee should be careful. After all, exhaustion in winter nervous system caffeine is the first step to Right way to depression.

best food in frost

- Porridge in the morning. The advice, although rather boring, but still try it - it is in morning time Cereals are able to charge for the whole day with energy. In addition, cereals with milk, especially oatmeal (hercules), stimulate digestion. Add a spoonful of honey to the porridge - two carbohydrates useful for us in one - that's the recipe for happiness!

- After dinner (but in no case before going to bed!) persimmon or banana is perfect for a snack. Both of them contain useful substances that contribute to the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness, which we really lack in winter.

- 3 colorful vegetables - make it a rule to eat them for dinner or lunch. Cucumber salad, tomato, and yellow bell pepper- the option is truly ideal.

- Bitter chocolate. 30 grams a day has never harmed anyone in this world. And useful substances, including antioxidants, will help both the whole body and the brain to survive the dark and cold time of the day.

In winter, for some reason, food harmful to the body is absorbed in huge quantities. Summer pickles open: pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, which go great with fried potatoes, sausages, sausages. And instead of fruits and fresh vegetables on the table are apricot jam and squash caviar. For female body in winter, even dairy products fall into the category of unhealthy foods, because they contain fats. And when there is no such opportunity to lead a mobile lifestyle, in cold weather, it is worth limiting the use of sour cream, cheeses, cottage cheese, and even more so butter. It is much easier to maintain a constant weight in the summer, as thin summer dresses reveal all the imperfections of the figure. Another thing is in winter, when you can wear a thick sweater and nothing superfluous will be visible.

Ideal food in the winter season

When it's cold outside, absolutely no unhealthy food- these are root crops, for example, radish, carrots, turnips, beets. Vegetables are perfectly digested by the body and do not fall in the stomach like an extra load. Except better digestion salads with these vegetables will give the whole body energy. Regulate in the body metabolic processes will help raw carrot containing potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Bring out the salt heavy metals from the body, and simply awaken the appetite will help radish, which is also a valuable source of B vitamins. To replenish vitamin C, be sure to eat leafy vegetables. Salads from beets, cabbage, spinach are vitamin, very tasty and healthy, they stimulate the work of blood cells in the body.

Cooking wisely

Even if misused useful products food may produce junk food. When cooking, it is important to consider in which foods vitamins are stored after cooking or frying. There are vitamins that are not resistant to heating, mainly vitamins C and B. When frying and cooking, vegetables in which vitamins A and E are present retain their beneficial substances. beneficial vitamins more is found in the peel than in the pulp, for example, in apples and cucumbers. But with potatoes, the situation is somewhat different. There are no nutrients in the skin of a potato. Limit the use of potatoes in any form in winter. So, the correction and the appearance of extra kilos without much difficulty contributes mashed potatoes. If you can't do without potatoes, replace it with mashed cauliflower. Only a frantic gourmet can distinguish it from ordinary mashed potatoes.

Good Habits

Harmful food can be considered any food consumed at night. It is important for women to remember that night trips to the refrigerator will not help in maintaining a slender figure. If there is an acute feeling of hunger, then before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or tomato juice, and as food you can eat a little mayonnaise without seasoning vegetable salad. Then digestion will not suffer, and sleep will be much stronger, and for breakfast you can eat apple puree or oatmeal with raisins and nuts. You should forget about coffee in general, but healthy food you need to drink herbal tea with milk or honey. In winter, it is extremely important to drink more liquid, so for lunch and dinner, always have mineral water, mint tea or plain boiled water with lemon. It is better to exclude juices in packages, since they do not contain anything other than sucrose, the rest are preservatives.

Snack on the go

Dry food not only gradually and imperceptibly pours into an ulcer, but also spoils the stomach and, moreover, the complexion worsens from it. If possible, it's always best to take the time to have a healthy, normal lunch with soup. At the same time, the soup should not at all be on meat broth, rich, on the contrary vegetable soups much more beneficial. But this does not mean that all women who want to become slimmer and not have problems with cellulite should give up meat broths. You can resort to one trick, it will help you enjoy the meat soup and not gain weight. Before eating, it is worth freezing the soup, and then all the fat will be on the surface, and only useful substances will remain in the liquid.

No wonder they call natural antibiotic. It contains many useful substances, the most valuable of which is allicin, the main active ingredient responsible for its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Alice Ramsay, a nutrition expert and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, claims that their research has shown that people who consume garlic and garlic spices often get sick much less than those who exclude this product from their diet.

“Garlic also helps keep healthy intestinal flora freeing the body of toxins, bacteria and viruses,” she says. In addition, nutrition experts and nutritionists recommend eating the most common fresh garlic, and not its counterparts in spices, because it active ingredients much more efficient. And although there is this product before work or important meetings If it doesn’t work, garlic can be added to salads, side dishes and hot dishes that are intended for dinner!

Chicken soup

Since childhood, grandmothers have told many that if you catch a cold, you need to eat. And they were right! Nutritionists confirm healing properties of this dish: it really speeds up recovery. Warm chicken soup, thanks high concentration protein and vegetables, saturates the weakened body with supervitamins, soothes the throat and helps to avoid dehydration. In addition, during the preparation of chicken broth, an amino acid called cysteine ​​is formed, which is similar to the medicine used to treat bronchitis. Yes, and in itself, hot chicken soup raises body temperature and respiratory tract by stopping mucus secretion. Here it is, a simple and effective winter dish for a cold!


In winter, our body suffers from a lack of sunlight and vitamin D, which is one of the main "defenders" against colds and flu. Numerous studies conducted by health and nutrition experts have shown that people with normal level vitamin D suffer from respiratory tract infections much less frequently than those who have less than the norm. You can fix this with food. Include foods rich in vitamin D in your diet, such as different types fish: sockeye salmon, tuna, sardines and many others. Of course, finding fresh fish in winter can be difficult, but even frozen or canned, it will be very useful.

Dairy products

Dairy products must be on the winter menu! They are rich in probiotics and lactobacilli, which help reduce colds and can also protect the body from these diseases. When choosing yogurt, kefir or curdled milk, do not forget to look at the packaging and give preference to those products that contain "live" and "active" lactic cultures. Better yet, make your own!


Many people associate the approach of the New Year with the smell of tangerines. It is these seasonal fruits that are most often on our table in the cold season. They are bright, fragrant, tasty and very healthy! However, other citrus fruits in these properties are not inferior to them. Oranges, grapefruits, pomelo are also the main sources of ascorbic acid. It is involved in the formation of immunity and protects the body from colds. So do not forget to buy citrus fruits: they are not afraid of winter cold! These fruits can be eaten fresh and also add to original salads, sauces and even hot dishes.

Teas and decoctions

In winter, there is nothing better than a cup of delicious and fragrant hot tea! The most useful in the fight against colds are green, white and red tea. They contain a large amount of useful substances - antioxidants and flavonoids, which provide their antiviral properties. However, no less tasty and healthy in winter and various decoctions herbs: chamomile, linden, wild rosemary, sage and others. In order not to get sick, you can also drink a decoction of rose hips. This is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements, organic acids and vitamin C, which is so necessary for us in the winter season!

Winter is a period of cold weather, snow and beriberi. Laziness, apathy, lethargy, bad skin and hair - all this from a lack of vitamins.

For most people, the word "vitamins" is immediately associated with a pharmacy. Because at the slightest ailment, people run to the pharmacists. But what if necessary complex vitamins can be obtained simply by eating certain products? It's much easier and more pleasant than swallowing drugs. After all, when the body lacks something, it suffers first of all appearance of a person: hair grows dull, nails break, complexion worsens, teeth crumble and much more. If you do not make up for the deficiency of vitamins in time, then this will not lead to anything good.

Top winter essentials

1. With the onset of cold weather, almost every person in the refrigerator can find a berry such as cranberries. And it's not in vain. Cranberries are a storehouse of vitamin C and PP. Vitamin PP helps to digest ascorbic acid. So this berry is one of the best ways to strengthen immunity. You can even cook cranberry juice and drink it for prevention. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty, just add a little sugar to it to taste.

In addition to C and PP, it contains iron, iodine, silver, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. And cranberry juice will not only increase and strengthen the immune system, but also remove all toxins and salts from the body. You can buy cranberries in almost any store or market, or you can pick them yourself.

2. Greens. You should dry more herbs in the summer, and in the cold season treat yourself to borscht with dried dill or other dishes with the addition of herbs. Dried herbs contain no less vitamins than fresh herbs. And, if they are dried, they will not take up much space, but they will bring great benefits.

In addition, you can grow fresh on the windowsill. green onion. And do not be lazy to do this, because it contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, C. But if green onions are purchased in a store, then it is best to keep it in water for an hour so that all nitrates that are harmful to humans come out .

3. Vegetables and fruits. Be sure to include carrots, cabbage, onions, beets, radishes, etc. in your menu. Each of these vegetables contains needed by the body vitamins. The same applies to fruits. But it is better to buy seasonal fruits.

Exotic fruits are also not to be feared. For example, in kiwi, there is a lot of vitamin C, fiber and other no less necessary vitamins, and mango and papaya are also quite useful. Pomegranate and citrus fruits are also rich in vitamin C - they should be a frequent guest in the house in the winter.

4. Sauerkraut. In it you can find vitamins such as sulfur, zinc, boron, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin C. This is much more useful than stew. Due to the fact that the fermentation effect occurs during the preparation of sauerkraut, this enriches it with acetic and lactic acids. These organic acids improve digestion. In addition to its usefulness, sauerkraut is a very tasty addition to the main dish.

5. Frozen or fruit. They are also a storehouse of vitamins. Stock up in summer various berries(strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries, etc.) in order to delight your loved ones with useful tasty compotes, cocktails, fruit jellies and even pies with berries in winter.

6. Ginger. It is a source of vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium. There are many recipes for ginger dishes. You can even drink tea with it.

7. Green tea . Many people know about the benefits of green tea. In addition to a huge amount of vitamins, it boosts immunity and is a strong antioxidant.

There are foods that are better not to eat in winter. These can be attributed potato, in which there are no vitamins left by winter.

Vitamins necessary for the prevention of beriberi

1. Vitamin D. First of all, it is necessary for the absorption of calcium in the body. A lack of calcium is brittle bones, sparse hair and crumbling teeth. In addition, vitamin D improves skin condition. You can find it in egg yolk, cheese, butter, fish (the largest amount is in sea bass, salmon), liver and dairy products.

2. Vitamin A. Eliminates peeling and dryness of the skin, helps smooth wrinkles, improves vision. You can find it in liver, meat, fish, milk, carrots, etc.

3. B vitamins. The lack of vitamins of this group is evidenced by brittle nails, loss and dull hair color, tearful eyes, cracked lips. To replenish the reserves of vitamins of this group, you should eat peas, rice, buckwheat, nuts, beets, etc.

4. Vitamin C. Especially relevant in winter. AT huge number found in rose hips, cranberries, citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut. Strengthens the immune system, is a powerful antioxidant, helps the production of "happiness hormones".

5. Vitamin E. It is the most powerful antioxidant, it is also able to stop the aging process, helps to supply cells with oxygen and protects them from damage, protects the body from nervous stress. To replenish the supply of vitamin E, you should eat spinach, vegetable oil and green vegetables.

By consuming just a few products every day, you can not worry about the condition of your hair, nails and skin and feel at 100%.

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