Is it bad to eat fried foods and why? Combine complex carbohydrates with healthy fats and protein. Best food for dinner

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, social events and balls, accompanied by dinner and buffet banquets, began late and dragged on until deep night. Today, many people continue to prefer "night" dinners, and when other people already have the tenth dream, they are drawn to the refrigerator to chew something.

In fact, it has not been established for certain whether such nightly gastronomic outings are harmful to our body. Some are of the opinion that if you really want it, then you can, while others argue about the dangers of overloading the stomach. So you can eat at night or not? Let's figure it out.

Eating at night: pros and cons

Those who are against nighttime snacking cite an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach, which causes inconvenience and prevents sleep (sometimes even until the morning). But sleep problems are the lesser of the evils. Late dinners and late night snacks lead to a change in body weight, adding extra pounds.

At the same time, those who abuse it agree with the diagnosis, but say that they cannot do anything with themselves. If the lover of night meals is limited in food, then soon his mood will absolutely deteriorate (he will become quick-tempered and irritable). Even the mantra “I don’t eat after six” rarely helps, a person begins to refine himself and independently sort foods into those that supposedly will not cause significant harm to health at any time of the day.

It will take remarkable willpower to force yourself to give up nightly gluttony, even if you really want to. Some compare this gastronomic struggle to trying to get rid of bad habits(for example, stop smoking).

As a result of numerous studies on the harm of late and night dinners, experts have come to the conclusion that the time of eating is less important than the number of calories absorbed at a time, as well as daily intake. No wonder there is such a saying: "eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy." This means that the last meal should be the lowest calorie. What doctors are sure of is that you should not fill your stomach with food before going to bed.

What can you eat at night?

So, we have already determined that if you really want to, then you can eat a little (especially if you absolutely cannot fall asleep on an empty stomach). To do everything right, you just need to know what from the contents of your refrigerator can be eaten at night. These should be foods that need very little to saturate, that is, the main thing is to satisfy the feeling of hunger and quickly go to bed in order to fall asleep sooner. Let's look at a list of foods that will not affect your body weight if eaten before bed.

  1. Before going to bed, you can eat one medium banana. The product is quite high-calorie, it will turn out to quickly satisfy hunger and not burden the stomach. The banana contains magnesium, which promotes muscle relaxation and also stimulates the production of serotonin and melatonin, the so-called sleep hormones.
  2. You can be satisfied with a small portion of oatmeal (if there is no banana). Oatmeal is generally useful regardless of the time of day. The product leads to rapid saturation. Season the dish oatmeal can a small amount flaxseed or crumbs almond. These foods will help you relax nervous system.
  3. Chamomile tea with honey has a calming and relaxing effect (it is widely known). If you think to saturate the empty chamomile tea may not be enough, then you can eat a piece of bread (preferably dark or with bran) as a bite to drink.
  4. A glass of hot milk with honey before bed excellent tool fall asleep quickly and easily. You will quickly saturate the stomach, all body systems will relax, the nervous system will calm down, which will certainly lead to falling asleep soon. Instead of milk, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt. Never eat a heavy meal before bed.

Another tip for normal digestion is the timing. For example, it is recommended that the last meal be taken no later than two hours before going to bed. Also, the time gap between the last meal of today and the first meal of tomorrow should be approximately 12 hours. That is, if you had dinner at eight o'clock in the evening, then you need to have breakfast no earlier than eight in the morning.

So, we found out that you can still eat at night. The main thing is to choose the right products and correctly calculate the time between meals. Therefore, you need to eat a little and those foods that lead to rapid satiety. Discipline and willpower in the diet will save you from problems with overweight and heaviness in the stomach.

Nutritionists around the world are arguing about whether eggs benefit our body or only harm. Experts cannot come to a consensus yet. So is it worth eating eggs at all?

Benefits of eggs:

  • Firstly, egg white very well absorbed and extremely useful, for example, for athletes. It contains protein, as well as amino acids that affect muscle growth. So if your goal is to "build" beautiful figure protein must be included in the diet.
  • Secondly, eggs are a low-calorie product, which, of course, all healthy lifestyle fans know.
  • eggs stimulate brain activity. The composition of chicken and quail eggs includes choline, which improves memory and promotes the activation of mental activity.
  • Eggs are good for vision. This product contains many antioxidants that can reduce the likelihood of cataracts and also protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Eggs strengthen the immune system due to the content of selenium in them. It is involved in hormonal processes that help trigger immune responses.

Harm of eggs:

  • Salmonella. This microbe is extremely dangerous for humans: once in the body, it can cause blood poisoning or intestinal disease. Be sure to wash your eggs before cooking, as well as your hands after each contact with the shell. Should not be eaten raw eggs, and also exclude fried eggs from the menu.
  • Eggs can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. This product is harmful for diabetics. Experts recommend that people suffering from this disease reduce their consumption of eggs.
  • Eggs - strong allergen. Especially the negative effect of this product can occur in young children.
  • Eggs contain cholesterol. Actually, it's about him. negative impact experts argue on the body most often. In the meantime, they have not come to a consensus, just remember that when eating eggs, you should know when to stop. You shouldn't eat more than two eggs a day. Just in case.
  • Eggs are high in nitrates. Specialist Research different countries show that this product accumulates a lot toxic substances and nitrates. Therefore, for young children, for example, eggs can be a serious danger.

Every person who monitors their diet has repeatedly thought about whether it is possible to eat eggs every day. Some people prefer to have breakfast exclusively with this product. They have up to 20 eggs per week. Others consider each such meal to be very harmful and capable of undermining already fragile health. This article will tell you about whether you can eat eggs every day. You will find out what the benefits of this product are and how nutritionists treat it. It is also worth mentioning what will happen if there are eggs every day.

About the product

Before you find out if you can eat eggs every day, it is worth saying that they are different. The most popular is chicken yolk and protein. also in recent times people began to use large quantities quail eggs. In addition, duck and goose products are suitable for food. However, not everyone will like them.

Since chicken products are very popular, it is about them that will be discussed Further. So, can you eat eggs every day? Consider the main points of view on this issue.

Is there too much cholesterol?

Many people believe that a boiled egg should not be eaten every day. All due to the fact that it contains cholesterol. In fact, this is a big misconception.

For quite a long time, scientists have found that eggs contain exceptionally useful (good) cholesterol. It helps liver cells and improves the condition of the blood. That is why there is no ban on daily use boiled eggs. It is worth noting that the product prepared in this way is the most useful of all other types.

The effect of protein on the body

Can you eat eggs every day? Certainly yes. If you are a professional athlete or just visiting gym then you need to eat more than one egg a day. This statement has a fairly simple explanation.

The egg contains a large number of squirrel. It is needed to grow muscle mass. If you do not make up for the deficiency of this substance through nutrition, then the body will simply begin to suck it out of the bones, brain and other systems. All this is fraught with consequences. That is why eating boiled eggs every day is not only possible, but also necessary.

It is worth noting that some athletes drink raw protein. The product in this form is practically not absorbed by the body. Whereas after boiling, you can get protein in the amount of 90-98 percent of the weight of the egg.

Effects on the skin and reproductive system in women

Is it harmful to eat eggs every day for the fairer sex? Many people believe that such a diet leads to obesity. This is a big misconception. Egg yolk is excellent for skin aging and maintains its elasticity. The product contains vitamins of groups B, A, K, E, D and PP. In addition, the egg transfers potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, iron, iodine and other substances to the body.

All these components not only provide favorable influence on bones, skin, hair and nails, but also partly regulate the work reproductive system. Scientists conducted an experiment and found that women who consumed several eggs a day for several years suffer less infertility, benign and malignant tumors uterus, appendages and mammary glands. The components of the product regulate the production of female sex hormones and help prevent many diseases.

Impact on human weight

It is a mistake to believe that eating eggs leads to obesity and fullness. The product contains a smart protein, which can be compared with meat in its effect on the body.

If you regularly eat a couple of boiled eggs for dinner in combination with vegetables and low-fat meals, then saturation will come faster and will have a longer lasting effect. This is what will help you not only not get better, but also achieve weight loss.

Eggs for children after a year

Can children eat eggs every day? Pediatricians and nutritionists answer this question in the affirmative. A growing body simply needs vitamins and protein, which are contained in the product.

As you already know, the egg contains vitamin D. This element is necessary for children for the normal absorption of calcium. A lack of a substance can lead to growth retardation and the development of rickets. That is why children not only can, but also need to eat eggs every day.

Useful product for men

A chicken egg contains phosphorus, zinc and selenium. These substances are simply necessary for every man for normal functioning sexual and reproductive function.

At daily use boiled egg spermogram in the representatives of the stronger sex showed nice results, while previously they were disappointing.

Why can't you eat eggs every day?

In spite of great benefit this product, some people should not abuse it. What is the harm of eggs, and why should they not be eaten daily?

Allergic reaction

If a person has a tendency to develop allergies, then doctors strongly do not recommend eating eggs every day. If you really want to receive such a dish, then you should give preference quail product. Unlike chicken eggs, it does not cause allergies.

Infant nutrition

Babies of the first year of life are not recommended to eat eggs every day. Even if your child already eats almost all adult food, the daily portion of the egg for him should be no more than a quarter of the yolk. Protein is allowed for use only after 12 months.

bad cholesterol

As you already know, eggs contain healthy cholesterol. However, if the product is used improperly, it can become bad and harm your blood vessels and heart.

If you like to eat fried butter eggs and add bacon or sausage to the dish, then do not expect anything good from such food. Such food should not be eaten every day. This can lead to a deterioration in well-being, the appearance of plaques in the vessels and the development of heart disease.

Influence of heredity

There are people whose liver works in such a way that all the received good cholesterol she recycles into a bad one. Remember if you had any relatives who young age suffered a heart attack or stroke. If yes, then you should not eat eggs daily. Limit the amount of this product to 3-4 pieces per week.

At hereditary disease veins lower extremities You should also limit the number of eggs you eat.

Summing up, or Brief conclusion of the article

So, now you know if you can eat eggs every day. You got acquainted with the benefits of this product and learned what harm can be from its use. Whether to eat eggs and in what quantity is up to you. If you are still tormented by this question, and you cannot find an answer to it, then you should visit a therapist and nutritionist. These experts will be able to choose a suitable diet and tell you whether it is possible in your case to eat eggs every day. You may need to take some tests first.

Eat right and on time. Be healthy!

Eggs are one of the most popular foods all over the world. The most widespread chicken eggs as the most accessible. However, eggs of all kinds of birds can be used as food, and even eggs of some reptiles (for example, turtles).

Is it bad to eat a lot of eggs?

Eggs are good source protein, which is digested much easier than meat, in addition, they contain almost all essential vitamins(with the exception of vitamin C), and many necessary human body minerals. It would seem that, based on such wonderful properties, the question of why you can’t eat a lot of eggs should not arise at all. Despite this, the debate among doctors about whether it is harmful to eat a lot of eggs has been going on for almost a hundred years. One of the main arguments against the consumption of this product is high content cholesterol in eggs. Indeed, the cholesterol content in one egg is 2/3 of the daily intake. But, at the same time, it contains lecithin, which helps to remove the so-called "bad" cholesterol from the body, and is also necessary for normal operation nervous system, heart and liver. In addition, there are still no sufficiently convincing studies proving that eating foods containing a large amount of cholesterol can significantly increase its content in the blood. Rather, there is a combination various factors, one of which is probably the genetic characteristics of individuals.

If you still decide to reduce the amount of cholesterol consumed with eggs, then it is enough to limit the use egg yolk, because this insidious substance is contained in it.

Harm of chicken eggs

The next argument in favor of the harm of eggs, especially chicken, is frequent allergic reactions to this product. This is especially true for small children. In this case, several recommendations can be made:

  1. If you are allergic to chicken eggs, you can try to replace them with eggs of other bird species (quail, turkey).
  2. You can first completely eliminate this product from use, and then begin to introduce it into the diet gradually and in small portions.
  3. Purchase eggs from another manufacturer. Maybe, allergic reaction caused not by the egg itself, but by additives to bird feed. Alternatively, so-called "organic" eggs, ie. eggs of chickens grown in natural conditions.
  4. The third, and perhaps the most important reason why eating a lot of eggs is unhealthy is the increased risk of salmonella infection.

Salmonellosis - acute intestinal infection, caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, is especially dangerous for young children. To avoid contracting this unpleasant infection, you need to follow a few simple rules:

And finally, there are diseases in which the use of eggs is really contraindicated:

  • cholelithiasis, eggs can provoke colic;
  • eggs should be used with caution in diabetes and kidney disease.

The question is answered by the head of the department of hygienic education and formation healthy lifestyle life of the population of the Rospotrebnadzor Department for the Irkutsk Region, candidate medical sciences Inga Zhdanova:

How many fish should you eat?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating at least three servings of fish per week. It should be remembered that a serving refers to 100 g of fish fillet without skin, bones and additional ingredients. However, as nutrition experts say, fish can be eaten at least every day. The main thing is not to overdo it with fat, as fish fat, despite all its benefits, no less calories than any other - 9 kcal per 1 g of fat. Therefore, if you want to replace some of the meat in your diet with fish in order to lose weight, be careful what kind of fish gets on your table. So, for example, in 100 g of fatty herring - 248 kcal, in the same amount of mackerel - 239 kcal, in the now popular salmon - 208 kcal. Two times less than in 100 g of fatty pork, but large portion could be a quarter daily ration by calories. For those who carefully count calories, suitable lean varieties fish with a calorie content of up to 100-120 kcal per 100 g: from river fish - pike, catfish, carp, crucian carp, bream and pike perch.

What kind of fish should not be eaten

Despite the fact that many consider well-salted salmon or sturgeon fillet to be healthy, it is too salty a product for regular consumption. For example, a salted side of salmon can contain up to 1.5 g of salt per 100 g, which is about a third of the maximum daily intake. For the same reason, it cannot be attributed to healthy meals salted herring, sprat, sprat, mackerel and their relatives from brine, with a few slices of which you can get the whole daily allowance salt. Dry salted fish is also oversalted.

Fish safety equipment

Not every fish is good for health, and some may even be dangerous. No need to buy:

Therefore, the first rule of cooking fish at home is heat treatment by all rules. The larvae die when the fish is boiled 20 minutes after the moment of boiling. big fish you need to cut into pieces weighing no more than 100 grams and fry for 20 minutes; small ones can be fried whole for the same time. Fish pie you will have to bake longer - 45-60 minutes.

Rule three: disinfection of fish from larvae is also possible with strong salting. To be completely sure of safety, the product must be kept in brine (200 grams of salt per 1 kilogram of fish), small fish - 10 days, medium (up to 25 cm) - 21 days, and large - 40 days.

By the way:

For those who regularly eat fried fish, the risk of developing a stroke increases, scientists from Emory University, Atlanta, USA, found out. The results of the study, published in the journal Neurology, showed that the number of strokes in study participants who ate mainly fried fish was higher than in the rest. Therefore, nutritionists recommend steaming or boiling fish more often.

The researchers also found that less than a quarter of the participants followed the recommendation to eat. oily fish at least twice a week. Therefore, the conclusion to reduce the risk of stroke is to eat fish more often and cook it in a different way than frying.

Good day to you, my wonderful readers! Many people think that eating dinner too late is bad, mainly because it promotes weight gain. And indeed, some food before bedtime interferes. But there are people who eat at night, and their weight does not change at all.

So is it harmful to eat at night, or is the harm of late raids on the refrigerator greatly exaggerated?

To get an answer to this question, let's dive into the processes that occur in our body at night.

A bit of physiology

Do you know that our youth has faithful defender and the custodian - the so-called growth hormone (somatotropin)? Thanks to this hormone, the renewal of body tissues, regeneration and recovery processes take place.

Growth hormone levels in young healthy person during the day it is approximately at the same level (with slight fluctuations), and at night it increases sharply, increasing by 5-10 times.

Night eaters and aging

If a person eats before going to bed, then his level of growth hormone instead of the prescribed 5-10 times increases by about 2-3 times. And this means that tissue regeneration, incl. muscle tissue will be small compared to what it could be if a person did not eat at night.

Moreover, an organism with a low level of growth hormone will age rapidly - after all, its renewal is insignificant.

Those. due to growth hormone deficiency, the aging process is accelerated.

But what about the extra weight?

Eating at night can really lead to the appearance of extra pounds.

Firstly, lovers of late dinners at night are less actively formed muscle- and after all, she intensively burns calories (moreover, she does this even in a dream).

Thirdly, the metabolic rate decreases.

In fact, there are many more reasons - these are just the main ones.

Is it bad to eat late in the evening or at night? It depends!

And here an interesting question arises.

Is it possible to have dinner late without such detrimental consequences?

Let's try to figure it out.

Proteins and fats are indigestible foods. Carbohydrates initiate the production of insulin - the more insulin, the less growth hormone is produced.

In fact, we are practically left in a dead end - and useful products not for overnight use. There is only one way out: move the meal 3-4 hours before bedtime.

But there is an exception to this rule: low-fat kefir (this is an easily digestible protein, which, by the way, is not so much in kefir - about 3%) and bran (this is fiber, on the contrary, it is not absorbed in the intestines, but gives satiety).

But it’s better to organize your meals during the day so that you don’t feel like eating before bed (how you can do this - read the article about). After all, the body is able to maintain its own youth if you do not interfere with it.

So, eating too late, especially if you do it regularly, is still harmful. Agree, no one wants to grow old voluntarily faster. Well, your youth is in your hands, so don't eat at night. Be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

    The environment affects us - it's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight here, and I couldn’t”, “yes, we’ll still remain fat”, “ good man there must be a lot." Well, let there be “many” of them - but what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy dishes should be. And then you will also become graceful - it's only a matter of time.

    To reduce the chance of overeating, stick to the 10 Calm Spoons rule. It says: "Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can."

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