The most effective eye drops for cataracts (list). Drops for the treatment of cataracts. Important antioxidants for vision

Any clouding of the lens of the eye is called. With the development of this disease, the function of the organ of vision is impaired. At the initial stages of cataract, conservative treatment with drugs that can slow down the rate of development of pathological processes in the lens is possible.

The main theory for the occurrence of cataracts is the aging of the lens fibers. After 40 years, the processes of lipid peroxidation in the body increase and the antioxidant protection of cells decreases. The transparent fibers of the lens gradually begin to become cloudy. That is, the development of opacities in the lens is a physiological process that appears in all people, but at different ages. Such a cataract is called senile.

What are the signs of a cataract?

In the initial stages, a cataract is manifested by a slight blurring of vision, the appearance of flies before the eyes, a feeling of sand in the eyes. When the turbidity increases in size, there is a decrease in vision, a change in color perception. The patient begins to see as if through a misted glass. With a central cataract, vision deteriorates in bright light, with a peripheral cataract - at night.

Mature cataract is characterized by almost complete loss of vision. The background of the pupil becomes not black, but white. At the same time, the patient is able to see light, to distinguish day from night.

There is no pain associated with a cataract. Vision decreases gradually and painlessly. The patient may notice that he needs to change his near and far glasses frequently.

Are drops effective for cataracts?

The only treatment for mature cataracts is the surgical removal of the lens and its replacement with an artificial lens. But in the initial stages of the disease with the help of eye drops, you can slow down the process of clouding of the lens, reduce the severity of symptoms. In addition, the use of special drops is necessary after surgery to prevent possible complications.

Types of drops

Eye drops to improve vision in cataracts differ depending on the active substance that is part of the drug, manufacturer, indications. Distinguish:

  1. Preparations for the treatment of initial stages.
  2. Drugs for the prevention of disease.
  3. Eye preparations used after surgery.

It must be remembered that any medication for cataracts (even with a completely natural composition) should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. He will determine the stage of the cataract and tell you which cataract eye drops are more effective in this case.

Drops for the treatment of cataracts

  1. Oftan-catahrom(may occur under the name Katahrom). Combined antioxidant drug with a reparative effect. Improves the exchange of nutrients between the lens and the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye, thereby reducing the rate of fiber aging. Activates cellular respiration. Oftan catachrom is one of the leading eye drops in the ranking of cataract eye drops.
  2. Quinax. The principle of action of this drug is based on its ability to stimulate enzymes that resolve lens opacities. Quinax increases the antioxidant protection of cells and slows down the process of changing protein molecules in the lens.
  3. Taurine. The substance improves metabolism in tissues, has a reparative effect. The composition contains an amino acid produced in the human body.
  4. Taufon. The drug is an analogue of Taurine. Improves energy processes in tissues, stabilizes the functions of cell membranes. With prolonged use, it restores normal metabolism in the structures of the anterior segment of the eye.
  5. Vita-Yodurol. The drug contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins and amino acids. Active active substances improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eyeball and prevent the deposition of protein molecules in the tissues of the lens.
  6. Catalin. Japanese remedy for cataracts. The drug prevents the transition of a water-soluble protein into an insoluble form. This slows down the growth of opacities in the lens.
  7. Cataxol. The drug protects the lens fibers from oxidation, dissolves opaque protein complexes.

Drops for the prevention of cataracts

  1. Ujala. Indian eye drops contain only natural ingredients. The drug has antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. With a course of admission, it reduces the rate of development of cataracts.
  2. Hey Pee Wee. The medicine is a combination of propolis extract and silver purified water. Slows down the development of degenerative processes in the lens.
  3. Vitafacol. The product contains synthetic antioxidants. Vitafacol improves cellular respiration and metabolic processes, preventing the development of cataracts.
  4. Khrustalin. The medicine contains antioxidants and B vitamins. Drops stimulate tissue regeneration and reduce the intensity of lipid peroxidation.

Medications after surgery

The length of the recovery period after cataract surgery depends on the type of surgery. With EEC (extracapsular cataract extraction), patients are prescribed antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating drugs for a long time - about 1 month. If the lens replacement surgery was performed through a small incision with a laser, these drugs are prescribed for 1 week.

In the postoperative period apply:

  1. Significef. Antimicrobial drug of the latest generation, related to broad-spectrum antibiotics. After topical application, it does not have unwanted systemic reactions. In the event of complications, the ophthalmologist may prescribe an antibiotic that acts on a certain type of microorganism.
  2. Diklo-F. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Drops relieve pain, reduce the severity of inflammation, redness of the eyes. In case of severe swelling of the eyelids, the doctor may recommend a longer use of the drops.
  3. Vitabact. Antiseptic drug. The use of Vitabact is possible for a long time, even after the antibiotic is discontinued.
  4. Korneregel. The medicine in the form of a gel has regenerating and moisturizing properties. The drug must be used in patients after EEC to prevent suture divergence. It is necessary to continue using for some time after the removal of the suture material. This will speed up healing.

What vitamins are needed for cataracts and glaucoma

Cataract is an eye disease characterized by clouding of the lens. With glaucoma, increased pressure inside the eye is noted, which negatively affects the entire organ. Both diseases can lead to serious consequences - blindness. Most often, these diseases develop after the age of 45, when the eyes lose their compensatory mechanisms and deplete their vitamin reserves. Statistics say that every fifth inhabitant of the planet over the age of 55 suffers from cataracts.

That is why it is very important to maintain the necessary amount of nutrients in the body in order to prevent the development of such health problems in the future.

What vitamins are needed for eye cataracts and other ophthalmic diseases:

Vitamin Beneficial features
A (retinol) It is considered the most important vitamin for the eyes. Helps improve vision, protects against various ophthalmic diseases. Deficiency leads to night blindness (inability to see at dusk)
C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin, which is responsible for the condition of all vessels and capillaries in the human body. In glaucoma, vitamin C reduces vascular permeability, which contributes to a better removal of excess fluid, has a beneficial effect on the retina, and protects against free radicals.
B1 (thiamine) Takes part in all metabolic processes in the body, prevents cell aging, helps in the functioning of the nervous system, which has a positive effect on vision
B2 (riboflavin) Reduces eye fatigue, protects the lens from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation
B6 (pyridoxine) Promotes the production of amino acids and improves the condition of nerve endings
E (tocopherol) One of the most effective antioxidants
PP (nicotinic acid) Takes part in redox processes in the body

Cataract patients are especially deficient in vitamins A, E and C. Regular intake of these vitamins reduces the risk of developing the disease by 90%

Also, with cataracts and glaucoma, a person feels a lack of such useful substances:

You can maintain a normal level of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the body with the help of good nutrition and taking vitamin complexes. Also effective in the prevention and treatment of eye diseases are vitamin drops.

Vitamin complexes for eye diseases

Vitamin preparations help to fill and prevent the lack of nutrients in the body, which can provoke the appearance of vision problems and complicate the course of existing diseases. For example, it is known that with cataracts and glaucoma, patients have hypovitaminosis A, E, C and a lack of other useful substances.

Some popular vitamins for glaucoma and cataracts are:

  • Strix. The complex contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person, as well as selenium and zinc, which are beneficial for the eyes. The drug has a pronounced neuroprotective effect, slows down the aging process, controls the circulation of fluid inside the eye. The complex is allowed for adults and children over six years old.
  • Vitrum Vision. Vitamin-mineral complex with blueberries, lutein and pigments that protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Vitamins Vitrum Vision relieve dry eyes and fatigue. Regular intake reduces the risk of cataracts and other diseases. The tool is recommended after surgery and as an adaptogenic drug that protects and restores the retina.
  • Tienshi. It has a wide range of useful properties that affect all structures of the eye organs - restores the cornea, normalizes intraocular pressure, tones and strengthens blood vessels, slows down the atrophic processes of the optic nerve head.
  • Complivit Oftalmo. An effective remedy against glaucoma and its consequences.
  • Focus. The tool helps to restore and expand the boundaries of vision in cataracts, slows down aging, improves color perception, restores the ability to see at dusk and protects from harmful sunlight.
  • Blueberry Forte. Contains blueberry extract and vitamins that protect the eyes from negative environmental factors. The tool is able to improve the metabolism in the cells of the eyes, which contributes to the prevention and more effective treatment of cataracts.
  • Visiomax. A tool that helps slow down age-related changes in the eyes and compensates for vision problems in diabetes. Therefore, these vitamins are especially recommended for the elderly and diabetics.
  • Okuvayt Lutein. A dietary supplement with antioxidant properties slows down the aging process throughout the body, prevents the appearance of cataracts, including in diabetics.
  • Lutein Complex. The drug contains lutein, useful for the eyes, which accumulates in the lens and is partially transported to zeaxanthin. The tool has a preventive effect against cataracts and prevents cell aging in the eyes.
  • Doppel Hertz eye vitamins. The drug is an antioxidant, improves vision and color recognition, protects against age-related changes, cataracts and retinal diseases.

Drops with vitamins for the eyes

Recently, all kinds of eye drops with vitamins have become often used in the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases. Unlike tablets, drops act faster, since the active substances enter the eyes immediately.

Effective eye drops:

  • Taufon. Drops are prescribed for radiation, senile and traumatic cataracts. They restore eye tissues, activate functional metabolic and energy processes, increase the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Quinax. These drops are an effective tool in the treatment of congenital, age-related, secondary and traumatic cataracts. They contain azapentacene, which protects the lens protein from oxidation and helps maintain transparency.
  • Vitafacol. An effective remedy for cataracts. Contains nicotinamide, adenosine, sodium succinate, cytochrome C. Drops are a powerful prophylactic against cataracts, as they contribute to the activation of metabolic processes in the lens.
  • Vita-Yodurol. Drops are prescribed for all types of cataracts. They contain magnesium and calcium chloride, nicotinic acid, adenosine, which prevent the accumulation of protein in the lens, improve metabolism, blood circulation inside the eye.
  • Khrustalin. The tool improves vision with cataracts and protects against the development of other eye diseases. Contains sodium succinate, nicotinamide, cytochrome C, adenosine, benzalkonium chloride. Promotes DNA repair in tissues, helps generate energy for the eyes and prolongs the life of lens cells. Also, the drops improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye, relieve inflammation, protect against pathogenic microbes and free radicals.
  • Oftan Katahrom. As part of the drops: nicotinamide, cytochrome C, adenosine, sorbitol, hexahydrate, sodium succinate, sodium phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, water. The tool strengthens capillaries, prevents aging, removes harmful substances, improves metabolic processes and regulates the balance of fluid inside the eye, improves blood circulation.

Drops should be prescribed only by the attending physician, as improper treatment can worsen the course of the disease and cause complications.

Vitamin preparations in tablets and drops help not only in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, but also protect healthy eyes from various diseases. Useful substances in the composition nourish and restore cells, saturate them with energy, prevent age-related changes and improve vision.

In addition to the timely treatment of eye diseases, it is important to eat right. What products are harmful to vision can be found in the video below.

A cataract is an eye disease in which the lens becomes cloudy, which causes all sorts and severity of vision problems, sometimes to the point of losing it.

Causes of a cataract:

  • genetic factor;
  • injury to the eye by mechanical, chemical means;
  • the presence of myopia, glaucoma, beriberi, diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases;
  • exposure to ultraviolet, microwave, radiation;
  • medications (as a side effect);
  • ecology;
  • smoking;
  • poisoning with such toxic substances as: thallium, mercury, naphthalene, ergot, dinitrophenol.

Symptoms of a cataract:

  1. 1 picture that appears in front of the sore eye "as if in a fog";
  2. 2 multi-colored stripes (spots, strokes) flash before the eyes;
  3. 3 often seeing double;
  4. 4 the appearance of a "halo" in bright light;
  5. 5 difficulty reading in poor light, small print;
  6. 6 with the further development of the disease, the white spot becomes black and vision disappears.

There are the following types of cataracts:

  • congenital;
  • traumatic;
  • radiation;
  • complicated;
  • cataract due to general diseases of the body.

As can be seen from the list, cataracts are divided according to the causes of its occurrence.

There are such stages of cataract development:

  1. 1 initial (the lens becomes cloudy behind the optical zone);
  2. 2 immature (clouder moves to the center of the optical zone, while vision is noticeably reduced);
  3. 3 mature (the whole lens is clouded, vision is very reduced);
  4. 4 overripe (the fibers of the lens disintegrate, it becomes white, and homogeneous).

Useful foods for cataracts

To improve visual activity and get rid of cataracts in the future, it is necessary to consume a lot and variety of fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamins of groups A, C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin. Also, it is necessary to drink 2.5 liters of pure, purified from bad impurities, water per day (not counting coffee, tea, juices, compotes).

Vitamin A can fill the body by consuming:

  • cheeses (processed and hard);
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • seaweed;
  • broccoli;
  • sweet potato;
  • oysters;
  • garlic;
  • liver.


  • fresh juices from orange, grapefruit (and, directly, citrus fruits themselves);
  • papaya;
  • green bell pepper;
  • broccoli and any other types of cruciferous;
  • melon;
  • kiwi;
  • honeysuckle;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • tomato juice;
  • horseradish.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in:

  • sunflower seeds and oil;
  • peanuts and peanut butter;
  • almonds;
  • hazelnuts;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • walnuts;
  • spinach;
  • marine products (squid, eels, salmon);
  • wild rose and viburnum;
  • spinach and sorrel;
  • oatmeal, wheat and barley porridge.

Lutein and zeaxanthin in the body will come from:

  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • turnip (especially its leaves);
  • corn;
  • yellow bell pepper;
  • green peas;
  • tangerines;
  • persimmon.

Traditional medicine for cataracts

There are many different ways to deal with cataracts. Consider the most effective.

  1. 1 Potato sprout tincture. It is necessary to separate the sprouts from the potatoes, rinse, chop, dry. The tincture must be prepared on the basis that 100 milliliters of vodka requires ½ tablespoon of dry, chopped sprouts. This healing infusion should be infused for two weeks. Then it needs to be filtered. Take three times a day, 1 teaspoon a quarter of an hour before meals (up to 3 months). Treatment in this way can be carried out several times until complete recovery.
  2. 2 Honey and products from it are well suited for the treatment of senile cataracts. Take honey from honeycombs, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:2. Drip these drops to both the sick and the healthy eye four times a day.
  3. 3 Eye lotions from herbs: calendula (inflorescences), eyebright (erect), cornflower. They should be done before bed.
  4. 4 Aloe juice can be treated in several ways: as drops and in the form of lotions or just wipe the eyes. The older the flower, the stronger its healing properties. For lotions and rubbing the eyes, the juice should be diluted with warm boiled water (proportion 1:10).
  5. 5 Lotions and a compress from fennel seeds. Take 30 grams of seeds, rinse, dry, pass through a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar. Place in a bag made of gauze. Heat water, dip a bag of seeds into it, hold for a few minutes. Take out. Wait until the bag cools down to an eye-tolerant temperature. Apply to the eye and squeeze the resulting juice from the bag into the eye. Dip, let cool, lie on your back and make a compress. Keep until cool. Repeat these procedures twice a day. Treatment will take about one and a half to two months.
  6. 6 Grapevine juice helps with cataracts. It needs to be dripped into the eyes after 2 hours for 2 weeks. The method will be more effective if you do eye exercises.
  7. 7 Onion juice for cataracts. Squeeze the juice from the onion, dilute with water (1 to 1). Water must be distilled or filtered. You can add some juice from

Lack of vitamins in the diet is one of the key factors that causes cataracts. Non-surgical methods cannot cure lens opacity, however, degenerative processes can be slowed down by taking certain vitamins. Some of them are included in the composition of eye drops, which are prescribed for the treatment of cataracts.

The risk of developing cataracts increases in people over 55 years of age. This is due to the deterioration of metabolic processes in the body. If you do not carry out prevention of eye nutrition, the likelihood of clouding of the lens will increase every year. However, regular eye examinations and preventive vitamin therapy, even in the elderly, will minimize the development of cataracts.

Vitamin deficiencies and cataracts

Vitamins E, C, A, trace elements Se and Cr reduce the effect of free radicals on the body. In old age, there is a lack of Mn, Cu, Zn and glutathione in the body. Glutathione is produced by the body, but only with sufficient intake of selenium. Degenerative processes in the lens are stimulated by a lack of vitamin B3 and riboflavin. With a lack of manganese and selenium, even sufficient intake of vitamins B, C and beta-carotene will not be able to reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

The effect of vitamins on the eyes

1. Vitamin A, axerophthol - important for the functioning of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye. The lack of a substance causes dryness, decreased vision at dusk, myopia, contributes to conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids and a general decrease in immunity.
2. Vitamin C - protects the organs of vision from free radicals and other negative effects, supports the vessels of the eye, reduces fatigue.
3. Vitamin E - an antioxidant that slows down the aging process. Regular intake of the vitamin greatly slows down the development of glaucoma and lens opacity.
4. Vitamin B1, thiamine - reduces eye muscle fatigue, improves binocular vision, eliminates pain in the eye, stimulates the optic nerve.
5. Vitamin B2, lactoflavin - improves vision at dusk, reduces fatigue, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the cornea.
6. Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid - improves blood supply to the eyes and metabolic processes.
7. Vitamin B6, adermin - stimulates metabolism at the cellular level, prevents the development of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the optic nerve.
Vitamin and mineral complexes

There are no special vitamin complexes and dietary supplements for the treatment of cataracts. There are only vitamin complexes that have a positive effect on the organs of vision in general. For the treatment of a certain pathology, an ophthalmologist can prescribe a certain complex of vitamins, the composition of which, in his opinion, will have the most beneficial effect in this particular case.

Vitamin complexes that slow down cataracts

  • "Okovit" - a dietary supplement with blueberry extract. It activates the metabolism in the eyes, relieves fatigue, slows down the development of cataracts.
  • Riboflavin (tablets, eye drops) - recommended for people whose work is associated with significant visual stress.
  • Vitrum, Duovit with beta-carotene - with deterioration of visual acuity at dusk.
  • "Blueberry Forte", "Strix Forte", "Lutein Complex" - stop clouding of the lens with concomitant myopia or hyperopia.
  • "Anthocyan forte" - contains extracts of blueberries and black currants. Indicated in the development of cataracts on the background of diabetes mellitus. The complex contains blueberry anthocyanins, which have a beneficial effect on the lens and retina of the eye.

Each vitamin complex has one or more basic elements. The remaining substances contained in it are secondary and are intended for the general maintenance of the state of all structures of the eyeball. Their action is preventive.

The lack of vitamins can be one of the factors in the occurrence and development of cataracts. Unfortunately, if this process has already begun, it is impossible to cure the disease with conservative methods. However, it is often possible to significantly slow down the clouding of the lens by regularly taking the missing vitamins. Some of them are part of the eye drops prescribed for cataracts. In this article, we will look at the effect of taking vitamins in the form of tablets on the course of the disease.

According to statistics, the majority of patients with cataracts are elderly and elderly people. After 55 years, every fifth person in varying degrees, there are changes in the lens in terms of transparency and elasticity. This indicates that fading metabolic processes significantly increase the risk of developing cataracts. If preventive measures are not taken to maintain the proper level of eye nutrition, then every year the risk of onset of the disease increases rapidly. At the same time, systematic monitoring of the general condition and regular diagnostics of visual functions, preventive courses of vitamin therapy, a varied diet and an active lifestyle - even in older people, these measures can minimize the risk of lens pathology.

Many studies confirm the close connection of the onset of the disease with the toxic effects of free radicals. Their effect on the whole body as a whole and, in particular, on the eyes, is much lower if vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, chromium and selenium are supplied in sufficient quantities.

  • Statistics show a lack of vitamin C in most patients with cataracts.
  • There is also a deficiency of zinc, copper, manganese and glutathione. Glutathione is not ingested with food, but is produced within the body itself.
  • If there is a lack of selenium, then the synthesis of this substance is disturbed.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B3 and riboflavin can also cause the onset of changes in the lens.

Laboratory studies show that most cataract patients experience an acute deficiency of manganese and selenium, and as a result, substances whose absorption and synthesis are associated with these elements.

Even with sufficient intake of vitamins B and C and beta-carotene, their beneficial effect against the background of such a deficiency becomes ineffective.

Let us consider what effect both the lack and the intake of certain vitamins and important micro and macro elements have on cataracts and vision in general.

Vitamin A(retinol) plays an important role in the functioning of the visual system, it is especially important for the functioning of the mucous system of the eyes and affects the condition of the cornea. Lack of retinol causes dryness, reduced immunity and, as a result, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc. Also, a deficiency of this vitamin can cause myopia and reduced visual acuity at night.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) protects the eyes from the toxic effects of free radicals, increases immunity and resistance to negative influences. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in maintaining the health of the vessels of the eye, reduces the fatigue of the visual system.

Vitamin E- an antioxidant that also reduces the harmful effects of toxins and slows down the aging process. Many patients have a significant slowdown in the development of cataracts and glaucoma with regular intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin B1 associated with the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause serious impairment of visual functions, decreased binocular vision, pain and cramps in the eyeball, increased fatigue of the eye muscles.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) is often included in the scheme of conservative treatment for corneal dystrophy. With a lack of this vitamin, “night blindness” is observed (a significant decrease in visual acuity at dusk), profuse tearing, fatigue and ruptures of the blood vessels of the eyeball.

Video about vitamins for vision

Vitamin B3(niacin) is used to increase blood supply to the eyes and speed up metabolism.

Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) regulates cellular metabolic functions. Disturbances in these processes can cause inflammation of the optic nerve and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin) - an element of the synthesis of red blood cells. The lack of this vitamin leads to early aging, dullness and tearing of the eyes.

Calcium strengthens the tissues of the eye. With myopia, it is mandatory to control the calcium content and maintain its abundance in the body not only by taking the right doses, but also by combining it with vitamin D, which regulates its absorption.

Zinc affects the rate of development of glaucoma and cataracts. Included in the scheme of conservative treatment in most cases according to the results of the diagnosis.

Lutein actively binds free radicals, protects eye structures from the negative effects of light rays, preserves and protects the retina from toxins, and reduces the risk of developing many pathologies.

It is worth mentioning one more useful substance in a special way. The beneficial effect of blueberries on vision has long been noted. Scientific research confirms these observations. The action of this natural product is more effective than many drugs. Blueberries contain powerful antioxidants that prevent aging, the development of mutations and pathologies, and protect the retina from toxic effects. In a number of diseases, it not only slows down the development of the disease, but also restores the collagen structures of the elements of the visual system. Blueberries are recommended for glaucoma and cataracts, as well as visual impairment in diabetic patients.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

There are no specific vitamins or vitamin complexes for the treatment of cataracts. As a rule, such drugs have a wide scope for various pathologies of vision. An ophthalmologist, knowing the composition and action of vitamin-mineral complexes in each case and based on diagnostic data, prescribes the most effective medicine. As a rule, each complex is designed to replenish one or more elements. The remaining substances included in it serve to maintain the health of all structures of the eye and act prophylactically.

"Okovit with blueberries" slows down the clouding of the lens and relieves fatigue, and also activates metabolic processes.

Riboflavin in the form of tablets or eye drops is recommended for people whose professional activities are associated with eye strain, who read a lot or spend time at the monitor.

With progressive myopia or hyperopia, Strix, Lutein Complex, Blueberry Forte, etc. can slow down the development of the disease.

In case of visual impairment at dusk, it is necessary to replenish vitamin A. It is contained in the vitamin complexes "Duovit" and "Vitrum with betacarotene".

If a cataract has developed against the background of diabetes, Anthocyan Forte is recommended, containing increased concentrations of blueberry anthocyanins, which protect not only the lens of the eye, but also the retina.

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