Proper diet for gout during an exacerbation. Diet for gout: traditional and new nutritional recommendations Menu for gout during an exacerbation

Proper nutrition helps every person feel better, maintain strength, vitality and performance throughout life. In some cases, a well-composed diet helps to improve the body and even eliminate many pathological conditions. For some diseases, doctors strongly advise their patients to exclude frankly harmful foods from the diet, and saturate the diet with healthy food. Proper balanced nutrition is also necessary for acute illness, in which there is a violation of protein metabolism. Let's talk about what the diet for gout should be like, we will give an approximate menu for the week during the exacerbation period.

With an exacerbation of gout, the patient develops acute pain, swelling and severe redness of the problem joint (one or two). Such an acute condition in most cases lasts for several days, and in the absence of adequate correction it can last even weeks. For the treatment of exacerbation of gout, the patient must comply with bed rest, adhere to dietary nutrition and take medication prescribed by the doctor.

Diet for gout during an exacerbation

With an exacerbation of gout, the patient is shown nutrition according to diet No. 6e. In this case, it is desirable to make up the diet mostly from liquid food. A patient with such a diagnosis should take jelly, fruit (citrus) and vegetable juices. Lactic acid drinks, various vegetable soups and compotes will benefit.

With an exacerbation of gout, the diet is significantly reduced, but fasting is categorically contraindicated. With an interval of a day, the patient needs fasting days. Nutrition in this case is aimed at alkalizing the body and reducing the volume of uric acid. On a fasting day, the diet can consist of one and a half kilograms of vegetables or fruits, four hundred grams of cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir, or one or two liters of kefir.

Diet in the first two days of exacerbation

In the morning on an empty stomach, the patient needs to drink half a glass of warmed or the same amount.
Breakfast is half a serving of thin oatmeal with milk and one glass of milk.

After two hours, the patient can drink a glass.
Lunch may consist of vegetable pureed soup (half portion) and milk jelly.
An afternoon snack should be made from carrot juice in the amount of one glass.

For dinner, prepare a liquid rice porridge with milk (again, half a serving) and a glass of fresh fruit compote. Two hours later, the patient can drink a glass of kefir, and just before a night's rest, it is worth drinking a glass of tea with milk without adding sugar.

From the third day of exacerbation, the diet can be gradually expanded after consulting a doctor.

Third day

On an empty stomach, let the patient drink a glass of rosehip broth. Make the first breakfast from tea with milk and sour cream. The second breakfast may consist of a glass of fruit juice. For lunch, prepare a small portion of rice soup with potatoes, such a dish should be cooked only on vegetable broth. Also for lunch, you need to fry cabbage cutlets and boil dried fruit compote. An afternoon snack may consist of a decoction of wild rose. And for dinner, you should prepare an omelette, a couple of carrot slices with prunes and a glass. Just before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Fourth day

On an empty stomach, drink a rosehip decoction. The first breakfast is made up of tea with milk, coleslaw and sour cream. A glass is suitable for a second breakfast. For lunch, cook vegetarian borscht and milk jelly. For an afternoon snack, rosehip broth is perfect. Dinner may consist of buckwheat porridge with milk, as well as cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables. Drink a glass of fruit juice before bed.

Fifth day

On an empty stomach, drink a glass of rosehip broth. The first breakfast may consist of tea with milk and prunes baked with cottage cheese. Fruit juice is a great option for a second breakfast. Lunch is composed of cold beetroot and vegetable stew. An afternoon snack may consist of a rosehip broth, and dinner may consist of oatmeal milk porridge and fruit jelly. Just before going to bed, you should drink a glass of fresh apple compote.

Sixth day

Drink a glass of wild rose broth on an empty stomach. Breakfast consists of tea with milk and beetroot salad in vegetable oil. The second breakfast may consist of tomato juice. And for lunch, you can cook barley vegetable soup, as well as cabbage schnitzel fried in vegetable oil. Grape juice is a great option for an afternoon snack. And dinner can be made up of carrot cutlets with sour cream and fruit jelly. Just before going to bed, you can drink yogurt.

Seventh day

On an empty stomach in the morning it is worth drinking rosehip broth. The first breakfast is made up of tea with milk and cucumber salad. Fruit juice is a great option for a second breakfast. Lunch may consist of rice potato soup with vegetable broth, as well as cabbage fried cutlets. For an afternoon snack, prepare a rosehip broth. And for dinner, an omelette, stewed carrots and tea with lemon will be an excellent option. Just before going to bed, drink compote of dried fruits.

With gout, people have to give up many familiar dishes. But following a diet helps to reduce the period of exacerbation and achieve a long-term remission.

Gout is a chronic joint disease that is accompanied by quite severe pain and other symptoms. Naturally, it is necessary to carry out its treatment, since the quality of life significantly worsens in patients, as their mobility is limited.

It is possible to cope with pathology at home, if you follow all the recommendations of doctors. Diet for gout, the patient needs first of all.

At the same time, the diet prescribed by the doctor should be observed not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also during remission. Every day you need to monitor your diet.

Proper nutrition for gout is a guarantee of human health and a guarantee of reducing cases of exacerbation of pathology.

Gout is a disease associated with disorders of the body's metabolic processes. Therefore, a balanced diet for gout is very important for treatment.

The reason for the appearance of the disease lies in the increased concentration of uric acid in the body, the salts of which are deposited in the joints. A diet that must be followed every day allows you to reduce its amount in the blood, since the kidneys cannot cope with this on their own.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, the symptoms of gout appear in men who have reached the age of 40. In women, pathology develops with the onset of the postmenstrual period. It should be noted that gout can affect almost all joints, but is most often observed on the legs.

If the diet is not followed during the onset of gout symptoms, then relapses can occur periodically, because the disease cannot be completely cured.

Gout has an acute onset. The pain often appears at night.

At the same time, uric acid salts are first deposited in the large joints of the toes, knees, and feet. Symptoms of gout usually appear very strongly, so it is difficult to confuse gout with other joint pathologies.

If you do not follow a diet during the treatment of gout at home, then the pathology can spread to all joints.

An increased concentration of uric acid salts is observed not only in the articulation itself, but also in the ligamentous apparatus, cartilaginous membranes, causing inflammation. Naturally, one day gout can manifest itself in full force. Pathology has the following symptoms:

  • strong pain;
  • redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • an increase in local temperature;
  • the appearance of swelling.

Affected men usually show symptoms early in the morning or in the middle of the night. The acute period can last as one day, or more than 3 days.

During the day, the symptoms of gout may decrease somewhat in intensity, although the pain increases again in the evening. At the same time, a man can talk about those violations in the diet, which is usually developed by a doctor for gout.

There are other signs of the manifestation of the disease: outgrowths of bone tissue appear on the arms or legs. Despite the fact that men have developed gout or women, the patient should definitely consult a doctor.

This will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, start appropriate treatment and make the right diet.

A balanced diet with the development of gout will help to forget about exacerbations for a long time.


Diagnosis involves a visual examination of the joint affected by gout, x-rays, as well as laboratory blood and urine tests. X-ray allows you to determine the state of the articulation, the presence of osteophytes.

Laboratory tests make it possible to note an elevated level of uric acid in the blood. The symptoms and signs described by a patient with gout help to prescribe adequate treatment.

Depending on the degree of concentration of uric acid in the patient's body, medications may be prescribed to help eliminate it.

Diet principles

You can get rid of the disease at home, since there is no need for a hospital. Therapy involves the observance of the correct diet - a diet that is the main method of treatment and prevention of relapse in gout.

An approximate diet menu for gout is made by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and concomitant diseases. It should be aimed at eliminating the elevated level of uric acid in the body, as well as signs of pathology.

To do this, a man must review his diet for every day and follow a certain diet.

Products for gout should not contain purines, which are converted into uric acid (a table of prohibited and permitted products will be presented below).

The list of such products includes almost all vegetables and fruits, so the food for gout patients is basically similar to the menu of vegetarians. Recipes for gout dishes are not intricate or complicated, however, they must be prepared correctly, and all ingredients for the diet must be taken from the list in the table of allowed foods.

Therapeutic nutrition for gout will help the patient quickly get rid of unpleasant and painful symptoms at home. However, the use of fatty or spicy foods can provoke a relapse and an increased level of uric acid in the body quickly enough.

For example, the maximum amount of purines contains coffee, the use of which can provoke an attack. Alcohol, especially beer and grape-based drinks, can also contribute to this, so they are excluded from the diet.

Proper nutrition during an exacerbation of gout or remission must be carried out every day. Since it is necessary to be treated at home, the patient must have a desire to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, and willpower not to disturb the diet.

The table of allowed foods for gout, as well as the recipes presented below, will help to create an individual menu, taking into account all the characteristics of the body and the pathology of the patient.

Food during gout treatment can be tasty and varied. Nutrition, which should meet the requirements of the body for gout, does not imply too strict restrictions, however, it contributes to a proper lifestyle.

The main types of diets used

Nutrition for gout is most often organized according to several basic diets.

Number 6

Most often, for gout, a therapeutic diet stop number 6 is prescribed. It is also used to treat diseases of the urinary system, diathesis, and cystinuria.

The nutrition system is based on the normalization of urea production and the restoration of an acceptable urine environment.

The benefit of diet #6 is to limit the intake of purine-containing foods, ethanedioic acid and the predominance of foods that help restore metabolism in the diet.

Preparing food for such a menu is very simple: meat and fish need to be boiled or steamed. On the basis of boiled products, you can prepare a second dish. The main thing is to observe the frequency of meat consumption (up to two or three times a week).

The full menu of diet number 6 for gout should include:

  • daily protein intake - up to 90 g;
  • daily fat intake - up to 90 g;
  • daily intake of carbohydrates - 400 g;
  • total daily calorie content - up to 2900 kilocalories.

diet for obesity

Another type of medical nutrition for gout is diet number 8. It is prescribed if the patient suffers from obesity of any degree.

Obesity is the result of overeating, it puts an additional burden on the body and exacerbates the current disease. The essence of the diet is to reduce excess fat in the tissues.

Calorie content is supported by proteins and a reduction in the percentage of fats, carbohydrates are practically excluded:

  • up to 130 g of proteins;
  • up to 80 g of fat;
  • about 120 g of carbohydrates;
  • up to 2000 kilocalories per day.

Diet menu number 8 suggests:

  1. Consumption of rye or bran bread, vegetable soups, occasionally lean beef, chicken main courses, lean fish.
  2. Fish and meat can be boiled, stewed or baked.
  3. Cereals and pasta are practically excluded. From dairy products, it is allowed to use kefir and low-percentage cottage cheese.
  4. You can eat no more than two eggs per day.

Menu for sick hands

A diet for gout on the hands involves the normalization of the percentage of urea in the body, as well as an improvement in metabolism in general.

Foods containing a lot of purines are excluded from the daily diet.

At the same time, the consumption of eggs, fruits, vegetables, cheese and milk is allowed. With an exacerbation of the disease and severe pain in the hands, it is necessary to completely exclude meat, fish, broths, smoked meats, canned food, spices, cakes, chocolate and alcohol.

The daily menu may contain foods such as squid, shrimp, vegetable soups, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals, pasta, citrus fruits and vegetables.

With strict adherence to the menu proposed by the doctor, the pain when moving the brushes will gradually decrease.

Sample menu for the week

First day:

  • breakfast: sandwich with bran bread and cheese, corn flakes, orange juice;
  • lunch: vegetable salad, a slice of low-fat ham, baked potatoes;
  • dinner: baked fish, vegetable pilaf.

Second day:

  • breakfast: low-fat milk, oatmeal with yogurt and fruit pieces, bran bread;
  • lunch: beef stew with vegetables, vegetable juice, uncanned squash caviar;
  • dinner: boiled vegetables, lean meat, cheese with bran bread.

Third day:

  • breakfast: two eggs, bran bread, low-fat milk;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, tomato juice, vegetable salad;
  • dinner: 110 g salmon, vegetable stew, milk.

Fourth day:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, low-fat milk;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled rice, cheese sandwich;
  • dinner: baked potatoes, steam fish, vegetable juice.

Fifth day:

  • breakfast: sandwich with butter and cheese, fruit juice;
  • lunch: risotto, yogurt, fruit juice;
  • dinner: soup with cereals, cheese, low-fat milk.

Sixth day:

  • breakfast: sandwich with butter, cheese and a slice of tomato, a slice of low-fat ham, juice;
  • lunch: stewed potatoes with vegetables, a slice of melon, low-fat milk;
  • dinner: vegetable soup with croutons, vegetable stew, kefir.

Seventh day:

  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a slice of cheese, green tea;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish, low-fat milk;
  • dinner: steamed chicken, stewed vegetables, a slice of cheese, kefir;
  • you can snack on nuts, apples, dried fruits (except raisins).

A therapeutic diet for gout reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease, relieves pain, and normalizes the functioning of the urinary system.

In addition, such a nutrition system contributes to the normalization of body weight and is one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Diet for gout has a tonic effect, rejuvenates the body.

Non-compliance with the diet threatens the development of renal failure, damage to the cardiovascular system and internal organs with the formation of gouty nodes in them, the formation of erosive arthritis.

The purpose of the diet

The main point of the gout diet is to control the production and excretion of uric acid.

Such a nutrition system helps to improve well-being and reduce pain, as a result of which the disease recedes.

It should be noted that this diet does not cure, but only contributes to the accelerated release of acid and salts during exacerbation of arthrosis.

It also significantly reduces body weight, which plays an important role in the recovery of the body after heavy drug therapy.

In order to finally understand what diet should be followed for gout, its exacerbations and accompanying diseases, watch the following video.

You can see for yourself that even with such an ailment, it is possible to eat deliciously. You will no longer be afraid of a huge number of food prohibitions and restrictions, following a diet for gout, because you will find out how many healthy products table number 6 offers.

Treatment and diet of patients with gout

What to eat when gout flares up

Uric acid is a metabolic product of purines. These substances enter the human body with food. The largest amount of purines is found in:

  • Meat broths.
  • Fatty red meat (especially from young animals).
  • Canned fish and meat.
  • Liver.
  • Kidney.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Herring.
  • sardines.
  • Mushrooms.

These products are completely excluded from the menu of people suffering from gout. In addition, doctors recommend patients to reduce the consumption of pickles, legumes, leafy vegetables (spinach, sorrel).

If the patient does not adhere to the doctor's recommendations and allows himself excesses in nutrition, the disease worsens. In such a situation, the diet should be given even more attention than in the period between attacks, since the well-being and regression of the symptoms of the disease will directly depend on this.

During the period of exacerbation, it is best to completely abandon meat and fish - switch to a vegetarian diet. If the patient has their own intolerant foods (foods that cause a gout attack), they should also be discarded.

Observing your diet and its impact on health can help you identify these foods.

In addition, with an exacerbation of gout, it does not hurt to do a few fasting days, but it is best to consult with your doctor about this, since complete starvation can harm no less than the abuse of forbidden food.

In the diet of patients with gout, liquid and semi-liquid dishes should prevail. For example, cereals with diluted milk, liquid soups with vegetable broth or mashed soups, low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese mixed with kefir).

It is necessary to eat food at least 4 times a day in small portions.

For patients with gout in the period of exacerbation, the drinking regimen is very important. In the first days of deterioration, it is advisable to drink plenty of mineral water, fruit drinks, fruit decoctions with the addition of lemon juice and jelly.

Diet for gout on the legs is the basis of treatment. Without it, the effect of the medicines prescribed by the doctor will be incomplete and ineffective. The diet in this case has a specific structure. It is desirable that the menu be helped by a doctor who will take into account some features of the body.

So, the diet involves the use of liquid or semi-liquid foods that contain ingredients from the list in the table of allowed foods. The basis of the menu is vegetable soups, vegetable and fruit salads, compotes, mineral waters (alkaline).

Meals should be organized so that it is fractional - at least 5 times a day.

It is impossible to completely cure the presented disease, especially if it occurs in conjunction with obesity or diabetes mellitus. However, antipurine diet number 6 for gout will help eliminate an aggravation or reduce the number of relapses.

It is designed for a week, although you can stick to it all the time.

It has the following features:

  1. All those foods that contain a large amount of purines and oxalic acid are completely excluded from the menu.
  2. Table number 6 provides for moderate salt intake. In some severe cases, this product is excluded altogether.
  3. Alkalinizing foods are added to the menu for a week: vegetables, milk.
  4. The amount of free fluid consumed increases significantly, unless, of course, there are contraindications from the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Table number 6 also provides for the reduction of animal proteins and refractory fat in the menu.

Important! If gout on the legs is complicated by obesity, then those foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates are excluded from the diet.

It is forbidden to eat foods rich in carbohydrates if gout is complicated by obesity

There is a certain table of norms for all substances that should be ingested when using diet menu No. 6:

Table 4. Norms of substances entering the body when using diet No. 6

Substance Daily rate Peculiarities
Squirrels 70-90 they must be primarily of animal origin and can be obtained from dairy products
Fats 80-90 about a quarter of the total amount is obtained from vegetable oils
Carbohydrates 350-400 g. they can be obtained from 80 g of sugar
Salt 7-10 y.
Liquid 1.5-2 liters.
calories 2400-2900
Potassium 3.5 g
Calcium 0.75 g
Thiamine 1.5 mg.
Retinol 0.5 mg.
Vitamin C 150 mg.

The classic seven-day menu for gout on the legs is signed by the attending physician. There may be several options for table number 6 for a week.

The food is not different in any way. The food is cooked normally and the temperature of the food is normal.

It is better to boil meat and fish, but the broth must be poured out, since it contains all the purines from these products. The same goes for mushrooms.

The menu of table number 6 for a week for people with gout provides for one fasting day. The result of such a diet is: normalization of nutrition, stabilization of purine metabolism, reduction in the amount of uric acid salts.

Table No. 6 also allows you to significantly reduce body weight, eliminate pain and inflammation in the legs, and reduce the likelihood of recurrence of an exacerbation. However, before starting this diet, you should consult your doctor.

Despite the absence of a rigid framework in nutrition, table number 6 may not be suitable for everyone. What effect such nutrition can have on the patient depends on the characteristics of his body, the course of gout.

Important. If the patient has deposits of uric acid salts in the legs, consultation with the doctor is required.

If the patient is obese, table number 8 can be assigned to him, which provides for a more stringent filtering of the list of allowed products.

According to diet number 6, before going to bed you should definitely drink 200 ml. any liquid.

A diet for gout during an exacerbation will help get rid of unpleasant painful symptoms and restore the mobility that a person loses during the development of inflammation.

From the menu, you can completely exclude meat and fish products. Nutrition for gout provides for more frequent fasting days (every other day).

At this time, you can eat only vegetables and fruits. After the pain in the legs disappears and the swelling is eliminated, you can switch to the usual seven-day menu.

A strict diet for exacerbation of gout lasts a maximum of 3 days. Meals should be frequent and fractional so as not to overload the digestive system, although it is impossible to heavily load the stomach with such a menu.

So, with an exacerbation, you can use the following one-day menu:

The diet during the absence of symptoms is varied. Next, an approximate menu for a week with gout will be presented. Weekly meals in this case will look like this:

During a relapse of the disease, it is necessary to choose products more carefully. The diet for exacerbation of gout completely excludes animal products.

Of these, only fermented milk is allowed. But the basis of the diet at this time is vegetables, fruits, cereals.

It is also very important to know how to cook them.

During a gout flare, food should be mostly liquid. You need to eat more vegetable soups, liquid cereals, drink compotes, kissels, juices, herbal decoctions. It would be nice to spend one day completely without food, only drink mineral water, juices or compotes.

In the future, for several days you need to adhere to something like this diet:

  • 100-150 g of boiled meat;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 30 g of cheese;
  • egg;
  • half a glass of cereal;
  • a portion of mashed potatoes;
  • fresh or stewed vegetables;
  • fresh fruit or fruit juices;
  • 3-4 slices of bread, whole grain is best;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of sugar or honey.

This is a set of products for one day. They can be arranged as desired, divided into 4-5 meals.

The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, dairy products, cereals, juices.

An approximate menu for gout on the legs is made by a doctor, taking into account the patient's state of health. Usually, at the first contact with a medical institution with this problem, the patient receives recommendations to follow Diet No. 6.

This is a therapeutic diet for urolithiasis. The duration of such a diet is usually 1-2 months, then you need to follow a maintenance diet.

Diet number 6 implies the complete exclusion from the diet of foods rich in purines or oxalic acid. The intake of salt, animal proteins and fats is limited.

The basis of this diet is dairy and sour-milk products, cereals, soups, vegetables, fruits. It involves drinking plenty of fluids.

Diet food can be, for example, as follows:

One of the main reasons for the appearance and development of gout in humans is malnutrition. It is with its negative sides that the diet is designed to fight.

In gouty arthritis, doctors prescribe diet number 6 to patients, which, subject to strict adherence to it, effectively helps to slow down the development of the disease.

The rules for diet number 6 are simple. First of all, it must be borne in mind that it includes a minimum of protein products.

Meat and broth provoke an increase in uric acid in human blood. Therefore, both can be eaten to a minimum.

There is also a rule for calculating the amount of animal proteins that the patient should consume. The total amount of proteins allowed is divided by 2.

The amount of refractory fats is limited as much as possible. With gout of the legs, pork and beef fats are consumed in a minimal amount.

The same rule applies to lamb and cooking fats. With diet number 6, it is recommended to use vegetable oils, and butter - in ghee.

It is necessary to reduce to a minimum the amount of products containing oxalic acid.

It is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • cauliflower;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach, etc.

There are no meat broths in diet number 6, which is quite natural. Meat broths for gout should be excluded, as they increase the amount of uric acid in the body and contribute to the aggravation of the disease.

The ban applies to mushroom and fish broths. With this disease, spicy seasonings, offal and fatty foods are also contraindicated.

An important place in the diet is the use of water. Its amount should be at least 2 liters per day. Mandatory dietary adjustments in the direction of reducing the amount of water consumed, if a person has certain kidney diseases.

To eat properly with gout, you must strictly limit the amount of salt consumed. The ideal option is considered to be a complete rejection of it, since salt provokes the formation of uric acid deposits in the body.

Especially during the period of exacerbation of the disease, food should be prepared without the use of salt. However, not all patients suffering from gout have the willpower to take such a step.

Nutrition plays a key role in the treatment of gout. The disease affects people who abuse alcohol or eat a lot of food containing purines - substances in the cells of the body.

When these compounds are destroyed, uric acid is formed. Excess uric acid causes inflammation.

General rules

The hypopurine diet is part of the therapy for the described joint disease. Against the background of eating with purines, uric acid is deposited in the joints.

The energy value of such a diet is 2700-2800 kcal per day. Diet therapy for gout includes:

  • compliance with the increased drinking regime;
  • strict adherence to salt intake;
  • A low purine diet does not allow more than 150 mg of purines per day.

A complication in the form of excess weight can significantly worsen the patient's condition and increase pain attacks. It is impossible to starve with gout, but how then to normalize the state of the body? The answer to this question will be a properly composed diet of patients.

Features of nutrition for gout with obesity include the use of healthy foods from diet menu number 6. Recommendations for compiling a diet:.

  • rejection of flour, sweet, fatty;
  • increased fluid intake (2.5 liters per day);
  • proper diet based on the diet of vegetarians;
  • do not eat fresh bread, but only yesterday's bread made from rye or wheat flour.

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the effect, and not with the cause ...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt. Thanks!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman suffers from pain ...

    Andrew a week ago

    What kind of folk remedies I have not tried, nothing helped ...

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to drink a decoction of bay leaves, to no avail, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

    Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this Federal program for the fight against diseases of the joints spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

The food that makes up the daily diet of a person should include foods that have a large amount of substances useful for the body. Healthy recipes will only help us stay healthy and attractive, despite our age. However, if the diet is not balanced or it contains a large number of fatty, spicy or heavy foods for the digestive system, then a person’s metabolism may be disturbed, and uric acid salts will begin to accumulate in the body. This is especially true for men. An increased concentration of these salts will lead to what is called gout.

General description of pathology and principles of diet

- This is a chronic disease of the joints, which is accompanied by quite strong and other symptoms of rejection. Naturally, it is necessary to carry it out, since in patients the quality of life deteriorates significantly, mobility is limited. It is possible to cope with pathology at home, if you follow all the recommendations of doctors. Diet for gout the patient requires first of all. At the same time, the diet prescribed by the doctor should be observed not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also during remission. Every day you need to monitor your diet. Proper nutrition for gout is a guarantee of human health and a guarantee of reducing cases of exacerbation of pathology.

Gout is a disease associated with disorders of the body's metabolic processes. Therefore, a balanced diet for gout is very important for treatment. The reason for the appearance of the disease lies in the increased concentration of uric acid in the body, the salts of which are deposited in the joints. A diet that must be followed every day allows you to reduce its amount in the blood, since the kidneys cannot cope with this on their own.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, the symptoms of gout appear in men who have reached the age of 40. In women, pathology develops with the onset of the postmenstrual period. It should be noted that gout can affect almost all joints, but is most often observed on the legs.

If the diet is not followed during the onset of gout symptoms, then relapses can occur periodically, because the disease cannot be completely cured.

Gout has an acute onset. The pain often appears at night. At the same time, uric acid salts are first deposited in the large joints of the toes, knees, and feet. Symptoms of gout usually appear very strongly, so it is difficult to confuse gout with others. If you do not follow a diet during the treatment of gout at home, then the pathology can spread to all joints.

An increased concentration of uric acid salts is observed not only in the articulation itself, but also in the ligamentous apparatus, cartilaginous membranes, causing inflammation. Naturally, one day gout can manifest itself in full force. Pathology has the following symptoms:

  • strong pain;
  • redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • an increase in local temperature;
  • the appearance of swelling.

Affected men usually show symptoms early in the morning or in the middle of the night. The acute period can last as one day, or more than 3 days. During the day, the symptoms of gout may decrease somewhat in intensity, although the pain increases again in the evening. At the same time, a man can talk about those violations in the diet, which is usually developed by a doctor for gout.

There are other signs of the manifestation of the disease: outgrowths of bone tissue appear on the arms or legs. Despite the fact that men have developed gout or women, the patient should definitely consult a doctor. This will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, start appropriate treatment and make the right diet.

A balanced diet with the development of gout will help to forget about exacerbations for a long time.


Diagnosis involves a visual examination of the joint affected by gout, x-rays, as well as laboratory blood and urine tests. X-ray allows you to determine the state of the articulation, the presence of osteophytes. Laboratory tests make it possible to note an elevated level of uric acid in the blood. The symptoms and signs described by a patient with gout help to prescribe adequate treatment. Depending on the degree of concentration of uric acid in the patient's body, he may be prescribed to help eliminate it.

Diet principles

You can get rid of the disease at home, since there is no need for a hospital. Therapy involves the observance of the correct diet - a diet that is the main method of treatment and prevention of recurrence in gout. An approximate diet menu for gout is made by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and concomitant diseases. It should be aimed at eliminating the elevated level of uric acid in the body, as well as signs of pathology. To do this, a man must review his diet for every day and follow a certain diet.

Products for gout should not contain purines, which are converted into uric acid (a table of prohibited and permitted products will be presented below). The list of such products includes almost all vegetables and fruits, so the food for gout patients is basically similar to the menu of vegetarians. Recipes for gout dishes are not intricate or complicated, however, they must be prepared correctly, and all ingredients for the diet must be taken from the list in the table of allowed foods.

Therapeutic nutrition for gout will help the patient quickly get rid of unpleasant and painful symptoms at home. However, the use of fatty or spicy foods can provoke a relapse and an increased level of uric acid in the body quickly enough. For example, the maximum amount of purines contains coffee, the use of which can provoke an attack. This can also contribute, especially beer and grape-based drinks, so they are excluded from the diet.

Proper nutrition during an exacerbation of gout or remission must be carried out every day. Since it is necessary to be treated at home, the patient must have a desire to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and willpower not to disturb the diet. The table of allowed foods for gout, as well as the recipes presented below, will help to create an individual menu, taking into account all the characteristics of the body and the pathology of the patient.

Food during gout treatment can be tasty and varied. Nutrition, which must satisfy the requirements of the body, does not imply too strict restrictions, however, it contributes to a proper lifestyle.

What not to eat with gout

If the patient has damage to the joints on the legs, you need to find out what you can not eat with gout. The fact is that while following a diet, some foods (even fruits) are not recommended to be consumed, as they contain a certain amount of purines. It is impossible to cure or at least eliminate the symptoms without proper nutrition. The following table will show what you can not eat with gout.

Product group Group content
Bakery products Sweet pastries
Meat and poultry Smoked, raw-smoked and boiled sausages, sausages, sausages, meat of young animals, fatty pork meat, offal (lungs, liver, kidneys), canned food
Seafood, fish Fatty, salted, smoked or fried fish (sardines, sprats, cod), caviar
Dairy Salty and spicy cheeses
cereals Lentils, beans, soybeans, beans
Vegetables Mushrooms, sorrel
Fruits, berries Grapes, figs, raspberries
Dishes Meat, fish or mushroom broth, sorrel soup, as well as dishes with the addition of legumes and spinach; sauces based on the above broths, mayonnaise
Sweets Cakes with cream, pastries
Fats Margarine, fat
Beverages Any alcohol, especially beer and wine; coffee, cocoa, strong tea (despite the fact that the drinks presented contain purines, they do not break down into uric acid, however, they have a strong diuretic effect that contributes to dehydration)
Spices Pepper, mustard, horseradish, hot spices

Those products that contain the presented list should not be eaten with gout on the legs in any case. This table should always be at hand during cooking.

Until recently, doctors doubted whether it was possible to eat tomatoes with gout. The fact is that the diet provides for these products in the diet, although they contain purines (oxalic acid). However, in tomatoes, its amount is so negligible that it is not only possible, but also useful to eat them. Tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. These foods are great for supporting the immune system. In addition, tomatoes contain antioxidants and phytoncides, which help to eliminate the inflammatory process activated by gout.

Tomatoes with gout can be eaten in any quantity. The fact is that they have a good effect on the metabolism in the body. Best of all, the beneficial properties of these products appear after heat treatment and the addition of vegetable oil.

You can and should eat tomatoes with gout, they will not hurt.

In addition to those products that are prohibited in the diet for gout on the legs, there are also those that can be consumed in limited quantities. The following table lists them:

Table 2. Products allowed in limited quantities

Honey should also be used with caution. As you can see, many foods are still undesirable in the diet if the patient suffers from gout on the legs. However, food can be very tasty and varied. You just need to get used to it, because gout is a chronic pathology that can bother a person all his life. Therefore, the diet must be followed strictly, because even one cup of coffee can provoke an attack.

What can you eat with gout

Gout is not a simple disease that requires a responsible attitude and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. That is why you should know which foods you can eat and which ones are prohibited. The previous table contained information about which foods should not be consumed and why they negatively affect the body. Now you need to figure out what you can eat with gout.

Table 3. Allowed products

Product group Product List Features of use
Bakery Black or white bread, lean pastries
Meat and poultry Rabbit, turkey, chicken Any meat is consumed 2-3 times a week and no more than 170 g
Fish and seafood Marine cephalopods, crustaceans, shrimp, lean fish (salmon, trout), squid These foods for gout are very useful. The diet provides for boiled fish, and it is advisable to drain the broth
Milk, eggs Low-fat milk, kefir, unsalted cheese, yogurt, sour cream, eggs (this product is allowed, but you can only eat it once a day, 1 piece in any form), cottage cheese Whole milk should be used with caution. When preparing dishes based on milk, it is better to dilute it a little. Butter is also not advisable to eat in its pure form. It is best to add it to cooked dishes.
cereals Everything but beans Beans are on the list of foods that you can not eat, as they contain uric acid, and in large quantities.
Vegetables Dill, corn, beets, onions, garlic, potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, pumpkin (helps improve metabolism) Garlic is useful for gout, as it helps to eliminate the inflammatory process. Vegetables are actively used during fasting days. Potatoes and cucumbers have a large amount of potassium, therefore, they increase the excretion of uric acid from the body.
Berries, fruits Oranges, tangerines, green apples, dates, persimmons, dried fruits (except raisins), strawberries, lemons, apricots, pears You should not eat fruits alone and in large quantities. Nutrition should be complete and varied.
Dishes Milk-based cereals, vegetarian borscht, potato soups with cereals, fresh and pickled vegetable salads, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar, vegetable, milk or sour cream sauce Milk in this case should be diluted
Sweets Marshmallow, marmalade, jam, marshmallow, non-chocolate candies, ice cream
Fats Any vegetable oil Animal fats must be excluded completely, as they are too heavy for the body.
Beverages Green tea, tea from fruits and berries, tea with milk and lemon, juice (any, even tomato), herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, compotes from fruits and berries, fresh cucumber juice, alkaline mineral water for gout is also very useful, rosehip broth, chicory
Spices Vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf, citric acid

With gout on the legs, you can eat seeds and all kinds of nuts:

  • walnuts;
  • cedar;
  • hazelnut;
  • almond;
  • pistachios.

Peanuts should not be consumed as they are rich in purines. Many patients do not know whether it is possible to drink kvass with gout. The answer is simple: it is possible and necessary. The diet provides for the use of almost all vegetables and fruits with rare exceptions. For example, you can eat cherries for gout. You can eat about 20 fruits a day. Cherry compotes, juices and fruit drinks are useful. Lingonberries are especially useful for gout. Morse from it helps to remove excess purines.

It is also important to understand how useful fish oil and kombucha are for gout. Fish oil is a unique storehouse of vitamins. It contains almost all the useful minerals that the body needs. Fish oil today is sold in capsules, so taking it is quite simple. In its composition, the substance has polyunsaturated fatty acids, which give an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, fish oil for gout should be taken without fail. However, when taking the remedy, you need to be careful if there are stones in the ureters.

As for kombucha, it is not recommended to use it. The tool is able to increase the digestive activity of gastric juice. Kombucha in its composition has yeast and oxalic acid, which is contraindicated in gout. In addition, kombucha contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, which are undesirable in an obese diet.

Diet for gout on the legs - menu (principles of preparation)

Diet for gout on the legs is the basis of treatment. Without it, the effect of the medicines prescribed by the doctor will be incomplete and ineffective. The diet in this case has a specific structure. It is desirable that the menu be helped by a doctor who will take into account some features of the body.

The diet provides for the consumption of liquid or semi-liquid foods that contain ingredients from the list in the table of allowed foods. The basis of the menu is vegetable soups, vegetable and fruit salads, compotes, mineral waters (alkaline). Meals should be organized so that it is fractional - at least 5 times a day.

The patient must drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily. Since the diet provides for fasting days (they help the body cope with the absorption of food and the timely removal of uric acid), during which the patient does not eat any dishes, except for vegetable salads.

Proper nutrition during gout involves the use of more vegetarian recipes. This takes into account the presence of concomitant pathologies in the patient. For example, he has an elevated cholesterol level, which means he should not eat the yolk.

Many factors need to be taken into account in diabetes mellitus. For example, such patients need to limit the use of bakery and flour products. At the same time, sweet dishes and sugar should be completely excluded from the menu. Also, with diabetes, it is not advisable to use honey.

Often, gout on the legs is combined with obesity. In this case, the menu is significantly limited to a strict list of dishes. The fact is that too much body weight has a detrimental effect on the joints. The list of allowed products in this case does not include meat and fish. Such a diet provides for more frequent fasting days. Sometimes their number can reach 4 times a week.

Losing weight with gout, which is localized on the legs, should not be abrupt, as this will damage the body more. Recipes on the menu should be such that body weight does not go away too quickly. Nutrition is not limited to complete starvation. In this case, the patient's condition worsens significantly.

Cleansing of the body does not occur if it does not receive all the necessary substances of the products from the above list, the energy needs of a person are not satisfied in full. In this case, the body's own protein compounds are consumed. Because of this, the level of uric acid increases, it is deposited in and provokes an inflammatory process.

There are such principles for compiling the menu:

  1. During the preparation of various dishes, you need to use as little salt as possible, which contributes to the appearance of urates in the tissues.
  2. The amount of liquid consumed should be increased. This will make it possible to quickly remove uric acid compounds from the body.
  3. Recipes should be such that their total calorie content is low.
  4. Tomatoes should not be completely excluded.
  5. It is advisable to completely abandon mayonnaise, animal fat and forget about alcohol forever. If the patient is a gourmet and loves those dishes in which wine is added, then such recipes should be excluded from the menu.
  6. If the patient does not stop drinking tea or coffee, relapses of gout may recur, and the pain may intensify.

You can’t overeat - this is an additional burden on the urinary system.

As you can see, a diet for a disease such as gout of the legs is not a whim of doctors, but a necessity. The patient must know which foods can and cannot be consumed. Therefore, sick men should be patient, quit bad habits and take care of their health.

Diet for gout: table number 6

It is impossible to completely cure the presented disease, especially if it occurs in conjunction with obesity or diabetes mellitus. However, antipurine diet number 6 for gout will help eliminate or reduce the number of recurrences. It is designed for a week, although you can stick to it all the time.

Nutrition has the following features:

  1. All those foods that contain a large amount of purines and oxalic acid are completely excluded from the menu.
  2. Table number 6 provides for moderate salt intake. In some severe cases, this product is excluded altogether.
  3. Alkalinizing foods are added to the menu for a week: vegetables, milk.
  4. The amount of free fluid consumed increases significantly, unless, of course, there are contraindications from the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Table number 6 also provides for the reduction of animal proteins and refractory fat in the menu.

Important! If gout on the legs is complicated by obesity, then those foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates are excluded from the diet.

It is forbidden to eat foods rich in carbohydrates if gout is complicated by obesity.

There is a certain table of norms for all substances that should be ingested when using diet menu No. 6:

Table 4. Norms of substances entering the body when using diet No. 6

Substance Daily rate Peculiarities
Squirrels 70-90 g They must be mainly of animal origin, they can be obtained from dairy products.
Fats 80-90 g Approximately a quarter of the entire norm is obtained from vegetable oils.
Carbohydrates 350-400 g They can be obtained from 80 g of sugar
Salt 7-10 g
Liquid 1.5-2 l
calories 2400-2900
Potassium 3.5 g
Calcium 0.75 g
Thiamine 1.5 mg
Retinol 0.5 mg
Vitamin C 150 mg

The classic seven-day menu for gout on the legs is signed by the attending physician. There may be several options for table number 6 for a week. The food is not different in any way. Food is cooked in the usual mode, the temperature of the dishes is normal. It is better to boil meat and fish, but the broth must be poured out, since it contains all the purines from these products. The same goes for mushrooms.

The menu of table number 6 for a week for people with gout provides for one fasting day. The result of such a diet will be the normalization of nutrition, stabilization of purine metabolism, and a decrease in the amount of uric acid salts. Table No. 6 also allows you to significantly reduce body weight, eliminate and reduce the likelihood of relapse of an exacerbation state. However, before starting this diet, you should consult your doctor.

Despite the absence of a rigid framework in nutrition, table number 6 may not be suitable for everyone. What effect such nutrition can have on the patient depends on the characteristics of his body, the course of gout. Important! If the patient is found in the legs, consultation with the doctor is required. If the patient is obese, table number 8 can be assigned to him, which provides for a more stringent filtering of the list of allowed products.

According to diet number 6, before going to bed, you must definitely drink 200 ml of any liquid.

Diet for gout during an exacerbation

A diet for gout during an exacerbation will help get rid of unpleasant painful symptoms and restore the mobility that a person loses during the development of inflammation. From the menu, you can completely exclude meat and fish products. Nutrition for gout provides for more frequent fasting days (every other day).

At this time, you can eat only vegetables and fruits. After the pain in the legs disappears and the swelling is eliminated, you can switch to the usual seven-day menu. A strict diet for exacerbation of gout lasts a maximum of 3 days. Meals should be frequent and fractional so as not to overload the digestive system, although it is impossible to heavily load the stomach with such a menu.

So, with an exacerbation, you can use the following one-day menu:

  1. On an empty stomach - half a glass of preheated mineral alkaline water or rosehip broth (you can use chicory).
  2. Breakfast - half a serving of oatmeal milk porridge (it should be liquid), a glass of milk.
  3. 11 o'clock - 1 glass of apple juice. Instead, you can eat raw apples (1 pc.).
  4. Lunch - soup of mashed vegetables (half portion), milk-based jelly.
  5. 17 hours - carrot or tomato juice (glass).
  6. Dinner - half a serving of liquid milk rice porridge, 1 glass of fruit compote (strawberries, pears, apples).
  7. 21:00 - a glass of yogurt.
  8. At night - tea with milk and honey (not desirable for diabetes) or green tea without sugar - 1 cup.

This menu can be used until the symptoms of inflammation in the legs disappear.

After the period of exacerbation has passed, a small amount of boiled meat can be added to the diet, which is best eaten in the form of steamed meatballs or meatballs. Also, meat products can be baked.

If such a menu does not suit a patient with gout, it can always be changed. In this case, all the features of nutrition during this period are taken into account. Gout on the legs requires a serious and responsible approach.

Features of fasting days

A diet for gout during remission excludes therapeutic starvation. A complete cessation of nutrition provokes an exacerbation, so traditional treatment does not welcome him. On such a day, you can eat foods (vegetables or fruits) of the same type, for example, green apples or potatoes. If necessary, you can make a salad of several types of vegetables or fruits (grapes and raspberries are excluded).

If a patient with gout does not want to eat plant foods, then you can use kefir, cottage cheese, milk or rice diet. The latter is quite common. For cooking, the following products are used: rice (75 g) and apples. Rice is boiled in diluted milk. You need to eat it in several doses during the day in small portions. Between meals, you can eat an apple or drink compote from it. The total number of apples per day for gout should not exceed 250 g. If you need to make compote, then in this case it is better not to use sugar.

Curd-kefir diet during gout involves the use of 400 g of fat-free cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir during the day. This diet will help to quickly get rid of uric acid.

Treatment of the disease must be carried out responsibly. The achieved positive result is easy to lose if you succumb to the temptation and eat the forbidden product.

Diet for gout: menu for the week

The diet during the absence of symptoms is varied. Next, an approximate menu for a week with gout will be presented. Weekly meals in this case will look like this:


  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal milk porridge, fresh cucumber, rosehip broth or chicory.
  2. Dinner. Low-fat cottage cheese mixed with sour cream, fruit jelly.
  3. afternoon tea. Potato soup, zucchini stuffed with rice, with sour cream sauce, fresh strawberries with cream.
  4. Dinner. Cheesecakes, cabbage cutlets (or broccoli), tomato juice.
  5. 22 hours. Apple.

  1. Breakfast. Milk rice porridge, carrots grated with sour cream, egg (boiled soft), tea with lemon or chicory.
  2. Dinner. Young boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber, apple juice.
  3. afternoon tea. Vegetable soup with sour cream (mayonnaise cannot be used), cottage cheese casserole, milk jelly.
  4. Dinner. Baked apples, fruit juice.
  5. 22 hours. A glass of kefir.
  1. Breakfast. Fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil, pasta with cottage cheese, green tea.
  2. Dinner. Potato pancakes with sour cream, fruit juice.
  3. afternoon tea. Vegetarian borscht, boiled turkey meat, lemon jelly.
  4. Dinner. Cheesecakes with sour cream, vegetable stew, fruit jelly.
  5. 22 hours. Apple.

  1. Breakfast. Milk buckwheat porridge, cabbage and apple salad (sauerkraut or broccoli), egg, tea.
  2. Dinner. Apple casserole with carrots, rosehip broth.
  3. afternoon tea. Vegetable pickle, cottage cheese pancakes, fruit jelly.
  4. Dinner. Baked apples, pumpkin, fruit juice.
  5. 22 hours. Yogurt.
  1. Breakfast. Fresh tomato salad, cottage cheese mixed with sour cream, fruit jelly.
  2. Dinner. Broccoli or cabbage cutlets, rosehip broth.
  3. afternoon tea. Milk noodle soup, cabbage rolls stuffed with buckwheat porridge, dates or persimmons (in some exemplary diets, grapes appear, but, like wine, it is an undesirable product in the diet).
  4. Dinner. Cottage cheese pudding, carrot cutlets, fruit compote.
  5. 22 hours. Apple.

  1. Breakfast. Milk millet porridge, vegetable salad (or sauerkraut), soft-boiled egg or scrambled eggs, tea.
  2. Dinner. Zrazy from carrots with the addition of an apple, rosehip broth.
  3. afternoon tea. Cabbage soup, cottage cheese pudding, milk jelly.
  4. Dinner. Protein omelette, zucchini baked with sour cream, fruit juice.
  5. 22 hours. Kefir.


  1. Breakfast. Salad of fresh vegetables (cucumbers and tomatoes), cottage cheese with sour cream, compote. You can add a small amount of radish to the salad.
  2. Dinner. Baked broccoli, fruit jelly.
  3. afternoon tea. Okroshka, boiled chicken, baked apples.
  4. Dinner. Vegetable stew, barley meatballs, cottage cheese, green tea.
  5. 22 hours. Apple or kefir.

This diet is only an exemplary sample of nutrition for a gout patient. As you can see, there is neither coffee nor alcohol, there are no mushrooms, lard. But this diet contains dates, fresh vegetables and juices. You can treat yourself to something sweet and eat ice cream.

This diet is healthy and can be used even if a person does not have gout. If the patient does not like such an exemplary diet, it can always be changed. To date, a specialist can create an individual diet for each patient suffering from gout, taking into account his tastes. However, it is not recommended to do it yourself.

Nutrition for gout: recipes

Treatment of gout is mandatory, although it is almost impossible to completely cure this disease without correcting metabolic processes in the body. Medicines alone will not cope with this task, so the patient is prescribed a diet. Since some of the menu options have already been outlined, some of the healthiest recipes can be considered. The source of the ingredients is a table and a list of allowed foods.

So, the following dishes are usually used in the diet:

  • borscht vegetarian;
  • potato soup;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cucumber salad;
  • salad of green peas and carrots;
  • milk soup with noodles;
  • oat milk porridge;
  • syrniki;
  • potato pancakes;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • a decoction of dried rose hips;
  • a decoction of wheat bran.

Below are the recipes for each dish.

Vegetarian borscht. First, boil water and salt it. Then throw in the finely chopped potatoes. While it is being cooked, in a frying pan in refined vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), it is necessary to fry the pre-cut onions, grated carrots, and beets. When everything is well stewed, you can add a glass of tomato juice to the pan and continue to simmer over medium heat. Excess liquid should evaporate. When the potatoes are ready, the vegetables stewed in the pan are added to the pan. Shredded cabbage should also be thrown here. The longer it cooks, the softer it will become. A few minutes before the borscht is ready, chopped peppers and greens are added to it, if desired. You can eat this dish often, as it is very useful.

Potato soup. This recipe is used quite often. For cooking, you will need potatoes, half an egg, a little butter, flour, herbs and a spoonful of sour cream. Boiled potatoes must be rubbed through a fine sieve and mixed with sauce. It is prepared as follows: the flour is dried in the oven, then 40 g of potato broth is added to it. The mixture must be boiled and poured into a pan with potatoes. Next, an egg and butter are added to the soup, boiled again, after which it can be eaten.

Ragout of vegetables. To prepare it, you will need the following products: carrots - 3 pieces, potatoes - 6 pieces, onions - 1 piece, green peas - 1 cup, butter - 1 tbsp. l., sour cream - 100 g, a pinch of salt. Onions must be chopped and fried in vegetable oil (lard or fat cannot be used), carrots cut into cubes and thrown into a frying pan. The mixture is simmered until tender. After that, you need to pour peas, boiled potatoes, salt and sour cream into the pan. Simmer the entire mixture for about 15 minutes.

Cucumber salad. In addition to cucumbers, radish and lettuce can be added here. Do not forget that radish is included in the list of products allowed for consumption in limited quantities. All these vegetables must be chopped, mixed and seasoned with sour cream or low-fat cream.

Salad of green peas and carrots. Radish can also be added here if desired, although more often the dish is made without it. Carrots should be grated on a coarse grater and mixed with peas. Further, the salad is enriched with herbs and mixed with sour cream.

Milk soup with vermicelli. First, the vermicelli must be held for about 5 minutes in plain water. Next, pre-boiled milk is added. After that, the soup is boiled until it is ready. You can add butter and sugar to the soup before the end of cooking. In some cases, honey can be added instead of sugar.

Oatmeal milk porridge. Boil milk and add cereal, sugar and salt to it. The porridge is cooked until fully cooked. Before the end of cooking, you can add butter to the pan. Instead of sugar, you can also use honey (if there are no contraindications).

Syrniki. For their preparation, you need cream cheese - cottage cheese. It is mixed with semolina and egg. In this case, the consistency of the mixture should be thick. After that, cheesecakes are formed, rolled in flour and fried in oil. They need to be eaten warm. You can use cream cheese mixed with sour cream and sugar.

Potato pancakes. It is required to grate 200 g of raw potatoes on a fine grater, mix it with half an egg, 20 g of flour, 50 g of sour cream and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The resulting dough is well kneaded and fried in a pan.

Cottage cheese casserole. You should mix 50 ml of milk, 75 g of cottage cheese, 2 egg whites, sour cream, a little butter, sugar. Mix all the ingredients well, put on a baking sheet greased with butter and put in the oven. Before serving, you can pour sour cream over the casserole.

With gout, a decoction of dried rose hips is useful. It is necessary to mix 30 g of raw materials with 270 g of water and boil for 10 minutes. You can add sugar before the end of cooking.

A decoction of wheat bran. In a pot of boiling water (1 liter), lower 200 g of raw materials and boil for at least an hour. Remove the bran and strain the liquid. Raw materials are not pressed the first time, but the second time - yes.

These recipes are quite simple to prepare and form the basis of the diet. Proper nutrition helps to remove uric acid and eliminate the inflammatory process in gout. So that it does not repeat itself, a person should forget about such products as: lard, coffee, grapes, and especially alcohol. Only with this condition, the treatment of gout will be effective. Be healthy!

Bread and flour products: wheat and rye bread from flour of the 1st and 2nd grade, various baked goods, including those with the inclusion of ground bran.

Soups: vegetarian: cabbage soup, borscht, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, cold (okroshka, beetroot), dairy, fruit.

Meat, poultry, fish: low-fat species and varieties. Up to three times a week, 150 g of boiled meat or 170 g of boiled fish. After boiling, they are used for various dishes - stewed, baked, fried, cutlet mass products. You can combine meat and fish in approximately equal parts.

Dairy products: milk, sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes made from it, sour cream and cheese.

Eggs: 1 egg per day in any cooking.

Cereals: in moderation, any food.

Vegetables: in increased quantities, raw and in any culinary processing, potato dishes.

Snacks: salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, fruits, vinaigrettes, vegetable caviar, squash, eggplant.

Fruits, sweet dishes and sweets: in an increased amount of fruits and berries. Fresh and in any culinary processing. Dried fruits. Creams and milk jelly. Marmalade, marshmallow, non-chocolate sweets, jam, honey, meringues.

Sauces and spices: vegetable broth, tomato, sour cream, milk. Citric acid, cinnamon, vanillin, bay leaf. Dill, parsley.

Drinks: tea with lemon, milk, weak coffee with milk. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, fruit drinks, water with juices, kvass. Decoctions of wild rose, wheat bran, dried fruits.

Fats: butter, ghee and vegetable oils.


Meat, fish and mushroom broths, from sorrel, spinach, legumes are excluded from the diet. Limit products from sweet dough. They exclude the liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, meat of young animals and birds, sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, canned meat and fish, caviar, cheeses, and legumes. Limit pork fat. Exclude mushrooms, fresh legume pods, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, cauliflower. Limit salted and pickled vegetables. Exclude chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries, peppers, mustard, horseradish, sauces on meat, fish and mushroom broths, cocoa, strong tea and coffee, beef, lamb and cooking oils.



On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, cucumber salad with sour cream.

Lunch: rice soup with potatoes on a vegetable broth, fried cabbage cutlets, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.

Dinner: scrambled eggs, carrot zrazy with prunes, tea with lemon.

At night: kefir.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, fresh cabbage salad with sour cream.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables and rice.

At night: fruit juice.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, prunes baked with cottage cheese.

Second breakfast: fruit juice.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, beetroot salad in vegetable oil.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Lunch: vegetarian mashed pearl barley soup with vegetables, cabbage schnitzel fried in vegetable oil.

Snack: grape juice.

Dinner: carrot cutlets with sour cream, fruit jelly.

At night: watermelon or curdled milk.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, soft-boiled egg, carrots stewed with vegetable oil.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Lunch: cold beetroot, vegetable stew.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.

Dinner: oatmeal milk porridge, fruit jelly.

At night: fresh apple compote.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, cucumber salad.

Second breakfast: fruit juice.

Lunch: rice soup with potatoes on vegetable broth, fried cabbage cutlets.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.

Dinner: scrambled eggs, stewed carrots, tea with lemon.

At night: dried fruit compote.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, fresh cabbage salad with sour cream.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, boiled meat in white sauce.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, stewed cabbage with butter or boiled cabbage.

At night: fruit juice.


First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, soft-boiled egg, carrot pudding with apples and millet, tea.

Second breakfast: rosehip broth.

Lunch: milk noodle soup or milk soup with pumpkin and semolina, fried potato cutlets, jelly.

Afternoon snack: fresh apples.

Dinner: baked cheesecakes, beets stuffed with rice and apples, tea.

At night: compote or decoction of wheat bran.


On an empty stomach: warmed alkaline mineral water (1/2 cup) or rose hip decoction (0.5 cup).

Breakfast: liquid oatmeal with milk (half serving), 1 glass of milk.

11 o'clock: grape juice (1 glass).

Lunch: mashed vegetable soup (half portion), milk jelly.

5 p.m.: Carrot juice (1 cup).

Dinner: liquid rice porridge with milk (half serving), fresh fruit compote (1 cup).

9 pm: kefir.

At night: tea with milk without sugar (1 glass).



Products: cucumbers 80 g, salad 60 g, sour cream 30 g, lemon juice and sugar to taste.

Cucumbers wash, peel, lettuce sorted out, washed. Chop prepared vegetables, mix, season with sour cream, lemon juice or citric acid, sugar. Place in a salad bowl.


Products: beets 80 g, apples 60 g, sugar 7 g, sour cream 25 g, citric acid to taste.

Wash the beets, boil, cool, chop into strips. Peel the apples, remove the core, chop, combine with beets, season with citric acid, sugar, add half the sour cream. Put in a salad bowl with a slide, decorate with apple slices and pour over the remaining sour cream.


Products: carrots 80 g, apples 70 g, sour cream 25 g, sugar 7 g.

Carrots wash, peel, grate on a fine grater. Peel the apples, remove the core, grate on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Mix carrots and apples, add sugar, half sour cream, mix, put in a salad bowl with a slide and pour over the remaining sour cream.


Products: meat 60 g, fresh cucumbers 50 g, potatoes 60 g, canned green peas 40 g, 1/4 egg, apples 30 g, vegetable oil 25 g.

Boiled peeled potatoes and boiled meat cut into small slices, add canned green peas, peeled and chopped apples, chopped fresh cucumbers, season with vegetable oil, mix. Hard boil the egg and chop finely. Put the vegetables in a salad bowl, garnish with slices of meat, fresh cucumbers, apples, sprinkle with chopped egg on top.


Products: potatoes 50 g, carrots 40 g, beets 40 g, fresh cucumbers 40 g, apples 30 g, leafy lettuce 20 g, egg 1/4 piece, vegetable oil 20 g.

Cook potatoes, beets, carrots separately, cool, cut into small cubes. Wash apples, lettuce, fresh cucumbers, peel and finely chop. Finely chop the hard-boiled egg. Mix vegetables with chopped egg, season with vegetable oil. Put the vinaigrette in a salad bowl, garnish with lettuce leaves.


Products: fresh cucumbers 100 g, sour cream 10 g.

Cut the prepared cucumbers into thin slices, lightly salt and put sour cream in them.


Products: fresh tomatoes 100 g, sour cream 10 g.

Cut the prepared tomatoes into thin slices, lightly salt and put sour cream in them. You can make a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers together.


Products: 110 g carrots, 250 g canned green peas, 10 g parsley, 30 g sour cream.

Grate carrots, add peas, finely chopped parsley, dress the salad with sour cream.


Products: 3 small carrots, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 apples, 40 g of lettuce, 100 g of tomatoes, 80 g of sour cream, lemon juice, sugar.

Cut carrots, cucumbers and apples with a cut core into thin strips, add finely chopped lettuce leaves. Mix everything, season with sour cream, adding lemon juice, salt and sugar to taste. Decorate the salad with sliced ​​tomatoes.


Products: carrots 90 g, blackcurrant 40 g, sour cream 15 g, sugar 7 g.

Carrots wash, peel, grate on a coarse grater. Wash the blackcurrant, remove the inflorescences, mash a little with a wooden spoon, combine with carrots, add sour cream, sugar and mix gently.


Products: beets 80 g, prunes 40 g, sugar 5 g, 1/2 hard boiled egg, walnuts peeled 10 g, sour cream 15 g.

Boil beets, peel, grate. Wash the prunes, pour hot water for 15 minutes, remove the pits and chop finely. Finely chop the egg, grind the walnut kernels well. Mix everything thoroughly.


Ingredients: 400 g potatoes, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 100 g sour cream sauce, greens.

Boil potatoes, cut into cubes, wash cucumbers and finely chop, grate raw carrots, finely chop tomatoes, mix everything, pour sour cream sauce, garnish with parsley.


Ingredients: 2 medium apples, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 raw carrot, 50 g lettuce, 50 g sour cream, a little lemon juice, parsley.

Cut apples, cucumbers, carrots into strips, cut a part of lettuce into strips, mix everything, add lemon juice, lightly salt, season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


Products: 1 carrot, 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Grate carrots on a fine grater, rub thoroughly with cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream.



Products: potatoes 170 g, water 370 g, butter 10 g, egg 1/2 piece, flour 7 g, sour cream 25 g, greens 7 g.

Peel, wash and boil potatoes. Pour the broth into another pan, rub the potatoes through a sieve. Prepare the sauce: dilute the dried and chilled flour in 40 g of potato broth, boil and strain. Mix mashed potatoes, sauce and potato broth, add a raw egg and butter, mix thoroughly. Boil the soup, salt. Before serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


Products: oatmeal 40 g, water 350 g, butter 8 g, egg 1/4 piece, sugar 3 g.

Sort the oatmeal, rinse, pour boiling water and cook until fully cooked. Strain the broth, rub the grits through a sieve and mix with the broth. Add hot milk, bring soup to a boil and remove from heat. Shake the raw egg with a fork and pour hot boiled milk into it. Season the soup with this mixture, add sugar, butter to it.


Products: fresh white cabbage 140 g, beets 160 g, potatoes 160 g, carrots 60 g, onions 40 g, fresh tomatoes 110 g or tomato puree 15 g, parsley root 15 g, parsley greens 25 g, butter 30 g, sour cream 40 g.

Cook the vegetables in a small amount of water until tender. Boil the peeled beets in water until half cooked, grate on a coarse grater and dip in the same water, then add the rest of the chopped vegetables and cook them until tender. Add the amount of liquid missing up to a liter with hot water and bring to a boil. Before serving borscht, put sour cream and finely chopped greens into it.


Products: 250 g of vermicelli, 1.5 liters of milk, 600 g of water, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little salt.

Place vermicelli in water and boil for 5 minutes. Then pour in hot milk, add sugar and butter and cook until the vermicelli is soft.


Products: 3 beets, 2 slices of black bread, 100 g of sour cream, 1 onion, dill, a little sugar.

Make kvass from beets or black bread. Take 1.5 liters of beet kvass, add finely chopped onion, a little sugar, finely chopped dill, season with sour cream and serve with boiled potatoes.


Boil the beets, peel, cut into small pieces or grate on a coarse grater, pour boiling water and leave in a hot place for 30 minutes. Then cool, put the bread, tied in a clean cloth, and put in a warm place for one day for fermentation. When fermented, take out the bread.


Products: 6 potatoes, 2 cups chopped pumpkin, 2 carrots, 0.5 tablespoon of butter, 1 liter of milk, salt.

Cut potatoes into cubes, and carrots into slices. Remove the skin from the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut it into cubes. In boiling water, first put carrots, then pumpkin, potatoes and cook until all vegetables are soft. Salt the finished soup, pour in the boiled milk. Heat the soup, then add the butter.


Products: rice 30 g, dried fruits 25 g, sugar 20 g.

Sort dried fruits, rinse with warm water, sort, cut large ones into two or three parts. Pour cold water (except apricots and prunes) and cook with the lid closed for 15 minutes, then add apricots, prunes and cook until fully cooked, put sugar and bring to a boil. Add boiled rice and sour cream to the finished soup.



Products: 1 cup of oatmeal, 3 cups of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter, 0.5 tablespoon of sugar.

Pour crushed oatmeal into boiling milk, add a little salt and cook, stirring until softened. Add sugar, butter and put in the oven for a few minutes.

Drizzle the porridge with oil and serve.


Ingredients: 1 cup oatmeal, 3 cups milk, 1 tablespoon butter, a little salt, sugar to taste.

Pour oatmeal into boiling milk and, stirring, cook until thickened, then add sugar and butter.


Products: cereals 50 g, water 100 g, butter 4 g.

Pour the cereal into water, add a little salt, stir, close the lid tightly and put on medium heat. When the cereal has absorbed all the water, place the pot of porridge on a small fire for 30 minutes. Add oil to the finished porridge and stir.


Products: milk 400 g, cereals 60 g, sugar 25 g, butter 9 g, water 350 g.

Gradually pour the groats into boiling water with continuous stirring and boil over low heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put the pot with porridge on a small fire or in a water bath for 40 minutes. Then add raw milk, salt, sugar to the hot porridge and cook for 3 minutes while stirring. Put oil into the prepared porridge and stir.


Products: per 100 g: egg 1 piece, milk 70 g, butter 3 g, wheat flour 3 g.

Thoroughly grind the flour in 20 g of milk, combine with a well-beaten egg, add the remaining milk, stir well, pour into a frying pan greased with oil and place in the oven with medium heat.

Omelet can be served with fresh tomatoes, vegetable puree.


Products: per 100 g: apples 60 g, egg 1/2 piece, milk 40 g, butter 6 g.

Cut the peeled apples into thin slices, stew in a frying pan with butter, pour in the egg beaten with milk, and put in the oven. Sprinkle the finished omelette with powdered sugar and serve hot.


Products: per 100 g: carrots 110 g, milk 30 g, sugar 3 g, semolina 7 g, egg 1/4 part, water 15 g, vegetable oil 7 g, sour cream 7 g.

Peeled carrots cut into small pieces and stew until soft in milk with water under a tightly closed lid. Pass the prepared carrots through a meat grinder, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. Pour semolina into the boiling carrot mass with a stream and, stirring, cook until thickened, then cool slightly, add a beaten egg to it, stir and make cutlets. Fry the cutlets on both sides until a crust appears, put in the oven for 5 minutes. When serving cutlets pour sour cream.


Products: per 100 g: potatoes 120 g, butter 10 g (of which 5 g put in mashed potatoes), egg 1/4 piece, sour cream 15 g.

Peel potatoes, steam, mash well, add butter, egg, salt and mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass, make cutlets, roll them in flour, fry on both sides until a pink crust appears.

When serving cutlets pour sour cream.


Products: 6 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 glass of green peas, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of butter, 100 g of sour cream, a little salt.

Chop the onion and fry it in oil. Add carrots cut into cubes or slices and simmer until softened. Then add boiled green peas, boiled sliced ​​potatoes, sour cream, salt, mix slightly and simmer a little more.

Boiled cabbage can also be added to the stew. Drizzle with butter when serving.


Ingredients: 10 carrots, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon sugar, 0.5 tablespoon flour, a little salt.

Peel the carrots, wash, cut into slices or slices, put in a saucepan, add a little water, oil and simmer until it becomes soft. Then fry the flour in butter, dilute with hot milk or water, boil a little and pour over the carrots. For taste, add a little sugar, a spoonful of sour cream (optional) and simmer for a few more minutes.

When serving, pour the stewed carrots with melted butter.


Products: 1 head of cabbage, 1 tablespoon of semolina, 1 egg, 0.5 cups of crackers, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 onion, 150 g of sour cream sauce, salt.

Cut the peeled head of cabbage into 6 parts and boil in lightly salted water. Take out the cabbage, let the water drain. Pass through a meat grinder along with onions fried in oil. Pour semolina, heat for 5 minutes, cool slightly, add an egg, butter, a little salt. If the mass is thick, dilute it with sour cream, stir and make cutlets. Moisten them with a beaten egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in well-heated oil.

Instead of semolina and eggs, slices of soaked and squeezed buns and 2 tablespoons of potato starch can be added to ground cabbage.

When serving cutlets pour oil and separately serve sour cream sauce or tomato juice.

Cabbage Casserole with Sour Cream Sauce

Products: fresh white cabbage 320 g, milk 60 g, semolina 20 g, 1 egg, vegetable oil 7 g, sour cream 25 g, wheat flour 5 g.

Wash the cabbage, peel, finely chop and simmer in milk until tender. Then, while stirring, pour semolina into the cabbage in a thin stream, cook until thickened and cool to a warm state. Add beaten egg, salt to warm cabbage, mix well. Put the prepared cabbage mass in a frying pan, greased with oil, and put in the oven for baking until a pink crust forms on the casserole.

While the casserole is in the oven, you need to prepare the sauce: grind the flour in sour cream well and bring to a boil while stirring. Pour the finished casserole with sour cream sauce.


Products: cottage cheese 200 g, 1 egg, semolina 25 g, sugar 25 g, wheat flour 15 g.

Add sugar, semolina, egg to cottage cheese and mix well. Put the curd mass on a board sprinkled with flour, cut the cheesecakes, roll them in flour and fry in oil. Put the fried cheesecakes in the oven for 10 minutes.

Serve with fruit puree, sour cream, milk sauce.


Products: cottage cheese 110 g, apples 120 g, 1 egg, sugar 30 g, wheat crackers 15 g, butter 10 g, jam syrup 15 g.

Rub cottage cheese through a sieve, add grated apples, sugar, crackers, yolks. Beat the protein and add to the mass, stirring from the bottom up. Put the prepared mass into a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, cover with oiled paper. Boil the pudding in a water bath for 40 minutes. Pour the finished pudding with syrup of any jam.

Instead of apples, you can use black currants, apricots, plums, raspberries, etc.


Products: prunes 100 g, cottage cheese 90 g, sugar 15 g, sour cream 25 g.

Rinse prunes thoroughly in warm water and pour boiling water for 8-10 minutes to make it soft. Remove from the water, dry with a napkin and then make a cut along each berry and squeeze out the seed. Put half a teaspoon of cottage cheese mixed with sugar inside each berry. Place all prunes on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 8 minutes at medium temperature. Drizzle baked prunes with sour cream or any fruit juice before serving.


Products: 400 g of white cabbage, 0.5 cups of milk, sugar, 0.5 tablespoon of crushed crackers, 1 teaspoon of butter.

Peel the cabbage from spoiled leaves, wash, chop, put in boiling water with milk, sugar, salt. Boil, drain, serve sprinkled with browned breadcrumbs, with a piece of butter.


Products: 600 g of beets, 25 g of rice, 150 g of apples, 60 g of cottage cheese, 25 g of raisins, 30 g of butter, 1 egg, 25 g of sugar, 90 g of sour cream.

Boil or bake beets (2 pieces per serving), peel, cut the core so that it looks like a bowl. Chop apples, mix with sugar, grated cottage cheese, boiled rice, egg, butter. Fill the beets with this mass, put them on a greased frying pan, pour over sour cream, drizzle with oil and bake.

Serve with sour cream.


Products: 350 g of beets, 550 g of boiled rice, 1 egg, 250 g of milk.

Boil rice and combine with chopped boiled beets. Dilute raw eggs with milk, add salt, mix. Pour rice mixed with beets with this mass and bake in the oven.


Products: meat 110 g, butter 7 g, milk 60 g, wheat flour 7 g, sour cream 20 g, tomato juice 20 g, parsley.

Boil the meat, cool, cut into thin slices. Prepare white sauce, pour meat over it, add tomato juice, salt a little, mix. Cook at a low boil for 10 minutes and season with sour cream. At the table, add a piece of butter and sprinkle beef stroganoff with finely chopped herbs.


Products: sour cream 70 g, flour 9 g, butter 9 g.

Dry the flour in the oven in a pan without fat until light yellow and cool. Boil milk. Cool a quarter of the milk, add dried flour, stir, pour into boiling milk, stirring constantly, let it boil well.

Season the finished sauce with butter.


Products: milk 70 g, wheat flour 8 g.

Boil half of the sour cream, dilute the flour dried in the oven in the remaining sour cream, combine with hot sour cream, mix well, bring to a boil, strain.


Products: sour cream 40 g, flour 8 g, carrots 15 g, parsley root, celery root - 3 g each, onion 9 g, water 120 g.

Prepare a vegetable broth from carrots, onions, white roots. Boil sour cream, dilute dried and cooled flour with cold vegetable broth and gradually pour into boiling sour cream, let it boil.


Products: per 100 g: broth 110 g, wheat flour 7 g, butter 5 g.

Fry the flour until light yellow in a frying pan without fat, grind with butter and, with continuous stirring, combine with hot broth and, continuing to stir, cook the sauce for 9 minutes.


Products: per 100 g: berries 45 g, sugar 15 g, potato starch 5 g, water 80 g.

Rub the prepared berries through a sieve. Put sugar into the resulting mass, pour in water (leave some for starch dilution), mix and bring to a boil over low heat.

Serve with cereals, cottage cheese, pasta.


Rosehip decoction

Products: dried rose hips 30 g, water 270 g, sugar 10 g (add before use).

Peel dried rosehips from hairs, rinse with cold water, chop, put in an enamel pan, pour hot water, boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid. Remove from heat and infuse for 3 hours in a cool place. Unground rose hips insist 10 hours. Strain the infusion.


Products: 0.5 fresh milk, 0.5 kg of fresh berries (strawberries, strawberries), sugar or powdered sugar.

Boil the milk, cool, wash the berries, let the water drain, squeeze the juice. Milk, stirring, combine with juice, add sugar to taste.


Ingredients: 3 cups fresh milk, 1 lemon, sugar.

Boil the milk, cool, wash the lemon, squeeze the juice, stir with sugar or powdered sugar. Pour the juice into the milk carefully, stirring quickly so that it does not curdle.

A drink from curdled milk

Products: 3 cups of curdled milk, 1 bunch of radishes, 1 tablespoon of finely chopped dill.

Shake yogurt, wash the radish, finely chop, put in milk along with finely chopped dill.


Products: berries 100 g, sugar 25 g, water 250 g.

Rinse fresh berries with cold drinking water, peel off the stalks, knead well, squeeze the juice through gauze and put in a cool place. Pour pomace with hot water, let it boil, remove from heat, strain, add sugar, stir, cool, combine with raw juice.


Products: apples 30 g, carrots 60 g, sugar 15 g, water 250 g.

Rinse, peel, grate the carrots, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or in a juicer. Wash the apples, cut them without peeling them, put them in boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 3 hours, strain. Pour carrot juice into apple infusion, add sugar. This drink is healthy and tasty and without sugar.


Products: milk 100 g, potato starch 6 g, sugar 9 g.

Boil half a serving of milk, burn sugar in a pan until creamy and dissolve in milk. In the second half of the milk, stir the starch and, stirring quickly, gradually pour into the hot milk with sugar, bring to a boil. Ready jelly to cool.


Products: 400 g apples, 2 glasses of water, sugar 70 g, lemon peel.

Boil water with sugar and lemon peel. Wash the apples, peel, cut into quarters, remove the core, cook, gradually lowering into boiling syrup. Cool down.


Products: 400 g of berries (raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, currants), 2 cups of water, 60 g of potato starch, sugar.

Sort the berries, wash, let the water drain, then boil in boiling water. Extract juice, strain. Dissolve starch in a few tablespoons of cold water. Boil the berry juice and pour in the diluted starch, stirring, bring to a boil, put the sugar. Cool down.


Products: 400 g of apples (raspberries, strawberries, cherries), 15 g of gelatin, 2 proteins, sugar.

Wash gelatin, soak in cold water. Wash the apples, cut them, boil them, lightly water them with water, rub them through a sieve, put them in a saucepan, add sugar, and boil. Beat egg whites until foamy, add boiling applesauce and gelatin dissolved in hot water. Stir thoroughly, pour into bowls, cool.


Products: per 1 liter: 200 g of wheat bran.

Dip the bran into boiling water, boil for one hour, strain twice through a fine sieve or gauze, squeezing the first time, and not squeezing the second time.

One serving - 250 g of broth.

The decoction is added to sauces, soups or kvass is prepared by adding sugar and yeast (2 g of yeast and 10 g of sugar per 200 g serving).


Products: carrots 200 g.

Grated carrots, squeeze through gauze and get natural juice. From 200 g of washed and peeled, grated carrots, 120-130 g of juice is obtained.


Products: per 1 liter: total amount of fruits and berries 600 g, sugar 100 g, water 750 g.

Before cooking, sort out all the fruits, free from the stalks, rinse in running water, remove the core and dense skin from apples and pears, cut the fruit into pieces, put in boiling water with sugar. Remove pits from plums. Cook the compote over low heat until all the fruits are soft. Fresh raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, peeled tangerines, oranges are placed in ready-made compote, brought to a boil, removed from heat and cooled.


Ingredients: per 1 liter: dried fruit 120 g, sugar 100 g, water 1 liter.

Sort dried fruits carefully, put in a sieve or colander and wash in running water. Pears and large apples cut into pieces. Put prepared fruits in cold water and cook over low heat until all the fruits are soft. Sugar put in compote at the end of cooking. For flavor, you can put a peel of orange or lemon. Cool the compote, remove the lemon peels.


Products: 3 apples, 200 g plums or other fruits, lemon zest, sugar.

Wash the fruits, put in boiling water, boil, rub through a sieve, put sugar and grated lemon zest.

The most important therapeutic measure to eliminate gout is proper nutrition. It is impossible to get rid of the disease completely, but the general condition can be alleviated. So, with an exacerbation of gout, a special diet is used. It will make the periods of remission longer. Following a certain diet is very important, this will help maintain good health.

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The essence of the diet

Gout is a metabolic disease. This condition is characterized by an increase in uric acid salt. The main essence of the diet during exacerbation is to reduce this level. This is achieved through the use of special products. It is impossible to cure gout, but it is quite possible to alleviate the patient's condition. To do this, during periods of exacerbation, it is worth eating in a special way.

Joints suffer greatly from gout, because a large amount of salts are deposited in them. The joints of the fingers and toes are more susceptible to this. In general, the disease affects all joints in its path. In most cases, the disease is chronic. It is not possible to cure it with medication. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to proper nutrition. The exclusion of products that provoke the deposition of salts, and an increase in uric acid will alleviate the condition of the victim. This is the purpose of this diet.

Diet for gout during an exacerbation

A special diet is prescribed at the first manifestation of the disease. Most often, the period of exacerbation is observed at night. The attack is similar to acute arthritis. Clinical symptoms begin to develop rapidly, reaching their climax after 6 hours. Severe pain is felt in the affected joint. Often there is swelling and redness. After 14 days, the attack stops and the person returns to normal life. The main thing during the period of exacerbation is to start a special diet recommended for gout.

The main principle of treatment is to prevent the progression of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to form the correct lifestyle of the patient. It is recommended to limit the consumption of meat products, including broths. Under the ban are offal, seafood and beans. The diet must be enriched with the optimal amount of carbohydrates and milk proteins. The liquid should be consumed in a volume of 2-3 liters.

The diet is prescribed for 10-14 days. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of liquid food. It is advisable to give preference to dairy products. Pay attention to weak tea, vegetable soups, juices and compotes. Of particular benefit is the use of alkaline mineral water.

In the period of exacerbation, indigestion is often observed. Therefore, you should follow a sparing diet. When the disease begins to recede, you can add a small amount of meat and fish to the diet. It is allowed to eat dairy products, vegetables, eggs and fruits.

Diet menu for gout during an exacerbation

Diet for gout in the period of exacerbation should exclude food that is rich in purine. Limiting the production of uric acid will reduce pain. Therefore, during an exacerbation of gout, it is necessary to follow a specific diet menu. This issue is taken quite seriously. Meals should be fractional, at least 4 times a day. In no case should you starve, this will cause the production of uric acid. Dietary nutrition is very important, just like treatment with medications.

There are quite a few variations of the menu, starting from the lists of allowed and prohibited products, you can make it yourself. The most effective way to get rid of an exacerbation is to push away from the diet menu number 6. How best to eat, it is worth checking with the observing doctor. Below is a sample diet for the day.

For breakfast, you should give preference to a vegetable salad. It is allowed to dilute everything with a fruit pie with millet. You can eat one boiled egg (it should be remembered that they can be eaten no more than 3 pieces per week). For a second breakfast, drink a rosehip broth. For dinner, you should cook noodles in milk and drink everything with jelly. Fresh fruits are good for an afternoon snack. Dinner: low-fat cheesecakes, cabbage rolls from vegetables, as well as weak tea.

This menu is an example. It clearly shows what a daily diet can be. Naturally, you can make a menu yourself, just follow all the recommendations.

Diet Recipes

Cooking delicious dishes is not difficult, for this you do not need to have special abilities. So, the diet can include a lot of delicious and simple recipes. You should start with vegetable salads.

  • Recipe number 1. Cucumber salad. It is necessary to take the main ingredient in any quantity, wash it and finely chop it. Then salt, add lettuce leaves and season with low-fat sour cream or cream.
  • Recipe number 2. The vinaigrette. Potatoes, beets and carrots should be boiled. After the vegetables have cooled, cut them into cubes. Add finely chopped apples, cucumbers and lettuce to the salad. All these components are mixed together and seasoned with sunflower oil.
  • Recipe number 3. Carrot salad with green peas. Carrots should be crushed to a mushy state with a grater. After that, greens and canned peas are added here. You can fill the salad with low-fat sour cream.

Salads are good, but you need to cook something for the first course. At this stage, we will talk about delicious and simple soups.

  • Recipe number 1. Potato soup. It is enough to boil the potatoes until tender, and then rub them through a sieve. To the desired state, it is diluted with a decoction. Then white sauce, egg and butter are added to it. All this boil for several minutes. Serve the soup along with herbs and sour cream.
  • Recipe number 2. Milk soup with vermicelli. It is necessary to boil the vermicelli, no more than 5 minutes, and then add boiled milk to it. The soup is cooked until the vermicelli is ready. Once everything is ready, add butter and sugar.

There are several simple and delicious recipes for side dishes, sauces and desserts. Anyone can cook them, with a minimum set of products.

  • Recipe number 1. Oatmeal with milk. Boil milk and add oatmeal to it. Then salt and sugar are added here to taste. Everything is cooked until fully cooked. At the end of the process, you can add a little butter.
  • Recipe number 2. Omelette. It is necessary to grind the flour in a small amount of milk and add beaten eggs to this. After that, all this is poured onto a baking sheet and cooked in the oven.

  • Recipe number 3. Mix cottage cheese with flour, add an egg there. All this is mixed to a thick consistency, and syrniki are formed. Then they are rolled in flour and fried in a pan on both sides until golden brown.
  • Recipe number 4. White sauce. It is necessary to dry the flour a little in a pan until a creamy shade. Then combine it with butter, while constantly stirring everything. Hot broth is added to the resulting mixture and boiled for 10 minutes.

Cooking is quick, easy and delicious for everyone. Gout is not a death sentence. Even this disease allows you to eat really tasty, without strong restrictions.

What can you eat when gout flares up?

The diet should be not only sparing, but also useful. So, what can you eat during periods of exacerbation. Pay attention to vegetarian soups. Borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable and potato soups are suitable. It is quite possible to add cereals to them. It is allowed to eat lean meat, it can be chicken, rabbit and turkey. You can dilute the diet with seafood, such as squid and shrimp.

It is allowed to eat low-fat fish, but not more than 170 grams per day up to 3 times. You need to pay attention to dairy products, these can be sour-milk products, including cottage cheese and dishes from it, it is allowed to eat sour cream. As for milk, it should be present, but only in small quantities.

Eggs up to 3 pieces per week. Pasta and cereals can be consumed in unlimited quantities. It is worth giving preference to white cabbage, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and zucchini. They should be eaten in large quantities. Dried fruits and nuts are allowed in the form of treats. Non-chocolate sweets, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows, included in the list of allowed products.

Excess purine is removed from the body by cucumber juice. Just one glass a day is enough. Alkaline mineral waters have a similar effect. It is recommended to use green apples, gooseberries, any berries except raspberries. Black and white bread, dill and vegetable oil are not prohibited.

What can not be eaten with an exacerbation of gout?

There are not so many forbidden foods. Refusing them for many people can be an overwhelming burden, but to alleviate the condition, following a certain plan is simply necessary. So what you have to give up and what you can’t eat during an exacerbation.

The meat of young animals is not recommended. Sticky broth made from the head, legs, etc. also fell under the "sanctions". In general, almost all broths are banned, and not necessarily meat. Even mushroom broth should not be consumed. You will have to give up meat broths and smoked meats.

Fatty varieties of fish during exacerbation can be harmful. It is forbidden to eat salted and fried fish, as well as canned fish. Sharp and salty cheeses are included in the ban group. This also includes various spices, including pepper, mustard and horseradish. Do not season food with vinegar and salt.

It is worth excluding foods that can excite the nervous system. These include strong tea, coffee and cocoa. You should refuse cream cakes, chocolate and cakes. In other words, from all heavy food. This includes pork and pork products. It is unacceptable to consume juices with preservatives, legumes and grape products. Of course, alcohol is strictly prohibited.

You should limit the consumption of salt, sausages, boiled meat and fish. It is necessary to give preference to poultry, salmon, trout and mackerel. It is worth limiting the use of pickles, marinades, lard and plums.

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