Paralysis of the left side of the body causes. Chronic left adnexitis. Diagnostic criteria for the disease

In today's environment, we are constantly dealing with in a sedentary manner life. All this greatly affects the condition of our spine. Considering that almost every person spends at least 2 to 4 hours at the computer on average, all this has a significant impact on health. And we are talking not at all about vision, but about more serious consequences - scoliosis.

Few people take this problem seriously, especially children. Namely, children are primarily susceptible to various types of curvature of the spine due to the still unformed skeleton. After all, scoliosis has not only an external reflection.

Certain types of it affect internal organs and as a result, the appearance of various diseases and exacerbations that are treated only surgically, leaving behind a lot of complications.

What is left sided scoliosis?

Each of us from the moment of birth, the back has irregularities. In the lower part of the spine is always slightly curved forward. A deviation from the norm is the arching of the spine to the left or right of its axis, that is, left-sided or, respectively, right-sided scoliosis.

The shape, side and type of bend depends only on the lifestyle and acquired habits. For example, carry weights in the left or right hand!

A mild degree of this disease is something that almost every one of us acquires by the end of school. However, one should not be careless about this seemingly almost harmless and so common disease.

Scoliosis is a disease associated with curvature of the spine. As already noted, it can be left-handed, right-handed and zigzag.

This happens depending on where the top of the curvature is directed, hence the names right-handed and left-handed. It is left-sided scoliosis that is most often diagnosed in school-age children.

Left-sided scoliosis is one of the varieties of pathology in the direction of the curving arc, namely: the curvature of its convex part is directed to the left.

The disease can be a simple form, in which only one pathological arc is determined, or it can be complex, with the presence of two or more arcs.

The initial stage of curvature of the spine is usually detected by chance, when a patient comes to the doctor with complaints of other diseases or a routine examination.

Each of its species causes not only asymmetry spinal muscles, an increase in the bends of posture, protrusion and retraction of the ribs. Also, this disease can cause a wide variety of malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

It is left-sided scoliosis that very often affects the internal organs, which are located on the right side of the body.

Organs such as right kidney, liver, intestines, gallbladder. They start to malfunction. Hence, diseases of the pelvic organs arise.

However, all violations in the internal systems of the body do not occur in one day. But, there are exceptions when this kind of disease progresses in a matter of months.

Sometimes it takes a very long time before they show themselves. And at this time, gradually, degree by degree, the disease continues to develop.

However, this pathology requires close attention, as well as timely detection, because if left untreated, it can lead to the development of osteochondrosis of the spine and its complications.

Left-sided scoliosis is a common occurrence in athletes. It is of a reflex muscular nature and is associated mainly with the pain of overstressed muscles and their inflammation with myositis.

By nature, we have more developed muscles right side.

Therefore, pain often occurs on the right than on the left. Posture reflexively deviates in the direction opposite to its source, that is, to the left.

The first or second degree of thoracic scoliosis is rarely noticed and tried to be treated, although it is this period that is the “golden” time for treatment, when with the help of therapeutic exercises you can practically cope with the disease.

Left-sided lumbar scoliosis of primary origin rarely progresses to S-shape. This is due to its close location near the center of gravity of the body.

Left-sided scoliosis of the cervico- thoracic when the arc of curvature falls on the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae. With such a pathology, asymmetry occurs not only in the trunk, but also in the face.

Left-sided scoliosis can be in different parts of the spine: in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

In athletes, this pathology develops due to the reflex muscular nature. That is, in most cases, the main load falls on the right side of the body, as a result of which the muscles on the right side get tired more, which manifests itself in the form of pain. The body reflexively bends the spine away from the source of pain - to the left.

With left-sided thoracic scoliosis, a bend occurs at the level of 7-10 thoracic vertebrae. C-shaped deformation attributed to 1 or 2 degrees of the disease.

If the pathology that has arisen is ignored, a compensatory arc will form. That is, the body independently tries to ensure the correct position of the body.

When the top of the arc is localized at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra develops thoracolumbar scoliosis. The probability of occurrence of right-sided or left-sided curvature in this situation is almost the same. Thoracic lumbar scoliosis is not particularly pronounced compensatory arches.

This type of scoliosis is usually not accompanied by any serious disorders. A person usually learns about such a diagnosis by accident, since he practically does not cause trouble. This disease very rarely can lead to any malignant development. The fact is that this type of scoliosis is close to the normal center of gravity of the human body.

Left-sided lumbar scoliosis is rarely accompanied by an S-shaped curvature. This is due to the fact that the deformation in this area is located near the center of gravity of the body.

With it, the appearance of secondary arcs of curvature is usually hardly noticeable, especially if they are located lower than the primary arc. However, this type of scoliosis cannot be underestimated, since in the absence of adequate treatment, it can begin to progress.

Usually, elderly people suffer from severe forms of this disease. But as practice shows, it can occur at any period of life.

But, it is worth noting that it manifests itself in the following signs: hypertrophy of the waist and lumbar muscles on the right side, their underdevelopment on the left.

This can be found out after palpation. At the first stage, it is almost invisible, but at the second stage it already has pronounced signs. Left-sided lumbar scoliosis can give severe degrees only in old age.

How scoliosis will manifest itself depends on the degree of deviation of the spinal column from the midline. The degree of pathology is set after the patient is x-rayed in several projections.

The first degree implies the presence of a deformation not exceeding 5 degrees. Outwardly, such a change is difficult to determine without special tests. If you look at the back of a teenager or an adult from behind, you can notice that one shoulder blade is elevated above the other, when the back is tilted, the median line diverges to the side.

Patients may complain of rapid onset of fatigue after exercise or after the body has been in one, uncomfortable position for a long time.

If the disease is at stage 1, then it is quite difficult to suspect it on your own. But despite the fact that this pathology rarely accompanied by complications, it should not be ignored.

In the case of progression of the disease of stage 1, the patient may develop:

  • asymmetry of the gluteal fold;
  • visual reduction of the left leg and lengthening of the right;
  • displacement of the pelvis to the left side;
  • violation of the functionality of the pelvic organs;
  • omission of the right kidney.

The second degree is when the deviation to the side is from 10 to 25 degrees. The stoop is clearly visible, from external defects one shoulder blade is lowered down, the waist is uneven, the lower ribs are asymmetric on the right and left in relation to each other, torticollis. A muscle roller may form on the back.

Of the complaints, adolescents with this degree of scoliosis often present with painful, recurrent phenomena in the chest.

Discomfort is especially pronounced after physical education, sports, after a long motionless stay in one position. There may be numbness and tingling in the hands.

The third degree is set when the degree reaches from 25 to 50. Outwardly, this type of deformation is not difficult to determine. The rotation of the vertebrae around its axis disrupts and normal anatomy other structures associated with the support human body. On the one hand, the ribs will protrude on the back, on the side of the chest, on the contrary, they will sink, the pelvic region is skewed, the chest is deformed.

All this leads to functional impairment in the internal organs. In addition to complaints of back pain, a person indicates periodic breathing problems, heart failure, and shortness of breath.

Violation of the work of the most important systems of the body leads to a decrease in immunity and, as a result, there are frequent colds. The skewness also changes the functioning of the spinal cord itself, this leads to a change in sensitivity and motor activity in the limbs.

Scoliosis can be stable or rapidly progressive. The transition from one stage to another takes several years for some people, for others it can take literally months.

Scoliosis 4 degrees can be called deformity. The degree of deviation of the spine exceeds 50 degrees, and the greater it is, the clearer all the external signs and the harder it is for the person himself. The human body is very skewed to one side, he walks almost in a half-bent posture.

As a result of such deviations, the internal organs are displaced, serious and almost permanent violations appear in their work.

In children, growth slows or stops. Pain in the spinal column is very strong and constant, the load only increases them many times over. Serious health problems lead to disability and early death.


Left-sided scoliosis occurs for a number of reasons.

  • congenital pathology. Congenital scoliosis is usually associated with an abnormal development of the spinal column. It can occur when a person has extra vertebrae or ribs. Such scoliosis is much less common than acquired.
  • Acquired. Most often, scoliosis develops during life and is acquired. They suffer much more often than representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
  • Idiopathic. Sometimes the causes of the disease become unknown. This type of scoliosis is called idiopathic. Basically, it begins to develop during the period of active growth of the skeleton.

Basically, scoliosis can form for a number of reasons. Cerebral palsy, injuries and tumors of the spinal cord, poliomyelitis, osteomyelitis, congenital hypotension, vertebral muscle atrophy, rickets, osteogenesis, articulation pathology between the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae.

With scoliosis, the primary arc first forms, then the spine begins to curve above and below it. This is how secondary arcs of curvature are formed.

Also, it should be noted that some rare factors the occurrence of the disease can be:

  1. Static loads on the spine, long work with a forced position - among factory employees, people working at a computer. Dentists often develop left-sided scoliosis. The thrust of the back muscles, directed to one of the sides, eventually leads to the formation of a curvature.
  2. Injuries that led to the displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other.
  3. Intense sports activities.
  4. Avitaminosis, diseases of the nervous system, violation of protein and mineral metabolism.
  5. Tuberculosis of the spine.
  6. Chronic lung diseases leading to a violation of the shape of the chest.
  7. Children's rickets
  8. cerebral palsy (children's cerebral paralysis), poliomyelitis
  9. Dysplastic anomalies of the spine (fusion of the vertebrae, underdevelopment of the arches, etc.)
  10. Rheumatoid arthritis
  11. Endocrine Disorders and Hormonal Imbalances Curvature Contributing Lifestyle
  12. Constant wearing heaviness in the right arm or bags with a belt on the right shoulder
  13. The habit of sleeping on the right side
  14. Prolonged sitting in the wrong position, with the left shoulder forward

In adulthood, it is difficult to identify the cause of the disease, the development of the disease is influenced by several factors at once, which in total cause the curvature.

Left-sided scoliotic curvature may appear as from the moment of birth in the form birth injury or congenital pathology, and can also develop during life.

With an S-shaped curvature, one arc is considered primary - the one that was formed earlier. The second is compensatory: it is directed to the other side and serves to stabilize the position of the spine.

For example, with a left-sided thoracic curvature of the 3rd degree, a

  • right-sided compensatory arch in the cervical region in order to ensure the correct position of the head
  • right-sided arch in the lumbar region to maintain balance

Also, one of the causes of left-sided scoliotic pathology may be a dorsal hernia of the l5-s1 segment.

In turn, scoliotic curvature itself can cause osteochondrosis and hernia, as it can lead to displacement and deformation of the disc.

Initially, the disease forms a primary arc of curvature. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the area that is above and below the primary arc begins to curve. These arcs are called secondary or compensatory.

Signs of left-sided scoliosis

Left side scoliosis lumbar usually does not lead to malignancy. Doctors explain this by the fact that this ailment occurs in an area that is located not far from physiological center gravity of the human body to the arc of curvature. Moreover, even the secondary arches are poorly expressed, especially below the primary arch.

But still it is impossible to say with certainty that left-sided scoliosis never progresses. Most severe consequences may become noticeable in old age, but symptoms often appear in younger years.

These symptoms include:

  • pain in the lower back, as well as in the sacrum, often felt even in childhood;
  • feeling tired due to a long stay in a sitting or standing position;
  • the figure is bent, which makes the gait awkward due to the incorrect position of the hips;
  • difficult physical activity.

As scoliosis progresses, the following symptoms join:

  1. pain in the shoulder blades (constant aching, periodic shooting), sometimes in the back of the head;
  2. increased pain after physical exertion, prolonged sitting in the wrong position;
  3. irradiation of pain in the lower back;
  4. decreased mobility of the thoracic segment of the spine;
  5. back muscle tension;
  6. violation of the normal location of the chest (asymmetry), neck, sometimes - the pelvis;
  7. formation and growth of the costal hump;
  8. sinking of some ribs and bulging of the arcs of others;
  9. torsion of individual vertebrae;
  10. weakness of the abdominal press;
  11. in the advanced stages of scoliosis in children - a decrease in the growth rate, in adults - a decrease in growth;
  12. bone changes (deformation, fusion of the vertebrae), which can lead to immobility of some parts of the spinal column.
  13. humps in front and behind in the scapular and costal region;
  14. strong asymmetry of the spinal column. Accordingly, the kidney, liver, intestines and gallbladder are at risk. But such results of inaction appear in very extreme cases, when therapeutic measures have not been carried out for decades.

The situation over time is further aggravated by soreness and weakness, an increase in pulmonary and heart failure.

Possible Complications

Without medical procedures, progressive left-sided scoliosis over time can lead to the development of various concomitant diseases of the intestines and stomach, osteochondrosis, disorders in the functioning of the respiratory, reproductive and circulatory systems.

In this case, the patient cannot unambiguously determine the cause of such related problems with health, blaming everything on poor ecology or nutrition.

Children with such deviations have weak immunity, are prone to hormonal disorders in the body. Girls experience disruptions in their menstrual cycles.

All this is aggravated with the growth of the child and requires surgical intervention - as the child is growing rapidly, forming a skeleton for life.

Women of childbearing age with an asymmetrical pelvis have difficulty conceiving, carrying, and having a child. This further affects both the health of the mother and the health of the newborn child.

That is why, if even a small part of the listed symptoms is detected, it is very important to promptly and promptly contact your doctor.

Treatment Methods

To confirm the above symptoms, sometimes a regular examination by a doctor is not enough. Often, patients are assigned to undergo additional medical procedures: x-rays, CT or MRI.

The use of these methods makes it possible to determine the degree of rotation as accurately as possible, as well as to localize the focus of pathology. Only after it is defined accurate diagnosis developed a specific course of treatment.

It is not difficult to recognize severe scoliosis on your own: when you are in a standing position, you need to relax and pay attention to the location of your shoulders. If one of them is higher than the other, this is a sign of scoliosis.

The principles of treatment will differ depending on the severity of the process, the age of the patient, concomitant disorders. It will be almost completely possible with appropriate therapy to correct scoliosis of the 1st degree in children, of course, if it is detected on time.

The following are the types of therapy that are mainly used in the treatment of adults with scoliosis.

Conservative therapy of scoliosis of the thoracic region is carried out at the first degrees of pathology. From medicines use:

  • Painkillers. Analgesics are necessary for a person with constant and intense pain.
  • Drugs, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at eliminating changes in the vertebrae and related structures. The choice of this group of drugs largely depends on what pathologies musculoskeletal system found during diagnostics. Anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, vitamin and mineral complexes, drugs aimed at improving metabolic reactions are prescribed.

How long the drug treatment will last depends on how pronounced the positive changes become, often with scoliosis, treatment regimens are used to consolidate the result two to three times a year.

In addition to drug therapy, the methods of external influence. First, with their help, they achieve correction of the curvature, apply:

  1. Massotherapy. It is appointed with the aim of gradually strengthening muscle corset. At proper conduct massage, it is also possible to correct a minor anomaly, and an increase in blood supply helps to strengthen the nutrition of the vertebrae. Massage technique in each case is always selected individually and must be carried out by a trained specialist. An experienced massage therapist achieves stress relief on the side of the concavity and toning on the opposite edge.
  2. Traction on an inclined plane, using special devices, in water. When stretched, the vertebrae gradually return to their normal position.
  3. Therapeutic exercise. Exercises performed in rehabilitation centers and houses are considered the most important conservative method scoliosis correction. A set of classes is selected individually and a person must devote time to it every day.

In the future, that is, after the course conservative therapy, the orthopedist suggests to the patient to wear a corset. The supportive type of corset is especially useful for scoliosis of the 1st degree and is worn during physical work.

Corrective corsets are considered medical, they are made of plastic, and their sizes for each patient are calculated individually. To do this, all the data obtained during the diagnosis and measurement of spinal deviations are stored in a computer, and a special program generates a suitable version of the corset.

As the correction progresses, it becomes necessary to replace the corset with another one. A sick person should wear corrective corsets certain time, in order to prevent muscle atrophy, they are removed at night or for several hours during the day.

Orthopedists also recommend swimming to their patients with spinal problems, when performing sedentary work take breaks, sleep on a fairly hard surface.

In addition to exercise, massage, pharmacological treatment no less important in the correction of pathology is given and good nutrition, reducing its own weight.

For children who have scoliosis, in addition to a complex of conservative therapy, it is also necessary to minimize everyday factors that provoke the development of scoliosis. Namely:

  • Children's furniture must be properly selected. That is, the height of the chair and table should be suitable for the height of the child.
  • Leisure time of the child should include at least 2 hours active rest or games daily and preferably on fresh air;
  • Refusal to carry a backpack or bag over one shoulder or in one hand;
  • The child's sleeping place should not be equipped with soft pillows or mattresses. Only an orthopedic pillow and a hard mattress are allowed.

If there is no effect from the methods taken to correct it, an operation is prescribed. Surgery is recommended almost immediately if the scoliosis is found to be rapidly progressing.

One of the most affordable and most effective ways to treat such a disease is exercise therapy.

For left sided scoliosis physiotherapy performed in a standing position, on the back, on the stomach. The whole complex of exercise therapy is mastered by the patient under the supervision of an instructor, and then performed at home on their own. Exercises are performed 6-7 times, then the number of repetitions is gradually increased to 10-15 times.

Needs to be done physiotherapy exercises daily, part of the complex can be done in the morning, the second half in the evening.

The most important and difficult to be considered final stage treatment. Without the application of appropriate efforts, when exercises are performed to train the spinal muscles of the spinal skeleton, which are selected individually by a specialist, sooner or later the disease will begin to manifest itself again.

So, the main exercises:

standing exercises

  1. Feet together, arms down. Rise on toes, hold this position for 5-6 seconds, lower.
  2. Legs shoulder width apart. Circular movements arms forward, then back.
  3. The gymnastic stick is fixed at the back near the shoulder blades. Tilt forward, the back should be flat, you can bend slightly towards the floor.
  4. Starting position is the same. Become even, smooth turns of the body, first to the left, then to the right.
  5. Gymnastic stick in outstretched arms at chest level. Do smooth squats, while trying to keep your back straight without bending.

It should be noted that it is desirable to perform such exercises on a special rug or on a non-slippery surface.

Lying on your back

  1. Hands along the body. Bend the outstretched legs at the knees, bring them to the stomach, then straighten them again.
  2. Left hand take aside and fix on the floor, put the right one behind the head. Perform straight leg raises up to 45 degrees.
  3. The starting position is the same. Leg movements imitating "scissors".
  4. Hands along the body, rest your feet on the floor, then try to lift the pelvis up. Fix the position for a few seconds, return to the starting position.

It is advisable to practice all exercises performed on the back on a hard surface.

Lying on your stomach

  1. Put the left hand on the chest, fix the right hand at the back of the head. Raising the shoulder girdle and upper chest.
  2. Put your hands under your chest. lifting outstretched legs up to an angle of 20-30 degrees.
  3. The starting position is the same. Raise the right half of the chest and at the same time bend the legs at the knees. Stretch your feet towards your head.
  4. Put your hands along the body. Abduction of the extended left leg.
  5. Try to lift the torso leaning on the arms and feet bent at the elbows.
  6. Final exercise: lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Relax the muscles, calm breathing.

It is important to note that such exercises are mainly performed according to at least on the early stages under the supervision and guidance of a physician.

With the development of scoliosis, in addition to special gymnastic exercises for the spine beneficial effect provides massage, as well as swimming, and in the early stages - manual therapy.


    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the effect, and not with the cause ...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through pharmacy chain to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt. Thanks!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman suffers from pain ...

    Andrew a week ago

    What only folk remedies I didn't try, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina a week ago

    Tried to drink a decoction of bay leaf, no use, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

    Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this Federal program for the fight against diseases of the joints spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

It is known that a disease such as left-sided pneumonia is very common, and at the same time poses a threat to human health in general. Let's take a closer look at this disease. Left-sided pneumonia is the most dangerous option pneumonia, because the location of the focus is in close proximity to the heart. Experts believe that at present this disease is one of the most dangerous in the section of viral diseases that are caused by bacteria that affect the lung tissue. This disease can lead the patient to death. With pneumonia of the left lung, an inflammatory process occurs in the chest.

Experts report that the development of pneumonia on the left side can begin in patients who have bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, SARS or tonsillitis. Bacteria are able to capture organs and go to different departments chest. The disease attacks the lungs partially or completely.

It should not be assumed that due to the constant appearance of the latest antibiotics, pneumonia becomes not so terrible. This statement is very misleading, since in any case it remains very dangerous, complications from it can be fatal. The causative agents of this disease enter the body through the airborne channel. In rare cases, the virus is able to pass through circulatory system, getting there from a small focus that arose in a certain organ. It should be noted that bacteria are able to enter the respiratory tract during inhalation from the mouth.

An unpleasant diagnosis for left-sided pneumonia is left-sided lower lobe pneumonia. This ailment can manifest itself if a person has too weak immunity due to drug treatment of a previous ailment. At that moment, when the human body begins to recover as a result of the disease, it becomes more vulnerable to new viruses. Consequently, dangerous organisms have the ability to be located in the bronchi, and then spread to other organs. Increased likelihood diseases of fungi, viruses, infections, etc. are noted at the time of a weakened organism as a whole. Left-sided lower lobe pneumonia is a danger to the body.

Note that left-sided pneumonia can be characterized by different criteria. In particular, two types of the disease are distinguished: hospital and community-acquired type. Out-of-hospital classification of the disease can be treated not only in a medical institution, that is, at home. Doctors report that it can be very difficult to treat left-sided pneumonia, as there is a rather reduced immune resource, as well as a weakening of the blood saturation of the bronchi. In such a case, the blood is not able to flow to the necessary part of the organs.

A fatal outcome as a result of pneumonia can occur due to the fact that the patient did not take the illness seriously and did not start timely treatment. The patient must understand that left-sided pneumonia should be treated at the first symptoms.

Inflammation of the lungs is classified into several types:

  • complete infection of the lungs;
  • focal inflammation;
  • confluent type of inflammation (combination of several foci of infection);
  • (spread to one whole lobe in the lung);
  • (bacteria are noted in some parts of the lung).

Recall that left-sided pneumonia is more severe than, since the focus of infection is located too close to the heart. With pneumonia of the left lung, there is a danger that the patient, with the progress of the disease, may not withstand the attack of high temperature, as well as the virus.

Experts believe that the reasons inflammatory process it is in the left lung that they can occur due to a cold, for example, when the body is hypothermic on the left side. Inflammation in the left lung can be either typical or atypical. The difference is that there are differences in harmful bacteria. For example, typical pneumonia can be caused by Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Atypical inflammation can be caused by legionella, chlamydia, and microplasma, which can infect the lung in rare cases.

Diagnosis and symptoms of left-sided pneumonia

Each person should know the signs of manifestation of left-sided pneumonia in order to prevent the disease or begin timely treatment. Symptoms left-sided inflammation lungs:

  • pain in the region of the heart, which can increase. It is noted that pain may occur in connection with a cold in the left side of the chest;
  • It is very painful for the patient to take a deep breath. It is possible to reduce pain with gradual pressure on the chest in the left side of the body;
  • moist cough, which in some cases is noted with pus or bloody streaks;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • vomiting is sometimes noted, and nausea for a long time;
  • shaking;
  • weakness of a permanent character;
  • severe pain in the throat with cough;
  • headache;
  • loss of consciousness, fainting.

These symptoms may not necessarily appear together. All symptoms may persist for more than advanced stage left sided pneumonia. If the patient has several symptoms at the same time, then most likely he needs to go to the hospital, since self-medication at home can lead to negative consequences.

It's important to know! Highest Risk pneumonia is observed in spring and autumn.

The problem is the fact that doctors are not always able to recognize pneumonia at the first stage of development, since the symptoms can be very similar to pharyngitis or SARS.

The main method of diagnosing the disease is an x-ray examination, the patient needs to take a picture of the chest area. Not in all cases, the doctor can listen to inflammation in the lungs. It should also be noted that a dangerous infection can be recognized by examining blood or sputum from the throat. If the patient has pneumonia, then a blood or sputum test will show what kind of character it is - bacterial or.

Another way to diagnose pneumonia is bronchoscopy. Mucus is collected by inserting a tube into the nose. This method diagnosis can lead to effective treatment in the future.

It should be noted that pneumonia can develop not only in adults, but also in children. Parents could miss the fact that after SARS or tonsillitis, the child could have some complications, that is, the development of pneumonia in the child.

With pneumonia in a child, it is necessary to identify the disease at the very initial stage of development in order to avoid consequences, for example, a lung abscess or internal edema.


If the patient has a rather serious form of the disease, then he is sent for inpatient treatment. Most doctors prescribe potent antibiotics, such as amixicillin.

Usually, the treatment of pneumonia is aimed at reducing the inflammation itself, as well as improving the patient's condition, while having an important effect on viral foci. If the patient has a too severe stage of the disease, then doctors resort not only to traditional treatment, but also to non-traditional methods. It is necessary to regularly rub the hands and feet of the patient in order to strengthen his immunity.

If a person is given timely and proper treatment, then he can recover quite quickly. In general, the disease is treated for two to four weeks.


To prevent pneumonia, the following instructions must be followed:

  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • undergo a thorough treatment of all diseases so that they do not give any complications;
  • walk more often in the fresh air, as well as restore appropriate strength after prolonged bed rest;
  • constantly monitor the level of immunity.

Left-sided inflammation in children

In children, signs of pneumonia practically do not differ from adults:

  • elevated body temperature. Usually noted from 38 to 40 degrees;
  • moist cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • pain in the left side of the chest;
  • headache.

The particular difficulty in the timely diagnosis of the disease is that the child does not have the opportunity to properly describe everything that worries him, for example, where it hurts and what hurts. Usually the child explains everything superficially. More the situation is more complicated the situation is with babies, because they cannot even show where it hurts and what worries him. Therefore, it becomes almost impossible to diagnose the disease at the earliest stage of development. Every child under the age of seven will not be able to explain their condition, so a child of two years old can simply say that he has something "bo-bo" and not show where. If parents have any suspicions, then it is necessary to run to a medical facility.

How to treat left-sided inflammation in a child?

Remember! It is necessary to treat pneumonia exclusively with antibiotics, since only they have pernicious influence for viruses and microbes.

A child is prescribed exactly the same antibiotics as an adult, but the dosage will be significantly lower. Also, therapists are advised to conduct a massage course for a baby with pneumonia, which will be done in the chest area. Also, the child needs to knead, rub and tap on the palms.

Recall that children may have the following types of left-sided pneumonia: inflammation reed segments, upper and lower lobe pneumonia, as well as acute pneumonia, all these types of inflammation should be treated.

Preventive actions for pneumonia in children

Prevention of pneumonia in babies consists of the following rules:

  • ridding the baby of all kinds of viruses and microbes;
  • permanent hardening;
  • vaccinations against acute respiratory infections and SARS;
  • proper nutrition;
  • strengthening immunity.

Remember that pneumonia is treatable, you just need to diagnose it for more early dates. It is known that the earlier any disease is diagnosed, the sooner it will be cured.

Left-sided pneumonia develops less often than right-sided, but is more dangerous. This is facilitated by the specificity of microorganisms. As a rule, pneumococcus, staphylococcus and Haemophilus influenzae often cause inflammation on the right side. This is facilitated by the anatomical features of the structure of the bronchial tree.

The right main bronchus is larger and directed downward, therefore, when bacteria enter, conditions are created for the development of the inflammatory process in the lower lobe.

A competent doctor knows that left-sided pneumonia is more difficult to treat, since if microbes have penetrated the left main bronchus, then the person's immunity is greatly weakened. Delivery of drugs to the site of inflammation on the left is hampered by poor blood supply to the bronchi.

As a result of inflammatory changes in the lungs, according to statistics, there is a 5% mortality rate in Russia. In terms of the number of deaths among all diseases, pneumonia is on the 6th line. Such statistics indicate the need for careful approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, not only among doctors, but also among patients.

As a rule, a significant number of deaths occur due to the fact that a person neglects the first symptoms and turns to doctors only when they appear. serious consequences: high fever, severe cough, fainting.

Let's take a closer look at what is dangerous pneumonia of the left lung, and how to treat it.

About the causes of left-sided pneumonia

Left-sided pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person or a carrier of a pathogen. During a sneeze, bacteria are released from his respiratory tract, which, together with particles of liquid, enter the lungs of those around him. In the presence of weak local protection, microorganisms begin to multiply actively. Arises local inflammation lung tissue which can still be treated with antibiotics. However, oral use of these drugs for pneumococcal infections rarely brings positive results. Only etiologically directed therapy in adequate dosages can prevent the reproduction of the pathogen.

Signs of pneumonia on the left, which are characterized by focal infiltrates on the radiograph, can be treated at home under the supervision of a doctor. This approach is used in the absence of a person serious secondary diseases and a normal immune system.

In other cases, hospitalization is required, as pneumonia can provoke acute respiratory failure. Artificial ventilation of the lungs will be required, which can only be carried out in a specialized department

In other cases, hospitalization is required, as pneumonia can provoke acute respiratory failure. Artificial ventilation of the lungs will be required, which can only be carried out in a specialized department.

Symptoms of inflammation of the left lung are no different from the pathology of other localizations. It is important to identify the first signs of the disease in a timely manner and seek the help of a specialist:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Cough;
  • Sweating and weakness;
  • Profuse perspiration at night;
  • Sputum secretion;
  • Blueness of the lips;
  • Blue nail color;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Fever.

Symptoms of inflammatory changes in the lung parenchyma of viral and bacterial etiology are different.

signs viral inflammation lungs:

  1. Headache;
  2. muscle weakness;
  3. Dry cough and fever;
  4. Severe dyspnea and fatigue.

In bacterial infections, symptoms of intoxication and local inflammation predominate:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Sputum;
  • Cough

Special symptoms in mycoplasma infection. This microorganism forms signs similar to both bacterial and viral inflammation.

In children, the symptoms of the disease are most pronounced. At the initial stages, a strong productive cough is formed with a temperature of about 39-40 degrees. At the same time, severe shortness of breath appears, not only during exercise, but also at rest. The baby feels pain in the chest and hiccups due to irritation of the sheets of the diaphragm.

Similar symptoms are observed in the elderly, but the onset of inflammatory changes in them does not develop as quickly as in children. Pneumonia after 60 years is also manifested by frequent bouts of loss of consciousness and temporary disorientation in space and time.

When externally studying the patient's condition at a therapist's appointment, the doctor pays attention to the increased respiratory rate, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and the acceleration of the respiratory rate.

In conclusion, I would like to tell readers about the pathogenetic features of the formation of pathology. In the old days, scientists thought that the variety of symptoms of inflammation of the lung parenchyma was due to the toxicity of pathogens.

Clinical experiments have shown that the same bacterium causes different symptoms in different people.

Such data made it possible to identify the influence of the state of the body, immunity, concomitant diseases on the course of pathology. Studies conducted in the 20th century showed that the effectiveness of the use of antibiotics is increased when using targeted agents rather than broad-spectrum drugs.

If you choose an antibacterial drug that can narrowly affect only a specific pathogen, the effectiveness of treatment increases.

In the 21st century, researchers have been able to identify the effect of saprophytic flora on the rate of cure for left-sided pneumonia. It turned out that some microorganisms (for example, Proteus) are able to fight pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract. Thus, increasing the rate of cure of pathology and preventing recurrence of the disease.

It is obvious that the use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics reduces the time of treatment of pathology. Development and research on the rapid diagnosis and treatment of bacterial infections of the lungs continues.

Every person should know the signs of the onset of pneumonia in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner. They will save lives or prevent terrible consequences:

  • Dry obsessive cough (only not smoker's bronchitis);
  • An increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees;
  • Small amount of sputum;
  • The duration of the fever is more than 3 days.

According to medical canons, if the temperature lasts for more than 3 days, this is a sign bacterial infection. In such a situation, antibiotics are prescribed. If the temperature is below 38 degrees, you do not need to take antibiotics. It is believed that with subfebrile condition, the biochemical reactions of the body are enhanced to accelerate the elimination pathological changes. When the body can't fight off the infection on its own, it needs help. Then drugs are prescribed.

If the temperature response reaches high performance- 39-40 degrees, a person feels weakness, malaise, muscle pain. It is impossible to allow inflammation of the lungs to such symptoms!

Medical treatment of left-sided pneumonia requires a competent selection of an antibiotic. We mentioned this a little earlier in the article. To select an adequate drug, it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease. It only succeeds in 60% of cases.

The difficulties are related to the fact that oral cavity and the nasopharynx in a person normally lives a lot of bacteria. They are able to provoke pathology only when certain conditions: decreased immunity, hypothermia, smoking. As a rule, the saprophytic flora alone does not cause extensive damage to the lung tissue. Only in combination with pathogenic microorganisms and viruses does it cause lobar lesions.

Thus, the detection of saprophytic rods and cocci in a smear from the oropharynx and sputum does not indicate that they are the cause of pneumonia. Only when specific pathogens (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia) are detected, doctors have the opportunity to prescribe narrow-spectrum antibacterial agents.

Difficulties in the treatment of pathology arise due to the fact that the results of a microbiological study appear after 3-4 days, and the disease requires immediate treatment. To exclude the progression of inflammatory changes in the lungs, doctors at this time prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics - 3-4 generation cephalosporins, ampicillins, fluoroquinolones.

After receiving the results of swabs for the detection of the causative agent, tactical approaches change. The patient is prescribed a drug that can destroy etiological microorganisms.

To self-treat pneumonia at home, patients try to use the same drugs as doctors. However, they do not have the ability to identify the pathogen. Such approaches have led to a high insensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. Microorganisms at inadequate application drugs adapt to their action.

Attention! Do not use antibiotics yourself! This will lead to the fact that "your" microbes will become insensitive to the effects of drugs.

It is difficult to assume that a person can independently treat lobar or total left-sided pneumonia, even for the most qualified doctor. medical sciences. Therapy of the disease requires taking into account many symptoms, constant control states laboratory research and radiography.

In conclusion, here is one of the schemes for the medical treatment of pneumonia:

  • Amoxicillin with pneumococcal infection effectively affects pneumococcus (according to recent studies);
  • With the ineffectiveness of the drug "amoxicillin / clavulanate" at a dose of 1-2 grams 3 times a day, it is necessary to replace it with a broad-spectrum antibiotic of other groups;
  • Bronchodilators to improve respiratory function (ambroxol, bromhexine, licorice root);
  • Infusion of solutions to thin sputum.

With the formation of respiratory failure, the patient should be urgently hospitalized in a department equipped with artificial lung ventilation devices.

In children, ribavirin is used to improve the functions of the immune system. With viral left-sided inflammation of the lungs, it is more expedient to treat the disease with the following drugs:

  • Remantadine or amantadine daily dose 200 mg;
  • Zanamivir - 10 mg 2 times a day by inhalation;
  • Oseltamivir - 2 times a day, 75 mg orally;
  • Acyclovir - intravenously at 7-10 mcg / kg every 8 hours.

Antiviral treatment is effective only in the first 48 hours after the penetration of pathogens into the respiratory epithelium.

We draw the attention of readers - antibiotics for viral infections are not effective. Why do doctors sometimes prescribe them? To prevent the attachment of bacterial flora to the viral infection of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of pneumonia in some categories of patients requires vaccination against pneumococcus. There is a special vaccine that creates immunity against this pathogen severe bilateral pneumonia.

Vaccination is carried out for persons with the occurrence of colds and pneumonia more than 3 times a year.

To summarize: left-sided pneumonia can manifest itself as minor infiltrative foci or a total lesion of the left lung. In its treatment, it is necessary to identify the pathogen for the appointment of etiotropic antibiotics. During the first 2-4 days of the disease, treatment is carried out with broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. Symptomatic therapy- according to indications.

Often, after visiting a doctor, patients hear a diagnosis - left-sided lower lobe pneumonia. This disease is quite common and proper treatment does not lead to dangerous consequences. Nevertheless, it is important to diagnose it in time and draw up the correct treatment regimen. So what are the causes of pneumonia? What symptoms should a sick person pay attention to? Is it possible to somehow prevent the development of the disease?

What is an ailment?

To begin with, it is worth understanding the meaning of the term "left-sided lower lobe pneumonia." As you know, the left lung consists of two lobes, and the right - of three. And each lung is divided into ten segments.

Pneumonia is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process that can be unilateral (left- or right-sided) or bilateral. Depending on the location, pneumonia can be total (the entire lung is affected), focal (there is only one or several small foci of inflammation), lobar (a certain lobe of the lung is affected) and segmental (the inflammatory process is limited to one or some segments). Sometimes you can hear the term "extrapulmonary left-sided lower lobe pneumonia" - as a rule, this means that the primary source of infection is located in other organs, for example, in the pleural cavity.

It is worth saying that the mortality among patients is about 5%. The fact is that left-sided lower lobe / focal pneumonia in the early stages can be hidden - patients seek help too late. And there is also a high probability of spreading the inflammatory process to the heart.

It is worth saying that inflammation can have varying degrees of severity. There is another classification scheme - there is out-of-hospital left-sided lower lobe pneumonia (infection of the patient occurs by airborne droplets outside the walls of the hospital) and nosocomial, or nosocomial inflammation, in which the patient developed the disease during his stay in the hospital.

The main causes of pneumonia

The inflammatory process develops as a result of ingestion pathogenic microorganisms. The causative agents can be bacteria, viruses, fungal organisms. They can get from the external environment, as infections are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Naturally, the penetration of a pathogen into respiratory system leads to inflammation. Risk factors include smoking, a weakened immune system, the presence of chronic diseases All of these increase the risk of developing pneumonia. In some cases, the infection enters the lungs along with blood flow from another source of inflammation in the body.

Case history: left-sided lower lobe pneumonia and its symptoms

At the initial stages given form inflammation may be completely asymptomatic. Patients note only constant weakness and fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance. In the future, the situation gets worse. There is a cough. Sometimes it is dry, but most often accompanied by sputum. As the disease progresses, the sputum becomes abundant, sometimes streaks of blood can be seen in it.

Patients complain of chest pains, especially on the left side (in the region of the heart). The pain is aggravated by coughing and taking a deep breath. Due to the lack of oxygen, patients often have cyanosis of the lips and general pallor.

The temperature is constantly rising, often rising to 40 degrees. Patients also present with general symptoms of intoxication, including body aches, severe chills, nausea and vomiting, severe headaches, and often even loss of consciousness. Of course, each patient has a different set of symptoms, and in varying degrees expressiveness. Often, the symptoms of left-sided lower lobe pneumonia are confused with common pharyngitis or a cold, especially when it comes to young children. This is the danger of pneumonia.

Features of symptoms depending on the pathogen

As already mentioned, left-sided lower lobe pneumonia can develop against the background of the activity of viruses or bacteria. The above symptoms are present in almost any form of pneumonia, but each pathogen has some features.

For example, viral pneumonia is accompanied by a dry cough and persistent shortness of breath. Patients complain of rapid fatigue, fever and severe weakness in the muscles. But at bacterial form body temperature is not so high, although the heat, of course, is present. A person can be seen strong wet cough accompanied by sputum production.

Modern diagnostic methods

correct and timely diagnosis very important. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, because, despite the existence of powerful antibacterial drugs, pneumonia can still be fatal:

  • The patient must donate blood for analysis - during the study, you can notice an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, as well as an increase in the number of leukocytes, which indicates an inflammatory process.
  • A biochemical analysis of blood samples is carried out, as well as to detect the pathogen.
  • Important for diagnosis and chest x-ray, which makes it possible to identify foci of inflammation.
  • In some cases, fibrobronchoscopy is performed, which allows you to examine the patient's bronchi from the inside.

Left-sided lower lobe pneumonia: treatment with drugs

It should immediately be said that self-medication in this case dangerous. Only a doctor can make effective scheme therapy. If you suspect bacterial pneumonia the patient is first prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, in particular fluoroquinolones and third- or fourth-generation cephalosporins.

During this time, specific analyzes are carried out, the purpose of which is to accurately determine the pathogen. If pneumonia has developed against the background of invasion by Legionella, pneumococcus, chlamydia, Haemophilus influenzae and mycoplasmas, the doctor may prescribe more effective narrow-spectrum antibacterial drugs. But the tests need at least 3-4 days, and with pneumonia, you need to act quickly.

For viral pneumonia, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs, in particular, "Zanamivir", "Remantadin", "Acyclovir". Unfortunately, medications are only effective if taken within the first 48 hours after infection. In other cases, the patient is hospitalized and carried out Antibiotics for viral damage are useless, but they are still prescribed to prevent secondary bacterial complications.

As aids non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to help eliminate fever and soreness. Therapy lasts about 2-4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

Proper patient care

Pneumonia - serious disease in which a sick person needs careful care. Patients are shown a minimum of physical activity and the absence of stress. It is better for a person to be in a well-ventilated room, where wet cleaning is carried out regularly. If treatment takes place at home, the patient should be given a separate set of dishes to prevent the spread of infection.

Abundant warm drink with inflammation, it is necessary, as it helps to speed up the removal of toxins from the body and prevent the development of dehydration. Eat patients need light, but high-calorie food.

When does a patient need hospitalization?

Quite often, left-sided lower lobe pneumonia is treated on an outpatient basis, at home. When is inpatient treatment necessary?

  • All children under the age of three must be hospitalized.
  • The patient should be sent to the hospital in the presence of severe shortness of breath, fever (up to 39.9 degrees) or, conversely, a decrease in temperature to 35.5.
  • If during the tests a strong decrease in the level of hemoglobin was found, as well as an increase in the level of urea and creatinine, treatment is best done in a hospital setting.
  • Indications for hospitalization are impaired consciousness, a sharp decline blood pressure.
  • If complications (including pleurisy, myocarditis, arthritis) occur, the patient should be immediately taken to the hospital.

Preventive actions

Acute left-sided lower lobe pneumonia - dangerous disease which, if left untreated, leads to dangerous complications including pulmonary edema, shock, sepsis, meningitis and pericarditis, acute heart failure.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for pneumonia. Therefore, the only prevention is healthy lifestyle life. Proper nutrition, gradual hardening of the body, walking in the fresh air, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, regular exercise - all this strengthens the body, making it more resistant to pathogenic microorganisms.

All infectious and inflammatory diseases must necessarily respond to adequate treatment, and therapy must last until complete recovery. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take a course of vitamin therapy twice a year. And, of course, at the first deterioration of health, you should consult a specialist, because you may have community-acquired left-sided lower lobe pneumonia.

Left-sided pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Pneumonia of the left lung develops less frequently than the right, but it is more severe. Features contribute to this anatomical structure left bronchial tree. The left bronchus is narrower than the right bronchus, so it drains worse. Pulmonologists at the Yusupov Hospital have a differentiated approach to the treatment of pneumonia in each patient. They consider localization pathological process, its prevalence, the state of the patient's immune system and the severity of the clinical course of the disease.

In the Yusupov hospital, patients with inflammation of the left lung can be treated on an outpatient or inpatient basis in the therapy clinic. They are examined on the devices of the world's leading companies. For treatment, doctors use the latest drugs registered in the Russian Federation. Pulmonologists create an individual treatment plan.

In severe cases of left-sided pneumonia, patients are hospitalized 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the intensive care unit and intensive care. It is equipped with modern monitors, with the help of which doctors continuously monitor the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, check the level of oxygen saturation in the blood. If indicated, patients are provided with oxygen therapy and artificial ventilation lungs using fixed or portable ventilators.

Varieties of left-sided pneumonia

Depending on the pathogen that caused the inflammatory process, the following types of inflammation of the left lung are distinguished:

According to the prevalence of the inflammatory process, focal, segmental, lobar and croupous left-sided pneumonia are distinguished. The most common is left-sided lower lobe pneumonia. lower lobe the left lung is poorly ventilated and therefore develop there stagnant processes. Bacteria that enter lower divisions lung, multiply rapidly and cause an inflammatory process.

Left-sided upper lobe pneumonia is less common because upper divisions the lungs are well supplied with blood and ventilated, and stagnant processes in them are excluded even when the patient is on bed rest. Inflammation of the upper lobe of the left lung develops against the background of a serious immune deficiency or due to pronounced pathogenic properties pathogen.

Left-sided segmental pneumonia affects the lung segments within one lobe. At lobar pneumonia the inflammatory process can spread throughout the left lung.

There are 3 degrees of severity of the course of left-sided pneumonia:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

A mild degree of pneumonia is characterized by mild intoxication, the absence of impaired consciousness, and an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C. Blood pressure is normal, tachycardia is not more than 90 beats per minute, there is no shortness of breath at rest, a small focus of inflammation is determined radiographically.

At medium degree pneumonia, there are signs of moderately severe intoxication (clear consciousness, sweating, severe weakness, body temperature rises to 39 ° C, arterial pressure moderately reduced, tachycardia about 100 beats. per minute), respiratory rate - up to 30 per minute at rest. On radiographs, pronounced infiltration is determined.

For a severe degree of pneumonia, signs of severe intoxication are characteristic (fever 39-40 ° C, clouding of the creation, weakness, delirium, tachycardia over 100 beats per minute, collapse), shortness of breath up to 40 per 1 minute at rest, cyanosis. Extensive infiltration is determined radiologically. Patients with a mild course of inflammation of the left lung can be treated on an outpatient basis, and with moderate or severe clinical course diseases they require inpatient treatment.

Symptoms of left-sided pneumonia

For inflammation of the left lung, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the left side of the chest, which can increase with a deep breath and disappear when you exhale;
  • general weakness, chills;
  • wet cough with sputum containing blood or pus;
  • shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and breathing;
  • nausea and vomiting;

With left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, abdominal pain may occur due to irritation of the diaphragm.

Left-sided lower lobe pneumonia in children may be asymptomatic. The child becomes lethargic, he has no appetite, the body temperature rises. If a timely diagnosis is not made and treatment is started, complications may develop.

Diagnosis of left-sided pneumonia

With left-sided pneumonia, there is a lagging of the left half of the chest in breathing, a shortening of the percussion sound over the affected areas of the lung. During auscultation, the doctor listens to fine bubbling rales and crepitus over the left lung. The main diagnostic method is x-ray examination. Radiographs show foci of infiltration in the lower or upper lobe left lung.

If there are indications, the doctors of the Yusupov hospital perform multispiral surgery for patients with left-sided pneumonia. computed tomography do bronchoscopy.

Bacteriological examination of sputum allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease.

AT general analysis blood find increased content leukocytes, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. A biochemical blood test shows an increase in the amount of C-reactive protein.

Treatment of left-sided pneumonia

Pulmonologists at the Yusupov Hospital provide comprehensive treatment for pneumonia. It is aimed at the destruction of the causative agent of infection, the restoration of pulmonary and general resistance, the improvement of the drainage function of the bronchi, the elimination of complications of the disease.

The basis of the treatment of pneumonia are antibacterial drugs. They are prescribed as soon as the diagnosis of left-sided pneumonia is established. drug of choice in the treatment of pneumonia moderate currents are aminopenicillins and modern macrolides. For patients with concomitant diseases, pulmonologists at the Yusupov Hospital prescribe beta-lactams (cephalosporins II-III generations, amoxiclav) in combination with new generation macrolides. Monotherapy is also carried out with "respiratory" fluoroquinolones of III-IV generations, which include levofloxacin and moxifloxacin. Patients can take these drugs at home.

Treatment of left-sided pneumonia of moderate severity and patients with aggravating risk factors are referred to the therapy clinic. They are shown inpatient treatment. Therapy for pneumonia in these cases begins with intravenous or intramuscular injection"protected" aminopenicillins or modern macrolides. With a low effectiveness of such treatment of pneumonia, alternative drugs: cephalosporins II and III generations in combination with modern macrolides, "respiratory" fluoroquinolones III-IV generations.

Severe inflammation of the left lung requires an appointment combined treatment, aimed at associations of pathogens that are often detected in these cases. The doctors of the Yusupov hospital use individual schemes of antibacterial drugs:

  • parenteral amoxiclav in combination with parenteral macrolides;
  • III generation cephalosporins in combination with parenteral macrolides;
  • IV generation cephalosporins together with macrolides.

Sometimes monotherapy is carried out with "respiratory" fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin is administered intravenously).

Pulmonologists use mucolytic and mucoregulatory agents that thin sputum and stimulate the activity of ciliated epithelium cilia. Bronchodilators are used in some patients with left-sided pneumonia. To remove toxins from the body, intravenous drip is administered saline solutions, 5% glucose solution, albumin. In the Yusupov hospital, patients with severe pneumonia undergo plasmapheresis.

The general reactivity of the body is increased by immunocorrective and immunoreplacement drugs. Effective is the intravenous administration of hyperimmune plasma and immunoglobulin. For the entire period of the disease, immunomodulators are prescribed (nucleinat, methyluracil, sodium T-activin, decaris, thymalin).

In order to improve the drainage function of the bronchi, non-drug methods of treatment are used:

To improve sputum discharge, patients with left-sided pneumonia are advised to lie on their right side and perform breathing exercises.

Call the clinic and make an appointment with a pulmonologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination, establish the localization of the inflammatory process in the lungs and immediately prescribe the necessary treatment. The Yusupov hospital employs professors, doctors of the highest category, with experience in the treatment of inflammatory lung diseases.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • "Diseases of the Respiratory Organs". Guide ed. acad. RAMN, prof. N.R. Paleeva. M., Medicine, 2000
  • Respiratory failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ed. V.A. Ignatieva and A.N. Kokosova, 2006, 248s.
  • Ilkovich M.M. etc. Diagnosis of diseases and conditions complicated by the development of spontaneous pneumothorax, 2004.

Prices for the treatment of left-sided pneumonia in adults

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not public offer determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of rendered paid services listed in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

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