Fulfillment of wishes for Christmas. How the gates of heaven open

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. One of the main and symbolic Orthodox holidays is associated with the main sacrament of the Church - initiation into the faith.

January 18 is Epiphany Eve - the day when Orthodox Christians, in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, bring home blessed water and perform baptismal ablutions. According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, this day is called Navecherie or Epiphany Christmas Eve: the word eve means the eve of the church celebration, and the second name - Christmas Eve (or Sochevnik) is associated with the tradition on this day to cook a special concoction with honey and raisins - sochivo, RIA Novosti reports. Sochivo (or kutya) was cooked from wheat, peas, rice, peeled barley, seasoned with honey, poppy, hemp, sunflower or other vegetable oil. The grain was a symbol of resurrecting life, and honey or sweet seasoning meant the sweetness of a future blessed life. The Church established a fast on this day.

On Christmas Eve, after the liturgy, a great consecration of water is performed in churches. It is called great because of the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memory of the gospel event, which became not only the prototype of the mysterious washing away of sins, but also the actual consecration of water through the immersion of God in it. This water is called Agiasma, or simply Epiphany water. It is believed that consecrated water is a church shrine that requires a reverent attitude. Then it does not deteriorate for many years. Traditionally, it is kept next to the home iconostasis. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II urged Christians to treat baptismal water as a great shrine - with reverence. On Epiphany Christmas Eve on Thursday, he performed a great consecration of water in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, asking in prayer that all who touch it receive "cleansing, health and blessing, enlightenment by the Holy Spirit." “On Epiphany Christmas Eve, as well as on the feast of Epiphany itself, we bless the water, remembering how the Lord blessed the waters of the Jordan with his baptism,” Alexy II reminded of the meaning of the great holiday that ends Christmas time. He noted that "during this event, God appeared to mankind in three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so the holiday is called the Epiphany," reports Strana.Ru. He urged believers to remember personal baptism more often - "this sacred moment in our life, when we are cleansed from sins and begin the path of Christian life." Alexy II warned that the Epiphany water should be treated as a great shrine: "The grace that we receive through holy water, we must accept with reverence." There is a belief that Epiphany water has miraculous properties: it heals ailments, restores youth. Consecrated water does not deteriorate under the influence of time. Believers have a custom: every year, having collected baptismal water, they sprinkle their homes with it, asking God's blessings for their home, helping themselves in a pious and God-pleasing life. It is also believed that consecrated water cleanses the dwelling from demonic forces.

On the eve of the Feast of Epiphany (January 19), it is customary to observe a strict fast. The day of Baptism is also called Theophany, because, according to the Gospel, at the time of Jesus' baptism in the waters of the Jordan, God was revealed in His three hypostases: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On the eve of Epiphany, they fast until the first star, as on Christmas Eve, but the subsequent meal should be much more modest. It is no coincidence that she was called "hungry kutya." In addition, before the meal, it was necessary to carry out a general cleaning at home and sweep the dirt even from the farthest corners. It was believed that the night of Epiphany is a turning point, Novye Izvestia writes.

Many folk signs and beliefs are associated with Epiphany Christmas Eve. This same day is the last day of Christmas divination. Although the church does not welcome this tradition, however, people believe that Christmas time is the best time for divination. On Epiphany Christmas Eve they put chalk crosses, and in order to see the Lord's baptism they put a bowl of water, they said: "At night, the bowl of water will sway by itself." If at midnight the water in the bowl swayed, they ran to look at the "open skies." If lightning was visible in the sky, it was allowed to ask for anything and it was believed that it would come true, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The snow collected on the Epiphany evening was considered healing, they were treated for various ailments: numbness in the legs, dizziness, convulsions.
There is a tradition to swim in the hole on this night. This tradition was established in Russia with the adoption of Christianity. People believed that it was possible to heal from any ailments in this way, and therefore those who wished to plunge into the Jordan were not stopped even by Epiphany frosts. However, this year the weather turned out to be favorable for lovers of winter swims: due to the warm winter, there is no ice on most reservoirs. And at the Jordan River, where, according to legend, Jesus was baptized, thousands of believers gather on this day. Many also came from Russia, Vesti.Ru informs. A religious procession led by Patriarch Theophilus of Jerusalem is going to the place of Christ's baptism. By tradition, on this day, the ban on access to the border is lifted so that all pilgrims can plunge into the sacred water of the Jordan.

Among the signs for Baptism were the following: “If on this day there is a blizzard, snow or drifting snow - there will be a harvest”, “If the snow bends the branches on the trees, there will be a good harvest, the bees will swarm well”, “There is little snow on the branches of trees - in summer there will be no don’t look for mushrooms, don’t look for berries, ”and therefore the national gratitude“ Thank you, the frost that caused the snow. If on Epiphany evening the stars shine and burn, then the old people predicted the fertility of the lambs, then they said: "Bright stars will give birth to white brights," Rosbalt reports.

Novye Izvestia: On the night of Epiphany "the sky opens"
Rossiyskaya Gazeta: Orthodox Russians celebrate Epiphany Eve today
RIA Novosti: Epiphany Christmas Eve. Traditions and recipes
Strana.Ru: Alexy II urged to treat Epiphany water with respect
Rosbalt: Baptism: holy water, divination, omens

The Christmas holiday is one of the most important of the year. It symbolizes the birth of a new life and the unification of the world into a single whole.

It was believed that on this day the gates between heaven and earth open, and everything that happens has its own meaning and special meaning: new thoughts come, people whom I forgot about meet or call back, and on the night of January 6 to 7 prophetic dreams.

The most cherished wishes come true on Christmas.

Many people know that on the night of the Nativity of Christ Angels fly over the earth, but not everyone knows that they fulfill even the most cherished desires, you just have to ask them. But these very desires must be sincere, coming from a pure and spiritually rich heart.

From January 7, waking up in the morning, say out loud your cherished desire. It can be not only pronounced, but also visualized. Repeat the ritual daily for 40 days called PEACE. On the 40th day, feed the birds bread crumbs.


On Christmas Day (January 7th), at 3:00 a.m. when the sky opens, go outside, look up into the sky, and ask Heaven for help and for the fulfillment of a wish. Each person can ask only for himself, while requests and desires should not harm other people.

“The Savior was born, light was shed on the earth.
I will also be saved (name) through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This ritual helps to gain mental and physical strength, as well as to recover from various kinds of diseases.
So that money flows all year

This plot is read on the evening of the first day of Christmas, when the first Christmas star appears in the sky.

Write a plot on paper, go to the window that faces east, look at the evening sky and the stars and read this plot:

“Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you yourself know: Christ was born, Herod was indignant, Judas strangled himself, the world rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, and silver money is added to me. Lord, I praise Your Christmas! hour, at the same time my Lord Jesus Christ was born for me, endured crucifixion and suffered death.O Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the hour of my death, receive Thy servant, in the wandering of being, by the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, as if blessed Thou art forever and ever. Amen."

After that, burn the paper with the written plot and put 3 five-ruble coins in the ashes. In the morning, you need to take them out of the ashes and rub the remaining ashes into the coins thoroughly. Put them in your wallet and wear them throughout the year.
Christmas conspiracy for wealth

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

As a son of God, he is merciful and patient with everyone.

How He forgives everyone on earth,

He loves everyone, pities, blesses,

So fate would have been merciful and supportive to me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

For people, Christ is first of all a man who was able to pass the great trials of fate and at the same time always remained cheerful and good-natured towards others.

The Baptism of the Lord is a rite that helped Jesus merge with the "sacred heaven" and opened for people the other, bright side of the world. Since then, it has become a whole tradition, and to this day, people turn to God precisely through

icon images

When Heaven opens for Baptism, all believers turn not only to but also to the scriptures and blessed pictures. After all, God's light from heaven is shed only on those people who honor the memory of Jesus, referring to his image on the icons.

Of the earlier images that were presented in the holy temples, is the image of Christ on the Rabbinical mosaics. The Savior is presented here naked, with long hair, a beard, and hands down. He is immersed to the waist in water, and the sky opens from above, through which the Holy Spirit descends.

In the eleventh century, frescoes also depicted Christ in the nude. The icon shows that when Heaven opens for the Baptism of the Savior, divine radiance pours from above, and angels descend.

Also on many images are the apostles, who were the faithful helpers of Jesus.

In our time, the priests note that these icons are endowed with extraordinary power and can help in difficult times if prayers are read in front of them. This applies to all days of the year, not just holy holidays.

Modern rites

In Russia, on Epiphany, it is customary to swim in the "Jordanian hole" or in ordinary fresh water. Mostly during this period it is very cold, but this does not stop people, and they plunge into the source for at least a few seconds, where the holy, open Sky reigns over them. Fathers from different churches come to Epiphany and pre-bless the ice hole for the best healing effect.

In ancient times, "open" sinners, those who resorted to divination or witchcraft, participated in such rites. It was believed that with such a purification, all the evil spirits that freely walked the Earth would leave.

Prohibited actions

As previously stated, fortune-telling on such a holiday is prohibited by the church, since the periods on holy days are considered borderline. At these turning points, evil spirits are quite actively trying to break into the Earth, and the open Heaven at Baptism helps her in this. She can take the form of an angel and infiltrate the lives of ordinary people. Therefore, if you still want to tell fortunes, then during the period of strict holy holidays this should not be done.

Day of the opening of the gates of heaven. Good time everyone!)) December 21st, 2017

Also today is the Day of all yoga tantras, the day of Tsiu Marpo (protector of Samye monastery), the day of the Five Dakinis (after sunset) and White Tara - before sunset.

Main combination

Earth-wind - "Exhaustion". Possible loss of food, livestock, wealth. Perhaps theft, robbery, destruction, grief. But it is favorable to perform rituals of attracting well-being and prosperity.

Big combination

5 "Youth". All initiatives are being implemented.

constellation of the day

(20) Has a great element "earth". On this day, it is good to give instructions on the teachings, listen to them, build a house in a new place, become friends on the basis of an oath, cut clothes, erect objects of worship, perform the rite of the bride, perform a funeral rite for the deceased, make a migration, sheathe a house. It is forbidden to take things out of the house to the side, go on the road.

Day of the week

Thursday is the day of Jupiter. It shows its strength if Jupiter is in the constellation of Pisces or Sagittarius.

Auspicious: becoming a monk, giving initiations, taking vows, doing a consecration ritual, getting married, commemorating the dead, sewing and putting on new clothes, sowing, doing virtuous deeds, drawing mandalas, making fire offerings, giving instructions, enthroning, doing cauterization and bloodletting , make medicinal compounds, practice divination and astrology, build a house, establish a hearth, move to a new house, brew beer, recite mantras, put on jewelry, engage in trade, suppress vampires, build a temple, establish supports for the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, sew , hoisting a banner, doing work involving wood or gems, doing mind transference, taming a horse or bull, riding a horse, hiring laborers or servants, making a peace treaty, having festivals and performances, planting flowers and trees, washing hair, making the ritual of discarding obstacles and the fire ritual "Hom", to practice magic, to help parents, hold meetings and meetings, invite deities, give people joy, perform virtuous and forceful actions, set off on a journey in any direction except the western one.

Unfavorable: call thunder, bury, take an oath, conduct military operations, fall ill, give away livestock, cut hair and nails, perform the ritual "Dos" or "Sor", imprison, engage in crafts.

moon day

The day is not favorable for small children. Consequences of cutting or shaving hair today: wealth. Good for poisoning on the road, covering the yurt. It is forbidden to dig a well.

animal sign of the day

Auspicious: to enthrone, to perform virtuous deeds, to summon thunder, lightning and hail, to erect a support for the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, wrathful rituals, suppression of vampires, to petition deities, intimidating actions, to subdue enemies and evil spirits, to become a monk , spiritual practices, offerings, consecration, initiation, battle, battle, taking property, holiday, pulling the skin on the drum.

Unfavorable: building a boat, bridge, laying paths in the mountains, bloodletting, cauterization, setting up a mill, digging the ground, causing rain, carrying out the dead, crying, screaming, moaning in any direction of the cardinal.

Day park

Favorable: to make a request to the deities, to put on jewelry, to plant trees, to lay the foundation of a house.

Unfavorable: suppressing evil spirits, cutting down trees, taking an oath.

Mewa of the day


Favorable: to make a request to the deities, a ritual of attracting prosperity, washing, repentance, moving to a new place, holding a wedding.

Unfavorable: crying, moaning, making mournful sounds, soiling clothes or body, showing anger or malice, clouding oneself with incest

La energy location

in men: in the calf muscles of the left leg
in women: in the calf muscles of the right leg
in animals: lower legs of the hind legs

The location of La must not be injured or subjected to surgery, cauterization, bloodletting, etc.

"Defenders of the Doctrine"

Today the "Defenders of the Doctrine" are moving from the southwest to the northeast. When performing any wrathful rituals or actions, rely on the energy of the "Defenders" and follow the direction of their movement, and make offerings facing them.

Today, the "Nagas" remain in their abodes.

"Eight Grades"

Today the "Eight Classes" appear in the northeast and move to the southwest. During the performance of wrathful rituals, it is undesirable to meet living beings of the "Eight Classes" face to face.

"The Dragon"

Today until noon, "Dragon" moves from the southwest to the northeast. When performing angry or violent actions, one cannot come face to face with the "Dragon".

"Black Earth Demoness"

Today at midnight, the "Black Demoness of the Earth" - the sister of the "Dragon" - penetrates into our world in search of a victim. At this time, neither funeral nor wedding rituals should be performed, excessively cruel actions should not be carried out - otherwise, you will be seized with anger that has risen from the ground of the "Black Demoness". In particular, all actions related to fire, smoke or coal should be abandoned.

Every week I will publish a post about the Gates, then about the Stars and Spirits. I want you to have a correct understanding about them) In the future I will share interesting topics about Qi less reading life, for example, I want to talk about a past life, but without understanding the Gates, Stars, Spirits, this cannot be understood.

To begin with, let's find ourselves in the life map of Qi Men, then the Gate that stands together with your Heavenly stem of the day. Below is a video on how to do it right.


Go to my site site


On the right you will find "QI MEN CALCULATOR" and click on "PRESS"


Choose your date, month, year, hour (required). Click the checkbox “Local solar time” and enter the place of birth.

“System” - choose Chai Boo. We leave the “layout” for an hour.

Click "APPLY"


The pillar called "DAY" is you. We only look at the Heavenly Stem (HC) of the day.


We are looking for your NS of the day in the Qi Men life map.

If you still couldn’t figure out where your Palace of Life is and what your Gates are, write me your details in the comments, I’ll take a look!

I wanted to start with the Open Gates , perhaps because they are in my Palace of Life)

Gate of Discovery is the happy gate. They give you the opportunity to act in all directions. They favor long journeys, meetings with noble people, a career, making money, and so on. In all matters there will be happiness and good luck.

Gate of Discovery - this is the spirit of Metal, and if they fall into the Palaces of Zhen and Xun, where Metal overcomes Wood, the situation becomes unfavorable. When the Gate overcomes the Palace, they apply pressure, and then the happy deed will not take place.

Symbolic Meanings of the Gate

  • In the sky - an early dawn, thick fog.
  • On the ground - a wide field, a plain.
  • Of the people - a wise man, a Taoist, an employee of the observatory, head of household in the temple and monastery.
  • Mood, character - stability, strong, independent, decisive, strict.
  • In the body - intestines, forehead, sweat, hair.
  • Of the items - yellow items, medicines.
  • Buildings and structures - a temple, a monastery.
  • From food and drink - cereals and boiled food.
  • From occupations - Taoism, Buddhism.

Open Gates in the Palace of Life

If the open gate are standing in your Palace of Life - it means you have leadership skills, independent and ambitious, there is enthusiasm and a desire to achieve great success. Strong, determined and unwavering in their convictions - nothing can stop a person with an Open Gate that has a specific purpose.

open gate is the door of action.

As a natural leader, you feel comfortable taking charge of any situation. It is difficult to remain subordinate and dislike taking instructions. There is a strong sense of honor, responsibility for one's life. You can easily develop your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

As a rule, you can create your own luck. Those who prefer to make money will find a way to do so. If you want to focus on other things, you will find success elsewhere.

Hard work is your secret to success.

As soon as you can discover your talents, money will definitely come to life. Thus, you have good financial prospects in general.

One of the strengths is the willingness to take risks. When it comes to money, risks are rewards.

You are one of the most work and career oriented people. Learn better and faster when you start something from scratch.

You are allowed to learn from your mistakes)

As already mentioned - you are a leader of natural origin. Possess all the necessary qualities for leadership positions. Endowed with excellent organizational skills, you can easily and successfully manage any business.

When it comes to work, you can excel as a department head, director, CEO, manager, chairman and spokesperson, business owner, contractor, freelancer, and generally as an individual.

Loyal and courageous partners. If you feel that your loved ones are in trouble, then come to the rescue and provide support.

If you make friends with you, then the relationship will be very friendly. You have a sense of humor. You can laugh at you and not worry if it does not concern your reputation or the work done.

The fastest way to end a relationship with a person Open Gate is to pander and flatter you.

This will make you lose respect for this person, and you will not be able to communicate with people for whom you have no admiration or respect.

You can be hypersensitive to criticism and prone to anxiety because you are living at 100 miles per hour. Must learn not to take criticism to heart.

You also need to find ways to balance work and life, especially if you want to learn how to manage stress. Chronic stress can lead to mental health problems and aggravate the physical.

Being aggressive, competitive, and stubborn can help you get ahead in life, but it also affects your blood pressure.

Who also has an Open Gate in the Palace of Life? There are such?)

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