What to eat in fasting. Food during fasting. Menu in the post, Lenten recipes. Lenten menu for the week

For weight loss, a fasting diet is perfect, which includes food with a restriction in the menu of meat and animal products. The duration of the diet is determined by the person - you can fast all seven weeks of Lent, but you can only partially. Such a refusal from meat, fish, milk and eggs has its own contraindications. Before you decide on a lean diet, consult your doctor and nutritionist.

What is a lean diet

Vegetarian is the fasting diet that many take as weight loss advice. Eating during this period is low-fat and low-calorie, so it is guaranteed to reduce weight. Vegetables, fruits, cereals - vegetable food in fasting, which renews the body, establishes an optimal mode of digestion, accelerates metabolism. Those who fast do not suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and do not experience problems with cholesterol. For a week, 2-7 kilograms of excess weight are lost. Fasting as a diet gives a lasting effect, excess weight does not return.

What can you eat while fasting

The fasting diet includes food restrictions. Recommended include:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits;
  • honey, jam, compotes;
  • pickles, pickled vegetables;
  • spices, seasonings, herbs;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oil.

The fasting diet allows you to eat fish three times and caviar in last day for the duration of compliance. In the rest of the period, the following menu is recommended:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dietary cold dishes without oil;
  • Tuesday, Thursday - Lenten hot food without adding oil;
  • Saturday, Sunday - food with butter, you can drink some wine;
  • a few days from church calendar you need to adhere to fasting, and take food in the evening, they fall on the first and last week.

What foods can not be eaten in fasting

For proper weight loss you should know that you can’t eat animal products during fasting - meat, fish, eggs, animal fat and milk. Low-fat dairy products, chicken and seafood are also banned. The fasting diet does not recommend eating too much bread and potatoes - this will lead to weight gain. It is allowed to take wine only on holidays according to the calendar, plus there is an indulgence for taking fish and caviar.

How to eat healthy while fasting

Simple and correct for weight loss includes fruit and vegetable dishes, about which you do not need to think about how to cook. Sauerkraut, pickles, mushroom preparations are ideal. You can make boiled, stewed dishes, use a grill, a double boiler, a slow cooker. Fasting diet by day suggests a short heat treatment products for preserving vitamins and useful substances.

most important meatless dish porridge is considered - boil it in water, without butter. To improve the taste, add lean supplements to cereals - fried onions with mushrooms for a savory dish, and nuts with raisins for a sweet one. If it is difficult to give up animal protein for almost two months, buy "soy meat" or tofu - chop, stew in sauce and spices. The dish will replace meat products in value and taste, and will be easy to prepare.

Diet in Lent

Nutritionists claim that Great Lent and proper nutrition during it help to lose weight. So that the diet during fasting for every day brings positive result, follow the rules of the methodology:

  1. Include soy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, cereals, wholemeal products in your diet.
  2. Pasta and potatoes should be eaten less frequently than other foods.
  3. Eat at least half a kilo of vegetables and fruits every day.
  4. Useful Options are brown rice, millet, buckwheat, soybeans, lentils, dates, bananas, peanuts.
  5. To meet the body's need for vitamin B12, iron, take complex dietary supplements.
  6. pure water you need to drink at least 1.5 liters every day.
  7. Honey and delicious dried fruits can be eaten instead of sweets, sugar.
  8. Eat 4-5 times a day, follow the diet, chew food thoroughly.
  9. Get out of the diet carefully - do not pounce on meat, fried foods. Gradually increase the caloric content of the food you eat by 200 kcal per day.

Menu during Lent

To make searching easier right recipes check out the menu lean diet for weight loss for a week. It includes a full three meals a day. It does not include an afternoon snack, portions are small. by day is presented in the table and looks like this:



Rice porrige on the water, berries, herbal tea

Vegetable puree soup with celery

Steamed vegetable stew fruit salad

Bread with eggplant caviar, dried fruits, chicory drink

Salad of fresh sweet peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, a little vegetable broth

Baked pumpkin or turnip

squash fritters, tomato juice

Cabbage rolls with rice and carrots, herbal tea

Oatmeal on water or baked potatoes with lemon juice

Fritters on a spoonful of vegetable oil, which can be seasoned with jam

In products that are forbidden to be eaten during fasts, everything for the production of which raw materials of animal origin were used. First of all, the ban applies to meat and any meat products, as well as poultry and eggs. Under the ban milk and everything connected with it: butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, dairy products and drinks, cheeses. In fasting, it is forbidden to eat pasta, white and rich bread, cakes, cookies, waffles and any pastries that contain butter, eggs and milk. Do not forget, there is also mayonnaise, because eggs are also used for its preparation.

Some foods, such as fish and vegetable oil, can only be eaten on fasting days that are considered non-strict, even though vegetable oil is not of animal origin. The ban also applies to chocolate and fast food, which are high in fat. Alcoholic beverages, including beer, should not be consumed during fasting.

Post by day of the week

On some days of the week, fasting may be more strict, and on some, including those that fall on, some indulgences can be allowed. So, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of strict fasting, dry eating. These days, you can only eat foods that have not been cooked, and the addition of vegetable oil. On the days of strict fasting, you can eat only black bread, vegetables and fruits, washed down with water or unsweetened compote. If you will be salads these days, you can use only lemon juice mixed with a little honey for dressing.
During fasting, you should not starve, especially if you have not denied yourself food before. This is fraught with problems with bile secretion and erosive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hot meals can be eaten on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but on these days it is forbidden to add oil to them. But Saturday and the days of relaxation, when you can finally fry fish or vegetables in vegetable oil, add it to salads.

Proper nutrition during fasting

And while fasting, your food can be healthy. Missing in the diet animal protein replace with protein-rich foods plant origin. First of all, these are mushrooms and legumes: lentils, peas, chickpeas. The missing fats are found in nuts, and iron - in apples, buckwheat, bananas.
Remember that while observing religious fasts, one should not fall into the sin of gluttony immediately after they are completed, this is harmful not only for the soul, but also for health.

Mayonnaise, which contains both butter and eggs, is not allowed as a sauce, so salads are best seasoned with soy sauce or lemon juice.

It is forbidden to drink any alcohol, despite the fact that in natural recipes it must have vegetable. This is due to the fact that fasting is primarily a cleansing of the soul, and not, and alcohol for a person is an excess, not a necessity.


The fish exception applies only to Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. These days fish is allowed.

The diet of a nursing mother should be complete, include foods with high content vitamins and microelements vital for a newborn baby. However, there are a number of restrictions in the mother's diet, since not all foods will benefit her and her newborn baby.

Reasons for rejection

Breastfeeding mothers should observe special diet recommended by pediatricians and based on many years of experience of previous generations. Otherwise, they may affect the child. Excessive consumption of certain foods threatens allergic dermatitis, popularly referred to as diathesis, infantile colic and increased gas formation, as well as feeling unwell and often the mother herself.
Most severe dietary restrictions apply to the first month of a child's life. Over time, it will be possible to gradually include new products.

First of all, keep in mind that each baby has its own individual reaction on foods in the diet. What is well tolerated by one will cause problems for another.

Dairy and dairy products

One of the most common advice that women who have recently given birth hear is to definitely drink cow's milk. No less often, in order to increase lactation, it is advised to drink several cups of black tea with condensed milk every day.
If you like to drink tea with herbs, you should not get carried away with sage, it reduces lactation.

Maybe these drinks really number breast milk and make it taste sweeter. The pitfall is that a fairly large percentage do not tolerate protein well in the first months after birth. cow's milk. This is biologically determined and is not a disease. If you notice a rash on the face and body, a yellow seborrheic crust on the head, or other allergy symptoms in your baby, reduce the amount of milk you consume. Dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream are considered more acceptable in the diet of the mother.


All kinds of sweets like cakes, sweets, cakes, etc. should also be limited, ideally completely eliminated from the diet. Confectionery often contains harmful trans fats, margarine and artificial additives. In general, try to reduce the amount of food with chemical dyes and preservatives and eat natural products.
A pediatric dietitian or breastfeeding specialist can help clarify the situation about the effect of products on a particular child.

Foods that cause allergies

The nursing diet should be hypoallergenic. Allergies are often caused by products containing cocoa beans (cocoa, chocolate, sweets). Use a large number eggs, nuts, honey, canned food, citrus fruits and berries can cause allergic reaction. Also, don't abuse fresh vegetables and fruits, especially if yours often has digestive problems.
You can not drink too much carbonated drinks and coffee.

Alcohol abuse during lactation

The most important rule that a nursing woman must unquestioningly follow is an absolute exception. alcoholic beverages! Drinking alcohol in 100% of cases affects the composition and quality of breast milk, alcohol enters the child's body and can affect his motor development.

Medications and breastfeeding

Majority medicines are also prohibited. Read the instructions carefully before taking any pill. In the vast majority of cases, lactation is included. If you get sick, it's best not to risk it, go to the doctor's office and consult about taking certain medications in the chest.

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  • Products prohibited during breastfeeding

Fasting is a great time to improve the health of your body. And in order to achieve precisely this goal, and not the reverse, it is necessary to take nutrition seriously during this period. Nutrition during fasting should also be balanced. It must contain right amount useful substances.

If you do not consider fasting from a religious point of view, then it is something between a raw food diet, vegetarianism, and a low-protein diet. The task of fasting practitioners is to ensure that all the necessary nutrients are harmoniously supplied to the body.

Many people believe that the main difference between a fast and a regular diet is the avoidance of meat. But it is not so.

Here are the basic rules that can be attributed to all church posts:

  1. During the fast you can not eat eggs, meat, dairy products.
    Fish dishes can only be consumed in certain days, namely in Palm Sunday and on the Feast of the Annunciation. It is allowed to add a little vegetable oil to food on holidays and on weekends.
  2. Smoking and drinking alcohol is prohibited during this period.
    Can only be used on weekends and holidays a small amount of red wine, which symbolizes the blood of Christ.
  3. During fasting, a single meal is practiced.
    That is, you can eat only once a day. The exceptions are holidays and weekends, when you can eat twice a day.
  4. A ban is imposed on the use of substitute products.
    For example, you can not cook soybeans, thus trying to replace meat products.

Lenten menu benefits

And if we consider fasting as a diet, then how will such a diet be useful for the body? correct fast food- this is, first of all, limiting oneself in protein foods.

The temporary absence of animal protein foods in the diet contributes to the normalization of metabolism. It becomes easier for the body to get rid of toxins. This leads to the fact that a person feels better in principle.

Proper lean nutrition is very useful for diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis, such food reduces the burden on the digestive organs. But at the same time there are groups of people who lean food is contraindicated.

Who does not benefit from fasting?

Such restrictions are undesirable for:

  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • for kids;
  • for people who have diseases such as: diabetes, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastritis in a chronic form;
  • elderly people;
  • people who are in poor health, such as those who are going through the post-operative period, or those who have had an infectious disease.

How to fast correctly?

Meal at Great Lent

In order to fast properly and turn fasting into the most beneficial diet for the body, you should follow these rules:

  1. Correct not to abuse raw foods so that you do not have problems with the digestive system.
    Food can not only be boiled, but also baked, stewed, steamed. You can also use pickles.
  2. How to make up for the lack of animal protein?
    In order for your body not to yearn for protein, it will be right to eat more vegetable protein. It is found a lot in beans, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pumpkin. All this is a great alternative to animal protein.
  3. How to make up for the lack of fat?
    Here, again, plant foods come to the rescue. Healthy fats can be found in foods such as: walnuts, Pine nuts, avocado, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. It will also be very useful to enrich your diet with various types of oils.
  4. How to fill calcium deficiency?
    With dairy products, which are forbidden to eat in fasting, we limit the intake of calcium in the body. Calcium can be found in such plant foods: legumes, green vegetables, seeds, nuts, different kinds cabbage.
  5. How to make up for the lack of iron?
    Iron can be found in foods such as yeast, red and white cabbage, dark chocolate, and rye flour bread.

Christmas post

For example, let's analyze one of the posts, namely the Christmas post. The Advent fast is needed in order to cleanse ourselves before the start of the new year, this is a preparation for the Nativity of Christ.

The Saints compare the Advent fast to Moses' forty-day journey through the wilderness. It is believed that during the Nativity fast a person can be cleansed of all the bad things that he had for whole year. The Advent fills a person with a sense of humility and love. The Christmas post is not of the strictest rules - in his diet you can find dishes where there is oil or fish.

Here is the food in fasting by day:

  1. First day:
    Advent fasting involves eating vegetable food without oil on the first day.
  2. Second day:
    it is allowed to eat fish, as well as drink a small amount of grape, apple or rowan wine. It is allowed to eat vegetable food and add vegetable oil to it.
  3. The third day involves dry eating.
    It is allowed to eat bread, fruits, dried fruits, honey, vegetables, nuts.
  4. On the fourth day, it is allowed to eat fish, drink a small amount of wine, you can eat vegetable food with the addition of oil.
  5. The fifth day involves dry eating.
    On this day, it is allowed to eat fruits, dried fruits, raw vegetables, honey and nuts.
  6. On the sixth day it is allowed to eat fish dishes, drink a small amount of wine, eat vegetable food with oil.
  7. On the seventh day, it is allowed to eat fish dishes, also drink a small amount of wine, vegetable food with oil is allowed.

This is what the correct lenten menu looks like in the Christmas post. Only the last week before Christmas becomes more strict in the rules.

summer post

Almost everyone knows about the Advent. Not everyone knows about the existence of Petrov's summer post. summer post Petrov always begins on Monday, a week after Trinity. And the fast of Petrov always ends on July 12, in the name of the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul.

This post, like others, is designed to educate the will in a person. A will that can conquer selfish desires and subordinate the desires of the body to its spirit.

Julia Shapko

Reading time: 12 minutes


What is Orthodox food? First of all, it is balanced and correct in the spiritual and physiological significance traditional food Orthodox Church, her Fasts and Holidays.

The Orthodox food system promotes spiritual and physical healing through strict observance fasting and restraint in eating on ordinary days. How exactly to observe fasting, and what are the Orthodox allowed to eat on holidays and weekdays?

Features of Orthodox nutrition for every day

For my long history Orthodoxy has managed to acquire a serious and admirable food system that contributes to purification of spirit and body , general health improvement organism and even treatment of many chronic diseases due to dietary restrictions and plant-based menu for Lent and holidays.

On such days, the menu is categorically strict, excluding meat and its derivatives (and sometimes fish), dairy products and milk itself, cheeses and eggs, sweets and, of course, food abundance in general.

However, overeating should be avoided outside of fasts and holidays.

What foods can be used by the Orthodox on weekdays and holidays?

Concerning food outside fasts and holidays , on ordinary days - there are no special food frames here, but overeating is also not welcome.

On Wednesdays exclude meat products, on Fridays even fish is excluded (only plant foods are allowed).

How to keep an Orthodox fast - Orthodox food calendar for 2015, 2016

Orthodox food calendar for 2015

  • (February 23 - April 11)
    In the 1st and Passion Week - strict post. On the Clean Monday- You can't eat anything. For the rest of the time: dry eating on Mon, Wed, Fri; on Tuesdays and Thursdays - hot food without oil; according to the sun - food with vegetable oil
  • Good Friday (April 3)
  • Lazarus Saturday (April 4)– fish caviar is allowed
  • Palm Sunday (April 5)- fish allowed
  • - fish allowed
  • Petrov post (June 8 - July 11). According to Wed, Fri - dry eating. On Mon - hot food without oil. For the rest of the time - cereals with vegetable oil, as well as mushrooms with fish
  • Dormition Fast (August 14 - August 27). Dry eating - on Mon, Wed and Fri. On Thu and Tue - hot food without butter. On Sat and Sun - food with vegetable oil
  • - fish allowed
  • Dormition– fish allowed (provided that the holiday is on Wed or Fri)
  • . Meals are similar to the fast of Petrov until the Day of St. Nicholas (December 19)
  • – fish allowed (if the holiday is on Wed or Fri)
  • Between the day of memory of St. Nicholas and the Feast of the Nativity fish allowed (on Sat and Sun)
  • Christmas Eve. You can not eat up to the 1st star. After her appearance - sochivo
  • On Wed and Fri– weekly fast days(except continuous weeks). According to the SR, meat and dairy products are not allowed, and during the week of All Saints until the Nativity of Christ, fish with vegetable oil cannot be eaten. Vegetable oil is allowed only on the Days of Saints celebrated, which fell on Wed and Fri, and fish on great holidays
  • In 1 day posts you can (except Wed and Fri) food with vegetable oil, you can’t fish: January 18 (Epiphany Christmas Eve), September 11 (Beheading of John the Baptist) and September 27 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross). These days - a strict fast
  • No post if Christmas and Epiphany dropped out on Wed or Fri
  • Allowed food with vegetable oil on holidays- The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the Beheading of John the Baptist, as well as the Nativity and Epiphany Christmas Eve
  • Fish allowed Wed and Fri between Easter and Trinity, as well as on Wed and Fri on holidays - Candlemas, Assumption, Transfiguration of the Lord, Christmas, Intercession Holy Mother of God, Her Entry into the Temple, Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian

Diet Calendar for Orthodox Great Lent 2015

Orthodox food calendar for 2016

  • Great Lent (March 14 - April 30). For 1st and Holy Week- strict post. Complete abstinence - on a clean Monday. For the rest of the time: dry eating on Mon, Wed and Fri; hot food without oil - on Tue and Thu; food with vegetable oil - on Sat and Sun
  • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7)- fish allowed
  • Good Friday (April 22)- you can’t eat until the removal of the shroud
  • Lazarus Saturday (April 23)– fish caviar is allowed
  • Palm Sunday (April 24)- fish allowed
  • Petrov post (June 27 - July 11). According to Wed and Fri - dry eating. On Mon - hot food without oil, and for the rest of the time - cereals with vegetable oil, as well as mushrooms with fish.
  • Dormition Fast (August 14 - August 27). Exclusively dry food - on Mon, Wed and Fri; hot food without oil - on Thu and Tue. Food with vegetable oil - on Sat and Sun
  • Dormition– fish allowed if the day falls on Wed or Fri
  • Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19)- fish allowed
  • Advent (November 28 - January 6). Meal plan until the day of St. Nicholas (December 19) according to Peter's post
  • Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary– fish allowed if the day fell on Wed or Fri
  • Between memorial day Saint Nicholas and the Feast of the Nativity and fish is allowed on Sat and Sun
  • prefeast. On Sat and Sun food with butter is allowed. Fish is prohibited
  • Christmas Eve. Until the 1st star you can not eat. After her ascent - sochivo
  • On Wed and Fri- posts (exception - continuous weeks). Banned meat and dairy products
  • Week of All Saints before Christmas. Under the ban - vegetable oil and fish. Oil can only be used on Saints' Days that fall on Wed and Fri
  • Strict 1 day fasts(exception - Wed, Fri). Food with vegetable oil is allowed, fish is prohibited: September 27 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross), January 18 (Epiphany Eve), September 11 (Beheading of John the Baptist)
  • Epiphany and Christmas– there is no post if the holidays are on Wed and Fri
  • Christmas and Epiphany Eve, Beheading of John the Baptist, Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - food with vegetable oil is allowed
  • fish allowed between Easter and Trinity(on Wed and Fri), as well as on the holidays that fell on Wed/Fri - the Candlemas, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Assumption, Christmas, the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her Entry into the Temple, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian

Orthodox fasting menu for every day - features of daily nutrition in Orthodox fasting

How and what to eat Orthodox post?

We offer you an approximate menu(not according to the monastic charter), excluding the use of animal products:

Menu for Monday:

Menu for Tuesday:

  • For breakfast: + porridge on the water + cookies
  • For lunch: lean soup + potato salad + bread with honey + fruit + tea
  • For dinner: pasta + homemade sauce (tomatoes) + salad raw vegetables+ bread + compote

Menu for Wednesday:

Thursday menu:

  • For breakfast : fruit + coffee + bread with zucchini caviar
  • For lunch: lean pea soup+ bread with + tea
  • For dinner: rice stewed with vegetables + peas (canned) + compote

Menu for Friday:

Menu for Saturday:

  • For breakfast: porridge on water + biscuits + coffee
  • For lunch: lean mushroom soup+ seaweed salad + compote + bread
  • For dinner: vegetable stew + tea + bread

Every year everything more people tend to fast not only in connection with their religious beliefs but also to improve health. Indeed, as doctors note, people who refuse to eat food of animal origin for some time feel an improvement in their condition. However, it is worth remembering that strict fasting can not be observed by children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Everyone else can follow all the instructions that are recommended to be followed during each type of fast.

How to eat right during Lent?

It should be noted that those who decide to fast for the first time should begin to gradually refuse food of animal origin. The fact is that a sharp restriction can be detrimental to health.

On Clean Monday - on the first day of fasting, it is not recommended to eat, but, as an option, you can eat dry herbal products. The use of vegetable oil in cooking is excluded. On this day religious people must maintain their strength with prayers and holy water. However, such a diet should be maintained during the first, fourth and seventh weeks. In 2, 3, 5 and 6 weeks, the use of boiled food is allowed with. Proper nutrition while fasting implies exclusion from his menu like meat products, as well as fish. During this period, dairy products, eggs, sugar, alcohol should be abandoned. You can only eat plant foods.

Tips on how to eat right in fasting before Easter will help believers make a menu for every day.

  1. On all days of fasting, in addition to strict ones, you can safely eat following products: cereals, legumes, pasta, seaweed, dried fruits, nuts. From cereals, you can cook porridge on the water and side dishes, seasoned sunflower oil. You can add mushrooms and vegetables to them.
  2. Beans can be cooked lean soups making casseroles and tortillas.
  3. You can cook seasoned with sauces made from herbs and spices.

You need to eat as varied as possible. For breakfast, you should eat lean sandwiches. To prepare them, you need a piece of toasted bread. It can be poured with olive oil, put a slice of cucumber, tomato and greens on top. It is recommended to cook porridge not on water, but on juice from berries.

The most important thing during this period is to feel peace of mind and peace of mind. People who strictly observe all the prescriptions of the fasts cleanse their souls from sins and draw closer to the Lord.

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