Home whitening system for teeth. Teeth whitening with the Opalescence system: pros and cons, drugs used, cost. How much does it cost to whiten teeth

Home teeth whitening today is a popular procedure among the population - a kit for whitening teeth at home can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently using necessary drugs, products. Teeth whitening at home can help many people save money on visiting a dental clinic for this procedure, and self-whitening of teeth is also necessary in a situation where a person is different reasons professional dental services are not available.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before a whitening dental process at home without harm in order to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences, given individual characteristics organism.


Natural teeth whitening at home is not suitable for every person, the methods used often lead to deterioration of the tooth structure.

Do not use home enamel whitening kit:

  • In the presence of carious moments;
  • Children up to a certain age;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Due to the existing crowns, prostheses, fillings - after bleaching their color will not change;
  • If there is an increased sensitivity of the enamel;
  • Due to the presence of braces;
  • If you have periodontal disease;
  • Due to wounds, inflammation of the mucous tissues;
  • Also, in the event of allergic reaction for bleach components.

Basic enamel whiteners

What is the kit for teeth whitening at home? Which one is the best? Now there are quite a few different substances, which were created for home enamel whitening, the best of them is determined individually for each person. The most popular are:

  • Ready-to-use home teeth whitening kit, it contains active,
  • Kappas;
  • whitening strips;
  • Paste bleaches;
  • Whitening pencil, gels;
  • Various improvised home remedies for teeth whitening - hydrogen peroxide solution, activated charcoal tablets, baking soda, even a banana peel is used to whiten teeth, lemon teeth whitening is also performed.

Whitening home remedies

Currently, different preparations are used for whitening the tooth process:

Teeth whitening kits at home

The home teeth whitening kit includes an active substance created by hydrogen peroxide (carbamide peroxide), kappa. These devices help protect gums from possible burns, the bleaching agent is applied to the inner surfaces, and they are further in contact with the tooth enamel. The bleaching process performed with special systems, flows by chemical means– the active substances of the gel create chemical reaction, due to the results of which the tooth is clarified. Applied in this process products penetrate deep into the enamel, brightening the surface of the tooth. Many whitening kits contain special LED mechanisms, they are used to illuminate the enamel with gel caps on. This speeds up chemical reactions.

For safe teeth whitening CARBON COCO . Consisting exclusively of natural ingredients, Carbon Coco breaks down and absorbs impurities. Coconut charcoal, which is part of the composition, does not destroy the enamel and gently removes stones and plaque.

These whitening systems are usually rated for a day time period or night time application, as well as for a different course of their use over time - 2-3 days, 1-2 weeks or another time period.

Before the procedure for using these kits, you should consult a doctor, as for an effective whitening process, the tooth surfaces must be cleaned of plaque. Standard factory mouth guards may not suit a particular person, then the result of the whitening process will be reduced to zero. In dental offices, using dental casts, specialists can create mouth guards that fit snugly on the tooth surface, they will not allow the active substance to spread to the gum area.

Whitening strips

These are transparent films, the active substance is applied to their inner surfaces. The use of these data will allow you to quickly, in convenient conditions, carry out a whitening procedure. Flaws this method are concluded in the absence of complete coverage of the tooth with a whitening film, darkened corners, areas in the interdental space can always remain. This is especially noticeable on crooked teeth. If a person has a wide smile, then he will need at least 2 sets, because one strip provides for its use on 6 teeth.

Bleach pencils

They look like markers containing a special substance. Whitening gels are sold without mouthguards, for the convenience of their use, brushes for application are provided in sets active components. The effectiveness of the use of these bleaches is not high, since for safety reasons the concentration of active substances in them is quite low.
Whitening toothpastes - the mechanism of action is to clean the tooth enamel from pigmentation or plaque, this brightens the smile. These products contain various abrasives, enzymes that break down plaque. Many manufacturers add active ingredients to these pastes that help protect teeth and remineralize enamel.

Whitening with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

The process of whitening enamel with baking soda is the mechanical cleaning of tooth enamel from plaque. To carry out the bleaching procedure, it is necessary to mix soda with plain water to the state of slurry, brush your teeth with the resulting mixture. You can also add soda to the paste, immediately pour it on a damp brush. This whitening process is harmful to tooth enamel, it should be done on a bowl 1 time in a few weeks.

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is based on chemical process oxidation of substances. 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted 2 times with water, rinse your mouth with the prepared solution for at least 1 minute.

Prolonged use of this liquid can cause burns of mucous tissues in the oral cavity. Also, the substance can be applied with a cotton swab to the tooth surface to prevent contact with the gum area. The procedure is repeated daily for about 2 weeks, but due to its harmful composition no more than 1 time per year.

Teeth whitening with lemon

To carry out the whitening process, a piece of lemon is needed, the tooth surface is rubbed with it. You can also use lemon juice mixed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda- in equal proportions, mix soda and lemon juice, pour a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide, apply the prepared gruel cotton swab on tooth enamel, leaving for a couple of minutes. Then rinse your mouth with plain water. Citric acid provokes the process of washing out calcium from the tooth structure, thus it is clarified. Frequent use this method increases the likelihood of carious formation.

Whitening with activated carbon - 2 tablets of the drug are crushed, water is added to the mixture. This solution is used to clean the tooth enamel for several minutes, then rinse your mouth with water. The implementation of such a procedure should occur 1 time in a couple of months.

Negative effects of the whitening home process

To the home whitening process due to possible harm for enamel, you need to properly prepare - increase the consumption of foods containing calcium, for example, dairy. You should also brush daily with fluoride toothpaste.

The home whitening process can cause the following negative effects:

  • Enamel hypersensitivity;
  • Burns or irritation of mucous tissues;
  • The appearance of white spots on the tooth surface (demineralization);
  • Exacerbation of the processes of dental pathologies;
  • The development of allergic moments.

If there are any negative consequences using home whitening products, you should immediately consult a dentist. We must not forget about the precautions when carrying out home whitening procedures.

A snow-white smile has long been a sign of beauty, health and even success. The Opalescence teeth whitening system (instructions, reviews, price - more on this in the article) is designed for gentle enamel whitening and can be used even at home.

What do you need to know about this method and why is it so different from others?

Opalescence - what is this technology? Operating principle

Opalescence, a transparent long-acting gel, was developed not so long ago. In our country, its popularity is just beginning to grow, while in the USA, Ultradent is the leader in the production of enamel brightening products. The bleach is packaged in small (up to 2.5 g) syringes, with which it is convenient to fill an individual or ready-made mouthguard.

The principle of operation is based on the fact that the composition contains a special activator that provokes the breakdown of carbamide or hydrogen peroxide. When interacting with a substance, an active release of oxygen molecules occurs. This chemical element binds to proteins that are on the darkened areas of the teeth, destroying them. Injury to the enamel does not occur, only areas with pigment discolor.

Lightening is possible up to 10 tones, but it depends on individual reaction on the gel, duration of use, type of whitening system and other factors.

The duration of the effect depends on the method of lightening the enamel - we will discuss both methods and features in detail below. The degree of gel concentration plays an important role, because the higher it is, the longer result. It lasts, on average, 1-3 years.

If the procedure was gentle or performed at home, then the lower threshold is six months, and the upper one is 2 years. Much depends on the oral care regimen, bad habits and nutritional habits.

The whitening technology is as follows:

  • sanitation, disease treatment oral cavity getting rid of tartar;
  • applying a protective layer to the mucous membrane to prevent irritation;
  • preparation of the solution, its mixing with the activator;
  • applying it to the teeth;
  • distribution with a brush means over the crowns;
  • removal of the clarifying composition with a dental vacuum cleaner;
  • rinsing and washing teeth with water together with a vacuum apparatus.

If the Opalescence system has been selected for home use, then the sequence is somewhat different: the gel is applied to the caps, the patient puts them on the teeth. You need to keep them from half an hour to 10 hours, depending on the degree of sensitivity and a specific set. Mouthguards are installed only after cleaning the teeth from plaque. Orthodontic constructions either made at the dentist, or immediately come with a kit.

Before using the Opalescence system, a visit to the doctor is mandatory!

Office whitening

This is the name of the purge carried out in dental office. A gel is applied to the teeth, and then it is exposed to a light emitting apparatus. The process is controlled by a doctor, as the concentrations of the active substance of the Opalescence system for professional use are very high. The effect is achieved in 1 procedure, and if the case is running, then in 2-3 visits.

The photopolymer lamp illuminates each tooth for 30 seconds. Enamel under this influence becomes lighter by 1-2 tones. After the procedure, the crowns are covered with a fluorine-containing varnish, which prevents the increase in tooth sensitivity.

For clinical whitening, choose a gel that is suitable for the concentration of hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Boost PF (40% active ingredient). When used, not only the condition of the enamel improves, but also caries is prevented. Thanks to the formula, the degree of sensitivity of the teeth is lower. The dentist prepares the gel on his own in a syringe, mixing with an activator. The tool is suitable for lightening part or one tooth.
  2. Xstra Boost (38%). They are used not only for whitening the outer, but also the area inside the crown. The gel spread over the surface is removed with a dental vacuum cleaner after 15 minutes.
  3. Endo Kit is suitable for . The concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 35%.

Whitening at home

A system designed for home use has a milder effect, since the main component in the composition is carbamide peroxide. There are several options for whitening in this case:

    • Opalescence PF - includes not only the active substance, but also potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride, and these agents help strengthen the enamel. What is the concentration percentage of the gel? There are 3 options - 20%, 15% or 10%. Another 20% in the composition is given to water, which prevents dehydration of dental tissue. The system is intended for people whose teeth have darkened under the influence of external factors, nutrition, bad habits. The period of wearing a cap is 7-10 hours, but it is permissible to reduce this time or take a 1-2 day break. Price tag (on average) - 4300 rubles;
    • TresWhite Supreme - similar in composition to the previous Opalescence gel, but only available in 10% and 15% concentrations. In the first case, it is also possible to choose the taste of the gel - it is available in peach, mint and melon. The 15% gel kit only has a mint flavor. The main difference of the system is ready-made caps that are already filled the right amount funds. The device itself is elastic, so it adapts to the dentition. TresWhite Supreme is the best option for those who want to upgrade the result. professional whitening. The set includes 5 pairs of caps that are worn on the teeth for no more than an hour. The course lasts up to 10 days. This lightening technique is very convenient and saves on the production of orthodontic tips. average cost- 4500 rubles;
    • TresWhite Orto Mint is a technique designed specifically for people wearing braces or other dental structures. Hydrogen peroxide is used as the basis, but in a very low concentration (8%). Together with clarification, the effect of disinfection of the oral cavity is achieved. As in the previous case, the set includes mouthguards filled with gel. The procedure lasts 30-60 minutes. Price - 5500 rubles;
    • Opalescence Follow-Up Kit - also designed to maintain the result after in-office whitening. The system costs about 5 thousand rubles.

Photos before and after

Technology features

Some whitening techniques require a special lamp, the light of which activates the action of the gel. It is not needed for Opalescence, which greatly speeds up the procedure both when performed by a professional and when used at home.

For at least 2 weeks after the procedure, you need to maintain a “colorless diet” - food that completely excludes any products with dyes in the composition. The ban is placed on next meal and drinks:

  • coffee;
  • wine;
  • juices;
  • lemonades;
  • berries;
  • some vegetables (beets, carrots);
  • sauces.

After brightening the enamel, it is recommended to maintain the result with high-quality hygiene. For this, it is recommended to change toothpaste on products with a small amount of aggressive abrasives. It should include fluoride in order to maintain the condition of the teeth and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of Opalescence

At the bleaching system whole list pros:

  1. The gel has a sticky base and will not be able to leak into the mouth from the tray.
  2. Availability.
  3. Long lasting effect.
  4. At home use does not cause difficulties.
  5. The ability to choose the appropriate concentration of the gel, its design, color.
  6. No special lamps needed.
  7. It has a water base, so it prevents dryness.
  8. Prevention of caries.
  9. Fluoride and potassium nitrate improve dental health.
  10. Safety.

The main disadvantage of Opalescence is the need to periodically repeat bleaching. For a single use, the gel is not suitable, since the result must be maintained. The downside for some is the composition, because people who are allergic to one or another component cannot evaluate the effectiveness of the system.

Indications and contraindications

  1. Tetracycline teeth - this is the name given to crowns that have acquired a dark yellow or even brown tint. The color change in this case occurred under the influence of the drug tetracycline.
  2. - with the disease, white spots appear, which indicates an increased content of fluorine. This often happens if ordinary drinking water is saturated with a microelement.
  3. Darkening of the enamel caused by age - the natural defense becomes thinner as a person gets older. This makes the teeth more receptive to a wide variety of coloring substances that are contained in the products. The same result occurs after the removal of the nerve or addiction to coffee, cigarettes.

The procedure should be performed only before prosthetics or veneers are installed. It is best to prescribe these events a week after cleaning - this will consolidate the result.

This whitening system is considered the safest of all, but it still has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • thinned enamel;
  • tartar;
  • composition sensitivity;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • lactation;
  • the presence of fillings, crowns;
  • pacemaker;
  • caries;
  • allergic to urea and hydrogen peroxide.

AT childhood it is forbidden to use gel for brightening enamel!

Video: Opalescence technology.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to whiten teeth at home and without harm,
  • rating of the best funds,
  • how effective is bleaching with activated carbon, soda or hydrogen peroxide.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Teeth whitening at home in some cases can be no less effective than in the dentist's office. It is most effective to carry it out with the help of special kits for home whitening, consisting of a whitening gel and dental trays. The second most effective means, probably, can be considered the use of certain types of whitening strips.

It must be admitted that most patients do not like to go to the doctors, and therefore they are much more comfortable doing teeth whitening at home than going to the dentist. In addition, the cost of a home whitening course will average about 4,000 rubles, which is much cheaper than professional whitening methods ®, the cost of which starts from 15,000 rubles.

How to whiten your teeth at home quickly and effectively - this can be done using the Opalescense kits or Crest 3D White whitening strips:

How effective is home whitening?

The best means home whitening products can lighten teeth by about 4-6 shades (on the Vita Tooth Shade Chart), but they will require daily use for 10-20 days. Whitening at the dentist most often allows you to get a similar result, but the procedure will last only 1 hour. But the best whitening pencil or can change the color of your teeth by just 1-2 tones.

You can independently assess how effective it will be home whitening teeth. A noticeable result in 4-6 tones can only be obtained if your teeth initially have a yellow tint. Here you can really notice the difference "before and after". But if you want to whiten already fairly light teeth, the whitening effect is unlikely to be more than 1-2 tones (and not only after home remedies, but even after professional whitening).

Only teeth with a yellowish tint respond well to whitening. If the teeth are gray or brown, whitening (both home and professional) will be an ineffective procedure.

Why do teeth turn yellow and become darker?

hard tissues teeth consist of two layers - translucent enamel and underlying darker dentin. With the passage of time, the enamel on the teeth becomes thinner, which leads to the fact that the darker layer of dentin increasingly begins to affect overall color teeth. It is also important that the dentin itself (with age) tends to become darker, thereby changing the optical properties of the teeth.

Secondly - great importance play personal habits regarding the use various products and some drinks

  • tobacco use,
  • black tea and coffee,
  • red and white wine,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • berries and other foods rich in dyes,
  • sauces (soy, tomatoes, curry).

Thirdly, the teeth become duller, more gray shade as a result of their depulpation (removal of the nerve and subsequent filling of the canals). Fourthly, after root canal filling, the tooth may become bluish in color, which occurs as a result of errors and negligence of the dentist, if at the time of insertion filling materials in root canals- traces of blood remain on their walls.

Teeth whitening at home

Most effective means for whitening teeth at home contain exactly the same active substances that are used in I (only in lower concentrations). The most effective is chemical whitening of teeth with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

How to whiten your teeth at home - the best remedies

To whiten your teeth at home, you first need to decide on the choice of means. Below we describe a few of the most effective options(in descending order of their effectiveness). Each of these tools has its pros and cons, understanding which will allow you to choose the best option for yourself.

1. Opalescense - teeth whitening with trays

Home teeth whitening with caps from Opalescense (Opalescens) is one of the most popular home whitening methods in Europe and the USA. Opalescense whitening kits are produced by a well-known manufacturer dental materials- by ULTRADENT (USA), which also produces products for professional whitening at the dentist (i.e. you will get a really high-quality product).

There are 2 options for whitening with the Opalescense system -

  • (from 4300 rubles) -

    contains a whitening gel based on carbamide peroxide at a concentration of 10%, 15% or 20%. You can buy Opalescence PF (Figure 6) in any of these concentrations. In addition to the active substance, the tooth whitening gel also contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride, which are necessary to reduce the hypersensitivity of the teeth, which often develops due to whitening.

    Whitening with Opalescence PF is no less effective than professional whitening methods. However, it is this Opalescence option that will require more effort from you. The fact is that Opalescence PF teeth whitening gel is intended for use only in individual mouthguards ah (Fig. 7-9), for the manufacture of which you still have to go to the dentist once. Mouthguards are reusable, and in the future you can use them for repeated whitening courses.

    How is it done -
    individual mouthguards with a whitening gel added to them are put on the teeth all night (this is the most convenient option). You can also do this in daytime. The duration of bleaching can be from 1-2 hours - up to 8-10 hours daily, which will depend on the applied concentration of carbamide peroxide, how much pronounced effect you want to achieve, as well as the degree of tooth sensitivity. The bleaching process is as follows:

    Kit contents –
    Kit includes 8 syringes of whitening gel with 10%, 15% or 20% carbamide peroxide concentration, 1 mouthguard storage container, Opalescence toothpaste, a travel bag case, and a tooth shade chart so you can keep track of tooth color changes .

By the way, a similar whitening product to Opalescence PF are sets under the brand name "Perfect Bleach" of the German company VOCO (with 10 or 16% concentrations of carbamide peroxide). VOCO is also a renowned manufacturer of dental materials. Perfect Bleach (as well as Opalescence PF) requires the manufacture of individual mouthguards.

Application of Opalescence PF: video

  • Opalescence TresWhite Supreme(from 4500 rubles) -
    this version of the Opalescence sets is whitening for the "lazy". This kit already contains universal gel-filled trays (Fig. 10), which only need to be applied to the upper and lower dentition. AT Opalescence TresWhite Supreme uses a 10% hydrogen peroxide whitening gel rather than carbamide peroxide like Opalescence PF.

    Mouthguards in TresWhite Supreme sets are made with two layers (Fig. 11). outer layer green color is protective - it is removed after the mouth guard is inserted into the oral cavity. A viscous whitening gel is applied to the inner transparent layer, and therefore, after the mouthguard is inserted into the mouth, it remains on the teeth. Further, you will only need to adapt, i.e. press it tightly against your teeth (Fig. 12-15). Mouthguards for the upper and lower jaws have different sizes by virtue of different shapes dentition.

    How is it done -
    because hydrogen peroxide acts more aggressively than carbamide peroxide, then the whole whitening process will take no more than 30 to 60 minutes a day (you can adjust the duration of the procedure yourself, but within these time intervals). Within 5 days you will notice visible results. The advantage of this option is that there are no costs for the manufacture of individual mouthguards, however, whitening in hard-to-reach areas, for example, in interdental spaces, will be worse.

    The imposition of a two-layer mouthguard on the teeth -

    Kit contents –
    Opalescence TresWhite Supreme set contains 10 top guards and 10 top guards mandible. You can choose your version of the set with different flavors - mint, peach or melon. The cost will be from 4500 rubles.

Application of Opalescence "TresWhite Supreme": video

Which is better: Opalescence "PF" or "TresWhite Supreme"?

Although carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide have similar action– you may have noticed that the funds with them have a very different concentrations. The fact is that a 10% carbamide peroxide whitening gel in its strength will correspond to a 3.5% hydrogen peroxide-based gel. A 15% carbamide peroxide gel = 5.5% hydrogen peroxide (correspondingly, 20% carbamide peroxide = 7.5% hydrogen peroxide), i.e. the difference is about 3 times.

The whitening gel based on carbamide peroxide has a milder effect, causes less side effects- such as irritation of the mucous membrane of the gums and throat. Despite the fact that carbamide peroxide whitening gel requires more exposure time on the teeth, it is no less effective than hydrogen peroxide-based products. In addition, only products with carbamide peroxide can be used for the so-called "night whitening", when gel trays remain fixed on your teeth all night while you sleep (and this is the most efficient view whitening)

Opalescence's TresWhite Supreme whitening gel, based on hydrogen peroxide, has a faster aggressive action, and therefore 1 treatment should last no more than 60 minutes. This option makes sense to choose: 1) if you need a very fast visible effect, 2) you do not suffer hypersensitivity teeth. In addition, this version of the Opalescence set will suit lazier people who do not want to spend time making individual dental guards at the dentist (website).

2. Home teeth whitening strips -

Teeth whitening strips are inexpensive, easy to use (stick to the front of your teeth), and most of them actually work. The whitening effect occurs due to applied to inner surface strips of whitening gel based on hydrogen peroxide. At different manufacturers concentrations are different. For example, Blendamed 3D White Luxe whitening strips have only 5.25% hydrogen peroxide concentration, while different ones have from 9.5 to 14% hydrogen peroxide.

The cost of 1 set of Crest strips will be from 2500 to 5500 rubles. Despite the ease of use - "pasted and gone", the strips have a number of disadvantages. Because the front surface of the dentition is not flat, but has depressions in the interdental spaces, then there is a very a big problem- the fact is that the strips stick to the teeth, but they do not fill the irregularities in the interdental spaces and, therefore, the enamel in such hard-to-reach places will whiten worse.

This leads to the fact that the dark areas of the interdental spaces will contrast significantly against the background of the brightened front surfaces of the teeth, which, to put it mildly, is not very beautiful ... This will especially manifest itself if you have uneven dentition. In addition, the strips have a length that allows you to stick them not on the entire dentition, but most often only on 6-8 front teeth. Therefore, people who have a very wide smile need to buy more expensive models of strips that have an increased length (such as Crest "Supreme Professional").

How to use whitening strips: video

3. Whitening with toothpastes -

Whitening pastes (depending on the composition) can whiten teeth in two ways. The first version of the pastes allows you to remove a layer of pigment plaque on the surface of the tooth enamel. Such pastes do not contain chemically active components that penetrate into the tissues of the tooth. "Whitening" in this case occurs due to the presence in the composition of the paste more abrasive substances than are in conventional preventive toothpastes.

4. Whitening pencil for teeth -

Teeth whitening pencil is the most ineffective and pointless way to spend free time waiting for teeth whitening. Such pencils not only make teeth lighter, but temporarily repaint them. White color due to the content of white dye. A tooth whitening pencil of the “Crestal” type (Fig. 20) costs more than 900 rubles in retail, with a purchase price of 100-150 rubles. This already says a lot...

How much does it cost to whiten teeth

Home teeth whitening is much cheaper than professional office whitening. For example office whitening such as Zoom will cost you from 15,000 rubles, not counting the cost of a special set to maintain results at home. Together with such a set, the total cost of bleaching can reach 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

If you are faced with the question: how to whiten your teeth at home effectively and without harm, then the Opalescence home teeth whitening system from ULTRADENT (USA) or Perfect Bleach from VOCO (Germany) will help you with this. Strips under the Crest 3D White brand (USA) will be slightly less effective. The cost of all these funds is quite acceptable ...

How much does it cost to whiten your teeth at home in 2019 -

  • Strips for home whitening Crest 3D White - from 2500 to 5500 rubles.
  • Opalescence teeth whitening will cost you 4000-4500 rubles. (however, if you decide to make individual mouthguards for teeth whitening at the same time, the price of 2 mouthguards for the upper and lower jaws will be an additional 2,000 rubles).
  • Whitening paste "Rembrandt plus" (USA) - from 1000 rubles per 50 ml tube.

How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Can cheap products like baking soda help whiten teeth? Activated carbon Or hydrogen peroxide? Indeed, they can have a certain influence, but it will not be too significant and have negative influence on tooth enamel. Why is this so - let's see ...

1. Teeth whitening with activated carbon: reviews

If you decide to try whitening your teeth with activated charcoal, you should know that activated charcoal is an abrasive (like tooth powder). Unlike abrasives that are part of toothpastes, charcoal crystals do not have a spherical cut, and therefore its use will lead to the appearance of many micro-scratches on tooth enamel.

At the initial stage, you may notice that the pigment plaque has become a little less, because. abrasive will scrape off plaque. However, micro-scratches will make the surface of the teeth rough, which means that the pigment plaque will be deposited on the teeth even faster. Conclusion: charcoal has a mechanical/abrasive effect on pigment plaque, scratches and damages tooth enamel. Therefore, it should not be used.

2. How to whiten teeth with baking soda -

On teeth whitening with soda - millet reviews cannot be positive for several reasons. The fact is that soda has a certain degree of abrasiveness (like activated carbon, but not so significant). Abrasives remove plaque, so adding baking soda to your toothpaste can really increase its abrasiveness. The latter will indeed allow you to remove plaque a little better, but will not allow you to lighten the actual tooth tissue.

Unlike carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, baking soda does not have a chemical bleaching effect. Moreover (like activated charcoal in high concentrations) - it will scratch tooth enamel. Conclusion: teeth whitening with soda is not effective, for this it is better to buy a whitening abrasive toothpaste, in which the abrasive particles will have a spherical cut and will not scratch the tooth enamel.

3. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide: reviews

Teeth whitening at home with hydrogen peroxide is theoretically possible, but practically very difficult to do. Hydrogen peroxide in whitening products for home and professional use - is used in the form of a gel, which must be in close contact with the surface of the teeth (and must be isolated from the gums, excessive contact with saliva).

In the pharmacy you can buy hydrogen peroxide 3 or 6% percentage concentrations. The only thing you can do is soak cotton balls or gauze swab, and put it on your teeth. Why is it ineffective ... Gauze and cotton swabs absorb not only the peroxide solution, but also the oral fluid containing a large number of organics. Upon contact with organics, peroxide will immediately begin to decompose, although minimum time, which is necessary to achieve the effect when using 6% peroxide is 1 hour.

In general, non-gel hydrogen peroxide will break down too quickly (before it has time to penetrate into the hard tissues of the tooth), the peroxide solution will spread over the gums, causing irritation / chemical burn, and if you do all this without gloves, your fingers will become white, also because chemical burn skin. Therefore, such home teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide can only have negative reviews, but if you are in doubt, you can try it all yourself.

4. Is it possible to whiten teeth with lemon or other acids -

citric acid, a also any other acids - cause leaching of calcium from the surface layer of enamel. Due sharp decline enamel mineralization, this process really looks like teeth whitening. The color of the teeth becomes dull (chalky), the surface of the enamel becomes rough, and in addition, the teeth will lose their luster.

That is, not just deterioration will occur appearance teeth, but also a decrease in the resistance of enamel to the effects of mechanical stress, as well as to the effects of cariogenic bacteria. As a result - rapid abrasion of enamel and multiple dental caries.

Summary - the pros of home whitening

Both home and professional teeth whitening have been studied in so many clinical research, and interesting results were obtained. For example, it was found that the shorter the whitening course/procedure is, the faster the original color of the enamel returns. Those. The disadvantage of professional whitening techniques (where the whole procedure takes 1 hour) is the quick rebound of color back.

That is why all these patients are still prescribed home whitening systems - to maintain the results of professional whitening. If the patient refuses, then in a few months the color of the teeth returns to its original state. Therefore, one should not think that home whitening products are less effective than professional ones. The products listed above (for example, Opalescence and Crest) really allow you to whiten at home without harming your teeth. We hope that our article was useful to you!

(22 ratings, average: 4,68 out of 5)

Everyone wants to have snow-white teeth, but few have the opportunity to visit the dentist. Home whitening system is the way out white teeth light. This is a special tool good effect which is easy to use at home. Latest system for cleaning teeth is produced by Natural White, which has a certificate of product quality.

Features of White Light Home Whitening System

chief active substance system is a gel, which includes high-quality components used for professional dental procedures. They keep the teeth healthy and do not cause any harm to the enamel.

The composition of the White Light system:

  • gel with active ingredients;
  • mouthguards for upper teeth;
  • trays for lower teeth;
  • bleaching agent;
  • light device;
  • batteries.

With the help of the gel, impurities are dissolved on the enamel, and the whitening composition gives the whiteness to the teeth.

To achieve the desired effect, you should strictly adhere to the instructions attached to the system. instructions for use:

The course of teeth whitening can last no more than two weeks. The procedure must be carried out daily.

After the procedure, for some time you can not smoke, eat dyes (tea, coffee, beets, etc.).

How does bleach work?

The composition of the gel includes urea peroxide, which begins to activate under the influence of led lamp. The generated active oxygen penetrates into the dentin and tooth enamel, pushing out of them dark spots. Hard tissues are not destroyed. Therefore, the White Light system is absolutely safe.

Its advantages include:

  • effective teeth whitening;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for gums and tooth enamel;
  • relatively low cost compared to whitening in dental clinics;
  • results in just 10 minutes.

Contraindications for use

Despite their safety home system teeth whitening should not be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children and adolescents under the age of 16;
  • at chronic diseases gums;
  • during orthodontic treatment.

The White Light system is designed to whiten only the natural hard tissues of the teeth, so it is not recommended to clean dentures, crowns and fillings with it.


When I saw an advertisement about the White Light home whitening system, I urgently purchased it. Bought for 790 rubles. I read the instructions, but I didn’t understand why the two gels. So I had to turn to the Internet and reviews. After doing everything right and inserting the mouth guard, I felt like mint paste was in my mouth.

There is no sensation and taste of chlorine, like other bleaches. We wait 10 minutes, during which salivation begins. But this reaction is normal. Then we take everything out and rinse. To test the enamel for sensitivity, I immediately drank a glass cold water. Everything is fine. Did the procedure for five days. From coffee and nicotine there was no trace left. The tool is excellent. Therefore, if someone needs to whiten their teeth in short time- I recommend.


Galina, Kemerovo

I have long dreamed of trying to whiten my tooth enamel in order to get snow-white smile and look great with bright lipstick on the lips. Bought a home whitening kit for only 290 rubles. It turned out very cheap. The set includes tubes with gel, dental trays, LED apparatus, batteries and instructions for use. The instruction was not in Russian, but I found how to use the system on the Internet. Moreover, there are a lot of reviews about it. The gel is clear in one tube and green in the other. In addition, they have a lot of air, so the gel is enough for only 8 procedures.

Already after the first application there was a noticeable effect. Lasts one procedure 10 to 30 minutes. Such a home whitening system is very easy to use, and besides, it is safe. The gels do not contain any aggressive compounds. Before the procedure, be sure to brush your teeth. One inconvenience - the jaws get tired of holding mouthguards. In order for the effect of home whitening to last for a long time, you should carefully take care of your oral cavity and refrain from smoking and drinking strongly coloring drinks and foods as much as possible. Now I have white teeth, the sensitivity of which did not increase after the procedures. I am very satisfied with the result, so I will buy more!

Tatiana, Russia

After watching ads on the Internet and reading rave reviews, I decided to purchase a White Light home whitening system. It includes gels, a battery-operated light device and mouthguards. Having done everything according to the instructions, we apply a light device to the mouthguards. After 30 minutes, it will turn itself off. During the procedure there are no feelings the more painful. The only problem- a lot of saliva accumulates. I don't know where to put it. I couldn't swallow it. I had to terminate the procedure ahead of time.

I have been bleaching for two weeks. Some days twice. As a result, the enamel brightened by only a couple of tones. This result did not surprise me. As I understand it, snow-white teeth can only be obtained at a dental clinic, having paid a tidy sum for whitening.

Tomara, Russia

I looked in the mirror and saw no effect. What color the tooth enamel was, it remained the same. A day later I started having gum problems. The skin began to peel off them and everything stinged. Teeth became sensitive. I even couldn't eat or drink. All this was difficult for me to do. I have never experienced such horror! So, I advise everyone not to succumb to advertising and not to spoil their teeth with an incomprehensible thing.

Svetlana, Penza

I drink a lot of coffee, so my tooth enamel yellow. I did not want to go to the dental clinic, and I decided to try to cope with the problem with the advertised White Light home bleach. I regretted buying this product a thousand times over. After the first procedure, there was no whitening effect, but the teeth became sensitive to all food. In addition, during the use of gels, unpleasant tingling is felt in the mouth. Have toothpaste and the effect better. I'm writing this review to warn... just waste your money. You will not get any whitening, and the remedy is also dangerous to health.

Maria, Kirovograd

So, as we have already said, home teeth whitening is an effective, real procedure, but the enamel due to this procedure, albeit a little, is still thinning. Due to this, the teeth can ache and react to cold, heat, spicy food. But if you approach everything wisely and do not be too zealous, then whitening (home, professional) is the place to be. After all, white straight teeth are everyone's dream.

Consider what home teeth whitening products are available:

  • the so-called home whitening system;
  • home whitening gels (or pastes);
  • caps for home whitening. In fact, this is not exactly home whitening. The fact is that such caps are selected by a doctor and at home you will need to use the same gel that is used in clinics. Such a system includes the system of "home" whitening "Zoom".

Teeth whitening gel

This is one of the most popular methods. After all, the gel is easy to apply. Similar gels are used in dental clinics. These gels contain large amounts of hydrogen peroxide. That is why doctors recommend using them in clinics, and not at home. It is important to calculate the right dosage gel.

home teeth whitening system

There is different kinds home whitening systems

  • Opalescence home whitening;
  • Zoom home whitening;
  • Home whitening Amazing white.

All of them are united total time whitening - from a week to two. And also these systems have one, but very significant, minus: such home whitening, according to numerous reviews, injures the enamel and makes it more sensitive.

Opalescence home whitening

The set includes a whitening gel (there are different flavors: melon, mint, peach) and thin trays for the upper and lower jaws (10 pieces for each). The whitening procedure is structured as follows: first you need to fill the mouthguard with gel, center the mouthguard on the dental arch, bite it slowly and remove air from it with a suction movement, peel off the top film (the mouthguard itself will be colorless). You need to wear it for half an hour to an hour.

The cost of this system: about 5000 rubles.

No need to wear the Opalescence Home Whitening system if you are pregnant and have a sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide or urea.

Home whitening "Zoom"

Zoom home whitening (Zoom home whitening) is another system for home use. As we have already said, the doctor will select the mouthguard itself, and you will be at home wearing it and applying a gel called Zoom 3.

In order to make a mouth guard, the dentist will take impressions of your teeth and use them to make a mouth guard just for you. Mouthguards will need to be filled with gel using a special syringe, and worn 2 times a day for 30 minutes. On day 4-5 you will see the first signs of whitening.

The cost of the procedure is about 700 rubles.

Amazing White System

There are several types of such systems: basic and "lightweight" ("White light"). The first set includes two applicator pens that contain a gel with whitening ingredients. They must be applied to the teeth. The cost of such a system is 2500 rubles.

In the second - gel, kappa, light device. It must be used by bringing it to the teeth, with the gel applied to them. The Light system costs 700 - 1000 rubles.

Whitening (home, professional) – last resort. Better apply preventive measures: brush your teeth correctly and regularly, do not use coloring products, visit the dentist regularly. And then, bleaching, perhaps, and serious treatment, you won't need.

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