Teeth whitening. Office teeth whitening - what modern dentistry can offer

We only apply effective methods professional smile zone whitening. Professional oral hygiene (usually indicated before whitening) at a special price - 2500r when buying office whitening. from 7900 rub

Teeth whitening prices

Doctors who perform teeth whitening

Dentist-orthopedist, specializes in aesthetic treatment and prosthetics. Has 15 years of experience in therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry. Performs complex endodontic operations using a microscope.

Dentist-therapist, specializes in the treatment of caries, endodontic treatment and cosmetic dentistry. Extensive experience in pediatric dentistry.

Types of whitening and prices

In our dental office we offer only those types of whitening that give a regular high-quality result. The experience of using these types of whitening is dozens and hundreds of satisfied patients.

For example, the use of the most expensive professional Zoom whitening gives a bright result in 98% of cases.

A specific result is expected from teeth whitening, which is why we offer Zoom first of all, a satisfied patient is a happy doctor.

The price of office whitening in our office is 22000 rubles.

The closest type of whitening to Zoom, which gives an excellent result, is Klox. The effect may not be as bright as that of Zoom, but this whitening costs half the price, and the procedure itself is less painful and, accordingly, more comfortable.

Klox whitening is a good choice for patients with sensitive teeth.

Klox whitening price is 10900 rubles.

Professional whitening can also be done at home. You get the effect of professional office whitening at home.

Custom mouth guards are made for you and you have to wear them every day for two weeks. certain time along with a whitening gel (this is in general terms).

As with in-office whitening, our experience shows that only expensive brands provide stable and bright results. We left two brands in our assortment home whitening:

  • Home whitening Day White and Nite White from Philips, the manufacturer of Zoom - 12000 rubles.
  • Home whitening SDI Pola (Australia) — 7900 rubles.

At home, you can control the smoothness of whitening and pain.

It could be good choice just to get the first experience of whitening your teeth (to understand how susceptible your teeth are to whitening, so as not to overpay) or to maintain the result of the previous whitening.

Comparison table of different types of whitening

Type of bleaching

  • Whitening time
  • The probability of success and the brightness of the result (subjective opinion based on personal experience applications)
  • Soreness of procedures
  • Price (rubles)

Type of bleaching

Office whitening Zoom

  • Whitening time: 1,5 hour
  • 95\100
  • Painful procedures: High probability sharp pain during procedures and sensitivity the next day
  • Price: 22000 rub.

Office whitening Klox

  • Whitening time: 1 hour
  • Probability of success and brightness of the result*: 90\100
  • Painful procedures: Low chance of sharp pain during procedures and little sensitivity the next day
  • Price: 10900 rub.
*Subjective opinion based on personal experience

Preparation for professional whitening

It has been clinically proven that professional whitening, in itself, does not harm tooth enamel. However aggressive chemical composition professional whitening can be harmful if oral tissues are damaged (cavities and gum disease). Therefore, the oral cavity must be prepared for the procedures.

Before bleaching it is necessary to carry out complete reorganization oral cavity. First, it is necessary to professional cleaning teeth, thereby getting rid of excess bacterial load. Cleanliness is the key to healthy teeth and gums. Secondly, all caries and possible inflammatory processes are treated.

What could be more reasonable than to beautify only healthy teeth?

Usually responsible preparatory process takes from a week to two. Therefore, it is advisable to plan teeth whitening in advance.

Whitening and pain

If during home professional whitening procedures there are severe pain, then you can reduce the dose and reduce the time of the procedure, or even take a break for a few days - this will not greatly affect the result. In the case of professional in-office whitening, pain can be a major hindrance. Therefore, one hour before the office teeth whitening procedure, it is recommended to drink one tablet of Ibuprofen - this is safe and will slightly increase the pain threshold.

How long does teeth whitening last and how to maintain the effect

On average, the result of professional whitening lasts three years.

If the whitening effect was bright and contrasting, then the result will last much longer. After six months or a year, the brightness of white will fade a little, by a couple of tones, but it will still be white teeth.

And the more time has passed after bleaching, the greater the importance of individual factors, primarily food habits, smoking and dental hygiene.

Our lifestyle is such that we cannot refuse to consume tea and / or coffee - these are the main coloring products. We do not recommend giving up on them, since there are a lot of benefits from coffee and tea, which eliminates the negative aesthetic effect.

Plaque also greatly affects the color of the teeth. Therefore, in order to maintain the effect of professional whitening as long as possible, you need to brush your teeth well in the morning and evening, chew gum after eating, and perform professional oral hygiene every six months.

Professional oral hygiene to maintain the whitening effect

Professional hygiene perfectly eliminates the consequences of drinking tea, coffee and smoking.

It is not for nothing that professional complex teeth cleaning is often called whitening.

You can ask the question: "If professional cleaning gives such a good result, then why do you need whitening?".

Answer. Professional cleaning brings your teeth back to their original color. And the natural color is not always white. Therefore, it is necessary chemical exposure on the tooth tissue to remove the pigment from its structure.

Then the next obvious question is: "Why do professional cleaning so often and how will it help in maintaining the color?".

Answer. Coloring pigment can also penetrate into the structure of the tooth. Conduct an experiment, take a white unvarnished ceramic cup. Pour tea into a cup and wash it after five minutes - it will wash off well and easily. But leave the tea in the cup, just for one night, and wash it without strong detergents won't work anymore.

Moreover, if you regularly drink tea from this cup, even with regular and high-quality washing, it will change color.

The teeth are even more difficult.

In the process of vital activity, a microscopic film forms on the teeth, under which bacteria develop and the pigment is fixed - this is called plaque.

It is formed even if you brush your teeth regularly and efficiently twice a day, just the scale of what is happening will be different.

Dentist-orthodontist, correction of bite and position of teeth. He has extensive experience in therapeutic and cosmetic dentistry.

Equipment for professional whitening

In order for professional whitening to be as effective as possible, we use only the best equipment and tool.

For professional Zoom in-office whitening, we use the original Philips curing lamp for this type of whitening. Unlike standard curing lamps, it affects the tooth with a more powerful stream of light. Due to this, the reaction rate of the chemical is higher and the result is more pronounced.

Each whitening kit comes with an individual chip, so the original Zoom kit cannot be used more than once. This policy of the manufacturer motivates to use maximum amount material during the procedure for the best result.

This is a standard curing dental lamp. The dentist uses such a lamp when filling a tooth with a light-curing material.

For most types of professional whitening, this lamp is quite suitable. But to activate the chemical bleaching agent, a rather powerful curing lamp is required. We use a Woodpecker lamp - a serious manufacturer that offers high-quality polymerization lamps with powerful and stable light.

For home professional whitening, we manufacture custom mouthguards from eco-friendly material specially designed for the dental industry.

Wearing such caps cannot harm the health of the patient, as they do not emit harmful substances even when interacting with chemical whitening drug.

The material of the mouth guard perfectly holds its shape and, created according to an individual cast, does not allow the active whitening material to get on the gums.

In Russia and the CIS countries in recent times began to show a cult of healthy and beautiful smile. Residents of the United States and Europe have long suffered, and maybe even enjoy, such a fashion trend. Who exactly can afford it, so it's dentists. A Hollywood smile is not a cheap pleasure. Office teeth whitening alone costs a lot of money, but there is not much choice today. Only office procedures guarantee good result and maintaining the health of the enamel.

What is in-office teeth whitening?

We hasten to disappoint those who have decided that teeth can now be whitened right at the workplace. The name "office" does not indicate this at all. This term is called professional, office procedures.
Please note that such whitening is necessarily carried out under supervision, so professional mouth guards, which are made individually for the patient in dentistry, have nothing in common with the office procedure.

Is in-office teeth whitening safe?

Office teeth whitening is considered the most in a safe way achieving a Hollywood smile. All its stages are fully controlled, complete and careful preparation before they start.
The specialist is convinced whether such a procedure is possible at all, whether it will damage the patient's teeth. This is done using a standard inspection. Even if small cracks or chips are found on the mineral layer, the patient may be refused.
With diseases of the oral cavity, everything is much simpler. They need to be cured before the main procedure. Most often, caries and tartar are eradicated. They interfere with the uniform lightening of the enamel and can soon ruin the whole result. Sometimes the treatment before whitening can be delayed for several weeks.
Ultrasonic or laser cleaning is used to remove tartar. Before bleaching, they will be useful, even if the petrified plaque is not very visible. Cleaning will remove all possible impurities, make the enamel smoother, remove all barriers between it and the bleaching agent.

During preparatory phase the specialist will immediately select the required dosage active substance. In this capacity, hydrogen peroxide is most often used. Popularly, it is better known as peroxide, a wound disinfectant that is found in almost every home first aid kit.
By itself, peroxide is quite dangerous for the protective mineral property, but entering into special chemical reactions, it serves as an excellent reagent for whitening protein compounds in small enamel voids. Dentists try to use additional catalysts in order to add as little peroxide as possible, but they cannot get rid of it completely.
The dosage of peroxide in the product is selected individually. The weaker and more depleted the enamel, the less it is. The best option- 40%, for people with damaged teeth it drops to 15-20%, but this is no longer so effective.
Even a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in the product can damage the mucosa. It is necessary to isolate it as much as possible from the ingress of the bleaching gel. To do this, a retainer is placed in the mouth, the cheeks are fenced off with a specific apron, the gums are covered with a protective gel film.
Eyes and clothes also need to be taken care of. Therefore, before the procedure, the person is given an apron or gown and glasses.
All these security measures are the main difference between office teeth whitening. Whitening at home is often carried out without observing even the simplest recommendations of the manufacturer.
After the in-office procedure, the result is visible immediately. There are no serious complications. People with hypersensitivity of enamel observe its even greater increase. In most cases, this unpleasant effect disappears the next day.
You can not resort to such a complex dental procedure too often. It depletes and weakens the enamel. Optimal cycle repetitions - once a year.

What types of in-office teeth whitening are there?

The principle of operation of any whitening, whether office or home, is based on the chemical reaction of peroxide and additional components.
By itself, peroxide does not lighten enamel. This is done by active oxygen atoms that are released during a chemical reaction.
In order to speed up the whitening process and make it more effective, additional devices are used. The use of one or another method of accelerating a chemical reaction explains the classification of office bleaching. In total, there are three types of procedures: intracanal, laser and photobleaching.
First of all, it is worth talking about the laser technique. Today it is the most common and popular. As the name implies, chemical reaction triggered by laser light. After applying the active gel, the dentist alternately shines through each tooth with it.
The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. The result for one session is 5-6 tones on the Vita scale.
The main competitor of the laser is photobleaching. Laser technique is preferred by those who want to get more natural result, as well as people with hypersensitivity of the gums. The laser does not harm the mucosa, because its light is pointwise and does not harm already damaged gums.
Photobleaching works with halogen or ultraviolet lamp. The most common and effective photo-whitening device is ZOOM. Often the procedure on this device is called ZOOM whitening.
The method gives the most impressive and noticeable result. It is effective even with the manifestation of fluorosis or after long-term use of tetracycline. In one session, the teeth become whiter by 6-8 tones.
Among the shortcomings of the method, one can single out the fact that its effect is even too good and sometimes the teeth after such a procedure look completely unnatural.
The intracanal technique is used only if necessary. As the name implies, whitening in this way occurs from the inside. The whitening composition is placed in the cleaned root canal, which is then closed. After a few weeks, the tooth is again cleaned and sealed.
Such whitening is necessary only if, due to the development of various endodontic diseases, major changes pigmentation.

How much does in-office whitening cost?

Office whitening is one of the most expensive services. aesthetic dentistry. Laser technique and photobleaching costs about the same, 15-17 thousand rubles. Intracanal whitening is paid per tooth. Its price is about 5 thousand rubles.

A snow-white smile always attracts the attention of others and is a hallmark of a person. However, a very small percentage of people have naturally white teeth. That is why many are looking for a way to whiten tooth enamel. Used in modern dentistry a large number of teeth cleaning techniques. There are types of both home and professional cabinet dental whitening. Choosing the right procedure for you is quite difficult. In this article, we will describe the main methods of whitening tooth enamel and contraindications to them.

Types of teeth whitening

Today there are many dental techniques, each of which differs in the following terms:

  • composition and reagents used;
  • frequency and number of procedures;
  • whitening speed;
  • degree of patient involvement.

For the procedures offered modern drugs, whose manufacturers promise safe and high-quality whitening with their help. Professional clarification is carried out on modern equipment and is in great demand.

Dental in-office whitening methods

With the help of professional cleaning of tooth enamel in the shortest possible time, you can achieve excellent results and lasting effects. At the same time, a gentle effect occurs during the procedures. tooth enamel.

All dental office whitening is divided into several ways:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • photobleaching.

Mechanical bleaching

Dental mechanical cleaning is based on professional hygiene oral cavity. With this procedure, you can get a very pronounced visual effect, although dentists do not consider it whitening.

During the mechanical procedure, dental deposits in the form of plaque and stones are removed. As a result, the natural color of tooth enamel returns to the patient. And if he has white enamel by nature, then Hollywood smile secured.

Many people who drink coffee, red wine, cola and smoke what their natural enamel looks like have long forgotten. In these cases resort to chemicals , hydrogen peroxide, various pencils and strips are impractical. First of all, you need to carry out oral hygiene in the dental office.

During mechanical cleaning, the impact occurs on the deposits that are on the surface of the teeth. That is why such a procedure is completely safe for enamel.

But there are cases when, after dental plaque and calculus removal, the cervical region of the teeth is open. As a result, the teeth begin to react to hot and cold. Previously, dental stones saved them from all these irritants. In this case, it is necessary to contact a periodontist who will conduct fluoridation sensitive enamel and prescribe treatment.

Among the mechanical methods of clarification, the most common is dental ultrasonic cleaning.

Ultrasonic whitening procedure

With the help of ultrasonic devices, both supragingival and subgingival stones are easily removed. Ultrasound allows you to clean even the tooth enamel of a smoker, which neither professional brushes nor special toothpastes can handle.

How does ultrasound work?

At the end of a special tip, due to ultrasonic vibrations, plaque and stones are destroyed. Separating from the enamel, they do not injure the tissue. At the same time, water enters the teeth through the tip, which is necessary for the effectiveness and safety of the procedure. Water does not allow them to overheat and, due to the movements of the tip, creates vortex flows. With their help, there is an improvement in the exfoliation of plaque and stones.

Airflow technology

The method of restoring tooth enamel is carried out with Air-Flow device, inside which there are water-air channels and sodium bicarbonate used as an abrasive. During the procedure, a jet of water, air and baking soda, which are mixed towards the end of the apparatus. The working part of the apparatus is installed in a special connector, and water mixed with soda is ejected under high pressure, cleaning the enamel surface from any, even the most hard plaque, in seconds.

The released jet easily penetrates into the most inaccessible places. It can be used to clean the area above the gum and under various artificial structures, spaces between teeth. In just 30-40 minutes, the enamel will acquire its natural natural color.

At Air technology- Flow has one big drawback - does not clean teeth. Besides, prolonged exposure jet on one area can lead to hypersensitivity after the procedure.

Chemical bleaching

The procedure for restoring the whiteness of enamel with the help of chemicals involves the use of special gels, which include highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Gels can be applied alone or as aid with photobleaching and laser cleaning.

Due high concentration hydrogen peroxide dental chemical procedure has a good whitening effect. In one visit, you can achieve a pronounced whiteness of tooth enamel. You can bleach it immediately for 5-7 tones.

The disadvantage of chemical bleaching is the damage done to the enamel. It is restored by fluoridation and remineralization of teeth.

The use of chemicals requires consultation with a dentist and preliminary preparation. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the presence of various artificial restorations.


This whitening method involves the use of a special lamp, which serves as a catalyst, and gels with active ingredients. Under the influence of a lamp, oxygen is released from the gel, which breaks down the pigments in the enamel. As a result, the teeth are brightened.

Stages of the procedure:

With the yellowness of the teeth, photobleaching copes perfectly, and gray coating almost never removes. In some cases, after the procedure, there is an increased sensitivity of the teeth. In this case, the dentist prescribes the use of remineralizing pastes.

Home teeth whitening

At home, you can use both mechanical and chemicals whitening of tooth enamel.

To dental home whitening methods relate:

Contraindications for dental whitening

No matter how you want, but whiten tooth enamel with dental procedures may not be for everyone. Teeth whitening contraindicated in the following cases:

  • increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gum disease;
  • exposure of the roots of the teeth;
  • caries;
  • rapid abrasion of the dentition;
  • wearing braces;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 14 years of age.

The obvious advantage of whitening is getting a quick aesthetic result as snow-white smile. The disadvantages of the procedure include the possibility of increased sensitivity of the teeth and thinning of the enamel. In addition, in order to maintain the whiteness of teeth after dental whitening, it is not recommended to smoke, drink coffee, tea and red wine, or use coloring products. Not every patient will decide on such restrictions. Therefore, those who want to have white teeth should first weigh the pros and cons, and only then choose the best dental whitening for themselves.

In-office (or clinical, office) teeth whitening is professional method, which implies the use special equipment in a dental clinic. This is the most effective method, which allows you to lighten the enamel by 8-10 tones in just 1 hour. In addition, it is absolutely safe, since the entire process is controlled by a doctor.

Teeth whitening in the clinic and at home

Clinical enamel whitening

In-office whitening is done with a high concentration oxidizing gel (25-35% hydrogen peroxide or urea) applied to the enamel. Under the action of a catalyst (light beams, laser, etc.), the gel is activated, as a result of which oxygen begins to be released.

Oxygen ions penetrate into the deep layers of dentin, splitting the accumulated pigment. At the end of the procedure, the doctor performs remineralizing therapy with fluoride preparations. This is necessary in order to strengthen the enamel after exposure to an oxidizing agent.

The patient carries out home whitening on his own, but here you can not do without the supervision of a doctor. First, the doctor will examine you to rule out any contraindications, and then take impressions of your teeth for making. individual mouth guard. After a few days, you will be given a finished mouthguard and a gel to fill it.

At home, low concentration gels (10-15%) of well-known manufacturers Opalescence are used, white light and others. The course lasts 10-20 days (day or night use). After completion, you should see a dentist to evaluate the result and strengthen the enamel.

Types of Clinical Teeth Whitening


These are the well-known Zoom and Beyond systems, where hot light from a halogen, diode or ultraviolet lamp is used as a catalyst. The advantages of this method are an affordable price (about 5,000 rubles), as well as simultaneous exposure to light on the entire dentition. However, there is a risk of enamel overheating, which leads to increased sensitivity to thermal stimuli.

Laser whitening

This is the most harmless, but the most expensive in-office teeth whitening (the price of the procedure is from 8,000 rubles). Laser ray does not heat dental tissue, so the risk of pulp burns, enamel hypersensitivity and other complications is completely excluded. The downside is that not all dental clinics equipped laser machine due to its high cost.


it intracanal bleaching with brightening pastes. It is used for those teeth that have darkened after depulpation (removal of the dental nerve), endodontic treatment or trauma to the crown. Cost - 3,000-4,000 rubles. (for 1 tooth).

Air flow procedure

Abrasive cleaning Air flow- This is a cosmetic (superficial) teeth whitening. The enamel surface is treated with an abrasive mixture (water, air and soda) under high pressure. Such mechanical way perfectly eliminates "smoker's plaque" and superficial pigmentation, but does not change the shade of the enamel. The cost of the procedure is 3,500-4,000 rubles.

Ultrasonic method

Also applies to gentle teeth whitening. A special nozzle-scaler generates ultrasonic vibrations that destroy hard (limestone) dental deposits. it hygiene procedure, however, after it, the teeth look 1-2 shades lighter. The price of a session is 2,500-3,000 rubles.

The effectiveness of clinical whitening

The laser method is considered the most effective, it brightens the enamel up to 10 tones in 1 procedure. In second place - photobleaching and home systems (up to 7-8 tones). Air Method Flow gives a weak effect, it only brightens the enamel and natural shade.

The final result depends not only on the chosen method, but also on the initial color of the teeth, the concentration of the bleaching agent and the duration of its exposure.

The effect of office whitening lasts up to 5-6 years, of course, with quality care. The whiteness and smoothness of the teeth after ultrasonic or abrasive cleaning will please you for only six months.

Contraindications for in-office whitening

Unfortunately, any clinical teeth whitening is not able to lighten artificial crowns, fillings and prostheses. It is also not suitable for fluorosis, because in this case enamel darkens due to excess fluoride in the body, and not due to pigmentation.

Professional teeth whitening is also not recommended in such cases:

  • young age of the patient (up to 18 years);
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • pathological abrasion enamels;
  • the presence of deep carious foci;
  • damage to the crown (chips, cracks, etc.);
  • periodontitis and others inflammatory diseases mucous.

What to do after in-office teeth whitening?

For 2-3 hours after the procedure, it is necessary to follow a “white” diet, that is, to exclude all coloring products (tea, coffee, beets, etc.). During the first day, it is also important to stop smoking.

On our website you can easily find a clinic with affordable prices for professional teeth whitening. Just set the required parameters in the search system.

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