Toxic stomatitis when using metal dentures. Toxic stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment. Traditional medicine

Toxic reactions to acrylic dentures are largely determined by physical and chemical composition, structure, mechanical properties and degradation processes of copolymers acrylic plastic. In this they potential danger for a person.

Acrylic plastic, in addition to monomer and polymer, contains a variety of additives of low molecular weight compounds, which give it characteristic specific properties. These include: plasticizers - substances introduced to increase the plasticity of plastics at high temperatures, as well as to increase the elasticity of the polymer; stabilizers that reduce the rate of aging polymer material under the influence of unfavorable external physical and chemical factors; fillers that serve to change the mechanical and physical properties products; dyes.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) During toxic stomatitis when using acrylic prostheses:

Symptoms of toxic stomatitis when using acrylic prostheses:

All these chemical substances taken together and individually can provide toxic effect. The main toxicogenic factor in acrylic plastic is the monomer. If the polymerization mode is violated, the amount of residual monomer increases sharply,

The monomer is the cause of blastomogenesis. In experiments on animals, it was shown that implanted plastic plates (etacryl, fluorax, acronym) under the skin caused the formation of a tumor (sarcoma) of various differentiation.

The presence and increase in the amount of residual monomer is affected by the porosity of the plastic after polymerization. VV Gerner (1969) distinguishes three types of porosity: gas porosity, compression porosity, and granulation porosity.

The residual monomer reduces the physical and mechanical properties of the polymer. When using removable prosthesis the latter is retained in the prosthesis, its diffusion into the surface layers of the prosthesis is possible, while the physicochemical properties of the plastic deteriorate.

Under the influence of biological media (saliva, microbial flora, saliva pH, temperature regime etc.), as well as masticatory loads, occlusal relationships of the system plastic - plastic, plastic - metal in the polymer composition, the processes of structuring and destruction, migration, "sweating" of residual monomers, plasticizers, dyes occur.

An acrylic prosthesis experiences various deformations during chewing, which leads to a violation of the structure of its components. This in turn increases the amount of migrating monomer.

The residual monomer is a protoplasmic poison, has a cytotoxic effect. As a protoplasmic poison, the monomer blocks the sulfhydryl groups (SH) of enzyme proteins, causing a cytotoxic effect; according to a number of authors, the monomer causes necrosis of the dental pulp.

Diagnosis of toxic stomatitis when using acrylic prostheses:

When examining the oral cavity, hyperemia and edema are noted mucous membranes under a prosthesis, more often upper jaw; dryness of all mucous membranes of the mouth, sometimes only under removable dentures.

The tongue is hyperemic, dry. The papillae of the tongue are smoothed, atrophied. Toxins are thought to impair parasympathetic nerve function as well as tissue salivary glands, which leads to a change in the metabolism of histamine and serotonin, potassium, protein, resulting in hyposalivation. With hypersalivation, these metabolic changes are not noted.

Among the early biochemical parameters when exposed to acrylates, an increase in the activity of enzymes - ceruloplasmin, acetylcholinesterase in blood serum, an increase in the content of total and reduced glutathione, as well as an increase in activity alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase and transaminases of mixed saliva. An increase in enzyme activity indicates a compensatory increase in redox processes in the body.

Changes in the blood are characterized by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytosis, later leukopenia is possible, an increase in ESR.

So the analysis clinical manifestations toxic-chemical stomatitis on metal and plastic (acrylic) prostheses allows us to conclude that many symptoms are common: the time of appearance clinical symptoms- immediately after fixation and imposition of prostheses; neurological disorders and gastrointestinal tract.

Differences in the clinical picture were also noted. Metals cause a burning sensation of the tongue, plastics - the mucous membrane under the prosthesis. A toxic reaction to metals is accompanied by an increase in salivation (hypersalivation), to plastic - hypohypersalivation.

Indicators of biological media (saliva, blood, urine, mucous membranes) in toxic-chemical stomatitis caused by metal and plastic prostheses, have similar hemograms: leukocytosis, erythropenia, increased ESR, enzymatic activity saliva (increased activity of alkaline phosphatase). These tests can be differential for other diseases (allergic stomatitis, dental trauma, etc.).

Attention is drawn to the fact that with toxic-chemical stomatitis for metals, profound changes occur in the enzymatic activity of saliva and mucous membranes. A decrease in the activity of mucous membrane enzymes is combined with an increase in the content of "heavy" metals both in the mucous membranes and in saliva. This is the pathogenetic basis of toxic-chemical stomatitis on metal prostheses.

An increase in the amount of protein in saliva is certainly a compensatory factor aimed at binding an increased amount of microimpurities of metals as a result of an electrochemical process, a shift in pH to the acid side.

Plastic prostheses are electrically neutral in nature, so active electrochemical processes do not occur.

Thus, the monomer is a strong toxin, and after 2 hours of wearing an acrylic prosthesis, changes in the blood picture are noted: leukocytosis, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Clinically, anemia is observed: burning of the mucous membrane under the prosthesis, general malaise, fatigue, drowsiness, etc.

Treatment of toxic stomatitis when using acrylic prostheses:

It should be noted that in the treatment of removable dentures in 83.9% of patients (out of 357 examined), clinical and technological errors and errors were made by specialists (doctor, dental technician) with work experience of up to 5 years. The analysis showed that the percentage of clinical and technological errors in orthopedic dental treatment of persons with removable dentures is quite high. In our opinion, it will be possible to reduce the number of these errors only if there are state quality standards. dental treatment and manufacturing of dentures.

Stomatitis - known disease associated with the oral mucosa and can hurt both adults and children.

According to Wikipedia, the mechanism of occurrence of stomatitis is most likely associated with the reaction of the immune system to stimuli. It is thought to occur when, for unknown reasons, the human immune system reacts to molecules that it cannot recognize. The appearance of such molecules provokes an attack of lymphocytes immune system(variety of white blood cells). The "attack" of lymphocytes on these unidentified molecules leads to the appearance in the mouth ulcer formations, which received the name "stomatitis".

Types of infectious stomatitis

Viral stomatitis. Herpetic stomatitis

Stomatitis in children

From the name you can understand that the cause of its appearance is a virus that is divided into a virus chicken pox, measles, influenza, herpes and cytomegalovirus. Children and teenagers suffer the most. What can cause the disease:

  • weakened immunity;
  • poor hygiene or improper oral care;
  • resulting damage to the oral mucosa;
  • the use of cytostatic antibiotics;
  • communication with the infected.

At initial stage the development of the disease there is lethargy, lack of strength. Sometimes the body temperature becomes higher. The child has this stage going on complete failure from eating and drink. AT oral cavity pain may occur. From visible reasons- redness and swelling on the infected part of the mucous membrane. After a couple of days, these parts turn into vesicles, which are filled with a yellowish and cloudy liquid and are shaped like a ball. Before they appear, itching, tingling and burning are possible. Every day herpetic stomatitis will gain momentum. The most common places where the disease appears are the tongue and palate, but sometimes they can form on the lip, gums, cheeks or throat. Later vesicles become pustules and then erosion. According to these signs, herpetic stomatitis can be distinguished. Photos of the main stages of the disease are given below. Viral stomatitis can take up to ten days.

Bacterial stomatitis

Bacterial stomatitis in the mouth

The development of this type of disease occurs due to bacteria in the oral cavity. Because the mucosa has the property of protection from microorganisms, then it often gets its start with an injury that destroys the integrity of the epithelium. Basically, the main contributing factors are streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus. No less often there are cases when the disease develops due to the presence purulent inflammation on the gums, teeth with caries, as well as with a long-term disease of the nasopharynx and tonsils. In addition, you can get stomatitis from other sources. Angina and influenza, which were transferred not so long ago, can contribute to its onset. Initial manifestations The disease is considered to be a sensation of pain in the oral cavity. Possible discomfort while eating spicy or acidic foods. The next stage - the gums acquire a loose state and become dark crimson. In some cases, there is an increase lymph nodes. The duration of this illness varies from a week to ten days.

Candidal stomatitis

It is considered an infectious disease caused by saprophytic fungi. Most often, this disease occurs in infants. But people of retirement age and people with reduced immunity can also get sick.

Candidal stomatitis in the mouth

Reasons why candidiasis develops:

  • improper metabolism (presence of diabetes mellitus);
  • taking medicines against bacteria;
  • inflammation for a long time;
  • lowered immunity (for the first time or repeatedly);
  • entry of fungus into the oral cavity.

The disease spreads to children, during childbirth and through the breasts of a mother who has the disease, as well as through contact with dirty dishes, a pacifier or a toy. To determine if a child has a disease infancy, you need to look at his mucous membrane cheeks, tongue, palate, with stomatitis, plaque is usually observed white color or curdled. The character of the child becomes more capricious, since stomatitis is accompanied by burning and discomfort, it is possible to refuse to eat. Other manifestations are sore throat and trouble swallowing. There is a plaque of a dense structure and, sometimes, erosions are formed that can bleed when trying to remove this plaque.

Allergic stomatitis

Occurs due to allergic reactions to endo- and exoantigens. The disease can develop from food allergies, the use of antibiotics, the use of fillings and dentures. People are more susceptible to it:

  • who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with allergic reactions to various medicines or products;
  • having a disease - bronchial asthma;
  • females between the ages of 50 and 55.

Its characteristic expression is swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, cheeks, throat, tongue and palate. Concerning patients often cannot eat because it is difficult for them to chew and swallow food, as well as breathe. In the oral cavity, erosions can be seen, which may be accompanied by the release of blood. At the same time, there is practically no saliva, the tongue has big sizes than usual and it has plaque. Excessive enlargement of the tongue is a characteristic sign of allergic stomatitis. This is what stomatitis looks like. Among other things, it is possible heat body, manifestation of emotional instability, sleep problems.

Traumatic stomatitis on the lip

Stomatitis of this type appears as a result of thermal, chemical or mechanical injury to the oral mucosa. mechanical injury- this is the kind of injury that occurs due to biting or injury improperly installed denture or crown. Chemical injury is obtained due to contact of the mucous membrane with acid or any other substances. Where the injury occurred, inflammation appears, to which redness and swelling are added. Highly it is important to provide timely therapeutic actions , since in the future this stage will turn into erosion, and then into an ulcer. The latter is characterized by severe pain and it will be very difficult to eat various dishes. It can also occur in connection with the passage of therapy, being a manifestation of a complex form of the disease, when exposed to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The advantage is that the disease disappears after the treatment is stopped.

Obtained by contact with mucous membranes heavy metals, which are usually released from dentures. More acrylic plastic has a detrimental effect or otherwise a monomer. When an acrylic denture wearer starts chewing, the denture changes shape and releases a monomer. Visually, edema can be seen on the oral cavity and the mucosa becomes dry under the prosthesis. Patients complain of a burning sensation, a metallic taste in the mouth, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also be observed. In symptoms, there are frequent shortages strength, lack of sleep constant desire sleep. It happens that the symptoms can make themselves felt after two hours, as the prosthesis was installed.

Artrophic stomatitis

Chronic atrophic stomatitis

This type of disease can easily be earned by those who do not follow proper nutrition. It also appears in the presence of vitamin deficiency, chronic diseases and adverse conditions environment. In addition, they can get sick women and people who abuse alcohol. It is manifested by severe pain and burning of the oral mucosa. Outwardly, you can see a loose mucous membrane, which can be easily damaged and papillomas are often observed on it.

Acute and chronic forms of stomatitis

Stomatitis is divided into two types according to its development: acute and chronic. The first occurs on the mucous membrane and the patient has an increase in temperature, weakness, headache, fast loss strength and pain in the mouth. If a given form stomatitis does not receive proper treatment or it goes wrong, then in most cases the disease becomes chronic. Chronic form leaks long time, up to up to several years and is expressed either by exacerbations or remissions. The period between them can be several days, and sometimes several months and years.


How is stomatitis manifested?

Stomatitis is a condition that proceeds according to the laws of any inflammatory process in the body. Therefore, it, like many diseases, is divided into three types according to clinical manifestations:

  • catarrhal;
  • aphthous;
  • ulcerative.

Catarrhal is more common and pronounced inflammatory process mucous membrane, but it does not cause ulcers, as well as erosion. Basically, the disease begins to develop in connection with improper care and compliance with oral hygiene, as well as teeth with severe caries and damage. It is typical for him bad smell from mouth, strong pain, the appearance of redness and swelling on the mucous membrane. Aphthous stomatitis, on the other hand, includes the presence of one or more defects - aphthae on the mucous membrane, in connection with which it received its name. Afta by outward signs round or oval, around them there is a red rim and a noticeable plaque. When the latter is rejected, the aphtha heals without a trace. To replace the catarrhal, very often comes ulcerative stomatitis. Its main "clients" are people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. On examination, it can be observed that ulcers are located throughout the mucous membrane. They are raided gray color and its owner bring discomfort when trying to eat. Two more symptoms are lymph nodes that are large and a body temperature that can rise.

Ways to fight

There are two ways to cure the disease, depending on the desire of the patient himself, either with medication or with the help of folk remedies.

Medication treatment

Stomatitis is treated conservative way required therapy must be prescribed by a doctor after examination, history taking and, if necessary, additional tests. The therapy includes whole list subdivided into groups:

  • anesthetics;
  • antiseptics;
  • against bacteria;
  • restoring;
  • against viruses;
  • capable of boosting immunity.

For effective fight with various manifestations of stomatitis can only help treatment with multiple drugs, since it is it that is capable of the most fast track get rid of pain and other manifestations.

Traditional medicine

No one has come up with a better way to fight stomatitis than rinsing. By their qualities he is very efficient and also easy to use. There are several types of rinse solutions:

  • weak solution with potassium permanganate;
  • soda diluted in water;
  • hydrogen peroxide diluted with water;
  • tincture based on propolis;
  • herbal decoctions.

But what about parents who have stomatitis? infant? Do not despair, because for children of this age there are effective treatment. And in general, the treatment will not be problematic, everything can be easily fixed. To cure the baby, you need to take sterile gauze and dip it in a solution with soda and then treat him to the oral cavity.


To reduce pain while eating, you should start to follow a diet. You can not eat sour vegetables and fruits, juices, spicy dishes, soda, spirits, salty and sweet. It is best to choose soft and not hard food.

Prevention of stomatitis

Stomatitis is not a pleasant phenomenon. It causes discomfort, it is treated for a rather long time, some of its types are contagious to others. Yes, and all the manifestations of stomatitis in the photo look completely unpleasant. In order to avoid stomatitis, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

  1. It is necessary to take as a basis during the treatment of teeth, not to wait until the pain becomes unbearable and inflammation begins.
  2. In addition, it should visit the dentist regularly for inspection.
  3. Perform thorough daily oral hygiene.
  4. Avoid injury to the mucosal membrane, which is possible when drinking hot drinks, having broken teeth, or ingesting chemicals.
  5. Never forget to take care of your health and immunity.
  6. Do not use other people's hygiene items, especially if it is known that a person has an infectious disease.

Do you have sores on your gums? Don't dismiss it as nonsense. The state of the oral mucosa reflects the state of the whole organism. And if signs of stomatitis appear in the mouth, you don’t need to think that this is a trifle - it is important to understand the causes and immediately begin treatment.
Causes of stomatitis
Doctors have identified several types of stomatitis, respectively, the causes of its appearance also differ.

Toxic stomatitis
The reason for its appearance is poisoning with salts of heavy metals - lead, bismuth, mercury. Moreover, these substances can enter the body from poor quality food or when using poorly made cookware. One of the symptoms of toxic stomatitis is a metallic taste in the mouth, and the disease can also be accompanied by intestinal upset.
Traumatic stomatitis
In this case, the disease is a consequence of excess plaque, poor hygiene oral cavity, fillings that injure the mucous membrane, poorly installed dentures.
Infectious stomatitis
This type of stomatitis can be provoked by diseases such as measles, herpes, influenza, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and others. infectious diseases. The symptoms of infectious stomatitis resemble those of the flu.

Can also cause stomatitis allergic reactions on the medications, food products, bacteria, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood, metabolic diseases, hormonal changes, stress, lack of vitamins A, group B, nicotine and folic acid microelements (zinc, iron).
How is stomatitis manifested?
Stomatitis affects the oral mucosa. First, there is a slight swelling and redness, and then - the formation of an oval shape with red edges and a whitish coating.
In primary and mild stage diseases appeared sores have a diameter of 1-5 mm. After a week, they heal without leaving scars.
With more severe forms stomatitis, there are many such ulcers on the mucous membrane. They are located on inside cheeks, lips, on the bottom of the mouth, on the lateral surface and back of the tongue, on the soft palate.
Painful sensations with this form of stomatitis are strong, in addition, the temperature and salivation increase, while it is difficult to swallow saliva. Such ulcers heal for a long time - about 2-3 weeks, and with possible complications deep ulcers may appear.
How to treat stomatitis?
- First you need to identify the cause and type of stomatitis, and for this you must definitely go to the doctor.
- In case of stomatitis, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a clean hot water after every meal.
- If stomatitis goes away with painful sensations, then hydrogen peroxide should be added to the mouthwash solution: one teaspoon in half a glass of water.
Nutrition for stomatitis
- For the period of treatment of stomatitis, foods that can irritate the oral mucosa should be excluded from the diet. These are: spicy and hot dishes, alcohol, nicotine. It is better to eat mashed food. Sweets should also be avoided.
- During the treatment of stomatitis, add vegetables, fruits, dairy products as well as juices. It is also necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed. Since with stomatitis there is increased salivation, as well as intestinal upset, the body loses a lot of water that needs to be replenished.
Folk recipes for the treatment of stomatitis
Garlic, which has disinfecting properties, is used to treat stomatitis. You need to grind three cloves of garlic and mix them with two teaspoons of yogurt. Warm the resulting mixture and hold it in your mouth, distributing it with your tongue over the affected areas. This procedure should be carried out three times a day.

Aloe juice will be useful for stomatitis. To prepare it, you need to cut off the lower leaves, wash, remove the thorns and squeeze the juice. Rinse your mouth with juice 3-4 times a day. You can chew peeled and thoroughly washed leaves of aloe or Kalanchoe.
It relieves pain and inflammation of the lotion from raw potatoes, pounded into gruel or grated.
It will help with stomatitis rinsing the mouth with freshly squeezed carrot juice, dilute boiled water half. It has the same properties cabbage juice. Rinse your mouth three times a day.
Useful for stomatitis decoctions medicinal plants for rinsing. One tablespoon of calendula flowers should be poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, then strain and rinse your mouth after each meal.
It is good to use a decoction of oak bark for rinsing the mouth. 20 g of dry oak bark should be poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for half an hour. Then the broth must be filtered and boiled water added to 200 ml. Rinse 3-4 times a day.

Toxic stomatitis when using acrylic prostheses

Etiology and pathogenesis Toxic reactions to acrylic prostheses are largely determined by the physicochemical composition, structure, mechanical properties, and degradation processes of acrylic plastic copolymers. This is their potential danger to humans. Acrylic plastic, in addition to the monomer and polymer, contains a variety of additives of low molecular weight compounds that give it characteristic specific properties. These include: plasticizers - substances introduced to increase the plasticity of plastics at high temperatures, as well as to increase the elasticity of the polymer; stabilizers that reduce the rate of aging of the polymer material under the influence of unfavorable external physical and chemical factors; fillers that serve to change the mechanical and physical properties of the product; dyes. All of these chemicals taken together and individually can have a toxic effect. The main toxicogenic factor in acrylic plastic is the monomer. If the polymerization regime is violated, the amount of residual monomer sharply increases, and the monomer causes blastomogenesis. In experiments on animals, it was shown that implanted plastic plates (etacryl, fluorax, acronym) under the skin caused the formation of a tumor (sarcoma) of various differentiation. The presence and increase in the amount of residual monomer is affected by the porosity of the plastic after polymerization. VV Gerner (1969) distinguishes three types of porosity: gas porosity, compression porosity, and granulation porosity. The residual monomer reduces the physical and mechanical properties of the polymer. When using a removable prosthesis, the latter remains in the prosthesis, it can diffuse into the surface layers of the prosthesis, while the physical and chemical properties of the plastic deteriorate. Under the influence of biological media (saliva, microbial flora, pH of saliva, temperature regime, etc.), as well as masticatory loads, occlusal relationships of the plastic-plastic, plastic-metal system, the processes of structuring and destruction, migration, "sweating" occur in the polymer composition. » residual monomers, plasticizers, dyes. An acrylic prosthesis experiences various deformations during chewing, which leads to a violation of the structure of its components. This in turn increases the amount of migrating monomer. The residual monomer is a protoplasmic poison, has a cytotoxic effect. As a protoplasmic poison, the monomer blocks the sulfhydryl groups (SH) of protein enzymes, causing a cytotoxic effect; according to a number of authors, the monomer causes necrosis of the dental pulp. Clinical picture Clinical and experimental studies indicate the possibility of developing acute and chronic poisoning with acrylates. Acute poisoning occur under the action of high concentrations of the monomer, penetrating through the upper respiratory tract or skin. This happens with gross violations of safety precautions by dental technicians. A toxic reaction to an acrylic prosthesis occurs in the event of a violation of the polymerization regime, when the monomer content is significantly increased. At the same time, a rapid and pronounced manifestation intoxication. After 1-7 days after the imposition of removable dentures, there is a strong burning sensation of the mucous membranes of the mouth under the prosthesis, burning of the lips. Removing the prosthesis significantly reduces these sensations or they disappear completely. Patients complain of dryness, sometimes hypersalivation. Neurological disorders are expressed: headaches, sleep disturbance; possible dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. When examining the oral cavity, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes under the prosthesis are noted, more often in the upper jaw; dryness of all mucous membranes of the mouth, sometimes only under removable dentures. The tongue is hyperemic, dry. The papillae of the tongue are smoothed, atrophied. It is believed that toxins disrupt the function of the parasympathetic nerves, as well as the tissue of the salivary glands, which leads to a change in the metabolism of histamine and serotonin, potassium, and protein, resulting in hyposalivation. With hypersalivation, these metabolic changes are not noted. Among the early biochemical indicators under the influence of acrylates should include an increase in the activity of enzymes - ceruloplasmin, serum acetylcholinesterase, an increase in the content of total and reduced glutathione, as well as an increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase and transaminases of mixed saliva. An increase in enzyme activity indicates a compensatory increase in redox processes in the body. Changes in the blood are characterized by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytosis, later leukopenia is possible, an increase in ESR. Thus, the analysis of the clinical manifestations of toxic-chemical stomatitis on metal and plastic (acrylic) prostheses allows us to conclude that many symptoms are common: the time of onset of clinical symptoms is immediately after fixation and application of prostheses; disorders of the neurological status and the gastrointestinal tract. Differences in the clinical picture were also noted. Metals cause a burning sensation of the tongue, plastics - the mucous membrane under the prosthesis. A toxic reaction to metals is accompanied by an increase in salivation (hypersalivation), to plastic - hypohypersalivation. Indicators of biological media (saliva, blood, urine, mucous membranes) in toxic-chemical stomatitis caused by metal and plastic prostheses have similar hemograms: leukocytosis, erythropenia, increased ESR, enzymatic activity of saliva (increased activity of alkaline phosphatase). These tests can be differential for other diseases (allergic stomatitis, denture injuries, etc.). ). Draws attention to the fact that with toxic-chemical stomatitis for metals, profound changes occur in the enzymatic activity of saliva and mucous membranes. A decrease in the activity of mucosal enzymes is combined with an increase in the content of "heavy" metals both in the mucous membranes and in saliva. This is the pathogenetic basis of toxicochemical stomatitis on metal prostheses. An increase in the amount of protein in saliva is certainly a compensatory factor aimed at binding an increased amount of microimpurities of metals as a result of an electrochemical process, a shift in pH to the acid side. Plastic prostheses are electrically neutral in nature, so active electrochemical processes do not occur. Thus, the monomer is a strong toxin, and after 2 hours of wearing an acrylic prosthesis, changes in the blood picture are noted: leukocytosis, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Clinically, anemia is observed: burning of the mucous membrane under the prosthesis, general malaise, fatigue, drowsiness, etc.

Table 13. Dependence of clinical manifestations of allergic stomatitis on the type of denture material

Allergic stomatitis

Survey data

Inspection data

Survey results

for metals

Occurs 5-8 years after repeated prosthetics: burning of the mucous membranes, swelling, dryness. Accompanying illnesses: drug disease, migraine, bronchial asthma, angioedema and other allergic diseases

Hyperemia, edema, dry mucous membranes, pharyngeal ring; dissimilar metals. Color change metal prostheses, pores in solder, etc.

1. Clinical Analysis blood: leukopenia, lymphocytosis, decrease in the number of segmented leukocytes 2. Skin tests on haptens Ni, Cr, Co, positive monomer

on acrylates

Occurs after prolonged use of the prosthesis. More often burning sensation upper prosthesis sometimes all mucous membranes. Accompanying illnesses The same

Hyperemia, edema, dryness, often under a removable prosthesis, sometimes all mucous membranes. Often papillomatosis. Poor quality prostheses

3. Immunological indicators: change functional state T- and B-lymphocytes, decrease in SigA, lysozyme; positive RTML (leukocyte migration inhibition test), etc.

Stomatitis is the collective name for a number of diseases affecting the oral mucosa.

The causes of stomatitis are different. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as concomitant factor development of differences in infections, such as measles or scarlet fever. In other cases, it is a consequence of certain blood diseases and skin. It also happens that stomatitis appears after damage to the mucous membrane with hot food or chemicals including household chemicals.

These are the most common causes, but most often stomatitis in children and adults is caused by the activity of microorganisms that constantly live in the human oral cavity and are activated in cases where the body, for one reason or another, cannot effectively resist infection. Such stomatitis is usually called infectious.

Symptoms of stomatitis

As we noted above, stomatitis is different and is caused different reasons however, they almost always behave in the same way. Stomatitis in adults and children is, first of all, inflammation, fever and discomfort in the mouth. Sometimes tissue damage is so significant that the inflamed area begins to bleed heavily.

In most cases, stomatitis, the symptoms of which are extremely diverse, can be diagnosed by an increase in body temperature up to 39-40 C, an increase in lymph nodes and a general deterioration in well-being. If you start the disease and do not go to the doctor in time, then a situation may arise when the infection spreads to most mucous membrane, and a person simply will not be able to eat due to severe pain.

If you found painful rashes and sores (experts call them aphthae) on inner surface cheeks or lips, and at the same time you have a high temperature, then this is probably stomatitis. Symptoms and clinical picture diseases in various kinds stomatitis are almost always the same, but there are some differences, according to which experienced medical workers immediately understand what they have to deal with and take appropriate measures. For example, herpetic stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of aphthae not only on the inner surface of the cheeks, but also on the skin around the mouth, and when fungal stomatitis a plaque appears on the tongue of a person, most of all similar to curdled milk.

Stomatitis in children

I would like to immediately note that most often stomatitis occurs in children under the age of 3 years. This is due to the fact that young children constantly put dirty objects into their mouths. Thus, the risk of catching some kind of infection increases several times. Stomatitis in children begins with an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in well-being. The child is naughty, his mood deteriorates, he begins to refuse food and complains of pain in his mouth. At the same time, numerous ulcers and erosion appear in the baby's oral cavity.

The most common stomatitis in children is the so-called herpetic (another name is aphthous) stomatitis. The causative agent is a virus herpes simplex, which is easily transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. Aphthous hepatitis is common among children aged 6 months to 3 years, but in some cases it affects adolescents and even adults. We also note that once in the human body, the herpes virus can stay in it indefinitely, without manifesting itself in any way until the most favorable conditions for its development. Almost always, herpetic stomatitis is accompanied by fever and swelling of the gums. If you notice these symptoms of stomatitis in time, then there is a high probability of eliminating the causes of the disease and not bringing it to the acute phase.

In addition to herpetic (aphthous) stomatitis, children may have other types of this disease. The smallest children often develop candidiasis or, as it is often called, thrush. It is characterized by the appearance of a specific plaque on the tongue and oral mucosa. Also, toxic stomatitis is often manifested in children. It occurs, as a rule, after the child has eaten something wrong. Symptoms of toxic stomatitis: high fever, redness of the oral mucosa and rather bad breath.

Preventing the appearance and development of stomatitis in children is quite simple. For this, it is necessary to comply elementary rules hygiene, be careful in choosing food and respond in time to any changes in the child's condition.

Stomatitis in adults

For some reason, it is generally accepted that stomatitis is exclusively childhood disease. Meanwhile, adults get sick with it no less often, and the same infections and mechanical damage oral mucosa. Symptoms of stomatitis in adults are: inflammation of the lymph nodes, high fever, the appearance of irritations and ulcers on the inside of the cheeks.

Doctors distinguish several types of stomatitis in adults. The most common are ulcerative, catarrhal, toxic and aphthous stomatitis. All of them have their own characteristics of development, so a specific method of treating the disease should without fail agree with the doctor.

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