The gum rubs the removable upper prosthesis what to do. Rubbing dentures? Useful advice from a dentist. Pharmacy medicines

Adaptation to dentures - the final stage big way for a patient who has chosen the method of removable prosthetics. Alas, there are difficulties here. Even the most precisely fitted, calibrated designs can be uncomfortable to wear.

At first, dentures rub the gums, palate and even the tongue. This does not mean that they are completely unsuitable for you. But it takes time to get used to, and several additional visits to the doctor for control and adjustment. But first you need to cure all chafing, wounds and scratches.

Why do dentures rub

Dentists lay down from one to three months to get used to the new device. During this time, the so-called prosthetic bed is formed - the place where the plate and the oral mucosa come into contact. But the prosthesis is always harder than the palate and it is impossible to completely avoid "lapping". This means that at first it may be uncomfortable and even painful for you to wear a prosthesis. What other causes of chafing are:

  • mistakes when putting on;
  • unreliable fastening in the mouth;
  • allergy to materials;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, caries;
  • wear after 5 years of use.

What to do if the gum is rubbed with a denture

How can gums rubbed with a prosthesis be treated? With sores and wounds, pharmaceutical medicines and herbal medicine are used in the form of rinses and compresses. We list the main methods.

Medications that will help if the prosthesis rubbed the gums:

  • Farmadont - collagen plates for gum healing;
  • gels and ointments - Holisal, Kamistad, Asepta, Metrogil denta alleviate the condition, have an antimicrobial effect, accelerate the healing process;
  • rinsing with solutions of Tantum Verde, chlorhexidine, furacilin or stomatofit;
  • anti-inflammatory toothpastes (Paradontax, Lacalut activ, Forest Balsam).

Folk remedies for mucosal chafing:

  • decoctions of chamomile and oak bark for oral baths - you need to hold the liquid in your mouth for a couple of minutes;
  • rinsing the mouth with a solution of salt or soda;
  • sea ​​buckthorn or rosehip oil in the form of a compress is applied for 15 minutes to the affected area;
  • aloe pulp heals damaged mucous well;
  • honey, propolis, which is used to lubricate the sores, you can also rinse.

Correction of the prosthesis in the clinic

Most the best treatment Namin, calluses and rubbing of the gums will be prescribed by your attending physician. Feel free to ask him for advice. Correction is a delicate matter, it is worth going once more than suffering from pain.

It is better not to remove the prosthesis 3-4 hours before the visit to the dentist, even if it is very unpleasant for you to wear it. This is necessary so that the doctor can see how the device imprints on the palate and understand which side needs to be corrected.

Prosthesis correction in the clinic

Some sites give "kind" advice to try filing around the edges yourself. Disservice. Only fit in dental laboratory ensures that the design that rubs the mucosa will be corrected correctly.

How to prevent chafing on your dentures

No one can give a 100% guarantee that addiction will go smoothly. The process of "lapping" is too individual. But there are a few tips to help you avoid unpleasant moments. It's better to use them. For example:

  • take oral hygiene and cleaning the prosthesis seriously - the accumulation of plaque, food debris can complicate the situation. For disinfection, you need to use special tablets.
  • refuse chewing gum, toffee and other viscous and sticky foods, and do not gnaw hard vegetables, fruits or nuts, it is better to grind them before use;
  • for a strong docking with the oral mucosa, it is worth using special gels and powders;
  • visit the dentist regularly and do not forget to reline once a year. The bone tissue continues to thin out and gaps appear between the palate and the plate, due to which discomfort occurs;
  • only a professional orthodontist can repair, grind and adjust the device.

Of course, all patients would like to avoid the difficulties of getting used to the new jaw, do without rubbing gums, scratches. What to choose? Nylon prostheses are considered convenient and comfortable, as well as Acry-Free hypoallergenic acrylic, but not all of them are suitable for indications. The simplest and cheapest plastic plates can be the most difficult to get used to. The presence of metal parts in the design often provokes allergies.

Your doctor will help you choose the right prosthesis for you. Depending on the condition of the teeth, financial possibilities and the desired results, you will be selected best option and help to go through the adaptation period as easily as possible.

Gingival chafing (namina) occurs due to the pressure of the removable denture base on the oral mucosa. Painful sensations under a removable prosthesis can arise from a newly made removable prosthesis, after applying a new removable prosthesis to the jaw. During chewing, a removable denture "shrinks". Soft movable mucosa under the action of the masticatory load transmitted evenly to the base of the removable prosthesis "takes the shape of the base" of the removable prosthesis, forming the so-called prosthetic bed. In this place, chafing appears.
There are people with reduced pain defect, due to their common disease organism, they have severe injuries gums complaints of pain are minimal. On examination, it is revealed that the edge of the removable prosthesis has cut the mucous membrane in the region of the transitional fold into two halves, while complaints of pain are minimal. These patients remain until visiting a doctor in removable dentures without removing them. The other opposite group, as a rule, is women, of short stature with various atrophy of the jaw bone tissue. Complains of "severe" pain under a removable denture, examining the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed, no visible namin is detected, the color of the entire mucosa is not changed and uniform.
A removable denture is not a micro-precision design. In the process of manufacturing a removable prosthesis: taking an impression, casting a model, modeling removable dentures from wax, transferring wax to plastic, processing removable dentures welded from plastic, changes occur. The true mobility and softness of the mucous membrane for the future bed when taking a functional impression is difficult to perceive, therefore, after applying a removable prosthesis, chafing appears, plus pain from chewing pressure during a load from eating, in which the mucous membrane is crushed. Also, a removable denture can rub if worn incorrectly. Each denture has a specific route of insertion.
Abrasions from removable dentures can appear after wearing a denture for more than 5 years, when the hard, unchanging part of the plastic base lying on the gum does not change, but bone, with the mucous membrane covering it, atrophies over time and decreases in volume.
As a rule, chafing from a removable prosthesis is present in several places, the most easily removed for the doctor is the excess plastic base of the removable prosthesis located at its edge.
Namina rarely bleed, the pressed area of ​​the mucous membrane has a reddened appearance or whitish areas against the background of a general red-pink mucous membrane. More strong pressure removable prosthesis manifests itself in a larger oval-shaped lesion with clear boundaries and a whitish color inside, which, when pressed, causes pain.
After the mechanical removal of the removable prosthesis, it is required to apply the collagen plates for the gums Farmadont on painful places gums on the painful area of ​​the oral mucosa until completely dissolved, 3 times a day. When found medical compress in the oral cavity, a removable prosthesis is not worn, so as not to injure the unaffected areas of the prosthetic bed. Collagen plates for gums Farmadont, thanks to its unique composition are great help. They contain three-dimensional collagen of animal origin, digestase - an enzyme extract from the pancreas of the king crab and extracts of medicinal plants. These plates significantly accelerate the process of regeneration of chafing and restore the mucosa.

Removable structures have become an excellent solution for people who have lost most dentition. But almost everyone has the following question: how to treat and what to do if the prosthesis rubs the gum?

There can be several reasons, as well as options for correction, it all depends on the specific situation. The most important thing that orthopedic doctors insist on is not to adjust the prosthesis on your own and not to remove it at night during the adaptation period. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse.

The reasons

Any professional who makes a design can make a mistake. And the process of creating prostheses is not perfectly accurate. And literally a millimeter of deviation can provoke problems in adaptation.

The design itself, even properly made, consists of more solid material than soft tissues with which it is in contact. That's why certain period habituation and natural ointment should be.

From the initial imposition on the gums, the so-called prosthetic bed or field is formed. This is the part of the soft tissues that will now be in direct contact with the structure. They must get used to a certain effect, and the foreign object itself will take its place in the oral cavity.

If the denture rubs the gum too hard or for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. There can be various reasons for this and they can be eliminated:

  • Inadequate hygiene care leads to food debris getting stuck under the structure, which creates chafing.
  • If the prosthesis was worn for too long and only after a few years it began to bother, it means that it has become unusable. In this case, you need to change it to a new one.
  • Allergy to the material happens due to the presence of metals. Usually it is nickel, cobalt, copper or chromium. They can cause serious allergic reaction therefore, it is necessary to remove the structure from the oral cavity as soon as possible. After accurate diagnosis it is desirable to use materials that do not cause allergies.
  • Incorrect installation or errors in creation. Even a small defect can make a wound on the mucosa. If there are inaccuracies in the design, the doctor will easily correct them.
  • The occurrence can cause inflammation of soft tissues, their hypersensitivity, which leads to further chafing. The structure should be removed and the underlying problem treated.
  • The same applies to . It can arise from different reasons, but itself will become the cause of wounds in places of contact with a foreign body.
  • If a removable denture was installed on pulpless abutment teeth, then the appearance of caries will lead to inflammation of the gums, which will lead to chafing. Without a nerve, it is impossible to feel the signs of dental disease in time until caries reaches the soft tissues. You can only notice this during education.
  • Improper fixation of the structure also leads to rubbing. The doctor sets it up in a certain way and teaches the patient how to take it off and put it on. Other uses may cause problems.
  • If the prosthesis is loosely fixed on the gums and periodically slips, shifts, then naturally he starts rubbing. Sometimes the person himself tries to put her in her place with the tongue, which is ineffective. For convenience, it is better to use a special adhesive for fixing removable structures.
In each case, the doctor must diagnose the problem and solve it.

How to treat chafing from a prosthesis?

In order for the chafing to go away, there are two ways out: eliminate the very cause and relieve inflammation of the soft tissues. But if you do not do the first, then the second will give a short-lived effect. Therefore, it is important to approach the process comprehensively:

  1. Correct the prosthesis itself if problems occur due to its tuberosity. This happens quite often, and the doctor can perform the necessary manipulations in just 10-15 minutes. Sometimes it is necessary to make such a correction several times, because when the structure is displaced, fit problems may appear in other places. What is very important - do not perform such manipulations on your own.
  2. If the problem arose due to lack of proper care, then you should definitely start making necessary actions cleansing after every meal. In the meantime, to relieve inflammation, it is enough to rinse oral cavity decoctions of herbs. It can be chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, yarrow, etc. Lotions with herbal infusions help well.
  3. Healing oils are able to get rid of small wounds and soothe the mucous membranes. For these purposes, choose sea buckthorn or wild rose. Apply tampons with a few drops of oil for 15-20 minutes three times a day. It is advisable not to use prostheses during gum treatment.
  4. There are special collagen plates and pads for wearing removable structures. They are placed between the gum and the prosthesis and are a kind of buffer that protects the sensitive mucosa from damage. Due to their composition, such plates can additionally treat the gums and disinfect the surface.
  5. There are gels and creams that help treat the mucosa and get used to the prostheses. These can be healing ointments or agents in any other form convenient for the patient.
  6. When they appear, it is better to additionally consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the origin and danger of formations.
  7. Among folk remedies honey works well. It is able to quickly heal wounds, relieve inflammation and even slightly anesthetize. Enough to apply bee product a little on the mucous membrane before going to bed and do not wash off the surface, allowing it to dissolve naturally.

In order for the dentist to be able to accurately determine the cause of the problem, as well as to correctly correct the design in case of rubbing, it is necessary to wear a prosthesis before visiting him without removing it for at least 3-4 hours. Only in this case, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the specific location of the problem and most efficiently carry out the necessary manipulations.

Some patients do not want to endure the first period of adaptation to the prosthesis, and take it off at night to rest, or even put it on only when they need to eat or talk. At the same time, no doctor will help the patient's mucous membrane to get used to the design. Thus, it happens vicious circle, in which a person will constantly suffer from the presence foreign object in the mouth and the gum will not be able to get used to it.

When will the denture need to be filed?

A very common cause of rubbing is the imperfect shape of the structure itself. This is normal and fairly easy to fix. The doctor will notice this at your visit and address the underlying cause.

  • Even a millimeter of discrepancy can create a noticeable defect.
  • When filing at the point of contact, the problem will be eliminated, but the load will be redistributed and such a defect will occur elsewhere. Sometimes you need to visit the doctor several times before the design is fully adjusted to the shape of the gum.
  • Too often, filing is not done, but only really in serious cases. Because from periodic correction it will become unusable. This also applies to attempts at home manipulations - the prosthesis is easy to break or bring to such a state when you have to make a new one.

An experienced doctor will not make a correction of the prosthesis only on the words of the patient. He must independently verify the intensity and localization of the rubbed area. Therefore, it is important that the specialist sees the presence of the problem with his own eyes.

If the dentist made a clearly poor-quality prosthesis and approaches the situation lightly, then it is better to change the doctor. The quality of the design and the health of the patient's oral cavity largely depend on the qualifications of the specialist.

Video: calluses on the gums from a denture.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid problems with getting used to a removable structure. But you can try to facilitate this process and reduce the risk of serious injuries. To do this, doctors advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • After each meal, it is advisable to remove the structure and clean it with an additional brush, especially in places of contact with the mucous membrane. After all, any small grain can create a wound over time.
  • If it is not possible to clean the prosthesis if necessary, then at least rinse it under running water.
  • At the first sign of rubbing, you can immediately do herbal infusions and rinse your mouth.
  • In addition to herbs, there are special means sold in a pharmacy, which help heal wounds and relieve inflammation of the mucosa.
  • Contact your doctor in time to know exactly what to do - adjust the prosthesis, change it, or just endure and get used to it.
  • When chewing, try to evenly distribute the load on the jaw and on both sides.
  • It is also important not to remove the structure in the first weeks of adaptation at night, so that the tissues get used to it faster.

Only if such rules are observed, can we count on the fact that the prosthesis will take root faster and deliver least amount problems.

Every patient sooner or later has a problem with the teeth, which leads to the loss of one, several and even all teeth. In this case, in order to prevent the loss of normal chewing function, and problems with gastrointestinal tract subsequently, a person with partial and complete secondary edentulous refers to an orthopedist-stomatologist for the installation of an artificial prosthesis.

Orthopedists offer patients a large number of structures. These are single crowns, and bridges, and removable dentures. Removable dentures can be partial or complete. It all depends on the specific clinical situation. After the installation of an orthopedic structure, especially when it comes to removable prosthesis, may occur unpleasant consequence when the prosthesis rubs the gum, which ends with the appearance of an ulcerative surface. In this clinical situation, you need to know how to treat the gum rubbed with a prosthesis.

What should be done when there is pain in the gums after the installation of the prosthesis?

First of all, when pain occurs, you cannot correct the situation yourself. You need to go to the dentist the next day for correction. Before you go to an appointment, you need to put on a prosthesis for about 1-2 hours and even try to eat in it. This will allow the doctor to immediately see the rubbed area and remove the burrs on the prosthesis that cause this defect.

How correctly after the first correction, the prosthesis stops rubbing and in such a situation drug therapy not required.

If the first time the correction did not completely correct the prosthesis, you need to contact the orthopedic dentist as many times as necessary. artificial prosthesis- How is that new shoes, in any case, chafing will definitely appear somewhere.

Can be made from the following materials:

  1. acrylic plastic.
  2. Nylon plastic.
  3. Combined: plastic + metal. Such a prosthesis is called a clasp.

Least of all chafing occurs during the manufacture nylon prostheses, because This material is very light, soft and flexible. Such designs completely repeat the prosthetic bed, which eliminates the appearance of ulcers.

Some patients, after installing the prosthesis, do not go to the dentist, believing that the pain is normal. That after some period of time the prosthesis will rub in and the pain will pass, however, this is a delusion. While a person will suffer in anticipation of this moment, serious ulcers will appear on the gums, which are not only covered with plaque, but also bleed. In this case, be sure to contact a specialist, only he will tell and show how to treat the gum rubbed with a prosthesis.

In this clinical situation, the dentist first corrects the prosthesis. After that, the doctor recommends not to wear the prosthesis during the day, but to actively rinse the oral cavity with decoctions from medicinal herbs calendula, oak bark, chamomile, sage and yarrow.

To make the sores heal faster, you can treat them medicinal oils based on sea buckthorn or wild rose. Collagen plates for the gingival margin "Farmadont" also have rapid clinical effectiveness. These plates contain medicinal plants, enzymatic agents and collagen. They have regenerative and analgesic properties.

However, most often dentists answer the question: “The denture rubbed the gum, how to treat it?” answer as follows. For treatment, you need to use the means local action: Solcoseryl, Kamestad and Holisad. These drugs allow you to quickly and effectively cure ulcerative surfaces under the prosthesis.

After prosthetics with temporary or permanent dental structures, inflammation of the mucosa may occur. This happens for several reasons. Basically, this is how the body reacts to a foreign body, and there is no danger in this. The addiction, accompanied by inflammation, is treated with local anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. Other causes are allergies to dental material, poor installation or manufacturing error, intolerance, exceeding permissible load on the jaw during the period of adaptation.

With complications, the gums hurt, bleed, erosion or even an ulcer may appear.

What is shared when removable or fixed prosthesis rubbed the gum mucosa, what treatment does the dentist prescribe?

Why does the gum become inflamed

Under orthopedic structures may be observed the first few days after installation. At first, the jaw and gums get used to the new design. Another thing is when, and the inflammation does not go away due to constant injury.

Inflammation of the gums under the prosthesis appears when:

  • made incorrect choice a design that will never be comfortable for the patient, as it rubs or presses on the mucous membrane;
  • an allergy develops to the material chosen for prosthetics, intolerance to certain substances;
  • there is chronic recurrent stomatitis or a tendency to gingivitis (there is a separate concept prosthetic stomatitis and marginal prosthetic gingivitis);
  • the supporting tooth begins to collapse, then the distance between the gums and dentures is reduced, they rub, and inflammation appears;
  • caries, periodontitis or periodontitis occurs - then the reason is not necessarily associated with dentures, but they will have to be removed in order to be carried out.

common cause inflammatory process under dentures is improper care for the design and oral cavity.

Tartar appears on the supporting crowns, it goes deep under the gum, provoking inflammation. In this case, you need to do more professional hygiene and follow the rules of care so that the denture does not rub the gums, and the stone does not contribute to the spread of infection.

What to do on your own

When pain appeared and others unpleasant symptoms, you need to make sure that this is pathological inflammation. may be temporary, as is their redness. If within a week the signs do not go away and only intensify, then you need to reconsider the quality of prosthetics at the dentist. Before you go to the doctor immediately after prosthetics with complaints of inflammation, you need to take the prescribed prophylactic course, monitor the condition of the gums.

In the first few days, when there is soreness, redness, bleeding, you can remove the structure and clean it thoroughly. Highly common problem removable denture is food jamming. If you remove it and once again clean the product and the gums well, the treatment will be over.

Home treatment will include:

  • treatment of the structure and oral cavity with an antiseptic;
  • lubrication of the mucosa with anti-inflammatory ointment or gel;
  • taking an anesthetic drug - Ibuprofen, Ketanov;
  • a good cleaning of their teeth with a brush and dentures with a dental brush.

These activities help to initial stage inflammation, and only on condition that the problem is not in the breakdown of the orthopedic product and rubbing of the mucosa.

If the cause was a crown, bridge or fixed denture, then the structure should be removed, examined, and the cause determined. Anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out, then it is fixed back or changed to a new product.

Prevention of inflammation under the prosthesis

In order not to start treatment immediately after prosthetics, you need to properly care for the removable and non-removable structure. Cleaning should be done several times a day in other ways. During the first weeks, the denture should be removed with each cleaning, but it is advisable to leave it in the oral cavity at night. If prior to prosthetics, periodontitis was treated or there is a tendency to gingivitis, prophylaxis should be continued.

During periods colds it is important to monitor the microflora of the oral cavity. Clean the gum mucosa more often along with artificial teeth so that they accumulate as few pathogens as possible.

Inflammation will appear when there is vitamin deficiency, diabetes, dehydration. These diseases and temporary violations always appear on the mucous membrane in the mouth.

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