Stenosis of the nostrils in cats and dogs. Upper respiratory disorders in brachycephalic dogs

Heart defects are a group of congenital diseases associated with intrauterine disorders in the development of the cardiovascular system. It is diagnosed mainly in puppies and young dogs.

What symptoms can alert the owner of a small puppy? Animals with cardiac disorders may have wheezing, bluish mucous membranes, fainting, shortness of breath, fatigue; animals develop slowly and grow poorly.

The structure of the heart, the work of the heart

The heart consists of four chambers - the right and left atria are separated by an interatrial septum, and the right and left ventricles are separated by an interventricular septum. Anatomically, the right and left halves of the heart are located side by side, but functionally they act as two pumps in series. The right side is a low pressure pump that pushes blood into the pulmonary vessels, and the left half is a high pressure pump that drives blood through the systemic circulation. Between the atria and ventricles are the heart valves - bicuspid and tricuspid.

There are many diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. These include heart arrhythmias, valve diseases, and congenital pathologies of the heart and large vessels, and many others. In this article, you will learn about pathologies related to congenital heart disease in dogs.

aortic stenosis
Aortic stenosis is one of the most frequently reported vascular diseases of the heart. This disease is much more common in dogs than in cats. Breed predisposition to the disease is present in Newfoundlands, Boxers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers.

Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the disease. Basically, the animal feels normal, only with physical exertion, rapid fatigue occurs.

This heart disease in dogs is a narrowing of the aorta. At the same time, in order for the ventricle to push blood out of the heart, it is necessary to exert more force to overcome resistance. As a result, the ventricular wall thickens, hypertrophy develops. The thickened myocardium is able to create higher pressure, but this work requires an increased amount of oxygen, and the heart vessels are difficult to fill during diastole. Both of these factors of oxygen deficiency contribute to myocardial ischemia, which is associated with the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias. The disease is detected at the age of 10-12 months. Sudden death of such animals is possible. Dogs with aortic stenosis should be excluded from breeding due to hereditary transmission of the disease.

Pulmonary artery stenosis
This pathology is found in English bulldogs, chihuahuas, fox terriers, beagles. Signs range from no symptoms to shortness of breath or right-sided heart failure. Hypertrophy (enlargement) of the right ventricle and dilatation (expansion) of the pulmonary artery trunk develops. The prognosis for this disease is cautious. Dogs with pulmonary stenosis should be excluded from breeding due to hereditary transmission of the disease.

Non-closure of arterial ductus arteriosus
The fetus has a connection between the aorta and the source of the pulmonary artery - this is the ductus arteriosus. Immediately after birth, this duct usually closes, but if it remains, the ductus arteriosus is said to be non-occluded. Clinical signs are shortness of breath, weight loss, stunting. Ascites (fluid effusion into the abdominal cavity) appears at an early age, up to a maximum of 3 years. The only possible treatment is ligation of the ductus arteriosus. Drug treatment cannot significantly prolong the life of the patient and is only necessary to prepare the patient for surgery. The prognosis is cautious.

Ventricular septal defects
With this congenital defect, the embryonic connection between both ventricles of the heart is partially or completely preserved. With a strong defect, mixing of arterial and venous blood occurs in both ventricles. Symptoms are nonspecific. The phenomenon of heart failure with minor defects does not occur. Sometimes there is cyanosis caused by obstruction of the pulmonary tract. The expected life expectancy depends on the size of the defect. With a large ventricular septal defect, animals die at an early age. The prognosis is cautious.

Atrial septal defect
Preservation of the fetal connection between the atria in dogs is a relatively rare occurrence and is almost never diagnosed clinically. The prognosis is cautious.

Right aortic arch
With this defect of the largest vessel in the animal's body, the symptoms of stenosis (narrowing) of the esophagus come to the fore. If the aorta develops abnormally, then it is not on the left, but on the right side of the esophagus. Between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, the ductus botalis passes, which, due to the incorrect position of the aorta, pulls the esophagus like a tourniquet, making it difficult or impossible to eat. Treatment is surgery. The prognosis is good if the dilatation of the esophagus is small and there is no severe aspiration pneumonia.

Tetralogy of Fallot
This heart defect, which is not amenable to conservative treatment, is almost never diagnosed clinically. Already at an early age, it leads to shortness of breath, cyanosis and death. With this defect, we are talking about the simultaneous appearance of pulmonary stenosis, right-sided hypertrophy of the heart, ventricular septal defect and right aorta. The prognosis is unfavorable. Most common in Keeshonds. Animals rarely live longer than 3-4 years.

If you see any of the above symptoms in your dog, or if you think your pet has a cardiovascular problem, you should take your dog to a cardiologist and have an echocardiogram done to help diagnose heart disease in dogs. The sooner you seek professional help, the more likely you are to help your pet.

Lumbosacral stenosis is a congenital and/or acquired pathological condition in which there is a narrowing of the spinal canal at the level of articulation of the last lumbar and first sacral vertebrae.

Congenital stenosis, as the name implies, is associated with abnormal development of the spine in this area (Fig. one, 2 . With congenital stenosis, the arch of the first sacral vertebra is located below the physiological position, which leads to compression of the nerve trunks. It was noted that the smaller the angle formed by the longitudinal median axis of the 7th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae, the greater the chances for compression, since the anatomically incorrectly located arch of the 1st sacral vertebra is already wedged into the nervous tissue. The sacrum with the lumbar spine creates a physiological lordosis (downward bend), with a more significant lordosis, more conditions for compression are created. There are breeds in which this position of the vertebrae is very characteristic, just as characteristic as the incidence of lumbosacral syndrome, which is the stronger, the greater the stenosis. In my practice, these are Jack Russell and Scotch Terriers.

Acquired stenosis occurs when it appears predominantly from below with protrusion (or extrusion) of the disc, as well as with discospondylitis.

By a negative coincidence, often acquired compressions occur in the same animals that already have congenital stenosis (compensated or decompensated). This situation leads to a worsening of the clinical picture.

Also, the manifestation and strengthening of lumbosacral stenosis is facilitated by sports loads, including fast running and jumping, which causes mobility in the lumbosacral joint.

Symptoms of lumbosacral stenosis

The whole group of symptoms characteristic of the clinical picture of lumbosacral stenosis is called lumbosacral syndrome. This syndrome includes the following symptoms (symptoms are ranked in order of frequency of occurrence, higher being more common):

1. Lameness on one of the hind limbs or alternately on each. Clinically, this may look like squeezing one of the limbs, as a result of which the dog, even when running not fast, bounces on one hind limb, taking 1-3 steps in three, but at the same time, when walking calmly, it may not limp at all. This condition is associated with radicular pain, in which irritation of the compressed nerves innervating the limb leads to pain in the limb itself, while the limb itself does not have orthopedic diseases. In video 1 you can see how it looks, except that in the video the dog walks on three constantly, with lumbosacral syndrome this happens periodically and more often during more active running;

2. Pain in the sacrum, which is manifested by a refusal to climb stairs, jump into a car, onto a sofa, etc. In more severe cases, sharp pains with squeals when rising from a lying position.

3. Neurological deficit in the pelvic limbs is found in more advanced cases. This is manifested by "drag" of the pelvic limb, "shuffling" gait, as the owners say. As a rule, in the initial stages, neurological disorders go unnoticed and appear in more serious forms, when paresis of the pelvic limb occurs (video No. 2);

4. Decreased tail activity due to pain or neurological impairment.

5. Constant attempts to bite the tail (including "chasing" the tail), outer thighs.

The above symptoms can occur in different forms and combinations.

Video 1.

Rice. one. Scheme showing the relationship between the spinal cord, vertebrae and compression factors (yellow colors show the spinal cord fibers themselves).
1 . Compression of the spinal cord by "hanging from above" soft tissues, hypertrophied intervertebral ligaments;
2 . A compressed area of ​​the spinal cord, the so-called "ponytail". The spinal cord itself ends at the level of the 5th-6th lumbar vertebrae, at the level of the 7th lumbar vertebrae, only fibers branching out along the innervated organs remain;
3 . Compression of the nervous tissue of the disc herniation (protrusion more often, extrusion less often).

Fig.2 The upper part of the figure demonstrates a congenital static canal stenosis with an abnormal location of the arch of the first sacral vertebrae.
The two figures below show the increase in compression by this overhanging arch when the spine is extended in this area (dynamic stenosis).

Rice. 3 The figure shows a combination of compression of the nervous tissue by two factors: hypertrophied soft tissues from above and hernia from below, as well as in Fig. 2, which increases with extension of the spine (dynamic compression).

Rice. four. Myelography of the spinal cord of a dog with suspected compression. Compression is not visible.

Rice. 5. Photograph of the same dog in spine extension. Dynamic compression becomes noticeable (shown by arrow).

The video demonstrates one of the clinical forms of lumbosacral stenosis.
Before treatment, violation of proprioception (which is manifested by the "dragging" of the limb in both pelvic limbs with a roll to the left).

Video 2. Dog running with compression

Video 3.After the operation to eliminate the compression lesion of the spinal cord, there are no violations.

Video 4. Too. After the operation to eliminate the compression lesion of the spinal cord, there are no violations.


The diagnosis is made comprehensively, based on the clinical picture, neurological testing, as well as special methods such as CT, MRI, myelography. In the process of differential diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude, first of all, orthopedic diseases of the pelvic limbs and diseases of the peripheral nerves.

Treatment In mild cases, the presence of confirmed pathology can be ignored when the dog does not experience significant pain or neurological impairment. With the progression of disorders, surgical decompression is performed, in particular, dorsal laminectomy, in which the overhanging vertebral arch and compression masses located under the nerve structures are removed.

If there is a suspicion of cauda equina syndrome in a dog, the most correct decision will be a visit to the veterinarian. Breaking the rule will cause more severe health problems. The tail is nothing more than a "calling card" of a pet. However, one should not think that the organ is only a “process of the spine”. Its value is manifested at least in the fact that thanks to it it is possible to quickly identify the most serious diseases that significantly affect the danger of the whole organism.

Causes of the disease

Cauda equina syndrome in dogs may seem unusual, namely, the process of narrowing of the lumbosacral spinal canal, which results in difficulty in moving the hind limbs.

The disease has a genetic root cause, therefore it occurs in dogs of any breed, however, the vast majority of cases are isolated in large individuals, which corresponds to the German Shepherd, Labrador or Boxer breeds. The highest frequency of manifestation of the syndrome is the age period from three to seven.

Attention should be paid to the main causes of the cauda equina syndrome, where a herniated disc is in the first place. Heavy loads and physical stress are a trigger for the development of the disease. Emergencies such as car accidents have an impact on the condition of the pet.

The horse's tail, scientifically speaking, is a collection of nerve roots originating from segments of the spinal cord. The name was given on the basis of this bundle in connection with the external similarity to the tail of a horse. In fact, the ponytail is nothing more than a continuation of the roots of nerve endings that begin at the lumbar segments. These roots perform the task of innervation of the lower extremities.

Disease types

Using the concepts of the world veterinary organization, it is possible to define a clear gradation that allows us to divide the syndrome into 2 types - 1st and 2nd.

It is necessary to tell in detail about the situation of stricture in the lumbosacral region. This variety is associated with the incorrect development of the processes of the joints, as well as their subsequent displacement relative to the sacrum.

Some breeds, say Labradors, can fall prey to underdevelopment of the hip joint, which is combined with cauda equina syndrome. The problem arises at an early age, but the inability to make an accurate diagnosis becomes, in fact, the root cause of the development of pathology and the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system - dysplasia, arthrosis, ruptures of the sacral ligament.

The second type of pathology develops approximately 3-7 years. The owner of a four-legged dog may see some changes in character when the pet is over 8 years old. Due to the fact that the disease manifests itself in the compression of nerve endings in the lumbar region, the animal feels quite severe pain.

The specificity of the diagnosis is achievable on the basis of precise equipment and equipment in veterinary clinics. This is all tied to the fact that cauda equina syndrome involves a number of features. An accurate diagnosis can be made with a complete history and physical examination.

Examination and diagnosis of the disease

It is probably not difficult to understand that the diagnosis is accompanied by a thorough external examination of the pet (taking into account all the symptoms and anamnesis). You need a neurological conclusion, without which you can not count on the correct result, since the true causes of the disease will remain hidden. The specialist will need to collect a detailed history taking into account all the tests.

Additional Research

Due to the fact that the technique is risky, one has to undergo a complex operation - a puncture of the spinal canal, in order to select the cerebrospinal fluid with subsequent research. The technique allows to detect infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the most universal method. In particular cases, it gives a chance to obtain reliable information regarding the visual assessment of the condition of the hard and soft tissues of the spine up to hundredths of a millimeter. The only drawback may be the price and availability. Combined with contrast myelography, MRI will more than allow you to check the patency of the spinal canal. Difficult situations cannot be identified without the exact cause of the disease.

How are cauda equina syndromes in dogs treated?

The main reason for the appearance of the "horse tail" is the infringement that appeared as a result of injuries or anomalies of the vertebral development. We can recall the only reliable treatment - surgical intervention. The speed of eliminating the cause of squeezing the roots will increase the chances of normalizing the pet's condition up to a full recovery. Specialists recommended laminectomy and surgical "clearing" of the holes of the spinal roots. The most complex operations are implemented with the appearance of herniated intervertebral discs.

When a ponytail appears, physiotherapy is really effective. Thanks to it, you can get relief and reverse the processes of degradation of muscle tissue. For this, electrical stimulation of muscle tissue is used. In a situation of "electric shock" of the sciatic nerve, in approximately 70% of cases, the blood circulation of the pelvic organs begins to improve.

For example, if preliminary diagnostics revealed the presence of neoplasms, before the implementation of the treatment plan, a strategy for treating tumors is needed. We have to talk not about treatment, but rather about identifying the possibility / impossibility of intervening in the surgeon's business. It is important to take into account the general physiological state of the ward.

In the case of oncology in the spine, medical intervention is not always the best treatment option.

The location of the tumor in the location of the spinal canal needs to be completely removed, which is almost impossible. Therefore, the effectiveness will be noticeable with the use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. You can resort to arresting the growth of the tumor due to corticosteroids (although in some situations, they also speed up the process many times over).

Boosting doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics and corticosteroids are a simple treatment option for ponytail caused by inflammatory diseases.

As soon as the correct diagnosis is made by the doctor, treatment is prescribed. Based on the manifestation of pathologies, treatment is prescribed conservatively or surgically. In the event of the appearance of characteristic symptoms, do not waste time, but immediately contact the veterinarians, as the treatment may be delayed for 1-2 months. In the case of a conservative technique, we can talk about the treatment of approximately 23 - 56% of situations.

The course of the operation

The operation consists in resection of the parts that cause compression of the vertebrae. After surgery, it is important to conduct drug therapy in combination with physiotherapy procedures.

The problem of "ponytail" is one of the most severe types of diseases in dogs. The whole difficulty is that it is a consequence of the appearance of the most severe pathologies of the body. One of these manifestations is a drooping tail, similar to a horse's. The pet is not able to manage it, collect it in a "donut". The most advanced cases involve sagging of the process, similar to the fact that a rope was glued to the spine.

Nothing good should be expected: they indicate a “plain” discospondylitis, the worst is oncology or degenerative pathologies of the muscular system. A dangling tail, difficulty getting up in the morning and walking with a “drunk” gait are the first signs of contacting a veterinary clinic. Finding out the reasons will be available to the veterinarian. Any delay can become a major omission, up to paralysis of the body, complete or partial.

First aid on your own

Minor injuries can be healed on their own. To do this, you need to “clean” the place, carefully removing all the hair and dirt.

Let's say if you don't see any serious problems in your dog, follow-up treatments are in order. The most severe injuries of the vertebrae of the tail are amputated, others are limited to plaster or tight bandaging. We can talk about the fusion of the vertebrae of the tail quickly, which is not a problem.

Significant problems with the tail of a dog can always be. However, only serious violations of the musculoskeletal system will affect the movement of the quadruped.

Many factors can cause lameness, including tumor processes, abnormal bone formation, diseases of the nervous tissue, rickets, etc. We must not forget that contacting a veterinarian will confirm the diagnosis and treatment. When a doctor prescribes a surgical intervention, it will be necessary to carry out all operations in a short time that allow to prevent the consequences. The dog is not able to take care of itself, so it is the owner who bears the full responsibility.

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The heart is one of the most vulnerable organs. It is not surprising that in modern society - with poor ecology and the appearance of low-quality feed, aortic stenosis occurs in dogs much more often than before. With timely access to a veterinarian-cardiologist, you can get rid of the negative manifestations of the disease and prolong the life of your pet.

Symptoms of aortic stenosis

  1. Poor appetite, lethargy, weight loss/weight gain.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Brief loss of consciousness.
  4. Cough after active movements (in the absence of colds).
  5. Increased thirst.
  6. Breathing with an open mouth indoors.
  7. Blue tongue.
  8. Impaired coordination.
  9. Anxiety.
  10. Sudden increase in the volume of the abdomen.

With aortic stenosis in dogs, several symptoms from the list are observed. If you find any of the above signs in your pet, you should immediately contact a veterinarian cardiologist. The most formidable symptom is a blue tongue. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance veterinarian.

How can you help at home?

Give your four-legged friend complete peace of mind. Open the window, offer a drink. In no case do not try to feed the pet by force - otherwise you will be provided with vomiting.

Do not attempt self-treatment. Alternative recipes are absolutely meaningless if aortic stenosis is manifested, and drugs that have not received the approval of a doctor can cause irreparable harm.

What can a doctor do?

Initially, the cardiologist will conduct a detailed diagnosis, which includes:

  1. Clinical examination.
  2. Taking analyses.
  3. Echocardiography.

After receiving the results, the cardiologist will determine their next steps. Drug therapy is most commonly used to treat aortic stenosis. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

Aortic stenosis in dogs today does not pose such a danger as in the old days. With the participation of a competent cardiologist, positive dynamics can be achieved. Make an appointment with our clinic and you will take the first step towards the recovery of your four-legged friend.

Among cardiac diseases in dogs, malformations in the development of the myocardium are one of the most common ailments and account for about 12% of all cardiac disorders. Veterinarians distinguish between congenital and acquired forms of the disease.

Early diagnosis of cardiac anomalies is difficult due to the absence of obvious clinical signs in the initial stages of the pathology. In addition to conservative therapy, modern veterinary medicine has proven surgical methods for correcting heart defects.

Read in this article

Causes of the development of heart defects

Veterinarians believe that the main causes and predisposing factors for the development of heart disease in dogs are:

  • predisposition of animals at the gene level;
  • developmental pathology in the prenatal and postembryonic period;
  • intoxication, poisoning with poisons and household chemicals, the use of drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy of the bitch;
  • inflammatory heart disease - endocarditis, pericarditis.
  • injuries, mechanical damage to the chest;
  • neoplasms in the myocardium.

Certain breeds of dogs are more susceptible to certain heart defects. For example, mitral valve dysplasia is more common in German Shepherds and Collies. Breeds such as the Rottweiler, Yorkshire Terrier are susceptible to non-closure of the Botallov duct. The English bulldog, boxer often has a defect of the interventricular septum.

Types of cardiac pathologies

In veterinary cardiology, it is customary to distinguish between congenital and acquired myocardial defects in dogs. The proportion of congenital ailments is 5% of the total number of diagnosed disorders of the valvular apparatus of the heart. Congenital anomalies appear at an early age and often end in the sudden death of a puppy. Acquired defects appear in dogs older than 6 years.

The most common pathologies in the work of the heart muscle include:

Pathology of the arterial duct is recorded in 30% of cases. Collies, poodles, German and Central Asian shepherds, Rottweilers are subject to congenital ailment.

  • Narrowing of the opening of the pulmonary artery. Pathology occurs in 20% of cases and is characterized by valvular (narrowing of the valve leaflet ring) and subvalvular (narrowing of the lumen) in nature. The pathology is asymptomatic. Pulmonary artery stenosis is more commonly diagnosed in dog breeds such as the Beagle, English Bulldog, and Boxer.
  • Stenosis of the aortic mouth. The anomaly is the third most common in dogs. Boxers, Labradors, Shepherds, Bull Terriers are susceptible to the disease. Aortic stenosis is manifested by the subvalvular nature of the pathology.
  • Ventricular septal defect. The disease is due to the fact that the anatomical connection between the ventricles of the heart is preserved, as a result of which mixing of venous and oxygenated blood occurs. Bulldogs, Boxers and Dobermans are susceptible to the disease. Significant defects lead to mortality at an early age.
  • Open oval window is an atrial septal defect. The pathology is caused by the preservation of the embryonic connection between the atria. The disease is rarely diagnosed in dogs. Poodles and boxers are subject to birth defects.
  • Anomalies of the aortic arch. The defect is due to the anatomical pathology of the location of the largest vessel relative to the esophagus. The most common defect is observed in German Shepherds and Labradors.
  • One of the severe heart defects in animals is Fallot's tetrad. The disease is a complex of defects (stenosis of the mouth of the pulmonary artery, changes in the anatomical position of the aorta, ventricular hypertrophy, anomaly of the interventricular septum) and is a common cause of death in puppies at an early age. Keeshonds and English Bulldogs are prone to congenital pathology. Life expectancy rarely reaches 1 year.
  • mitral valve insufficiency characteristic of bull terriers and German shepherds. Dysplasia of the valvular apparatus leads to the reflux of blood into the left atrium with the development of left-sided chronic heart failure. Severe malformation has a poor prognosis.
  • Tricuspid valve insufficiency manifested in the reflux of blood into the right atrium due to deformation of the valvular apparatus. The defect is accompanied by congestion in the systemic circulation. Boxers and Labradors are susceptible to the disease.

Veterinarians note that valvular defects are more common in young animals. The prognosis in such cases is usually unfavorable. In older pets, aortic and pulmonary stenosis are most common. Most often in veterinary practice, combined defects are observed.

For more information about heart disease in dogs, see this video:

Disease symptoms

Each specific defect in the development of the heart muscle is accompanied by certain clinical signs. In general, the symptoms of heart disease in dogs are as follows:

  • Young growth lags behind in growth and development. Weak set of muscle mass. The lag in terms of live weight from breed standards.
  • Lethargy, apathetic state of the animal.
  • Muscle weakness. The dog reluctantly and with difficulty climbs the stairs, avoids active games. The usual training exercises are given to the pet with difficulty.
  • Due to the slowing of blood flow through the vessels, edema is observed.
  • Dyspnea. The symptom is characteristic of non-closure of the Botallian duct, insufficiency of atrioventricular valves and is caused by congestion in the lungs due to impaired blood supply.

  • Chronic cough, . The sign develops due to a pathological increase in the size of the heart, as well as the accumulation of tissue fluid in the lungs.
  • Cyanosis. The cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin is due to oxygen starvation of tissues and organs due to disruption of the myocardium.
  • Violation of the heart rhythm - bradycardia or tachycardia.
  • The phenomena of aspiration pneumonia - cough, shortness of breath, wheezing are characteristic of anomalies in the development of the aortic arch.
  • , hydrothorax. The accumulation of fluid in the chest and abdominal cavity due to stagnation of blood in the heart chambers.
Chest x-ray of a dog with congestive heart failure. The arrows indicate pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs).
  • Violation of the rhythm of the pulse - arrhythmia, thready pulse.
  • Fainting, loss of consciousness. Signs are associated with arrhythmia of the heart muscle and a decrease in blood flow to the aorta.
  • Paresis of the forelimbs. The symptom develops as a consequence of thrombotic pathologies.

The clinical picture depends on the severity of the defect and the possibility of its compensation. Many congenital anomalies may not appear for years, without arousing suspicion in the owner, and only sudden death will be the result of many years of pathology. Often, a congenital malformation is detected only during preoperative cardiological examination.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect a pathology of the pet's heart, you should show it to a veterinarian-therapist or cardiologist. At the appointment, the specialist will conduct a general clinical examination of the dog, percussion and auscultation of the heart area, examination of the femoral artery. On palpation of the heart, as a rule, an increased cardiac impulse is detected.

Auscultation allows you to identify and interpret systolic murmur, arrhythmias, the nature of atrial fibrillation. The method allows to detect atrioventricular blockade, regurgitation in the mitral and tricuspid valves. An experienced cardiologist will not only detect organic systolic and diastolic murmurs, but also determine the nature of the lesion, taking into account their projection.

The second stage of cardiological examination is the use of hardware diagnostic methods. In veterinary practice, X-ray examination is widely used to detect defects in the structure of the myocardium. The method allows assessing the size and shape of the heart, identifying the condition of the pulmonary vessels, and determining the anatomical location of the aortic arch. The examination helps to identify the phenomena of congestive heart failure, to assess congestion in the lungs.

Chest radiographs of a dog with mitral heart disease. Within 5 years, an increase in the size of the heart can be observed.

More valuable information about the state of the heart muscle is provided by electrocardiography (ECG). The examination allows to identify arrhythmias, pathology in the structure of the atria, ventricles, the state of the mitral valve cusps, ischemic phenomena in the myocardium, congestion in the lungs.

The use in veterinary medicine makes it possible to detect a violation of blood flow in the organ, evaluate the work of the left and right ventricles, and the severity of heart defects.

Often, an ultrasound examination of the myocardium is used as a diagnostic study. Ultrasound of the heart allows you to evaluate the structure of the valves and heart vessels, determine the accumulation of fluid in the pericardium and chest, and identify the presence of birth defects.

Ultrasound of the heart

If you suspect an anomaly of the aortic arch, the dog is assigned contrast esophagography.

Is it possible to treat congenital and acquired defects

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the type and severity of cardiac pathology. Defects such as non-closure of the Botalov duct, anomaly of the aortic arch, stenosis of the pulmonary artery orifice with the development of veterinary surgery are successfully corrected by surgical intervention.

In the event that the pet has a compensated defect, then, as a rule, no special treatment is required. It is enough to keep calm, reduce physical activity, transfer the dog to low-volume, easily digestible food.

The diet should be enriched with vitamins and minerals. Veterinarians recommend paying attention to the normal functioning of the intestines, avoiding atony in the pet.

Decompensated heart defects require drug therapy to prolong the life of a pet for many years. A veterinarian-cardiologist, according to indications, may prescribe cardiac glycosides, for example, Korglikon, Digoxin, obtained from plant materials - foxglove. The therapeutic effect of drugs is associated with contraction of smooth muscles and narrowing of blood vessels.

The complex therapy of heart defects includes the use of beta-blockers and antiarrhythmic drugs. The former have an anti-ischemic effect on the heart muscle. For this purpose, Anaprilin, Atenolol, Bisoprolol are used. Successfully cope with arrhythmia Lidocaine, Sotalol.

Antiarrhythmic drugs

If the dog has edema, diuretics are prescribed, for example, Furasemide. The animal is transferred to a salt-free diet. With congestion in the lungs, Eufillin is prescribed.

Drug therapy for decompensated defects is prescribed, as a rule, for life and can significantly increase the life expectancy of a pet.


It is not possible to completely exclude the risk of congenital anomalies in dogs due to the polyetiological nature of the pathology.

The owner can minimize the appearance of a defect by following the recommendations of veterinary specialists in matters of proper care and proper feeding of the dog, taking into account the physiological periods of life.

Regular screening of cardiac examinations will help early diagnosis of heart disease.

Heart disease in dogs is not uncommon. The cause of congenital anomalies is often a genetic predisposition. Without surgical correction, in most cases, such defects end up fatal for the pet. Decompensated defects require lifelong complex therapy aimed at reducing the symptoms of heart failure. Modern veterinary medicine has high-tech methods for the rapid solution of cardiac pathologies in dogs.

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