Classical homeopathy. The use of homeopathy in the treatment of endometriosis


In the treatment of endometriosis, characterized by the spread of uterine endometrial cells to other organs, are used various methods. The effectiveness and expediency of using one or another method of therapy is determined by the degree of development of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism. Treatment of endometriosis with homeopathy is one of the auxiliary methods.

The use of homeopathy in pathology

Traditional methods of endometriosis therapy can not always help to completely get rid of the problem. The reasons for the development of the disease are not fully understood. The disease often recurs (50-70% of cases of relapse), leading to the appearance various complications, including infertility.

Homeopathy for endometriosis offers to treat not the consequences of the disease. The tactic is to take drugs that help the body cope with the pathology itself.

The use of homeopathy is effective in the initial stages of the disease, when the immune system is functioning normally, it is easier for the body to defeat endometriosis.

Application features

Homeopathy, like any method, has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

The main disadvantages are the following:

  • drugs should be prescribed by a qualified homeopathic doctor, whose services are quite expensive,
  • treatment must be timely
  • this method treatment is not used for severe pathologies,
  • homeopathy is incompatible with others auxiliary methods treatment (acupuncture, physiotherapy, etc.).

How to choose the right funds?

When choosing homeopathic medicines for effective treatment endometriosis doctor-homeopath adheres to the following principles:

  1. Initially, funds are prescribed to eliminate inflammation in the organs where endometriosis develops. For example, with the development of foci of pathology in the uterus and ovaries, drugs are used that act separately on each reproductive organ.
  2. The following drugs are prescribed to strengthen organs that may be primarily affected by the proliferation of endometrial cells.
  3. In parallel, drugs that have a general anti-inflammatory effect are used to reduce the risk further development endometriosis.

The duration of homeopathic treatment depends on the individual course of the disease.

homeopathic remedies

In the treatment of endometriosis, homeopathic medicines are used, which are also used for other diseases.

Ovarium compositum

The composition of the drug includes trace elements, components of plant and animal (pig organs) origin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, improves metabolism in tissues. Available as a solution for injection.

The agent can be administered in any way (in / m, in / in, s / c), as well as at acupuncture points. The course of treatment lasts 1-1.5 months, during which the drug is used 1 ampoule 1-3 times a week.

Ubiquinone compositum

Multicomponent preparation containing plant and mineral substances, histamine, acetylsalicylic acid and other substances. It has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect, improves metabolic processes in cells, removes toxins. It has wide range indications, including endometriosis.

The drug is administered parenterally (in / m, in / in, s / c), intra-articular, at the acupuncture points, 1 ampoule. It is possible to use it inside, for this the contents of the ampoule are diluted in 50 ml of water, and taken during the day in small sips. The frequency of admission at the beginning of treatment is 3 times a week, then 1-2 times a week. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Coenzyme compositum

The drug has a complex composition (vitamins, various salts minerals, amber, citric acid and etc.). With endometriosis, it is prescribed to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, to normalize hormonal levels, with general malaise, weakness, to prevent the development of oncology.

The agent is used parenterally (in / m, in / in, s / c), or inside. IN severe cases the drug is administered every day, then 2-3 times a week, 1 ampoule. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

The river overflowed its banks


Doctor case Geoff Johnson. K., a 40-year-old woman, complains of painful endometriosis with heavy bleeding. She suffered from parental abuse from the age of three to nine. K. has the kindest husband and son, after many miscarriages. She could no longer have children, so she adopted another child. K is raising money for charitable causes and wants to open a center for foster families to meet and share experiences.

She had difficult childbirth, emergency C-section under general anesthesia. Menstruation has become extremely painful and is accompanied by bleeding with terrible pain. “I get cramps, like mini-explosions. Pain all over the body. I feel like a tumor is growing inside of me. I twist and bend. I am unable to control it (control is a sarcode word)."

“My hormones cause emotional turmoil, I experience premenstrual tension. I'm a sentimental and useless wreck. I'm mad the doctors did this to me. I just want to have normal cycle. The pain is trying to get out, it has to go somewhere. She's blocked. The flow of blood, as if the river overflowed its banks, it overflows."

What is your hobby?

"Walks, Fresh air, picnics and conversations. On walks, I like to walk in circles rather than going back and forth.”

Sarcode themes

Block and flow - the feeling of cruciferous plants is strong problem control. The main topic is hormonal imbalance menstrual cycle. Control is needed to restore balance. The control is similar to Carcinosin, but chaos is not the problem. Control is needed to restore balance hormonal system which overproduces estrogen. Folliculinum- female hormone, a remedy similar to Carcinosin. We see the characteristic maternal care of Folliculinum with charity for orphans.

A history of sexual abuse, caesarean section, hormonal therapy and medical abuse point to Folliculinum. Sensation of the flow of blood, as if "the river overflowed its banks, beyond its borders." The hormone controls the consciousness of this woman, but does not fulfill its function within the necessary limits. This is the language of sarcodes.

Folliculinum 30c given once a month, during ovulation. This is what Melissa Assilem recommends in her book Gifts of the mother, Matridonal Remedies.

Result: the pain has subsided, endometriosis is reduced. K. has not taken any medication for three months.


Painful periods and ovarian cysts

Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) outside the uterus. The main symptoms are: painful menstruation, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, ovarian cysts, and sometimes intestinal inflammation. Hormones are usually prescribed to suppress menstruation. It's just symptom suppression.

The homeopathic preparations Folliculinum and Oophorinum are made from different parts ovary. One tablet of Oophorinum 30c is given daily from days 5 to 9 inclusive and Folliculinum 30c is given daily from days 10 to 14 of the menstrual cycle. These remedies are indicated when there is an irregular cycle, ovarian cysts or infertility. I also prescribe Candida 30c, Carcinosin for women with cancer in family history. Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, Nux vom. and Calc carb. as constitutional remedies.

I have noticed that endometriosis can occur at any age between puberty and menopause, where there have often been repeated courses of antibiotics and repeated bouts of thrush. Women experienced a lot of stress and often consumed a lot of sugar.

Sulfur and Nux vomica, often necessary because of previous antibiotic use. Nosodes: remedies made from diseased tissue or harmful microorganisms eg: Oophorinum (ovarian gland), Folliculinum (ovarian follicle), Candida. Lachesis for left-sided ovarian cysts or pains, Palladium for right-sided problems.

overgrowth epithelial tissue(endometrium) in the uterine cavity leads to a disease - endometriosis, to the formation of cysts and nodes when the epithelium comes out in the future. This is one of the serious and mysterious female ailments with the exact causes of development not established, although several factors-provocateurs that can lead to the development of the disease are still voiced by doctors. That is why treatment is recommended for women as an alternative and most successful method unlike other painful and not always successful methods.

Endometriosis is diagnosed more often in young girls or older women during menopause with an unstable hormonal background with an increase in the number of releases of stimulating and luteinizing hormones. The level of progesterone, on the contrary, drops sharply.

Often genetic factor or weakened immunity becomes when endometrial cells can no longer live outside the uterine cavity.

There is an opinion that in pathology, the endometrium degenerates into pathological tissue, gradually increasing in size and extending beyond the uterus. In addition, the causes of the development of endometriosis against the background of:

  • abortion;
  • bad ecology;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • previous surgery on the pelvic organs
  • excess weight;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • installation of an ectopic device;
  • liver diseases.

The growth of the endometrium leads to many unpleasant symptoms in women:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, in particular during menstruation;
  • violation of the duration of the menstrual cycle;
  • the appearance of ointments serous secretions with an unpleasant odor;
  • intoxication of the body, nausea and vomiting;
  • fever, chills, weakness;
  • violation of peristalsis in the intestine;
  • problems with the bladder;
  • pain when urinating;
  • discharge of urine with impurities of pus, blood.

It is with endometrosis that women are often diagnosed with infertility. Requires a long complex treatment, which is far from always successful due to the insidiousness of the disease.

When such a diagnosis is made, endometriosis is treated with hormonal therapy, but in severe cases, surgery is indicated. All known medicinal methods treatments are ineffective and can only lead to irreversible processes, on the contrary, to increased proliferation of endometriotic cells.

Surgical methods are usually fraught with side effects and complications. Operation even on initial stage the development of the disease to remove the endometrium or the uterus as a whole does not always guarantee complete relief from the disease. In addition, many women begin to complain of problems with blood vessels, the formation of thrombosis.

It is important to identify the causes of endometriosis and direct treatment to eradicate them. The symptoms will eventually go away on their own. The main thing is to normalize hormonal background and improve immune status.

Homeopathic treatment, as an alternative, has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, and not on individual symptoms in women separately. It is this method of treatment by a qualified homeopath that is able to eliminate the causes of the disease, while the symptoms gradually disappear on their own after the treatment course.

Why Homeopathy?

With endometriosis, it is important to choose the treatment for women strictly on an individual basis, taking into account the age, location and extent of endometriosis. When it is broken internal environment homeostasis in female body, therefore, the selection of the correct homeopathic preparations is required, the intake of which for early stage The development of the disease can significantly reduce lesions, suppress the germination of the endometrium on other organs when leaving the uterine cavity.

It is the treatment with homeopathic remedies that has a beneficial effect on the immune system, eliminates hormonal changes and brings them back to normal, which just form subsequently endometriosis.

Traditional medicine can only lead to an increase immune system Unfortunately, it cannot adequately and fully influence the endometrium itself.

Homeopath on initial stage development allows you to eliminate exactly the cause of its occurrence, and even with late endometriosis it is able to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in women: bleeding and soreness of the uterus against the background of the growth of foci of the endometrium in other organs and tissues, leading to damage to the uterine cavity, the development of erosion, and later cancer.

What is the essence of the treatment of endometriosis with homeopathy?

The essence is in the appointment of homeopathic medicines by the attending physician by selecting on an individual basis, taking into account:

  • features of the female body;
  • existing violations in the genital organs;
  • the degree of growth of the endometrium;
  • the presence of other chronic ailments;
  • identify hitherto unknown causes of endometrial development.

Treatment with homeopathic remedies can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also have a physiological effect on the disease.

In homeopathy, more than 80 remedies are known, but the selection is strictly individual. If some drugs are beneficial, others may become almost useless.

The drugs prescribed by the doctor are taken 2 times a day with monitoring of the body's reaction to their effects. Timing treatment courses are also individual. The harder concomitant symptoms and other chronic ailments the longer the course of treatment. On average, it is 1 month, but it can take 2-3 years.

Homeopathy for uterine endometriosis- good help

  • does not entail side effects;
  • practically has no contraindications;
  • does not lead to aggravation of other chronic diseases in the body;
  • does not interact with drugs.

With endometriosis, cells grow near the uterus and this is not characteristic of the body. Everything that is not laid down by nature is an abnormal phenomenon for him, which manifests itself in women in different ways, depending on where pathological cells begin to grow. At the same time, the stomach begins to hurt, discharge appears and severe bleeding from the vagina, which is fraught with infertility, problems with the ovaries and anemia.

It is believed that the main cause of the disease is hormonal disbalance problems or with thyroid gland, which by the way is often observed in women after 45 years. Homeopaths simply recommend treating the disease with homeopathic remedies, as alternative method to avoid surgical intervention.

Today, endometriosis is often detected in young girls and a rough operation or severe hormone therapy at such a young age, nothing at all. Homeopathy has proven to be effective. According to women, after 0.5 years pain stops, menstruation begins to flow more calmly.

The essence of homeopathy is to influence the cause that led to the disease. Science says that you need to treat the whole body as a whole, not just one organ in particular. Such therapy is precisely aimed at eliminating, and not the disease itself. As a result, it ultimately leads to stable results, and side effects and complications are excluded.

A woman is quickly released from problems, rises general well-being, functions digestive tract, immunity. Only holding full course homeopathy is able to get rid of endometriosis and completely cure the disease.

Homeopaths assure that the main thing is to give the brain a signal that a launch will be made. medical process to eradicate this particular women's problem.

But you should not self-medicate, you can only earn yourself serious complications. Before starting treatment, women are advised to find a good homeopath.

What are the homeopathic remedies for endometriosis?

Treatment with homeopathic remedies is aimed at healing endometriosis, as almost incurable disease methods modern medicine. Homeopathic medicines can:

  • change the activity of the ovaries;
  • suppress the growth of endometrial tissue;
  • reduce excess estrogen release.

Homeopathic remedies are unique in their composition. These are excellent immunomodulators to enhance the action of the immune system, eliminate provoking factors, and can enhance the growth of the endometrium.

With endometriosis, drugs are prescribed in small doses, which, when they enter the brain, lead to the development of certain impulses aimed at healing the body from this disease. In this case, the impulses, in turn, begin to act on defensive forces and immunity, effectively fight endometriosis.

The causes and symptoms of the disease in women are different, so they are prescribed strictly on an individual basis. If the menstrual cycle is disturbed, then the doctor may prescribe Acteip, Racemose by dilution with water and ingestion. If there is ovarian dysfunction and menstruation failure, then drugs are effective, they can eliminate complaints and help women.

Tuya medicine is applicable and has proven its effectiveness. When taken continuously for 2 years, the disease in women receded. In the end, everything went back to normal.

Homeopathy can help cure endometriosis. Efficiency lies in the fact that the body is considered as a whole and it is necessary to treat the patient first of all, and not the disease. The main difference between homeopathy and traditional methods treatment is that the method is able to get rid of adversity forever at any stage of development and form and does not lead to addiction.

It is important for women:

  • observe hygiene;
  • forever eliminate promiscuity, otherwise there is a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  • learn how to wash properly in order to avoid accidental infection from a partner who may not even be aware of his illness.

Is it possible to cure endometriosis with homeopathy forever?

If gynecologists do not give guarantees complete cure from endometriosis and many advise women to wait until menopause and only then do surgery. Homeopaths with experience assure that they are able to cure the disease forever, but only with homeopathic remedies. Combination during treatment with other pills, vitamins and even harmless herbs is excluded.

The homeopathic method calls not to use other medicines and powders, only homeopathic remedies, otherwise the treatment will not be considered homeopathic and will not lead to recovery. This is what a qualified homeopath focuses on. All other drugs prescribed by a gynecologist are not applicable.

Surgical intervention as radical way treatment of endometriosis is prescribed for relapses of endometriosis. Today, doctors began to confine themselves to laparoscopy ( abdominal surgery), less traumatic. Although the chances of completely getting rid of the disease, even when using this method, are unlikely. Treatment with hormonal blockades can only aggravate, lead to atrophy of the endometrium.

Only homeopathic remedies can completely cure endometriosis, but first, women are assigned to undergo an examination in order to understand and analyze big picture Problems.

Many women after homeopathic treatment managed to get pregnant and the attack that bothered them for years did not even leave traces. But only a homeopath can understand what medicines women need in order for the disease to go away forever, and as a result, a long-awaited pregnancy.

- in an asymptomatic course and often with an irregular visit to the gynecologist, women find out about it late, when the ovaries are lined with endometrioid tissue, menstruation becomes painful, constipation begins, functions are impaired urinary tract and treatment is ineffective. There is no other option than to perform an operation, which often leads to adhesions, the development of a cyst. Hysterectomy can only slightly improve the condition of women.

Even after the operation, endometriosis is able to resume again, and in women, there is no ovulation and, of course, conception. When brown discharge, uterine bleeding, pain in the abdomen, clogging of the fallopian tubes, the disease becomes chronic and no longer treatable.

It is important for a woman:

  • pay attention to your lifestyle;
  • review bad habits;
  • give up alcohol and nicotine;
  • use only pads on critical days;
  • avoid taking fats and carbohydrates.

Food should be light, with vegetables and fruits. All medications taken during treatment must be coordinated with a specialist. If the symptoms are not pronounced, then there is no need to rush under the knife to the surgeon. Better resort to unconventional methods treatment, in particular - to homeopathy, which can cure the disease. Let not quickly, but for many years.

The drugs used for endometriosis are aimed at slowing down the activity of the gonads and, accordingly, the growth of endometrial tissue. They suppress the excessive release of estrogen in tissues, which helps to normalize their structure and prevent their excessive growth.

It is important to know! Found universal remedy which can be used to treat any gynecological disease- erosion of the cervix, fibroids, tumors or ovarian cysts, vaginal dysbacteriosis, persistent menstrual irregularities. (recommended by our followers!)

Homeopathic remedies are unique in that they act as immunomodulators and enhance the body's defense against annoying factors external and internal environment.

Reviews of the treatment of endometriosis with homeopathy indicate that this is an effective and relatively harmless way to prevent the progression of pathology and normalize the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Anna, Moscow

“With the help of homeopathy, I was able to significantly stop the progression of endometriosis. I read in a magazine that this method of treating diseases was used several thousand years ago and still has not lost its relevance. Homeopathic medicines helped to completely dissolve the pathological node and avoid a complicated operation.”

Valentine, Tula

“Due to long-term medication, I developed a hormonal imbalance. Almost simultaneously, it led to mastopathy, endometriosis, thyroid disease. With the help of homeopathic medicines I was able to start treating all these diseases at the same time. This made it possible to prevent the progression of the pathology and reduce the likelihood of developing a malignant pathology.”

Irina, St. Petersburg

“Recently after the planned gynecological examination I was diagnosed with endometriosis. This "find" was shocking to me, because I reproductive age I also plan to increase the family. In order not to be exposed to the risk of surgical intervention, she turned to homeopathy. After a six-month course of treatment, I felt relief, and an examination by a gynecologist showed a significant reduction in the nodes.

Olga, Vladivostok

“Homeopathy did not help me at all. I don’t understand how you can spend so much money on drugs with a dubious composition and a strange name.”

Advantages of homeopathic treatment

To the benefits homeopathic treatment include:

  • one hundred percent natural origin all drugs;
  • good tolerance of drugs, including pregnant women;
  • absence unwanted effects(only in rare cases allergic reactions may occur);
  • homeopathy has a gentle effect on the body;
  • used for many gynecological pathologies;
  • doctor can do individual approach to each patient.

Read also: Treatment and prevention of endometriosis after laparoscopy

What is the essence of the treatment of endometriosis with homeopathy

The essence of the treatment is that the doctor selects drugs of plant, animal and mineral origin in an extremely small dose and taking into account individual characteristics organism. Therapy can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of endometriosis.

All drugs are taken twice a day under the strict supervision of a physician.

Application of homeopathy

The purpose of homeopathic remedies is aimed at getting rid of endometriosis as practically incurable today by methods official medicine diseases. The drugs are able to change the activity of the gonads, suppress the activity of the endometrium and reduce the release of excess estrogen.

How to choose the right funds

All homeopathic remedies have unique composition. They improve performance nervous system contribute to the elimination of provoking factors. In the treatment of endometriosis, all drugs are prescribed in small doses.

When ingested, they produce certain nerve impulses which have a positive effect on the affected area of ​​​​the body and contribute to its recovery.

Since the causes and symptoms of the disease are different for all women, medications are prescribed individually.

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