Big depression. Depression

Many are familiar with the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, which appears imperceptibly, but is in no hurry to leave. Sadness, melancholy, unwillingness to even move are replaced by stupid attempts to do something. Sleep, food, work, friends, family - all this does not bring pleasure. Such is acute (clinical) depression, which is not difficult to get, but much harder to get rid of.

Personal weakness or disease?

For a long time, clinical depression was not recognized as a disease. Depending on the state of neglect of the patient, he could be considered strange, weak-willed, lazy and even succumbing to demons, but not sick at all. So what is it clinical depression?

In fact, the disease is also complicated by the fact that a person in such a period is not able to seek help or help himself get out of this state. After all, not only psychological, but also physical changes, preventing normal operation brain.

Despite the fact that acute depression has long been recognized as a disease, and in developed countries it is a reason for temporary disability, in our country people are in no hurry to see a doctor. In society, the disease continues to be considered a pretense, weakness, treatment - pumping money, and friendly advice is reduced to an offer to drink or threats of physical impact.

Unfortunately, treatment at the initial stage is effective. The more neglected the case, the less likely it is to completely get rid of the problem:

  • accompanying psychological and physical diseases appear;
  • significantly worsens the quality of life;
  • the probability of suicide increases to 15%.

Only public awareness timely appeal to specialists (psychologist, psychiatrist) who can diagnose and treat such patients.


How to differentiate Bad mood and depression? In many ways, the signs of clinical depression are similar. The point is the simultaneous appearance of many symptoms for a time longer than 2 weeks. For moderate diseases are characterized by:

  • almost constant feeling of fatigue, lack of internal energy;
  • feeling own demon usefulness, failure;
  • constant guilt, self-criticism, sometimes even self-hatred;
  • loss of interest in the outside world;
  • indecision, inhibition of reactions and movements;
  • reduced interest in their hobbies (fixed by the words of loved ones);
  • sleep disturbance (not being able to sleep, or constant drowsiness);
  • inexplicable desire to move quickly;
  • obsessive thoughts about suicide or death with no fear of it;
  • weight change greater than 5% in either direction.

Symptoms of clinical depression last continuously throughout the day, or most days. Often, as a result of them, physical symptoms begin to appear:

  • constant pain in the back and chest, while all indicators of cardiac activity are normal;
  • migraines that do not relieve painkillers, dizziness;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • disorders of the digestive tract, manifested in diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bouts of nausea, decreased or increased appetite;
  • poor recovery due to unproductive sleep.

The brain sends erroneous impulses to different parts of the body, which leads to similar symptoms.

The reasons

Severe depression can become a companion of many, since a number of different factors can induce a person to get sick:

  • Biological. The transfer of information between the neurons of the brain is transmitted through neurotransmitters. Violation of the amount of these hormones in any direction causes a depressive state.
  • Cognitive. Sometimes a person realizes himself incorrectly, greatly underestimating his capabilities, needs, treating the world openly pessimistic. This creates a favorable background for many diseases.
  • Situational. Abrupt shifts quality of life, work, place of residence, environment, loss of loved ones, open up the possibility of getting sick.
  • Diseases. Some diseases in severe form can change the hormonal background. Pain, a variety of medications, and even the helpless state itself lead to a depressive state, which rarely goes away before a significant improvement in general health.

The patients themselves cannot accurately express their condition, understand the primary sources of the disease, because the causes often overlap, and patients pay attention to their condition when the course of the disease is already complicated.

Risk group

Scientists have noted that not all categories of the population equally often experience depressive states. It is less common among adult men. True, there is an assumption that the symptoms are hiding behind excessive aggressiveness, or drowning in alcohol addiction. Most often, cases of the disease are noted in:

  • Women. Frequent hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives create a biochemical basis for the development of depression. In addition, it is women who are subject to a heightened sense of responsibility, being at the same time mothers, employees, wives. The presence of constant stress becomes the cause of mental pathogens. Women most often turn to specialists for help.
  • Teenagers. Regardless of gender, their condition hormonal background, the problems of socialization in the new status lead to the appearance of a problem. Appeals are frequent, as teenagers are under the supervision of parents and school psychologists.
  • Children and old people. At this age people do not less problems, but it is difficult to determine them accurately enough on your own, as well as to solve them yourself. The surrounding people are not sensitive enough to such people, considering complaints and requests as whims. The disease is complicated by rare appeals, therefore neglected forms.
  • Residents of big cities. They get sick much more often than rural residents. Exact reason phenomenon was not found. It is assumed that the pace of the big city increases the psychological burden. Perhaps the reason is in ecology or more physical activity suburban population.
  • genetic predisposition. The gene itself has not yet been isolated, but statistics clearly indicate a similar pattern. However, genetic abnormalities do not affect the possibility of a successful cure.

However, everyone can get sick or stay healthy. And if in the second case it is enough to continue to enjoy life, the first requires a mandatory visit to the doctor, especially if the symptoms have become clearly expressed.


It is possible to heal on your own only at the initial stage of the disease, strong self-control, the presence of special skills, and even then not in every case. Medical assistance is much more effective. Having determined the causes, symptoms and treatment, the appropriate one will be prescribed. In fact, depression is the boundary between a person's health and its absence. Running stage characterized by significant physical damage to the body.

It is not always necessary to go to the hospital. The doctor may decide that regular check-ups, sessions and procedures are enough, but most of the time can be spent at home. Sometimes, on the contrary, the situation of the hospital will be more conducive to recovery. It is not only about advanced cases, but also a difficult home situation, when the situation itself is traumatic.

Usually it is about complex treatment, since it is necessary to work both on restoring the hormonal background, and on psychological state. In this case, the effectiveness of both methods of treatment is significantly increased.

Medical therapy

Depending on whether the patient is lethargic or irritable, stimulant or stimulant antidepressants are used. sedative effect. If necessary, supplements follow - tranquilizers, drugs for potentiation.

Not always possible to pick the right drug. Sometimes the body does not perceive the drug, or it does not have the expected effect. Then the treatment will be longer. The group of antidepressants is changing. It is noted that good effect gives the reception of several drugs of different groups at the same time.

Various procedures are also used - transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy. Some cases require psychosurgical intervention, but such techniques are used extremely rarely, according to special indications.

Help from psychologists

Psychological factors influence to a greater or lesser extent. Working with psychologists in groups and in individual sessions will help you realize yourself, your problems, and the way out of them. Special exercises help calm breathing, reduce physical tension, and with it psychological.

There are exercises that encourage copying happy person, his gait, posture, facial expressions, manner of speaking, and thereby helping to feel the state of happiness for the patient himself.

Of course, it is easier to work with patients who make contact, make diligent attempts, have vitality and will. Their results are higher and are achieved, as a rule, faster.

Auxiliary treatment

Some procedures and exercises do not apply to classical technique, but proved to be effective additional funds fight depression. These include:

  • all types of massage;
  • bibleotherapy (spiritual communication according to the text of Holy Scripture);
  • art therapy using paints;
  • exercise, in particular running, swimming, cycling;
  • regular long walks in nature.

Usually, after a significant improvement, a few more months of observation follow to achieve a lasting result.

About 25% of the population of developed countries can recognize what clinical depression is. That is how many people are potentially susceptible to the disease. It is terrible to think that all of them can remain unhappy only because of the unwillingness to go to the doctor.

- a mental disorder, manifested by a steady decrease in mood, motor retardation and impaired thinking. The cause of development can be psychotraumatic situations, somatic diseases, substance abuse, metabolic processes in the brain or lack of bright light (seasonal depression). The disorder is accompanied by a decrease in self-esteem, social maladaptation loss of interest in usual activities, own life and surrounding events. The diagnosis is established on the basis of complaints, anamnesis of the disease, the results of special tests and additional research. Treatment - pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy.

Causes of depression

In about 90% of cases, acute psychological trauma or chronic stress becomes the cause of the development of an affective disorder. Depression resulting from psychological trauma is called reactive depression. Reactive disorders triggered by divorce, death, or serious illness loved one, disability or serious illness of the patient himself, dismissal, conflicts at work, retirement, bankruptcy, sharp drop level of material support, relocation, etc.

In some cases, depression occurs "on the wave of success", when an important goal is achieved. Experts explain such reactive disorders as a sudden loss of the meaning of life due to the absence of other goals. Neurotic depression (depressive neurosis) develops against the background of chronic stress. As a rule, in such cases, the specific cause of the disorder cannot be established - the patient either finds it difficult to name a traumatic event, or describes his life as a chain of failures and disappointments.

Patients suffering from depression complain of headaches, pain in the heart, joints, stomach and intestines, however, during additional surveys somatic pathology either not detected, or does not correspond to the intensity and nature of pain. Typical features depressions are disorders in the sexual sphere. sexual attraction significantly reduced or lost. Women stop or become irregular menstruation, men often develop impotence.

As a rule, with depression there is a decrease in appetite and weight loss. In some cases (with atypical affective disorder), on the contrary, there is an increase in appetite and an increase in body weight. Sleep disturbances are manifested by early awakenings. During the day, patients with depression feel sleepy, not rested. Perhaps a perversion of the daily rhythm of sleep-wake (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night). Some patients complain that they do not sleep at night, while relatives say the opposite - such a discrepancy indicates a loss of the sense of sleep.

Diagnosis and treatment of depression

The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnesis, patient complaints and special tests to determine the level of depression. Diagnosis requires at least two symptoms of the depressive triad and at least three additional symptoms which include guilt, pessimism, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, decreased self-esteem, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, suicidal thoughts and intentions. When suspected of having somatic diseases a patient suffering from depression is referred for a consultation with a general practitioner, neurologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist and other specialists (depending on the symptoms present). The list of additional studies is determined by general practitioners.

Treatment of minor, atypical, recurrent, postpartum depression and dysthymia is usually performed on an outpatient basis. At big upset hospitalization may be required. The treatment plan is made individually, depending on the type and severity of depression, only psychotherapy or psychotherapy in combination with pharmacotherapy is used. basis drug therapy are antidepressants. With lethargy, antidepressants with a stimulating effect are prescribed, with anxious depression using sedatives.

The response to antidepressants depends both on the type and severity of depression and on individual features patient. On the initial stages pharmacotherapy, psychiatrists and psychotherapists sometimes have to change the drug due to insufficient antidepressant effect or pronounced side effects. A decrease in the severity of symptoms of depression is noted only 2-3 weeks after the start of antidepressants, therefore, initial stage treatment, patients are often prescribed tranquilizers. Tranquilizers are prescribed for a period of 2-4 weeks, the minimum period for taking antidepressants is several months.

Psychotherapeutic treatment for depression may include individual, family, and group therapy. use rational therapy, hypnosis, gestalt therapy, art therapy, etc. Psychotherapy is complemented by others non-drug methods treatment. Patients are referred to exercise therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and aromatherapy. During treatment seasonal depressions a good effect is achieved with the use of light therapy. With resistant (not treatable) depression, electroconvulsive therapy and sleep deprivation are used in some cases.

The prognosis is determined by the type, severity, and cause of the depression. Reactive disorders usually respond well to treatment. With neurotic depression, there is a tendency to protracted or chronic course. The condition of patients with somatogenic affective disorders ah is determined by the characteristics of the underlying disease. Endogenous depressions don't lend themselves well non-drug therapy, at correct selection drugs in some cases, stable compensation is observed.

Clinical depression is a fairly common disease that can occur in people of any age and requires medical treatment. In this state, a person is constantly in a depressed mood, loses the pleasure of communication, possibly the development of suicidal thoughts.

What is this disease

Clinical depression, or as it is also called major depressive disorder, is a long-term painful physical and mental condition. The disease proceeds in waves with a different sequence. After a deep depression of mood, a slight relief comes, and then everything repeats again. Such changes of state can occur both in the daily range and at longer intervals.

Important! A person ceases to enjoy life and communication with others. Depression usually occurs in adulthood, but it can occur in children and adolescents.

The main causes of the disease

There is an opinion that this depressive disorder is often formed in people with a genetic predisposition and mental pathologies.

In addition, there are other factors that cause this disease.

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Clinical depression can develop due to a decrease in the amount of neurotransmitters. As a result, there is a delayed formation nerve impulses, and as a result, a person ceases to feel positive emotions. Usually hormonal disorders caused by menopause, pathologies endocrine system, heavy somatic disorders, pregnancy.
  2. cognitive reasons. A depressive state can be caused by an erroneous assessment of one's life, as well as others. Often depression affects people with low self-esteem, negative stereotypes or, conversely, with high demands.
  3. situational factors. Difficult life problems can provoke clinical depression. Often the disease develops after a traumatic event in life. Such an event can be a divorce, death of a loved one, dismissal, relocation.
  4. social factors. Constant anxiety can be caused by material displeasure, everyday problems. These factors significantly lower a person's self-esteem and can provoke depression. Stressful situations, regular overexertion nervous system leads to its depletion, the level of sensitivity decreases. A person becomes irritable, can be upset over trifles, and practically does not feel positive emotions.

Severe somatic conditions, loss social status, pain, restriction of movement have a very negative effect on the state of the nervous system. Depression is common in people with cardiovascular disease, oncological diseases, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Gender: in the weak half of humanity, this condition is more common than in men. The reason for this may be hormonal changes or the stresses caused by the many responsibilities and concerns of women.

Also, clinical depression can be triggered by taking certain medications.

Symptoms of the disease appear due to interruptions in the transmission of impulses in the brain. The severity of the symptoms directly depends on the severity of the condition and the personal characteristics of the patient.

How to define clinical depression? The following can be distinguished characteristic symptoms given state.

  1. Loss of interest. In this state, a person loses interest in everything. He is not drawn to entertainment and previously liked activities. With a severe course of the disease, people complain about the absolute absence of any feelings, the feeling that they are separated from the world by a solid wall.
  2. Sudden decrease in mood. The patient feels his helplessness, uselessness and uselessness. He is constantly in a depressed mood. Suicidal thoughts may arise due to the loss of the meaning of life, self-esteem decreases, a feeling of fear arises. As a result, the patient becomes timid and indecisive.
  3. physical symptoms. As the disease progresses, the patient's well-being worsens, appetite disappears, weakness is felt, sleep is disturbed, and working capacity decreases. The patient is tormented by headaches, thinking slows down noticeably, it becomes difficult for him to perform his usual duties.
  4. Behavior change. In this state, the patient's behavior changes markedly. He suddenly becomes withdrawn, avoids people, refuses to communicate. An inadequate reaction to a familiar situation may occur: the patient may burst into tears, show irritation or aggression.

Clinical - how is it different from ordinary depression?

Ordinary depression refers to any dreary, bad and depressed mood. And when clinical form The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating. At the beginning of the disease, the patient is not treated special attention, attributing to fatigue. However, after a few days, his condition may suddenly worsen: the patient stops leaving the apartment, eating, talking, or doing something.

Important! With a severe course of the disease, suicide attempts, severe mental disorders, hallucinations and delusional thoughts may occur.

Which doctor to contact

If you notice the slightest symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to consult with the following specialists:

  1. Psychotherapist. This specialist helps to find the cause of the formation depressive disorder and learn techniques to strengthen the psyche.
  2. neurologist or psychiatrist. An experienced and qualified doctor is able to deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

This condition requires medical treatment, so it is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of the disease

To prescribe effective treatment, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

An important method for identifying the disease and determining the severity is the questionnaire developed by WHO. Clinical depression is very easily diagnosed when talking with a psychiatrist. After listening to the patient's complaints, he is able to identify the signs and make a diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of the disease should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Important! Usually self-treatment ends unsuccessfully or causes an aggravation of the condition.

For effective treatment use the following methods:

  1. Psychotherapy.
  2. Medical treatment.

Clinical depression during pregnancy requires special attention. After an examination, the doctor will determine how to treat this condition.

drugs for depression

Most Effective medicines can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Antidepressants. The drugs of this group contribute to an increase in the number of neurotransmitters in the brain, thereby helping to get rid of the following signs of the disease: motor inhibition, apathy, mood swings. But these drugs act as they accumulate in the body. The result of the treatment will be visible in 10-20 days.
  2. Normotimics. They contribute to a decrease in the activity of the nervous system, as a result, its condition normalizes, and the patient's mood improves markedly. To speed up healing effect are prescribed in combination with antidepressants.
  3. Tranquilizers. These drugs can relieve the patient from feelings of fear, anxiety, normalize appetite and sleep.

Important! Taking drugs in this group can cause dependence, so they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Antipsychotics. Drugs of this group slow down the transmission of impulses in the brain, thereby having an inhibitory effect on the nervous system. They are prescribed for an aggressive state, hallucinations and delirium.

Important! Appointing drug therapy, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient.

Help in some situations medicines treatment is prescribed folk remedies.


Psychotherapy - required method treatment of depression. It helps the sick person to realize the root causes that caused the formation of such a condition, improve it and prevent the recurrence of the disease. For this, apply various methods Key words: hypnosis, behavioral and humanistic therapy, psychoanalysis.


Help prevent disease the following measures prevention:

  • active way of life;
  • timely treatment any disease;
  • uniform alternation of work and rest;

Timely referral to a doctor slightest symptoms depression will also help to avoid dangerous consequences.

Disease prognosis

Treatment of this condition helps to reduce symptoms after a few months. medical research showed that in some cases there is a repeated depressive state. If the symptoms of the disease were not completely eliminated, then there is the possibility of a relapse.

Correct diagnosis, timely treatment, strict adherence to all doctor's prescriptions will help get rid of the disease.

Why is clinical depression dangerous?

In such a depressed state, the patient is able to lose his job and communication with others. Difficulties that caused a depressive state can lead the patient to suicide. Treatment reduces the possibility of consequences and the risk of suicide.

Important in clinical depression timely diagnosis and treatment. Usually drug treatment in combination with psychotherapy quickly return the patient to normal life.

In which there is a decrease in motor and mental activity, then we are talking about depression. About 5% of the population suffers from this scourge. Women are more susceptible to it. Major depressive disorder is the most common.

Depression and its types

Depression can occur at any age, and there are many reasons for this. A person may suffer from one of the following types of disorder:

  • from simple depression;
  • from melancholic depression;
  • anxiety combined with depression, at which ;
  • from asthenic disorder, when there is a painful feeling of loss of feelings;
  • from adynamic depression, in which lethargy or stupor is observed;
  • from dysphoric disorder, when anger or aggression towards other people comes from a person;
  • from severe depression.

If a person develops major depressive disorder, which differs from depression in terms of symptoms, then it is necessary to pay attention to his behavior. There is a profound change mental activity, mood variability, and anxiety. At similar condition a person requires more attention, care and empathy from others.

How to define major depressive disorder?

How do you know if a person has major depressive disorder? The symptoms of this condition are different from those of standard depression. There is a slow progression of symptoms, but its form becomes pronounced with time. The main symptoms are irritability, aggression and insomnia. As the disease progresses, obvious forms of another depression can be noticed. A person is not interested in previously favorite activities.

The patient constantly complains about life and his problems, he does not have hobbies and hobbies. Major depressive disorder - in which a person quickly gets tired, loses sleep and appetite. He is constantly worried about something, he feels guilty under any circumstances. The patient talks about his worthlessness, uselessness, he may even think about suicide.

Causes of this disorder

Big (BDR) occurs due to an imbalance in the nervous system, according to psychologists. This imbalance occurs due to psychological trauma, especially if a person is unstable in terms of stress. Moreover, the disease is side effect from the action of certain drugs - antibiotics, analgesics, hormonal agents.

Major depressive disorder can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions. The symptoms and treatment of this condition varies from person to person.

Do not exclude the age factor. The likelihood of MDD increases with each passing year. All due to the fact that the human nervous system is more adulthood unstable, imbalance can lead to major depressive disorder.

Sometimes BDR has a bright severe symptoms especially if the patient is contemplating suicide. Such people cannot understand that some things are very pleasant. They see everything from bad side. The sick person cannot feel joy, loses interest in any activity and news.

Who is at risk

Frequent but not the only problem are difficult situations. Sometimes disorders arise because of minor problems. But there is a certain risk zone, which includes certain categories of citizens.

In large cities, a significant number of people visit psychiatrists or a psychologist for the purpose of psychological relief. Perhaps this is due to the fact that megacities provide high-quality medical assistance, and the people around you, in principle, do not care about your personal problems. But in countryside not everyone dares to seek such help from a doctor, because just shyness and the thought of condemnation interfere. But stressful situations, numerous problems, large population- reasons for the increased risk of developing depressive disorders.

Sigmund Freud always said that adult problems have childhood roots. That is, if a child is deprived of attention, solves his own problems, does not seek help from relatives and others, then the likelihood of developing a major depressive disorder in adulthood increases. And all because of the pessimistic attitude towards the world and people, instilled in childhood. It's kind of a life story.

The risk group also includes citizens experiencing problems with finances and work, housing and family. That is, almost no one spares a major depressive disorder. ICD 10 or international classification diseases shows that this disease belongs to the type of affective disorders. Treatment is selected only individually.

Who diagnoses the disease

If you have the above symptoms this disease in an adult and a child, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist. The following experts can help and advise on this topic:

  • psychiatrist or psychoneurologist (neuropathologist);
  • psychotherapist.

Diagnosis and essence of treatment

You can and even need to see a doctor if you have a major depressive disorder. Treatment does not require the patient to stay in the hospital. In the modern pharmacological field, there is a huge variety of different drugs designed to deal with a neurological or mental illness. The success of the treatment depends half on the desire of the patient. The moral support of close people, parents, children is also important.

Timely diagnosis will help facilitate the healing process. The sooner the root of the problem is identified, the easier it is to solve. First of all, the specialist collects anamnestic information about the person. The doctor pays direct attention to the peculiarity of life, the list past illnesses, hereditary predisposition and much more. Therefore, it is important to speak frankly with the doctor, not to hide anything, because the effectiveness of the selected treatment largely depends on him.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of a depressive disorder is carried out in several stages. First you need to get rid of the burden that is the result of depression. Tranquilizers help relieve anxiety. The attending physician prescribes similar drugs for a few days, they should not be taken longer, there will be no benefit. Helps with insomnia sleeping pills. In addition, additional positive effect maybe from herbal decoctions that have antidepressant properties.

The main assistants in the fight against depressive disorders are antidepressants. They are taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. It is the doctor who will tell you what will help you best, what dose is acceptable and what is the duration of the intake. Antidepressants usually take much longer than other medications. Do not count on an instant effect. Treatment can take from 4 months to 1 year. If major depressive disorder recurs, the duration of the course is increased.

In treatment similar disease it is necessary to apply a multifaceted psychotherapeutic approach. With the help of psychotherapy, it is possible to reduce the manifestations of depression, to find its primary cause.

Psychological approach

Depression can be called and if a person crosses the border, then return to normal condition already impossible. Therefore, it is desirable to monitor a patient with major depressive disorder in a hospital setting. Of course, he will be under the supervision of a psychotherapist who prescribes a course sedatives, filming nervous excitement feeling of anxiety or apathy. Then the patient needs to go through an adaptive period.

Working with a psychologist is an integral part of the entire treatment process. He conducts trainings on unloading the nervous system, uses body relaxation techniques, conducts individual consultations, trains memory, mind, attention. With a clear improvement in the patient's condition, days off outside the hospital are allowed. After the patient returns, the psychologist analyzes the adaptive possibilities. Thus, the person gradually returns to normal life.

It is important not to drink alcohol during treatment, because even a small glass of wine can provoke the disease and return it with a triple force, which will only complicate the treatment.

Patient's attitude

It is difficult for anyone to judge human desires, but what could be more important than the desire to live, to feel normal every day, to enjoy life. It is on these desires that the effectiveness of treatment depends. It is important for a sick person to hear approving comments from others. He must feel significant, important and necessary. If you are a sick person, then do not be shy about your desires, turn to people for help. Early diagnosis and treatment guarantees rapid healing.

After all, life is beautiful in all its manifestations, and, as you know, it is necessary to fight for it.

A few secrets

  • Are you in a state of depression, want to get rid of it, but there is no positive result?
  • Everything around is not happy, but do you want to feel happy every day?
  • You don't even remember when last time sleep like a baby and get enough sleep?

You may not believe what was said, but you can get rid of all these problems yourself. It is enough to overcome one problem every day and achieve your goal. Do not be afraid of communication, because it is difficult to overcome a depressed state alone, the help and support of loved ones is important.

Clinical (acute) depression, or major depressive disorder- a mental disorder that can manifest itself for quite a long time. In the Middle Ages, major depressive disorder was viewed as "possession by the devil." Patients with severe depression were tied up and beaten. The treatment was also appropriate: prayers, fasting, rites of exorcism. An increase in interest in how the disease began in the Renaissance.

This type of depression requires urgent treatment to a specialist. Approximately 25% of people in the world experience at least one episode of acute depression in their life. All segments of the population are susceptible to this disease.

Symptoms of clinical depression

Signs of clinical depression are:

  • depression and feelings of worthlessness
  • feeling
  • guilt, thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence
  • search for diseases in oneself, the occurrence
  • appetite disorders, psychosomatic disorders
  • loss of interest in favorite activities
  • violations by gastrointestinal tract and joint pain
  • migraine, skin diseases
  • decreased energy potential, absent-mindedness
  • agitation, irritability

Treatment for clinical depression

The main method used to treat acute depression is. And selection medications strictly individual. A person suffering from a mental disorder should not self-medicate, which can only harm. After the examination, determines the severity of depression and prescribes the appropriate one. It is necessary to connect a psychologist to the treatment process and. Acute depression is different mental disorders root cause hidden in the depths of the subconscious (, psychological trauma, unfinished relationships, negative experiences). Finding the root cause of the disease, helping the patient to control the situation, be self-confident, strengthen his self-esteem - the main tasks of the attending physician. Helping people get out of depression, psychologists usually combine several methods (, humanistic psychotherapy,). They also use the method of changing sensations in the body, as a way to solve psychological problems. In the fight against major depressive disorder, a psychologist helps patients change their habitual facial expressions, their gait, body position in different situations. At the first stage of treatment of a depressive disorder, the main task is to learn how to relieve stress. This is helped by special trainings, the essence of which is the ability to copy the behavior and habits of happy and healthy people(smile, straightened shoulders, straight back).

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