Pick and eat: delicious and healthy greens in your garden. Why onions and greens are useful for women

fresh greens - the most accessible source natural vitamins gifted to man by nature itself. Especially good to eat fresh herbs in the spring, when the supply of nutrients in the body is almost exhausted, and it becomes very difficult for him.

The benefits and harms of parsley
Parsley contains:
Folic acid, which reduces the risk of having children with chromosomal abnormalities;
Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system;
Calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones;
Magnesium, which calms the nerves;
Iron - for people suffering from anemia;
Fluorine, firming tooth enamel and preventing the occurrence of caries;
Selenium preventing formation cancer cells;
Zinc, which has a beneficial effect on men's health.

In addition, parsley can lower blood sugar levels, its consumption is useful for diabetes. In salads with fresh parsley, it is advisable to add one or two tablespoons citric acid to neutralize nitrites, which are much more dangerous than nitrate compounds. It is better to use fresh parsley or add it to ready-made dishes.

parsley contraindicated in food for those who suffer urolithiasis, acute inflammation kidney, Bladder, works as a strong diuretic. Not recommended for use by women during pregnancy. Parsley helps to stimulate the walls of the uterus, resulting in a threat premature birth or miscarriage.

The benefits and harms of lettuce
Lettuce contains a lot of useful minerals. It contains iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc and cobalt. These minerals are very well combined with each other, so the salad is necessary in the diet of children, older people and those who are sick diabetes. Lettuce is useful for people suffering from kidney, liver, digestive system with tuberculosis. A favorable ratio of sodium and potassium salts has a beneficial effect on water-salt exchange, works as a diuretic, so the salad is useful for hypertensive patients.
The iron contained in lettuce in combination with chlorophyll stimulates hematopoiesis, magnesium can affect the functioning of the human brain and its nervous system, acts as a sleeping pill.

The benefits and harms of dill
dill greens is very important part our kitchen. It is used to prepare salads and preparations for the winter, as a seasoning for soups, potato dishes, meat and fish. Dried dill greens three times in their energy value superior to fresh.

Indispensable in the fight against diseases such as diarrhea and dysentery, with sleep disorders and respiratory diseases. It facilitates the flow menstrual cycle in women, taking pain due to the presence of flavonoids and B vitamins in its composition. Essential oils, which have antioxidant and bactericidal properties, cleanse the respiratory tract when allergic cough. When allergic itching occurs, they contribute to the healing of wounds on the skin. The fiber contained in dill cleanses the intestines, helps with bloating, and improves digestion. Dill calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, gives a diuretic effect, acts as an antispasmodic on smooth muscle.

Dill damage manifested in the use in food together with medicines. For example, when using choleretic or diuretic drugs, before adding to treatment dill water, you need to consult a doctor, since self-medication can lead to severe dehydration.

The benefits and harms of green onions
IN green onion a lot more useful substances than in onions. It contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, phytoncides, useful for colds and infectious diseases. It contains:
mucosal protective carotene respiratory tract from all kinds of infections and taking care of the good condition of your skin;
Zinc, necessary for healthy hair and problems with the reproductive system;
Calcium, which strengthens nails;
Phosphorus is useful for strengthening bones.

green onion contraindicated for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver and kidneys, hypertensive patients. Sometimes onion consumption can cause a headache attack.

Greens and salads are a wonderful food that has entered the cuisine of many ethnic groups since ancient times. It differs not only palatability, but is also excellent remedy to fight seasonal depression, stress and vitamin deficiency.

What is the reason for such beneficial properties of greens? First of all - a wonderful composition, the presence huge amount various vitamins and microelements in high concentration.

A special role should be attributed to the antioxidants contained in the greens, which contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty. Low-calorie, the ability to improve metabolism makes it easy to get rid of extra pounds and make “dieting” more comfortable.

Greens help to improve the taste of almost any dish, therefore it is the main competitor of high-calorie sauces. You can easily reduce weight and improve your condition by replacing ketchup and mayonnaise in your diet with lower-calorie spinach, basil, parsley or any other greens to taste.

Leafy salads (Iceberg, Arugula, Lollo Rosa)

iceberg lettuce

Iceberg is one of the leaders among salads in terms of folic acid content. Therefore, it is so recommended to eat it for pregnant and lactating mothers for a more complete development of their baby. This salad is rich in vitamins A, C, B9, iron, calcium. It contains potassium and sodium, there is calcium and copper.

Scientists have proven that regular consumption of lettuce in food contributes to: an increase in hemoglobin, a decrease in sugar levels and "bad" cholesterol in the blood; removal of salts from the body, reduction of edema; improvement of visual acuity; strengthening the nervous system, helping to cope with stress and high mental load; weight loss due to the high content of fiber and dietary fiber.

iceberg lettuce is good helper in prevention cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, cancer, fight against overweight. It is especially useful for pregnant and lactating mothers, the elderly and those experiencing increased physical activity.


Arugula - salad with pleasant aroma and specific taste, which is valued for great content vitamin C and carotenoids. You can grow it both in the garden and at home. Arugula does not require much care, but it is very rich in vitamins E, B, C, A, K and trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, manganese and iron.

100 g of arugula contains the daily requirement of vitamin K and only 25 kcal. This salad improves digestion and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to strengthen the immune system, increase hemoglobin levels and lower blood sugar, regulates water-salt metabolism. Since ancient times, it has been used for the treatment and healing of wounds. Also, this salad is popular among men as an excellent aphrodisiac.

Lollo Rossa

Lollo Rossa salad can be safely called the most useful greens and here's why. It contains the most a large number of potassium among all vegetables, ranks second in iron content and third in magnesium content. In addition, it contains calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt. And only 16 kcal per 100 gr.

This salad is ideal for those who want to lose weight. Thanks to its unique composition, Lollo Rossa promotes weight loss. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems, prevents the deposition excess salts, improves mental activity, memory and helps to get rid of insomnia.

Dill, parsley, celery.


Greens, familiar to everyone since childhood, but few people know that dill is very useful. In 100 gr. contains 100 mg of vitamin C and 335 mg of potassium. Dill is also rich in vitamins B, A, PP, E and big amount various trace elements and antioxidants.

Thanks to the elements contained in dill, it improves immunity, reduces flatulence and pressure, has a pronounced diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps to get rid of insomnia and headaches.


Surprising fact, only 50 gr. parsley satisfies our body in daily rate vitamin C. Thereby protecting our body from harmful bacteria and boosting immunity. She is rich folic acid, vitamins B, A, PP, E, beta-carotene, and also contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc.

Selenium, which is part of greenery, improves eyesight and skin, normalizes metabolism, and has a positive effect on activity. thyroid gland, reproductive system and gastrointestinal tract. For the prevention of beriberi, parsley is recommended to be included in the diet in the winter-spring period. Thus, parsley can be called the most useful greens.


Celery is a real pantry of health. Due to its unique composition, it has a tonic, cleansing, and most importantly rejuvenating effect on the body. It contains vitamins B, A, E, C, K, folic, ascorbic, oxalic, chlorogenic acids, as well as mineral salts calcium, potassium, phosphorus, purines, sodium and necessary for the body trace elements.

celery is perfect product for those who want to lose weight. Nutritionists around the world recognize behind him the glory of a vegetable with a "negative calorie content", which gives the body a lot of useful substances and energy with only 18 kcal per 100 g. Diuretic action allows you to get rid of excess fluid and toxins. Celery juice helps in healing hangover syndrome, contributes to rapid sobering.

cilantro and basil


Cilantro or noble coriander - annual plant, from the Umbelliferae family. How useful is this green?

The benefits of cilantro lie in its unique composition. It contains vitamins C, B, PP, rutin, carotene, pectin, aroma oils, ascorbic acid, macro- and microelements. Cilantro has a positive effect on cardiovascular system, metabolism, promotes easier digestion of food, removes toxins from the body, strengthens the gums.

It helps fight stomatitis, has an antiviral, choleretic and antiseptic effect. For women is a good helper in critical days relieving spasms and pain.


Basil is spicy plant, which has a pronounced medicinal action. It is a wonderful antiseptic and immunostimulant. It has a mild diuretic effect, normalizes temperature in acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, has antibacterial and antiviral action copes with headaches of various origins, reduces anxiety and Negative consequences stress. The essential oils and microelements included in it make basil a truly "royal" herb.

Spinach and sorrel


One of the few plants that contains a large amount of protein. Interesting fact that in terms of protein content, spinach greens are second only to peas and beans. Protein provides the body with the material to build new cells. This is especially true for men seeking to increase muscle mass.

In addition, spinach increases male power and potency. The vitamins contained in spinach are not afraid of heat treatment, which is a pleasant exception to the rule.

Spinach improves metabolism in the body, work circulatory system, intestines and pancreas. During the diet, it is recommended to eat spinach as a prevention of beriberi and general strengthening organism.


Sorrel is also called the "spring king". It contains vitamins C, K, E, B, biotin, β-carotene, essential oils, tannic, oxalic, pyrogallic and other acids, as well as trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Sorrel is used to prevent and treat diseases such as scurvy, anemia, beriberi, colitis, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases and hemorrhoids. Oxalic acid helps to eliminate toxins and waste products from the body. IN traditional medicine sorrel is used as a hemostatic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Green onions and garlic

green onion

There are many varieties of onions, but one thing unites them - unique composition. 100 grams of green onion contains daily allowance vitamin C. It also contains carotene, essential oils, flavonoids, vitamins A and B, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, sulfur, which gives the onion a specific pungent odor, and chlorophyll.

Fresh onion greens are used as a prophylaxis colds, beriberi, improve digestion. The high content of zinc, phosphorus and calcium in green onions improves the condition of hair, teeth and nails, positively affects the work of women and men reproductive system. Green onions serve as a wonderful fortified and low-calorie seasoning for food.


One of the most popular seasonings, giving a piquant taste and spiciness. Enriches the body with numerous vitamins and microelements. The composition of garlic includes vitamins C, B, E, K, PP, choline, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, selenium, iodine.

Garlic is effectively used in the treatment of colds, viral diseases as an immunostimulant. Phytoncides contained in garlic make it an excellent antibacterial agent.

The use of garlic leads to a decrease in blood pressure, as well as "bad" cholesterol in the blood, a decrease in the likelihood of thrombosis and the risk of heart attack and stroke, and an increase in male potency.

Style Outcome

StyleFitness recommends that all health conscious people eat greens regularly. This will enrich the body essential vitamins and microelements, normalize metabolism, prevent a number of diseases and make the figure more slender.

What greens were the most useful? There is no single answer. Everything is purely individual. For men involved in sports and seeking to increase muscle mass, the most useful greens will be spinach, for girls suffering from painful menstrual syndrome - cilantro. For each goal - its greens.

Often in Slavic countries, green means precisely dill and parsley, green onion. With the advent of spring, dishes with these amazing tasty and fragrant plants appeared on our table: salads, soups, borscht, etc.

We love these herbs because they have a pronounced taste, add spice to the dish, and also perfectly decorate it. Among other things the benefits of greenery no one doubts that it is loved even in its raw form, and this is how it gives the maximum of vitamins and minerals to our body.

Dill. What can you say about dill? It is the most versatile herb that tastes good and is very healthy. Dill leaves contain vitamins such as B1, B2, C, PP, P, beta-carotene, folic acid, as well as minerals and trace elements such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium in the form of salts.

Dill, thanks to the content of beta-carotene, improves eyesight, due to the content of iron, fights anemia, rich in vitamin composition enhances immunity, helps in the prevention premature aging skin cells due to the presence of antioxidants, contributes to the restoration damaged hair, nails, strengthens them.

Dill also exhibits a diuretic effect, which makes it applicable in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as in diseases that contribute to the formation of edema.

For breastfeeding mothers, it can be effective increased output milk.

Also, dill infusion can be used for various wounds, it gives a healing effect.

It can be used by people suffering from hypertension, while normalization of pressure is noted, but hypotensive patients should not get carried away with dill, for them it can give an even greater decrease in pressure and dizziness and weakness may occur.

In cosmetology, dill is used in the form of lotions, dill is crushed, wrapped in gauze and applied to the skin of the face. At the same time, it moisturizes and nourishes the skin, saturates it with antioxidants.

Dill can be consumed both fresh and dry; when dried, it loses a minimum useful properties, but during cooking and any other heat treatment, a significant part of the vitamins that are unstable to heat treatment is lost.

Parsley. Parsley has a slightly different taste than dill, some people like it more than dill, but when dried it is bitter, although it is almost as rich in vitamins and minerals as in fresh.

It is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, K, PP, E, A, it also contains folic acid, flavonoids, minerals and trace elements such as iron, phosphorus and others. One bunch of parsley can satisfy the body's need for vitamin C, which, as we know, protects our cells from damage, is involved in the formation of immunity. Parsley contains even more vitamin C than lemons and black currants.

Thus, parsley will be useful for people with low hemoglobin, with visual impairments (due to the content of beta-carotene), hypertensive patients (shows the effect of lowering pressure). Also due to the presence of natural antibiotics– phytoncides can be used as folk remedy with colds, sore throats.

Parsley is also well used in cosmetology. It will help in whitening the skin, in the fight against freckles and age spots.

green onion. It is the richest in essential oils, vitamin C, zinc, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, K, PP, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, etc. Zinc makes onions useful in prevention, as well as in the fight against problems of hair, nails and skin. This trace element is involved in the development of male and female hormones Therefore, its sufficient intake in the body is very important for reproductive function.

But because of high content essential oils onions will not be useful for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys in the acute stage, this can turn into unpleasant sensations, pain and aggravation of exacerbation.

As you know, the benefits of greenery manifests itself in the richness of vitamins and microelements, in improving vision, raising hemoglobin, hypertensive patients, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

It is better to use it fresh just like that or as part of salads, this will help you get the most out of it.

I think everyone is well aware that greens contain many minerals and vitamins that are useful for our body. Dill, basil, parsley, arugula, celery, sorrel, spinach are grown in many garden plots. In greens, there are a lot of vitamins of the P, K, E group, micro- and macroelements, alimentary fiber, carotene, ascorbic acid And. etc. Housewives use greens in the preparation of almost all dishes, it adds not only benefits to them, but also gives them a wonderful taste and unique aroma. That's why we need her in the kitchen all year round. And in the summer it's time to do useful blanks for the winter.

Today we will talk about how to properly dry herbs such as dill, parsley, basil and green onions. Of course, fresh herbs are healthier than dried or frozen ones. But still, it contains a lot of useful substances for the human body. Moreover, it is better to prepare useful spices by yourself than to buy in bags in the supermarket. After all, it is still unknown what the manufacturers put there.

The most common way to prepare greens for the winter is to dry them. Of course, you can freeze onions, dill, parsley and other herbs, you can pickle them or even grow them on the windowsill all winter. But drying is still the easiest and most popular way to preserve herbs for the winter. Can be dried various methods. The main thing is that she does not turn yellow. Let's look at each of the methods in more detail. You can, of course, just leave the dill or parsley on the table or hang it on a thread right in bunches - but this way our herbs will dry for several days. And we'll look at faster ways.

How to dry herbs in the oven

This method is one of the easiest and is great if you have a lot of greenery.

1. The greens are dismantled, removing the yellow and spoiled parts. If there are roots and thick, rough branches cut them off. For drying, young, fresh leaves are suitable for us. If this is a product from your garden, just wash it in several waters. But if we bought it in a supermarket or on the market, it is better to lower the bunch for 10 minutes in lightly salted water (a heaping tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of liquid). At the next stage, lay the leaves on a clean cotton or paper towel in one layer (a towel will do) so that it dries.

2. Our herbs or onions must be cut, if the leaves are not large, you can leave the branches.

3. Put chopped leaves on a baking sheet from the oven. The layer should not be very thick, 1.5-2 cm, so that the leaves dry well. Top with baking paper.

4. Set the drying temperature to 40C for a couple of hours. After the leaves wither, increase the heat to 50C. The roots of carrot, parsley or celery plants are dried at more than high temperature approximately 65C.

When drying herbs or roots in this way, it is better to leave the oven ajar.

And do not forget to stir it so that it dries evenly. Drying time is approximately 4-5 hours, depending on the size and number of leaves.

5. The finished product can be stored in glass jars or cardboard boxes(I use from under shoes), covering them with a lid.

How to dry herbs in the microwave

This method is less time consuming. It is also great if you have a small bundle left. herbs or bow.

But be careful, for example, dill can catch fire when dried in the microwave! Therefore, it is necessary to control the drying process every minute, because the time depends on the volume of the portion.

1. Cut off the bad leaves and fleshy parts of the plant. They are not suitable for drying in the microwave. We need thin leaves and twigs.

2. We wash our greens under running water. Wet a little with a paper towel.

3. Now let's decide on the dishes. A large flat plate that can be placed in the microwave will do.

4. Put a couple of paper napkins on a plate, prepared herbs on top. Don't make the layer too thick. And lay another napkin on top.

5. Set the maximum power for microwave drying to 700-800W. Dry for about 4 minutes. It is not necessary to interfere, but it is better to check every minute. If the leaves lose their brightness and become brittle and dry, then the process is over. If not, then increase the time by 1-2 minutes.

Drying herbs in an electric dryer

In the age of high technology, various electrical appliances come to the aid of housewives. An electric dryer was invented for drying herbs, vegetables and fruits. It consists of several tiers, which is a mesh. When using this device useful material of greens are preserved to the maximum.

1. We select high-quality raw materials, wash them, let the water drain. I advise you to use only leaves from plants. Stems and twigs are not suitable for this method.

2. Put chopped leaves or onions on mesh pallets with a layer of 1-2 cm. We install them on the base of the unit.

3. The drying temperature depends on the type of greens. Usually it is 35-40C. Everything is detailed in the instructions.

4. Drying time about 4 hours. Every hour pallets need to be rearranged from one tier to another. If necessary, increase the drying time until ready. Greens will become brittle, brittle and change color to darker and faded.

Herbs can be dried any, according to your taste addiction. It can be used singly or combined. You can come up with your favorite combinations, for example, basil + parsley + arugula or dill + coriander leaves + celery.

Keep finished product different kind it is better to separate them so that their smells do not mix and do not overlap each other. Dried herbs are stored in a tightly closed container, glass jars are best suited.

Sign the name of each herb right on the jar. I use opaque white tape. I cut off a small ribbon, write the name of the herb on it and stick it on the container. Herbs after drying can be chopped. You can use a mortar, or you can rub it with your hands. Dried spices are added to meat, vegetable, fish and potato dishes. By adding it to ready-made dishes, even in winter, summer aromas of herbs will be fragrant on your table.

“Make me a salad of lettuce,” this year the husband firmly decided to fast. Meat, eggs, fish disappeared from the refrigerator. Their place was taken by pots of lettuce, green onions, dill, parsley. Andrei bought greens for a week in advance. I didn’t take into account only that this whole garden-garden in our refrigerator will not last long: everything will wither, fade and, logically, go to the trash. I confess, no matter how hard I try, I can’t keep the greens.

It’s too lazy to go to the store every day for a salad for a salad, especially since it is also not the first freshness on the shelves. We deal with our expert, chief agronomist peasant farm "Zhili-Rastili" Alexey Sadov, how to properly store greens.

Wash your greens right away

Brought home - do not be lazy. Disassemble the bundle, remove weeds from it, tear off the wrinkled leaves. Rinse greens under running water cold water. Skip the "soak" in the bowl and definitely don't add any detergent.

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Store in the refrigerator

It is not necessary to dry the greens after washing, place the wet ones in zip bags and send them to the refrigerator. If you are against plastic packaging, wrap wet greens in a damp towel.

Greens not only keep better in the refrigerator, thanks to a temperature of +2 degrees, nitrates that can be found in plants will not turn into more poisonous nitrites.

Turned yellow? Throw away!

Let's be ruthless to the green. The first signs of wilting appeared: did the leaves turn yellow, began to rot? Immediately send the entire bundle to the trash can. There will be no benefit from such greens, you will only earn indigestion.

Spinach - freeze, basil - dry

Bought too many greens? It can be frozen or dried. Each species has its own type long-term storage. You can freeze dill, parsley, onion, cilantro, spinach. Dry: mint, thyme, basil and other Provence herbs. And here leafy salads use only fresh.

Dried and frozen herbs are, of course, good. But fresh greens are always more useful, the main thing is to buy it not just anywhere, but from trusted sellers.

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Buy only fresh

A beautiful-looking bunch of dill is not a guarantee that the grass is fresh. Smell it. Do you feel the aroma? So you can take. But odorless greens should be feared.

Pay attention to the purity of the beam. It shouldn't be too dirty though a small amount of land on it is allowed. And certainly do not take wilted greens, as we have already found out, at the first signs of decay, at the first yellow leaves, it is better to throw away the grass.

By the way

  • It is better not to buy already chopped lettuce. You won't be able to rinse it again.
  • When cooking, use only the leaves, they contain less nitrates than the stems. This rule does not apply to thyme, rosemary and lemongrass.


For meat - rosemary and sage.

To the fish - thyme and lemongrass.

In bread and foccacho - rosemary and thyme.

For chicken - rosemary, thyme and sage.

In the salad - salads, arugula, basil, dill, parsley, cilantro and other fresh herbs.

In tea - mint and lemongrass.

IN butter- fresh herbs.

For fragrant olive and sunflower oil- rosemary, thyme, chili, pepper and garlic.

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