Salicylic ointment. Description and composition. Salicylic ointment - composition and names

Salicylic ointment- a drug used in the treatment of various skin diseases, in particular warts, pimples, calluses. Often used for exacerbations of psoriasis. This drug refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is intended for external use only.

Pharmacological properties

The main active ingredient of the drug is salicylic acid, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Under the influence of this active substance much faster healing of wounds, boils, acne, as well as softening of growths and calluses. It should be noted that the effect of the drug is not limited to providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Salicylic ointment also produces a keratolic effect that promotes exfoliation of the skin, as a result of which its regeneration occurs.

For the first time, salicylic acid was found in natural raw materials - in willow bark. Currently, this substance is produced industrially.

Salicylic ointment is produced different concentration- 2, 5, 10% and 60%.

Should not be used in combination with other topical medications.

Currently, pharmacological companies produce not only an ointment containing salicylic acid, but also alcohol solution active substance. By their own medicinal properties both of these drugs are identical. Only the use of the solution is more often recommended for warts and for instillation into the ear with otitis media (4-6 drops at bedtime). Also, a significant difference between the salicylic acid solution is the fact that, unlike the ointment, it is included as active component in various synthetic medications. Also, the solution has a more powerful medicinal effect.


Should be used to treat inflammatory and infectious lesions skin, burns, corns, warts and acne, excessive sweating of the feet, eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, oily seborrhea, hyperkeratosis, hair loss.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

The use of Salicylic ointment for various skin diseases is carried out as follows:

  • For problematic skin, it is recommended to prepare for regular use. night cream with the addition of 2% Salicylic ointment. To do this, mix in equal proportions the antiseptic cream "Bepanten plus" (the active ingredient is dexpanthenol), Salicylic and Zinc ointments. During the first week of treatment, this cream is applied to problem areas of the skin of the face every evening. After achieving the expected result, the prophylactic use of the cream is carried out about 2-3 times a week. It is worth remembering that Salicylic ointment has a strong drying property and therefore it should be used with caution by owners of sensitive or dry skin.
  • At complex therapy ichthyosis, seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma and diaper rash use a 2% concentration ointment (in some cases it is mixed with petroleum jelly).
  • For treatment burn lesions 5% salicylic ointment is applied.
  • To remove warts, 60% Salicylic ointment is used.
  • To remove calluses and cornification of the skin, the course of treatment can be carried out until the expected effect is achieved, but not more than three weeks. To remove these skin lesions, use 10% Salicylic ointment.

Before applying the ointment to the affected skin areas, they should be pre-processing, gently removing dead skin particles and crusts. The burns on which blisters have formed are first opened, after which the open wound surface is treated with an antiseptic and lubricated with ointment.

Apply ointment thin layer(preferably at bedtime), after which the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is covered with a sterile napkin, and a bandage is applied on top. For painful open wounds, a sterile gauze pad soaked in ointment can be applied to the affected area. The dressing should be changed at least 2-3 times a week, preferably daily.


The use of this drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with renal failure;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • for the treatment of skin diseases in infants.

Do not use this ointment to treat warts on the face or genital area, and do not apply it to warts that are covered with birthmarks or hair.

When treating skin diseases in pregnant women and children, the ointment should be applied to small areas of the skin at a dosage not exceeding 5 ml.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by most patients, without negative impacts. AT rare cases when using this drug, allergic reactions may occur, in particular burning, redness, itching in the area of ​​​​application of the drug and fever.

A popular remedy in the treatment of burns, psoriasis, removal of calluses, warts is acetylsalicylic ointment, made on the basis of salicylic acid. It fights not only with the disease, but also with the focus of its occurrence, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The tool is used only externally. If Salicylic ointment is prescribed - instructions for use, advice from dermatologists, features of the effect on wounds and fungus - all this will come in handy during treatment.

Ointment Salicylic

The pharmacological drug belongs to the group of keratolytic drugs. The main active ingredient - salicylic acid helps with a variety of inflammations, diseases of the skin, nail fungus. The drug has long established itself on the market as an affordable and high-quality healing agent that has an antiseptic effect. It is important to apply it strictly following the instructions.

On sale you can find sulfur-salicylic ointment. Thanks to the sulfur content, it copes well with teenage acne, seborrhea and psoriasis. No less popular is salicylic-zinc paste. Zinc oxide helps in the treatment of acne, dermatitis and age spots. Such a paste increases the elasticity of the skin, reduces inflammation, and is an assistant in the treatment of burns.

Composition and form of release

The cream got its name from the main component - salicylic acid. The antiseptic looks like a thick, greasy mass of white or gray color. It comes with 2, 3, 5 and 10 percent acid concentration. Vaseline is also present in the ointment, which contributes to the uniform dissolution of the acid and convenient application to the damaged area. Possible shapes release of the medicinal product are presented in the table:

Pharmacological properties

Salicylic acid is an excellent antiseptic, actively fights against skin rash, dries oily skin, treats psoriasis. It accelerates the healing process of boils, various wounds, removes calluses and other growths, fights acne, and is suitable for the treatment of eczema. Influencing the skin, the ointment promotes high-quality peeling of the skin, which has an excellent effect on the processes of tissue regeneration.

To date pharmaceutical companies also produce an alcohol-based solution of salicylic acid. The properties of the ointment and liquid are the same. The solution is more convenient to use in the treatment of warts (apply a bandage) and otitis media (4-6 drops are dripped into the ear before bedtime). It is part of many drugs of synthetic origin, as it has more strong spectrum impact.

From what Salicylic ointment

Before starting the use of the drug, you should always consult with a therapist or dermatologist. The instruction that is attached to the ointment contains main indications for the use of the drug. These include:

  • wounds, scratches;
  • burns;
  • acne, rashes;
  • warts;
  • psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis;
  • seborrhea (regulates the activity of the glands);
  • calluses;
  • sweating of the legs;
  • red ringworm.

How to use salicylic ointment

Methods of application and the required dosage are prescribed by the doctor. According to the instructions, the mixture should be applied to the foci inflammatory disease skin 2-3 times a day with a thin layer - 0.2 g per 1 cm skin. The tool is harmless, but if the dose is significantly exceeded, it can cause an allergic reaction. After treatment with an antiseptic, it is necessary to put a sterile napkin on the skin to get rid of the remnants of the ointment. The tool is used until complete recovery and restoration of damaged integument. On average, this is from 3 to 10 days.

special instructions

With increased caution, Salicylic ointment should be used for people who have too sensitive and dry skin - this can provoke inflammation. The drug should not be applied to warts (especially hairy) located in the groin and on the face, as well as those covered with moles. Do not allow the ointment to get on the mucous membranes of the body. If this happens, the area should be washed immediately. large quantity pure water until the burning sensation stops and the agent is completely washed out.

drug interaction

It is allowed to use the ointment together with other drugs in cases where they do not have similar action or composition. Salicylic acid, which has entered the body, enhances side effects from Methotrexate and sulfonylurea derivatives. It should not be allowed to interact with Resorcinol and zinc oxide. With the simultaneous use of two local agents (do not enter the bloodstream), it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Side effects

To avoid unpleasant manifestations in the form skin itching, burning and redness, the drug should be applied to small areas of the skin. Possible manifestation allergic reactions with intolerance to the components of the drug. The resulting symptoms are easy to stop by completely removing the agent from the surface of the skin. In case of accidental ingestion, nausea, stomach pain are possible. In such a situation, washing is prescribed. At correct use Salicylic ointment cannot apply serious harm human health.


Before starting the course, carefully read the instructions and the composition of the ointment - if you are allergic to any components, then it is strictly forbidden to use it. Treatment with a remedy for stomach ulcers and anemia is not recommended. It can not be used to treat children under 2 years of age. One of the most important contraindications is kidney failure - it is forbidden to use Salicylic cream in this case, this can lead to complications.

Terms of sale and storage

Given medicine released without a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to store the ointment in a dry and dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 C, out of the reach of children.


As much as possible similar to Salicylic ointment in its composition and action, the drug "Kollomak". Among the analogues same way include the following means:

  • Nemosol (fights fungi);
  • Duofilm (gets rid of warts on the foot);
  • Kerasal (treats mycoses);
  • Solkokerasal (fights keratosis);
  • Galmanin (treats papillomas).

Salicylic ointment price

The drug has positive reviews, it can be purchased at every pharmacy, as well as ordered in online stores. If you are interested in the cost of Salicylic ointment, jar 25 g with 2% content salicylic alcohol in Moscow can be purchased at the following prices:

Salicylic ointment is a remedy not intended for the treatment of mucous membranes and ingestion. It is used to treat diseases of the skin associated with the inflammatory process and excessive secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands.

The ointment has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it has become so widespread in medicine and cosmetology.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Salicylic ointment, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. REAL REVIEWS people who have already used Salicylic ointment can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Dosage form - ointment for external use 2, 3 and 5%: dense mass from light yellow to white color with a homogeneous structure (25 or 40 g in dark glass or polyethylene jars; in a carton pack 1 can; 10, 20, 25, 30 or 50 g in aluminum tubes, in a carton pack 1 tube).

  • The composition of the ointment as an active ingredient includes salicylic acid in the amount of 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg or 50 mg per 1 g.

As an auxiliary substance, only medically purified petroleum jelly is used, which is a phase for uniform distribution and dissolution of salicylic acid. Due to the uniform distribution of the acid in the fatty phase, it will be in the same concentration in any area to which it was applied, which cannot be achieved using solutions.

What helps Salicylic ointment?

Salicylic ointment is used as monotherapy or simultaneously with other drugs in the treatment of infectious, inflammatory and other skin lesions, including:

Also, the drug is indicated for sweating of the legs and hair loss.

Therapeutic action

The therapeutic effect of salicylic ointment is determined, as already mentioned, by the main component in its composition - salicylic acid. The following therapeutic effects of the drug are noted:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • keratolytic;
  • reduction of sweat secretions;
  • antiseborrheic effect.

Using salicylic ointment, you can destroy pathogenic microorganisms, get rid of acne, stop inflammatory processes flowing on sweat and sebaceous glands. Due to the antiseptic action, the composition of the drug reduces the formed inflammatory pustules and acne, the use of the ointment can improve the course of serious skin diseases, burns, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.

Instructions for use

Treatment with an ointment containing sulfuric components is carried out only externally, that is, on the skin. If the ointment accidentally gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, for example, oral cavity, nose, rectum and vagina, rinse them immediately with plenty of clean water. Zinc ointment is selected according to its concentration, depending on the severity pathological process and skin lesions.

Great help get rid of acne masks based on salicylic ointment:

  • For combination skin: mix 2 tablespoons of green clay with boiled warm water until you get the consistency of thick cream. Add 1 teaspoon of ointment to this mass and mix thoroughly. The mask must be distributed over the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes. It is recommended to keep for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask and apply any cream on the skin.
  • For oily skin: you need to take one teaspoon of pink and black clay, dilute with water and inject 1 teaspoon of salicylic ointment. Mix all the ingredients and send to the pre-steamed skin for 15-20 minutes.

Use in psoriasis:

  • Before smearing salicylic ointment on areas of the skin affected by psoriatic papules, they must first be prepared: carefully remove dead scales. Then a thin layer of ointment is applied. It is convenient to do this with cotton swabs. This method of application is recommended for initial stage disease, when there is a small peeling. From above, you can apply a sterile bandage, which will improve the effect of using the drug. If psoriatic plaques are dense and extensive, you can make compresses from the ointment.


  • For warts, a 60% salicylic ointment is used. The substance is a strong cauterizing agent, and therefore it should not be applied to moles, as well as warts in the genital area.


  • To remove calluses and cornification of the skin, the course of treatment can be carried out until the expected effect is achieved, but not more than three weeks. To remove these skin formations, a 10% Salicylic ointment is used.


  • Salicylic ointment for nail fungus and skin can be used as an external agent in combination with the mandatory intake of antifungal drugs.
  • Before applying salicylic ointment to nails or skin affected by a fungus, they must be prepared by steaming in a bath with potassium permanganate. Then apply 5% salicylic ointment to the affected areas with a cotton swab. It is optimal to apply the ointment 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. A compress can be applied over the ointment. Once in 2 - 3 days, a soap and soda bath should be done, after which the exfoliated layer of skin or nail should be removed. Treatment is continued until the full growth of a healthy nail or the removal of signs of fungus in the skin.
  • Remember, only the use of salicylic ointment can not cure the fungus of the nails or skin.


  • anemia;
  • individual sensitivity to the drug;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • kidney failure.

In addition, contraindications to the appointment of the drug is the appearance of warts and moles on the face, as well as on the genitals.

Side effects

Manifested in the form of allergic reactions to the active substance. Possible itching, redness, burning in the area of ​​influence of the drug. Very rarely occur pain and the temperature rises slightly. After removing the drug from the surface of the skin unpleasant phenomena pass.

special instructions

Do not apply ointment to hairy warts, birthmarks.

Do not allow the ointment to get on mucous surfaces; in case of accidental contact, they must be washed with plenty of water. It is required to take into account the possibility of increased absorption of salicylic acid when the drug is applied to weeping wound surfaces or in the treatment of pathologies with flushing and inflammation of the skin (including psoriatic erythroderma).


  • Zinco-salicylic ointment (5%);
  • Urgokor is corn.


The average price of SALICYL OINTMENT in pharmacies (Moscow) is 30 rubles.

Salicylic ointment - external preparation, which is already long time used in medicine. This tool is convenient to store in your home first aid kit, because it can help with various household injuries, common skin lesions. Read more about the action and application of this ointment later in the article.

How does salicylic ointment work?

Due to low cost, availability and excellent therapeutic effect salicylic ointment has become one of the popular medicines that are often used for home therapy. Currently, it is possible to purchase this product of factory production or order it in the prescription department of a pharmacy. required amount freshly prepared ointment according to a prescription prescribed by a doctor. To understand how salicylic ointment works, you should consider its constituent ingredients and their pharmacological properties.

Salicylic ointment - composition

The medication in question is a dense, homogeneous, greasy mass of white-grayish color, packaged in plastic and glass jars or in metal tubes. Main component, which contains the ointment, is salicylic acid, which has an active effect on tissues when the product is applied. This substance is used in many medical and cosmetic preparations. It was first isolated in the 19th century by the Italian chemist R. Piria from natural raw materials - willow bark, and later the acid began to be synthesized industrially.

Salicylic acid, which can be in the ointment at a concentration of 2, 3, 5, 10 or 60%, belongs to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Purified medical vaseline is used as an additional component (fat base) in the composition of the ointment, which ensures uniform distribution and dissolution of salicylic acid. It is worth noting that there are still varieties of salicylic ointment: salicylic-zinc ointment - containing zinc oxide, sulfur-salicylic ointment - with the inclusion of precipitated sulfur.

What helps salicylic ointment?

Depending on what salicylic ointment is used for, this drug is prescribed with less or great content salicylic acid. Basically, this drug is used in the field of dermatology for application to the surface of the skin, with mechanical, thermal, infectious damage. With a significant degree of inflammatory damage and, if necessary, the treatment of large areas, an ointment with a low concentration of active acid is often used. We list the main effects produced by the active compound of the drug:

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory;
  • keratolytic (in high concentrations);
  • antiseptic;
  • local irritant;
  • drying;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • antipruritic;
  • light pain reliever;
  • normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

In addition, the second component of the ointment, petroleum jelly, has an additional effect:

  • softens tissues;
  • prevents moisture loss;
  • protects the skin from external negative factors.

Salicylic ointment - side effects

Despite the fact that salicylic ointment shows side effects in rare cases and is well tolerated for most patients, its possible negative reactions should be highlighted:

  • skin itching;
  • puffiness;
  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of a rash.

Salicylic ointment - indications for use

We list what salicylic ointment has indications for use:

  • burns mild degree(thermal, chemical);
  • bacterial, fungal infections skin;
  • diaper rash;
  • furunculosis;
  • wounds, cuts;
  • acne
  • calluses;
  • ichthyosis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • warts;
  • pityriasis versicolor.

Salicylic ointment - contraindications

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drugs;
  • intolerance to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • severe functional insufficiency of the kidneys;
  • early pregnancy (only with the permission of a doctor).

Salicylic ointment - application

Before using salicylic ointment, it is worth considering a few nuances:

  1. At long-term treatment this drug is addictive, that is, the skin stops responding to it, and it is difficult to achieve a therapeutic effect, so the course of use should not exceed 6-12 days (a two-week interval is then necessary).
  2. It is impossible to simultaneously apply other external preparations to the damaged area (it is only permissible to alternate their application).
  3. With caution, drugs from the group of sulfonylurea derivatives, as well as Methotrexate and hypoglycemic agents, should be used in parallel with the ointment, since salicylic acid can enhance the side effects of these drugs.
  4. Do not apply salicylic acid ointment to birthmarks,.

Salicylic ointment for acne - application

Actively used salicylic ointment for acne on the face and body, including as part of complex treatment. In addition to applying this tool contributes to the early maturation and disappearance of pimples, it serves as an excellent prevention of post-acne in the form of age spots, scars. Salicylic acne ointment is recommended with an active ingredient content of 2-3%.

AT pure form the agent should be applied pointwise to the inflammatory elements, which is more convenient to carry out with a cotton swab. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a day for several days until the pimple disappears. There is another option for the treatment of extensive acne, combined with increased sebum. To do this, combine salicylic ointment in equal proportions, zinc ointment and cream Bepanthen plus. The resulting composition should be applied daily at night to the affected area for 7-10 days. Further, the tool is used in the same way, but every 3-4 days.

Salicylic ointment for blackheads

Due to the exfoliating effect, the drug in question copes well with the problems that owners suffer from. problematic skin. It is important to know how to use salicylic ointment to solve this problem correctly. It is recommended to apply the product locally to areas with clogged pores after preliminary cleansing and steaming once a day at night for a week. In parallel, you should use a soft facial scrub 2-3 times a week. Salicylic ointment for the face from black dots is used two percent.

Salicylic ointment - use for psoriasis

With psoriasis, raised rashes appear on the body in the form of pink-red spots covered with whitish dry scales. Pathology is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission, which differ in severity and severity of symptoms. Salicylic ointment for psoriasis is often recommended as part of complex treatment and is considered one of the most effective drugs from the group nonsteroidal drugs. At the same time, during the period of exacerbation, an ointment with a concentration of 1-2% is used, and with the extinction of symptoms - 3-5%.

The medication should be applied in a thin even layer on psoriasis plaques, covered with gauze or bandage and left until completely absorbed. Multiplicity of application - 2 times a day, treatment course should be from 7 to 20 days, depending on the depth of the lesion. The tool helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin and prepare it for the effects of other medicinal formulations. If salicylic ointment provokes an increase in inflammation, its use should be abandoned.

Salicylic ointment for lichen

Means based on salicylic acid, which not only inhibit pathogenic microflora, but also help to cleanse the skin of crusts and peeling, can be used for some types of lichen - pityriasis and pink. If salicylic ointment is prescribed against lichen, how to apply it and with what to combine, the doctor should determine, while taking into account the type of pathogen skin lesion. Often, a five percent drug is applied to diseased areas twice a day.

With pityriasis (varicolored) lichen caused by yeast-like fungus, often in the background excessive sweating and exposure to solar radiation in warm time years, salicylic ointment can be used as prophylactic. To do this, apply the medication 2-3 times a week to areas where lesions often occur (avoid the scalp and inguinal region).

Salicylic ointment from papillomas

Not bad helps salicylic ointment from warts (papillomas) of any type - flat, plantar, pointed. AT this case a product with a concentration of 60% should be used, however, such a highly concentrated ointment should not be applied to the skin of the face and neck, where there is a high risk of burns. The drug is applied pointwise for 8-12 hours in the form of an application, for which a patch can be used. Procedures should be carried out daily until the growth disappears.

Salicylic ointment for corns

Salicylic ointment is recommended for corns and dry hardened calluses on the feet and hands as a softening agent. To remove such formations, an ointment with a concentration of 3-5% should be used. Before applying the medicine, you should steam the skin well by making a warm bath, and then dry it thoroughly. The ointment is applied in a thin layer and covered with a gauze bandage. This procedure must be repeated twice or thrice a day for 3-4 days. After completing the course, the corn can be easily removed with a pumice stone after steaming.

In addition, the ointment can be used with newly appeared corns, which contributes to the disinfection of tissues and the speedy healing. In this case, a two percent drug should be taken and applied to the damaged area, covering it with a bandage or adhesive plaster. It is recommended to use an ointment for the treatment of corns daily until the tissues are completely healed.

Salicylic ointment for nail fungus

It should be noted right away that salicylic ointment from a fungus that has affected the nail plate is not the most effective remedy, and it is very difficult to get rid of the pathology with external means alone. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe a treatment regimen using systemic antifungal agents. Ointment with salicylic acid can be used in addition to the main therapy, which will help to quickly get rid of the tissues affected by the fungus.

With an ointment having a five percent concentration, it is necessary to treat the nail plate and the skin around it daily at night or during the day for 8-10 hours, applying it in a thick layer and covering it with a bandage. Beforehand, it is worth doing a warm soap and soda bath, immersing a finger with an infected nail for 10-15 minutes, and then drying it with a towel. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, after which you need to take a break for 10-14 days and repeat the procedures again.

Every person has heard about such a drug as salicylic ointment at least once in a lifetime. The name itself has been familiar to us since childhood, and for many such a glass jar is constantly in the home first aid kit, because the range of its positive impact is very large.

Salicylic ointment is a drug that is used for external use for problems with diseases of the epidermis. Skin diseases are most often associated with peeling of the skin, excessive sweating and secretion of sebum or with inflammatory processes.

general characteristics

Your name medicinal product received from the name of salicylic acid, which is part of the ointment and brings therapeutic effect during treatment. It is a dense homogeneous
mass of white or gray.

Depending on the concentration of this acid in the preparation, several types of manufactured products can be distinguished - 1%, 2%, 3% or 5%. In addition to these designations, the drug is also divided into different types volume - 10, 35, 50. This is the volume of a tube or other container in grams in which the medication is produced.

In addition to salicylic acid, the composition of the drug includes purified petroleum jelly, which contributes to the uniform dissolution and distribution of salicylic acid. With a uniform distribution of acid in the required phase, it will be equally evenly applied and distributed in any area to which it will be applied.

The aforementioned acid, which is part of this medication, is an excellent antiseptic. It copes well with a rash on the skin, helps with psoriasis, promotes the healing of boils, and has a positive effect on regeneration processes in tissues. Also, this component acts as a powerful antiseptic and has a good anti-inflammatory effect, copes with growths and calluses in a short time. The skin under its influence softens, contributing to further tissue regeneration.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • chronic eczema;
  • ichthyosis (disturbances of keratinization of the skin);
  • warts, calluses, corns;
  • dyskeratosis (physiological violation of the process of keratinization);
  • acne;
  • oily seborrhea (disruption of the sebaceous glands);
  • burns;
  • foot fungus;
  • furunculosis;
  • hair loss.

As stated above, all indications for use are directly related to skin diseases. Also, the medication can be used in the treatment of burns and even with excessive sweating of the feet.


In spite of wide range indications for use, it also has very reasonable contraindications for use.

These include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.
  2. Pregnancy - with caution. A mandatory preliminary consultation of a specialist is required. It should also not be used to treat skin diseases in infants.
  3. Childhood. It is not recommended to use for the treatment of young children under 3-5 years.

Significantly fewer contraindications than good points, but you should definitely pay attention to them, because taking the medication not in accordance with the instructions can lead to various unpleasant consequences, one of them, for example, is an allergic reaction.

Correct use of the product in accordance with the instructions

Before applying medicinal drug, the skin area damaged by psoriasis must first be prepared, namely, all dead skin scales must be removed. A homogeneous white mass should be applied to the skin in a thin layer, this can be done using cotton swabs, especially if skin peeling is observed in spots. If the damage is extensive, compresses can be used.

  • the first week, it is recommended to apply the product to problem areas every other day;
  • during the second week of treatment, the ointment should be used daily;
  • in the remaining two weeks, the affected areas of the skin must be treated twice a day.

For the treatment of such problems, it is this medication that is most popular because of its budgetary cost and good therapeutic action. Strict age restrictions there is no medication in the use, you just need to remember that it must be used in accordance with the instructions.

During pregnancy, the first trimester is considered especially dangerous in taking medicines; treatment with such a remedy during this period and throughout pregnancy is possible only with the permission of a doctor. It is necessary to apply the ointment only on small areas of the body and use only that version of it, the concentration of salicylic acid in which is 1%.

If the damaged areas of the skin are located near the mammary glands, and the woman is breastfeeding at this time, in no case should the drug be taken in such a situation. After all, together with breast milk a child can absorb the medicine, and it is not known how the growing child's body will react to this.

The daily rate of the agent applied to the surface of the body should not exceed 10 ml. Treatment is best done in a course lasting 6 to 20 days. Because of healing ointment has a strong drying effect, this must be taken into account for people with dry and sensitive skin types.

Cases of overdose during treatment have not been recorded, however, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take the drug correctly.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug can be used for treatment in combination with other drugs, but only if they are not similar to each other in composition and therapeutic properties. The tool is able to increase the permeability of the skin, and their joint interaction can lead to an increase in their absorption. If salicylic acid is absorbed in this way into skin tissues, it may exacerbate possible side effects.

Also, the ointment should never be combined in your treatment with resorcinol. With this combination, the likelihood of the formation of a melting mixture is high. A similar situation can be observed if the drug is used in combination with zinc oxide, an unpleasant consequence such a combination may result in the formation of insoluble zinc salicylate.

Based on this, the drug should always be used only with the permission of your doctor. If, during the period of treatment prescribed to you, you use any other local drug, be sure to warn your doctor about it. After all, the drug, as you already understood, can react badly in complex treatment with other means.

People's opinions about the use of the drug

Patient reviews about Salicylic ointment:

For many years, Salicylic ointment has been a regular guest of my first aid kit. From the very beginning, I purchased it in order to get rid of acne on my face. Having tried a lot various means different cost, I eventually chose a salicylic ointment. Other drugs helped, but the effect did not last long. And only Salicylic ointment, some time after the start of use, helped to completely get rid of this problem. Its cost is very affordable - from 27 to 40 rubles. Sold in a jar of dark dense glass. The smell of the drug is not strong. It must be applied in a thin layer, because it is absorbed rather slowly. If you need to apply pointwise to the face, it is more convenient to use a cotton swab, I always do this. The drug is also good for burns. (10) Once in the kitchen she badly burned her leg, smeared a thin layer of ointment on the affected area and put a bandage well soaked in ointment on top. I changed the bandage on my leg twice a day, and the burn healed quickly enough. I am satisfied with such good results.

Catherine. 34 years

Once I hurt my leg badly tight shoes, to blood, a dense growth later formed at this place. The seal on my leg did not prevent me from walking, but still, outwardly, it did not look too aesthetically pleasing. I decided to see a doctor. I was advised to use Salicylic ointment. Before cleansing the skin, I applied it cotton swab. I did this twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In the morning I applied the drug, pasted the patch and went about my business. After a month and a half, the growth completely disappeared. I am pleased that the treatment went so quickly and easily. The cost of a jar is only 27 rubles, and the treatment for short term brings such amazing results.

Maria. 26 years

I have been using Salicylic ointment constantly and for a very long time. It is good for getting rid of calluses and corns. If it is necessary to eliminate peeling of the skin or keratinization, it again comes to the rescue. It can also be used for fast healing burns and wounds. Salicylic acid, which is the main active substance in the preparation, has a rapid anti-inflammatory effect and antiseptic effect. The consistency resembles vaseline, it is rather oily, it is poorly washed off, it is not absorbed after application to the skin, it acts superficially on wounds. Has a weak medical smell. So drug I am quite satisfied, it helps with various troubles. I advise everyone.

Elena. 41 years old

A wonderful transformation for such a budget price. The cost of a jar of this healing medicine- less than 20 rubles, but enough for a long time. It always helps with problems with the skin of the face, the effect is very good and the result appears very quickly. Good for acne. But I want to note that liniment dries the skin, it is better when using it to also apply a moisturizer and not use it too often. I apply it pointwise, only on pimples, I do it with a cotton swab. Perfectly removes blackheads and saves from the problem of oily skin. I am very pleased with this positive effect.

Veronica. 28 years

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