Conversation fruit useful foods in the middle group. Abstract of the lesson-conversation “Vegetables and fruits. I'm the most evil in the garden

"Vegetables and fruits are healthy products!"

Target: Formation of children's ideas abouthealthy food; aboutvegetables andfruits, usefulfor the growing body of children.

Tasks :

Educational :

1. Form initial ideas about vitamins A, B, C.

2. Distinguish vitamin-containingFood( vegetables , fruit ) .

3. Introduce how vitamins affect the human body.

4. Activate the use of nouns with a generalizing meaning in speech( vegetables, fruit) .

5. Recognize vegetables and fruits with the participation of various analyzers.

6. Arouse interest and need for proper nutrition.

Educational :

    Develop thinking, memory, speech abilities of children.

    Develop cognitive interest; children's perception.

    Activate dictionary.

Educational :

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health,

autonomy, endurance.

Preliminary work: didactic games to repeat the material, reading poems and stories about fruits and vegetables, conversations about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

Materials and equipment: food illustrations;pictures of various fruits and vegetables;vegetables and fruits (whole and cut into slices), Dunno fairy tale character, baskets.

STROKE: 1. Organizational moment: Q: Guys, today a guest came to our lesson. Who is it? (Dunno). Let's get to know him. D / game "Tell me your name affectionately."

B: Dunno brought us gifts. They are all in the cart. And we will find out what Dunno brought us when we guess riddles (apple, onion, lemon, cucumber, potatoes, carrots, beets).

I am strong, crispy,

A real miracle.

Yellow and red -

The skin is satin.

Also ruddy

Children are welcome! (Apple)

Red nose stuck to the ground

You don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose.


Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take out a hundred days,

And they began to dig in the fall -

Not one found, but ten!

What's her name, kids?(potatoes)

Whoever undresses him sheds tears.(onion)

It's hard to live without her

Borsch is definitely not cooked

And don't make a vinaigrette

To be red.(Beet)

It is good for everyone to eat

He is a helper for colds,

With it, tastier, spicier dishes.

Break off a tooth as soon as possible - do you recognize it?(Garlic)

(we guess the riddle - we take out vegetables and fruits, we help Dunno sort them).

Q: What do we call everything in the basket? (vegetables).

What do we have in the vase? (fruit)

Q: Guys, tell Dunno what vegetables and fruits are for?

D: Vegetables and fruits are needed in order to eat, cook delicious food,

improve human health with vitamins.

We are vitamins, not pills

And delicious sweets!

We live inproducts,

Vegetables and fruits.

We bring health to you

We help here and there.

Q: And now let's listen to what Dunno will tell us about vitamins.

N: Vitamins come in tablets. Like these ones. And they live in different products. Especially there are a lot of vitamins in vegetables and fruits, which makes them tasty and healthy. There are many vitamins, each has its own name, they are all important, but the most important of them are vitamins A, B, C.

Q: If you want to grow well, see well and have strong teeth, you need vitamin A (children name vegetables and fruits that have vitamin A).

Q: Vitamin B helps to work our most important organ - the heart. It improves mood. If you cry often, you need vitamin B (we call the pictures).

Vitamin C is a health vitamin. It strengthens the whole body, helps to protect against colds, to be cheerful. If you are often sick, you need vitamin C (we show and name products)

Fizminutka "Fruit"

We will cook compote (marching in place)

You need a lot of fruits. Here.

We will chop apples, (they show how they chop)

We will chop a pear, (they show how they chop)

Squeeze lemon juice (show how to squeeze)

Put the drain and sand. (show how they put, pour sugar)

We cook, we cook compote, (turn around and clap your hands)

Let's treat honest people.

Q: And now, guys, Dunno invites us to his favorite country, Igralia. Let's play the game "Answer fast":

1.Where does the pumpkin grow?

2. What can be cooked from potatoes?

3. What can you make a salad from?

4. Guess - round, red, add to the salad (tomato).

5. Which vegetables should be peeled before eating?

6. What vegetables can you eat raw?

7. What do we cook from fruits?

Q: The game "What?":

Raspberry juice is raspberry juice.

Apple juice -

Pear juice -

Plum juice -

Orange juice -

Q: And now we will play the game "Guess - ka": we determine vegetables or fruits by touch, tell what can be cooked from them.

Q: Dunno loves the game "Guess the Taste" very much. Let's play!

Q: Bottom line: guys, all vegetables and fruits are very useful and the vitamins in them are very friendly. Vitamins are essential for human health. Therefore, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Especially for children to grow up strong, strong and healthy. Let's remember the proverbs about vitamins and health:

    Vegetables and fruits, bread and water are healthy foods.

    An apple for dinner and you don't need a doctor.

    Eat a carrot, if there is no apple.

    Whoever is friends with vegetables and fruits and clean water, diseases are bypassed.

Q: We say goodbye to Dunno.
To be healthy and strong
You have to love vegetables and of course fruits.

All without exception

There is no doubt about it!

Why do we need fruits and vegetables? Fundamentals of healthy eating!

From childhood, we only hear - you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they have a lot of vitamins, they are very healthy. And why? Nobody explains this. Let's see what it gives us, and what are the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

1. Cheer up

Fruits and vegetables are like chocolate - they contain substances (selenium and folic acid) that contribute to the production of endorphins. If something doesn’t work out, eat an apple or a banana and your mood will improve.

2. Give cheerfulness

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water - at the same time they save both from hunger and thirst, they are quickly absorbed. If you need a charge of vivacity - there is no better solution. Therefore, it is so useful to start your morning breakfast with fruits - they will lift your mood and energize you.

3. Add vitamins

No matter how much pharmacists struggle to create supervitamins, they cannot find the perfect balance. It is impossible to fit vitamins in one tablet so that all of them are completely absorbed! With vegetables and fruits, such a problem does not arise - everything is harmonious, everything is digested.

4. Help to lose weight

Vegetables and fruits contain a sea of ​​fiber, which contains almost no calories, but makes you feel full. Therefore, they can be eaten in any quantity and not be afraid of excess weight - with such a diet, it will have nowhere to come from. In addition, fiber, like sticky tape, collects harmful chemicals and carcinogens and removes them from the body.

5. Save from cholesterol

Nothing is as bad for the cardiovascular system as an excess of cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables will also help reduce its level in the blood. Cholesterol enters the body with animal food and is produced by the liver. There is no cholesterol in plant foods, but it does contain pectin, which helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

6. Prolong youth

Remember rejuvenating apples from fairy tales? So, they exist. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help renew body cells and prevent organic compounds from oxidizing—in short, keep you looking younger and fresher.

7. Make you smarter

Vegetables and fruits help maintain mental clarity and excellent memory: a study was recently published in which they found out that 6-8 fruits and vegetables a day help to better remember and solve math problems.

And fruits and vegetables save you from brain diseases: in the famous book "The China Study" they write that three servings of fruits and vegetables every day will help reduce the risk of stroke. One serving is, for example, 1/2 cup peaches, 1/4 cup tomato sauce, 1/2 cup broccoli, or one potato. Half a cup is not much.

8. Protect Against Disease

Scientist Colin Campbell has spent 20 years looking for the relationship between disease and nutrition. He checked the diet of millions of people and proved that fruits and vegetables heal better than any doctor. Argument. And the more of them in your diet, the lower the risk of getting cancer, diabetes and other terrible diseases. Fact.

9. Save time

Because they don't need to be cooked. Of course, you should not eat raw potatoes, but most fruits are easy to wash before eating.

And in the end, fruits and vegetables are just delicious!

Integration of educational areas:

"Knowledge", "Physical culture", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Safety".

^ Purpose: preservation and strengthening of the physical health of children, the formation of a culture of nutrition.


To educate in children the need to be healthy. (Health. Safety.)

Raise the need for verbal communication with peers and adults. (Communication)

Cultivate a desire to help a peer. (Socialization)

Cultivate neatness, cleanliness. (Health. Safety)

Develop logic, thinking, attention, memory. (Health)

Develop curiosity, observation. (Cognition)

Develop the need to express your opinion. (Communication)

Develop -Develop the ability to reason and explain cause and effect relationships. St. St. (Communication)

Develop - Develop the ability to maintain a dialogue. (Communication)

Develop the ability to work in a team. (Socialization)

Develop motor coordination. (Health)
---Review Educational.

Introduce children to the concept of "vitamins".

Introduce the symbols of vitamins (A, B, C, D)

Continue to form ideas about the benefits of vitamins for the body


Encourage children to understand that health depends on proper

nutrition - food should be not only tasty, but also healthy;

Strengthen children's knowledge about proper and rational nutrition.
^ Preliminary work:

Conversations about health and a healthy lifestyle,

looking at illustrations,

Learning proverbs about food,

Learning the rules of eating

learning poems,

Modeling vegetables, fruits.

^ Methods and techniques.


- teacher's story about vitamins and their designation,

Conversation "What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits,

Conversation "Why do we eat",

Artistic word - a poem,

The use of proverbs

Didactic game "Useful - not useful."

Conversation about hygiene, safety rules during work.


Looking at pictures of fruits and vegetables

looking at fruit,

Showing how to act

Showing the scheme and letter designation of vitamins,


- dynamic pause,

Didactic game "Useful - not useful",

salad preparation,

Didactic game "Let's go to the store"

^ Materials and equipment:

Easel, magnetic board;

product pictures;

letters A, B, C, D cut out of colored paper;

a diagram with images of food products and the names of the vitamins that they contain;

3 baskets, a salad bowl, 2 cutting boards, 2 small knives, napkins, a towel, aprons and caps (according to the number of children involved in salad preparation);

products: banana, kiwi, apple, pear, a small fork of cabbage, onion, carrot, potato, milk in a box, plain yogurt for salad dressing,

any grain in the bag.
^ direct educational activities.

Children, today I received a letter from our old friend Carlson.

He writes that he will not be able to fly to us for the holiday, as he feels unwell. Recently, Carlson was visiting and ate a lot of delicious sweets. Now his stomach hurts, he has no strength at all. He also asks us for advice on how to eat right in order to be healthy. But before we answer his letter, let's figure out what proper nutrition is.

What do you like to eat the most?

(sweets, fruits, juices, chips, carrots, etc.)

What are we eating for?

(Man eats to live, grow, be strong.)

Yes, with food we get all the necessary substances for growth, energy for movement.

But first, we need to understand what healthy healthy food is.

We have already talked a lot about health, let's remember together what you need to do to always feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful (Exercise, walk, brush your teeth, etc.).

Well done, you named everything correctly, but it turns out that in order to be healthy you also need to eat right. Guys, any food is made from food, and food can be healthy and not very healthy.
- Tell me, please, what useful products do you know?

(fruits, vegetables, porridge, bread, etc.)

Do you know the difference between healthy food and delicious food?

(Tasty food can be unhealthy.)

Let's play a game. It is called "Useful - not useful".

Look at the pictures, they show different foods.

Think about which ones can be shared and why. You can start the task.

(Children complete the task, and then tell, motivating their choice.)

-Okay, you've done your job.

Did you know that the products contain very important substances for health -


We know the poem, let's tell it.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products
Here is healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Who knows what vitamins are for?

(children's answers)

I want to tell you a little about vitamins.

Look, on the board there is a diagram with images of different products that have

vitamins and letters. Vitamins are denoted by the letters A, B, C, D). There are many

more, but today I will talk about the vitamins that are indicated on the diagram.

Vitamin A- It is very important for vision and growth. There is a lot of it in carrots, butter, eggs, tomatoes, parsley.

Vitamin B- helps our heart work, helps the body fight various diseases. It is abundant in sunflower seeds, liver, meat, fresh tomatoes, beans, eggs, bread, and milk.

Vitamin C- strengthens our entire body, protects against colds and other diseases. When it is not enough in food, a person becomes weak. This vitamin is found in fresh fruits - oranges, grapefruit, lemons, persimmons and bananas, as well as raw vegetables - tomatoes, yellow turnips, carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic.

Vitamin D- makes our legs and arms strong, this vitamin prevents bones from softening. It is found in fresh eggs, fish oil and raw cabbage. Lots of it in milk.

There are many vitamins and each of these vitamins is very important for us.

Each of us has favorite foods. But do not forget: to be strong and healthy, beautiful and smart, you need to eat a variety of foods, and not just what you like.

And now I suggest that you go to our store and buy products that will be useful for making vegetable soup, compote and porridge.

To do this, we will split into three teams. One team will choose products for cooking vegetable soup, the other - for porridge, the third - for compote.

(Children put the selected products on different tables and explain their choice.)

You already know that there are rules of conduct in transport, on the street, traffic rules. And now we will repeat the rules of nutrition.

(1. Always wash your hands with soap before eating.

2. You need to eat foods that are good for health (be sure to eat vegetables and fruits)

3. There is not much to eat. Overeating is bad for the body.

4. During the reception, write do not talk

5. Food should be chewed well.

6. Rinse your mouth after eating

7. You need to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.)

We talked about the rules of nutrition.

And what are they for? (To be healthy so that food is beneficial, etc.)

Yes, in order for food to be well absorbed and beneficial, it is necessary to follow the rules of nutrition.
-Let's remember with you proverbs about food and nutrition rules.

(“He who chews for a long time, he lives for a long time”?

"When I eat, I am deaf and dumb."

"Buckwheat porridge is our mother"

"Rye bread is our own father.")
^ Dynamic pause "Fruit".

We will cook compote. (March in place.)

You need a lot of fruits. Here. (Show hands - "a lot".)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand. (Imitate how they chop, chop, squeeze, put,

pour sand.)

We cook, we cook compote, (Turn around.)

Let's treat honest people. (Clap.)

And now I want to teach you how to make a healthy salad. What do you see on the table? (Banana, orange, kiwi, apple.) -How can you call everything in one word? (Fruits.) - In order for us to get a salad, we need to cut all the fruits. I need helpers. - Before we start preparing the salad, you need to ... (wash your hands, put on an apron and cap.) - Can we cut fruit right away? (No. We must wash them.) - Why? (They may have germs on them.)

How should a knife be used? (Carefully.)

Why? (So ​​as not to cut yourself and not injure others.) (Children wash fruit and help the teacher make a salad)

Fill it with unsweetened yogurt. We already know it's useful.

Here is our salad. What shall we call it? (Fruit, vitamin, colorful, delicious, etc.)


We have a wonderful salad. Everyone did their best. We will try it together.

What did you learn about food today? (Food can be good or bad. You need to eat healthy food.)

What makes our food useful? (Vitamins.)

What vitamins did you know about? (A, B, C, D.)

In order for useful substances to be absorbed, what rules must be followed? (They call the rules.)

What have you learned? (Make fruit salad.)

What did you like? (Express their opinion.)

"Vitamins in the garden - health is in order"

(tomatoes and onions go together).

Project type: cognitive - research, health - saving.

Project type: group. Participants are children of the middle - senior group, parents, educator.

Project duration: February - July

Target: Deepening the natural science knowledge of children, attracting knowledge from different areas. Expand children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants (soil, moisture, heat and light). Give an expanded concept of natural vitamins necessary for health. Build work skills and knowledge. Development of creative thinking, research skills in practical activities.

Tasks: 1. "Knowledge" – To develop in children a cognitive interest, a desire to observe, explore the natural world, gain labor knowledge and skills,

– To form an idea about natural vitamins, their benefits for human health, the content of certain vitamins in vegetables, tomatoes and onions.

- Clarify the role of natural vitamins in maintaining and strengthening human health.

2. "Health"

– To form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. The impact of nutrition on human health.

3. "Communication"

- To form and enrich the children's vocabulary, develop communication skills.

4. "Artistic creativity" (sculpting, drawing, application)

- To develop the creative abilities of children, artistic and aesthetic taste.

5. "Reading fiction"

- To form children's interest in works of art. Selection of literature from the history of vitamins.

6. "Music"

- Develop musical and artistic activities.

7. "OBZH"

— Determine the role of natural vitamins in maintaining health.

- Develop the ability to safely use tools.

8. "Labor"

- Arouse in children an interest in creating a garden and taking part in its creation.

Project relevance: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. Instilling the basics of a healthy diet. The development of this project was influenced by the observation that during lunch, children put boiled vegetables (onions and tomatoes) on the edge of the plate.

Stages of project implementation:

1. Stage - preparatory

*Conversation with children on the topic of the project. *Diagnostics of children

* Questioning of parents. Questionnaire

* Discussion of goals and objectives, justification, prediction of ways to implement the project with all project participants.

*Selection and study of the necessary literature

*Selection of materials and creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

2. Stage - the main (practical)

* Introduction into the educational process of innovative and effective methods and techniques to expand knowledge about the health benefits and origin of tomatoes and onions.

* Procurement of materials for creating a vegetable garden on the window.

* Sowing both seeds and planting bulbs.

* Watering, plant care

* disruption of the first onion harvest - ecological holiday "Garden Adventures"

*Exhibition of children's works / drawings, modeling / "What we will grow"

* Creation of a photo album "How we worked hard"

*Development and accumulation of methodological materials, development of advice on the topic of the project

3. Stage - final

*Processing the results of the project implementation.

*Results of diagnostics.

*exhibition of books, memos.

* Questionnaire of parents. Questionnaire

* Shared entertainment with parents.

Expected results of the project implementation:

* To create the necessary conditions in the preschool educational institution to form a holistic view of the life of vegetables and their impact on human health in preschoolers, the development of children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills.

* To increase the interest of children together with their parents in caring for the plant, and most importantly, the health of children and adults. Desire to help in the started business.

* Grow healthy vegetables in the garden.

* To show a desire for children to eat vegetables in human form (raw, fried, boiled).

* Involve all parents in the implementation of the project.


one . Conversations : "Vegetables are vitamins"; "Onion from seven ailments"; "Tomato is a golden apple"; “What tastes better pills or vegetables?” ; “Luk, in your arms, any disease passes”; “We will eat vegetables in any form”; "Let's listen to the doctor" (February-July)

2. GCD "sowing tomato seeds"; “planting onions for greenery”; - knowledge: ART “Vegetables on a plate” - modeling; "Our garden" - drawing; "how many vegetables in the garden" - application.

3. Working with parents:
Round table "cultivation of love for vegetables" "vitamins all year round" (March, May, June). Questioning of parents before and after the project / -socialization..

4. Consultation for parents
"Joint activities of parents and children to grow vegetables"

5. Together with parents
: cooking dishes from vegetables, compiling your own recipe.

6. Observation: for the germination and growth of a tomato, for the germination of an onion, what is necessary for the growth and development of plants? (thermal light, water) - knowledge. (March-April)

7. Garden care:
watering, loosening, weeding-labor (during the entire growing season)

8. Learning songs on the topic of the project , musical-motor games-music.

9. Flyer making
"garden all year round" - ISO

Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music!
Greens on the table - Health for a hundred years!

What food and drink - Such is life!

10. Photo Contest: “Preparation of land in boxes for sowing”, “Planting bulbs - on feathers”, “Sowing a tomato, plant growth”, “Preparing beds - planting vegetables” - caring for a garden; final result.

11. Exhibition: drawings and crafts.

12. Ecological games

"Correct the Artist's Mistake"

Target: learn to distinguish between roots and tops of vegetables.

Material: cards with the image of roots and cards with the image of tops .

Stroke: children must find the mistake and correct it.

"Help the Plants"

Target: Contribute to the emergence in children of the desire to feel sorry for the plant, effective help .

Material: cards with the image of plants with leaves that withered and plants with healthy, beautiful leaves.

Stroke: the host asks “how to help the plant”, the answers of the children (loosen the ground, water, wipe the dust from the foliage, regret).


Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children that water is necessary for all living things.

Material: large maps depicting (in the center) water. Small cards depicting animals, humans, plants.

Stroke: children should lay out small cards in a circle and name who needs water.

"Aibolit's advice"

Target: To educate in children the need to take care of their health.

Material: Cards with the image of the sun, air, vegetables, herbs, fruits.

Stroke: The facilitator raises a card with a picture and asks: “What is the use of this vegetable?” The children answer. The one with the most correct answers wins.

"Describe, we will guess"

Target: Learn to describe objects and find them by description.

Material: vegetables basket.

Stroke: The child goes out the door, and the rest make up a description of one of the vegetables. When the driver returns, one of the children talks about the characteristic features of the object that needs to be recognized and named.

13. Outdoor games : "Find your mate": "Find your health flower by smell"; "rain in the garden"

14. Reading Fiction: on the topic of the project

15. Proverbs, sayings, riddles, folklore counting rhymes: "Onion from seven ailments"; “Onion in your arms passes any disease”, “Tomato - for adults and children, sick and healthy”;

A woman sits on the beds, all in patches,

Whoever tears off the patch, everyone will cry and leave. (onion)

The boy wore a green caftan, became a pan -

Got a red coat. (tomato)

One beam, two beam, three, four, five.

Six beam, seven beam, count another friend.

One, two - three tomatoes, four chopped onions

Five, six potatoes have seven, eight soup, we ask

Nine, ten - ate together.

16. Research activities: Observation of the process of laying the ground, sowing tomato, onion, emergence of seedlings, watering, transplanting into the ground, caring for the plant, obtaining the result.

17. Ecological holiday: "Garden adventures"; Health Day "Health Flower"

I am the spice in every dish

and always helpful to people.

Guess? I'm your friend.

I am a simple green onion!


“Joint activity of parents and children in growing vegetables of tomato and onion. / Middle-older group/

1. Quiz: / questions for children and parents /.

- Guess the plant from the riddle and find it;

- Name the plant and tell us what kind of care it requires?

Do you know about its benefits? does it contain vitamins?

Do you like to eat them boiled, raw?

- If not, why not?

Come up with tender words for your plant;

Tell a poem, saying, proverb, nursery rhyme, rhyme. /children leave/.

2. Working with parents

- Talk with parents that many children do not like boiled and steamed onions and tomatoes and put them on the edge of the plate while eating. And this is not aesthetically pleasing and wrong.

- develop a joint plan to instill a love for vegetables.

- Start work by creating a garden on the window, involve children in its creation.

- advise parents to talk unobtrusively with children about the benefits of vegetables to collect as much information as possible about them.

- do not force children to eat against their desire, this causes negativity.

Thank parents for their active participation

Reminder for parents

Do you know?

BOW - appreciated long before our era. The ancient Egyptians valued it so highly that they depicted it on their monuments. For a long time, onions have been famous for their medicinal properties. "Onion from seven ailments." And it's not mystical at all. It has been noted that even the smell of onion drives away diseases from a person. In our time, this opinion was confirmed by the remarkable discoveries of domestic scientists - biologists. If the smell of onion is unpleasant for you, try to use it in finely chopped form, sprinkle it with the first and second courses. After eating onions, rinse your mouth with warm water or add a little toothpaste to the water. To avoid the unpleasant smell of onions, you can seize them with parsley leaves and walnuts. So, in any case, many ancient Romans did, eating their daily portion of onions. There is no doubt that onions are necessary for adults and children. And first of all because it is rich in phytoncides. Phytoncides inhibit the development of all known pathogenic bacteria and fungi for humans. Onions are the first home remedy for colds and flu. Inhalation of onion vapors is good for coughs, sore throats, onion gruel quickly cures a runny nose. Onions are also used as antihelminthic home remedies. And also with abscesses and boils.

Onions are also used to strengthen hair. Onion juice is rubbed into the hair roots, it is recommended to tie your head for 2-3 hours, then rinse your head with shampoo. Hair acquires a beautiful shine, becomes soft and silky.

Onions are also used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face, and to remove those that have already appeared. Onion helps to get rid of headaches.

In a word, onion is a plant that serves us both as food and medicine.

Reminder for parents

Tomatoes were grown 100 years ago in pots on windowsills as an indoor flower. Now tomatoes are spread all over the globe. They are also grown in large quantities in our country.

Tomatoes are very useful primarily for their high content of organic acids. Tomatoes are also useful due to the low content of purines in them. That is why this vegetable can be recommended to almost everyone - both adults and children, sick and healthy.

Tomatoes contain vitamins C. B1, B2, P, K, carotene, sugar, phosphorus, iron. Tomatoes preserve maturity - green, milky, brown, pink, red. So, in red tomatoes, the largest amount of carotene.

Tomatoes contain quite a lot of potassium, which plays an important role in maintaining the normal function of the cardiovascular system.

Tomatoes, unlike many vegetables, have delicate fiber, which favorably affects the vital activity of beneficial intestinal microflora, helps to reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines, remove excess cholesterol from the body, and at the same time has a beneficial effect on digestion.

But that's not all. Tomatoes enhance specific immunity to causative agents of pneumonia - pneumococci, intestinal infections - salmonella, dysentery. Phytoncides of tomatoes exhibit antifungal activity. Delaying the development of microscopic fungi dangerous to humans.

Tomatoes serve us both as food and medicine.

Project results:

During the project, the children developed an interest in the life and growth of plants. Children learned how to grow vegetables, take care of plants, what fruits taste like, what vitamins vegetables contain, how they affect people's health and how healthy eating affects a person.

With the help of various activities and games, children consistently achieved the goal, showing attention and perseverance.

Joint work with parents showed the result - active participation in the creation of the garden, in holding exhibitions, in creating a photo album in the holiday "Garden Adventures", the day of health "Health Flower".

Active study of fiction allowed children to learn many riddles, poems, sayings, proverbs about vegetables.

What delight and pride the children had when they were harvesting and realized that they themselves had grown vegetables that taste great and are necessary for health.

And most importantly, the children realized that everything that is prepared from vegetables should be eaten because it is useful and necessary.

The work on the project showed that the children took part in the long-term project with desire and interest.


1.S.N. Nikolaev "Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood"

2. S.M.Martynov "Vegetables + fruits + berries" = Health.

3.O.S. Solomennikova "Formation of elementary ecological ideas."

4. Publishing house "Sova" "1000 proverbs, riddles, sayings"

teacher of the 1st qualification category

MBOU "Protochnenskaya OOSh"

With. Protochnoe, Limansky district, Astrakhan region,

Methodical development.
Synopsis of the GCD on the cognitive development of children of the older group

When vegetables can help
and when they can harm our health

Kuznetsova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher of the highest category
GBDOU kindergarten 64 combined type
Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Target: The development of cognitive interest in the natural world and in their health.

Program content:

  1. To form an idea about nitrates.
  2. Talk about what plants they are in, what harm they do to health.
  3. Strengthen the ability of children to guess riddles from pictures.
  4. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of vitamins for our body.

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children about healthy and unhealthy foods. Games "Vitamin houses", "Sense organs", "Grain therapy".

Examination of illustrations: “a walk in the forest”, a computer presentation “How vegetables are grown”.

A conversation with children about the fact that fruits and vegetables contain vitamins A, B, C and a discussion of why a person needs them using the “vitamin table” visual aid.


  1. Doll - homemade Vitamin-eater (who loves vitamins)
  2. Vegetable cards.
  3. Table for educators about nitrates in certain parts of vegetables.

The course of direct educational activities:

Part 1.

The children are in the group. Vitamin-eater comes to the group crying.

Vitamin-eater: - I just got out of the hospital. And I went there because I had weakness, my stomach hurt, my mood deteriorated. The doctor examined me and said that along with my favorite vegetables, I ate some nitrates. But how did they get into vegetables? After all, I grew my vegetables and fruits in good conditions, fed them with fertilizers, washed them before eating. So where did nitrates come from and what is it?

Guys, do you know?

Children: - No.

Educator: - What do you think it looks like? and where do they live?

Children: - In vegetables and fruits.

Educator: - That's right, we talked a lot, read about the benefits of vitamins in fruits and vegetables for our body. Therefore, a person tries to grow them in a garden or windowsill. But vegetables and fruits, just like humans, need food. Do you know what plants are fed and how they do it?

Children: - Manure, ash, fertilizers - watered, sprinkled, put in the ground.

Educator: - Yes, all this is necessary for the growth of plants. But sometimes a person puts too much of this top dressing and fertilizer into the ground. Then excess fertilizers are deposited in plants and are called nitrates.

If there are a lot of nitrates in the plant, then it becomes dangerous for humans.

Mobile game "Train".

2 part.

Educator: We came with you to the dacha to Vitamin-eater. Look at his garden

Now listen and remember which part of the vegetables contains the most nitrates and what needs to be done so that they do not enter our body and do no harm to it.

First guess the riddle, and you will know which plant we are talking about. ( makes a riddle about cabbage.

Children: - Cabbage

Educator: shows a picture of cabbage.

Cabbage not only feeds us, but also heals. If a fresh cabbage leaf is applied to a sore head, it stops hurting, and dried cabbage heals wounds.

What is the right way to eat cabbage? Where do you think cabbage contains the most nitrates?

Children: -

Educator: - In green leaves and in a stalk. Therefore, before eating, they should be soaked in warm salted water.

Calls the next child and makes a riddle about the bow.

This is a bow.

Shows a picture of a bow.

Fresh onion juice is used for sore throats, one teaspoon 3-4 times a day. And juice with honey is good for treating cough.

Where do you think nitrates are found in onions?


Educator: - Onions have the most nitrates in the place where they have roots. Therefore, they must always be cut off (shows how).

Calls another child and guesses the cucumber puzzle .

This is a cucumber.

Shows a picture of a cucumber.

Do you think there are nitrates in cucumber?


Educator: - A cucumber is a very tasty vegetable, but it can also contain nitrates, and most of them are usually found in the peel. Therefore, it is best to peel the cucumber before eating.

Educator: - these are berries. What do you think, where do they contain the most nitrates?

We will cut the watermelon and melon into pieces and examine them. We cannot see this, but most of all nitrates are found in the pulp near the crust of these berries. Therefore, never eat up watermelon and melon to the very crust.

We all love greenery. Name one you know and what benefits does it bring?

But it can also contain nitrates in its leaves. In order to neutralize these plants, they must be placed in a jar of water in the sun. And the sun's rays will help us get rid of nitrates.

Game - massage of biologically active zones for the prevention of colds:

Here comes the fox

(rub palms with sliding motions).

beautiful fox tail

(Lightly touching with fingers, draw on the forehead 6 times)

So-So - So

I'll take the wheel

(Lightly touching with fingers, run over cheeks 6 times)


and I will catch the fox

(fists to rub the wings of the nose).

Sa - Sa - Sa

I am a fox - beauty

("run" fingers over the face from top to bottom).

Sy - Sy - Sy

I'd rather hide in the bushes

(with your thumbs gently run along the neck under the jaws from top to bottom 6 times).

So - So - So

Well, drop the wheel

(spread the index and middle fingers, put them in front of and behind the ears and rub the skin with force).

Su Su - Su

don't catch you fox

(pat your face and neck with your hands)

3 part. Final.

Do you think that all vegetables and fruits, berries contain nitrates and what needs to be done to get rid of them?

And you, our beloved friend Vitamin-eater, listen and remember.

Children answer with the help of a teacher.

So that nitrates do not appear in vegetables, you need to properly feed them.

Expose them to a sunny place to kill nitrates.

Know which part of the plant contains the most and which least.

After summarizing the results, we invite the children and the Vitamin-eater to prepare a vegetable salad using carrots, cabbage, beets, onions, greens. In the process of cooking, draw the attention of children to those parts of vegetables that contain the least nitrates. To consolidate knowledge about vitamins in vegetables.

Enjoy your meal!

Table on nitrates in vegetables (for the teacher)


Not much

peel root vegetables

upper part of the fruit

Green onion

near the root

the bulb itself

green leaves

stems, petioles

Melon watermelon

the base of the fruit at the petiole; layer adjacent to the crust.

fruit tip

middle part of the fruit

green leaves, stalk

leaf base

middle and inner part of the kochna


near the root

outer scale

middle and inner part of the bulb

core, bottom

pulp without core


stems, leaves

fruit base, peel, stems, roots

fruit pulp


tuber peel

tuber eyes

tuber pulp

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